LA Noire is hilarious if you believe every lie

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not quite as funny as the last one because I love angry Phelps but i'm loving this series and I hope he does "Lie" next!

Maybe try the pacifist route he's been doing lately too after doing all three options

definitely give commandeering all the vehicles in the road but just leaving them there a try it's a lot of fun

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/alkutezio 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey there friends how's it going my name is Kevin and today we're playing La no R where we are going to be a very gullible detective I like that he's getting a promotion the last time I played this game I just screamed at everyone they're like yeah we need more of that and now I'm gonna change my tactic entirely I am just gonna be good cop good cop might be an understatement I'm gonna be naive cop your first case is the murder of a woman found last night and burning all the signs of the werewolf even him saying werewolf I can imagine Phelps just going oh God we're dealing with an actual werewolf and just trembling I gotta remember what the control is to call my parent and it's really important to me uh P okay over here rusty I think he saw me all right now that I have that I guess I can get going time to solve some crimes look at him trying to ignore me you cannot ignore the greatest mime of all time officer okay now he's just like a child oh nice little jump I think he saw that all right let's go solve some crimes oh my partner caught up he's missing his hat but other than that the hit and run didn't affect him too bad brand new I may as well keep it then I think it would suit Phelps quite well oh a nice brush for my hair I do have hat hair I've never taken this thing off I was born with it actually Phelps can you move your fat fingers so I can bloody solve this puzzle again I can't see I went around the wrong way didn't I just keeps going all right hold on we're almost there oh there oh Jesus it's the lighter really that much effort for a light well it might get you to quit smoking just from the sheer effort put in although back in this time period I don't think people were trying to quit I think back then they thought smoking was the trick to Eternal youth all right I think I have enough evidence to conclude that she simply died of old age and I I don't know someone found her body and wrote on it with lipstick I I'm not sure maybe practicing their cursive either way no foul play here so you don't think the werewolf has continued to operate in the Los Angeles area it's funny that I picked this case because it genuinely sounds like he's talking about an actual werewolf and he's just the most naive person ever come on Phelps push I don't like that he's not believing my werewolf Theory what's he doing it's like he was reaching for the door and he just kind of forgot that the door was gone all right there you go all right get in you believe in werewolves yet because if not you have a few more tragic life events today I need you to have enough traumatic hits to the heads to start believing in werewolves oh there's another one I wasn't even beeping I was just him and the cutscene getting angry at that pedestrian you mean Celine Henry yes you forgot her name he just started looking back at his notepad like huh uh yeah yeah why not honestly I've been thinking about werewolves all day I kind of forgot about the victim far away Phelps I'll stay here I'm a little parched wait what so you're just gonna drink all right so we're playing naive cop drunk cop I like that where is this person I need oh I think I see the person I'm supposed to interrogate just sitting right there in the light on his own she was here last night sure I can't hear him over that person in the background I don't know who it is just ordering a drink if it helps I made the guy's license plate why would you do that like I don't understand why you would just remember his license plate and write it down he's like I also have a photorealistic memory and I've drawn this sketch of him I also took his fingerprints and measured his shoe size not to mention I took one of his hairs for DNA and got him to spit in this little vial also he's a prisoner back in my basement I kept him there just in case you need to talk to him alright so that was correct I was right believing him there let's see what the rest brings us I was reading the subtitles there so he was saying she always wore a red garnet ring on the large side and then I skipped this bird and I thought he just said like Celine herself and I was like dude she's a murder victim why are you why are you roasting her okay you're clearly lying because you went all Shifty eyes okay come on all right well I still believe you because why would this person lie to me was it valuable could it be motive for her murder even he's disappointed that I didn't catch him out on that one well that was definitely wrong anyway I got the little X all right please be honest with the next one okay well that gulping leads me to one thing and that's that you're telling the truth thanks Mr McCall you've been a big help he really hasn't rested and I haven't either at least he has an address so I can continue the case because it might have got cold right here and now otherwise he might be a great detective but Cole Phelps is a weird dude like this person's just trying to do her job and he's picked up this notepad and he's definitely high on something he's like oh look at the waviness all right I'll let you go back to your job thank you very much sorry I didn't I don't know why that's so funny just the door wide open and he stops and opens the other one even the bartender was judging him in the background the pattern knows to get in before they take off great stuff let's go to the Henry residence I'm genuinely wondering if I can even solve this murder with believing everyone I feel like it's gonna go