There's no such thing as locking in (The Game of Sisyphus)

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I don't not on purpose anyway he doesn't get it I'm pretty sure I get it I'm pretty sure it boils down to uh when you steal things they cost less than when you pay money for them okay he gets it I knew it my wife accidentally didn't scan her iced coffee and they gave her a 2-year band from the store honestly that just seems like bad business every time your wife walks into the store she's probably you know making the grocery store like $35 bucks in pure profit they just literally cost themselves what like two grand just to prove a point [Music] my mom will drive back to the score the store if she forgot to scan one item I think um that's too far even if the store I I've had this happen before where like I go through the self checkout and like I put my shopping cart on like the conveyor belt that goes down to the parking garage and it locks the shopping cart wheels halfway through that ramp I'm like oh I didn't scan the hard taco shells I'm not going back up like I'm going to get back in line again for the same cashier and then I'm going to like give them the hard taco shells and be like yeah sorry I forgot to scan these and then like the 19-year-old cashier is going to be like okay that's $419 and I'm going to be on card please and then I got to wait 10 seconds for the machine to go and then I go oh I think I did something wrong but like she actually didn't hit the button to actually start it and she goes oh she hits the button and it pops up instantly and she goes oh yeah our machines are a little weird sometimes times and then like I'd get out my phone wallet and it asks for my fingerprint biometric and I put my thumb right over the sensor and it says like no match and then it's like okay I do it again and it's like no match and I do it again and it's like no match cuz my hands are like a little bit cold so it's distorted my fingerprint and then it's like you've used your Biometrics five times please enter your 24 character long alpha numeric pass phrase and I'm like oh [ __ ] man all that just to cost myself money I don't think so just go to customer service next time and ask them to charge you for the taco shells I'm just going to say because it benefits me I'm going to say that it comes out in the wash I'm sure that there's been times that at the grocery store they've double scanned something and I just haven't noticed because I'm not you know standing blocking the exit and looking over my receipt like line by line now who comes out ahead eventually probably me because I'm not double scanning my [ __ ] at the self checkout so I would assume that the cashier has roughly an equal rate of double scanning and non-scanning that might that might be a false assumption but that's the Assumption I'm going to make right now it's called breakage your accidental theft is priced in well that's the other thing right that shit's priced in bro I've worked self- checkout your assumption is wrong what do you mean you worked self checkout I worked the self checkout [ __ ] you almost got me to to hate on someone that's on my side cuzz you know what I was about to say I was about to say you get paid to stand to that [ __ ] desk and as soon as the red light goes off and the siren goes off that says please wait for assistance you got to wait 45 seconds before you actually have to be at the kiosk even though obviously it's the one with the bright red flashing light that's going and then it takes a second I don't even know it takes two and a half minutes for you to look up and go oh what seems to be the problem and then you're like I I scanned this wrong and and they're like oh okay well this is a big security issue by the way our store's password for this [ __ ] is 1 2 3 4 in case you want to do it yourself next time or four zeros in a row true true okay we're so back ah I also want to say what the [ __ ] is Home Depot doing with a self checkout man every time I use and and like they don't even have the regular Lanes anymore I'm not build for this bro I I can't [ __ ] self scan an 18t long extendable ladder and like some 2x4s how am I supposed to to do that dude that's I that's what you're there for I need help checking out a 2x4 is tarot liquid bait ant traps how'd you get it on the card well it's like when you to sell checkout at Ikea right like loading the card is way easier than unloading the card it's like that Carl sagging bit you know if you want to make an apple pie from scratch first you have to create the universe step one of uh unloading your Ikea cart at least at the Richmond Ikea is um going to the hospital after you get hit by 11 cars in 10 seconds okay we push we push they got me feeling like Meet Joe Black all I wanted was a billy bookcase related Home Depot is a snack Paradise they have good root beer there you are drinking antifreeze my friend no you are going to die is it okay if I take online Spanish class in the morning on the weekend info I mean it's okay but I would love some more info as well when you