Since when was there a panda in Dracula (Vampire Survivors)

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we're back playing Vampire survivors um if you're watching on YouTube I just need to tell you I'm a little bit under the weather I'm going to try to keep my voice at a restrained level today it might sound like you know when they play a trumpet and it goes like and then they played a trumpet with a mute on it and it goes like I may sound permanently for today diminished okay it's not like I've I've just got a little congestion up at the nasopharyngeal area Start Me Up we're gonna we need to do better today I let's give me Antonio and place me on the library I think I can win today Rumble verse season two announced MMR will be fixed fool me once shame on me fool me twice shame on we We Won't Get Fooled Again okay let me get the cross this time there's no sound you know what that makes sense I was wondering why nobody was pogging up about the music how about that is that better Dan already delayed his Persona 5 sponsored stream to go pick up a seven dollar Harry Potter Lego set dude it's so good it's he's doing that hey listen who needs to do your job to make money when you could start making money with the 10 to 100 000 challenge flipping stuff from garage sales on the Facebook Facebook Marketplace it is funny though I told him if you wanna I told him there was a foolproof way to get a hundred thousand dollars he said how I said start with three and a half million dollars and buy Peloton stock at the peak it is lit it's literally down like 96 or something like that so I did it was just a quick back of the napkin calculation but that's a that's a riff on a classic old um wait wait does candelabrador work with um uh with the cross it works with ax okay in that case I'm going to take Santa water I'm taking all weapons no pellets on today no listen to me and look at me no physician on Earth would be like you know what your body needs right now is like a 30 minute high intensity interval training ride is what a stupid question are you crazy I would you're not a doctor obviously you're here in twitch chat or maybe you I honestly maybe that's why I can't get an appointment at the doctors because they're all [ __ ] posting non-stop I would say so there's an Isaac episode is going to go up you know today or tomorrow I got like legitimately mad at my mom and it was not her fault at all but when she was here we were talking about like you know how the medical system has changed and she said like when she grew up in the basically like the early 70s if you were sick your mom called the doctor and the doctor came to your house to do an actual house call now keep in mind this is like two months after while I was like nearly dying I still couldn't get any relevant medical attention at all even sometimes when I would go I would bring myself to the hospital and be like hey Doc look at my damn leg the doctor would be like yeah I don't know you seem like a young guy you seem pretty healthy we're just gonna like wait and see with this one you're gonna you're gonna wait and see like uh my freaking eulogy at this point but anyway I I got mad at her and she understood that it wasn't her fault and I wasn't actually like mad at her on a personal level but I was like what happened we used to be a proper country you used to have a cold yo we can see the synergies now look at this you used to have a cold you would call a doctor they would drive to your [ __ ] house and be like yep that's a cold I don't know eat some soup or something like that nowadays you could be dying and your doctor won't even see you like you drive to the doctor's office and they're like what the hell are you doing here get out of here it's crazy now you gotta you gotta fight with the doctor just to be like no I promise I'm really sick I'm actually sick anyway I would love to know your thoughts on this what do you think of Fisher random oh chess chess I think it's such a quaint game I used to love it when I was a little bit more simple-minded but then I found the the limitations just sort of started to chafe at me a little bit a fixed eight by eight grid symmetrical positions equal odds for both sides now I play uh ebony online a game with a little bit more complexity more befitting an intellect of my stature so pedestrian no fog of War when Magnus Carlson came to me whether it's uh London systems that become drowish gambits that don't work or accusations so that of a libelist nature foreign for uh Dom keeper if I'd asked him to get on his knees and beg he would not have done it he would not have excuse me here sorry raising my voice a little bit just raising my voice and I can tell the tea is already it's it's still too hot there's nothing already about it but it's still too hot yeah there's only 10 to the power of 40 possible permutations I love the like the the zez when Elon Musk tweet the chess is too simple for him essentially but I love I saw like a tweet because I follow some chess people that was like this is one of the most insane um statements I've ever seen there's