Skyrim Max Smithing In 30 Minutes (NOT PATCHED WILL NEVER BE PATCHED)

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oh what's this two uploads in one day that's crazy anyway I'm going to show you how to get to level 100 smithing in Skyrim from the very beginning to whenever it ends I'm not going to do any jump Cuts any anything right here's my inventory I have literally nothing on me magic the bare bone stuff you start off with a Nord skills nothing is boosted besides the nord's normal boost to skills and I'm going to start I'm Ed to recording still hold on um got collect my train thoughts this is going to be um one of those not lying guides like all 100% truth no exaggerations this probably takes around 30 minutes from leaving hel to having Max smithing and I will show you and prove it to you because smithing has changed from when Skyrim first came out where everything was worth the same amount first thing you want to do Guardian Stones Warrior Stone except the sign and then you want to continue forth to um Riverwood I actually go to emers Shard mine first to get pick up some equipment so I can sell it for money you only need about 100 coins though to do it so it's all more really going to pick up I'm just going to kill this guard out here take his stuff and try and sell it then now a this a surprise I am playing on novice novice novice because um this is a God I'm not actually playing the we nor play on master or expert difficulty so the game actually feels like there's a challenge to it that should hopefully be enough for a carriage ride hopefully if not I can chop some wood real quick because we need to take a carriage to uh Markarth as I was saying though uh smithing has changed in Skyrim when it first came out when Skyrim first came out the most efficient way was to use iron dagger cuz you need one iron dagger and one that's not [ย __ย ] stupid hold on you need one leather strip and one iron ingot to make one iron dagger that's cuz every item in the game had equal smithing XP they changed it later on so the more the item is worth the more XP you get for making it a video I saw last night the guy was recommending that you duplicate 1,200 iron ingots and 1,200 pieces of firewood just so that way you can um make a bunch of arrows for some reason even though you can't still the arrows arrows are worth zero with your speech skill at a minimum uh the method I discovered is a flawed uh what's it called a flawless diamond and a gold ingot can make one diamond necklace which is worth 1,200 base value which is not too bad oh oops I said the wrong person anyway for TR it doesn't matter which person you have as long as you have one of them you don't need to do this I just do it because they're the nearest follower you can get so he's got to find Sven I would recommend Fe doll though if you're starting out the game because with him you can level your archery up 250 without even firing an arrow so we got to find Sven thinks he can Val away from me now that's what I like to hear good work I suppose Master neof won't mind always telling me to get out of his way I think that's the wrong voice line never seen it before my entire 1,000 hours of Skyrim pretty cool though anyway Sven should now be following us which he is let's go sell our armor here real quick and just to see what um gold we can get from it whatever take a look okay blades helmets pretty much anything to suit your need yeah 67 gold is more than enough so next thing we're going to do is head over to White Run I think there's a way to teleport to the jail from here by punching a chicken but I tried it last night and it didn't work this is now my second time recording this the first time my audio was terrible I'm sure it's still not the best I am completely brand new to actually putting effort into videos pretty much cuz usually I had to start a live stream or some that and just play the game normally cuz it's not that I don't like editing I never had a a PC before this is my first nice quality PC oops so now he's got to run over here to White Run I got to talk to him first discovered as well we're going to take her Carriage to Markarth because near the 14 sworn Camp there is a guaranteed flawless diamond spawn which is exactly what we need we need one Diamond one gold inot one gold ingot I don't know where there's where there's a guaranteed gold ingot spawn but I do know how to make one uh relatively quickly so now we want to head to this little whoops Island area here there's a boat right along the coast here or not the coast the uh edge of this island and normally if you put an edge marker on the side of the island you go to it you just go up and down you'll eventually find the boat it's not that hard um I'll be sure to point it out VI on the map when I do get there to show its exact location so you don't do any guessing or wondering soon I can so now we just got to keep going this way and we will get there eventually the journey is worth how efficient This truly is because I used to sit there on my PlayStation 4 duping five ingots and then 10 and then 20 and then 40 80 160 320 640 1,200 whatever the number is and it' take hours because I do them one at