It's an old reference sir but it checks out (Vampire Survivors)

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it back so I definitely think we can like we can start to run the casino now they're not like guaranteed losses will we survive this one yes no honestly I think you get like five minutes why not why not feed my addiction how about you feed my Frankenstein let's go um how much is martachio he's 700 I'll unlock this fool and then I'm going to go power up and let's get honestly let's get some more growth that seems like a great investment more touch me and put me back on the forest we gotta beat the forest level at some point mortacio's pure ass what are you talking about he's a skeleton on a Peloton mods what is this bet listen you Poindexter obviously we're going to die to Dracula if we live okay you know what it means like will we survive to 30 minutes let me get fire wands because I love spinach he's too high skill for you what do you thought you literally just walk I'm I'm honestly one of the best Walkers out there I would put my summer 2022 step counter up against not anybody in chat because I know there's people here that work like you know outside jobs and stuff like that I would put it up in the top 10 percent though I'm just gonna be honest you I think I'm one of the one of the best walkers in the game right now how many steps a day well like almost like under 3 000 on the weekdays but then Friday Saturday Sunday like 20 000 each I'm a dog walker okay obviously you're gonna beat me if you're not if you're not a dog walker if you're just like a normal person no disrespect laughs I hike for my job okay obviously I'm not going to I'm not going to beat you if you hike for your job okay okay what is the tome synergize with and what does the spellbinder synergize with Tome is wand okay that's right and spellbinder is Bible but cooldown's very good okay so we want wands we want magical ones yes foreign I stand by it what the heck is Toronto's box [Music] do not take it do not take it okay okay okay okay it's a cursed item pomerola is the Garlic Synergy so we do that you you do not test sidewalks for a living you probably work in I.T okay which is fine I'm not insulting you I'm just saying like why are you on the internet pretending by the way we have a mutual friend I don't want to put her on blast but she works for a a big company in Vancouver she texted my wife and she said holy cow one of my co-workers is wearing your husband's merch right now and then my wife said uh what does he do for work and she said he's in the I.T department and I was like of course he is I know I know my audience he's not on the sales team he's not in the c-level Executive Suite or anything like that he said of course he's in the IIT Department he's providing critical infrastructure to keep the business afloat which coincidentally just means 90 percent of his time at work is down time spent around browsing slash Dot and Hacker News which is fine it's fine that other 10 is what pays the salary I understand foreign consultant that checks out this is the least clueless I've ever been nobody's well I shouldn't say nobody few people are going to work as like you know an HVAC installation technician and they're like hold on let me put on northernlionaudio only so I can be insulted and condescended too while I do like real work foreign not too many plus two plus two mortancio can you do some damage I understand you're fighting like you know skeletons here but you know I'm driving the bus I do like three hours of work a week honestly and and I think that like even like five or six years ago I probably would have been like this is everything wrong with the current world but now I'm like I love that for you that seems pretty sweet I'm gonna plus through you on that one yeah don't tell anybody else you need to participate in the adult charade of just constantly humble bragging about how busy you are instead but like I am happy for you I think if you have like a job you're very passionate about you should be like you should work as much as you want to work which is probably more than you should but if you just have a job that kind of like you mildly like or tolerate then you know I support your your desire to only work three hours a week and just you know be like a normal person in the rest of your time and not be defined by your career necessarily that makes sense to me yeah this is listen this is I hate to even bring this up because it's too easy to farm like plus twos with this but like people have been talking a lot about quiet quitting why is no one talking about being quiet fired which is when like your company lies to you and tells you that it makes you believe that you have a chance for upward movement but actually they're just going to keep you mired in the same position the same salary for the rest of your life until you eventually get tired of it and leave foreign of the world is is quiet fired right now and getting gasoline into thinking they can't quiet quit hold on these are all bad right what do I take here I need help clock Lancet gets op later I'd say armor for future range roon tracer I'd say knife all right it turns out they're all bad let me get armor cause uh at least that gives me a a good thing to look for in the future I can look for a rune Tracer later don't hit me I was glancing Chad is is baiting you I will say as soon as I took it as soon as I took armor 90 of the comments said clock Lancet it really will be your own sometimes that's okay though all right yeah