actually like the dumbest people on Earth are so convinced that they're smart and I'm not actually talking about Elon in this case I'm talking about the people who for whatever reason are like nothing he says could ever be wrong give me spinach there are people that are like there's only actually elon's right chess is so simple there's only 20 possible opening moves and 20 possible responses okay now first off that's a [ __ ] lot that's like 4 000 possible positions at the end of move one why don't you do move two now [ __ ] why don't you follow that sequence down the line and tell me when you start to get into like the billions of possible uh board States sorry 400 not 4 000. I'm sick you can't judge me be a duplicator man that's right what is like move move six there's like a billion possible board States or something probably not maybe it's like move ten but still the 400 is still a lot maybe you ever played like Civilization there's like four possible move States at the start of the game you're like am I going agriculture am I going masonry am I going Pottery or am I going Faith am I going Stonehenge or am I going uh the the Great Pyramids of Ibiza especially with the Brave New World expansion so true helped foreign I did like though when he said that Gary Kasparov isn't as good at chess as his iPhone I thought that was kind of like a sick own but then also like very few of us are good at are as good at many things as our iPhones are like you could be like the best person at uh you know arithmetic in the world your iPhone's still gonna like kick your ass you're better at walking I mean for now have you seen what Boston Dynamics is up to I'll tell you straight if somebody walked if I was walking on the street and somebody came up to me and then like full stomp kicked me in the solar plexus I would not merely stumble I think that I would fall foreign I believe I would fall over I can stay awake for more than 24 hours yeah because you're not doing anything your iPhone could have 24 hours of battery life too if it was just like sitting there like a sack of potatoes it was actually like you know using its processing power then yeah of course it's gonna get tired no disrespect or whatever [Laughter] by the way I've been long been a proponent of the idea that you can't have [ __ ] in Vancouver uh exhibit Z was us getting our barbecue covers stolen from our patio not the barbecue itself but just the cover stolen from our patio we got the guy on security footage I'm telling you if I ever see him it's it's on site if I ever see a Coleman barbecue cover out at Oppenheimer Park there's going to be words exchanged even though I already bought a new one they unveiled a pizza delivery uh robot so it's like a little robot um it's basically like a an autonomous I don't know how to describe it it's like a little cart that goes on the sidewalk that you shove a pizza into and it delivers it to its location um I'm amazed that it has not been stolen yet like it's or at least like you know robbed is stunning to me that it uh I've I've not seen a news story that's like absolute like idiot said Pizza Hut didn't anticipate this happening but check it out it it it actually it's been like a month and I don't think there's been a single uh an incident of violence towards the Pizza Hut robot which is kind of amazing okay ax works with candelabra I think we want ax here just in general we can get candelabra later I mean you don't have to be like a huge [ __ ] to vandalize a pizza delivery robot from Pizza Hut you could literally just be like 12 years old I was not a bad kid but like if me and my friends in seventh grade had no Witnesses in the pizza delivery robot like drove by us we probably would have at least tipped it over or like flipped at 180 or something like that just to see what happens foreign yeah they like throw it into the throw it into English Bay or something like that duplicate me bro that's not being a bad kid you ever seen Maury nobody on Mori is like I hate my mom Maury she doesn't let me throw the pizza delivery robot into the river everyone on Mori is like you know I hate my mom she won't let me smoke crack in my bedroom and you're like oh my God how did it get to this point then you go to the playground and you see the laissez-faire attitude that a lot of parents have towards their kids and you're like you know what I can see how that happens first they're pretending to be asleep on the slide so that like nobody else can go down it then they're pushing other kids over and then you know fifth grade they're like it's time for my crack Arc I'm such a crack pill drug cell mom it's not a phase anyway this is a little Macabre would love to know your thoughts on this I'm sick I can't be judged for what I'm saying my brain is diffused with mucus right now when was your crack Arc honestly here's the scary thing it hasn't happened yet so it must be on the horizon right I mean if you ever see vh1s Behind the Music like everyone has a crack Arc doesn't this work with no it's Hollow hard works with the whip okay okay go fire one yeah maybe when we run