All she left me with were my bones (Vampire Survivors)

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hey everybody it's some hot and fresh uh youtube content we're gonna play some vampire survivors just because it's it's been a while since i have i don't know if i'm missing anything from recent updates i thought it would just be fun to revisit you know what let me get a little more tangio action i think we have played green acres i feel like we've played green acres you know what we need to do actually we need to get um 5 000 gold in one run i think to unlock the final character or something we could still be mortacio why not just put me on the mad forest though um i i feel like that's the last thing that we need now i have not played vampire survivors in quite some time so i apologize if i'm a little bit um a little bit uh out of whack a little bit out of focus a little bit out of you know understanding what's going on in the game it kind of slipped back a little bit we had some other stuff that we were playing but here's the thing i know what i like i like a skeleton that throws bones like that's like if you had a gun that shot blood you would like your own blood it's like he could be using those bones man but instead he's like throwing them what's up with where did they keep coming from i don't know let's drink a lot of milk i guess so i i number one goal survive for 30 minutes number two goal i wouldn't mind uh getting 5 000 gold in a single run i'm trying to think about the best way to make that happen there isn't there like i mean i guess some of the passive upgrades we could get could help us out there um but i thought there was also like you can get gold perks right isn't there like a good 25 extra gold uh option like uh uh maybe not maybe i'm making that up maybe i'm thinking about a different game you could also just level up insanely fast so that you get money bags faster i guess that's that makes sense i'll definitely take an attractor now i will say i really rely on chat when i play this on twitch because i don't know um what things combined to make elevated weapons i usually find myself asking chad i'm trying to land an axe on that elite man hey whoa whoa whoa um maybe if they fall we can just have it follow on an elite that's a heck of a skill shot uh i don't remember with the axe you know what let me get that crown i think the crown's kind of a trap but maybe with the attractor we could get there if we're ever gonna take a crown i feel like eight percent compounded over 28 minutes represents like a pretty good return for us we do need to do some more damage though we're getting swarmed a little bit whoa i forgot about those that's that's why garlic can be a little bit more efficacious for you land a couple shots in here we need some like wave destroying power we're getting we're getting mobbed here i was literally just about to ask for the whip so i feel like the whip is a bit of a melter it doesn't have like a damaged cap like the axes disappear when they do x amount of damage the whip just appears to get the job done i'm not feeling too bad about it anyway you know what forget 5000 gold we'll figure it out when we get there um i actually don't really like any of those but we did finally get a chest okay so one goal should be to get a weapon to okay okay sure get a weapon to level eight so that we can get its evolved form how we gonna do that well we're getting like 16 more experience our bones i don't think involve candelabrador i don't think it's i don't think it's you and the axe i know that it's whip hollow hard that much i i recall see i have some short-term memory a lot of there's been some scientific ink spilled over the existence of a phenomenon called mom brain um which is that after women have a child they do tend to and this is not me don't be mad they tend to self-report uh lower degrees of cognitive ability not like markedly sure grab that um not like markedly diminished but at least like i have noticed like some memory loss i've noticed some and you know like uh you know losing my train of thought and stuff like that i have a hypothesis about it and this is not rooted in science so it's categorically invalid but i think that it exists and it exists for dads too but it's not i my personal hunch and i can say hunch because that is not implying that it's a scientific phenomenon is that it's just what happens when you uh have responsibility for another human being's life and they're like incredibly vulnerable and fragile and also you got a lot more stuff going on that's what we're looking for like i had more stuff going on even before we had a kid than i did in my like you know mid-20s or whatever but after we had a kid you got you know so many more errands so many more things to clean things to tidy did you pick this up you gotta you know make sure you're there at daycare at the time you gotta remember you know like security codes for what buzzer do i press to ring up the daycare you just got more moving parts involved so i i don't think that it's like i've lost short-term memory like when i was 17 i could probably if you had told me what items combined in vampire survivors to make evolved forms of the weapons i would probably easily be able to tell you for like the next five years which ones which ones do that uh now i can't but i can tell you whip and hollow hard do it could also stop and look it up but i'm just hoping i remember i'm hoping i just remember it instead i gotta tell you i'm pretty happy