Skyrim: Top 5 Secret and Unique Weapons You May Have Missed in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim

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hey how's it going guys it's Nate here and Skyrim is a game that offers the player the chance to wield quite a fair variety of weapons from axes to bows to swords it seems there's a near Angelis number of options to choose from when it comes on deciding how to take out your phones in the Elder Scrolls 5 getting most any weapon is a fairly straightforward process so long as you're the appropriate level you just need to get lucky with some loot have enough gold work some crafting magic or complete the necessary quest to get that blade lower staff you've been hoping for that said Skyrim also boasts a handful of unique special weapons that acquiring isn't so easy or obvious some of these hidden items are incredibly overpowered others well not so much but I find the items themselves and the processes we go to acquire them to be incredibly fascinating either way so today without further ado we'll be taking a look at five secret unique weapons in the elderscrolls v skyrim starting off we have the glass bow of the stag Prince now the way we get this weapon is almost as unique and confusing as the object itself you see the bow of the stag Prince can only be found in the inventory of a dunmer merchant named fayliss sylvain famous himself is an enormous Lee shady character in his own right he can only be met during the hours of 12:00 and 6:00 a.m. at an abandoned location known as the ramshackle trading post on the island of solstein if you arrive on scene before or after those hours mister Sylvain can't be met it's strange when you are at his presence he dons an awkward mix of armors wearing a pail guards helmet and an ebony chest plate point is this guy's really weird anyway you're probably now thinking okay great he's emergent so I should just walk up to him and purchase the stag prints boat right well it's not so simple because Bethesda seems to have messed up when they were assigning this elf as AI packages and he will actually have the bow equipped when you meet him meaning it won't be for sale plus he's an essential NPC so the sole method to get this item is to unlock the perfect touch perk from the pickpocketing skill tree which lets you pickpocket equipped items and steal the bow from fail it's that way but once you've gone through that whole process the glass bow of the stag Prince will be yours and man is it worth it the base damage of the weapon is 16 just one point shy of the ebony bow plus it has the same incredibly fast fire rate of normal glass bows at 0.65 so overall this is a formidable shooter already but the G BSP also has a special and somewhat cryptic enchantment that cannot be ignored the description of it reads quote wielder receives an increasingly powerful blessing for every twenty animals killed by the BOA now you may notice Skyrim doesn't tell you what - that increasingly powerful blessing is exactly which is kind of a big deal well of looking at the game's files as well as just doing some general testing reveals that the blessing is a +5 boost to health and stamina when the bow is equipped for every 20 animals killed you'll earn another 5 points but it caps at 100 creatures slain so assuming you murder a hundred woodland critters to death with the bow you can get yourself up to 20 extra health and stamina points when you have it equipped which really is something for a bow typically we only see armors give those benefits furthermore the name stag Prince is an alias for hircine Daedric prince of the hunt so this bows name sort of translates to a glass bow of her seen and considering that it's enchantment relates to hunting plus the fact we find it on solstein setting two more wins Blood Moon DLC which her scene was the main antagonist of are all neat little references to this oh so spooky Daedric god anyway what are you waiting for you'll pick up his bow and get ready to please this divine being next on our list is not a bow but a blade specifically an axe to find this one you'll have to head over to halted stream camp a bandit stronghold just north of the city of Whiterun one of the many quirks about this cleaver is that it will spawn on one of the bandits here which bandit will have it is random so make sure after fighting your way through this place you check all of the corpses although more often than not it will spawn in the inventories of one of the bandits inside the cave itself once you've taken this special axe from the cold dead probably unwashed hands of a Raider she's all yours before we go any further I should warn you I never said all of the secret weapons featured in this video were particularly good weapons okay because this axe is kind of pathetic with a base damage of five it's put to shame by steel daggers the poachers axe does however come with a unique enchantment the Huntsman's prowess which allows it to do a whopping three extra points of damage against animals it's also worth noting that the axe is a swing speed of 1.3 making it swing just as quickly as most daggers considerably faster than normal axes but as mentioned you're probably just better off using a dagger at that point initially I found the poachers axe incredibly confusing it's an objectively bad blade but for whatever reason Bethesda decided to give it its own name enchantment and make it radiantly spawn in on a bandit however then I began to take a closer look at halted stream camp the place we find the cleaver to begin with and things then started to make more sense indeed the bandits at this place seem to be running a major ivory poaching operation all over the interior the skulls and tusks of mammoths can be found heck they've even got a slain one right in the center it would appear the tribe has been hunting the big furry elephants for their tusks and snouts all these bandits are illegal poachers hence the name poachers axe alas how on earth these people have been able to bring down mammoths with axes that deal 5 points of damage is a mystery I'm still very much trying to solve for myself coming in at number 3 this weapon is in fact among the first we get to feast our eyes upon in the entire game