My cringe count is too high (Jackbox)

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all I'm just still going through phases that's fine you're you're the you're the leader whenever you wish I've settled on breasts okay me when uh my therapist asked me to name the most erotic part of a woman's body uh-huh I don't know what kind of therapy you're going to but okay a nut therapy I've settled on breasts me at the poultry aisle of the grocery store there you go I have way too many people texting me I'm going to listen to this explanation never seen you're going to help me first let's teach you how to type on my little machine here I'm going to pair you up with a text conversation then you're going to get me out of it be spicy be wild just do everything you can to make these folks never ever talk to me again ever I'll have you jump into a text box to start typing but guess what groups of you will be working on the exact same text at the same time why chaos oh back space is broken also the leading is broken also everything you type will stay the same forever but other than that it works great when you're finished your pals will vote on the words they like then we'll swap try get a big reaction the loudest weirdest wildest player wins you get all that well we're starting anyway did you get all that Ryan what conversations are we getting sorry I fell asleep I'm at a huge disadvantage cuz IP what kind of [ __ ] do you want to chat uh sure said yeah I said that said that she probably said chit like chit chat yeah chit you want a chat that makes sense you guys didn't pick serious business no I'm treating this like Ryan's frame R oh no and I'm going to pretend this is quick flash group one let's craft a response I'll start you off with this okay excuse me uh during the countdown you have few seconds to your cursor Choose Wisely are we supposed to collaborate here the you're supposed to [ __ ] with each other and just two one what you're supposed to type none of you are typing oh there we go I'm a little [ __ ] little piece of [ __ ] oh my God all out of jokes try a free suggestion on your device okay oh my God this is stupid right back and forth forever forever forever I clicked the tap me button oh okay I don't think they'll be texting us again [ __ ] Nelson they told me I'm out of characters you have R I'm on my phone man J L than 3 I'm your [ __ ] little piece of [ __ ] I going anyway I'm going to shoot why you wife a gun if you ever text me you have rjp so true so true what's your personality types I'm rjn I'm rjd2 allar grp to look at your device now to select a few words as your favorites what my you're going to select your favorite words my favorite words any any jumping out of you right [Laughter] now okay with huh not guzzle I thought guzzle would go yeah I bet that got a reaction Nelson likes oh no Nelson's a damn freak cocky want boing boing can't get rid what the [ __ ] did you just say you don't know cocki Wan boing boing I do not wait we're in teams apparently oh okay God two one oh I was typing already uh oh you can't backspace huh oh oh there's no back space yeah yeah yeah try one of the suggestions on your device that's bad for me I typo a lot please these are like the texts I used to give from my mom when she used speech to text excuse me she was talking about what was she doing with her hands I don't know probably driving if I had to guess what happens if I hit tap me you get a theme to type as oh f with Cory SW do it do it do it that's good quam I think I'm going to Better Call Saul I'm ready to shoot not that way thought like with a James gun yeah okay wonderful mess time for the rest of you to pick your favorite words start now H but there's so much to choose from right did I steal all of Cory's words by typing over them oh [ __ ] I hadn't considered that [ __ ] he's gaming in this thing that's kind of a game to boost your vote you double tap to boost your vote the hell drink verification can to get an extra ballot yep all of the words wait coor it said oh yes yo you on the same words gaming damn keep doing what you're doing but maybe a little this a strange game it's a very weird gameing the top how do I win I you know do whatever don't do what you're doing now apparently hpe over each other's words they did not like back and forth forever what if I just didn't vote for your words like well play the game man I'm just saying I just what if I just don't vote for anyone's quiplash answer no man I agree I agree why are we still on Nelson can we get some new I'm for it fix it please what okay put the old word in oh a frisky Flamingo and a gun start get fix good luck guys I can't I what the heck I don't have a keyboard oh it starts in three seconds God holy crap y feels like you're woring for something here ready to Boom KN Ryan he taking all the words ready to Boom all over knes knes nuts come boom ready to come boom or what have you actually W okay okay wait maybe the game's good I fuing who knew one butt could make it so much better stry and shoot wherever exclamation mark or what have you spank dude that's the best part that's pretty good that was pretty good stroy and shooty wherever I really like bonser bons oh that butt deserves a times to that was a [Music] legendary F I only have most of all of oh I could only choose that many words