with our passives i know that the whip hollow heart gets there so we've already got like one of them sorted we're not getting super like overrun here mortacio's doing some stuff i'm not sure the bones are all that in a bag of potato chips but you give me the option to take a bone level up over like a weird little dove that kind of flies around that is nelly frittata i'm like a bird i'll only fly away i say give me the bone i say give me the bone i would love those axes to level though there's i'm trying to think of what there even is there's spellbinders there's clover is it axe clover no it's crimson and clover extra whip level i mean we could just get early lifesteal whip and then i think we're off to the races let me tell you by the way i know we're only seven minutes in here give me a bone cross cross works with um something spellbinder clover i don't know another thing i want to say about vampire survivor is that it's a great game and it's also three dollars which is insane but i do want to say almost like every other game if you have like a problem with it or like constructive criticism it's really easy to sound like you have all the solutions to what ails you right like in super autopsy buff this nerf this and isaac more damage items please less items that just uh are memes and don't do anything except make your tears uh go in a circle uh in vampire survivors what's the main problem with the game it seems like it's kind of solved right like it's so easy if you if you know what the formula is for getting those like winning items then you just build them we'll go fire one because it pairs with spinach i do remember that if you know the formula for the winning items and you make them it seems hard to lose but like how do you balance around that level of difficulty without making the game impossible but if you don't do anything it's almost like it remains sort of trivial that's something i think you need to be a pretty astute game designer to come up with an answer for that normally i'm like i don't know just make your damage like you know 60 weaker or something but nobody likes that that's one of the many reasons i'm not a game designer i don't i don't have all the answers but i do enjoy getting into the flow state of just dodging oh man especially like you know things are starting to open up yet again let's get the pass through there um you know after the the omicron surge here in bc i'm sure it's similar in in many other parts of the world um but you know i'm not going outside too much i'm not hanging out at uh you know the berrard street sky train station one of the reasons is because apparently they're shutting it down for like two years i didn't know you could do that i didn't know you could just take a major thoroughfare like probably one of the top five most trafficked sky train stations in vancouver and just shut it down now luckily i mean i don't need to tell you this if you're already vancouver pilled aka you live there um but you know burrard station is right next to granville station is very close to waterfront station so you know it's not like you're sunk you know it's not like you got no other option please i need more whips but i don't get the experience of like you know walking around through traffic that much anymore and i felt like that was one of my one of my great skills as a millennial was you know knowing where i needed to be and engaging in the hustle and bustle to get there and having like you know a a route and whenever somebody in front of me like stops to look at their cell phone and breaks the flow of traffic loudly going and then like you know like i miss it so this game kind of helps me um still get that experience which is nice because honestly i think you need a little bit of that to live i think you need a little bit of that to maintain a happy life thank god there's a wall chick in there i was getting a little scared to be honest because we're not gonna get a level eight weapon by 10 minutes i think but we might not be off by much send it get this get this warm we're kind of getting overwhelmed isn't the word i would use but we gotta choose our paths wisely right now i think we're gonna get two levels so maybe the dream is possible and then when we kill the boss we'll get our first evolved weapon i don't know though we'll have to we have to level up a little bit faster than this i think we've got to venture into the the danger zone a bit all right now this is really gonna cause us some problems [Laughter] i mean the attractor is nice but it's not a weapon level which is really what we were looking for so i think we got a hard times in our future i think you know what this is we were trying to get uh out of that burrard street sky train station but then while we were walking on the escalator we noticed our shoe was untied and now we gotta figure out okay are we gonna stop and tie that back up oh wait we're blasting uh or are we gonna risk the shoelace getting sucked into the escalator and pulling like my entire leg off when i get to the top i'll probably stop and tie it up i think that gives us the minim the most minimal chance of uh disaster later nine minutes in maybe this is the difficulty i was looking for okay we got that that goated attract orb crown combo look at this are we getting the 5 000 gold uh that seems a little unlikely we're at 700 a third of the way through i mean i'm sure that the rate scales up but we gotta we gotta really pick those numbers up dude you gotta take a duplicator