I don't have rerolls for whatever reason I don't know my dad wants to vacation in Vancouver for two days it's a 14-hour drive hold on let's take a look at this one do I talk him out of it or are there things to do in Vancouver that make it worth it um I mean I would not do like a fort me personally I would not do a 14-hour drive to stay in Vancouver for two days but it also depends where you're coming from I think like if you're coming from like the the middle of Alberta or something it's just mine and I don't want to betray BC here but I feel like you'd be better off taking a much shorter drive and just seeing some of the beautiful sights in Alberta I love Vancouver but at the same time like a 14-hour drive is very time intensive especially if it's 14 hours each way or like is it seven seven hours and then seven hours back foreign if you just want to go to a city maybe just go to Calgary instead if you want to see nature maybe go to you know I'm sure you're aware of of Banff and Lake Louise but like I don't I don't think you're gonna find it's it's worth the 14-hour drive just to be in Vancouver we just booked the Alaska Disney cruise from Vancouver for next year anything we should do in Vancouver while we're there honestly just do what everybody else did in Vancouver be very scared of the downtown environment and talk about it all week as if it's the most exciting thing that's ever happened to anybody else on the crew did you see and then the and I was so scared and the and they asked me if I had any change and it's yeah I know it's insane out there listen okay hold on I don't have an answer I'm just being smug I guess what are we maybe we just upgrade spellbinder no no no no no no you upgrade one so you can get your Evolution as quickly as possible yeah yeah yeah yeah hey someone threw a rock through my bus window a couple weeks ago like you're not TransLink they threw uh a window of a rock through a window of the bus you were on it's not your Buzz I'm not saying it wasn't scary but like let's not act like you gotta foot the build meanwhile I got my barbecue cover stolen and I had to go to Canadian Tire and buy a new one you don't hear me complaining about it Bible is spellbinder this is correct right yes okay send it send it foreign it's a family vacation we're visiting from somewhere else so it's exciting for him I mean okay here's the thing I think if you're as bizarre as it sounds if you're from like way like if you're from out of the continents and a 14-hour drive in a foreign country is a thing of like it's kind of exotic to you to begin with because you know you don't live there then yeah maybe it's worth it it's kind of because at some point like when you're in a different part of the world like everything just becomes like American Truck Simulator right you're like holy cow it was like that when I lived in South Korea like just getting off at a different subway stop than usual was like exotic whoa look at how different things are in bonwoldong versus at Shin Mai it's crazy here dude I don't recognize any of the kimbap jungkooks like this is nuts so in that case I would say send it but honestly if you're if the driving is like part of the fun you should like drive up to Vancouver spend the day and then do like another uh two hours up the Sea to Sky Highway which is actually a beautiful drive then go spend like a night in Whistler and then drive back to Vancouver and have like dinner there for adding two extra hours to your drive you'll get that you'll get a beautiful scenic drive on the Cedar Sky Highway spend the night in a resort Town you'll get to drive it back the other way and you'll be you'll it'll make the the first 90 of the drive feel worth it for sure that's my advice foreign wait no no I wasn't talking to the the family going on the cruise if you're going listen okay if you're going on the I was talking to the one that's from Outer continent if you're from if you're going on a Disney cruise you should I don't know just stay in like a hotel or something like that because you got a toddler right you don't want to I mean you know how it is you got a lot of moving parts two adults traveling anywhere they have like two carry-on bags two adults and a toddler they have like two carry-on bags and five suitcases you don't want to Lug all that stuff around rent a car you just stay in a hotel downtown and go to the cruise terminal like in the morning maybe spend an extra day in the city eat some delicious food then go on the cruise but foreign I got my bits crossed there I apologize I watch your videos in my police cruiser and make the people I arrest watch YouTube okay listen officer that's stealing hey can you at least make them open the twitch channel on like their own device otherwise two people are watching but I'm only getting one view on The View counter that's illegal to me in my opinion such as here now there's a cop here are you gonna fellate him listen that was one time and it was only because there were 16 cops here at the same time okay that was a special scenario foreign that's not like an everyday occurrence plus I'm sick so Dr Christine Tam doesn't want me to engage in any unprotected fellatio I'd have to go build a custom-made glory hole in order to stay adequately socially distanced okay and I'm not that handy I want I want the chest I want that chest I want the chest I want that I want the chest I want that chest I want it I want it that was not worth it I think I'm in trouble man how am I gonna get out of here see you oh I'm just gonna