a time it was just actually miserable cuz loading screens they weren't terrible they still weren't as fast as they are now right there's the no it's not texture there's the boat then somewhere in the bottom of the boat there should be your flawless diamond right there flawless diamond and here on the map I'll show you where it's at it is right there so you can see the water going down there so right like the sharpest Turn Around the Bend that's where you can find the boat right here um yeah here it is flawless diamond it's already inventory so now we're going to head back to the White Run Stables next place we're going to go to is um what's it called Halted Stream Camp it is right up here it's just kind of north of uh White Run I probably should have a weapon but it's the easiest difficulty I should be fine to run in there and run out really but just be safe I will run over here kill these Smugglers just to take uh a weapon to use since I sold the other one then that marker with the TP is where you got to head to now ain't this a surprise just a up you awesome okay let's head to the camp now the goal was to have a gold in Ingot within the first 10 minutes but that didn't happen I had to wait for stamina I'm trying to do in the most console friendly way without using godo and other things so there's only about four or five out here all four of them right there the worst one's probably the wizard the Mage but this is also you know easy difficulty then the last one's over here awesome and now we head down here into the Halted Stream camp or mine I guess yikes you can take the key or pick the lock whichever you want to do now there is three more down here I don't think like where this is going oh God that was embarrassing I cannot you okay and now the tone we're looking for is right up here on the thing transmute mineral ore pick it up go to your books read it now that you've learned it there's coin purse there we need this and that there's also a chest here too if you want to search that uh you can disenchant that that's randomly so you're not going to have that exact thing and hopefully we have enough Magicka to perform this spell if not that's going to suck head back to White Run Stables now we got to head back up into actual White Run um if you don't know how to duplicate efficiently I'm not going to explain it very much but I do have a video the most recent one before this one I'll link in the description as well of the most efficient duping glitch you can do in any major hold I just choose white run because it's the first one you come across it's there's a pretty good one you can do at the top of the dragon's reach bridge and I recommend around 300 you don't need 300 I think 280 is about how many it really takes so he's there and we just got to try and okay so there we go it doesn't cost as much as I thought it would wrong Mouse button there's our gold or wait 1 hour silver ore wait an hour and gold ore oh yeah I probably should said it's important you pick up those two ores you're going to mine Two or buy two so come over to the smelter you can craft the two gold ore into one gold ingot so we go here to the forge just to check gold diamond necklace one flawless diamond one gold one to one ratio and it's the most valuable thing here and now we're going to start duping them you come back here to this corner drop them wait for Sven fainal Janessa whoever you want to get back here what do you need have him wait about right there double check say follow me that means he's going to wait there pick up those go to the Stables then afterwards you want to come back and once you get back you should have either a gold ingot a diamond or both of your lucky but eventually and we got lucky this time what do you need so now we just do that until we have a about five six a meaningful amount I mean instead of you know taking as H his inventory adding it to yours dropping both of them what do you need because normally what I've seen every other video do I've looked up in the last decade of playing this what they'll do is they'll pick up the items thems take it out of their followers inventory and then put it back on their own so they drop them all again which is efficient but not nearly as efficient after you have you know 20 30 40 because the longest part becomes dropping your stuff I'm sure there's a way around that to fix it but I haven't seen one I'm not going to really look into it whenever this way just feels more efficient anyway so I pick those up so those two are going to stop duplicating now he should have about you want to five okay yes four so yeah there's five total now so now we can drop all five what do you need okay got it okay head out head back in and there's all five I'm going to pick these up again I'm going to drop 10 out do you want I'm going to duplicate up to 30 pick up take all 30 drop those individually and then I'm just going to Pi do the the 10 I mean the 30 I'm just going to then do that um 30 of them 10 times that'll get me 300 because you only need about 280 to truly get maxed out smithing and the goal is to have this be below 30 minutes and so far we're we're looking good there's all 10 wrong button