say the weekend you mean Saturday and Sunday or do you mean one day on Saturday or Sunday just Saturday Saturday mornings hours info hours two hours okay I mean what time does it start OMG I'm not trying to like you know to unve in the morning cuz here here's what I'm just giving you a little parenting advice okay Saturdays we got a couple of classes okay one of them starts at roughly 11:00 a.m. and one of them starts at 1:30 so what I'm think if if the class it's very frictionless if the class that you're in overlaps with either of those classes I got no problem taking my daughter to both classes and having some quality time where it becomes a bit of an issue is if the whole morning I'm on the dad Duty and then it's the whole afternoon full of activities as well 10 to 12 10 to that seems beautiful mu Bellow that's that might be Italian that might not be anything how the heck will it be a whole morning if it's only 2 hours long well you got to depends on when you wake up honestly I'm not trying to be a bad guy I'm just asking relevant questions motto Ben there we go itadakimasu Dom tetto thanks for the gifted subscriptions thank you thank you I mean if you wake up at 10 then a 2hour class is the whole morning if you wake up at 5:45 a 2-hour class doesn't even get you to like the the normal wake up but yeah it's fine go ahead absolutely in fact that's good good um relationship capital for me cuz now I've got the space to do 2hour croquet lessons on a night of my choosing push push heyel Pro pegging or anti- pegging um I'm not involved in the community but I'm I'm Pro pegging why would I be anti- pegging some other dude's getting [ __ ] up the butt why do I care doesn't bother me it's quite quite frankly none of my business even if they make it my business I don't really care no we were waiting for your approval all right well go for it brother extremely based how is it based though it's just it's not my it's none of my business man cuz the bar is low is it I don't know I feel like if you maybe I just am blessed to know some relatively normal individuals I guess you also never know until you ask sometimes I feel like like the vast majority of people out there are like very normal if you ask them how they feel about pegging they would be like why would I care it's not my butthole but like online I guess there's a lot of influence who are like if you ever watched Star Wars you're [Music] gay you will never be a billionaire if you've ever subscribed to Netflix or like insane stuff like that so I don't know that's why yeah but that's only like that's like a thousand dudes there's a lot of dudes who are bad in like other ways too that you never hear about I'm sure but like I think it's I'm I'm I'm occupying the Baseline I'm not I'm not occupying the base line also I think I have support for the pegging Community because as a streamer I mean I can only speak from my experience right as a streamer whenever there's like a hot lady on screen nobody in chat's like oh I'd really love her to put on a [ __ ] rubber penis and [ __ ] my butt like they they're keeping that [ __ ] to themselves whereas like all the other horny sub communities are putting it on full display man oh I'd love to I'd crawl through a mile of broken glass to sniff her toilet seat like you're it's [ __ ] disgusting bro so I I feel like the pegging Community is a dignified Community man they're keeping the the business [ __ ] in the bedroom in the boardroom and the and the pegging stuff in the bedroom he's allergic to taking L's I mean just in this week I was proven correct about Bluey discourse people are now talking about um the McDouble being the perfect food nutritionally and financially just you wait until Scientific American releases an article that's like Americans wash their hands 25% more than they should wait if that happens I will I'm going to I'm going to start my own cult cuz I'm going to start believing in the hype I'm I'm these things come in threes man and we're already on two this week alone you were proven right on none of those things I mean you can the the bluey stuff speaks for itself you can look at the McDouble tweet it's cheap the macros are good taste delicious get off Twitter No this person agreed with me send it send it get to safety hug the wall how do I get my wife to stop making me wash my hands so much you should probably just wash them but if you're not willing to do that like then you got to the conspiracy runs deep okay so when you're by yourself you don't have to wash them that you can get away with that but the problem is like eventually she's going to get wise cuz she's going to be like hey I put this bottle of hand soap in your bathroom like 2 years ago and it's still 90% full what's up with that so what you got to do is like every time you go to the bathroom you got to remember to use two pumps of hand soap and just put them like right into the sink and then you got to run the water for like 30 seconds so that it seems like you're washing your hands and at that point you realize you should probably just be washing them but