Skyrim: Top 5 Side Quests You Need to Play in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim

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hey how's it going guys it's Nate here and from massive dragon hunting trips to major civil war sieges Skyrim's main questline and those of her factions offer the player quite a few amazing adventures however some of the most thrilling and or amusing mission Skyrim sends you on are an attached to the primary storyline nor any faction but are instead entirely independent side quests the Elder Scrolls 5 is absolutely packed with these miscellaneous objectives and I figured what better way to spend a day that exploring some of the best so sit back and relax as we take a look at five of my top side quests in the Elder Scrolls v skyrim starting off we have the affairs of hag Ravens this quest will kick off shortly up to the player enters blind cliff cave in the reach at first the location won't seem to be anything special just another typical forsworn hideaway for the hero to clear out however as you make your way through the dungeon hacking through these reach men rebels you'll eventually find yourself stumble upon a cage with a very well unique captive inside its a hag raven her name is melka and upon detecting you she'll immediately explain her circumstances apparently melka once owned this entire cave ended nearby towers however one day a rival hag raven known as petra with a small band of her four sworn allies storm and melchizedek it over for themselves imprisoning her Milka will then ask that the player free her from her confines and that you then accompany her to face off against petra who's located deeper in the dungeon should you agree the two of you will then begin to cut your way through the remainder of the cave and you'll get to listen to Milkha's hilarious hag raven commentary as you do so eventually you'll get to her rival petra and the pair of you will defeat her in battle completing the quest melka will then reward the dovakin with her unique fire staff called the eye of Milcah at this point the hag raven will remain in her newly recaptured home and be friendly to the player for the rest of the game though she addresses you as meat so that's a little uneasy I found a side quest to be especially memorable as well at the core of it all you really did was clear a dungeon you got to do it alongside a very unlikely ally who kept you entertained with her dialogue the whole way through and at the end of it you are no new staff a friend for the rest of your playthrough next on her list is rise in the east this quest centers around a conflict between the East Empire company a massive trading organization in Tamriel and some pirates who have been making their lives pretty difficult a conflict that the Dragonborn will get to decide your adventure will include everything from a Sherlock Holmes esque investigation to an all-out battle as you storm an island aided by massive Imperial warships the mission is distinctly notable as it's actually rather difficult to find and start unless you actively know what you're doing and trying to as a result I didn't find out about or complete this one until just a few months ago but it's still become among my favourite missions in the game to begin rise in the east you'll have to speak with orthis and Daario an East Empire company official well he's at the company's offices in windhelm he'll inform the player that recently the organization's been suffering harshly as pirates have begun terrorizing their trading vessels their attacks are well coordinated and he suspects the shatter shields a powerful family in Windhelm who compete with the Empire company over trade routes or in league with the Pirates Dorian will request you break into the shattered shields warehouse and find proof in their banking Ledger's after doing so and proceeding to follow up on some leads you'll discover not only are the shatter shields and pirates in cahoots but you'll also find the location of the pirates secret hideout that they've been operating out of it's an island fortress hidden away in the sea of ghosts called japheth's folly upon returning to the company's offices you'll meet with a delay Ze'ev and Ichi an empire company security official who after being informed of its location will plan to assault the pirate stronghold with a small band of mercenaries and warships she was able to scrounge together being a bit low on manpower Medici will demand you accompany them so you'll hop on a boat and sail out to japheth's folly once you arrive the officer will state that the fog around the island is making it very difficult for her warships to target the place she suspects the clouds are being made by a powerful mage within the walls and so we'll send the Dragonborn to sneak into the fortifications and defeat the wizard after the mage lies dead and you leave the castle you'll find the fog cleared and the island will already be getting absolutely bombarded by catapult fire and company mercenaries will start storming the premises after all the pirates have been killed in this epic battle sequin is ended you'll be thanked and paid some gold by Allah SIA who will sell you back to Skyrim finishing the quest coming in at number three served cold as a mission we can take up not on Skyrim itself but on the island of solstein this series of objectives will begin with a bit of a mystery and and with the Dragonborn facing off against the faction that some players may find a bit familiar served cold begins after you've completed a couple other miscellaneous quests assisting the guard at Raven Rock captain belif will inform you that a driller on Oh Raven rocks second counselor the second-in-command of the city would like to meet with you once you find a driller he'll reveal that he suspects someone is planning to assassinate his boss first counselor and the governor of the settlement larell more vain you see a drill believes that living within Raven Rock are secret sympathizers of the old gray house lalu long ago house lollu held considerable power and more wind but in past decades they've fallen out of favor and were deposed by the other houses the family still exists but they're much less powerful than they were in their heyday and are pretty bitter about that too first counselor more Vayne recently had a prominent lalu member executed and a drill is convinced that some of the houses sympathizers have since infiltrated the town with undercover operatives who are planning to kill more vane in an act of revenge you'll be directed to find evidence of this conspiracy and identified who exactly the hidden lalu operatives are now conveniently enough there's a tomb inside the city that houses the bodies of a few long dead lalu members and not too long ago someone started placing fresh flowers and offerings inside on a reoccurring basis so you'll be asked to sneak inside of that tomb and wait until dusk so you can catch whoever this person is in the act the logic being that if this person is leaving offerings to long dead former lalu family members they probably have some sort of ties to the family ultimately it'll be a Dunmurry woman named Tillis uu Severin that you'll discover