Skyrim: 5 More Evil Things You Can Do and May Have Missed in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim

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Hey how's it going guys it's Nate here and Skyrim is a game that throws its fair share of choices at the Dragonborn a variety of quests and several other events will offer the dovahkiin an opportunity to put forth their own input and make some decisions often times carrying varying consequences most of the options you're given are clouded in moral uncertainty where what a good guy would do isn't exactly the most obvious which civil war faction is the best for Skyrim or Tamriel do i spare cicero because synthesis asks even after he went nuts but there are indeed a few possible courses for action and game that are so clear-cut we're the right thing to do is obvious but skyrim will still let you embrace your inner evildoer so today we'll be diving in to five more evil choices you can make in the Elder Scrolls v skyrim part 2 starting off the hearth fire dlc sought to introduce a number of new mechanics geared more towards settling down and building rather than saving the world a third time the biggest ones were the new home building system as well as the new options available for adoption which is what this fact is concerned with you see adopted kids don't just stand around and stare at walls all day they have a few custom events and interactions Bethesda gave them to make them feel a bit more alive than most NPCs one of those custom events revolving around your kids can randomly be triggered when you come home one day to find your son or daughter or both standing in your house with an animal the child will explain that the creature approached them when they were out playing and was really friendly before begging you to let them keep it as a pet promising to handle all the upkeep and not burden you with it at all now you are given the final say in this matter so if you want to be a bit evil already before we even get into the main fact itself you can't just tell your kid no go put it outside I don't know perhaps your role-playing Red Foreman or something this will bother your child but they'll ultimately respect your judgment however your real chance to be twisted comes if you agree to let the animal stay obviously the kids will be estatic however none of these potential pets are registered as essential NP c--'s you can probably see where I'm going with this one one can very much murder their child's pets to death if they so please while horribly cruel this will cause said child to develop some unique behaviors for a short period of time wherein they'll refuse to enter dialog with you and comment on what a horrible person you are for a few days I'll never speak to you again leave me alone leave me alone eventually they will cool off and go back to normal but that period in between is relatively interesting so the next time the kids don't want to do their chores just remind them what kind of leverage you actually have next on our list once the Dawnguard dlc has been installed a new wealth of possible random encounters will become available all revolving around vampires vampire hunters and a whole bunch of other spooky sites one of the most hilarious of these new encounters centers around a traveling Dawnguard agent you can radiantly meet named Dawnguard novice Hakkar now usually when one happens across Dawnguard agents in the wild they'll be a part of larger patrols or convoys simply seeking out evil creatures and keeping the peace but a car is different he'll be all alone when you spot him under attack by vampires alas it's not just his condition that's unique but also his personality because rather than try to fight off the beasts like he's expected to you know being a vampire hunter and everything a car will instead be seen fleeing in terror he'll be actively running away if you choose to bail out this poor soul by slaying his pursuers he'll thank you and give you most of the items in his inventory which includes a note with his orders before squaring off vampire hunting and yet again running away into the distance the note you're given reveals the location of a supply cache but the way it's written also clearly suggests that the Dawnguard organization has been upset with her cars poor performance lately calling him a quote embarrassment to our order after a series of failures so I suppose his going AWOL shouldn't come as a total surprise but perhaps you weren't in the mood for being a hero or thought new cars should fight his own battles when he first came across him because you can decide to be a bit passively evil and just not step in and intervene letting the vampires hunt him down and ultimately kill him doing this doesn't boast many gameplay changes you can still loot his corpse for his items and we'll probably have to beat back the bloodsuckers anyway but you will get to hear the poor guys desperate pleas and cries for help while you just stand around and watch an amusement help me God's vampires I can't take this anymore I'm not cut out for this I'm getting out of here happy coming in number three the quest diplomatic immunity is probably my favorite in the game and easily by far in Skyrim's main questline it centers around the dragon boards infiltration of a party at the Thalmor embassy with your secret intention being to search the compound for evidence of what the Aldmeri Dominion knows about the dragon attack on Helgen ultimately we learned that they know about as much as we do that being nothing at all and they're forced to make a desperate escape however while that's the core of the mission were afforded a number of opportunities to make our own decisions and some of those can be downright awful one of the most significant concerns the fate of mal born the wood elf bartender who works for the Thalmor but secretly is aiding your cause risking his life for what he believes in he's the man who gets you into the embassy and also offers quite a bit of cover throughout the whole debacle truly a good Ally well towards the end of the quest our heroic bosmer buddy will have his cover blown and he'll be captured by Dominion ages who'll demand that we surrender ourselves or it'll be mal born who will pay the price he'll tell you to go on save yourself but that's not the Dragonborn way and most players will help free the elf besides those agents who captured him have keys in their inventories that we sort of need anyway but nothing stopping you from just sneaking up on those agents taking the keys and proceeding along with the quest leaving mal born behind additionally if you attack too recklessly even if your heart is in the right place the elf may be killed in the ensuing battle furthermore while we can betray mal born and see to it that he suffers a horrible fate that's not even the worst thing the Dragonborn can do during this mission at least in my opinion let me explain at the beginning of the quest we need to create a distraction at the party to give us some time to slip away and start snooping while there's quite a few options anything from buying a man a bit too much to drink to get him to cause a scene to asking an old friend to help you out but one potential distraction allows for you to convince Eric ur a fellow party guest with a terrible reputation that one of the servant girls a bossman umbrella has a thing for him this will result in Eric er approaching her only