there's one thing that people forget you do get to miss out on the rigorous task of having to dry them your hands come out fully dry but your wife's going to be like why are your hands so dry if you just washed your hands that's why every time you go to the bathroom you're going to piss your pants just a little bit so that when she says why are your hands so dry you'll be like oh I dried them on my pants and then she'll look at your pants and see the wetness and be like oh okay crazy Tech what if she smells your hands well and you're in a lot of trouble and it's over then then you just lie then you just say oh I didn't wash them that I washed them before I took a piss my hands were dirty before I took a piss so I didn't want to get my dick dirty with my dirty hands so I washed my hands before I took a piss and then I didn't wash them after because I didn't want to waste water we're so back hey anel you one of those guys who uh makes a note of every exit in a building when you walk in no but until I was like probably 20 I was I was just a very anxious child I some people in chat are going to say like what the hell are you talking about and some people in chat are going to be like I'm I finally feel seen I was so anxiety ridden as a child that I got scared at the movie theater you know let's say like age 8 but every time not because I was going to be scared by the movie but because I was worried that the screen was going to fall on the audience and flatten us all now I don't believe in human history there's ever been an example of that but as a little kid I was like there's probably like a 25% chance the screen falls down and flattens the whole audience what happened to you as a child um so I think my my Grandma had like crazy anxiety and then she raised my mom in an anxiety-ridden household my mom tanked like 50% of the damage but carries the other 50% with her so she raised me in a in a little anxiety type environment and I'm still teasing a part like how much I've tanked cuz I'm I I mean I'm less anxious at 35 than i' than I was at like five which is crazy to me but but I definitely with my own daughter there are times where I'm like you know you can't walk with a straw in your mouth cuz if you trip the straw might go straight down your throat and poke a hole in your trachea and you'll die and then Kate's like what are you talking about and I'm like it could happen okay it's probably happened like more than zero times in human history we reasonable fear so I I think just that's what it was but like my grandma when I would go she took me to see the first Pokemon movie in theaters she took me to see uh Toy Story one and two in theaters wasn't allowed to eat popcorn she was like if you eat popcorn you will choke and die I think if you're like two that's definitely something you should keep like an eye on but I was like I don't know I was like nine I was like all kids eat is Po popcorn bro so instead we were eating [ __ ] raisinets [ __ ] glossett and saltwater taffy and [ __ ] she also would not well she would let me eat bacon but only bacon that she cooked and she would cook the [ __ ] all the water out of it like it it was she turned it into she made it I don't even know how to describe it you know like when you bite into a piece of bacon and it's like glass like it shatters and to this day I love bacon like that because she [ __ ] [ __ ] with my psyche in my formative years now I'm like I like chewy bacon too but like if you were like what's your favorite type of bacon I would be like oh the one where you take a bite and it uh like shatters you know the one with no texture whatsoever I'm not saying crispy I'm saying like [ __ ] I desiccated wow you're kind of [ __ ] up now you understand why I have some resentment towards chat and this website in general cuz I got like my own neurosis and I'm the most normal [ __ ] out there on this website at least which is crazy to me I grew up being like the fourth weirdest kid in my class I was not the weirdest you know it if you're like you were the weirdest you might actually be the weirdest I wasn't the kid who went around to everybody's table and was like Hey I'm writing like a RPG fanfic about our class I just wanted to ask like what weapon you would use if you were trapped in a dungeon like I wasn't that kid I wasn't the kid who pretended to be a ninja in the 12th grade for the entire year I wasn't the kid who uh lied about beating up like 20 bullies in an alley on the walk home from school you know the kid who's like really in the martial arts sorry I'm not trying every school I'm assuming had like the these are archetypes right in the same way like you know horse girl is an archetype every class has like one kid who doesn't look like an athlete at all but is like yeah I'm a black belt in [ __ ] some discipline in martial arts you've never heard of I'm sure if you saw like a video of the karate class is literally just like punching nothing all day that was me horse girl what is that is a girl that like you know she's like really into riding horses like her whole thing is she's