Skyrim: Top 5 Rare Quest Items You Shouldn’t Miss in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim

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Hey how's it going guys it's net here and from powerful Daedric artifacts to mundane articles of silverware scarves many quests will often see players interact and be rewarded with a number of unique items indeed while the Elder Scrolls 5 is a game of many weapons and armors the coolest often tend to be associated with specific missions and such adventures so in today's video we'll be paying tribute to a few of the most memorable and greatest of that crop as we take a look at my top 5 quest items in the elderscrolls v skyrim real quick before we begin a brief word from today's video sponsor my Instagram page I know I know a brand that I'm very excited to be working with come on I'm currently running a poll regarding whether or not I should shave my beard and I just kind of won all of the data possible on that so if you're interested in participating link will be in the pin comment down below but you all know the drill by now without any further ado let's do further today's video will begin deep underground below the island of souls time in the depths of raven rocks mine as we start with the blood skull blade this unique two-handed great sword can be acquired during the quest final descent which begins as shortly after we enter the mine and listen to an argument between an imperial worker named Cressy as sir elias and one of his fellow miners regarding the death of crusty is's great-grandfather when spoken to after the debate and asked what it was all about crisis will reveal to the dovakin that over two centuries ago his great granddad Gracie and Sir Elias once worked at this same mine before mysteriously disappearing never to be seen again the East Empire company which was running the mine at the time and still does today played that Gracie and just died in an accident but refused to provide any further answers and his remains were never found crisis isn't buying it and suspects that his old ancestor was involved in something far bigger than what he was told he'll ask the player to venture deeper into the mine into a few secret chambers that he recently dug up in order to search for answers our journey will eventually lead us to discover an entire hidden Nordic ruin beneath the mine and within it the skeletal remains of grey Chien as well as his journal and the blood skull blade in his inventory it turns out Chris was right as we learned from Grayson's journal back when he was working in the mine 200 years ago miners accidentally broke into this ruin and Gration and his assistant were sent to explore it they learned that the structure was built by a now extinct clan of ancient Nords who worshiped hermaeus mora and called themselves the blood skulls within the ruin gray sheen also discovered this sword on a pedestal and when he removed it dozens of draugur were raised and immediately attacked he and the assistant said assistant died fairly quickly but gray sheen was somehow able to hide and for the next few days slowly tried to creep his way out of the Barrow before he himself was eventually found and murdered to death by a zombie upon giving his journal to crisis and finally explaining the fate of his grandfather to him the quest will be completed and will be allowed to keep the blood skull blade for ourselves and man is this not a neat razor dealing 21 damage a custom model and texture distinguish it enough however the blood skull blade comes with unique enchantment that allows the sword to fire a magical wave-like projectile whenever you power attack with it that does another 30 damage upon contact the wave travels about five yards and can even penetrate through walls making the blood skull blade both an effective ballistic and melee item aside from what Grayson's journal narrates which admittedly isn't a whole lot we don't know much about this item what the Blood skull tribe did to empower it with such abilities or why they did so in the first place but the questions it leaves us with only make the blade even more encapsulating in my opinion so the power to decimate enemies from afar but still mystify and all players up close easily cement the blood skull blade among the Dragonborn DLC s most memorable weapons next on our list and perhaps the most popular of today's video is the legendary companions battle axe booth rad legend has it that whooped rad was originally forged thousands of years ago and was the personal blade of the great Nordic hero at least grimore during his conquest of Skyrim against the snow elves it said that what rod was forged by ysgramor son and made out of the tears of grieving Nords its name in fact translates to storm's tear being the descendants of east grimoires old clan the companions held on to the axe after his death however over the past few thousand years its condition slowly deteriorated and the item has actually broken up into a bunch of small pieces becoming totally unusable shortly before the events of Skyrim begin many of those pieces were stolen and the central aspect of the