out of ideas one day we'll do a just chatting stream where we get addicted to like hard drugs I'm just kidding that honestly like I think that that era has passed if it was ever going to exist in the first place now I'm like you know have I I've told you the the streamer paradigm how it's like when you when you stream long enough you basically choose whether you're gonna become germa and start to be ambitious or quiet quit I made the choice at some point I think to quiet quit because doing ambitious content like getting addicted to hardcore narcotics it just it honestly it seems like a lot of work I could just be here like playing Vampire survivors instead like that's pretty easy we want it we want it we want it we want it it's too much work man you made that choice when you played after birth Plus for three years that was the hardest I've ever worked in my entire life when they removed all the damage upgrades from the game as a joke I'm out here having to say I'm not mad at the game I promise I don't hate the game I just want a damage upgrade please just give me a damage upgrade I beg you Cool Whip look at that we're melting them feels good man no damage Arc was good I'm glad it's behind me hopefully although I recorded three Isaac episodes yesterday and uh let me just say the rumors of good items being added to uh Isaac is uh greatly exaggerated what the heck is The Adams Family stand account okay lore Masters can I can we get some explanations here there's three or four months ago okay the um the trailer for The Monsters directed by Rob Zombie came out and I said it was pure ass it was so pure ass that it made me want to create a a Twitter account that was called like Adam's Family Stan accounts and just tweet shade at everything and anybody tweeting about the Monsters Just tweet them and say like Adams is stay winning yet another common monsters L etc etc um and then a member of the community did that but then they've also blossomed into like an all-time great [ __ ] posting plus like fan edited YouTube content account like it's just it that's why we support original derivative content here what people every time you minus two a bit you prevent the growth of something like the library of laterno right I hope you realize that now a lot of people minus to The Adams Family stay on account bid they said that's stupid it's too close to real life guess what you would have you you would have stepped on this Little Seedling you would have fried it with a magnifying glass before it had the chance to grow into a beautiful oak tree BRB making my McDonald's Sprite gimmick account right now okay but none of you [ __ ] who make these accounts better like become white supremacists or anything like that it's going to reflect really badly on me they started as a northern lion fan edited YouTube channel and now they're doing interviews uh on like banned websites do not do this okay I mean for the obvious reason but also for the less obvious reason that it would reflect poorly on me do not become stop asking me about where squeaks was on January 6th I told you he was in Washington DC it was me squeaks and Ariel pink in a hotel room okay but we weren't at the riots okay we were just there to sample some of the culture and then things got like really like scary so we just went back to the hotel room we just happen to be there at the wrong time okay dude honestly I I had the chance to watch squeaks play a little Resident Evil 2 remake last night I hope you guys appreciate squeaks because he like does all these horror game streams he's genuinely he gets so scared like whenever anything like startles him he go he screams and then he pauses the game and goes I can't do this I can't do this he gets so scared every single time and yet he keeps playing the game I don't think I would ever like after one embarrassing stream like that I would never play a horror game ever again I uh I take myself too seriously yeah and he keeps saying why is it so loud like every time he gets scared he goes to the options menu the options menu and he goes why is it so it's not scary it's just loud it's great stuff hey what do I want here can I have some help can I skip can I increase my luck for it no nothing unfortunately it's still too hot man we got out day it's too insulated man we gotta make these teacups less insulated I poured it 37 minutes ago hold on I gotta mute for a second do I have some tissue in my Bobby Cannavale nah you're good all right thank you thank you it's too hot I can't breathe something about it stinks the water doesn't stink dude it's crazy how um Tim Robinson has like sous vide himself in the cultural consciousness everybody's posting I think you should leave gifts now Dean Norris searching I think you should leave now gifts uh the old man from the focus group sketch is doing a cameo in Ant-Man which means we've officially crossed the bat chest threshold on I think we should leave or I think you should leave so is Bill Murray yes that's true so is Bill Murray but I'm not gonna hold that against them please stop asking me about the Vancouver Canucks