The strongest weapon in the entire game (Vampire Survivors)

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how did you lose that one oh definitely when i took a tract orb instead of waiting for a spellbinder i mean that's like a gimme i don't know if that was a bad faith question i can make an assumption of course sure let's let's oh cool down so expensive man get a little extra damage i still don't think i've had a win with antonio man we gotta try mortacio i don't know i just there's something about antonio his friends would say stop lying and let's give it a shot what evolves with ebony wing anything nothing all right well in that case i'm taking the damn knife i'm also i'm i'm trying to avoid just like always taking the same stuff like 100 of the time because it seems like one of those situations where like if you just play it for like maximum solution you will burn yourself out on the game in no time which i still maintain happens let's not take the cross yet happened to uh what was that game called where you cast spells it's not magicka it's a roguelite where you cast spells not a wizard's lizard not wizard of legend i actually think wizard of legend is like is it uh underrated let's not call it goated but that word still means something to me i still think wizard of legend was underrated the discourse just became once i found the solution i won every run then you're like okay take different spells then take take different spells 2022 challenge and just enjoy the game but you're not ready for that one yet hollow heart upgrades whip that we will take bring it back oh heavens no oh yo that's very nice sure okay well she's pretty young hi happy birthday i love you and you are so so nice i wish i could see you on your birthday even i wish i could give you the gift in per in pursue i hope you have a wonderful birthday enjoy handmade words and cards [Laughter] that's very cute though that's a cute message that's very nice of them dude all my my xp swarms are getting away from me please clover upgrades cross juan gets upgraded by tom you know what we haven't had the woman the womb we haven't had the wand in a while why not bible because we take bible every time it's like the bison of vampire survivors we got to like reinvent the meta i don't know how much room there is for meta elasticity in this because at the end of the day you're kind of just like walking around magic wands like we gotta try to mix it up a little bit the actual bison is axe that's great news because i think axe is good but i very rarely take it santa water's so bad i know somebody that's getting a lump of coal in their stocking about 355 days from now no that doesn't seem right 345 days from now it's not a leap year because leap year we had our last leap year in 2020 oh finally it's our first three piece today just an upgrade all across the board that's like a level two penguin right there oh i don't want an early pentagram crown doesn't involve anything right i feel like the crown is nice to get experience but then if you make it to 25 minutes what are you you're just farming coins for no reason so i'm taking rune tracer but only because i i want pentagram but i don't want to take it till the very end more whip dude i don't know when the the new super auto pets content is going to come out i mean i can't believe i started playing that game in september and i'm still like i wouldn't say all in but i'd say i definitely like called a re-raise here at the end of january but i'm i'm itching for a meta shake-up i'm itching for it the beta is out for auto pits it's not the new animals though right it's just like it's the nerfs and the buffs bracer upgrades knife i can live with that plus ios that's ios still needs to come out i mean that's gonna that's gonna blow the doors wide open you thought uh christmas noobs in call of duty was free food how about when 1.3 billion ios users get access to super auto pets oh man there's not even any like monsters inside of the circle here it's just me chilling with a bunch of flowers who do you think i am david byrne can't wait for those triple duck teams oh mouth has an ios device [Music] i know what i said i know what i said dude you know what they should i i've got a great idea who makes uno is it hasbro or mattel it doesn't change anything i just want to know where to direct the email they should make uno but it should be truth or dare themed so you could you know there's still cards with just numbers on them but then all the like draw twos are either truths or dare cards and then you could reverse someone's dare if you played a dare on them and they're like kiss susan you could play another one and be like no you have to kiss susan four times and then they'd be like susan's my sister and i'd be like i i didn't make the rules that seems like you should have been a little bit more careful with your dares then i think it i think it could go man i think this could be like a billion dollar idea pretty sure they have that well we should just make it and market it better there's probably all sorts of like billion dollar ideas out there like languishing in like local hardware stores let's just roll it up and and sell it better it's that easy i'm gonna die here no i'm not you're gonna die i mean hopefully not but if it's between the two of us i'm gonna fight for my own survival swarm me swarm me i also want to get an attractor there's a lot of stuff on my wish list right now you guys ever get the sears wishbook as a kid before christmas it was like a it was a sears catalog but specifically with their christmas sales and merchandise oh man when you got your wishbook that was like when the holiday season actually started we're not that old i mean where did you christmas shop wow it seems like you're gonna have a lot of nostalgia for that in 20 years