is leaving the offerings behind you can try to call her out but she'll vehemently deny your accusations saying she's just trying to remember some dead people what's wrong with that after reporting your findings back to a drill he'll tell you to just break into the woman's home to find proof of her alleged plot as you burglarize till a Sue's house you'll find some documents in the form of a letter that indeed proof is loyal to house lalu and is planning to murder raven rocks first counselor to death but she's not acting alone apparently she's gathered forces at ash Paulo Citadel a ruined fortress just outside the town as you tell all this to a drill he'll say that you need to act fast and we'll ask you to go clear our ash follow alongside a few guards he'll dispatch to meet you there now as you arrived you'll find both the guards he sent dead so that didn't really go very well but the enemies you face off against at this Citadel aren't just normal bandits or mercenaries like you'd expect instead they're identified as morag tong agents the more I talk of course were a major faction the player could meet and interact with in the Elder Scrolls 3 more wind they were a band of assassins not unlike the Dark Brotherhood in fact the Dark Brotherhood actually formed as a splinter faction of the more icon but we can give him that later no matter apparently even centuries after the eruption of the Red Mountain the faction has survived alas you'll have to kill all of them in order to complete the quest once they're all dead and their Castle cleared out you can be back with a drill in the first counselor who reward you for saving his life with some gold and a new home so your reintroduction to the more icon may not have been on the friendliest of terms but at least you did get some cool stuff out of it so that's a win or fourth spot goes to repentance this quest will begin upon your first visit to dark light tower in the rift as soon as you open the doors and enter you'll find an imperial mage standing over the corpse of a witch it's clear she committed a murder however the woman will attempt to explain herself her name is Alya and evidently she's lived in this tower as a member of its coven of witches all her life since she was born as did her mother and her mother's mother and at you you get the idea but she's finally realized just how evil her family is apparently Alya was recently asked to find a human sacrifice to bring to her mother an elderly witch named Sylvia so that they may perform some sort of ritual together and that was the final straw Alya now wants to escape and as she was making a run for it that now dead witch attacked her so she had to fight back in self-defense but now with you here perhaps she can do more than just we shall request the dovakin join her in Slane every single member of this coven and stopping her mother's ritual so the thing they never heard another soul again and so begins your brief dungeon crawl as you an ally a hack slash cast and shout your way through dark light tower and as you reach the top we're allies mother is performing the ritual she'll get an idea ally is convinced that her mother is so powerful that even the two of you combined probably couldn't take her head-on so Ally will devise a rather creative plan sets her mother seems to still be unaware that Elias turned codon is now attacking her fellow witches she'll suggest that you pretend to be that human sacrifice she needed to bring she'll act like she's captured you and is giving you to Sylvia for her to perform the ritual once she starts and gets in the motions Elijah should then be able to stab Sylvia in the back while she's distracted at first this plan will work masterfully but when the daughter does finally strike her mother her attack is too weak to deal a finishing blow and you'll have to step in to put an end to Sylvia there will be a brief insuiin battle but you are the Dragonborn so it shouldn't be too challenging once the matriarchal mage is dead the quests will be complete and the y ou will become available as a follower plus allow you to keep her mother's fire staff hags wrath and just like that the rift as we know it has become a little bit safer and finally last on our list we have blood on the ice a quests no doubt many are probably familiar with as it's available at any level and begin shortly after your fourth visit to win helm I know that's a pretty specific and odd requirement but I digress at the town cemetery a pretty common location to pass through apparently someone was just murdered there like a few hours prior to your arrival and the city is convinced the culprit is a serial killer that started claiming victims only a few months ago and will no doubt strike again soon despite the obvious urgency Windhelm security forces are a bit busy fighting a civil war so if you choose to offer it the steward and local guard will happily accept your help in solving this case the ensuing quest will lead you down quite the rabbit hole as you attempt to piece together clues frantically running about the city and questioning her citizens hoping to find the killer before he strikes his next victim this journey will take you through a secret hidden multiple interviews and many of Windhelm x' locations ultimately if you play your cards right or I guess wrong you can even get the wrong guy arrested but no matter thankfully when Helms butcher will soon be caught at the end of the quest as he attempts to kill someone in broad daylight and his identity will come as a bit of a shock to most of the city I won't say his name but I'm sure the gameplay will spoil it anyway I found blood on the ice so unique as unlike most of scarves other quests combat wasn't a real factor in it you aren't clearing dungeons or battling bandits instead you were gathering clues and making decisions sometimes the wrong ones unfortunately the quest has developed a bit of a reputation for being among the buggiest in Skyrim so even the Elder Scrolls 5 s greatest whodunit mystery mission isn't entirely perfect but on that note of flaw recognition we are going to wrap up five of the best side quests in the Elder Scrolls v skyrim which of the ones featured on this list was your own personal favor and why was it the morag tong murder mystery or perhaps the hag raven reclaiming her home for me that honour definitely goes to rise in the east I think the battle sequence there was just outstanding for a side mission no matter leave a comment down below even if your favorite one wasn't mentioned tell me what it is there might be a part two as always thanks for stopping by everyone like ratings are very much appreciated and hope to catch you all in my next video peace out everybody
Channel: TheEpicNate315
Views: 1,581,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, Elder Scrolls 5, Elder Scrolls, TES 5, Skyrim Special Edition, Skyrim Quest, Skyrim Top 5, Skyrim Side Quest, Skyrim Easter Eggs, Elder Scrolls Easter Eggs, Easter Eggs, Skyrim Lore, Elder Scrolls Lore, Skyrim Secrets, Skyrim Tiny Details, Skyrim Mods, Bethesda Game Studios
Id: MzpsrVusWBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 26 2018
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