at this point honestly losing is more exciting than winning I hope we never win another game Santa water keep that streak going we're like two losses away from tying a modern record for the worst start to a season and then the only if we get two straight losses the only team above us is like one of those uh it's like the 1917 Montreal Maroons or something like that it's like back in the day where you could just steal the best player from another team by going like you know here's fifty dollars and like a clean bed like we're not comparing things to the modern day anymore if we get two straight losses remember the sadines how could I forget best moment of the Canucks decade sadine's last home game Daniel Sedin wins it in overtime with a goal assisted by Henrik that that's a that's a movie moment right there yeah we're we're only like a week away from competing with teams where it was like half the team was killed by the Spanish flu so like that's how our season has started so far by the way like we were projected to be like um a borderline playoff team like we weren't projected to be very good but we were projected to be demonstrably not bad and now we're competing with teams where it's like the captain passed away in a trench in the first World War so it's it's been a bit of a shock to this to say the least at the start of the Season here fire one please no I'm not gonna throw anything onto the ice I don't want it like first off it's just entertainment secondly like I don't want to make trouble for like the cleanup crew I just think it's very selfish to be like you know it's not a huge deal but I don't want that that poor guy in the team jacket to have to skate out onto the ice and use a shovel to pick up my jersey like that's I'm not the main character delay the game for like uh you know 45 seconds for 20 000 people in the audience like that's not me but I will say like I've been laughing at some of the takes that are like I can't believe someone would just go throw a 300 Jersey onto the ice that's that's good money that's three hundred dollars listen I don't know if you're like uh Commerce pilled the thing is only worth 300 until you pay for it as soon as you pay for it that [ __ ] is worth like 25 at a garage sale nobody wants your your worn eight-year-old Jersey that you've been spilling beers on for like almost an entire decade it's the team store can sell it for three hundred dollars you're actually only throwing like the price of like uh a Burger King two can dine coupon onto the ice okay only the store can get away with valuing it at 300 bucks because that's what people will pay for it as a captive audience if I I'm telling you though I hope my wife is not listening right now if we get to the point where we're throwing jerseys on the ice the first one that's going on the ice is her 2014 2015 random verbata jersey number 17. wasn't a complete disaster for the Canucks but that's a jersey that I don't have that much attachment to the besser Jersey I would never the sadine jerseys no chance the verbata Jersey can go first but I gotta tell you right now I am feeling pretty good about the fact that I I didn't uh get any names stitched onto the back of my black skate jersey yet I thought I thought about getting some names stitched on it but then I was like you know what let's wait until the team has some level of success and then um then I'll get someone's name stitched on it and it seems like we might be um trading the entire team away so I'm glad I didn't sink any extra money into that Jersey just yet did you meet JT Miller at a pumpkin patch recently okay so here's the joke JT Miller a Canucks player someone on the Canucks subreddit said I work at a pumpkin patch and it's gone too far people at the pumpkin patch were heckling JT Miller to his face with his kids like in the his kids were there too and I as I saw this post before the controversy happened and I was like that seems like something that did not happen then I went into the person's Reddit profile because I'm a psycho like that and I've got a lot of practice from doing it on my own subreddit and then I scrolled down and there were photos of this guy he's like a teenager and he's he's at a pumpkin patch like two or three weeks ago he posted like hey check it out look at all these Canucks players that came to my pumpkin patch and he's got selfies with like Curtis Lazar and Tanner Pearson and stuff like that and I was like oh [ __ ] this is real then yesterday they asked JT Miller of the pumpkin patch story was real because you know we live in a psychotic media market and he said he said I was not at a pumpkin patch this weekend that's not real I was like what the I I'm honestly I think I'm a pumpkin patch truther I think he was at the pumpkin patch but he doesn't want people to know that he was ridiculed in public which is fair so he's just denies that it happened but I like looking in the op's posts I don't think that he made it up it seems like something that is made up but the story kind of tracks because he's got you know independent photos of him with Canucks players