Instrument Approach Doesn't Go As Planned

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to the airport make a left-hand turn heading 3-6-0 it's uh national dudes [Music] orlando executive airport s5 climbing 21 500 2 000 100 minutes after departure departure frequency is one three five point three squat four two two seven playered orlando as filed climb maintain one thousand five hundred expect two thousand one zero minutes after frequency one three five point three is walking four two two seven perfect that's perfect hi boys and girls welcome back to another video welcome to the cockpit of 670 mike alpha in another boat today you've never seen this this beautiful compadre over here young bob hoover yeah we're gonna do an inverted ils today wait what yeah oh what is conrad uh how many hours you go uh mid 80s yeah he flies like he's in the mid 3000s we're going to go out do uh we did some theoretically work last time out and we're going to do our damn approach and if you see me followed by a a miss to a hold we'll see how it goes yeah third lesson this is what i'm getting thrown at yeah yeah it's like forget the first of where i did good let's record it now yeah yeah exactly yeah yeah how to fly 172. don't yeah right you're on the wrong plane yeah cherokee's that way buddy so i i usually like to set it up and then brief it but we'll set it up as we breathe so first thing that you're going to brief is what approach we're doing it's just very offended kissimmee next thing is your frequencies that you're going to need so navigation frequency is one yeah one one two two exactly so there you go and then we've also got it on nav two so because we can set that up for the mist if we need to what do you do every time you tune your frequency uh to identify do it for today's purpose we try and intercept the 227 and uh track it towards jc and then point five from gtc turn it 90 degrees exactly how much you're twisting this and 10 degrees exactly and then just keep intercept intercepting it maintaining 28 dm arc right so as you're doing the dm out you're gonna come in and you're waiting until you get to this zero to zero inbound which is the two zero zero radial because it's this side of uh the side of orlando and just intercept it take it inbound and then it's uh 21 dme we're gonna start uh the the descent because that's the final approach fix that's where we descend down to the minimum of 640 as simple as that and then you brief the mist so he all right but even though he said uh we're gonna expect 2 000 yeah that altitude is 2200 are we going to just get another climb you're expecting or probably get another climb maybe maybe we'll see hold on i need your cfi skills again yeah all right airspeed's alive the instruments are in the green very cool [Music] there we go baby welcome to the sky welcome to the smooth this take off my controls your controller throw the hold off throw it on straight away that's okay it's got the memories around my counter heading zero five five contact alarm for the day so if i thought departure set my confidence departure skyhawk zero mike alpha climbing through one thousand for one thousand five hundred heading zero five five three six seven joe mike orlando thanks for the contact climate two thousand five maintain two thousand six seven jeremiah let's say real question uh for zero mike would like to uh do the uh vodami alpha into kissimmee on the uh radio to ghc and then followed by the published miss still [Music] hold two thousand departure frequency one one nine point four on the mist we'll fly heading two seven zero up to two thousand one one nine point four one percent on my goal you're six a one alpha november orlando i think five ten switching frequencies like that thank [Music] 3 000 over to 119.40 perfect brother take the hot off oh yeah that's why let's do it orlando approach cessna 670 mike alpha climbing uh 2200 to three thousand heading two seven zero remember six tim zero mike california approach roger are you are you requesting vectors to file or do you want to do the full approach i would like to intercept the 227 radial to ghc and fly the arc for the xero golfer there's zero mike alpha roger and okay i'll have that for you momentarily cherokee picture so this is where it's really important to keep those eyes moving one two four point four five nine by nine eight eight six kilo oh there's a little thermal yeah we finally got about 550 minutes finally finally holy cow all righty here we go cool three thousand two seven zero there was no issue in the clouds it was all nice the problem man like foggles can only do so much absolutely it's not the real real experience there are six seven zero mike alpha turn left heading one niner zero enjoying the orlando two two seven radio outbound jiu jitsu and intercept the arc left one nine zero to intercept the two two seven radial the jitsies perfect there we go nimc the only time you want florida whether to like be cloudy yeah obviously yeah exactly you spent your private trying to avoid it and then you try to get into it you can see on this that we're kind of on a good heading to intercept it i was wondering when it was going to start coming along i don't know so yeah definitely i'm going