cold [Music] oh Jesus Christ that's bursting into flame oh run Phelps she is not too bothered by this at all you clearly didn't play Grand Theft Auto as a kid oh wait they're not exploding all right now I just look like an idiot I thought they'd explode and everyone would die I don't think this guy can move an inch none of mine get to the corner all right I'm on foot from here hello anyone home come on let me in even if you're the murderer I'll believe everything you say there he is the killer it's like I don't even realize that Rusty went in the back door it's just opened fire on him doesn't give me anything to go on well it kind of does we know that the killer has terrible fashion sense I'm not just on homicide I'm the fashion police open fire size nines above average for a lady can we stop judging this woman who's been murdered oh who's this you're blue on my map so you must be important did I say that but Rusty's blue on my map and I don't care about him at all I'm no busybody you understand but anyone who says that is a busy body but go on she was very drunk to have been driving we're all just judging her but she is not the sort of person you can stop from doing something when her dander is up hold on I'm not from the 50s can you explain what when her dander is up means all right let's go to the husband's apartment there's people there doesn't matter we're in a cutscene now screw the people okay I can equip a gun which is not good like he's gonna run somewhere right I just start shooting and then it goes into a cutscene immediately they're like stop this man thanks for the offer I need you to do something about my wife doesn't seem relevant to the case ah packing to leave huh and size 11 shoes no nothing interesting here so who could have killed Celine where did she go last night oh God he's getting angry immediately stop it cold we're being nice we're good cop this time you don't know okay I can't think of a reason for you to lie that's the truth Celine did most of her drinking at home she didn't have many friends left everyone is judging this lady you don't remember what time you last saw your wife alive yes sounds reasonable why did you kill her Jacob it just goes right to that it doesn't make sense given that I'm just believing everything else he's saying he'll shift the eyes only tell me one thing and that's that you're telling the truth it's not face even he's just shocked that he's getting away with all this not the going out type I'm not the going out type yeah I can believe that we can get this all down on paper Jacob how you got fed up with your wife and how you figured killing her would bury all your troubles kill my own wife he's confused by Rusty doesn't believe him but I do Jacob oh dude no why are you fighting me I believed everything you said Rusty's just [ __ ] dead he's just knocked down on the floor no sir stop this I believe you I'll do everything to prove your innocence I'm trying to leave oh God doors locked hold on I'll hide in the bedroom stop ow dude don't Sucker Punch me and I know like it's not a traditional Sucker Punch but I am a sucker is what I'm telling you all right let me just ah stop it ow why would an innocent man which you clearly are by the way do this to me I'm rearranging some furniture I think out here the chair would do much better you're awful hot under the collar for an innocent man Mr Henry yeah Cole does believe he's just innocent I'm still wondering I practice as a pacifist in a lot of games Mr Henry I don't think you're going to be able to deal with my skills he's gonna Tire himself out eventually you're not you're not what you're not violent you're not the killer I'm convinced of it all right he's actually killing me now I'm gonna have to fight back I just really didn't want to beat up an innocent man [Music] you're so casual oh good Rusty's waking up I want to see my lawyer what so you can beat him up too look we're all convinced of your innocence but you have to stop this behavior from Captain Donnelly he watched any and all suspects return to Central well I don't have any suspects yet but I'll keep an eye out wait why are you taking him away this doesn't make any sense a Mendes but which one it could be any of the mendez's and it's a popular name I'll just storm in anyway don't bother knocking just kick the door in okay that's not even question and I just go along with everything what's this oh is he escaped oh my God what the hell is this see I told you the other guy was innocent I knew it because he said he was hey we found your box of blood do you have a reasonable excuse oh God he must not have heard us he's running away on the rooftops he's out for his morning jog sir excuse me excuse me jump Phelps come on take one for the team oh for [ __ ] sake he's getting in a car get in and drive wait why don't you drive what why do I have to do everything because I'll just go along with it I guess okay I have a major suspicion that this suspect is death because he still hasn't realized we're trying to get his attention and we've sirens on and we're shooting at him oh he still hasn't realized I don't think uh Carey's on fire I think he's dead I ain't saying a goddamn thing you just did check and mate the big smile on the pumps his face it's so goofy considering the evidence against your suspect and the thoroughness with which a report was compiled I'm the thoroughness I believe to everyone which are they even arresting like the other guy attacked us for seemingly no reason this guy has a box of blood in his apartment did he still oh he doesn't even get a drink now he's not happy I think Phelps might be Irish I've seen that look before and it was on me just to be goofy smile like I got two stars somehow even though I only got two or seven questions correct homicide wants you over there the coroner thinks the broad was whacked using the Army morphine wait why did you sit down just just to stand up again Phelps is just generally confused this entire time I