i miss zellers to this day i still maintain the best bacon cheeseburger i ever had in my life was in the zeller's in-store restaurant i'll never be able to test that theory because they went out of business and also i'm i was eating them like once a month from ages like four to like nine so my palate was not at its best also it's a great slogan too right zellers where the lowest price is the law oh i think man water i don't even know what zeller's is it was a canadian department store very similar to sears but a little bit more it was like a target and that made it even more fitting because they went out of business i think they went into liquidation and then they got bought by target and then they changed all the zellers to targets in canada and then they went fully out of business like less than two years later it's like one of the most shocking retail failures that's happened in my entire life in canada for sure without a doubt which i don't really get cause like i i honestly would i would listen or watch like a ten part episode uh or ten 10 part series on netflix about how target failed in canada because when i'm in the us if i ever get the opportunity to go to target i'm not like yo oh pog but i'm like yeah sure like i could pick up some stuff why not apparently it was a case study on terrible logistics i didn't know i didn't know i preferred sears look i my my parents were like huge sears diehards like they would go to sears in our hometown literally like every weekend and as a child it's like the most boring store on earth to be in like just watching your dad pick through like pierre kardan dress shirts to try to find one that's on sale then as i got older i was like i couldn't appreciate i'm gonna die no i'm gonna make it through i made it anyway i could start to appreciate the store and then it re it felt like once sears was like we might die they just gave up man like they were gone i remembered i i know i told this story before but when i got my unity certification in the u.s kate was like oh i forgot to get like a to bring a scarf and i was like that's fine we'll just swing there's like a sears in this mall we'll just stop by the sears get you like you know a cheap scarf so you're not freezing and uh we there were two people in the checkout line like two groups us and the group in front of us and one cashier and we were literally like waiting 20 minutes for the cashier to process the order that was in front of us which was i mean it's a long time ago now but didn't even seem complicated we were just okay i need i need the evolved form i'm gonna just pass away we can do it it's just you gotta do a loop i'm dead i'm not dead believe that that's true i i mean i don't know if you're a sears employee and you're giving me this information but um it did seem like to check out you had to i'm just running it back man it seemed like you had to run through like a gauntlet of saying no to things that were designed to uh milk just a little bit more money out of you i'm trying again i feel no i i can't say that this is certain okay because it doesn't sound right i'll admit but i feel like at the sears where we bought like a seven dollar scarf they asked us if we wanted to donate to the us military and we said no but what i was thinking was like i think they're like good for it you know like don't isn't that essentially what like you know 38 of your taxes are for or something like what do you mean do i want to donate i'm buying a scarf i want to donate to the us military it might have been like a fund for veterans or something i was like man i just gotta get out of here with the scarf it's like it's a half hour ordeal anyway so sears i feel like there was a time where it was good and i was alive for part of it not not most of it because i feel like you could buy a house in the sears catalog in like the 50s but definitely like you know that a department store is like on its last legs when they have like 17 counters set up where you can actually uh like pay for things and none of them are staffed at all you have to walk through like the whole department store you you're like checking out in the electronics section with the t-fal non-stick pan that's not a good sign yeah i think they're out of business i hate to say this like they should be if they're not hold on hold on what does uh what does the axe evolve with candle right okay we can take candle next time yo it's this combination seems to be running it man my dad was a craftsman fanatic so we went to sears weekly yeah it didn't like i've always heard that that's like and again like this is internet like like reddit wisdom so you got to take it with a grain of salt i always heard that like one of the signs that sears was dying was like they used to sell craftsmen that had like a lifetime warranties you would buy like you know uh a lug wrench and if it ever broke you would just phone them and be like my lug wrench broke and they would just send you another one like no questions asked and then they like started changing the guarantee so it became like uh like one year and you're like you know i guess i don't know that much about tools but i feel like it's a piece of iron it's kind of suspect that you know the warranty became so bad it's like i guess they just submitted to like planned obsolescence at some point rosary down thank you thank you thank you costco had a similar thing but they had to stop because people would return their tvs after three months all right you look you shouldn't defraud costco i know how this is not gonna be considered based okay but like if there is a good big box store is costco you should just you know shop there if you want to shop there eat the dollar 55 hot dog or whatever it costs don't because you're it's gonna be a joni mitchell thing you're gonna be like i didn't