Who is the Strongest Enemy in Skyrim?

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Levelling the player alongside enemies is something I've always hated in games. It's just a worse version of the good old "unlock an item or ability and suddenly face new challenges requiring it".

The power curve is the interesting thing here. If your power increases equally with enemies, what's the point of having a levelling system? If enemies scale up slower than you, why not just keep NPCs static and slow down the player's power creep? If enemies become proportionately stronger, why even include an Oblivionesque system that actively punishes the player for progressing?

It just makes no sense nor gives any reward to level up in a situation where becoming stronger does not help you or actively hinders you. It also quickly turns into a very debilitating system, that limits a player's viable options for character building, if unoptimal choices can cause the player to fall behind. I don't actively loathe a system where NPCs have a slower power creep, but I also don't really see the point in using two power curves to do the job of one.

Levelled enemies are just a cheap tool to negate unnecessary or broken levelling systems. Well, unless we give actual value for inflating playtime with grinding and adding content gated by playtime. I hold nothing but utter contempt for designers using such a lame crutch to prop up an ailing game.

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 24 2017 🗫︎ replies

I don't get why people think Morrowind is hard. After like level 5 you're pretty much unstoppable (ignoring the expansions). The game needed some higher level enemies/dungeons.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/3rasvok 📅︎︎ Mar 24 2017 🗫︎ replies

None needs to make such a case, everyone already knows. :)