like that i know i didn't because i was trying to think of what we need to take with the axe in order to get the the axe to get evolved but it's hard not to take a duplicator we killed that boss so fast our damage is actually kind of cracked so i'm going all in on the crown i guess fire wands getting leveled we're too evenly leveled right now we we need that like lifesteal whip i think once we get lifesteal whip we're gonna get a little room to breathe again now why would you go back into the plants i guess they do have some experience gain if you kill them and if you don't kill them they just disappear so it would be nice to get their experience out of them but scale all my damage by 10 i'll take it i'll take it we need more though crown me crown me i'm very happy with our damage potential i just like i want a whip that uh steals blood i want uh axes i don't even remember what the axes do i think they become scythes or maybe the cross has become sites this is why i got to play less mario 64 man i'm i'm so out of practice if this ends up becoming the next esport i'm gonna be embarrassed we didn't really have any other viable options on that one unfortunately the attractor should still okay this is where nightmares are are made i need to get to the orb but i also wish to not die in the process candle hold on hold on vampire survivors evolve weapons list how to get all the evolved weapons in vampire survivors axe and candelabrador okay that's what we're looking for close that tab thank you pc gamer give me candelabrador i want the orb i'm willing to fight for it cause we gotta work our way up oh my god this is a disaster pardon me throat's getting a little dry i realize i got 20 minutes before i could go out for a glass of water okay no no it's good we got that natural lubrication in there great work level six i know it was either the whip or the the axe either one would be fine with me but i feel like we went with that axe let's stick with it honestly let's get that whip going let's get them both going i see a red one there oh level eight okay next elite could drop evolved axe that would save me some some pain here without a doubt we may also want to look at what levels with the bracer because that's one of our other passives we have one more weapon spot available get that whip going there's got to be something a tract orb is really doing some work we could get swallowed up here pretty quick though we we really need an elite to show up and then die get that damage scaling get the damage scaling kill the bat if we kill the bat you needed to drop a treasure chest i don't know if that's even how it works i'm still ignorant to a lot of the mechanics in game well here's here's your decision-making process okay i'm looking again i gotta reopen that old tab hit you with the control shift t bracer works with knife that's unfortunate okay so which one of these do we just like the most i feel like rune tracer has the best chance with no other passives available rune tracer has the best chance to just be good on its own merit a couple of turkeys hold on we don't need a laurel yet we could we still have one more weapon slot available to us which we would be looking to get a knife for probably give me the attract orb yet again give me the turkeys i think this run could make it man i was scared for a while we made it through that like first little difficulty spike at 10 minutes now i'm feeling okay get that room tracer popping when you see a knife you gotta snap take it okay i'm ready for it you know what they need to do this is where i'm gonna lose you you know i had you for a while this is where i'm gonna lose you they need to turn this into a battle royale i'm half joking but half like what if how would they do it well you could still have the world be populated by enemies you could keep everything almost exactly the same except add in 15 extra human players every round and then you could get into pvp fights just by walking close to somebody wouldn't that feel cool wouldn't that feel like you were in like a wizard's duel like gandalf versus sauromon i didn't realize when i talked about a difficulty spike at 12 minutes i didn't realize there was a difficulty spike at 13 minutes okay that's fine that's fine um i'll take hollow heart i know you're probably saying laurel laurel's probably goaded in a situation like this i'm just i'm sticking to my plan i made that plan during more sane on emotional times now i'm panicked i don't want that panic to necessarily adversely affect my decision making okay it's actually a lot harder to play without having people uh able to shout out where you are missing not projectiles but like health objects on the floor do we not have a boss that can give me an evolved piece of equipment i'm i'm a hurting man there we go there's one okay you gotta you gotta sneak through the graveyard we gotta land some axes we do much better like attacking above so like it being below us is very bad but if we just i'm just gonna sneak right by it then we're gonna fight our way up please please we got a turkey in there somewhere please you know dude might give me a double evolved we might be off to the races that was scary what okay we got scythes but we we were not ready for our evolved whip yet that's fine i can live with that requires candle labrador now our axes will be stronger and they will also pass through enemies there we go are we on have we gone so far that we're now on standstill meta like we don't have to actually move it