How to make AWESOME seamless movement TRANSITIONS in Davinci Resolve 16

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water folks Alex here hope you're doing well in this video I'm gonna crack open fusion and I'm gonna show you how I made those transitions which are released to you back in December now it's a much longer video than usual this is more of a 20-minute Tuesday rather than a 5-minute Friday so go put the kettle on or crack yourself open the beer because this one is a little bit longer than usual but trust me it's worthwhile because I'm going to go through all the steps to show you how to make a simple whip pan transition on which you've got the whip pan nailed the rest come pretty easily after that also if you did download that transitions pack and you want to say thank you for it there's a link down below for my by meeting coffee you can send me a few quid for the effort now this is also super useful because I'm going to be releasing another transition pack very soon and if you want to make some of those yourself you need to know everything in this video to be able to do the next step to make the next transitions with that all out the way let's open DaVinci Resolve hop into fusion and take a look shall we so here we are in DaVinci Resolve now the first thing you want to do before you do anything is just make sure to set your timeline frame rate correctly this should be set to the frame rate that you use or edit in most often so for me that's 24 frames per second now that's because when you create these transitions that we created at that frame rate and it's not easy to change it so make sure you get this correct the first thing we need to do is to add an adjustment clip onto our timeline so open up your media pool click on effects adjustment clips and just add that onto your timeline now we need to make this to be the right length of the transition I find a second works well but you can play with it as much as you like so the easiest way to actually make this a second I find tray it to the far left move your playhead to the one-second mark which is right there for me and I can just resize that and I know that that is exactly one second in length now there's a bug in DaVinci Resolve so the traditional step just grab the adjustment clip drag it into your media pool delete it off your timeline just using backspace and then add that back onto your timeline once that bug is fixed I will cut this part of the video out now once you've got your adjustment clip set to the right length just drag it and you want to put it over the point where your two clips meet so where you want this transition to be even though we're only setting these up for now it's still worth having these two clips on your tarmac then you can see how it all looks so perfect like that once it's done give it a click and then head into the fusion tab now if you've never seen B fusion before I've never spent too much time in here it can look a bit confusing but it's honestly not that bad we're not actually going to talk about it too much I'm not gonna explain too many things because I want this purely to be a tutorial I'm correcting these transitions but I'll do a separate video on fusion itself so the first thing we need to do is just to make sure that you're seeing the same as I am we're just going to make sure we've all got the same amount of things open so click on effects library in the top left here so you've got that open click on Clips so you've got the clips down the bottom open click on nodes so you can see your nodes here and there from right hand side make sure everything's off with the exception of the inspector now the first thing you wanna do is just make sure that your adjustment clip is selected like so and then you can just actually close the clip down now underneath you preview here you've got this little timeline of frames because I'm working at 24 frames per second you can see I've got 24 it looks like I'm running up 23 but that's actually because 0 is counted as a frame so 0 to 23 is 24 frames under there we've got our little controls here so he can play and then we've got our nodes now nodes of what we're going to be working with most and again looks really confusing honestly not that bad just think of it like a train you've got the start station here the station you begin which is your media in and then you've got your destination or your end station this is the media out this is your little train line and you just add stations along the way so we can add effects they get picked up from start to finish I don't know if that's usual that's how I think of it and it really helps me understand it so there you go so we're doing a whip pan so we need to use a transform node to get going so open up the effects library should already have that open click on tools transform and then click and hold your mouse on transform and drag it to this line until it changes color and then release like so if you miss and then it with a transform node that's not connected to anything like so just give it a click hold shift and then you can drop it onto that line you'll need once or just get rid of that now give the transform node a click and we're heading over to the inspector here now the inspector is very similar to what you're used to seeing within the Edit tab so we've got all these different attributes which we can change so we've got the center here and we've got the X which is the x-axis and I can just drag that left and right to move the clip left and right nice and simple the problem is if we move that to the left you end up with this empty space here now in fusion you can solve that really quickly where you can see edges here it says canvas just change canvas to mirror on what it will do is it'll fill that empty space with a mirrored image of the clip itself which makes doing our whip transitions really really easy so I'm just going to reset that I can double click on Center to reset it all to default and we're gonna use keyframes to animate this so it