to get the pro plus there so i can see it yeah it's good situational awareness absolutely it helps you out a lot and then we're going gonna mark it around it says uh 2200 on the ark so technically when we're cleared we could descend to 2200 feet but we don't have to wait for him to say descend or anything no just whenever when he clears us he might give us a descent he might say okay descent maintain whatever but if he doesn't then he keeps us at three and he clears us for the approach that's when we can start going by what's on the approach ah okay because he's gonna expect that exactly all right so it's starting number four mike mike turn left heading two eight zero for traffic of course because we went we went left so we'll just have to reintercept right right that's all right that stuff's going to happen you know it's the first time we're doing it but it's going to happen it's going to happen yeah right i see it swinging i'm like yeah let me go yeah right right exactly yeah i don't know yeah he didn't have a good baseline of vr work did we skyhawk 670 mike alpha reduce your slowest practical speed please you're uh number three on the approach reduced speed jeremiah thank you we're coming back in nice and slowly back to 227. it's gonna be even slower that's the problem with this stuff man it's like you're like you're dumb like me and blow past it you know it makes it worse oh yeah it's intercepted to go left yeah right at me next time of course so we're coming up 19.5 at 27.5 is when we're gonna make that turn 90 degrees from two to seven what what or what oh what that is so it's a one three seven we said the other day what are we saying for one three seven for the 90 degree turn to the left oh oh number one three seven right right right twist keep going hold it see what the dmv is doing maintain 28 dme [Music] twist 10 turn 10 twist ten turn ten all the way around to our desired radial yeah also expect the brd alpha approaching kissimmee circle runway one five twenty four point three four four twenty i guess it would make sense when we're getting close to 27.5 and swing that heavy bug over here yes absolutely okay all right so we're at 27.3 so i'm gonna swing that over one three right there and 27.5 we're gonna start to turn here let's do it now it becomes getting to that heading twist the uh the obs as well on the vehicle while we wait till we get there right oh you can do it now oh yeah yeah right there twist ten now you're gonna go on 90 137 maintaining 3000 if you can and then literally use your dme make sure you're maintaining 28 dme and wait for this to center twist 10 turn 10 simple as that quest 10 turn 10 yeah right there so there's your bass line and you can hear i file's all about getting something holding it see what it does for you seeing what it does exactly it's got you on 28dme you can see by this you're angled just a little bit into the into the arc okay and turn it out just a little bit seven zero mike up i need to uh break you off the arc for uh the sequence to the airport make a left hand turn heading three six zero left turn three six zero zero [Applause] mike mike turn right heading three five i think so 12 o'clock and a mile southbound out the dude indicates 3 400. uh we got the trafficking site so is there a microphone for 2360 we'll actually cancel before you make it easy on you go back to exactly oh okay zero mike or roger heading three six zero veterans for executive sevens in use do you have an approach request uh we'll just uh go and do the visual for uh michael there's zero mike alpha roger start the visual runway seven advice please when you pick up ada's [Music] so let's take the positives out of this lewis we intercepted the 227 right you kind of had some situational awareness you knew what was going on with the setup for the approach right um as simple as that right all the way around to the uh to the inbound course it's it's as simple as that okay uh that's all right we'll take you back here mike trolls while you drink your controls right yeah exactly there you go i approach uh six times for information golf maintain 3 000 and did you want to do the arc or just vector the final it's uh national dude seriously jesus christ you sounded so surprised when you said we're going to cancel yeah i don't know it was like oh you will actually counsel before you make it easy go back to exactly [Applause] that was good you had some situational awareness we intercepted it we got on the ark for like two seconds and then we're fine right right that's all right you've got a good understanding of it so i suggest next time we come out and we do maybe several approaches into exec maybe ils well localized we'll council go vfr for zero demigod if our cancellation is received and just maintain vfr you can stay on the current code and proceed to executive output your discretion oh yeah yeah all right get out my magazine [Music] to be honest with you [Music] you
Channel: LewDix Aviation
Views: 15,410
Rating: 4.9647264 out of 5
Keywords: Flying, Flight, Pilot, Aviation, Cockpit, Takeoff, Landing, Flight Training, CFI, Student Pilot
Id: Lsyls0ob05I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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