appears that that is indeed the case we will move because it allows us to pick up 33 more uh orbs as a result of our incredible attractor synergy i still think 5000 gold is probably not incoming uh let's let's get the base speed of our projectiles higher i don't know if that's that that seems to me like prioritizing shot speed upgrades in the binding of isaac but if you're not familiar with isaac that would be a strategy uh where i would politely say i wouldn't recommend it how's that working out for you i'm scared still give me the xp it still matters to me in this situation i don't think we've had our next level whip yet so that's like unfortunate but if we maybe that's the one we got maybe that was level eight that we got in our last chest then you give me the lifesteal whip now we're back now you should have killed me when you had the chance because now we heal off of every crit right every time you see a crit that's hp in our pocket oh baby okay so now i'm feeling comfortable i feel like two evolved weapons is like where you need to be uh to realistically stand a good chance now you just gotta keep your head in the game you gotta stay dodging as long as we're able to accomplish that i i believe in us i believe in our abilities i believe in our power honestly i think that it's just funny to have faster projectiles things traveling faster is humorous as a result i will place some priority there okay not not a good way to lose half of your life i would say fires one more projectile screen's about to get a little busy one of them in the mid game of vampire survivors my main goal apart from blowing up and acting like i know nobody like riffraff my main goal is to get strong enough that in the late game we can kill enemies before they make the screen uh run at like 2 fps so we're we're really going to build for like you know the horde right now a lot of people will tell me they say nl you gotta build clock lancet so that you can freeze dracula over and over i would give up a spot for clock lancet um and and engage fully and and happily and completely with the meme that you have proposed but they need to give you some benefit like every five seconds you stay alive versus dracula should give you like a thousand coins if they did that i could i could be persuaded i guess we should be working towards the fire wand i've been kind of like haphazardly picking up upgrades that's not a viable strategy i like it though where am i i think i gotta move my camera i think i gotta be like more like that it's not just to show off the peloton okay it's just i there was an obs update somehow the obs update that was more like that yeah now we're talking the obs update kind of it changed my camera crop i've been obsessing over it all day it's like looking in the mirror and seeing that like you now have a mustache and you're like what i don't have a mustache and then you ask your wife about it and she's like you always had a mustache and you're like well no i didn't and that look this is a movie it's a french film from the mid 2000's called la mustache it's an existentialist psychological drama you can look it up it's a real movie i promise i swear to you okay level 52 with 17 minutes what happened to all the enemies there was supposed to be like a lot of guys here um and they were supposed to give me a lot of experience things your mom said in the college dorms i'm sorry and not that there's anything wrong with that as well there's nothing wrong with that i'm just saying you might feel differently because she gave birth to you either way um i i need more enemies because like my experience is stalling out how dare you knife it's exactly what we asked for okay hold on this elite is going bye-bye no chance you got no shot some of the easiest money ever made without a doubt we're not even close to an evolution yet i think we might be in stand still meta honestly fire wand i'm now wishing i took some more fire wands earlier that's okay give me a little say a little stand still we'll just scratch our eyeball a little bit we got lots of cat fur flying around the house right now cats are shedding tis the season i feel like cats kind of just shed all the time though like they always have an excuse right it's like oh the winter's coming i have to shed my summer coat and get a winter coat oh uh the spring's coming i have to shed my winter coat and get a spring coat oh it's summertime it's so hot i'm shedding because i don't want to have that much fur on me because it's too hot out oh it's the autumn the leaves are falling and that gave me an idea you know it's just like just admit you like shedding and you like hearing the sound of the vacuum and then live with it okay i just don't understand why you're so obsessed with me i thought we salvaged a little bit of a punchline there i want to be swarmed by mummies more this is not enough mummies i will increase my base area as much as i have to we need weapon levels i need more experience and i'm willing to pay the price to do it okay the heck is all this xp doing down here i'm willing to taunt them a little bit these are mummies right what the heck is this the last act of the cabin in the woods why are there so many different monster types i'm a skeleton i'm fighting mummies i'm fighting zombies i'm fighting ghosts i'm fighting plants like make up your mind man and then i guess this game posits that dracula is the king of the monsters hey by the way did you know maybe if you watch the rest of the vampire survivor vods this