always reading a book with like a horse on the cover she comes to school like wearing her her riding helmet and we're like why are you wearing your riding helmet and she's like oh I just came from like horse riding they're always talking about [ __ ] like Dr like how boys can be in the cars it's a it's a phenotype I'm not suggesting that there's anything you know unts about the horse girl all I'm going to I am going to say one thing I don't think I've ever seen a horse girl with short hair and I'm sure that there are some but there's something about like the the horse girl hobby or identity also has them growing hair that's like it goes all the way down to their ankles something interesting about that whoa I think we might just play some batro man it's been an hour and a half I've made negative progress nah n no we can make it we can make it lock in you're not even trying I'm trying in a way I'm trying as much as anybody's trying at work on a Friday I'm sitting in the chair I'm doing my time whoa hold hold hold hold Tuesday is the most productive work day yeah I would believe that I believe that for sure honestly it makes sense because I I can follow your logic 100% Monday you're getting back up to speed after the weekend Tuesday you're at full capacity it's like you just finished the warm-up Wednesday is like because it's midpoint of the week often times your office will schedule like the fun lunchtime during that or something so you it takes an extra 15 minutes to prepare for like you know [ __ ] hamburger Wednesday or whatever hang on hang on hang on Friday is just it's it's cooked and then so I I I personally think is between in my limited experience I think it's between Tuesday and Thursday and I feel like Tuesday is like October in an academic year you're like I'm motivated I have my five-star binders I've labeled all the dividers I'm taking notes in every class I have gel pens I'm I'm using a ruler to underline the title of the lecture I'm writing the date on every piece of paper like you're still locked in and then Thursday is like you know it's it's 3 weeks before the final exam you're like I can't change my fate at this point anyway so I might as well just it's like inertia right I'm using a machete to cut through red tape so true I want a car with a cup holder armrest I want a car that can get me there I'm changing my name from Kitty to Karen I'm trading my m G for a white Chrysler learon I'm I'm riding and striving and hugging the turns and thinking about someone for whom he still Burns I know what you're saying I know I know exactly what you're saying is that the same song it's two different songs that are both on the pelaton playlist hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold we're going to hold hold easy there big fella this thing's got a mind of its own man hold no it's all right that's what it's there for why is it moving like that it's the ice bro first verse should it be about the hose or the ice well I mean I don't think this is the first verse but it's about the ice man it's about the ice I'm not talking about Val Kilmer okay hold hold you did not lock in I'm locked the [ __ ] in bro it's just it's hard it's hard to line it up perfectly here give it a give it a little twist man no glam aning we're glance proof stability stability stab you know what we we can take some good stuff away from that we we got further than we've gotten in a while sorry dlga I didn't get to see your question what was what was dga's question am I crazy to think that it started with NL what's your go-to color on roulette don't make me laugh it's not green I don't I mean are you playing Bingle Bingle you playing Bingle Bingle right now he's Bingle posting how you got time to play Bingle Bingle is your daughter at Lum Al Nati's deep dish pizza right now I'm very close to running out of all information I have about Chicago how do you know Lum Malad there was a period a decadent period of time in this zero interest rate phenomenon when every YouTuber was buying deep dish pizzas Frozen and sent across the country from Lum Mal natis you know about the White City are you talking about having like the adequate committee or whatever are you talking about like the invention of cream of wheat brother are you talking about the invention of the ferris wheel are you talking about call you United Nations colia I know what you're talking about who are you talking to I'm I'm talking I'm I'm talking I'm talking to the person who asked no who asked I don't know their name I just know they asked the question I wanted to respond to can you lock in the proliferation of the phrase lock in has actually done Unthinkable damage to the Gen Z psyche there are some things that like locking in doesn't guarantee Victory on like you can't just lock in and be like I'm going to win the lottery today okay you can't just like lock lock in is something you use to paper over the the harsh reality that sometimes your best effort for at least a little while is going to result in Failure hold like this ain't like finishing a a worksheet in middle