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/luj1 📅︎︎ Mar 24 2017 🗫︎ replies
as you level in Skyrim things tend to level with you at least most things do druggers will become more powerful as you level up you will start to encounter different types of dragons as you level up and you will even start noticing new enemies altogether as you level up same thing with items the stronger the quality of an item is the higher your level would have to be in order for that item to drop for example you would have to be level 48 before daedric armor pieces will start dropping for you the system was created so that new characters wouldn't find extremely high level armors and weapons accidentally or purposefully when they shouldn't since armors and weapons don't have level or stat requirements a level one person could theoretically wear a Daedric set without any repercussions which of course would be unbalanced as hell so the system is assigned to that low level characters get low level items while high level characters get high level items it also makes it so that difficulty stays even throughout your Skyrim experience but now the question is how far does the scaling go if my character just keeps on levelling then how far would I have to go before enemies stop leveling with me are there enemies that ever stopped leveling with me does every enemy level with me to answer these questions we have to go enemy by enemy NPC by NPC which would take forever so let's focus on the most popular and most interesting of these cases and talk about them as far as non-unique leveled enemies let's make a quick top-10 of the strongest you can find for each class of enemy these are merely the ones that are the most interesting and the strongest of their class but it's not an all-encompassing list of the strongest non-unique enemies for example half of the vampires in this game are actually stronger than the strongest bandage you can find but making a list of 10 enemies three of them being vampires would be kind of silly we will also talk about the Dragons later so yeah anyways here's the list that I came up with the bandit chief the strongest bandit that you will ever find only reaching level 28 the high seeker level 42 the werewolf Barker level 42 the draugur death Overlord level 45 the jhamora ballin ass level 46 the ark mages all at level 46 the mask less dragon priests all level 50 the Briar Hearts level 51 the Falla Murr warmongers level 54 and on the position of number-one strongest non-unique enemy in the game the night master vampire hosting a ridiculous level six alive what makes them so powerful is the fact they possess a lot of spells to deal with you chain lightning chill touch drain life Isis storm Isis fear revenant thunderbolt invisibility and vampire touch it's just a lot to deal with not even mentioning their extremely high HP so now those are the strongest non uniques in the game those are all things that you would normally find in bulk things that would just randomly appear in dungeons and fight you but I'm sure that you guys are more interested in the unique in the overpowered in the strongest by far things that you can find in this game so let's move to that but before we start talking about specific enemies let's first differentiate the enemies that level with you and the enemies that don't what do I mean by that well there are a lot of enemies in Skyrim whose level never changes they start at a certain level and they will always keep that level regardless of how powerful or weak you are for example Giants will always be level 32 this is why it is almost impossible to fight them as soon as you start off the game they're literally way ahead of you and will be for a while but on the same note if you are say level 50 and there will always be a piece of cake after that since they never grow up in levels like you do probably the biggest example of these are the dragon priests masked or not the dermabrush always be level 50 which is why they're always at japan in the ass they're almost always very powerful and hard to deal with for most players the only exceptions to this rule are a sidled you can and sacra says the dragon priests of souls time which are level 60 okay so enough games who are the strongest in this game as far as taking only levels into consideration than the strongest NPC creature in this game is by far our gear yeah believe it or not this guy is level 150 even before the expansions when the max level the Dragonborn could obtain was level 81 this guy was boasting something close to double that amount generally though it's hard to count him and let note really any of the Greybeards since they are of course not enemies and they are peaceful they also count as essential so you technically can not kill them anyways now that being said yeah Arne Gary's level 150 Borean Wulfgar are both level 100 and lastly the sad a North with a measly level 92 his name now the reason I consider are geared to be on the top is because his level 150 is a static level it never changes which puts in a level ahead of maroc you see Moroccan also be level 150 but only if you are as well he scales with your level whatever your level is multiply that but one point one and that would be his level to the max of a hundred and fifty and to the minimum of 35 his maximum health being 1200 and 20 really only about 25% higher than the strongest non unique vampires that you can find of course you do have to defeat it multiple times since he regains its HP by consuming dragons so it kind of makes up for his low HP but it also goes to show how powerful some of these vampires can be all doing works similarly but his maximum level is only a hundred while his minimum level is ten his extremely low minimum level is the reason why a player could finish the game by only doing the main quest and barely leveling at all his health though is extremely opie and he gets passive NPC perks that reduce the damage that he takes making him even more of a threat now since we just happened to be talking about embosses let's do harken the guy can reach an embarrassing maximum of 60 which normally would be kind of impressive at least for most creatures but compared to the other end bosses he really doesn't scale well at all a player character that leaves the expansion's last bosses for last after doing everything else there is to do in the game would find him to be hilariously easy to defeat it is even more hilarious when you realize that the arc current birther can actually reach a max level of 75 even his minimum level of 15 is higher than hearkens minimum level of 10 is just embarrassing man just plain embarrassing but now outside of the main quest last bosses if you wanted to go out there and experience the toughest of the toughest the Skyrim has to offer honestly there's just no other way to go then car stag look if you're Opie as hell and your level is extremely high then yeah your rack would be a challenge since he will always scale to you but 99% of the time your character will not be level 150 let's be real here guys and yeah I realize that I'm saying that to a chat that probably has an average Skyrim level of a thousand but I still believe that 99% of the time you will not be running around that high of a level it's just unlikely and that's why car stack is so hardcore you see his level is static it never changes and it happens to be the highest static level in the game outside of the Greybeards it is 90 yeah this guy will literally be level 90 