Fade IN & Fade OUT - DaVinci Resolve for NOOBS! - Tip #11

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DaVinci Resolve for noobs if you want to create a fade in anywhere in your project select the clip you want to fade into in your timeline put your playhead in the timeline exactly where you'd like that segment to be completely faded in and then go to the upper right inspector window scroll down and find composite click on the little keyframe icon here and that will place a keyframe right on that segment telling it at this point this should be fully faded in now move your playhead back to where you want the fade in to begin go back up to composite up in the inspector Tab and add another keyframe but this time dial back the opacity to zero now when you play that segment it will fade in from the first keyframe to the second you can actually left click and hold to move those keyframes to make that fade in longer or shorter if you're a Creator trying to get started with DaVinci Resolve the video I've linked down below is the best place to start
Channel: Daniel Batal
Views: 241,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daniel Batal, Creator Conversations, DaVinci Resolve for Noobs, DaVinci Resolve, DaVinci Resolve for Beginners, #fade, #fadein, #fadeout
Id: nAjdVZhasAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 56sec (56 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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