ZOOM Transitions like Sam Kolder | Davinci Resolve 18 Tutorial

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today I want to show you the way that I create  my sam kolder like Zoom transitions in DaVinci   Resolve and I promise you it's going to be that  simple everybody can follow along no matter the   skill set now first up we need an adjustment clip  and if you don't know where to find that come over   to the top left of your screen towards this effect  then go down to where it says effects once again   and there you should see the adjustment clip  now if the adjustment clip or any other effect   is something that you often use you can simply  highlight the star right here to the right and   it will appear down there in your favorites tab  which is super handy because now you can just   drag and drop it from there without having to go  to the effects menu and search for the different   effects they use on a regular basis so now the  length of the adjustment clip will determine the   final length of the transition and by default  the adjustment clip is 5 Seconds long which   is way too long for this type of transition  so I'm Gonna Keep it to one second which is   what I always use so come over to the start of the  adjustment clip right here hold the shift key on   your keyboard press the arrow key to the right to  jump forward exactly one second in time time then   what you want to do you can either shrink this  down to the playhead or use a keyboard shortcut   to make a cut and delete the end and once you've  done that you want to place the adjustment clip   right over where the cut is going to happen with  equal frames on the left side as you have on the   right side now with that being done hover your  playhead over the adjustment clip and jump over   into the fusion page down here and now all we need  to do is add a transform node and we can simply do   that by highlighting our media in OneNote either  you're going to grab it from the toolbar up here   this is the transform node or you can hit shift  spacebar and type in XF and now add the transfer   node from there which should automatically be  connected in between however if it isn't and if   it's somewhere in the free space you can hold the  shift key left click and drag it over the line and   once the line changes color you can let go of  the click and it's been connected now with the   transform node selected we want to come over to  the first frame of the animation they will want to   jump into the inspector in the top right corner  and set a keyframe on now let me quickly make   this a single viewer we know then we want to move  forward in our timeline to the last frame of the   first clip which in this case is frame 11. set  another keyframe on size then you want to move   forward exactly one frame which should be the  first frame of the second clip and set another   keyframe on size and then move forward to the  end of the timeline and create another keyframe   on size so once you've set your four keyframes on  frame zero we don't want to change any settings   however on frame 11 is where we want to be zoomed  in already so on frame 11 which is the last frame   of the first clip I'm gonna zoom in and scale this  up to around 1.5 1.6 roughly something like that   now we want to hop over to frame 12 and because  we don't want to lose the resolution we have to   start zoomed out here so let's go to around 0.75  and right now you should see a blank canvas behind   your footage appear and you can easily fix that  by going down to where it says edges and change   that to duplicate and now we want to move over  to frame 23 and there the size should be already   keyframed at one because we've done that prior  to right now we can see that our transition is   happening however it's pretty slow and very linear  and we want to make that smooth and a little bit   faster so we're going to open up the spline  window in the top right corner of our screen   and we're going to extend this just a little bit  select the transform tool and select the zoom to   fit button up here then we want to highlight all  of our four keyframes and hit s on the keyboard   with the second keyframe right here we want  to grab the left handle and drag it down all   the way like that and now on the third keyframe  we want to grab the right handle and just drag   that up to something like that and this should do  the trick to make the transition pretty seamless   all right that looks pretty good to me however  we're missing a little bit of motion blur and   we can easily fix that by going to our transform  node come up to where it says settings and there   you can see motion blur just activate that crank  up the quality to get a better quality motion   blur and you can leave the shutter angle at 180  degree or if it's a little bit too little for you   you can crank up the shutter angle to around 220  degrees and that will do the trick of getting you   a little bit more motion blur so if you're happy  with this you can call it a day right here but   there's one more thing that we can add to spice up  this transition and that is by adding a little bit   of lens Distortion so you're gonna hit shift  spacebar with the transfer node selected and   type in lens and then just add the lens Distortion  node with the lens Distortion node we want to come   over to frame 0 so set a keyframe on Distortion in  the inspector and just type in zero then we want   to come to the Middle where the cut is going to  happen and we're going to crank up the Distortion   two around let's