companions is quest line we'll be getting them all back but at the conclusion of their story arc the companions will successfully have recovered all of brew threads pieces and reforge the axe before giving it to the player in combat booth rad stats are pretty much on par with those of a Daedric war axe dealing 25 points of damage with every swing and fetching a price of 2,000 septums as you might imagine an ancient legendary battle axe once wielded by one of sky our most revered historical figures would Ruth red also comes with a special enchantment it does an extra 20 percent damage to all elven characters foamer included now in all honesty in practice this usually won't make much of a difference and is mostly just a funny little quirk though the added damage can be somewhat useful when venturing into Fulmer caverns and whatnot when you know for a fact there's gonna be a lot of elven characters and pulling out this weapon might be your strongest option practicality aside though booth rats historic background an unparalleled place and Nordic legend cemented as an item very much worthy of the dov'è kids wielding coming in at number three oh this object is quite unique even for video like this it's probably not something you expected me to mention as it's not a quest reward per se nor is it even an Armour piece or a weapon instead this is an alchemical ingredient I give you the jar in route so the Dark Brotherhood quest to kill an empire revolves around the guilds plan to send you to Solitude posing as the emperor Titus Mead the second personal chef so that you might kill said Emperor now of course we later learned this is all actually an elaborate scheme by Astrid to betray and get the Dragonborn killed and the Emperor you do end up killing is merely a decoy but that's all neither here nor there before sending us off on our mission Astrid will give to the player a small ingredient called a Joran root which she explains is an extremely Lethal plant alleging that just one small taste is more than enough to kill an elephant Astrid instructs you to put the jarn root in to Titus meats food saying it will quickly and quietly take him out when we finally do get to the Imperial Castle we'll work with an assistant chef to prepare Titus's dish of choice a stew called the potage lead magnifique as we finish up the assistant will ask us if there's anything else we'd like to add and we'll be able to tell her to throw in that jar enroute pretending it's an exotic spice or something once the meal is done it will be brought up to Titus who after a single spoonful will die and the quest will progress now as mentioned we soon find out this wasn't really the Emperor we just killed but again not the point here's the thing we don't actually have to put the jarn root into the stew when we're making the dish and the assistant asks us if there's anything else we'd like to add well the game does strongly encourage us to give her the root we don't need to instead we can just say nope nothing else to add food looks fine serve it right up if we do this the jarn root will remain in our inventories and we'll be free to keep it Titus also won't be poisoned so we'll need to end his life the good old-fashioned way to keep on going but I digress so what's the point of keeping the jar in root you may ask why is it so special well it's damaged health ingredient stat is absolutely insane you see the way the game measures the strength of an ingredients effects is through a numerical value called magnitude the jar root is easily the strongest to damage health ingredient of the game with the damage health magnitude of a 40 that number might not sound like a whole lot but for some context the second most poisonous ingredient a river Betty has a magnitude of 5 yeah it blows it's number 2 out of the water so when we add a jar in route to a damaged health potion at an alchemy bench we can get some incredible results creating potions capable of inflicting thousands of points of damage depending on your alchemy skill I personally was able to quickly whip up a 3,000 damage health poison for this video I cannot understate how powerful these things can be this will allow you to one-shot literally any enemy in the game Mirek the ebony warrior ancient dragons Skyrim is most challenging bosses can be eliminated with a single arrow shot thanks to a jar enroute poison it is truly amazing now of course the obvious caveat here is that Astrid only gives us a single acharn route and you can't get any more through legitimate means in the game you can't find or buy some more in the wild nor can you plant this one and make more at a hearthfire farm so use the one you get very carefully my recommendation will always be just save this thing in your inventory for emergencies when you've got a boss battle you absolutely just cannot confront or run into a real pickle this will bail you out but until then again I must stress it's a good idea to hang on very tight for fourth spot I give you our vac or more specifically they spell that allows you to summon him to unlock it you'll have to head out to the soul Charon that gloomy plane of oblivion which