what do you need okay got it okay got it okay got it got all of them yep so back to the Stables back into white run what do you okay got it okay got it that should be 20 and now this should be 30 once I pick them up I will check his inventory cuz once in a while they will stop spawning so I might have 28 29 of them instead of 30 but it doesn't matter cuz we do it 11 times instead of 10 we'll still have more than enough what do you want me to carry and yes so you can see two gold ones did not properly respawn which isn't a big deal so I'm just going to go right back here and drop all of them again this will be the last time I want to drop them though and now we have our last drop there just got to have and pick all these up again okay and the what I'm going to do is if people end up liking these videos or if I pick up traction I used to have not that I had a lot I had a little bit though enough to have the motivation to upload I'll keep upgrading my stuff get a better mic better mouse and keyboard just overall get better at in general what do you need that's number one cuz with every other method I've seen you then have to pick up all those by hand take them from his inventory add them to yours drop 60 instead but instead we just have 30 more right there so the time you would spend dropping 60 you are instead just picking up 30 more what do you sure you're not exactly doubling it every time but I would rather you know get 30 every time and do 10 seconds worth of loading screens and stand there and drop 90 or pick up 90 individually drop 90 to get 180 and now here we are again back in the corner we have around 120ish this time what do you need okay okay okay okay got we heading out let's get going okay that's everything there so that's number three four I don't know doesn't matter yeah should be number four so this right here will be number five around 150 oh okay I'm right behind you that was weird don't wait there damn it anyway okay got it okay got it okay got it okay got it okay got it okay got it okay got it okay got it okay got it okay back out and right back in after this time we should have about 180ish now I'll check his inventory after he after uh I pick everything up though because the minimum you want to have is around 280 that's I believe how many it takes for you to [ย __ย ] get enough got okay we heading out what do you want me to carry I was wrong we much farther ahead than I thought we were okay so we going to do it like three more times we should be good and we're looking about right on time for 30 minutes probably closer to 38 39 or 28 29 though what do you need okay got it okay got okay got still need me to do something no I'll okay got y walk over there okay got okay got okay two more times now what do you need okay got it okay got it okay got it okay I really hope that my mouse and keyboard aren't super unbearable in the Audio I try to turn the mic down low so my voice should be picked up relatively well but hopefully the mouse and keyboard aren't picked up nearly as well I could be wrong that I probably am I'm still entirely brand new to whole recording with actual equipment I guess is the word what do you need and then this here should be the last time okay got okay got okay got okay got okay we heading out what do you want me to carry yep we have more than enough now so we we'll head out head back in and then if you plan on like Legend daring your smithing over and over again just to get a bunch of extra skill points you absolutely can uh what you could do to save time though or if not you can you just uh take all the ingots and diamonds from his inventory do you want me to car and you can drop them all there and have them pick them up so you always have you know 300 here so ever want to upgrade real quick you just walk back here have him pick him up walk out walk in and then you can take him from his inventory without having to you know drop 300 once more so now we make our way over here to the for uh jewelry and now we just sit here and we just grind the smithing away I know the mouth is low for sure I the Ender but no NOP so as you can see that is so much more efficient than making 12,000 iron daggers go here to your level up doesn't matter what you pick pick whatever you want I'm never using this character again this is just to show Max smithing so as you can see level 17 and my smithing is now maxed out in only 27 minutes from leaving Helgen if uh you like this video I found informative in any way feel free to like share to other people who might find it useful feel free to leave me some ways you think it be more efficient or to better improve it in the comments or ways that you think it's better and I'll try and if it's better then I'll take this one down with permission to upload the version that you say is better so here you go the most efficient way to get Scott uh smithing from 15 to 100 in just a few minutes I hope you enjoyed
Channel: Shork
Views: 298,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RSEpjfNNuv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 44sec (1664 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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