Skyrim: 5 Things They Never Told You About Dragons

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Hey how's it going guys it's Nate Hira and the Dragons are quite possibly Skyrim's most iconic type of creature wicked beasts that dominate the skies and served as one of the Elder Scrolls 5s biggest selling points seriously the marketing for these things was crazy the Dhobis of Tamriel are powerful mysterious and ancient creatures thought to have been extinct for the past few thousand years they since re-emerged seemingly out of nowhere during the height of skyrim civil war with dark plans of conquest now only you the Dragonborn a mortal who shares their type of soul has the power to put an end to this terrifying scheme there's also admittedly an ice dragon or two but more on that later regardless of the morality despite the incredible significance these flying lizards have on the game's narrative there's still quite a bit about them that Skyrim purposely leaves Vega and there's a few strange things going on that even veteran players may not know so today we'll be taking a look at five things you probably didn't know about the dragons of the elderscrolls v skyrim starting off let's begin today by exploring a topic literally no one has an answer to ax where did dragons come from exactly tez fob tells us that for much of the maratha and first era they ruled over the Nords of skyrim until basically being wiped down and uprising but where were they before then well it's generally accepted that the dopest are a creation of akatosh adrià god of time and as a result experience and travel through time quite a bit different than most mortals do which makes pinpointing and exact a moment for their creation very tough in a 2018 interview some of the riders for the Elder Scrolls online stated quote dragons existed even before the inception of sequential time in the dawn era the dawn eras basically Tess's version of prehistory the concept of origination is hard to apply to the species end quote okay so we can't decide what exactly dragons came about but we do know they were around quite a bit before human settlement of Skyrim you see the Nordic race began not on Tamriel WA but instead on the ancient now lost an unmapped frozen continent of atmora that said to exist somewhere north of Tamriel WA though evidently it experienced some type of great freezing and is now uninhabitable and nearly impossible to find well various texts and books tell us that back when the Nords were still on at mora and when it was still inhabitable way back thousands of years ago in the early Maratha era many of these Nords were already worshipping dragons among a few other animal Pantheon's and when the people sailed to skyrim they seemed to have taken the lizard's with them the warp is actually fairly clear that at more Nords had contact with dragons it fails to make obvious exactly what that relationship looked like were they already being ruled over by the Dragons before they came to Tamriel or were the Dragons just off doing their own thing and did it become oppressive overlords until later on we just don't really know but we'll talk a little bit more about at Morand over relations in a while so basically we don't know when dragons started but apparently they were rounded at Mora and came to Tamriel with Nords when they migrated okay that's a fair enough history assessment but here's where things get a bit weird they may have a connection to the also mysterious continent of a kuvira and that connection gets a little chilling when you examine it akavir of course is a massive continent said to exist to Tamriel's east that we know very little about already it too has never been successfully mapped and all records of it come from travels from thousands of years ago and other flimsy sources but it seems to be about the size of Tamriel and home to all sorts of mythical beings well the Elder Scrolls 3 morrowind featured an anonymously authored book called mysterious akka vera which provided a very brief summary of what the place might be like I say a mite because this book does appear to be very old and it's anonymously published and the author's writing style is quite vague and ominous so take it with a grain of salt regardless according to mysterious a Kabira a Kabir's name really translates to dragon land akka being old Murray for Dragon and veer meaning land the writing goes on to describe a number of the civilizations that are said to exist in this place and when talking about a civilization of tiger folk that apparently inhabit the east of the continent called the Kappa WA the book suggests that these cat people are ruled by a giant dragon named Tosh raka which sounds a lot like akatosh and the description of this giant dragon provided also matches how akatosh chooses to manifest physically most of the time things get spooky when after describing Tosh Rocca the book ends by featuring a supposed quote that this god dragon said quote first tosh raka says is that we kill all the vampire snakes then the tiger dragon emperor wants to invade Tamriel WA end quote this is literally the final sentence in mysterious a kuvira it's a cliffhanger no further elaboration or context is offered which is really odd right because the book seems to indicate akatosh is planning to invade Tamriel from a kuvira something that doesn't make a lot of sense considering akatosh is a god so surely something's a bit jumbled and this isn't a perfect description of events but whatever's the case I think it's safe to say that something weird is definitely going on in Aqaba era next on our list let's cut the history and talk more about Skyrim in the present shortly after the player discovers that they're a Dragonborn the ancient order of voice masters known as Greybeards ax will summon us to their mountain fortress of high Hrothgar promising to teach us what they know and assist with halting the recent return of the Dragons however before they fully commit to helping us they'll first the man the dovakin complete a specific test they want us to journey to the tomb of the Greybeards founder a man named Jurgen wind collar and locate a horn that he was allegedly buried with this is the