houses the souls of those who have been soul trapped where an undead horse named our vac can occasionally be seen just running around in terror underneath a small stone structure near the castle you'll be able to find our vac skull surrounded by some spirits which will transform into mist men when you approach simply slay the mist men and pick up the skull and the soul of a Nord will manifest before your eyes he'll tell you that he and his horse were sent here after a nasty run-in with a necromancer he absolutely hates the soul Charon but felt really bad about his horse ending up here too thankfully by taking his skull away from those evil spirits you somehow freed our vac and in gratitude his still soul trapped owner will teach you the summon our vac conjuration spell which will allow you to summon the horse to any outdoor location and use him as a mount so you can let the animals see the world the Nord admits that again he doesn't want to stay in the soul Charon but will also state that he's at least glad his horse gets to leave before disappearing leaving you all alone overall summon our vac is probably among my favorite spells in all of Skyrim as a mount he acts exactly like a normal horse with a handful of a special useful advantages for one he can't be killed if too much damage is taken he'll simply despawn and can be reasoned again additionally he's the only horse that can be used on the island of solstein and in black reach which by the way yes despite not really being an outdoor location the game itself still classifies black reach as just that and lets you summon are back there too unlike most conjuration spells you also won't really need to worry about a time limit with our vac either you can stay mounted for as long as you please though if left unresponded to be summoned again personally in my own experience this spell is especially helpful when you're over encumbered and just can't move around all that much as summoning our vac right in front of you is an excellent way to give yourself a lift to the nearest safe chest or play your home and takes quite a burden off your shoulders pun kind of intended anyway not much more to add here an amazing horse with some amazing characteristics that's definitely worth your time and finally last on our list I feel it's more than appropriate that we conclude this video with a Daedric artifact and I think the best one to do that would be the skull of corruption easily my favorite staff in the game and quite possibly the entire Elder Scrolls franchise the skull of corruption will be awarded to the Dragonborn by ver mina Daedra god of horror and nightmares following the completion of the quest waking nightmare if you chose to side with ver Mina throughout it and killed a specific priest she really didn't like aside from looking absolutely terrifying the stone corruption has a really unique way of doing damage you see when simply fired near enemies it will do 15 points of damage and around a 15 foot radius but if you've quote-unquote charged it with the dreams of sleeping characters it will do 40 points of that making it considerably more effective the way the whole charging system works is pretty fascinating simply approach any character that's been sleeping and used this skull of corruption on them it won't deal any damage if aimed at a sleeping character instead it will just quote unquote steal their dreams and charge the object for you you can't use it on the same NPC more than a couple times in a row within a 12 hour time span so it's best that you find a big old area filled with sleeping characters and harvest all of their dreams such as a guard barracks or even the college of winterhold but after it's been effectively charged it will transform from a relatively mediocre weapon to a fairly effective one though in all honesty if I'm being totally serious the real reason I keep this thing is mainly just the way it looks and the unique quirks behind it I'm not exactly interested in dealing a lot of damage to characters there are better items for that what draws me into the skull of corruption is its uniqueness it can hold its own in combat but where I think it really belongs is as the centerpiece of a certain gallery and with that we are going to wrap up my top 5 quest items or well for quest items and one spell in the Elder Scrolls v skyrim thanks for stopping by everybody which of what we discussed today did you find to be the most impressive and what unique objects should we tackle next leave a comment down below again thanks for watching and opening catch you all in my next video peace out everyone [Music]
Channel: TheEpicNate315
Views: 1,417,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, Elder Scrolls 5, TES 5, Skyrim Special Edition, Skyrim Top 5, Skyrim Secret Items, Skyrim Unique Items, Skyrim Rare Items, Skyrim Rare Armors, Skyrim Quests, Skyrim Secrets, Skyrim Easter Eggs, Elder Scrolls Easter Eggs, Easter Eggs, Skyrim Lore, Elder Scrolls Lore, Skyrim Tiny Details, Skyrim Mods, Skyrim Mod, TheEpicNate315
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 09 2019
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