gets whipped into the left-hand side so to do that we just need to select the right frames along here and then set some keyframes so we're gonna drag this little red marker here so the far left or you can just type 0 in this box here I generally just use this because I find it a little bit easier 0 in the inspector click on this little diamond next to Center to set a keyframe and at this point we're not gonna change any settings at all we're just telling resolve at this point in time ie this frame we wanted to beat these settings then we're gonna go to the middle frame obviously half of 24 is 12 if you're using 30 frames that's 15 if you using 60 that's 30 so for me it's 12 so give that a click and then we need to change this setting so what we wanted this point is for a clip to be completely out the so I'm just gonna click and hold my mouse in here and I can drag to the left and we just want it to be completely out of the way which I can tell you is - nor point five because it was on nought point five if we're doing a minus one and will result in - naught point five then we get a move our play head along until 23 which is the last frame I won't do the same thing again this one is at minus 0.5 at the moment in one a minus one from that which means we're at minus one point five like so and now if we hit play you can see it's just moving it to the left and it's sort of a real basic whip and transition but obviously though I mean it looks kind of horrible that's because it's completely linear so we need to change that up so let's just stop that in the top right hand corner here you can click on spline so open this box up so this is where we can actually curve or smooth out those keyframes to make the animation look a lot nicer so you can see all the different nodes which we've added here we've only added one so to transform so give that a click and this little graph will appear you can zoom in and out if you need to or scroll up and down and you can see f3 key frames so we've got our start done bottom here middle one and our end one now at the moment as you can see it's a really sharp little corner it's completely linear so we need to smooth that out so give the top Mon a click and then down in the bottom left you should see this little smooth icon give that a click do the same for the middle and the same for the bottom now you're free to experiment with this as much as you like but I've got a little process which works for me 99% of the time so I usually stick to that give them it on a click now that it's smooth and you've got this little bar with the two dots grab the top one and just drag it to the left until it's completely vertical so we've got this little line now is completely vertical go to the top one you've got the same little line with it all done keep it a horizontal line and just drag it so it's roughly above the middle one like and then repeat for the bottom one click and drag that out and they'll give you a real nice s-curve so now if we hit play the animation starts off really slow which really fast in the middle and then slows down again so that looks much much nicer the only thing is missing is a motion blur so with the effects library still open scroll down so you've got open effects expand that go to resolve effects blur and then from here we want the directional blur click drag and drop it down here on your little tray line after transform and we've added a directional blur node give it a click head over to the inspector now there's a few things we need to change we actually work from the middle makes life a little bit easier you've got that angle so I'm just gonna show you this will put the blur all the way up you can see it's running at a 45 degree angle we're whipping from left to right that's not what we want so we just need to adjust the angle accordingly you can either go to 180 or 0 they look the same now you'll also notice the edges we've got this blank showing so to change that go to border type from black change that to reflect and that'll get rid of that so perfect we're just going to reset our blur strength I can give that a double-click and now we're essentially just need to repeat the same process we did for the transform but this time with the blur so we're going to come down to our 0 frame we're going to add a keyframe it's set to not point to at the moment I actually want zero blur at the beginning of this animation so we're gonna drag that to zero we're gonna find our middle frame so 12:00 and at this point I want it to be quite high I'm gonna go with about 0.7 ish perfect we're gonna drag it's a 23 the last one and we're gonna bring that right down to zero so now we've got three keyframes you can actually scroll through the keyframes using this little marker here next to the keyframe so obviously we're at the very end of the moment just got left or give a click we're at zero nor point 65 in the middle and nor again in their very beginning if we hit play on this that's time to look much much better but again we can smoothen out slightly just by using the spline tool so this purple line or pink line here this is our transform we can just give that a click to get rid of it and then we just look an ad at ad directional blur keyframes we're just going to repeat the same process as before give it on a click smooth that out smooth that one out and one smooth this one out too I'm not going to adjust them because that actually worked quite well then if we at play that's looking pretty good to me and this is easy as that to make this real simple whip and transition you head back into the Edit tab if we just hit play we can see how it looks like properly and that looks really nice so now we can give the adjustment clip a click open up the inspector within the Edit tab where you've got name and I'm just gonna call this whip left drag that into my media pool or a power bin and it's there ready to go now that obviously which to the left maybe you want to have a whip to the right as well fortunately you've done all the hard