school right this is actually difficult you know they design those worksheets to be done by sixth graders okay hang on they're easy this is tough okay next time this is made by a sixth grader what's your excuse then okay hold as a 28-year-old you could lock in a little as a 35-year-old what do you know anyway do you even know how to use the command line do you even know how to use a mouse are you tapping on your monitor trying to open up notes hold hold hold I gave it a little too much sauce slipped right through I mean you got to admit it's it's taking quite a vector here oh oh it's got the front spin though it needed Back Spin okay just don't take the golden path there we go we got a little window shouldn't I be gaining speed bro I'm running downhill no why does this [ __ ] have uncapped acceleration my acceleration is capped oh try rolling down the hill son of a [ __ ] I got an idea okay almost good idea good idea it's not going to get held there we're we're oh Plinko okay but I I can always rely on the windmills hey ghost pepper ghost pepper thanks for the gifted subscriptions thank you can always rely on the windmills I can see it I can see it with my eyes it's going to get stuck right there oh what what does this thing weigh bro it would be faster to just restart we don't uh we don't do that here we enjoy the journey we don't trick ourselves into thinking that we're actually doing something that needs to be done we enjoy the highs and the lows okay there we go if you wanted to finish the game as fast as possible here's one tip that devs hate never start that's damn true sisifus didn't have hold R either there were no Medieval Times there were no utensils in medieval times hence there are no utensils at Medieval Times the devs seem to hate neuron activation too yeah this game is pretty dumb it would be much better if it was like cerebral like you know an RPG where you fight a water boss and you're like oh I think I'm going to use a lightning spell you know something like a little difficult like that like a bit of a puzzle he gets me unal for it was very called for you're insulting this game just cuz you got no character this the problem with the the the twitch Chatters man they get 10 skill points on spawn they say you know what 25 in int minus 5 in fortitude hold hold hold Fortunate Son or communist daughter I mean I guess like in the whole scheme of things I'd rather have a Fortunate Son fortunate seems like a trait that um could well could exist if you were really pressed about them being a communist they could be fortunate and a communist simultaneously I would rather lock in the exceedingly rare fortunate trait and then the rest of it I mean it it's not like being fortunate is going to slow you down it's going to speed you up UN based I think it's pretty based I'm not anti-communism necessarily I'm just saying like she could discover you know the works of KL Marx and Engles through uh the way that you guys did as well Twitch streaming in Bob's Burgers you know it's still there it's not like it's going anywhere unless it's owned by Warner Brothers which it might be in which case it might be deleted from streaming platforms I don't know we push black hole son or nobody's daughter that's just a real question wait no it does have son and daughter in it I mean I got to take Black Hole Sun on that one I guess bro we be dead yeah what was the other one hungry daughter push push push has he ever been this far this far back uh once or twice it's the same thing though like this is all a spawn from the real social media Trend right where people ask themselves would you rather have a gay son or like a promiscuous daughter I feel like I'm I've been losing my mind unless the joke is lost on me I'm like why would I care about either it's none of my business that's is their business man I don't get I I I I reject the premise of the question I don't understand why I would why I would care hey acrylic Arrow thanks for the gifted subscriptions thank you thank you if you had the pick though I I like I don't have to pick you could have both you could have neither I just I don't know I just don't care you can reject the premise yes I've got permission to reject the premise it's called an intellectual exercise I I mean the problem for me I guess I'm I'm weaseling out of it but I'm like the idea is like which one is less bad but like I don't see any of them as like bad what do I care it's like would you rather have a glass of water or a mug of water I'm like I don't know what do you got man we're going to make it through either way it's a nothing Burger glass 100% yeah it was a bad analogy cuz glass is the Gimme but hold hold we don't have any [ __ ] glasses door Dash son or instacart daughter instacart daughter I don't know how to explain it I'm merely an observer of this I'm probably not the progenitor of it for so in instacart to me seems less morally B bankrupt than using door Dash morally is probably not the right word spiritually what's the instacart business model like if you bought $100 worth of groceries at the store what would