know what i had until it was gone used to be able to return their christmas trees after christmas i mean they had to know right they were like we're just gonna take the l on this one for like customer service when i was pretending to be busy on my phone while picking my daughter up from daycare the other day they were talking about the other parents were talking about how like they want to get winter tires and then one of them was like oh you should go to the costco tire center for like a full set of winter tires and getting them installed it was like 500 bucks or something like that and i was like 500 bucks i just got winter tires put on in like the first week of december [ __ ] was not 500 let me tell you that much it was like more by not an order of magnitude more but certainly you know on the order of i don't know like 1.7 to 2.25 times more expensive and i got the cheapest winter tires that they had available these are not like you know pirellis they're like i i don't remember what they're named but it kind of looks like flock lipa grand prix spinach fire wand bible this build is unique enough i feel we could take the bible why would you cheap out on winter tires well if i cheaped out i would have bought used winter tires i mean they're still like very expensive it's like why cheap out buying a lamborghini you know like it's still pricey but the reason i cheaped out is because this [ __ ] was expensive and it snows here like you know like not that much except this year this was actually like a really good year to to have snow tires on yeah that's it hackapolita they're actually great value let's go i am i told you i'm a great consumer accidentally buying uh some of the best bang for your buck winter tires you'd love to see it there's an orb okay yep who up pondering their orb it's me there it is okay clover is i know this clover is knife so we say no we're at five minutes give me a duplicator now clover is cross clover's cross okay we didn't take cross deliberately we take duplicator here but we want to get whip or axe to love or want to level 10 before 10 minutes that's that's my new methodology that's that's beck's new pollution look you can here's the thing you can just say every store sucks okay i respect your right to have that opinion i'll just politely let you know uh that hassan's stream is that way i'm pointing at the sidebar and then up because it's going to be like way up there if he's on your following list the sound stream is like probably like right up there a little bit more to the left that's as far as i can go with a mirrored camera but like i i think a more nuanced take is some stores are worse than others and costco's gotta be like one of the best cheap food court seem to treat their employees okay maybe also just a fun store to shop in even if only to go whoa look at the wow 80 rolls of toilet paper i could never use that i also and i mean you know i don't know ikea's like half cancelled or something i'm just buying furniture man okay so like just cut me some slack here we want spellbinder for bible yes um but ikea also a fun store to shop in and the food court would be pretty good i don't i've never had a hot dog at ikea i've never had the soft serve ice cream but i have had my fair share of cote boular and i mean it's pretty good plus they have something i don't know if maybe they changed it the price of it recently but um there's something like a 2.50 breakfast or something like that that's pretty amazing in the modern era this you gotta remember this canadian dollars as well [Music] take an axe sure the only thing i i don't i i read this wrong i thought i thought you wrote the only thing i like about ikea is driving out to richmond and i was like yes fbi this man right i mean sorry yes uh ceases this man right here rcmp this man right here um then i realize you said the only thing i don't like about it is driving out to richmond yeah it's like uh the ikea parking lot in richmond is actually a war zone it's as is uh richmond town center i know again it's one of the many stories i've told many times the first time i drove to richmond town center i saw two accidents happen between the time that i entered the parking lot to the time that i got my car parked i've never seen anything like it in my life before i mean they were just fender benders because it's a parking lot but i was like even in a city you might see like a collision every couple of years maybe i'm not outside that much i guess but to see two in one parking lot in less than five minutes was really like it it activated my ralph wiggum sense i was like i'm actually in danger vancouver dash cam always goes off in richmond it's true i mean i there's bad drivers everywhere and there's bad drivers everywhere in vancouver i do feel like maybe it's biased and maybe it's anecdotal but i do feel like i see some some of the most glaring disrespect for traffic laws in richmond like if you were like somebody in a lamborghini crashed into and killed a pedestrian on alberni street i would be like that sounds like a very downtown vancouver story mostly because you said alberni street but if you were like hey in richmond the other day i saw someone from the right turn lane turn left across four lanes of traffic on a red light i would be like yep that sounds that sounds about right you gotta keep your head on a swivel okay this is where things get rough this mantis must die for us to proceed montreal's worse canada's worst driver once did an exam in montreal and all the drivers they tested failed i love canada's worst driver we might be able to get cbc to to let us react to canada's worst driver i don't know i technically own the show because i'm a canadian taxpayer but i'll also say that canada's worst driver is like uh it's very funny to me that they take like you know literally