Skyrim: 5 Things You Probably Didn't Know You Could Do - The Elder Scrolls 5: Secrets (Part 17)

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hey how's it going guys it's me here and you're probably expecting me to tell you that Skyrim is a big game or something and that's exactly what I'm going to do the Elder Scrolls 5 is so large that even seven years after her debut on that oh so memorable 1111 release date not all of the secrets this world holds and activities we may partake in have been discovered by everyone but that's a problem we're here to solve just sit back and relax as we dive into five more things you probably didn't know you can do in the Elder Scrolls v skyrim part 17 starting off during the quest Boethius colleen the Daedric prince of plots treachery and conspiracies will make the Dragonborn her new champion after you sacrifice one of your trusted followers to her i know to be uninitiated it's pretty horrifying and evil but long story short once you've become boëthius champion she'll ask a favor of you you see the last guy she called a champion sort of abandoned her he stopped listening to the gods orders and ran off to do his own thing boethiah considers this a major betrayal which is a bit ironic as she's basically that god of betrayal but I digress after explaining but way they will then ask that you find and kill him he now leads a gang of bandits at knifepoint Ridge a major encampment in mine in full grief and will be wearing a unique set of ebony mail armor that long ago was blessed by the Daedra she'll allow you to keep that armor as your reward once you've taken care of them as you can probably imagine the remainder of the mission will play out as a typical dungeon crawl you'll head to the Bandit camp cut your way through all the bandits and defeat the ex champion to complete the quest now as soon as that X champion detects you he'll be hostile attacking on site so you probably assume that this guy doesn't have much to say I mean he just starts attacking you but he does if the player has a powerful enough calm spell or the voice of the Emperor ability which can be used to turn otherwise hostile NPCs passive for short periods of time and you use such a power on the champion while he attempts to murder you to death he'll shave his weapon and you'll actually be able to enter a conversation with him where you can prompt the champion to explain his motivations for forsaking boethiah and they'll say all sorts of otherwise hidden dialogue yes that was a long time ago a prince of plots usually gets what she wants I'm surprised I'm not dead already she must have had some reason to keep me along so long mind my words are our mind and for you arm slave to no man no God and no Daedra boethiah talks about leaving your mark a sign of your passing well you can make a mark on the world without treachery and murder whenever a man's life is saved by armor made with these hands these hands have changed that man's destiny and as families a man who feels no fear has no heart or no fear but it does not control me if you desire to fight me then let's get this over with next on her list the restoration school of magic deals with all sorts of healing and ward spells as well as some related to the undead and weakening them / making them flee from battle well within the restoration skill tree after you've reached level 70 you'll be eligible to learn a new perk called necro mage which increases the strength of all spells used against the undead by 25% and increases the duration or time those spells last by 50% so essentially what this means is that if you have this perk enabled flowing spells will do more damage and fear spells will keep them scared away for longer this all sounds well and good however here's the thing if the Dragonborn becomes a vampire the game will very much classify you as undead - what this means is that with the necro major perk and as a vampire again technically making you undead all the spells you cast on yourself will in turn be 25% stronger and last 50% longer furthermore it's really not just spells that are affected at least not just normal spells scarves game engine also classifies all potions enchantments and even some other skills and shouts as spells to this in turn means that ol enchanted armor will be more effective as will any potions you choose to consume so if you've got the dong gourd DLC and they're looking to make your vampire self even more powerful this is definitely one route to take coming at number three after joining rifton's thieves guild your character will be added into the game files as a member of their faction now this may seem rather obvious but one of the more prominent effects of such a classification is that now all other themes guild members will identify you as a permanent ally and defend the player whenever attacked something unique about thieves guild members when compared to other factions is that they'll also defend you from hold guards most NPCs from other guilds say the College of Winterhold er the companions are also listed as members of their local holds crime faction with their guards meaning that since they're also technically in the same faction as their local holds guards they won't protect you from them but these guild agents don't share such a relationship with rifton's guards in the game data this is likely because they are a literal criminal cabal so say you walk up to a guard and punch him you can expect any fellow thieves nearby to come to your aid in the ensuing fight this is pretty interesting but as one commenter pointed out we can take this whole concept a step further if you enter the Thieves Guild cistern from its entrance and rifton's graveyard while being pursued by guards the guards will follow you inside but since their faction with you all the thieves also in this cistern will quickly take up arms and fight alongside you the typical result of this will be a massive sort of battle that thanks to a whole lot of essential NPCs the thieves should win though possibly at the expense of some non-essential thieves lives as well whatever