walk away apparently I'm back how did you die Josh I wish I could tell you that I knew the answer but like honestly they're just there were too many enemies I I couldn't uh I just couldn't kill them fast enough it's a book I died from a lack of living ain't that the truth sad story too lightning so true foreign Bible please get a chicken please I believed in you dude I got upgraded garlic nothing can kill me for like at least another 30 seconds okay I'm set more garlic [Music] always evolve your weapon yeah that's the ticket man you think I don't know how to play vampire survivors here's the thing everybody thinks that I'm bad at this game it's just because I don't have the upgrades that I used to have I get you got 500 hours you gotta you start with infinite HP you can come back from the dead like five times and stuff like that I'm playing the game the way like it's meant to be played I'm playing on hard mode this is heat 36. you don't understand what it's like you guys are playing on Elon mode right now or as soon as you spawn into the game your dad owns an emerald mine I'm playing on Normie mode where it just has like an upper middle class stable career and is like very attentive and loving okay it's not the same I got the act against me always go duplicate I know that I know that always go Bible always go Bible and is six feet tall you don't know how masculating it is that you're you're when your father is taller than you are okay what do you get when you cross uh socially adapted Outcast with a father who's two inches taller than you disgust me Murray foreign bad growth spurt I honestly think that maybe like my genes have the ability to be 510 or to be six foot but I'm only 5 10 because I my diet from age like 10 to 14 was basically just like Wonder Bread salami sandwiches and Wheat Thins I think I left two inches on the table by not eating right as a as an adolescent I shouldn't uh shouldn't have eaten so many Nabisco snacks man so many too many Nature Valley granola bars my girlfriend wants to know your thoughts on if sheets are necessary what do you okay like they're necessary like not on an animal level like you can survive without sheets but are they necessary in the sense that I think it's like a bare minimum standard of quality and comfort for me to go to sleep yes like I I respect myself enough that sheets are a requirement like if I was staying over at a friend's house and they were like here's the guest bed and it was just like a bare mattress with no sheets like no top sheet no no duvet I would be like I would stay at a hotel and I would probably I mean I would tell the story on the stream for sure because that [ __ ] is kind of like insulting right I could see Josh doing that absolutely not Josh do you see what they think about you I bet Josh would have the utmost Hospitality he might give me like some funny sheets like he might be like check it out you can have my adventure time sheets or something like that but he wouldn't give me a bed with no sheets why do you need a duvet because it's comfortable like what's the I'm not trying to cheat the system like you don't have to go out and like buy a new duvet or whatever but like it's just bare minimum okay if I'm staying over at your house I'm gonna be honest okay maybe this makes me a snob even if I'm staying over at your house by myself I expect a twin bed okay that's that's in my rider I've slept on a single bed before I'm not I if I had to if I got enlisted or drafted into the military shirt but get I want at least a twin bed one pillow with a clean pillowcase mattress with a mattress cover and a duvet that doesn't need to have any other sheets on it mattress mattress cover duvet pillow pillowcase twin bed that's good enough I would I would consider myself thrilled what about a pull out a pull out is like that's like twin bed size I wouldn't be mad about that I'm done sleeping on those metallic folding cots though I respect myself too much what about a couch it's not your fault I'm envious of people that can sleep that easily I don't think I could fall asleep on a stranger's couch at age 33. now I slept in definitely more [ __ ] up situations when I was like 19. when I was like heavily intoxicated and also very tired but like like Josh and I have stayed in hotel rooms where we slept three people to a double bed like three fully grown adult men we've also slept in situations where there was a hotel room with two double beds and eight fully grown men sleeping in the room so three people slept in each bed one person slept on the floor and one person slept in the bathtub that being said I gotta tell you it's an easy way to stay in downtown Toronto for like nine dollars a night foreign the morning routine gets a little complicated though who got the bathtub I took the floor the first night I can't sleep in the bathtub that would ruin my spine I remember sleeping on the floor it was like the end of December sleeping on the floor downtown Toronto we got like the AC on because there's eight men in the in the hotel room I'm right next to the window it's got no insulation because the hotel was built in like 1920. I got a hypothermia those were the days in some ways anyway yeah I think sheets are necessary I mean they're not necessary like in in a mammalian sense but to feel like a human being yeah yeah I think so we want weapons foreign like that's we sleep pretty minimalistic mattress mattress cover two pillows duvet that's it and honestly it's nice I hate the way you phrased it by the way you said my girlfriend