7 must-know AI & NEURAL ENGINE Features in DaVinci Resolve STUDIO 18

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Okay, so last time, I showed you some of my  favorite DaVinci Resolve Studio features. Some   of which I use on a weekly or even a daily basis,  but today, we're gonna dig a little bit deeper.   I'm going to show you some neural engine features,  only available in DaVinci Resolve Studio. Now,   what is Neural Engine? Well, honestly, I have no  idea! I mean, I know it has something to do with   AI and machine learning and neural networks  but when I look up those things on Wikipedia,   all I get is horrible flashbacks to 20 years ago  when I was still studying computer technology. So,   no thank you! And look, you and me were creative  people, right? Videographers content creators. So,   for us only this little sentence from Blackmagic  Design's website is important: "The DaVinci neural   engine provides simple tools to solve complex  repetitive and time-consuming problems." Now,   that's something I do understand and need also  and so you know let's let the good people at   Blackmagic Design deal with the technical stuff.  Yeah? Okay! Here we go. This is the perfect   example of a simple tool to do an annoying and  time-consuming task so let's say you shot a ton   of footage a million Clips a wedding maybe and you  want to organize your Clips well face recognition   will automatically group your Clips depending on  who's in it the bride the groom grammar Grandma   Grandma's dog I mean wait no I don't know  if it also recognizes animal faces does it   let's give it a try so I have a bunch of footage  in my media pool including Grandma's dog here   he is she I don't know and all I have to do is  select all the clips right click and then here   analyze clips for people yeah it doesn't say  faces it says people so Grandma's dog I don't   know anyway once resolve has done its thing you  can see that all the clips are grouped depending   on who's in it it recognizes different people  and of course we can name the groups or people   this for example let's say it's Dad and  this is the bride and the groom and there   we go these are all Clips with the groom in  it for example it didn't recognize Grandma's   dog though slightly disappointing so Blackmagic  design maybe for the next update you know anyway   next step close the window and well now it looks  like nothing happened but something did happen   resolve has saved all that information  in the metadata of each clip and we can   now use that data to create smart bins so go to  preferences here then editing and check this one   automatic smart bins for people metadata and  boom now here in smart bins we have a folder   for each person this feature will 100 save you  a lot of time except if you only film dog shows so in my previous DaVinci Resolve studio video I  showed you the patch replacer tool a simple way   to remove objects from the frame things you don't  want in it and object removal is a more advanced   way to remove objects because DaVinci Resolve  will automatically try to remove whatever you   want removed Grandma's dog maybe I don't know  and here's how it works first you have to draw   a window over whatever you want to remove like  this then track that window so that it follows   the movement of the shot so go to tracker make  sure it set the window here and then here point   tracker put the cross over whatever you want to  track and hit track now the window follows the   movement of the shots and also the outlet then add  another node look for object removal and effects   drop it on the Node connect blue with blue here  and then hit scene analysis and after that build   Clean Plate and that's it now do keep in mind  that it won't work with just any footage simple   things yeah but if background is more complicated  then resolve will struggle it's not magic okay   smart reframe is a useful feature that I don't use  a lot but I think for some of you it could be very   useful if you make horizontal videos for example  and you also make vertical videos from those   horizontal videos which can be a problem sometimes  if your subject doesn't stay in the center of the   frame you see what I mean and so smart reframe  solves that problem and it's the simplest thing in   the world this is my horizontal video turned into  a vertical video and as you can see I'm going in   and out the frame you could of course keyframe  all this manually or just go to the inspector   smart reframe hit reframe and resolve will do it  automatically for you this makes making videos for   tick tock even more low effort like lowest effort  ever it's basically negative effort yeah it gives   you back energy wow anyway you know what gives  me energy by the way music and I get my music   from audio the sponsor of this video I use audio  for all my videos all the music in this video for   example audio but also my travel videos Vlogs and  even client work everything and I've already shown   you how easy it is to find the perfect song by  using the filters and by the way beats per minute   is a very underrated filter but lately I've also  been using the playlist feature because it's a   great way to find some fresh new music and I even  have sound effects if that's what you're looking   for so yeah if you like the music in my videos you  should definitely check them out and right now a   lifetime