okay see whichs we all like [Music] yes yes oh that word was a effort that's it what the [ __ ] they put out a hit on him nice Ryan's playing the game Ryan wrote all those words Justin was the one who added the e bonser stroy shoot all right fine I'll you want nasty I'll show you nasty you can regret this good right the nastiest [ __ ] of all time [ __ ] Nelson ain't got a type he's into bad [ __ ] I already know what I want to do get fixing Tex your time starts now this is not funny but it's really funny to me wait why wasn't I typing you got to wait for the countdown you got to wait for the countdown oh my bad my bad I [ __ ] it up already I put two e out of jokes try a free suggestion on your device oh I I forgot there's no backspace this has to be the craziest game to play with your co-workers at jackbox night oh absolutely I'm going to go to the store and buy some bananas you're supposed to repulse Nelson uh too too late we've already been horned up by him oops we don't get a lot of time huh no I can't find Greg plant palm Emoji but I can't wait to get hey Nelson want to be the potato to my mozzarella the potato m g g sh look like a damn Hawaiian [Laughter] volcano oh my God make a decision the stakes are medium high Z how communicative let's check out the points I don't know if it leaves a lot to discuss between the rounds unfortunately yeah oh really all of those I'm very hungry right now do you want some Greg plant yeah extra points for coauthoring let I didn't write eggplant one down one contact deep confused let's keep going that was just one round that score well first first of 20 rounds wow no no no they give us Nelson again I swear to God to it I think we're going to be talking to Nelson again no I think we're [ __ ] with Nelson let's put a nail in this coffin your PC cannot handle these cut what are you dude it looks great on my screen oh oh my god did he just refer to himself in the third person Nelson feel Greg [Laughter] plan don't think just text go so ready remember you're friends with me not Jes Justin has just let to add the words to make them better words better oh hotsie sniffin is really good me for Mima [ __ ] TB this is not my put my name in there what the heck acts of sexual kindness like parmesan Mo for me more maybe a little putsy sniffin if you can handle my scorn beo sish rizle that's a good terrible magnificent effort pie sniffing sounds like a that was really good I didn't do it like an old I did the poot sniffing and then I guess Justin time is winding down I can't wait let's see those points Justin's going to the Moon here oh yeah someting here that word was a Oh M I needed those points she kind of sounds like a like a Star Wars dude talking maybe a little psy sniffing if you can handle my scor beo slices over rizle [Laughter] sh Greek PL parmesan more for me my Skywalker what the [ __ ] [ __ ] the rap battle game hell yeah on your mark get set F what's the fix right get out of here Cory you should be able to shoot a missile at the other person to lock their keyboard for 10 seconds yes or like fix words so like they can't change the word more madness keep at it a j jro oh he caps everything what's inside so stupid you should be yaxing learned anytime I'd learned it all from Flack black who is a great down under kiss and Els and we don't have much time check under your chair there should be a key look me under the painting in the living and unlock you the safety what inside you I have this one's [ __ ] man feelings about this time to make your final selection it's such a strange concept for a game game like this game pisses me off because I have to backspace like one out of every 20 characters when I'm no in the what are we liking of you guys like to unlocky safy safety it's my exact voting coll holy GL unlocky 4X safy no I don't want cheap viewers of is it over I think so I hope so I only learned how to play in the last round I need more time wow oh my God I'll be sending you my phone bill PM back for yep holy I feel like it's just it's missing something and I don't know what I feel like it's not bad it's not nice if it had more topics it sucks that it's one topic for two rounds or three rounds little time Jinx time Jinx is good time Jinx is I think it's like trivia but you only answer in numbers M if this you can count this as one wheel if you want no I I have honor okay he does know I'm not a trivia fan but it's okay who do I want to be you were unreached for the top back in the day don't get down on yourself I'm this guy yeah and I got like one answer right it could be worse you could have been only our mutual friend who uh they asked him a question four hockey players Maurice Rashard Bernie boom boom jeffre on Jean Bello Saku kivu what NHL team did they play for bro said Chicago Blackhawks I'll never forget get it as long as I [Music] live is this the same code same password or password yeah different code boom boom into the [Music] room you may launch the game yo mouth y nice Avatar thank you I think you skip I think you yeah I tutal I yeah we don't need it you know we almost called this the dating game but they sent us a cease and assist okay we I think it's most of the questions are like years you put in a year do it [Music] mhm it's time for your first mission you can't see it but I'm doing air quotes here's