work so we've got the whip pan set up in our media pool so that's done we can forget about that we've got this one on our timeline so give it a click head back into fusion click on Clips make sure that you select the adjustment clip and then we can close that now if you wanting click on the transform node we've still got all of our keyframes so we can go first one second one third one and all we need to do is repeat the process or everything goes to the right rather than the left so rather than - in one every time you want a plus one so we go from noir point five to one point five to two point five now often it's worth just checking your spline your curves because in my example as you can see it's gone completely haywire which will look very strange so what we need today click the middle one set it back to linear click the top one sets it back to linear and then just do what we did originally so the bottom ones fine click the middle one we'll just straighten that out click the top one ain't that smooth again and drag that into the middle that looks better and now we have a whip to the right head back into the Edit tab we'll rename this one whip right drag that into a media pool job done we've got whit left we've got a whip right and pretty much all of the transitions I made in my whip or camera movement transitions pack essentially this method exactly the same just two different variants of it so let's give this one a click or head back into fusion we've got I transform obviously we're using the x-axis if we did the exact same thing with the Y axes which I'm going to show you really quickly I'm not going to talk you through it too much I'll just do it nice and fast so you can see how it looks care of these out exactly as we did before obviously just much much faster and we've effect we would use the y-axis rather than the X and now our whip up now it looks weird cuz the blur is wrong so if we just go to the directional blur and change the angle 90 degrees which should be straight up or straight down there you go now we've gotten up we can go back to edit whip up smash that over there done do the opposite so again let's go fusion clips adjustment clip transform this time rather than Y nor point 5 to 1.5 to 2.5 would go back down so nor point 5 to - nor point 5 2 - 1 point 5 now I guess a whip down if you do them both at the same time so we've got 1 put 500 on put 5 and then to put 5 in to 2.5 it'll go in a diagonal so if we hit play on this it goes up to the top right so you can see how this is going you can build all of the those transitions just using different numbers on this Center here to move it left right up down top angles and that sort of thing now to do rotational ones so spins again it's exactly the same thing but rather than using this Center I'll reset that we're gonna do the exact same thing we're going to set some keyframes but we're going to use the angle instead so again I'm going to show you this really quickly you should hopefully get the gist by now add a keyframe with zero angle at 12 the middle we're just going to set this to be 180 and then at 23 the end point we're gonna set this to be 360 again let's just smooth that out so it actually looks decent can't talk and multitask but I'm going fast like this very thing now let's just play on that we've got a bit of a spin with a nice little animation so that's looking alright again the blur looks wrong because it's directional so we're just going to delete the directional blur gonna go to the exact same place this time we're going to grab radial blur pop that on there radial blur as you can see is rotational will change the black to reflect so it gets rid of those edges for us go to zero right none at that point we want quite a bit in the middle and then we want non at the end Soviet play again now there's a nice little spin transition for us another last tip I'm gonna give you in this video if we go to the transform tool you can change the pivot point so the pivot point is where it rotates from so we're just gonna move this over and then up a bit let's go now if we'd let that play it's not gonna rotate in the middle it's going to rotate from this point so as you can see it's whipping round from there so again there's a bunch more there's four different transitions for you because you can do one go from this corner or we'll go down to the bomb left here like so play that and it's ripping down from the bottom left-hand corner reverse the process so rather than 0 180 360 go 0 - 1 a - 360 and then you've got clockwise rather than anti-clockwise keep building them keep using the same ones starting from that point this one can now be called a spin drop onto your media pool and off you go easy as that and then once you've got these basics down you can start to do more clever stuff which I'll cover in another video congratulations all of you that have made it this far really appreciate you sticking around for the whole thing if you enjoyed the video thumbs up if you've got any comments or feedback as always pop them down below I do try and read every comment and I'll respond to as many as I can and if you new around here don't forget to subscribe thank you for watching folks keep your eyes peeled for more videos coming very soon take it easy I'll see you next time bye man man man oh man right don't Bubba
Channel: MrAlexTech
Views: 184,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve 16 tutorial, davinci resolve transitions, divinci, divinci resolve, mralextech, mr alex tech, free transitions for davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve transitions pack free, davinci resolve transition effects, davinci resolve transitions pack, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve 16 transitions, transitions pack for davinci resolve, davinci resolve 16 transitions pack, resolve 16 transitions, resolve 16 fusion tutorial, transition tutorial
Id: qQcm5lQTmyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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