Single Pilot IFR| Maintaining My Instrument Flying Skills

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all right boys girls welcome back to another video single pilot ifr i actually can't remember the last time i did it like because it's one thing instructing you know ifr stuff but it's another thing actually getting all the controls and and being proficient i did this kind of similar thing getting proficient with landings you want to see that video i'll link it in the corner of the video and it'll be in the description the client it's reporting 800 broken which is high enough to get in on the approach but low enough to put me in the clouds at the final approach fix which means that i can log these approaches for instrument currency but not about currency it's about proficiency of flying uh in the clouds in a single engine era plane on the standard six-pack instruments i'm gonna get out and i'm gonna go and pre-flight and i'll see you in the airplane flying a cessna no jokes today okay some people don't like that i make jokes all the time about cessna's so no jokes today okay [Music] let's go do some stuff clip i bet you're wondering louis what's the first thing you do on your pre-flight anytime you come to the airplane i sanitize the show to the cockpit because that comes off the controls actually mainly the trip but i suppose you could say that's that's a good thing because people are using trim but watch finance you know executive airport information lima one six five three zulu win zero zero at six visibility one zero ceiling eight hundred broken okay for clearance so we got lima the minimum change for the ils and the r nav to 391 so let's say 400 for that second grain sky 781 bravo golf with mission lima picking up uh i fought clearance scott 781 bravo golf on executive ground cleared the orlando executive airport has filed climate maintain 1 500 expect 2 000 100 minutes after departure departure frequency is one three five point three all right and squat four two one four all right clear to orlando executive as failed climb into one thousand five hundred feet expect two thousand ten minutes one three five point three four two one force for one goal just one dollar got three back four two one four i always wanna say silver wings i don't even work there anymore all right cool that's filed so even before we move i'm gonna get stuff set up here for the ils which is probably my first thing go procedure select approach ios7 we'll go full approach from ezrack we'll load it v-lock 109.99 i'll brief it now ios runway seven into orlando executive one zero nine nine is set in let's uh id done cool so uh we've got an approach cost of zero seven three that's set in runway landing is uh five thousand seven hundred and four feet touchdown zone elevation is 109. we got the weather uh we've got our approach frequency will be on with tower maybe 2000 at ezrac which is 12.2 dme uh six dma is denmark which is a final approach fix uh but of course the final approach picks on an ils is uh glideslope intercept that's uh 6dma will be 2 000. then what descent down to the northern minimum of 391 and we've got plenty of visibility so we're legal to shoot the approach this approach will be either instructions or publish i feel like this is going to be a little bit more of a serious video not that my videos aren't serious all right because we're always progressing with students but i'm on my own single pilot ifr in conditions that i've not been in for a while in a single engine aircraft he's gonna give me zero five five on departure 1500 feet we'll set the timer make sure we're following everything through the t we've got everything set up the way that we want it set up everything's identified everything's good to go ils wise we've already got the weather information lima 800 broken uh other than that though the weather is quite nice the winds are fairly light skyhawk 1 golf wins zero five zero at eight turn left heading zero five five runway seven cliff take off left heading zero five five cliff tick off runway seven seven eight one bravo golf now we are clear on final we've got zero five five there headings match zero five five on here time is going heals to the floor let's roll all right power's set air sp airspeed's alive all my engine instruments are in the green waiting for 55 she wants to fly already rotate welcome to the sky zero five five contact orlando departure zero five five already departure 71 program see you soon lana departure it's got a 781 bravo golf climbing through 800 for 1500 zero five five seventy one bravo golf our lander departure radar contact maintain two thousand c intentions maintain two thousand uh just a couple of approaches to exec ils and then the the iron off for one private gulf number one proper golf roger you can expect that advice and you have information mike altimeter two nine or nine or niner pick up michael condition ceiling eight hundred broken seven eight one probably turn left hitting all right we're getting in the clouds so i'm immediately going onto my instruments not that i've not been [Music] 37 after the completion of your touch and go fly runway heading maintain 1 500 and return to this frequency runway heading 1 500 back occurred to you on this frequency one i'm making a crucial mistake i've got my my pad down