since the minute you set food outside of Heligan so what makes it so difficult is that you have to be that high in order to even have a chance against them the game will not lower his level for you at all he summons ice rates during the battle he will have a blizzard surrounding him when you first encounter him which will ragdoll you if you get too close he has 100 percent resistance to the Seas frost and poisons while a 75 percent resistance to choc he cannot be rag-dolled and is immune to all forms of paralysis as well as Mehrunes razor morris grasped roland cloak and the instant kill effect of the lumberjack he also benefits from a fortified combat healing rate of 0.15 percent and a fortified normal healing rate of 0.15 percent when you combine these two numbers his normal in combat healing rate is 0.3 percent of his maximum health every second which is about 12 points per second might not seem like much but if you're cutting him will also try to deal with the raids it can substantially lower your overall net dps this is your champion boys car stack takes the cake as the strongest enemy in the game by bar pretty close with the evening warrior though which I'm sure you guys probably want me to talk about the evening water is innately easier to defeat than car stack simply because you are forced to already be level 80 by the time you fight them and since he also happens to be little lady it means that from the get-go you're already either on the same level or ahead of him which obviously makes the battle a lot easier that being said though if cars dock also had the requirement it would still be stronger than the even a warrior now the evening water has about half the HP that car stack has about 2k but what makes him so deadly is the nice combination of enchantments that he has on his gear he has 50% protection from every elemental spell he does an extra 75% one-handed damage he for some reason has the ability to breathe in the water which I mean whatever is there I guess but he also happens to be partially immune to falling damage requiring a small trick for falling damage to actually work on him he also has both fus-ro-dah and disarms shouts at his disposal it should also be noted that one of the biggest reasons he is so hard to defeat is because he has a lot of hidden values added to his character outside of the obvious he has a lot of player talents with him that increased the damage he does and the damage he takes things like Bladesman perk and well-fitted perks he literally has 36 perks that increase the value of his stats making him a hell of a beast outside of car stag and even a warrior things go down a bit I mean of course you have the highest level dragon that you can find which are the legendary dragons who happen to be level 75 these guys have about 4k HP which makes them very very tanky interestingly enough the the frost version of the legendary dragons are actually stronger than the fire versions by about 200 HP and they also get an extra 25 points of damage to their breath I mean of course fire has that extra overtime effect that compensates for it but that extra 200 health of the frost dragons half is substantial you have to be level 78 for these types of dragons to appear in your game so so by then they will probably not be a challenge to you and they will only get easier as you level up of course that's as far as dragons go now outside of these guys the rest are not even worth mentioning really most NPCs that you fight and monsters cap at about level 50 including most unique name dragons and Daedric and pcs like shakoora and ravine this rumor also interestingly enough happens to be level 50 shout out to the forge master who happen to cap at level 60 though he he gets an honorable mention now the one important mention here though since we're talking about hard battles in general would have to go to our pals Vossler room and NASA room I consider them to be one of the hardest battles in the game simply because well two main reasons so most creatures in the game for the most part you can choose to evade say you're not fighting car stag unless you really want a five car stag same with the evening warrior the guy's not randomly appearing and killing you he will wait for you and attack when you wish dragons though they appear randomly and screw your stuff off regardless of your desires to fight them NASA Leroux man baz lurman scale up to level 62 and are very difficult to avoid since they surprise you in the game but what makes them a challenge is that you end up fighting the two of them at the same time so as long as you're not above level 62 which is likely you'll be fighting to levelled dragons on your level by surprise so I have consider them because of these facts one of some of the hardest encounters players usually have in Skyrim today since we're talking about levelled enemies what about followers do they also work like enemies well yeah they do followers usually level with you and for the most part will always be the same level that you are thing is most followers do happen to have a cap like monsters do house girls tend to cap at level 50 like Lydia hirelings tend to convert level 40 while apprentices at the college tend to cap at level 30 but hey this wouldn't be a Rex video without me showing you some other most o-p-s hail companions that you can get in this game so here it goes use Argos Ellyn to rack in yard and Freya actually have no level cap so you could theoretically be level 200 and this guys would also join you in the high level club they obviously won't be quite as strong as you are with your perks and whatnot but their increase in HP stamina & magicka is super useful and will in fact come in effect in battles now outside of these monsters the highest ones after them are the dark brotherhood initiates who cap at level 100 but now the question to end all questions the question you were wondering before you even knew that you could wander that question are their enemies in this game that scale with you infinitely if you are level 300 could there be a creature in this game that would scale with you all the way to 300 yes my dear padawan there is but one the mighty the all-powerful the incredible magic anomaly yep these [ __ ] this guys will scale to your level regardless of however high it is have you ever wondered why these guys are always so difficult to defeat it's not like they hit hard but men are they tough literally taking forever to kill yeah the level of this guy's will always be your level times 1.75 so if your level is a hundred their level will be 175 if your level is 200 then their level will be 350 it is insane just by being level 100 this guy's already possess as much HP as cars tagged and you have to fight like 20 of these life sometimes it's simply not fair he'll our new overlords the anomalies you
Channel: MrRhexx
Views: 13,175,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mrrhexx, rhexx, ebony warrior, archmage, arch mage, legendary dragon, dremora, death overlord, dragon priest, bandit chief, high seeker, werewolf vargr, valynaz, briarheart, forsworn, falmer warmonger, nightmaster vampire, arngeir, wulfharth, einarth, miraak, alduin, harkon, lord harkon, vyrthur, arch curate, karstaag, kaarstag, karstag, companion levels, high level, highest level enemy, hardest enemy, most difficult enemy, toughest boss, hardest boss
Id: XfT3XSzE5v4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2015
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