Skyrim - 6 Followers You Should Consider

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well hello and welcome to another Skyrim video and today we are continuing our journey of finding the best follower in the Elder Scrolls Skyrim with me ESO but today we're looking specifically at all six mercenary followers you can acquire and who is statistically the best and the worst of them all now we have a lot to choose from from warriors tanks Rangers spell swords to pure mages so there really is something here for everybody and I'll be going over the best way to equip them all to do the most damage but first a word from today's sponsors first summoner a new mobile game with a narrative lead Riven storyline and a unique approach to real-time combats this is not an auto battle game you actually need to move around and select targets that you want to engage and as you progress you actually unlock a deck of different monsters and powers if I can all be summoned to aid you in battle each monster has its own role and you can form battle lines with skeletal archers at your flank and shield wielding undead Vikings at the front I personally love using the troll to counter other big creatures and just absorb a large amount of damage while my archers take care of everything there are four different heroes to choose from the Knights Archer warrior or mage each with their own distinctive battle styles and customizable equipment and outfits you also get access to spell cars that each have unique effects my favorite one is dark winds because it lets you fire a blast of darkness directly into the enemy that damages and knocks everything back with over a hundred and fifty stages PvP combat infinite hardcore dungeons and seasonal events to complete and all in a free-to-play mobile game to start playing first summoner right now click on the link at the top of the description to start building your army of Darkness let's start out with Jenna sir one of the only followers in the game that can actually dual wield weapons she can be found here in Whiterun roaming the streets and hanging out at the Market district looking rather menacing she wants 500 goal to become your follower what an absolute gold digger indeed now Jenna sir will start out at level 10 and level with you until level 40 meaning past level 40 she can be replaced with other followers with better scaling she is however a Dark Elf which gives her an innate 50% resistance to fire damage now this is very useful versus dragons but aside from that it's not that impressive I am NOT impressed Jenna sir that said though she does have decent stats at her max level of 40 with a help of 500 a magical of 50 and finally a stamina of 250 making her reasonably survivable and especially with her light armor skill of 100 asked for her skill specialization though she is considered to be a ranger and will best suit characters with a sneaky playstyle since she has a reasonably high sneak skill of 50 now there are better sneaky based followers out there but she won't give you away immediately like Lydia will yet still my love for Lydia is unyielding she also has a pretty awesome personality and the quote she comes up with are just fantastic she is a very kilee dark person and by far has the best archery skill in the game of 100 and her character prefers using bows in keeping her distance given the chance so if you are playing a tank she's also a fantastic source of damage output if you give her a strong boat I also recommend enchanting the bow that she's using since followers don't actually use up the enchantment and then give her the best arrows you have since she doesn't consume arrows either she also has a one-handed skill and block skill of 73 which is obviously decent but I suggest just ignoring her block remove all the shields from her inventory and then she'll actually start dual wielding so I gave her two Daedric enchanted daggers and she just ran around paralyzing and decimating everyone with them she just becomes an absolute powerhouse and like I said she's one of the few followers in the game that does dual wield weapons which is really really nice as you can see I do recommend enchanting the blades with absorb health to keep her alive and also paralysis because because when she does paralyze the enemy which is super super often they can't attack you back so she's literally just a stunned bot and guys if you are enjoying this video make sure you also subscribe and press that Bell icon as well and then YouTube will actually let you know every time I release a new Skyrim video and thank you if you already subscribed you guys really do keep this channel going coming back to my videos and washing them so I massively appreciate that guys but the next follower we will be going over is Bell around who is a Nordic spell sword you can find him located here in the city of Solitude at via winking Skeever you will need to pay him a hefty fee of 500 gold though to become your follower interestingly though if you do become friends on your travels he will offer his services free of charge in the future now just like Jenna sir he will star our level 10 and level all the way with your character until level 40 and his stat scaling is actually very decent because at level 40 he will have 432 health 232 Manteca and 232 stamina so he's a jack-of-all-trades really and despite having a lower health Belle Rand is a Nord which gives him a 50% resistance to frost damage which is usually what you come up against in Skyrim he will also have his restoration spells like fast healing