genuinely believe he doesn't even know what he's doing here seems like a nice boy putting all those hoodlums in jail all right well that was creepy as [ __ ] what the hell was that did someone just take a shot at Us closing one case opens another this car cost me a fortune you [ __ ] I take it easy that was in past money it was probably like 10 bucks or something deals being done right now will change sorry I thought I saw parking spot on the roof but I was mistaken oh no all my partners are here this isn't good they'll all start gossiping about me and how I like abandon everyone and run them over with my car looks like barbiturates I'm gonna pretend I know what that is and stop looking at it barbiturates oh my God stop it stop making me feel stupid ah barbiturates huh it's been a modeling assignment oh I mean yeah a modeling assignment I don't know if she's upset because she's just sitting here when there's a body in the other room or if it's just because I'm standing over and spread a trail of barbiturates will you stop saying that word please I would like to talk to the housekeeper please please can you tell me what barbiturates I'm pretty sure they're sleeping pills at this point I've just never heard them call there okay they shift the eyes classic Telltale sign of telling the truth I don't think Miss Julie was ever in love with anyone okay that has nothing to do with the with the mattress at hand here did Miss Randall have many friends is it I'm not sure I only come around twice a week answer wrong even a little sketch of her she looks like she's so dishonest and he's still just like yep I believe everything you say what was it like working for Miss Randall perfectly fine officer he's like come on dude say that you are lying but no that's the truth all right well that was pointless I have another clue that's leading me to a dress shop where'd you look it's not the loud smash the pedestrians running away he always loves to make an entrance this Cole Phelps guy do you have the answers for a murder I don't even know who you are why I'm here to be honest ah victims employment history okay I'm Julia Randall modeled the husbands were often more interested in her than they were their wife's dresses what so you fired her okay that's a bit weird that's some Pearl Miss Swanson would have cost Henry a fortune wait another Henry who are we even talking about the last one was a Henry too should we just round up all the Henry's in the city and just lock them up she was so full of life yeah well now she's not that's what happens when someone is murdered way to bring it up they locked me out of the dress store and I'm very upset they won't allow me back in there come on let me in she's just crying on this sofa oh God okay I better leave oh an elevator it's like stairs but you don't even have to move technology is wild all right this is Dr Stoneman I need to know why you prescribed so many Ben's benzepines I don't know if they were called I forgot every single person I'm interrogating has these Shifty eyes they're all lying and I'm just going along with it she didn't appear to have a weight problem even when I believe him coal goes against what I said he's refusing to go along with me zero out of two correct okay well this whole journey was completely pointless all right we need to go back to the police station let's go inside that magic box that'll take us to the ground floor and yes I do believe in magic the old boy why no he's not don't you dare say that I'm leaving him behind because he disagrees with me on a professional level interview two okay time for an interrogation call me Henry also you're the infamous Henry huh my live news for you I sentence you to death for being a Henry okay so he lied to me already let's talk to him some more okay yep licking his lips doing all Shifty eyes truth okay that's also wrong burglary suspect LeBlanc gotta read those subtle Clues to realize he's telling the truth you know all right well that was all wrong I don't know if I'm actually gonna be able to solve this crime that'll be all for now Henry you've been very helpful what no he wasn't that son of a [ __ ] was never in the Marines why'd you let him off the hook because we're giving him a couple of minutes before we start tailing him that was not your plan call we believed everything he said I hate tailing missions but here goes nothing oh he must be so pissed retailing him in his car again he knows it's gonna get totaled that's it we're spotted back off what what what I don't understand do I keep following are we still playing I thought I failed the mission I don't know what's happening yeah being very subtle here I'm sure he still hasn't noticed like there is literally one person in the city who drives like me and it's me [Music] wait oh I was just like are those are doppelgangers they just pulled up in the identical car that would be good to confuse them if we can get them to follow the guy instead oh there he goes get in there and find out what he pawned oh it's a pawn shop okay wait I'm following him on foot now okay he just looked right at me and I just stopped dead in the pavement that is a sure sign you're being followed press Mouse button to go Incognito what does this mean it's not doing anything oh wait hold on hold on oh do you think he knows it's me what he discovered me okay I am just confused by this okay what if I just stay on the opposite side of the street surely he'll never suspect that what are you doing what no way there was even a tram in between us he looked at me for a millisecond okay so the way to not draw attention is draw as much attention as possible I'm just slowly crossing the street at this weird pace what are you doing what affect yourself what is that about yeah he's behind the sign I hate it oh skip oh yes please thank you LAPD the man who just came in here he bought a ticket yes sir to Mexico City oh he's going on a vacation amazing all right here we are what a house I bet there are some