a Hint it happened between these years what punch that seems right to me that seems right to me uh [ __ ] [ __ ] go here oh hey you can join the audience Time by entering the room code it was at the end of World War I right that's what I was thinking like hey Corey Jinx jks yay the hell we signed an agreement in 2015 what the [ __ ] well a bunch of countries did I got something may not have it's true oh oh I a got a damn clue man you know I'm going with my heart here me too I ain't got a damn clue man I'm just going to say I went early early I didn't go that early yeah I didn't go very early either cuz all they're branding for it is like from the 70s mouth the hell get out of my head Charles [ __ ] hster man time for a new task yeah I had no idea I had my first MC rib like a month ago oh how are you supposed to know this Connect Four this has huge post-war Vibes yeah I don't think they were playing Connect 4 in like the Great Depression trying to connect Fork this a very tragic time in world history justtin wow dude he's so back sheated come back in a big way that [ __ ] didn't come out there took till 1974 to invent Connect 4 they had put a man on the moon 5 years ago the number in the name of the game they were still working with with tic tac toe back then they were fine holy man they were living on threes not fours dude oh but then we need to connect five now hey sket want to see The Bodyguard ooh respond with the answer that shows you belong insane that I'm going to know this this what they wanted to hear I don't think it's out insane and the it is for me who doesn't watch movies hold on to your buts we're going the next oh that is so out of the loop who's the new chief justice I'm your private dancer that's uh definitely not that one that's I mean it's a 50/50 oh I almost 5050 Canadians Canadians stay winning that's true wow I'm a cheater I'm going to that Tom Cru slide okay what the heck it's Risky Business bro you should know that I always get the mixed up oh wait Risky Business he like the high school okay let's see who's winning with the lowest score this is a this is a good game so far I'll say it's pretty fun it's pretty fun wait my score my number is the highest I'm winning right this is anti- swag this is your cringe count you got to get your cringe down moving on oh man I [ __ ] know dude I'm glad to give you the FR I would have guess like 1942 or something remember the Southwest Airlines Spitfires in the Battle of Britain kind D hey what I knew I knew it was 70s that much I knew they do have 7s color SCH new you know Southwest you know it just got a very 70s vibe to it you know which mother which freaky [ __ ] was doing this you know what I bet it was this guy again I'm glad they give me I would have said like 1892 or something I just I think I went too low now you got to think world World War II era really I think it was like Ryan I had a feeling that seemed like some goofy [ __ ] John F Kennedy's ass would do it out of a Canon you don't you don't know who H hun Thompson is Lo in Las Vegas no I don't know who this is the [ __ ] year was that man the crazy thing is he was alive turned into ashes at the same time he was a big smoker I Jinx one more [ __ ] time you do Jinx a lot what apparently you don't need to [ __ ] know it to get it right apparently I thought he died like six years ago you'll see the same question that was 201 was 19 years ago your SC will beeded for every correct answer knock them dead but but don't kill anyone and yes the time Loop occurs in an old fridge I rigged up it makes sense trust me f I'm Los down time in this game what how would I know man too many of these numbers are even so I picked the weird one [Music] uh [ __ ] it they go low we go high uh bam time Loop you can stay with your first choice or jump shift to another this isn't trivia game I don't mind this one why why is it highlighting that one yeah I didn't pick that my my answer hitting us with the Monty Hall problem or something oh you that was my both time is it 235 yeah everybody got this one wrong oh so I should have changed my answer oh no [ __ ] no one gets 10 the first time I doubled down 20 I doubled it so they only do the thing one time only go one time yeah that's the I thought they went through twice that's [ __ ] crazy X I didn't get sh I didn't get wrong oh I got the first oh never mind I see scores sure let's see them well you guys really got to get your cringe down beat me to death with hammers I guess welcome to the third [Music] round quick heads up if you're not doing so hot you'll be receiving some hints from your future that's kind of [ __ ] for Apollo though he's only two off that's between you two well maybe be more cringe I'm too cringe right now [Music] oh spawns Vite oh that does not help me man this doesn't help me at all bro that doesn't help me at all dude this [ __ ] from like the byproduct of like molasses or something no it just told me something else that happened around the same time I don't know when the [ __ ] that happen either the bees knees I don't want to help you oh mine said the cat oh [ __ ] I think I'm a little post be I guess what I thought was cats meow me and Cory cat meow 20s we got this [ __ ] me and M the 20s too oh yeah earlier 20s was have that yet I brother oh I obviously the second to last digit is