to heal himself and he has the recovery perk which makes his magic a regenerate 25% faster I think a lot of people look at followers and take them at face value and don't actually look at all the perks that make them really strong companions as for his skills he's actually one of the most powerful destruction mages in the game with level 100 destruction skill and he has the argumented frost perk meaning his frost fells do an additional 25% more damage it is however important to note that most foes in Skyrim have a resistance to frost anyway however frost spells do also slow your enemies down so it can be very useful with logic or kiting bigger enemies Belle Rand will also use the oak flesh spell and other alteration spells to increase his armor even further and he'll come to a familiar to help in battle though it becomes very useless at later level because it literally dies in one hit now I recommend equipping him with the style room axe enchanted with a frosted shaman so he does an additional 50% more damage within toto he also has the hack and slash perk which makes him do more fully damage with axes as well now he has level 100 light armor and the custom-fit firk which means he gets an additional 25% armor bonus when wearing full light armors so you can get a very decent armor value out of it now let's compare the next follower Mercurio who is an imperial pure mage decieve is actually a better alternative to bell rang you will find Mercurio in the city of Rifton located here on the map once you arrive he will be sitting in the B and the Bob in the corner bragging you've probably already come across him mouthing off about how good he is with the arcane but you may have considered him to be just a waste of time before now because because if you do hire him he sets you back 500 gold and then he starts off at level 10 and levels with you and so level 40 at level 40 he will have 432 how only 50 stamina which he doesn't really need anyway but he will have a Magica of 480 now mark Curia has a level 100 destruction skill but is a better mage than Bell around because he has a better skillset firstly he has the argumented shop ferb which increases his shock spell damage by 25% and it's worth noting that shock spells are the best type of magic in Skyrim because literally nothing in the game has a resistance to shock unlike frost now Mercurio will use the higher level spells such as chain lightning and lightning bolt and swap to fireball when he feels like it he also knows the high level healing spells close wounds and can defend himself with the steadfast ward spell he even uses the turn on dead spell on lower level draaga but he has level 100 restoration which 27 levels higher than bell around now is important to outfit Mercurio in mage clothing since he has the perk mage armor which gives him a total armor of a hundred and twenty when he uses the stone flesh alteration spell now that's more armor than you would get for wearing full gloss armor and considering he only has level twenty light and heavy armor skill you should definitely be equipping him with enchanted mage robes now one of my favorite things about mod curio is that he will wield magical stars this is amazing because you can actually give him any staff in the game and he would just use those powers and he'll spam the crap out of them and they're unlimited so it's ridiculously powerful for example a staff of summon frost Atronach will make him summon one and then it can tank everything for you or you can give him as staff of storm wall or another powerful lightning staff to do even more damage with his argumented shock perk and never use up any of the enchantments on the star it is pretty damn fun to be honest now funnily enough he is also very sneaky with a sneak skill of 73 so he's not gonna give you away easily to summarize Mercurio is definitely a better offensive mage overall than Burland he's just not quite as survivable even once fully equipped next let's talk about Eric the Slayer my favorite follow on this list this is a follower that you've probably missed since he is actually quite hidden away he's located at the frost fruit in here on the map in Rorick stead now if you've not already googled my law video about Rorick stead I suggest checking out as well is a very creepy place but Eric is a Nord barbarian who wants to be an adventurer but unfortunately has a overprotective father now in order to hire Eric he must first convince his father that he should be an adventurer now you can either bribe persuade or intimidate his dad if you're unsure about your skill level though just bribe him once convinced Eric will change his name from Eric - Eric the Slayer which is hilarious because he's it's not slain anything yet and he wants another 500 gold before he will even Foley I swear we just got scammed by this family like I swear to god they just scammed us is Eric the Slayer worth all the fuss well here's the best health scaling ratio in the game Eric starts at level 10 levels all the way to level 40 with you and then he'll have a health of 618 which is comparable to many followers ten levels higher than him or even further he also has 50 Magica and 182 stamina though but to be honest stamina isn't really that useful anyway now Eric would make a good tank but he has a really strange skillset with a light armor skill of level 100 and a block skill of level 78 and a one-handed skill of level 50 alternatively he has a too hard skill of level 100 he's also a decent Archer with level 70 free archery so he's interesting but all the skills