the worst drivers they can find and then they're like okay for your first lesson we're gonna have you back through like a maze in reverse that's exactly as wide as your car and then at the end of it we're going to give you like .1 seconds to react to what direction uh a pedestrian silhouette pops out of and swerve into the other direction and i'm like these people can't drive straight this is just this is exploitation this is like torture like they can't even drive and then they're like you know be funny hit this ramp parallel park in something that's like 90 the length of your car and then they can't do it and i'm like i don't think i could do it either like that's my incentive to always you know maintain some kind of attention at least when i drive is because i don't want to end up on canada's worst driver have a bunch of people like eating hickory sticks at home they'll be like wow this dummy can't even you know at lightning speed react to like a soccer ball a hundred yards away being kicked into the middle of the road dude this is a problem we don't have our evolved version yet i think hickory sticks it's just it's a canadian thing sweetheart it's britney [ __ ] hickory sticks are pretty pop they they are pretty pog but i do think that maybe they should sell like every hickory stick bag should sell a glove that you wear to eat the hickory sticks so that your hand doesn't get all powdered and then you could eat the glove after like kind of a fun dip for hickory sticks we need hollow heart don't be stupid that's an atrocious idea i got another one you know those vending machines that have candy in them they should make those but for potato chips because sometimes i'll be at the grocery store and i'll be like oh i've been really good with the peloton lately i should buy some chips for no reason i guess the reason is because they taste good and my body's like salt's good for you probably but after i eat like four chips i'm like man i wish i didn't buy this many chips i don't need this many chips no i'm not talking about the ones that have like a little bag of chips in them i'm talking about you know the candy ones you put a quarter into and then like four jelly beans pop out thanks a lot jerome powell i want that but it distributes like two chips i don't even want the small bag i just want a taste i mean maybe like i mean it's a bad value don't get me wrong but sometimes like a bad value is like good for you just close the bag yeah okay maybe i'll just close the bag after i open it maybe i'll just stop breathing oxygen as long as we're talking about things that i can't do really need to kill a champion and get involved it won't work from an engineering standpoint you don't have any imagination you're you're the person in the 1800s that's going we need faster horses you don't even know what's capable yet if we if you could just conceive of a car so maybe it won't work in the candy vending machines okay we'll just design a new vending machine that has like i don't know a shelf that you can put a quarter into and then it unlocks and you pull it out and then i'm getting it getting the orb don't don't get it twisted and then as a result of all of that we don't care for a fire want you you reach in and there's two chips in there then when you slot it back in two more chips pop down into the shelf they do have peanuts sometimes it's all moot because in like 2022 i'm not using one of those machines anyway i don't know how long that candy's been in there i'm not even worried about like the you know whether the covet virus can live on the aluminum handle of uh one of those candy vending machines i'm much more concerned about like these jelly beans might have been put in here in like 2008 does anybody even use that [ __ ] anymore how much would you pay for two chips i mean it's a bad deal i think maybe if they could give you like a handful of chips a quarter is a fair price but you also the smaller a quantity you buy of something the more you accept that you're going to pay a higher per unit price than if you bought it in a larger quantity like when you're buying like a i don't know what does a six pack of coca-cola cost at the grocery store i'm gonna say four canadian dollars roughly i bet if you bought the six mini cans it's probably like 3.25 but sometimes there's value in buying the mini cans because you're like all i want is a little bit i mean i don't buy them but all i want is a little bit of coca-cola we got to escape as soon as possible um and to not have the temptation to drink the extra you know 150 milliliters maybe that maybe you're making an investment in your own health by slightly overpaying for too little soda i've come i've come to respect the methodology as i've gotten a little older and a little wiser i might say please we need the evolution [Music] that must be the axe holy cow more who's the loser now who's the loser now it's the battle of the hot gates then this champion goes down we get our second evolved form dude i want reduced cooldown that's the only thing that matters to me right now is getting these axes out here faster or these sights [Music] now we have unlimited hp as well oh my god oh my god oh my god dude honestly i'm content with my weapons right now let me get a laurel why not takes up our last weapon slot means we don't have to evolve something else you know as one of our choices meaning we get a better selection of choices as is feeling pretty good [Music] but like i definitely like my my advice and i've done a good job of um resisting my grocery store advice is tortilla chips because we eat a lot of you know like pseudo mexican food i always have salsa on hand so i sometimes i'll just be at the grocery store and my willpower will fall i'll lie to myself and be like you deserve this and then i'll buy the tortilla chips