basis for the quest the Horn of uragan wind collar long story short we eventually do locate the horn spoiler alert it's not actually in the tomb and return it to the beards to complete the quest and secure their allegiance now the material and origins of the horn nor its exact capabilities are ever explained to us however a context clues suggest it's actually made from a hollowed-out piece of the dragon Paarthurnax --is owned a horn indeed it's visually consistent with what we know dragon horns look like and if we examine the head of Paarthurnax you'll notice he's missing a part of his right horn heck the colors even match given the fact that Paarthurnax is loyal to the Greybeards and was a known companion of Jurgen wind colors back in the day when the graveyards were created it does really make sense how the man could have ended up with this item maybe Paarthurnax volunteered part of his horn and gave it to what we don't know why but it seems rather obvious the connection is here it's never explicitly confirmed by Bethesda but it seems very probable and I think the fact that they don't point it out to our face makes the detail even a bit better coming in at number 3 female dragons are a thing apparently maybe okay so for the most part the genders of dragons in Skyrim have largely remained just as ambiguous as their exact origins given the fact it seems they're all directly created by akatosh himself and totally incapable of reproduction then genders biologically speaking would be kind of pointless right nonetheless all the Tobi's we encounter have rather deep voices and often refer to themselves as hiza so they've at least always been presented to be more masculine enter a Michael Kurt bride a former Bethesda Game Studios writer who contributed extensively to the elder scrolls as Laura and left the studio following the release of morrowind yet still continued to write Elder Scrolls lore and stories anyway in the form of various in universe books and scripts pretty much any of his work following his departure from the studio can and should be technically considered fan fiction and not true canon but either way this fan fiction being written by a guy who's so deep on the inside and genuinely contributed to the actual lore should be taken a little bit more seriously and indeed much of what Kurt Brides written about has ended up becoming true in later games regardless in his texts he mentions a type of creature called Jill's that are female dragons he doesn't mention them very often they've only appeared in a couple of posts in 2010 though Joel's are regarded as being much less aggressive than their male counterparts and primarily spend their time repairing breaks in the elder scrolls as timeline they are children of akatosh after all the god of time furthermore there's a book that appeared in the elder scrolls online called a child's Tamriel beastie area which lists many of the creatures that inhabit Tamriel in alphabetical order and provides a brief description appropriate for a kid so just to prove a point here's how it starts quote a is for elite a two-legged lizard with enough under bite to swallow a wizard B is for bankin a mean Daedric minion whose masters are found on the plains of oblivion c is for charas a big bug of the snug you get the idea well as you might imagine providing translations of this book that accurately maintained the proper creature names in foreign languages proved tricky for the writers and translations of the book are riddled with all sorts of odd alterations and mistakes though in the french translation for the letter J jill's are mentioned saying in English quote J's for Jill's mythical beings they fix the world when the dragon breaks end quote so not only are Jill's mentioned in Curt bride's musings but they do even come up in official Elder Scrolls games at least in the French version if only for a bit so I suppose dragons really do have genders probably maybe for fourth spot nearby the small hamlet of Rorick stead players can find a shrine of akatosh atop a large hill and presented on that shrine as an offering of sorts are some dragon scales now seen this for the first time you may not think anything of it dragons are the children of akatosh it's reasonable that someone would leave dragon scales at one of his shrines I mean heck maybe it was a dragon who came to the shrine and peeled off one of his scales as a gift of sorts but here's the problem by the time the events of Skyrim take place it's been so long in Tamriel's recorded history since a dragon was nearly excited that most people don't even believe the creatures were real in the first place assuming them to be make-believe in fantasy so if someone did have access to dragon scales definitive proof that Dragons existed surely they wouldn't want to waste them by putting them here at a random trying to akatosh they want to keep them as a collectible or sell them for a huge price seeing that these are here since the start of the game implies that they were already placed before the reappearance of Alda Wynn so maybe Paarthurnax could be responsible we know he's been in Skyrim for the last few thousand years living under the protection of the Greybeards but even then it doesn't make sense that he'd risk himself to so much exposure by flying to this wide-open shrine and leaving an offering so what happened here remains a really big mystery and honestly I can't even think of any probable theories that stand and hold up to reason seeing as this is the only way in the entire game we can acquire dragon scales without putting them off of a dragon's body i assumed bethesda put them here on purpose but maybe it was a developer mistake oh well i guess only todd howard knows and todd howard won't tell and finally last on our list i want to end today's video by discussing yeasts Cremora a man revered by all Nords a-- and one of Skyrim's most notable historical figures who was basically the lands founding father and i want to specifically talk about why I and many others believe he might have been a dragon priest or Dragonborn or associated with dragons in some way let me explain yeast grimore was a man who lived way back in the late Maratha era