working at the damn pumpkin patch I don't know it's I would love to know your thoughts on this I don't know I don't know okay this is what when your sports team sucks this is what you gotta do I'm I don't even I'm not gonna watch the games like until we start winning again instead I'm just gonna post every day about you know my evidence for pumpkin patch truth surely there's got to be security footage from the pumpkin patch that we could use to verify these claims although I will say we do we have tickets for the November 1st Devils at Canucks game increasingly it's becoming clear to me that I may be present for my team's first uh victory of the Season which I did not expect to happen um a weekend in November or maybe we'll still lose that game as well who knows it's possible who are we I keep getting these I mean I apologize this is like two sports pill I keep getting these like insulting emails from the Canucks organization that are like Act Fast tickets are limited for uh penguins that Canucks this Friday and I'm like they can't be that limited or you wouldn't be emailing me like how stupid do you think I am I followed the team if the tickets were limited you wouldn't be sending me an email you would be sending me an email that's like uh oh sorry they're all sold out anyway that's hockey it's not that serious it's just Sports at the end of the day no big deal [Music] okay be honest with me Chad we're winning this one right like look at the look at the resources we got we're walking the door we're about to get an upgraded ax that's the last thing we need but in like a good way it's literally you know people say that's the last thing we need this is the last thing on the grocery list that's the last thing we need I would say it's 50 50. really if you say so oh dude the orbs that attract orb is feeling good did you have your coffee today uh it's a day that ends with why so yes [Laughter] what a silly question of course I have my coffee today look at this man don't get cocky you died at 29.59 yesterday wrong I died at 29.55 yesterday okay there's a there's a subtle and mostly semantic difference oh it's 29 30. okay never mind my mistake boy I sure hope somebody got fired for that blunder what the hell is this Frank Ocean's [ __ ] ring yep okay thank you dude being sick is so fun you can literally say whatever you want and not be criticized me tomorrow I'd like to apologize for my statements on stream yesterday I understand that having the common cold doesn't excuse some of the [ __ ] up [ __ ] that I said I'd like to apologize to my sponsors and my family [Laughter] I'd like to apologize for the messed up things I said to the chatter who said pre-toast bread was the dumbest idea they've ever heard of even though we disagree on business ideas there was no reason to resort to personal attacks it was on becoming of a streamer in my position I'd like to say I'm sorry that's not the kind of man that I am Peloton will never drop me dude if they if Peloton decided I was a brand risk and then they uh like put an iron what do they call it it's not an iron lung when they put it on your car an iron boot if they if they booted my damn Peloton I mean oh no I mean it never could go anywhere to begin with but at least the flywheel could spin [Music] we got this look at this look at the look at the lightning ring man look at this it's over we'll see dude that's yeah if they ever want to like uh get someone to cancel their Peloton subscription just start giving them shout outs but like negative shout outs can you imagine if you got like 15 minutes into a Dennis Morton Fresh Friday run and he was like you know hey Northern lie any sack of [ __ ] you fat piece of garbage get out of my ride you piece of [ __ ] I'd be throwing off my stroke for sure I'd be like I gotta get out of here I didn't come to this bike I don't pay 60 bucks a month to be condescended to okay Dennis all right also I don't know if you guys ever go to the uh Peloton subreddit r slash Peloton cycle but it's very funny to me and this is extremely judgmental so I'd like to apologize but people will make threads they'll be like hi I'm a 55 year old man um I did my 300th ride yesterday Live with Ali love and I didn't get a shout out I know it's silly but would it be absolutely insane if I deleted the ride that I just took and then did another live ride for 300 so that I could possibly get a shout out and uh all of the replies are like no you should definitely do that you should totally what you should actually do is do 99 five minute warm-up rides really quick and then for your 400th ride go back you're more likely to get a shout out for your for your 400th ride anyway or people will say like and you're entitled to use it however you want to use it for the record I'm just judgmentaling you I'm judging you um people will say things like um oh yeah the American instructors are kind of stingy with their shout outs what I do is wake up at 2AM for all of my Milestone rides and then I take a ride with a German instructor and people are like do you speak German and they're like that's the