is fresh youtube content maybe if you watch the vods you already knew this did you know nosferatu and dracula are two different guys when i thought about it for a second it made a lot of sense because they don't look alike but i had always operated under oh no under the pretense that dracula was just like dracula was like the joel schumacher version of dracula and nosferatu was like the zack snyder version where it got a little grittier and he was like i'm not suave anymore i'm just kind of like a weird dude um anyway sorry sorry that was big we got our skulls i'm happy to see him we don't appear to be at risk of immediate death which is nice we have one more evolved weapon potentially coming we need that knife to get up there dude we're actually like eating levels right now let's go that knife is already kind of starting to cruise we're never getting the 5 000 gold in a single run i hope that i have that wrong like i hope that you don't need 5 000 gold and i just misheard that somewhere but we did intentionally build a run where things would be kind of hard early but we would be balling late and that appears to be how it's going like the next boss oh my god the next boss that dies should give us our final evolved weapon we picked up 15 levels in a minute this is incredible we'll get that evolved knife i don't even remember what it is but i'll be happy to see it the only thing is we're not going to scale that well after this we're not going to have like any huge increases in our damage i think because almost everything is maxed out but that does give us a lot of time to farm big money bags hopefully that'll give us a nice uh a little bit of hopium on the way to 5000 you guys like aren't even doing anything i'm a little surprised i thought i was gonna like embarrass myself on this run i actually feel like this might be the easiest run of vampire survivors that i've ever had we may regret those words i don't know how the difficulty like spikes and scales like maybe 15 to 20 minutes is hard and then 20 to 25 gets you into a false sense of security or something but i mean like for now this is like a gimmick i mean you guys aren't even like moving you're not even like doing it i'm just like i'm a blender man i'm basically just a blender would you give me a treasure chest and then give me my evolved knife would you give me a treasure chest and then give me my evolved knife would you ever consider i don't know giving me a treasure chest giving that giving me my evolved knife just kidding unless you're gonna do it gonna do it gonna do it gonna do it thank you so much now we never stop shooting knives kind of like that uh character from mystery men played by hank azaria who was always throwing spoons at people except this time their knives you ever seen mystery men it's mystery men is one of the earliest movies i remember being excited for and then being very disappointed by it i was probably 12 when it came out i was very excited huge ben stiller fan huge stiller head i was like how could it be bad i guess it wasn't bad it wasn't that good yeah also i think there's like a generational divide like i'm like a mid to late millennial or like i guess an early millennial a mid to early millennial um i associate the smash mouth song all star exclusively with the film mystery men you can go watch the music video the music video for all star is themed around mystery men it was the anchor song for the movie i think people younger than myself by a couple years all star exclusively exists as like a shrek song in their head i'm not saying that's wrong i'm just saying there's like a dividing line right it's funny the passage of time well for the time being i don't think we really have anything risky to us until like the final couple of minutes like we are we are doing some serious melting partly because i looked up on pc gamer how to get the evolved weapons oh i opened a book for two seconds to learn the controls get over yourself i kind of wish these flowers would go by by though i would if this was twitched now we would be placing our bets are we going to get to 5 000. it seems almost impossible we're halfway there and we're 5 6 of the way through the run time but we're killing more enemies than ever probably every level is giving us 25. 25 is not really a lot i mean you're trying to get to 5 000 so you need 200 money bags to get there we'll probably get like 25 but actually we only need 100 because we're already halfway there and then add in 25 coming from getting to level 100 maybe some randomly dropping from the enemies i'm not saying that it's gonna happen i think it's not gonna happen but i think it's a little bit more likely than i originally gave it credit for especially this could level us hypothetically or not okay uh if that couldn't do it i don't think we oh but there's a boss what if we kill a boss and get five we get five items from the treasure chest and then these items are all big coin bags all right well i don't know about this man i don't think we're getting there maybe it's a false dilemma though i don't know what i'm talking about when it comes to unlocks to begin with i'm telling you i'm not telling you to rip off vampire survivors but if you're an amateur game developer and you're inspired by watching vampire survivors don't remake vampire survivors make a a game inspired by it that's a free-to-play vampire survivors style battle royale on steam with cosmetic purchases or like a 10 battle pass that you can work your way up you can play