four you [ __ ] game thanks for the hint I'm going to be oneof cuz I'm stupid aren't I I don't remember this exactly either I should know this cuz I did a presentation on like no never mind did you storm did you storm the beach yeah reenacted are you going to I like baited myself out of the I think I thought I was in yeah why did I do 43 I don't it's 44 I should have done 44 yeah H is it though Ryan I got Battlefield definitely 44 or 43 I didn't know which one I got battle fielded hard I do Battlefield myself with that question sometimes here's the next one oh okay wait that that is so helpful what did it say oh I cleared the I cleared the what did the hint say it gave me the last digit what so I'm either going to get it right or be off by like 10 or more yes ditto ditto I either got it right or I'll be off by like 10 or 20 son of a [ __ ] the last digit was a three I think you're right then I think you're right yeah oh let's go my swag oh God turn lying down bro Jesus Christ the popcorn lungs giving you power but it's been replaced with an eyesore based on the surroundings where are we where's rainbolt the famous landmark is missing oh I know what that is bro they're like so far apart from each other this would be so embarrassing okay okay I'd laugh if they just move the heads Alat the damn Rock Nicholas Cage escaped from it Carlo was the pr Queen it's time to fix the butterfly effect your actions have altered the course of history sorry I have to peek and you hurry up narration uh yeah okay he's done it I I played the on on Playstation too that game you played what on the PlayStation who would do this right uh what's the game with the guy with the mullet you blow stuff up mercenaries or mer mercenaries best commercial ever oh no they didn't oh no you didn't oh he was a painter I knew it famous for his beans oh F we're going swag for swag man yeah o Apollo's in first now holy [ __ ] cheater the final task give us like a 1,000 your range and this time help future when was writing invented no no dude like when did uh in the life of the universe when did Pluto form this oh this hurts my brain yeah same I don't know why adding a little bit of math made it so finees only oh it's going to come down to oh we're going to tie aren't we no Tik tok's been out that long oh it's a percentage thing twit came like 20 [ __ ] participation medal in four right why' everybody get that everyone was close I guess everyone was W five oh baby I stand to gain the most fromus 40 you say Tik Tok came out in 2004 oh Twitter came out in 2004 oh it was like 2005 it's crazy I did it I did it damn hiding screens cuz I got to go get some quickly go ahead go ahead right back you have a good piss y'all got to go pick up his swag I got to get my cringe down that's okay one one cringe more I know but it hurts it hurts there's something there's something off about the presentation the game is fine it wasn't terrible I love TKO I wish the setup I haven't seen TKO to yet but I assume it has the same very long setup time while we're here let's give it a try I would love that just take a while to load though have you noticed that I keep forgetting I have to like they keep you on this page now yeah it's still loading huh TKO TKO ch ch good morning chib little bug crawls into your room but you s he is a nice Aura so you don't squash him I'm that's me bro I'm the bug a you're my favorite bug save the saved the bug from a shower the last night the last night man chip chip Nation I don't Nation [Music] surprised you didn't go one above that Apollo it's a cat [ __ ] oh is that a cat I guess it is a cat we have five of us we have six of us right we have six of us back from the pone as they P actually I went to get some potato chips dude oh he's [Music] snacking kind I love those ones they're just wavy man just wavy plain yeah but value size so who's the welcome back to Island I am the new tournament mistress my watch the time of no just the grocery store it's just like the lasot take I'll hit it bags of chips at Costco with too big what sounds sounds like not a Costco guy thing to say I would prefer the same weight but split into two bags so that it wasn't like one huge 5 kg bag you can't contain yourself exactly one of anything at all and ask if you need it proud I'm supposed to draw a shirt a shirt you're doing three drwings in total so pace yourself three huh mhm in a minute or do we have a minute each I think I don't know honestly yeah I think gu it's not a minute each let's put it that way you're halfway through your time for your first drawing oh never mind and now what do I draw do a shirt I draw another shirt oh that's the background oh it's the shirt [Music] color why are you guys seeing this shirt business the picture you're drawing is going to be a shirt it's going to be on a shirt Oh I thought I was supposed to draw a picture of a shirt oh shirt with a shirt on it that's that's going to go so hard that's going to go so hard [ __ ] I should draw a shirt seconds wrap it up [Music] bro on my third drawing dude I'm okay if you haven't started your second drawing all right drawing number two time I suck ass at Art man one more drawing after this it's hard doing this on my side monitor so I know what I want to do with this one you're halfway through your time [Music] H what are they saying