it cost to get delivered on instacart I honestly don't know okay we'll get the joke answers out of the way instacart is usually like a $10 fee and then tips okay well I mean the tip is a gimme that's that's baked in if you're ever you know getting someone to deliver something to your house basically it's like a $5 fee I'm just I I don't know if anybody has an answer here no shot it's five bucks followed by it's 250 CAD serious he's squinting well I'm not going to use it I like going to the grocery store like I for me I'm not saying it's solving a problem that doesn't exist but it's solving a problem that I don't have but I don't know I guess it's like with groceries like you're getting like enough food most of the time to cook several meals whereas when you get door Dash you're usually usually just buying like dinner for one day it's like a a a shortterm solution to a problem that you're just going to have in the morning when you're hungry anyway whereas at least like if you're hungry and you get insta card you've potentially solved your problem for like a week I guess that's why for me my gut reaction is your spirit is stronger if you use instacart than if you use door Dash but it's also not fair because I also think your spirit is stronger if you use Uber Eats than it is if you use door Dash and that's the same damn service it's just something about I mean I like I'm not going to bad for Uber Eats I'm just saying [ __ ] door Dash even more and I don't even know why it's just a like a brand awareness type thing it's a plus two but I don't get it either I I know man what about skip the dishes skip the dishes I think is the most cooked in Canada at least and again I can't explain why I guess I just don't like orange it's just it's Vibes based yeah it's just vibes I don't know I think I am becoming like a but larian Jihad guy and it like couldn't be more of a caricature because I make my living in like the most [ __ ] [ __ ] Tech adjacent industry of all time that's literally ever existed ever but I'm like I'm at the point now where I'm like I want to see every business with a computer fail and you know what it is and it's it's not just that I think that like some of the businesses are making our lives worse a little bit it's it's and this is not fair this is this is my own psychosis it's the thread Boys on Twitter it's I'm sorry if you're running like an AI company and you're tweeting like you know like we're the profits of our times we're the modern-day like you know Thomas Edison like moving Society forward by ourselves and everybody is like conspiring against us and stuff like that I'm like I want to see I want to see your company fail cuz you're not talking like you're one of us you're talking like you're you're our enemy it it gives the idea that you're looking down like you see the tweet I mean this is bait designed to go viral the tweet from the guy that was like one of the scariest traps you can get into as like a middle-aged man is like having a wife and kids and a stable job that pays you six figures and everybody was like why and then the his reply was like cuz it saps your ambition to like start your own billion doll company and I'm like I don't want to do that man I think most people most people want to have like a billion dollar versus you know not having money but like I don't want to [ __ ] start a hey we deliver some [ __ ] you used to only be able to buy in a store like that's not your life man like your I mean it's money it's helpful but it's not your life your life is like I don't know it's based on your values some of us it could be maximizing gooning time for some of us it could be maximizing like family time this Mass psychosis of like you know oh you've got a job that's like in the top 1% but you got to be in the top .1% like that's I don't know mass media induced mental illness or something in my opinion so like if some whenever somebody starts like a a drywalling business and it you know starts with just them in a van and then 20 years later they have like 10 employees and like a eight figure net worth I feel like I'm like good for you brother no disrespect maybe it's because they're not writing letterers to the editor in a newspaper about how much better they are than people who are just like living their lives and actually keeping Society Running I don't know the thread boys have done an an incredible amount of damage to to the my perception of tech culture in my opinion I I don't mean this to be disrespectful if you're a software engineer in fact like I would be inclined to think that maybe you are more inclined to agree with me but I'm like you're you're you're banging out code on a computer man like I'm not saying it's meritless but like we should cool it with the self aggrandisement same thing with like standup comedians man like you're up there telling jokes sure it can be it can be bigger than that sometimes but at the same time the you know the idea that you're a modern-day like philosopher is is insane but like as always I think it's just social media I guess that's what it's a lot