it for free but just add in that oh man i'd be feasting i know it's not that easy i'm not saying like do it by tomorrow i'm just saying if you're looking for an idea for something that i personally would find interesting then then there you have it okay now for all the bellyaching i did about how there's no way we're ever gonna get to 5000 gold am i the only person looking at this and saying it appears to me like there might be a chance 3200 we need 1800 kill a couple of bosses a couple of big treasure chests 19 more levels equals roughly 500 more i mean we still got a long way to go now that when you put it that way we also need to get to level 100 in the first place to make that happen which might not be possible but the power ups are helping i keep waffling but it's like it's the only thing keeping me going right now if i wasn't uh obsessed with getting the 5000 gold that would be like you know we're just walking around in a circle you know what this is now it's no longer like having to walk around and like dodge people this is actually what it's like to be in the grocery store with a stroller like people get out of your way it's the first time in my life i ever felt like rather than having to like use superior locomotion to just sneak right by you and get like the fajitas that i'm looking for people are like oh excuse me sir let me get out of your way i.e the way the world should have been the whole freaking time i'm joking it would be nice but okay triple come on i don't think we're making it 25 is just such a it's a low level amount of gold man i guess we get 179 for opening it too right or is i don't know i don't know how this works this is why i need twitch chat to tell me how things work not things in the real world but in the digital world in the metaverse i already have my own anchor for how things work in the real world whether or not that is actually representative of reality it's the model of how i see things i don't need any help with that in fact i would resist any help with uh changing that model at all it's comfortable now even if it's steeped in misconceptions and misinterpretations i mean honestly why would the self-checkout of the grocery store be out to specifically just impede only me hold on 4 100 you got me you got me thinking there's a lot of champs in here man they got me thinking 4200 more levels please we've only got a hundred seconds to make it happen so we need to get like eight gold per second strikes me as somewhat ambitious for sure but there's a lot of elites in here i see a big gold coin down there and a little silhouette of a man one thing's for sure if you take one floor chicken when you meant to take gold you could probably cancel christmas i don't think we're making that 4400 at least we're keeping people on the edge of their seats now how disappointing would it be if we got there and there was no secret character and i had been operating under old intel and and misinformation if i were fake news i would i would be devastated i would have to delete the video the backlog for everything is actually really small right now there's no way this video is going out no matter what hold on i'm starting to get some hope can you take me down here i need to get some of this loot down here because there could be golden coins in it just going to sneak right by you 4700 hold on for the first time nate silver is now predicting that we will get enough gold that's a huge milestone that guy's only wrong sometimes huge we're we're actually going to get there and it wasn't even close we're actually there we need one more level it'll be here any second now there it is look 5 000 wow it really was the easiest run i've ever seen i had no idea i would like the treasure chest still though could you guys just i'm just gonna sneak right by you i'm just gonna sneak right by you you don't mind i don't think we're getting that i gotta get to it man i gotta run to you like brian adams when the feelings right i gotta run all night big money bag for no purpose whatsoever dude we overshot the heck out of this i'm glad we committed when we did i'm also i don't think we do this without the attractor but i think the attractor is the only thing keeping us going go ahead face me all right you got me you should see the other guy a new character do mario or unlocked crochet what oh what i got two new characters what the heck three three unlocks who the heck is crouchy man starts with one revival that's that's not crochet that's midnight mass man dom mario that's also kind of midnight mass how much do you cost 9.50 i don't know how much i paid for that but dude that was a good run i also i was so pogged up i forgot to look at our stats when the run was over i can't believe we did it without greed too re-roll once per rank it allows you to get different choices when leveling up that's good that's good stuff i don't know we can't afford anything else but hey vampire survivors i think we'll run another one pretty soon maybe not like today but this week thanks for watching if you enjoyed it click the like button helps it a great deal of course subscribe you want to see more in the future for now thanks for watching i'll see you next time see ya
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 106,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4zuapoTRqUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 16sec (2416 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 17 2022
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