the cost next time you're being pursued by rifton's finest know that depending on who your allies are you might have some friends willing to fight on your side for 4th spot upon first entering the river would trader a shoppin Riverwood you'll bear witness to an argument just wrapping up between the store's owner Luke and Valerius and his sister Camilla they're debating what to do after one of their particularly special artifacts was stolen item called the golden claw Camilla believes it's in the possession of bandits operating at a bleak falls Barrow and what's to go out and personally confront them for his part Lucan quite rightfully thinks that idea is terrible and refuses to allow her to do such a thing but if you offer to take up such a task he'll promise to reward you generously if you're able to find that oh so beloved piece of metal the TLDR is that from here you simply head to the dungeon clear it out of some bandits and you'll eventually find the claw in the possession of a trapped dark elf humorously named R velvel swift it's funny because his title is the Swift but he got captured by spider you get the idea anyway all you need to do is free and murder him to death take the claw back to Lucan and collect your reward to complete the quest however if between accepting the mission from Lucan and bringing him back the claw you decide to do something truly horrific and kill Camilla his dialogue when rewarding you will be quite different and vary depending on whether or not you took her out stealthily if he's aware that you killed her he'll still give you a reward but be a lot more belligerent about it take a listen you're back from bleak Falls did you find anything thanks I only wish Camilla was here to see it thanks I guess this was the least you could do after what happened to Camilla and finally last on our list is something everyone's probably thought about doing but Bethesda took deliberate steps to make impossible sort of let me explain when you enter solitudes gates for the first time you'll get to bear witness to the very public execution of raagh fear apparently he was a member of the town's guard when Ulfric Stormcloak stopped by and killed High King Torian after this happened Revere opened the city's gates to allow Stormcloak to escape for that he's been charged with treason and sentenced to death now raagh Peter of course argues that Ulfric didn't just murder Touareg he defeated him in a customary duel and as a result committed no crime and had the right to leave the city anyway but the Empire isn't buying such a defense and on the day you first walk into Solitude they're putting him to the sword or axe I suppose the town's folk scene a bit divided on the matter some are disgusted with the Nords actions and view him as perfectly deserving of his while others agree with what he did and resent his impending death no matter after being read his final rites and getting to say some last words he'll be sent to solve and guard but if you're feeling a bit sympathetic the dragon board can take some steps to save him at least save him from the decapitation should you kill the executioner in nearby guards our Nordic friends death will be postponed mind you I say postponed you'll see what I mean in a bit here now this is quite difficult to do in it of itself because as soon as you initiate combat with anyone in the city guards will immediately just start trying to attack raagh beer so you'll have to keep him protected even after the henchmen lay dead however even if you are able to successfully guard him and yourself for that matter from the ensuing onslaught of guards and concerned citizens your efforts will ultimately prove to be in vain as raagh fear after all that effort will just sort of automatically die in a few minutes anyway just randomly it's like he has a heart attack or something even if spared from the headsman's ax raagh fear is still doomed thanks to the came scripts furthermore he won't even offer any unique dialogue or conversation options for the brief few seconds you are keeping him alive the process all seems so weird and it's obvious that bethesda really didn't want anyone to say frog fear at all things can get especially weird if you save raw beer and before the scripts are able to kill him you leave the city if this happens raagh there will be teleported to a special room in skyrim that's inaccessible without console commands known as the dead body cleanup cell here he'll be attacked and killed by a clone of mal born a boss were you me in the game's main storyline if this all sounds weird and doesn't make any sense it's not supposed to do the reason for the teleportation to this weird room seems to be that if you leave solitude Balrog you're still alive the game won't really know what to do with them as a script that automatically kills him it can't work if you're not in the same room so they move him to a room where he can be killed by an NPC instead at least that seems to be the reasoning behind all of this so in case you didn't know you can save Rob beer just not fur of there a long time but all not helpless note we are going to wrap up five more things you probably didn't know you could do in the elderscrolls v skyrim part 17 thanks for stopping by everybody which of what we covered today did you find to be the coolest or most fascinating and what lesser-known activities / things to do do you know of that I've had to cover leave a comment down below again thanks for watching as always like writings are very much appreciated and hope to catch you all in my next video peace out everyone
Channel: TheEpicNate315
Views: 3,287,601
Rating: 4.8986521 out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, Elder Scrolls 5, Elder Scrolls, Skyrim Special Edition, TES 5, Skyrim Easter Eggs, Elder Scrolls Easter Eggs, Easter Eggs, Skyrim Top 5, Skyrim Secrets, Skyrim Lore, Elder Scrolls Lore, Skyrim Things to Do, Skyrim Tiny Details, Skyrim Facts, Skyrim Mods, Skyrim Modding
Id: hKV8HrrRbK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2018
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