are allocated in such a way that he's not efficient in any position so to be honest he's probably the worst follower on this list in terms of skill spread but for some reason I really do like him so what I did is I gave him fully upgraded heavy style room armor even though he has a low a low heavy armor skill but I just upgraded it using smithing to give him a 80% damage resistance still and he became an absolute machine in combat I'll talk about more how to upgrade the armor of a follower later to literally make them invincible like Eric now is but he is just an absolute machine in combat it's hilarious to behold who take on giant single-handedly next guys let's move on to some more efficient warriors starting with Denver and Nord who is located here in the city of Windhelm now he can be found on the second floor of the candle hearth in Hall but it will cost you 500 gold to hire him but he will level with you all the way up to his level cap or 40 funnily enough though Denver has the same stat spread as Eric the Slayer which is 50 less health but the same Magica and stamina he is however a lot more useful as a tanky character that also deals a little bit damage he has a level 100 heavy armor skill and level 100 two-handed scale meaning he can tank and smash efficiently especially considering he is a Nord within 1/8 50% resistance to frost damage he has a block skill of 78 and a one hand skill of 50 nothing to shout home bow he also has an archery skill of 73 and can dish out a lot of damage at range I suggest just equipping him with a two-handed adsorb health axe and heavy armor which further increases his health so he pretty much just never goes down he really is rather straightforward to equip though next we have force dog he is hidden away in the city of Markov at B silver blood in you usually find him sitting down and drinking orange juice pay a man 500 gold and a man will watch your bath like all the other followers in this video he is unfortunately also capped at level 40 though I say unfortunately but I actually don't play the game past level 40 anymore because I think the scaling of Skyrim actually works best around level 30 where it's still hard but enemies aren't just bullet sponges boss dog has the same stat spread as Stefan which is standard for a warrior class anyway and if you haven't already guessed he's actually better at playing the role of a tank character because wall staff has a heavy armor skill of a hundred a formidable block skill of 78 and finally a one-handed skill of 100 making him the best tank follower you can hire at level 40 he also has a decent archery skill of 73 which is very nice though all the warriors in this list have a sneak skill of 20 which is terrible and they're gonna give you away as much as Lydia dose just equip him with enchanted armor and a sword and board and he's good to go so to summarize guys you really can get one of every type of follower to fit the role you want in your party it is however unfortunate that none of them level past level 40 if that's what you're interested in so beyond level 40 you can actually find a few other better options but that said a lot of these followers can be recruited into the blades especially Eric then Dragon Slayer that said though despite their level cap or force if you really like the Companions personality on this list you can simply follow my guide on how to create armor with like +10000 health and weapons with plus 1000 damage and you can still use them very efficiently and of course guys if you really did enjoy this video don't forget I've also got a whole playlist linked down below in the description on how to all your skills how to get every single unique weapon in the game and so on you can check out my channel for literally a guide on everything to do with Skyrim let me know in the comment section who your favorite follower was from this video or maybe some of the ones that you've been using throughout Skyrim that weren't Lydia shocking I know you're in the 1% of players that weren't using Lydia as a follower throughout the entire game I don't know if I'm upset or angry at you right now and guys if you haven't already please go ahead and download the first Simon I linked at the top of the description because that really helps me get future sponsorship deals and it really you know helps support the channel I literally earn more in sponsorship deals than I do from YouTube right now and you know your help keeps that going so thank you so much for your support on patreon becoming a member on the channel all that good stuff I really do appreciate guys to thank you and have a fantastic day look how look how ill this man looks I mean he's an imperial but his skin is so gray he's been using too much magic my friends too much magic it can't be healthy for us alright guys thanks for watching goodbye and I will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: ESO
Views: 871,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, elder scrolls, skyrim followers mod, followers, follower, the elder scrolls 5: skyrim, skyrim best follower, skyrim best follower mod, skyrim mods, skyrim special edition, companions, skyrim all followers, skyrim top 5, skyrim top 10, warrior build, archer build, best, skyrim wives, the elder scrolls, best follower, best follower in skyrim, in skyrim, mods, eso, skyrim mods 2019, video game industry, skyrim lore, elder scrolls lore, secret, locations, hidden
Id: YosaCqWWqg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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