during that period in time in which atmora Nords were sailing south and migrating to skyrim well as the Nords were arriving they found that skyrim was already occupied by large advanced civilization of elves called the foamer or snow elves who already had cities towns and armies of their own at first everything suggests humans and elves had a great relationship the Elvis appeared to have allowed the human beings to build colonies and outposts in their land and there was a lot of positive trade the biggest human colony that would be established was a place called SAR Thal that yeast grimore was the ruler of were not quite sure how yeast grimore styled himself whether he called himself the king of Sarthe all or the governor of Sarthe all but it's obvious he was in charge anyway despite these seemingly peaceful relations one night for a still unknown reason a large snow Elvin army launched a surprise attack on Sarthe all they easily overpowered the obviously unprepared defenders and killed almost every single inhabitant yeast gomorrah and possibly a few of his sons are the only people known to have escaped the slaughter after this horrifying atrocity ye scream or sailed back to amaura and vowed vengeance once he arrived on his homeland continent he gathered 500 of the greatest warriors he could find then took that army and sailed back to Skyrim vowing to wipe the snow elven race out entirely and believe it or not despite having just 500 men that's almost exactly what he did somehow they totally defeated every single snow Elvin army and then started killing not only the soldiers but the women and children and the elderly innocent non-combatants every elf had to die they reasoned we know a small percentage of the elven population was able to survive after accepting shelter from the dwarves who did their own nasty things but sure enough for the most part the elva's were driven to extinction soon after that Skyrim was declared a land for the Nords and humans and each grimore would die peacefully a few years later thus that's how this man became one of the world's most iconic figures okay Nate so an interesting story but where does it connect with dragons all I heard about was Nords killing things well the first thing to consider is that while he scream or did for the most part take over northern Tamriel he never crowned himself King or turned Skyrim into a kingdom in fact it's after he scores death that we start to see references to the Dragon cult pop up it seems that after he died what was next for Skyrim was ruled by the Dragons frustratingly it's not clear how the Dragons took over if there was this single moment when the dragon said were in charge now or something but remember earlier in this video we mentioned that the Atman Nords already did have some contact with the Domas and it's possible that during the time of yeast grimore the Dragons were already in charge to begin with he was simply one of their dragon priests a human being that ruled in their name this would explain why he never crowned himself King why were unsure what his title and Sarthe all was and it would even explain why he was able to take over Skyrim with only 500 troops if dragons were assisting in this whole campaign it makes a lot more sense how 500 boys could devastate an entire society furthermore in Easter Moore's own tomb we find on many of the doors a dragon insignia now these weird-looking dragon doors are used on a lot of tombs and ancient ruins in Skyrim so it's not confirmation enough but it's important to note furthermore we can also visit the tomb of one of these core Moors sons in Skyrim Ingle and in that tomb there's a dragon puzzle door we have to open basically one of those doors where we have to get one of the dragon claws and use it as its you know what I mean that indicates almost for sure unless it's a developer oversight that during Easter mores time he had knowledge of the Dragons at minimum then there's a tablet we can find in an old Dwemer ruin that was written by the dwarves at the time of the Nordic invasion and the dwarves described the app morons as the quote-unquote snow throated kings of mora indicate that these invaders were using dragon shouts could ye scream orphan dragon shouting at the elves heck maybe he's not a dragon priest maybe he was a dragon born or maybe those snow throated Kings are a reference to actual dragons finally and I promise I'll stop now dragon influence could also explain the brutality demonstrated by ysgramor army remember they were killing innocents women children people who didn't need to die like I get it the elves betrayed you but you know murdering a six-year-old boy that had no knowledge of the plot doesn't help it just seems like an act of evil if you scream or was loyal to the DOE va's and acting on their will or shared the Dragonborn himself then that makes more sense maybe just maybe even well before humankind set foot on Skyrim they were already being ruled by the Dragons or maybe ysgramor is just a bit of a very smart maniac whatever the truth is we'll probably never know for sure but it's always fun to speculate and with that we are going to wrap up five things you Bravo we never knew about the Dragons of the elderscrolls v Skyrim thanks so much for stopping by everybody which of these fun facts or tiny details was your own personal favorite and what Easter eggs do you know of in Skyrim more fallout or any other games that I've yet to tackle leave a comment down below as always like ratings are very much appreciated again thanks for watching and hope to catch you all in my next video peace out everyone [Music]
Channel: TheEpicNate315
Views: 727,956
Rating: 4.9347882 out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, Skyrim Special Edition, The Elder Scrolls 5, Skyrim Top 5, Skyrim Rare Items, Skyrim Facts, Skyrim Secrets, Skyrim tiny Details, Skyrim Mysteries, Skyrim Theories, Things You Didn't Know You Could Do In Skyrim, Skyrim Top 10, Skyrim Dragons, Skyrim Alduin, Skyrim Paarthurnax, Skyrim Lore, Elder Scrolls Lore, Skyrim Mods, Skyrim Mod, TheEpicNate315
Id: 9jEIOn2l_4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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