Understand KEYFRAMES in just 5 minutes! Davinci Resolve 5 Minute Friday #2

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way keyframes keyframes are the key to animation so in this five minute Friday video I'm going to introduce you to the very basics of animating pretty much anything using keyframes on the edit page within DaVinci Resolve now keyframes are actually pretty easy to grasp once you know where to look but are very very difficult to master so in this one I'm just going to introduce you to the general concept of keyframes so hopefully keyframes become a little bit more approachable anyway enough of all that let's get five minutes on the timer jump into DaVinci Resolve and take a look so here we are on the edit page within resolve now I'm going to use this PNG file for this demonstration but keyframes do work on literally anything videos text images and everything in between now the first thing I recommend that you do underneath your preview window there's this little drop down give that a click and then make sure that your transform controls are on so you can see the transform controls here this makes it way easier to understand what's going on now I need to resize this nothing to do with frames we're just going to make this a little bit smaller now give that a click open up the inspector top right hand corner make sure you're on the video Tab and then within transform and you'll see all of your transform controls within here to the right of those controls you'll see these small little Diamond icons these represent your keyframes and all you need to do is you click these to add keyframes in specific points but because keyframes are smart all you need to do you set the start point you set the end point and DaVinci Resolve will fill in the gaps and do the animation for you so what we're going to do I'm going to grab my playhead and I'm going to go to the point on my timeline where I want my animation to begin then I'm going to use my on-screen transform tools I'm just going to clip my Mouse anywhere within the box and I'm going to drag my logo to the point where I want it to begin then within the inspector we're going to click on our keyframe now we can either keyframe individual attributes so we can keyframe the position or we could keyframe everything that's under the transform for this example to keep it simple we're just going to do the position for now once ticked you'll see it will get red or orange it will change color and that indicates that a keyframe has been set if we move our playhead anywhere on the timeline you'll see now we get little arrows because we've gone past the keyframe we get a left Arrow if we go before the keyframe we get a little right arrow and we can use the little arrows to jump to that keyframe on our timeline now what we need to do move our playhead to the point where we want our animation and movement to end so I'm going to go right at exactly five seconds now we don't need to add another keyframe because we've already ticked it it's basically kind of recording what we're doing is a simple way of thinking about it instead what I'm going to do is just grab my logo on my preview and I'm going to move it and you'll see it's going to form this red line which indicates our animation now here's a real quick tip for you I'm just going to undo that using control and Z still at five seconds on the timeline I'm going to hold shift on my keyboard click and drag and now it doesn't matter what I do with my my mouse it's always going to go in just a horizontal line just a nice way of making sure things are a nice straight line now if we use our playhead to go back we can see exactly what's going on at one second it's here on the left and then at five seconds it's a end point on the right and if we hit play is simply going to move across that line and it's really easy to visualize with this little red line it's like a little train track now what we can do we can use our little arrows to jump between the start and the end keyframes like so or on the preview we can actually just click on this left one to jump to here and the right one to jump to here now what we can do is just click these and move them around so if I wanted it to start up here and then down here we can do so hit play and that's exactly what it's going to do if we wanted to we could even go somewhere in the middle drag to add another keyframe and now it's going to come down and then ping across and that in essence is the core of keyframes let me just undo that so instead what we're going to do now is keyframe another attribute so we're going to give our start keyframe a click and what we want to do is to add some rotation so at this point I want it to be that way around so I'm going to come to my rotation angle and add a keyframe and then down here we're going to give this keyframe a click at this point I want it to have rotated all the way around 360 degrees because I want it to go clockwise I'm actually having to put minus 360 within our rotation angle or hit enter and now if it goes to the beginning hit play it's going to roll down our Hill if we play this back you'll see there's no acceleration it's what's called linear so it's just moving and then it stops all of a sudden which doesn't look very good so what we're going to do we're going to click on our keyframe then within our inspector at the position right click on the actual keyframe on the right hand side and change that from linear to ease in now we're going to go to our starts keyframe and do the same thing right click and ease out and now what's going to happen is it's going to start off slow speed up in the middle and then slow down and come to a nice stop at the end and it just makes the animation look much nicer we can do the same thing for rotation so we're going to click on our start rotation angle right click he's out end keyframe right click ease in and now everything's going to start off slow speed up in the middle and then slow down and come to a nice little end keyframes not as complicated as they look hopefully that made sense if it did make sure to give me a like and let me know down in the comments section below make sure to also subscribe if you enjoyed this video because we've got loads more five minute Fridays coming up next week we're going to take a look at some really basic stuff but really key stuff on the fusion page so hopefully I'll see you then see ya
Channel: MrAlexTech
Views: 156,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve keyframes
Id: m3wgEe0OJ18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 53sec (353 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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