music subscription is 300 off just use my  code and Link in the description easy peasy and of   course thank you so much audio for supporting  my channel okay and now back to resolve voice   isolation is again one of those super useful one  click of a button features maybe you've recorded   some footage near a highway or an air conditioning  that's humming and you want to remove that hum or   that Highway noise well in the inspector window  go to audio up here and then voice isolation set   the end round and well that's basically it here's  an example of what it can do at 100 looks great   the shades of blue are whoa  I almost died looks great   the shades of blue are whoa I almost died  now of course this is a very extreme example   I would never set it at 100 here because you  know I don't want to get rid of the sound of   the Waves entirely so it's just to show you  how powerful it really is an air conditioning   hum some Highway noise will disappear like  magic oh look resolve is Magic after all example of a simple tool to do an annoying  and time-consuming task man I'm so glad that   Ai and neural hydrogen electric machine learning  networks exist this is why let's say you have a   finished video that consists of different scenes  but it's one long clip and you want to use some   of the scenes for another video you can start  cutting all the scenes into Clips manually or   you can go to timeline up here hit detect scene  cuts and boom you're done another 10 minutes saved   this is a cool one the depth map depth map not  death map death map depth map yeah depth map   and what it does is well let me just show you so  this is what a depth map looks like it basically   isolates the subject in a way so in this case  the white areas are close to the camera and   the darker areas are further away and so yeah  resolve can detect what objects are closer and   further away and similar to masking in Photoshop  for example the darker areas will be less affected   by the effect you apply or the color grade here's  an example so let's go to effects depth map not   depth map drop it on the Node okay and so now  let's adjust the settings to create the depth   map in a way that the girl is the main subject and  I want her to be Untouched by whatever effect or   color grade I'm gonna apply so I have to invert it  you can of course soften the edges and everything   but we don't have time for that now then uncheck  the depth map preview add another node connect   blue with blue here and then for example let's  drop a blur effect and now I can basically make   the background and the foreground more blurry  but the foreground in this case doesn't get   affected as much as the background it all  depends on how far each object is from the   lens it's basically a different way a different  approach to creating a mask it's pretty cool and then finally face refinement and it's all in  the name you use it to refine faces to enhance   faces touch up skin or sharpen eyes brighten up  eyes basically make someone look better prettier   more handsome now I know that most creators when  they show this feature they use some stock footage   with a model you know to show how the feature  works but I don't know I would feel like I'm   saying that the model in the stock footage doesn't  look good or is not handsome enough or whatever   you know because I'm using them to show this  feature now what I mean and I'm a good guy I   don't want to hurt anyone so yeah that's why I'm  going to use my own face to show this feature so   let's see what we can improve to this 40 year old  face should be interesting so in effects look for   face refinement drop it on the Node and then hit  analyze and see it automatically detects the face   and so that means that you can now  very easily enhance different parts   of the face without having to create masks  and then track those masks everything is   here you can sharpen the eyes for example  brighten them up you can even remove eye   bags retouch the forehead cheeks chin and  look I'm no expert in face retouching but   this makes it so easy I mean even a child  could do it make someone look pretty right no less is more guys always remember less is more  wow what was that anyway uh that's it guys thank   you so much for watching and like I've said  before we're basically running this channel   together right I wouldn't be here without you  watching my videos so you're basically doing   part of the work it's like the perfect symbiosis  going on here it's like what the world should   be like what every society should be like except  I'm the only one getting paid for it wait that's   not the perfect symbiosis sounds more like North  Korea is my channel than North Korea of YouTube   why am I talking about North Korea all of a  sudden I just wanted to say thank you thank   you so much for watching and see you on the  next one sorry it's way too hot in my studio
Channel: Joris Hermans
Views: 123,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DaVinci Resolve Studio, DaVinci Resolve Studio 18.6, DaVinci Resolve Studio 18.5, DaVinci Resolve vs DaVinci Resolve Studio, DaVinci Resolve vs Studio, DaVinci Resolve Studio vs Free, DaVinci Resolve Free vs Studio, DaVinci Resolve Worth Buying, Should you buy DaVinci Resolve studio
Id: CK4Dv5acRY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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