in the background dude the soundtrack goes crazy [Music] though yeah Qui flash is dead 10 seconds okay if you haven't started your third drawing the time has come the time has what oh my God he's so right time has come time tap to make it happen this is your last drawing don't hold back you guys are still going I'm taking my time on my last drawing to make it look cool my God I'm just drawing guys now if you worked in a corporate environment you know how it goes the time it takes to complete a task scales directly to the time given to complete the task that's what they want you're halfway through your time I'm writing that down in my notebook you guys tapping on airplane or I'm make this [ __ ] Coke I'm going to make I closed the [Laughter] game I was tapping on on coconut too hard man dude what this progress bar is like what's going I'm tapping on it like crazy too who's getting the I feel like I'm loading RuneScape in 2008 bro this shit's not moving seconds left I'm doing the triple click we're not we're not getting we're not we're not achieving this at all I'm hitting this check mark me trying to download the Halo 2 E3 2003 demo from [ __ ] you know you had to be there then that [ __ ] was a vertical slice that map wasn't even in the game bro had to be there think the game crashed did we die oh it just took a second just took a second time to write phrases and slogans at least four from each of you start writing now so these are things that'll go with the pictures but you just kind of write whatever you want nouns verbs The Usual Suspects need a quick idea slap that suggestion button just start typing and see what happens he keeps deleting my [ __ ] be aware your time is me too stop deleting my [ __ ] man yeah not like submitting it like I think it's submitting it right yeah it just takes a minut hit an upy bro it is submitting it when you hit enter yeah no but I'm halfway through typing something it dis it disappears oh really yeah same and you wanted to make shirts now's your chance check out the drawing make [ __ ] on your device and smash two together that will dominate the battlef that's a good one for the intestine fans remember to check out the different I don't get to use this Dre to make my shirt that's the best ever I've already made the shirt I didn't even to look decisions just the greatest shirt of all time instantly 30 seconds left [Music] okay did what I could did what I yeah me too who the [ __ ] someone drew a triangle bro I got the shirt on the shirt pyramid oh wow oh man if only these slogans were swapped where are the wmts now is the time for come [Laughter] his penis is a [Laughter] w mine look kind of like a come [Laughter] shot I I didn't realize I was Voting and I voted for the wrong one oh me in 2016 [Music] wow that [ __ ] lost to come yeah I thought the other one was definitely going to win G you really did draw a triangle it's really like is a tetrahed pyramid a pyramid it's a very skewed pyramid sorry the one on the right goes pretty hard yeah not that hard though the other one is pretty good I'm not going to fall you for being given a triangle oh you can rotate through you can rotate through you didn't have to Triangle dude the I drew the one on the right it's the [ __ ] up but I drew this what the hell I think you get points for it oh my God that's pretty good bro who drew zo also really good it was me that's sad man not the drawing you having to call it out like that I know I know it's my drawing end slope thought you were trying to get thought you were trying to get your cringe down right dude it's zo what oh yeah mine sorry mine's just better I drew Zoop that I lost the Zoop I know how chii feels yeah I'm might to have to I'm might have to you know do the flunky on him the one on the r why did that go so fast is the only shirt I would consider actually buying so far for the all of us vote I'm going to be honest I like wow the close one the punch is a bit too violent I don't really like it I wish so much violence in the yeah it's normalizing physical this isn't this isn't blue like I wouldn't want a child playing this game with violence like that I would agree with that unless it was their co-regulation mechanism in which case I guess I would have to allow it but I'm giving you a choice so true you can start fresh like before I might make a for drawing from earlier check to warn other parents and stuff about the violence what are we doing oh we're going to change a drawing or do a new [Laughter] drawing I like looking at all the drawings yeah it's cool to see every drawing I I feel like I was very elegant with this the Coconut's halfway okay you've all made your choice now get busy I'm going to make that coconut fall dude I'm going to make it fall too bro I'm going to get collab okay cab it's collab it's the same it's the same one who gets the the last hit gets the gold I'm I'm h X you're checking is not sending it that was so unsatisfying all that was reset reset dude we go to the plane next maybe it'll be better can you guys stop tapping for a second I'm trying to send my drawing in it's not submitting you guys got dude why is it going so fast now I need you guys to stop tapping for a second fingers oh we lagging out the game I think so who is that oh look at him look at him just hit submit same yeah well everyone