to get hilariously rejected provoking him to lash out in a rage and provide the distraction we're looking for that's not all though because if you decide to stick around for a little while and you know not take your opportunity to sneak through the embassy like you're supposed to you'll find that Ellen the Thalmor agent hosting the party will have Brella that would elf arrested and taken into the dungeon much to the poor girls horror I demand that you have this wedge removed from my presence at once well whatever the truth in it I'm sure a few words with master Olinda will have a salutary effect take her downstairs mr. Selden when it's not true I did nothing sir you must tell her you don't know what they'll do to me please now if you wait this long you'll miss your opportunity to sneak out and we'll have to create another distraction but it is kind of worth it to see this scene and later on in the quest when we go into the Thalmor embassy's dungeon we can find you guessed it grellus imprisoned and in Chains now at that point in the mission you will have a chance to redeem yourself and free her or keep with the evil trend and abandon her to her fate so play your cards right or let's be honest wrong and we can ensure that a completely innocent kind-hearted third party suffers some pretty awful consequences through no fault of her own for fourth spot speaking of innocent people trapped in dungeons we have the tragic tale of Naya we can meet this character and decide her fate during the quest old friends in the Dragon more DLC in this mission were sent to track down elder II sorrow thriller the dunmer mage responsible for the recent outbreak of Ash spawn on solstein and put an end to her schemes she'll be held up in the collapsed ruins of highpoint tower as we fight our way through this dungeon in order to get to and confront old Ahri we can come across a small wing of the fortress with some prison cells well most of the former occupants of these uncomfortable rooms clearly met a sad end one prisoner is still alive a red guard named nya she'll beg the dovakin to unlock her cell and let her go explaining that she was put in here by the major after and promising to tell you everything she knows if you can help simply pick the doors lock or find a key and the woman will keep her end of the bargain and tell you whatever she can revealing that her and her fellow miners who lived here previously were attacked and captured by the evil mage everyone else eventually died but nya had been saved for last after that little monologue the newly freed prisoner will begin to leave the fort wishing you luck later on appearing at raven rocks retching niche tavern where she'll live for the remainder of the playthrough but say you don't feel like being this damsel in distress 'as knight in shining armor well lucky for you and unlucky for her you don't have to one can just walk a right pastor and continue on their merry way with the quest leaving the poor girl trapped you will of course miss out on our unique dialogue and background information instead that'll be replaced with cries of wait where are you going come back but if maybe you just feel like being mad at the world you can take out your frustrations here by doing absolutely nothing and finally last on our list lunk hill is a nord farmer living with his two twin daughters Sissel and bridge in Rorick stead lung kill is a bit of a let's just say special guy he's a pretty horrible human being all around were unable to enter any interactive dialogue with him but all the radiant miscellaneous quotes he does say are just plain awful to listen to he speaks of his children with complete disdain even going so far as to blame them for the death of their mother during childbirth do yourself a favor and don't have children they're good for nothing at all curse my good-for-nothing daughters my wife was twice the woman they'll ever grow to be she gave her life birthing them on a waist furthermore we can even hear him get into arguments with other citizens of the settlement over his behavior towards his daughters clearly not a good person but all of these mean-spirited words pale in comparison to one specific action of his that he's planning that you are central to if you agree because if LEM kill happens to see you get into a fight inside the city albeit with one of the other citizens or maybe some attacking bandits it's possible later on you might get a letter from him in it the men will remark how impressed he was by you and proceeded to eventually ask that you attack one of his children in order to teach them a lesson promising you a small sum of gold if you agree reading this note will kick-start a small miscellaneous quest in which you well you guessed it are set to fight one of the kids which you can do and eventually get paid for it completing the quest now at this point you may be asking yourself okay this is weird why would bethesda include a mission like this and there's actually a pretty reasonable answer i explain every NPC in the game has a relationship setting with every other NPC in the game in most cases two normal NPCs will be neutral towards each other so a random citizen from solitude will have a neutral setting towards some random citizen from windhelm but there are a lot of exceptions for instance bandits seem to hate everyone but other bandits though you get the idea this relationship setting helps determine aggression and the types of dialogue NPCs use with each other because according to the lore LEM kill is set to dislike his kids his relationship setting in-game reply that and according to the game's files he has a negative disposition with both of his kids between any two characters that have a negative disposition towards each other it's possible for these little interactions to occur where you receive a letter from one of them asking you to beat up on the other it's also possible that if you were to for instance kill a character another NPC didn't like that NPC in turn would send you some gold for taking care of one of their enemies it's not pre-scripted or anything these are just randomly generated events and interactions that Bethesda included in the game to spice things up and they just didn't seem to think of disabling this interaction between Lum kill and his daughters but in a weird way this does sort of seem to fit with his terrible personality no matter for the most evil among you this whole series of events is technically a possibility and with that we are going to wrap up five more evil choices in the Elder Scrolls v skyrim thanks for stopping by everybody which of these not so kind acts that we dived into today were your own favorites and what unheroic choices have you made throughout your time in Skyrim that I get to cover leave a comment down below as always like ratings are very much appreciated again thanks for watching and hope to catch you all in my next video peace out everyone [Music]
Channel: TheEpicNate315
Views: 2,069,908
Rating: 4.8828192 out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, Elder Scrolls 5, Elder Scrolls, Skyrim Special Edition, TES 5, Skyrim Top 5, Skyrim Decisions, Skyrim Choices, Skyrim Easter Eggs, Elder Scrolls Easter Eggs, Easter Eggs, Skyrim Secrets, Skyrim Lore, Elder Scrolls Lore, Skyrim Facts, Skyrim Tiny Details, Skyrim Mods
Id: f_eJq1eD2To
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
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