but they always come in such a huge bag that by the time i've satisfied my tortilla chip um craving i still have like 80 of the chips that i'm not getting the same kind of like utility out of i feel like i i would i mean i i've been on this is a very kramer idea but i i've been on this for a while the idea of a grocery store that instead of selling you bigger versions of things sells you smaller versions of things so you create less food waste or less unnecessary gluttony there's probably some degree of necessary gluttony i'm not saying all gluttony is sinful necessarily still create more packaging waste yeah but honestly like i don't know like look i do consider myself an environmentalist but ever since i saw that um lufthansa flew 13 000 flights that were empty in europe uh just to maintain their airport priorities i was like you know what give me the [ __ ] plastic straw when they start knocking that [ __ ] off i'll go back to the biodegradable straw okay hold on like why am i busting my ass doing all this composting and you know i'm bringing my own bags to the grocery store feeling like i'm making a difference and then klm airlines is like oh yeah we threw we flew 13 000 747 flights across europe just for fun like when they started doing my part i'm back in i mean i'm still using the biodegradable straws because it's illegal to give plastic once here and you also have to bring your own bags to the grocery store now and also any business that gives you a paper bag has to charge you 25 cents per paper bag including mcdonald's which is kind of hilarious um but i don't know so surely if vancouver just does that for like the next 10 000 years that might count cancel out that like one action that those airlines took but we're working on it everything helps [Music] it's a book 60 cents in sweden honestly i mean that's very expensive for sure i just thought you know the what i have i haven't really changed my actions but what i have done is i've stopped judging people who are like oh yeah i forgot my bags i feel like for about a decade because i was an early adopter i've been using those reusable grocery bags 2007 maybe 2008 it's easy to trick yourself into being like you know well i'm driving a prius and you're driving a honda civic what do you hate the earth now i'm just like you know what be kind to yourself everybody forgets things from time to time nobody's perfect if there's a post-mortem on planet earth and you know scientists in the distant future are like if they had only used more reusable bags we this all could have been avoided then i'll be like bad take on me i apologize there's no hindsight's 20 20 doctor i apologize even though i'm using the reusable bags all the time but i do i've started to feel like we're getting kind of gaslit a little bit it's my carbon footprint from smoking that [ __ ] never should have smoked that [ __ ] now i'm burning more fossil fuels than uh minting the um board ape there you go we got there the lufthansa defenders have logged on dude i flying is sick so i i hate to come to the aviation industry i guess it's uh like amazing but like i don't know flying for no reason kind of silly dude we had no choice but to exercise it otherwise we would have lost our ability to land at sheephole airport in exactly the right corridor when most people buy tickets okay any askers in chat i don't know i'm just i'm just going off ten minutes remain like i didn't know that if you don't use it you lose it is actually the law in the world of airports i thought that was just the thing they made fun of in the movie the 40 year old virgin it's also the law in the world of forestry i don't know about all that anyway people in chat are arguing i think what i meant to say was pog pog pog pog do you see the activision microsoft news pog pog pog call of duty on game pass dude what do you think that um do you think that microsoft's gonna let call of duty be on playstation and they're just gonna make it included with the game pass subscription as a competitive advantage or do you think alternatively they're gonna blacklist sony from being able to have call of duty and thus serve as an unbelievable selling point for the xbox it's an interesting question entertain me don't educate me most education online is entertainment how's that for a take i don't even know what this means but when you say it you sound smart the medium is the damn message you ever think about that why doesn't microsoft instead of buying activision why didn't they just buy nintendo that would have been sick man can you imagine playing super mario 64 on a xbox controller my pb would probably improve by like two minutes nintendo won't sell just buy stock until you own fifty percent of the company how hard could it be it's that simple give all the bible there we go this guy's brain is huge you can buy any company just buy the stocks man it's called a hostile takeover i think hey i gotta as long as we're talking about like honest questions here this is an honest question in the last two years i learned a lot about investing but one question has always stayed in my brain okay and it's a foundational question why should a company care on a on a non-individual level why should a company care about its stock price you know when they initially offer the shares it raises money but then from that point onwards once it's on the market individual or institutional investors are trading the shares so why does it matter let's say to peloton that their stock is down 80 percent from uh you know all-time highs in the past year i do and so one thing is i get it on an individual level the executives at a company hold a lot of stock and are compensated in stock so they want to [Music] have it go as high as possible for their own compensation but like on a on a corporate operations level is there