funny part no just 29 minutes and 50 seconds of uh complete confusion not knowing what's going on then the brief little dopamine hit when you hear something something something something your username something something yes it was all worth it it was all worth it to hear Mela Vatican say my username for the first time I guess people are just lonely maybe I should stop like punching down but it is kind of crazy I'm like you're a grown adult anyway we'd love to know your thoughts on this people get lonely I just can't imagine riding a bike so a stranger says your name but then again I do know what business I'm in so that's a good point fair enough we're right here yeah but like I very rarely say people's names instead I just steal what they say in chat and then pass it off as my own it's the way Justin from Justin TV intended when he made the website complete like a joke aggregator Chad is like you know 5 000 people type what they think is the funniest thing at any given moment I read them all and then just pick the funniest one and people go wow this guy's hilarious hey hey hey hey thanks for the gifted subscriptions everybody thank you thank you much appreciated wow wow I I'm not gonna say I'm not gonna say your names I'm gonna I'm saying them mentally and I'm appreciating them mentally I'm not gonna say them out loud okay because I'm I'm principled okay I I'm gonna remember them I know you didn't do it just to get your name said out loud so I'm not gonna I'm not gonna do it foreign to give 25 to Twitch to have me say your name so I'm not gonna do you a disservice by insinuating that that's what you wanted it's just not the way we operate here clueless Clueless NL Finn Dom Arc starts dude honestly I think being a financial dominatrix it might be like the only job on Earth that maybe is like better than being a good streamer maybe this is like uh a bad take but I feel like it's kind of like the easiest job of all time which is not this and I forget that this is the pot calling the kettle black but like don't you just post a picture of yourself in like a leather corset and go like hey you little pay pigs give me your paycheck you you limp dick piece of [ __ ] and then people are like oh my God okay here you go and then they give you like their like a whole month's salary and then you go like that's it and then they're like oh it was worth it anyway we'd love to know your thoughts thanks for all the gifted subscriptions by the way thanks for all the good subscriptions how do you know because it always shows up on Twitter there'll be like a trending topic that's like you know Canucks at Sabers and then you click on it and it's like hey you little Canucks pay pigs why don't you send me 500 right now you dumb [ __ ] and then it's like the people a bunch of like 55 year old men in the comments right below it that are like what's your venmo like it's it seems like it's a dream setup as long as if everybody's happy with it then it's okay I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it it just seems like kind of a dream arrangement did you guys see the The Insider report from Twitter that uh Twitter's uh most active users are increasingly leaving the platform and the only uh subcategories that are keeping the website afloat are not safe for work content and crypto discussions I would say that's bullish for the corporation at large personally that seems like uh it seems like a healthy website right now thank you whoa whoa whoa whoa go in the middle for more DPS I kind of feel like and I'm not just trying to be pedantic I kind of feel like wherever I am becomes the middle in this game like look at these enemies are so obsessed with me man help me look at this look at this we made it it's it's already better than yesterday's run it's a new record give me some floor chickens [Music] just keep the floor chickens coming I know it's not always going to be necessary here but it's all the lightning ring man if the if the lightning ring goes off we're doing okay lightning ring two seconds let's go whatever what are you gonna do oh kill me all righty we actually won a game I don't believe it playoffs we've unlocked uh panda how do we do here what was our best DPS Thunder Loop isn't that a Garth Brooks song it's crazy yeah the game was like not lagging I didn't even think about that we need to buy things so that we can unlock more things like coming back to life seems like it might be useful for those situations like we had at the end there experience though yeah experience pardon me excuse me let me see let me see if my freaking my tea is drinkable it's still so hot just give me two growth I'm okay with that I saw someone in Chad say that's the way to do it and then can I buy the panda as well sure and let's give them a try but uh let me let's slash marker
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 79,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: K5KKufw5pNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 20sec (2660 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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