wants to know your opinion because she thinks you'll agree with her so is your girlfriend the degenerate that that also insults me by thinking like I'm a piece of garbage you think that I'm uh I'm a grown man with a retirement fund and a spouse and the child that I raise you know with with good values and I sleep on an uncovered mattress like an 18 year old college student answer me answer me answer me Walt no okay someone said it's the chatter that doesn't think they should have to change the sheets and the girlfriend wants him to change the sheets guarantee that does sound like uh it sounds like the most likely as someone who at one point was like a 23 year old man myself that sounds right foreign spoiler the girlfriend is his mom what are you doing that's so rude that's so insulting you think his mom would stoop to that level look I'm just going listen what is what does Nathan Fielder say when he's trying to explain sketch comedy to Angela you have to exaggerate the bit or you have to you have to escalate the bid that's it I know what sketch comedy is Nathan I watched key and peel I need to kill a boss and then get a chest evolve my weapon and then we're gonna go to Tennessee Oklahoma Arkansas Minnesota holy cow that's a lot of levels man what have I done to deserve this I'm Sorry by the way that when I breathe in you can hear my mucus it's uh it's gross for me too I promise you that oh dude it's gold time Gold Fever oh 39 dollars what the hell is this I made 45 on Gold Fever that's like nothing now I know how gambling streamers feel when they pump fifteen thousand dollars into a slot machine and they only win 17 000 on a bonus more more clover Plus 10. it's like a dollar an hour by the way can I just say under my under appreciated joke of the week I happen to see Dan beat uh Bayonetta the final cut scene of Bayonetta is like a seven minute scene where Bayonetta is just dancing in chat I said dang she's kind of Napoleon Dynamite with it though it elicited no reaction whatsoever nobody laughs nobody even said I understood that reference I was very I was a little slighted I was a little annoyed what's the joke the joke was at her dancing was like a little cringe it looked like she'd practiced it in her bedroom mirror for like you know 100 hours before she got on stage at the school talent show bayonet is not cringe I don't know bayonetta's cringe because that's like almost the only part of the game I've seen but that dance honestly was a little bit I mean she was a little bit in Napoleon Dynamite with it Napoleon became a badass with that dance did we see the same movie they gave him a standing ovation no okay not Haley Duff didn't give him a standing ovation she was too busy uh feeling annoyed because it took all the attention away from the Happy Hands Club foreign but that other girl was impressed Oh you mean the one where he spent like two hours doing the shading on her upper lip I must be too old to understand any of this [ __ ] I don't know you might be too young like being a millennial was basically like if you wanted to be the funniest uh Millennial in your friend group it's basically just like who has memorized more of the Napoleon Dynamite Anchorman and Zoolander uh scripts maybe with a little Wedding Crashers thrown in as a kicker foreign maybe a little old school now and then me making friends as a millennial at uh at any party where I don't know people you're my boy blue you're my boy people be like holy [ __ ] I'm about to be this guy's best friend I'm 32 I've never watched any of those you've got some required viewing then you're 32 even if you haven't seen Napoleon Dynamite Anchorman Wedding Crashers or old school I would have expected like at least two of them foreign don't bother they're all bad they're not all bad okay Wedding Crashers is pretty good Napoleon Dynamite at least has a unique Style Anchorman one honestly I think I I could not go back and watch it I think that I think it would make me cringe to watch Anchorman one like the comedy is just too like mid-2000s build old school has aged extremely poorly it doesn't mean it's not funny but it has aged really really badly it's kind of hard for me to believe that I saw it in theaters as like a 12 year old like I went to my childhood dentist and he was like what are you doing today and I said I'm gonna go see old school after this that didn't ring any alarm Bells and now I love you but you're crazy okay you're my boy blue you're you're crazy we're going streaking what a movie what part about old school is aged badly they drop a lot of words really early on in the movie that are not uh considered okay to use anymore and also the central plot of the film is that Luke Wilson sleeps with his boss's daughter and doesn't want his boss to find out his boss's daughter is like a high school senior I think waiting is unwatchable for these reasons yeah I was just waiting for the first time like a month and a half ago now I'm a I'm a sane individual so I was not like uh oh everybody who liked this movie in 2004 is about to get canceled but I was like oh my God you definitely like sometimes people will say you couldn't make this [ __ ] anymore and they'll they'll talk about like something like The Hangover you could definitely make the hangover now I mean they made like a hangover like less than six years ago you could not make waiting anymore you would end up on like the no-fly list it's a five piece it's a five piece [Music] that's an upgrade man look at that Tina come get your dinner you fat lard make