here that i'm writing on something so it's throwing me off so now i'm gonna put all my trust in my instruments the climb check all good i was looking good 71 bravo golf turn left hitting three three zero three three zero seven one bro golf we have information mike standing right turn leveling off two thousand here we go let it accelerate just a touch three three zero now we're cruising it out three three zero two thousand you can't see a thing outside very very disorienting when you've not done this for a long time i'm fighting body signals all over the place here i'm expecting a left turn shortly and we're getting some actual imc time in a single engine aircraft for the first time in a while over 71 bravo golf turn left hitting two seven zero two seven zero seven one pro golf there we go left two seven zero clear left as far as the eye can see which is in fact because of these quotes we've been flying for six minutes 36 seconds we're already up at our final altitude of 2000 so if anything goes wrong we stay here and we filed a filed uh fly the failed route in this case because we're only being given a vector here on two seven zero so we can't get on the approach on two seven zero so i'd have to fly to ezrak which i can do and shoot the approach from azraq and that's that's where i filed to activate the approach just so i've got some situational awareness as to where ezrack actually is which is just over there which is good now i can fully get the feeling of what otto's been going through since we've been doing instrument training he passed his instrument check ride by the way congratulations to the to the otto kick every time i was in instrument training and doing instrument training flights way back when i would always go home and want to take a long nap because it's so like saw taxing on the brain we've got a little bit of a gap here trying to see around see where i am you can probably see on my screen i've got 391 and 4 000 written in there in red not very neatly but that's my new minimum so those are the norton minimums for the approach now all right so while we've got a little bit of down time kind of always try and keep something going here we do a pre-landing we got the this approach briefly has been completed we did that on the ground a couple of items look back up seat belts are on make sure we'll go full rich landing light can go on fuel sections both flaps has required approach speed between 16 and 70. 71 bravo i'm trying left hitting one eight zero one eight zero seventy one logo between final approach and uh and when i go visual i want to be around 90 to 100 knots nice descent rate about five just under 500 feet per minute is usually what gives you i'll keep you on the glide slope on this particular approach near my 71 bravo turn left hitting zero seven [Applause] the ios 7 over to tower 71 golf all right so we've intercepted the final approach uh course we're a little bit left so i'm going to go right an executive telescope 71 rival golf for ils 7. shot 71 bravo golf on his entire windsor maintain 1 500. all right clear touch and go number one on runway seven zero five five one thousand five hundred on uh on the go nice small corrections we are 2.6 from denmark which is the final approach fix i'm waiting for my glideslope to come in keeping this centered as best i can so this becomes a huge part of the scan now it wasn't before it is now because that's what we want what we're trying to keep for this this approach one dot above or within the white arc or sorry within uh vfe i'm going to bring that first notch flaps in and glide slope intercept is there so now i'm going to give myself a 18 1900 give myself a roller trim down there we go 9200 knots or so and just maintain all this so i've got my crosshairs here which is what i'm aiming to keep my minimum is 391 just trying to keep the the crosshairs right here right where it is i'm where i want to be between 1900 knots maybe just reduce a little bit of power my rpms went up slightly it's just a slightly high slightly left directing back on it back to a heading that works for me i'm gonna keep my crosshairs nice coordination slightly high better descent rate kind of pitching for my glide slope it localizes where i want it a little bit choppy i did take a sneak peek outside i did see a little bit of downtown which i'm starting to see more and more of the ground at the moment which is actually quite relieving to be honest with you slightly high on the glide there we go got my crosshairs eight uh 9200 knots within a thousand feet of uh decision altitude back into a cloud taking a quick look up still don't have the runway coming down 1100 feet and we'll say 400 instead of 391 we'll keep a higher minimum and i'm looking up i've got the runway in sight i'm still going to maintain the ils but we are visual at this point get all my other flaps in there and see if we can land this thing well right in my opinion i'm fine i'm not worried about this now i've got my eyes on the runway so i don't really care about this but i will aim to land as close to the thousand foot markers as possible blow it down get it closer to 60. there you go that she's 60. i was idle rotter control 55 rotate welcome back to discover executive television departure ident climate maintain 2071 bravo golf radar contact one