go with 2.5 and then come over to  frame 23 the last frame of our animation and set   down the Distortion back to zero now let's open  up this blind window once again and smoothen out   the lens Distortion so what you can do is click  the three dots up here select show only selected   tool now we want to select all the keyframes once  again and just hit s on our keyboard and we can   drag in those lower handles just like so and now  drag in the right handle just like so and this   will do the trick of making this transition even  more powerful so now you have a pretty smooth zoom   in transition so let's say you're happy with the  transition and you want to store it so you can   reuse it in all projects all we got to do is come  up to your media pool in the top left corner click   the three dots right here and select show Power  bins now the power bin section appears in under   master you can create a new folder and in here you  can just grab the adjustment clip drag it in here   and now I'm gonna rename that to zoom in and once  you have the transition stored in your power open   section you can always just grab it from there so  you can reuse it in as many projects and as often   as you'd like without having to recreate it over  and over again however one thing that you have to   keep in mind you have to align this transition  perfectly in order for the keyframes that we've   set in the fusion page to make sense now I'll  show you what that looks like if the keyframes   are lined perfectly however if the keyframes are  off by a couple frames it will look like this   everybody can tell that this doesn't look right  so we have to align it perfectly we're going to   move over three frames and now everything is  aligned everything makes sense so let's say   you want to use a zoom in transition and I'm going  to bring this up because I've seen a lot of people   on social media mess this up when you apply a  zoom in transition make sure the shot that you   transition from is a wide shot and the shot that  you transition to is a tight shot as seen in this   example right here because otherwise it won't make  sense so let me just switch them around real quick   so right now we're going from a tight shot to  a wide shot with a zoom in transition and in my   opinion this just doesn't look right and how to  create a zoom out transition to transition from   a tide chart to a wide shot is what I'm going to  show you right now so we're going to reuse this   zoom in transition come over into the fusion page  so first of all I'm going to add another transfer   node and the same principles applied so we're  going to go to the first frame of the animation   create a keyframe on size to be kind of move  forward to the last frame of the first chart again   create another keyframe move over one frame to  the first frame of the second shot create another   keyframe and then we want to move to the end frame  23 and create another keyframe so because we want   to zoom out of the scene on frame 0 we don't want  to change any parameters so now let's go to our   second keyframe which is on frame 11 right here  and there we want to zoom out so reduce the size   to around 0.75 and change the edge behavior from  canvas to duplicate then move over to frame 12 and   here we want to start zoomed in let's up the size  a little bit like 1.5 and then come over to the   end and it should be add one so now let's take  a look what the transition actually looks like   again that's pretty rough however we're going to  refine that by using our spline tool so let's open   up the spline window once again select size hit  the zoom to fit button highlight all of those   keyframes hit s on our keyboard and right now we  want to change this a little bit differently here   on the second keyframe we want to grab this left  handle and just drag it up like so up on the third   keyframe we want to grab this right handle and  just drag it down all the way not that much like   that and if we have a look right now this is what  the zoom out transition looks like it's pretty   good however again there's motion blur missing  we're gonna fix that in the transform node by   going over to settings activate motion blur crank  up the quality and increase the shutter angle to   220 degrees and this is what the transition looks  like so we're transitioning out from a tight shot   to a watch and now you can store this transition  the exact same way just grab this right here and   drag it in and now the highlighted one which is  going to change the name to zoom out and that's it   now you have two transitions ready to go to reuse  in every project it's all just drag and drop hope   this video was helpful to you hope you like it  hope you enjoyed it if so please consider leaving   a like otherwise I'm going to hope you have an  amazing day and I'm gonna see you next week bye
Channel: Sebastian Friedrich
Views: 23,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sebastian friedrich, davinci resolve, Davinci Resolve transition, sam kolder Davinci resolve, sam kolder Davinci Resolve 18, Davinci Resolve 18 tutorial, zoom transition Davinci Resolve 18, sam kolder zoom transition Davinci Resolve 18, sam kolder zoom transition davinci resolve, Zoom transitions like sam folder Davinci Resolve tutorial, zoom transitions sam kolder Davinci Resolve 18, zoom transition sam kolder Davinci resolve, zoom transition sam kolder Davinci Resolve tutorial
Id: JM11CcwY_z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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