stop tapping stop tapping so everyone can submit I don't think it's I like that's the problem I tapped it like a 100 times and then eventually it worked oh it went it went were you did you keep tapping mouth or did you just no I just stopped for like the last 5 Seconds oh yeah mine finally went too let's have four new slogans from each of you begin riding now four they said [Music] right and a suggestion button still there just in case [Music] your time is halfway up I'm in mouth zero slogan finished God seconds left hold on it's a good one no they they mineing oh no it's back oh okay well I definitely typed in three or four this say only the new drawings and slans on your device and craft that my drawing is so good it mixes up for the lack of slogans it gave me my own image I drew I don't love my drawings I got remember you control the Garment and SL wait what it I got two of the same drawing man I have no idea what this even says 30 left you got toilet team too no could could get good luck something I got I got toilet team and toilet team but it says piss season underneath this 10 more seconds smell that in the air I got my own drawing which made me sad cuz I didn't feel good using it not thrilled with my my shirt selection the T begin fight vote for your okay listen wow um I'm allowed back into the country I'm picking the one on the other side hell how do I keep losing crazy I am so mad this is crazy I'm so [Laughter] mad if I oh oh I oh if I lose to my own shirt end quote bro I swear to God I'm just noticing something y'all I think we got a billion votes yep yeah we going hack I think you should still try the thing that uh I got to go through my damn ay man it's no yeah it's fair [ __ ] B I lose to my own shirt and quote [Laughter] dude that's all me I I gave that to you well I mean that's pretty good second one's giving me some questions man that I would I would buy the one on the right we got the damn got the damn buffer underflow man what's going minus 67 million votes what is this a 2020 election or something what are they complaining about 678 million it doesn't even it didn't do anything looks like it yeah look like it just chills after [Music] it the poop took it the poop took it I don't think it's doing anything that was that fast all right okay what the [ __ ] yeah I think if we all vote quickly it just well I also think there's like something to like stop it in this pack cuz they're not counting them I'm like waiting to vote now yeah yeah we got to let I mean like there's if you're still in line they have to let you vote some I voted where'd he come from mine feels like a shirt they definitely sell it like hot winner or Spencer gifs or something the boardwalk on we go this I love [ __ ] sometimes I didn't feel right I didn't feel right drawing on somebody else's drawing my shirt wasn't even up there like I did they forget about me who takes it all do I come in the round to your and keep on voting until the power bar of your favorite is full wa wait am I just did they kill me no a examp go it seems like an insane way to do this just everyone tapping aggressively on their devices seems to be doing nothing some of us had rheumatoid arthritis Jack I'm going to make a for post about this a [ __ ] Z is killing poop I'm changing my I'm changing my for poop I'm I'm going for poop like do I should give up my team is losing I could see so many dads wearing that shirt on the right right yeah all you need is something on it that says Eddie bow your chion hell you got against Eddie bow wait bro the second round my shirt wasn't even in the [ __ ] thing at all bro that's how bad it was H the what the [ __ ] this Dame walk you passing hold instead of tab what the [ __ ] wow wow wow GG which one was your shirt Jim z z crossed out the Z with an S NYPD fundraiser that was in there man that was in there was that oh my bad I deleted the form post oh dude it's right there I'm scrolling down it lost to Metallica World Tour of 2024 I want to buy the where the woke up I bought all of these and I'm going to donate them to a charity shop so like someone that's like oh I need affordable clothing is going to have to buy by Joe Rogan toilet team this season yeah oh man that is evil I wouldn't do that I wouldn't do that I'm not a piece of [ __ ] guys [ __ ] hell yeah but are you a bag of douche yeah whole entire bag of douche you dou with a bag sorry I'm screen AR suck a bag of dicks who you can't say kind of sang is that lovely delicious sandwich close the stream yall ready for y ready for Christmas yeah what it's so crazy chii that you're like a month away from the shortest day of the year what like your your winter solstice is approaching oh winter is coming what the 21st of John June 21st at 8:50 a.m. why does it go to time bro it's not it the whole day anybody remember the password for this I do I do I don't know what it [Laughter] is y'all have to check up on me uh on the 21st of June y'all got to make sure I'm okay I'm gonna be outside bro it's the longest day of the year
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 40,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: azb7u95C0Is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 31sec (3511 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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