mile east of executive fly hitting three six zero vectors for arnov runway seven three six zero vectors for the iron offset and it will be a full start formula probably do a very very similar approach to what we just did but it's really good practice that was good that was good i enjoyed that i enjoyed that fifteen hundred for two thousand let's see well this briefing goes in imc so the trick trend left hitting three three zero three two zero one more golf same stuff as before completely basically the same approach all right so we're doing the r runway seven at all under executive we've got a wasp gps so it's gonna be an lpv approach zero seven three is the approach course we're gonna hit gps this is a gps approach so we're not on v-lock anymore as i try my best to maintain some sort of spatial orientation here three three zero two thousand looking good everything's looking fine uh we got a runway landing of five thousand uh seven hundred and four feet plenty of runway touchdowns only the version is one or nine zero contact approach on one niner point four good day two seven zero and over to approach 119.4 thanks for helping gonna continue the briefing here on two five zero get yourself stabilized lewis stabilize cool uh 2000 demo then we descend down on the uh the lpv on the glide slope which should have us clear uh swelter which is 2.8 uh nautical miles um at 10 20. so i'll make sure that we're uh we're adhering to that as well even though we're going to get the glide slope uh 300 191 is the decision altitude 4000 rvr we know we've got that the missed approach is going to be the published so this is going to be exactly like the ils like i've said i was supposed to fly with one of my private students today but of course because of this we have to cancel so it's a perfect opportunity to get up here and place your 522 do some instrument practice and if you fix it for more than a couple of seconds you're off on something else got to keep your eyes moving in this thing and i'm actually enjoying flying the cessna it's also a bit of a different story if you're sat in that seat and kind of looking across as well that could be a little bit disorienting so go ahead 71 broward turn around left hitting warning zero 1801 golf as we're doing it we'll go through the pre-landing checklist mixture rich landing light coming on and you'll see the fuel selector is on both seat belts flaps is required skyhawk 781 bravo car pop off from denmark turn left heading 0-9-0 maintain 2 000 establish on the final approach course cleared our nav runway seven approach all right zero nine zero maintain two thousand until established cliff the on up seven approach anyone who will go so we're gonna activate thanks to the final because he's giving his vectors towards then more instead of taking this right so zero zero uh we're on gps we got lpv so we know he's gonna act like an ils everything's set up as we need it to just slightly lower correct that idiot and we're just waiting for the uh the course to come in and it's gonna act exactly like the ils we'll hold eastbound zero nine zero until established we've got tower on standby so we are ready to go for the approach everything's done i'm just worrying about the approach now exactly telescope 71 bravo golfing burnout and i've said full stop number 71 bravo golf will land his retirement win zero three zero seven number one running seven clear the land one departure friday robbie king here hi roger i wanna patch prior to rival and uh number one clearly it's really seven eight one run so we've intercepted the course we're just waiting for denmark four miles from denmark same thing like one dot above maybe within one mile i'm gonna start configuring for that one flaps and then uh slowing the plane down ninety two hundred knots all the way down [Applause] 1100 hi roger thanks i'll give you a report as well appreciate it glideslope is alive always moving your eyes always moving the eyes 2000 i don't know why i've gone to austria 1.1 1.6 1.1 mile or one dot above i'm gonna start slowing it down within the white r oh sorry below vfe stop saying that the glide slope has intercepted zero seven zero five minutes no high no low between 1900 knots pitching for glide power is where i want it a little bit off to her to the right correcting looks like clouds breaking up here 12 is 1.6 and the minimum we'll say 400 again is the minimum so we're coming up to a thousand feet above 9 200 knots quite slow looking good 0.7 to swelter basically about 1200 i'd say i've got the runway in sight probably not quite just below the base at the moment slightly right now one brother i've got the base about twelve hundred don't worry about it point two to swelter need to be 10 20 at swelter the swelter 10 20 bang on the money 9 200 knots i got the runway in sight so technically i'm visual at this point beautiful viewer downtown what a beautiful day for ifr flying [Music] [Music] left wheel right wheel nose wheel [Music] that's good cool i'm very pleased with that [Music] you
Channel: LewDix Aviation
Views: 33,250
Rating: 4.9863014 out of 5
Keywords: Flying, Flight, Pilot, Aviation, Cockpit, Takeoff, Landing, Flight Training, CFI, Student Pilot
Id: vgs92-PC9vk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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