Try these Next Level TEXT EFFECTS In Davinci Resolve!

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In this video I'm going to show you guys five  unique text effects to use in your videos and   take them to the next level. Now these effects are  not entirely about the texts themselves but also   how you put them in certain situations to make  the text look one with the entire scene. So let's   not waste any more time and get started. So Number  One is putting text behind objects and that too   in just a few minutes, with this effect you can  get really creative and make some amazing videos   with very little amount of efforts especially  in DaVinci Resolve, now in order to put some text   behind subjects we have to mask the subjects first  now I'm not going to dive too deep on how to mask   a subject or a person as I already made a video  on how you can easily do that in a few minutes in   resolve so you can check that video out after this  one. For this example though, I'm going to use the   magic mask in the color grading window for masking  the subject real quick, drawing over the subject   and avoiding the background at the same time, it  should detect the subject relatively easily. In   case if it doesn't work well for you then you can  always try switching to the person mode. Now once   the masking is done, we can now track it and  once that is done as well we'll have to create   an alpha output by right clicking on the nodes  panel and connect the alpha of the node to the   alpha output after which we can go back to the  edit tab where we can now add any text behind our   subject. You can also stack the same video under  the masked clip and place the text between them to   give it a more 3D and realistic look. Number Two,  text and volumetrics - now this effect is really   cool, especially when you use it in music videos  or trailers and quite honestly it's really easy   to create in DaVinci Resolve. All you need to do  is search for the text+ effect on the effects   menu and drag it onto the timeline and add a text  through the dialog box then search for the light-   rays effect on the effects menu and drag it onto  your text. You can increase or decrease the length   softness and brightness depending on your taste.  But in this case I'm going to turn the softness   all the way down and increase the length enough  that the rays go out of the frame completely. Now   we can add some position keyframes to animate  the light rays. But we can also spice it up a   little bit by masking a clip again and putting  the text behind our subject which will block the   rays as it moves creating a nice cinematic look.  Alternatively, you can also put a video Behind the   text along with the rays effect which also gives  it a very distinctive look. Number Three fancy   sliding down text - Now I know, sliding down texts  are nothing new and everybody probably uses it   but when you combine it with some other effects,  it can immediately take your production quality   to the next level. But in order to be able to use  this effect that is a condition that needs to be   fulfilled, just like this video the backgrounds  should be plain, that is there are no objects   cutting through the side of the videos so that  we can stretch out the video from a particular   side or from all the sides indefinitely. In my  case, the top side is empty so we'll head over   to the fusion page and add a transform node after  the media node. On the inspector panel you'll be   able to find Advanced options and from there we  need to change the Edge Behavior to replicate   after which we can move our clip around round  and the edges will stretch indefinitely. Now we   can animate the movement by adding keyframes to  the Y-Position after which we can ease the motion   in spline. The next step is to add the merge node  and then add a text node to the merge node and   basically replicate the movement of our clip so  that the text slides down along with the clip.   Additionally, you can also add a gradient behind  the text by adding a background before the text   node and masking it with a rectangular mask tool.  We can soften the mask edges to give it a gradient   look and again replicate the same motion so that  everything slides down together and there you have   it, a really simple but very professional way of  adding titles in your videos. Number Four - surface   tracker text, if you shot a film or a video there  might be instances where you would want to embed   text on somebody's clothings or maybe on a wall  in that case this effect is perfect. So in order   to use this we'll have to go to the fusion Tab  and then press Ctrl+Space to bring in the effects   menu and search for the surface tracker effect  and add it. It will automatically add the surface   tracker node after the media node, now in the surface  tracker controls we'll have to click on the plus   bound button and add a few reference points to  create a rectangular shape around the area we   want to track, then we can move on to the mesh  tab and select the point locations as uniform   grids you can change the horizontal and vertical  spacing to your liking then we can go to the track   panel and track the whole thing. Now this mesh can  act weird sometimes so it's better you track it   frame by frame. Alright, once the tracking is  done all we need to do is merge a text node   to our surface tracker node and position it  accordingly and that's all there is to it   Number Five - narrative texts and cinematic titles.  Now these are really common I know that but these   are also very much overlooked and these are really  easy to create in DaVinci Resolve within just a   few minutes. Okay so creating the narrative text  is really quite simple all you need to do is use   the text+ effect and then keyframe the write -  on animation and that's all about it. Now let's   jump into the Cinematic title. To create this,  we'll have to add the text+ effect to the   timeline and right click on the text dialog box  and select follower then we'll go to the fusion   window and go to the modifiers tab here we can set  the order to "random but one by one" you can also   change it to other options as well it's up to  you. Then we'll change the delay to about 1.5 or   2 seconds. Now we'll jump over to the shading Tab  and then keyframe the softness X and Y and then   we can go back to the tools window and keyframe  the tracking and line spacing, you can also ease   up the animations in the spline window if you  find it too jarring and there we go a really   simple but cinematic title. Now apart from all  these effects which you have to create manually   there are some amazing text animations which are  already included with DaVinci Resolve and these   are not just some boring text effects, they look  very professional and sophisticated. So if you're   working on a project and you're running out of  time, then you should definitely check these out!   So I hope you found this video helpful in some way,  if you have any kind of suggestions do leave them   down in the comment section below and I'll see  you in the next one, Bye.
Channel: Apurv Das
Views: 32,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve, davinci resolve 18, davinci resolve tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve text effects, davinci resolve text animation, davinci resolve text behind object, davinci resolve surface tracker text, davinci resolve surface tracking, davinci resolve title animation, davinci resolve new effects, davinci resolve cool text effects, davinci resolve quick text effects, text effects davinci resolve 18, davinci resolve text animation template
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 20sec (380 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2023
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