yourself a dang quesadilla or something do the chickens have large talons that's like a dollar an hour Napoleon don't be jealous just because I've been online chatting the hot babes all day wait you forgot the crystals how much you want to make a bet I can throw a football over there man the mountains sorry I forgot how to speak here he's crazy hitting reference overload your mom goes to college great line great line anyway over the mailman sorry forgot how does I forgot how to speak English Napoleon if you don't like it you can leave I see you're drinking one percent is that because you think you're fat because you're not fat you could even drink whole milk if you wanted to oh man I haven't seen Napoleon Dynamite in a long time there's a chest in the top right bro I'm vibing right now okay be right you're right I'll follow I'll go to the chest I'll go see the chest think anyone wants a roundhouse kicked in the face when I'm wearing these bad boys forget about it [Music] he's amazing foreign commercial three suits of armor and a magical princess wand hey yo a a Ron thanks for the gifted subscriptions much appreciated much appreciated thoughts on dodgeball yo Aaron what are your thoughts on dodgeball I saw it in theaters with my parents I liked it I don't know if I would still like it but I liked it at the time tell me all your thoughts on Dodge cause I'm on my way to see it look at this I just like Ben Stiller like I feel like I I've the only Ben Stiller [ __ ] that I don't like is the stuff that's universally loved like The Secret Life of Walter Mitty where whenever you hear anybody say like I watched the best movie last night it inspired me to change my life I'm like oh here we go I'm about to hear some [ __ ] about The Secret Life of Walter Mitty again you don't get it Ryan he's old but he long boards isn't that inspiring he takes a flight to Iceland and learns how to longboard I'm all about I mean most many people don't know Ben Stiller actually directed The Cable Guy it's the it's the Ben Stiller Jack Black Jim Carrey Confluence how could you not like the Cable Guy Ben Stiller also has a cameo role as a a famous actor who may have killed his twin brother I think it was an Asian gang or something I heard them speaking I think it was Asian it's a it's an absolutely Classic Cinema moment that's why you got to see Severance is it like a follow-up to the the Cable Guy is it like a spiritual successor to the cable guy is that why everyone loves it so much yep all right I'll give it a shot then I always wondered what happened to chip Douglas at the end of that movie a wonkyless donkeyless thanks for the gifted subscriptions thank you thank you and mighty Matt me thank you as well you're too good to me you really are the Cable Guy the password is I don't know how to pronounce it but it's that little thing that good enough I can't say that to my mother what a movie I could do this all day man you say that to her she's not my mother oh but you're right you're right I love it when the blurry man makes references I'm not blurry on my preview you gotta you should put it on Source or something holy cow I might just stand still here why not is on source it's okay it's only two and a half minutes left hi what if I start going like this does that help hold on I'm gonna I bet I can help actually if I just stay completely still if I if I just sit here and go foreign oh that's not gonna work that's OverWatch too where's my Gordon oh that's not gonna work I thought we we fixed the lag apparently not it's speeding up dude five piece money bag who would have thought I might just take like a little nap or something like a quick little 90 second nap I'm not gonna say anything if you think I'm gonna say anything you're crazy I'm quiet quitting this vampire survivors run it will help if you name 71 rappers right now okay um Lil yachty ASAP Rocky uh triple red oh [ __ ] Joe cold I can name two right off the top Eminem and Lil Wayne 50 seconds huh you know ASAP ASAP Rock yeah Aesop Rock he's like that rapper that is like hey you like rap music you like how fun it is you like how it has like Soul samples and stuff like that well here's um here's a guy who makes all of his Beats out of like the sound of sandpaper scraping across a garbage can having fun is cool but you know you like you like all those Soul samples on late registration here's something that's absolutely nothing like that at all foreign of the Edmund Fitzgerald with Illmatic get out of here Dracula you stink we survived I also unlocked Croce by defeating a hundred thousand enemies I unlocked character customization by filling 50 entries I obtained 500 gold coins I evolved the garlic how about that how about that Zendaya is crouchy and LeBron James is guangi Gina Rodriguez is Coca common Stone keeper and Zendaya is Michi I forget the last one every single time can I get line line Danny DeVito is doggled and Zendaya is Michi the line is we pay out the Believers okay listen listen we do pay out the Believers we're gonna do that don't keep it remember we're not gonna do it today I need to be in a better mental state okay like my brain is fine it's just it has mucus like permeating every single neuron right now I don't know what we're gonna play when we come back but first I got to go to the bathroom and
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 77,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 5sec (2705 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2022
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