honest people living here all right so you had a burglary incident report tell me more I was at a social function held by a Dr Harold stuff wait Stone Stoneman I need to know why you prescribed so many Ben's benzopens I don't know what they were called I forgot be easier to describe what wasn't stolen detective that doesn't help me at all stop with that weird smile a Faberge cigarette case that was worth 25 000 25 000 but I already know it's worth 10 grand okay I'm just gonna go along with it your insurance fraud is fine with me hello detectives wait a second aren't you the one from the the shop at the Fashion Place oh this is all connected isn't it I suggest we go straight to Henry Arnett's place and sort this mess out yes let's do that I don't know where this is going I'll leave a passenger in the back hooray another person to see my great driving [Applause] okay that wasn't my fault I'm looking at my notepad sure you could argue since I'm driving I shouldn't be but if you do argue that I'm sending you to jail you're going to death Rome I'm missing something here Arnett is obviously arranging burglaries it's my fiance you're making you like this while she's in the back seat eavesdropping why don't you use the siren you're enjoying this sorry look I'm not used to having the extra weight in the back just insulting her too while I'm at it it's your fault okay not mine I can drive now that man can't drive hold on I'm thinking thinking what's the best way to get up there hold on I'm still thinking okay wait wait okay I got an answer oh yeah I'm the police I'm a logo up there oh one of those magic boxes okay oh Jesus Christ are we gonna open fire oh wait what the hell is going on here there's a guy in the ground oh sweet jeez it's not another rooftop Chase I for God's sake no not up go down I forgot sake what is this he's gonna kick the board away when I get out there oh no he's not smart enough okay [Music] what was Phelps doing he's just having a casual walk it's like he forgot that he was chasing someone all right let's talk we've both had hits to the Noggin so we're both even even though to be honest I was gonna believe you no matter what you said anyway so I don't think it matters if I had a hit to the head or not all right there's your ticket to Mexico City and here's a watch I don't know why this is helpful I'm in the fashion business I believe that I'll stand by you if you'll only tell the truth now hold on lady he's been telling the truth this whole time there is no Henderson yeah that sounds like the truth you see he's an honest man so you've taken to wearing smoking jackets have you no what are you talking about why is she in shock just because I'm believing him you're under arrest even though I believed everything he said Henderson is Stoneman all right Stoneman wait is that the doctor cause I'm gonna he is the doctor okay stop beeping he's been put in there oh pretty go on go through me too to stop your beeping I know you can go through me now oh but I can't go through you sorry tell us the truth doctor please do because I'm gonna believe no matter what you say you know that I loved her you love this woman too how come everyone loved her but yet everyone was involved with her killing I mean you were her doctor what are you talking about well at least he was honest I suppose oh wait okay well there he goes we have a very high kill rate what is that thing floating in the sky was that a weird cloud or part of the car because I think it was part of the carriages floating there it ruins the dramatic cut scene I'm not a loss yeah me too to be honest I don't know what's happening anymore he says the suspect is named Wilson Willie the wolf Reed former wrestler okay okay they found the other person at least also I think my partner is dislocating his shoulder all right well we've we have the actual Killer's location I don't know how because this whole case is going to [ __ ] me believing everyone has made it really hard to follow thank God I didn't park there yeah same her car would be ruined he doesn't seem bothered of the fact that I'm just running people over at this stage he's used to it okay the final piece of the puzzle Willy's apartment a harmonica playing wrestler that's a weird one I think he knits as well wait harmonica I can hear someone playing the harmonica okay we found our guy he's just playing harmonica in the alley I guess it's the murderer burglar strategy to earn some money on the side when you're not busy robbing people or killing them you just play your harmonica partner if he just uses the same trick on me again he'll get me just waiting at the top of here with a board there he is he's just continuing to climb wait he was just shot twice and he's fine I want an excuse to damage the sign I don't normally get to just destroy private property but now I have an excuse oh I even got I got an achievement look at that I want my partner to do it for once like I feel like I'm doing everything Jesus you're both not very good are you all right fine I'll get involved okay he can take a shot to the Head my apologies I thought you were at fault there we go you guys did good work here today Roy I think you should buy their officers a drink thanks that's all I get to be fair I think I owe him a lot of money for damaging his cat that's it I feel like there's a lot of questions unanswered there probably because I only got four out of 60. but I guess we will leave it there I hope you enjoyed if you're new consider subscribing would love to have you around thank you very much for watching and I hope to see you tomorrow bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 1,502,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, l.a noire, la noire, l.a noire funny, l.a noire funny moments, l.a noire doubt, l.a noire but only doubt, l.a noire angry, la noire truth, l.a noire truth
Id: 5vqVypYHq0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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