any reason is it like you can leverage you know your market cap as a way to get more financing or something because some people are also like well it makes the shareholders mad when the stock goes down yeah but like what are they gonna do sell your stock okay they're not they're selling it to somebody else they're not it's no money out of your pocket i guess the price goes down but like i feel like there's got to be more incentive than just maybe there doesn't but then just our you know individual equity value gets lower for like eight people for a company that has thousands of employees that's all i got though the company holds stock too yeah but like surely there's got to be like something they do with it right it's got like it's got to be collateral or something like i i just can't understand i guess why like i mean maybe this is like too naive but i'm like why is your stock price going down mean like the ceo is bad maybe you just didn't make good memes so you didn't get picked up by wall street bets and all of a sudden people are like hey we got to get we got to get a new ceo of regal the amc ceo is blowing us out of the water by giving people you know free popcorn if they can show that they own a share anyway that's all i got okay there's a real answer the company has a fiduciary obligation to the shareholder to try to keep the price of it high as long as possible scc has joined the chat do you want your business to be valuable i mean like it's kind of it's a false dilemma i guess you know like if there were shares in like nl core i mean look at vampire survivors man they would be soaring right now for sure but let's assume that like they went down i mean i guess as the ceo president maestro guru of the corporation i would be like oh no i'm not as wealthy anymore but if people were like is the company in trouble the share price went down i think i would just be like i'm not in trouble man i'm just playing way too much slay the spire at any given moment i could just knock out the slay this fire and start doing modded isaac runs and we could add like a little bit more to our yearly operating income but maybe i'm ju this might be the truth maybe i'm just too cracked at business to understand what life would be like if the stock price went down because in my head i'm like just be better i don't know where this is i don't know where it's going anyway that's all i got we're gonna win this run by the way 27 44 incoming zero chance zero chance i'm not in my best banter in vampire survivors there's a lot of stuff on the screen is it true you eat leftovers cold most i would say yeah most and we've been through this conversation many times as well i would not uh you know eat if we had leftover chili i wouldn't just eat it cold out the pot or anything like that but like sane foods that you would you could fathom eating cold but you would probably rather warm up i probably eat cold triple coins man triple coins cold chicken cold pizza cold women and warm beer i just can't be getting you guys know tom waits cold fried rice no i i reheat the fried rices rice i i've eaten a reasonable amount of cold rice it it in my opinion it does taste better hot i cannot be harmed dude but honestly like there are some things cold if you've never tried them you owe it to yourself to give it a shot i'm being a thousand percent genuine one i mean cold pizza is the given but cold fried chicken is actually like it's a different experience i would i would give it like my highest endorsement for cold foods i didn't mean to take the chicken like straight up if you're doing the dance game face but you warm up your leftover fried chicken in the microwave my cold fried chicken is superior to your microwave warmed up fried chicken for sure the microwave it it [ __ ] with the batter man it gets all like the grease gets like it turns into superheated plasma paper that just like falls apart i'm telling you the cold fried chicken is a bit of an experience you could warm it up in the airfryer if you want but like by the time you get your chicken out of the airfryer i'll have already finished lunch and i'll be back at my desk gunning for that promotion so if that's the hill you want to die on if you want to go home and tell your spouse sorry honey i didn't get the promotion because i'm too much of a baby to eat cold fried chicken i lost the promotion to the guy at work that's always eating this food straight out of the refrigerator so he can be five percent more effective in the workplace then so be it that's a conversation that i'm not willing to have it's the sigma sigma mindset man if you gave me either an air fryer or a book that said how to warm up your food i would take the book because the information in the book would be more valuable than the air fryer by the way is still working my way through seinfeld season eight i told all the media critics online the media men beg to differ judging by the hole in the satellite picture a lot of critics say season eight is where the season fell or the the series fell off still heavily disagreed many classic episodes season 8 including last night believe it or not george is in at home please leave a message you can't kill me at the beep i must be out or i'd pick up the phone new record where could i be believe it or not i'm not home level 90. let's go lived for six seconds take me on a power up here movement speed overrated i will say i do kind of like a passive crown that doesn't require you to get the full crown give me a slash marker i'm gonna go to the bathroom slash marker vampire survivors 2 we're going
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 204,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 45sec (3225 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 24 2022
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