boasting its own unique model and texture I of course am talking about the headsman's ax technically speaking we get to see two of these in game of course the one mentioned that Heligan and the headsman's ax wielded by @r solitudes executioner as he's delivering justice - raagh veer however only the latter of the two is obtainable as the one in helghan just sort of disappears after the headsman is killed by Alda wind so to get the axe you'll have to take it from ATAR either by just killing him pickpocketing it or doing his radiant miscellaneous quest and clearing out a bandit fortress for him which will turn a tar into a potential follower and from there you can just make him trade the blade to you upon first inspection the headsman's ax doesn't seem like anything to write home about its face damage is fine at 17 making it about on par with the lower tier great swords and selling at a value of just fifteen gold which is honestly pretty pathetic seen as an iron battle ax goes for a little more than three times that at fifty that all said this object has one hidden advantage that makes it much more viable its range generally this is an overlooked stat the headsman's ax has a range of 1.5 the absolute highest in any weapon in the entire game so all you really need to do is walk backwards of it when facing an enemy swing this bad boy sporadically and you can make it out of almost any battle taking minimal damage additionally improving the ax that is smithy as well as just adding a few enchantments and getting the right perks can more than improve its damage to a much more reasonable degree and turn the blade into a very useful option in combat so what are you waiting for take guitars oversized cleaver and watch as bandits all across the globe come to fear the dragon board and your overly extended arms for fourth spot just west of cradle stone tower carved within a mountain a small trolls den can be found with one to two horrifying beasts inside who will be very hungry also within the den are the remains of their last few victims including the body of a nord fellow hilariously named froth near trolls bane in this unlucky adventurers inventory will be his unique Warhammer the trolls bane the trolls Bane is roughly identical in terms of stats to a normal steel Warhammer however has a special enchantment that enables the object to do 15 points of Boerne damage when used against trolls much like the poachers axe trolls Bane really isn't anything special in the combat Department what earns its spot here is the items ironic context with this noir - calling himself froth near trolls Bane and wielding an axe he named after himself the man likely fancied himself a great hunter of trolls perhaps he envisioned one day driving the creatures to extinction much like morrowind Saint Jeb did to the cliff racers but clearly whatever froth nears ambitions when attacking this den he must have just been off way more than he could chew and now the trolls are biting and chewing on froth near finally last on our list is a curved sword a curved sword yes I am speaking of windshear this yoku tonight can be found aboard the cat Araya the personal ship of emperor Titus me the second during the dark brotherhood quest hey Elsa this when we are ordered to sneak aboard the vessel and assassinate said Emperor witness here isn't just handed to us during this mission that would be too easy and then it wouldn't be a secret instead it's hidden cleverly jammed into the vessels bow spread a place very few players will come to on their own intuition unless you're trying to reenact a scene from the Titanic or something though for those who take the time to come up here and discover windshear have they not found an amazing new toy it at first similar to the headsman's ax doesn't seem to be all that special it bears the same appearance and base stats as a normal scimitar but it's again in the enchantments where this item begins to shine the game describes its enchantment as quote bash attacks made with this weapon have a chance of knocking enemies down what this means in game is that when you bash an opponent with the sword they'll briefly be paralyzed for 0.1 seconds which effectively just causes them to ragdoll briefly this is already good fun to see in action and we're quite a chuckle yet there's a second enchantment when she has that the game doesn't reveal in its description you see every single time you swipe a foe with windshear it has a 100% chance of causing them to stagger back this effectively means that so long as you keep swinging windshear at a single enemy they'll be staggered so often they'll never be able to respond and hit back pretty much guaranteeing you can never lose a one-on-one fight again with this blade equipped like the headsman's ax wind shears damage isn't amazing but we could also just take it to a grindstone and get the right perks to get that number higher and all of the sudden this sword becomes among the best options in the entire game think of the game's most difficult enemies Giants not a problem Mirek please evany warrior who saying when shear is overpowered would be quite an understatement suffice to say if you ever find yourself on another mission to kill Titus Mead definitely take the time to pick this Cutlass up you will not be sorry and that note will be where we end today's video 5 secret unique weapons in the Elder Scrolls v skyrim thanks for stopping by everybody which of these bows and blades did you find to be the most useful or was your own personal favorite and what special objects do you think I should explore next leave a comment down below as always like ratings are very much appreciated again thanks for watching and I hope to catch you all in my next video peace out everyone [Music]
Channel: TheEpicNate315
Views: 1,782,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, Elder Scrolls 5, Elder Scrolls, Skyrim Special Edition, TES 5, Skyrim Unique Items, Skyrim Secret Items, Skyrim Top 5, Skyrim Secrets, Skyrim Facts, Skyrim Lore, Elder Scrolls Lore, Skyrim Easter Eggs, Elder Scrolls Easter Eggs, Easter Eggs, Skyrim Tiny Details, Skyrim Mods
Id: 82EeZGYkIxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2019
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