of talking just to be like I think the worst 2% of people on social media have ruined Society forever okay I'm just wait it out for a second hold hold try again okay we're going to hold okay we're going to hold on this one okay we're just going to hold I know we go through this a lot but like I just like and I think it's the reason it annoys me is I think if you were like 18 on the internet you're still figuring out how like Society works you can get a misrepresented view of what normal life is like but as a 35-year-old when I see someone whose Twitter profile is like I sold my company for $300 million and then I look at their tweets and they're like tweeting 200 times a day like thread boy blue check bait to get people to sign up for their medium or substack newsletter I'm like you spent it is that what happened cuz like you you did it you it according to your own principles like you won the game and now you're out here like still playing like you you won Dynasty mode and now you're out here doing like exhibition matches in a way I kind of respect the tech people who spend or who sell their company for exorbitant amount of monies and then go crazy like there's some something honorable about selling email 3 and then being like I'm dedicating my life to becoming a vampire by getting a transfusion of my son's blood once every six weeks or yeah like I'm not saying you got to hand it to John macafee okay I'm just saying that to me seems in a way less spiritually vacant than like oh now that I sold my company I can finally start my newsletter about like the the trials and tribulations of the hardest job ever invented being a founder of a startup in Silicon Valley I'm not saying you don't have stress and like responsibilities and stuff like that I'm just saying like [ __ ] chill a little man I don't even know what the [ __ ] why combinator is did they the seed money to that startup that was going to reinvent like the grilled cheese or something or juice row did they do juice row no when you sell your stream are you going to become a spiritual leader unfortunately thanks to Justin Trudeau I can't afford to sell my stream anymore because they just raised the capital gains tax or if I do it I got to do it before I think like June 24th so I don't know this might be like the last two months before it gets sold to private Equity I'll buy it you don't want to you don't want to know how much I would charge for it man you see the S&P 500 right now with the interest rates at like 6.25 % it's it's crazy I'm going to I'm going to ask something offensive for it $85,000 I'm going to Dragon's Den hold hold no ice bro can we get some kitty litter out here hold hold hold you should go public dude it's a good idea it's IPO season right no it's gray sweatpants season my mistake this is DL this is an honest question for you I'm not trying to say that your life is fake I know that's the way that people are going to take it I'm asking it from a position of curiosity are there examples of companies for whom the experience for customers got better after they went public there must be some in the in the history of markets that we can talk about cuz the stereotype is definitely like hey they opened one store it's the greatest store of all time it became a a phenomenon in the local community and then uh they were like well I don't want to just have one store anymore we're going to franchise so now they've got like eight in the local community and then they go like National and international then they go public and it's like it's over but there must be some that went the other way that was like this company's cooked and then went public and the money actually helped it like stay alive and and serve customers well instead of just like hey we don't have growth this quarter let's cut a service that's been free for like 20 years to simulate like the hockey stick going up hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold hold it's going to stick I'm going to make it I'm going to [Music] no don't get greedy there's got to be examples man give me one well that's why I'm asking the dude who's in you know Finance to give me one Costco's public it is but like is it better as a result of being public I guess it's impossible to know there's examples of companies that customers like that are public are there examples of companies customers were kind of like out on and then going public has improved the customer experience you wait for it wait for it what about Monster Monster Energy drink is a monster owned by someone yeah the shareholders bro I'm just I feel like it should be easy to get that answer cuz I never I never saw myself getting radicalized to the point especially as someone who owns stocks where I'm like as soon as your company goes public you're [ __ ] toast
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 33,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CTzDc39LUaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 22sec (3562 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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