Simple and Cheap Camping Food

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hey guys welcome back to the channel so it's never gonna be talking about cam food now something that I like to do at least a couple times years go through my camp food and what that means is I I buy and store a lot of stuff in containers in my basement for camp food because I like to have things ready to go I don't always want to have to go the grocery store to pick stuff up and I certainly don't want to be a long trip so I'm always looking for prepackaged items that can keep for a while that I know I'm gonna be using throughout the year either hiking you know out for the day shooting a video or overnight camps so you know I've gotten some requests from channel viewers that they want to see more about food and the types of stuff that I suggest and then I use and I look for a variety of items I look for things that are easy to prepare cost effective and taste good and they're gonna satisfy you know my taste buds when I'm outside because when you're camping especially when the conditions are less than favorable let's say it's cold and windy or whatever you really want some something good to stick to your ribs that's gonna you know brant boost your mood but also provide you with some energy and some warmth and some protein so those are things I look for and I'm just gonna show you a variety of stuff that I picked up at a grocery store none of this stuff is hard to find it's all readily available in grocery stores big box stores I've seen this stuff at Walmart well you know I'll show you I will go in depth with it and I'll show you everything I have or where I'm getting it at so you can get some ideas now I will say one thing that I always do with this stuff is I supplement it with fresh food like meat there's really not a good substitute for fresh meat and if I can bring along a steak or some sausages or chicken breast or pork chops something like that I will do that and the way I usually do it is in the summertime especially I bring it frozen and I leave it in my pack and then throughout the day defrost and that first night that I'm camping that's what I have on the over the fire and then I'll you know supplement that with with other things that I brim the prepackaged foods I brought wintertime it doesn't become as much of an issue you can pack things a little bit longer you just need to make sure that they're there you know sealed up pretty well to avoid any kind of contamination or leakage in your pack and you're good to go so stick around is we are gonna get into it if you guys watch my videos we've seen cooking with a variety of this stuff and I'm always talking about it because one I love the East and when I'm outside fire so having all this stuff available to me and my kit makes things a lot easier so here's so the items that I've chosen these are all for grocery stores stuff that you can get pretty easily of course we have ramen noodles you know not the healthiest consideration on the menu but at least it's some carbohydrates and then if you supplement that by adding a tuna packet or spam or other fresh meat then you have a pretty piece of lunch or dinner another thing are instant soups especially the wintertime these are really nice this is a kosher suit mix that's vegetable based from nor nor makes really nice dehydrated vegetable soups and in broth so that's a great item to have in your pack another thing that I really enjoy our mashed potatoes and of course it's another great carbohydrate these are so easy to make you just have hot water mix it up and you know you can mix it to your consistency that you like then you can always add stuff to it it's really great to add summer sausage or cheese you know if you have some fresh vegetables that you brought along like some carrots or onion you can chop that up that put that in there so there's a variety of things that you can do to to make this even better another thing that I've been experimenting with forking up food are these microwave pouches there's a lot of different microwave foods out on the market right now they come to these pouches and basically what this is is these are not dehydrated they're constant they're already constitute with water there's moisture in the pack but what you do is you heat them up in a microwave or they're ready to go well the same philosophy works pretty well over a stove or over a campfire by either just taking this out of the package and putting in your pot and cooking it and this of course saves space and weight so you don't have to bring canned food you can also pour hot water into this a little bit if you want it a little bit thinner and you can also soak this in a pot of hot water for a period of time to get it heated up there's different ways you can do it and it really depends on how big the pouch is and how hot you want it to get so here's one that I like this is a prego ready to meal really eat meal roasted tomato and vegetable penne Kroger has this awesome selection of Rice's this is written red beans and rice this is a 90-second go packet this is great throw this in your pot and some summer sausage to it or some kielbasa and you have a really awesome dinner that's gonna fill you up of course you have to mention dehydrated meals these can be found at Walmart and other retailers but if you notice the price five dollars and 80 cents for one of these makes this a little bit more expensive now it's convenient because you're just adding a hot water and you're ready to eat but you don't have to dirty a pan but the thing is there it's definitely not as cost effective as some of this ready-made stuff that's in the store like I mentioned before adding things like packaged meat there's a lot of these foil packet meats that you can buy nowadays tuna salmon chicken spam of courses always in the menu with me I love spam very salty so you have to be careful with that other things I can add to this stuff that I bought I found this package is cheese sauce with jalapeno at one with dollar stores and Velveeta now that's gonna be a great addition to some rice or some potatoes of course the old standby Lipton soup secrets this is just I think chicken soup and actually this one is beyond expiration best if used by April 23rd of 14 so this is good I'll go ahead and pitch this one but at least I have this for demonstration they actually they see the packages starting to open up on its own right there which is not good that's why it pays to go through your ear your food boxes and check everything another thing to talk about is beverages in coffee and tea and hot coco are awesome items to throw in your your food pack there they keep a long time they're ready to go you don't have to mess with a lot of brewing or you know filtering of stuff it's it's rate whirls so there's such a variety out of stores right now different types of teas so one of my favorites is this Twinings Irish Breakfast tea it's almost like a coffee it's very dark and rich has a great flavor chai tea is definitely a great pick-me-up during the day a little Earl Grey gotta have some hot chocolate mixes with me especially in their time at night these are awesome chocolate peppermint by popping nickels Nicholas's awesome kool force colts stone creamery and then for coffees it's coarse personal preference but everyone's one I like something a little bit different a little bit more sweet so here's a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks Folgers has a really nice Frappuccino or a cappuccino french vanilla flavor and then the standard coffee these folger instant coffee crystals which are very similar to the Starbucks just a little bit a little bit coarser are great a great option too and then with coffee of course you can have things like creamer so you know the military of re packs are great for creamer substitute packages you can also pick these up when you're like staying at hotels and they have the coffee bar in your room I always steal a bunch of those those creamer packs and sugar packs things like Splenda sweet'n low and then there's some lemon juice packages that I found at a restaurant that I use in my tea every occasionally that's be careful these leaked real easily but it sure is nice having something like lemon juice to throw on the tea or or whatever okay moving on to breakfast foods and snack foods so breakfast is pretty easy yeah eggs are very easy to transport them in the right container so if you want scrambled eggs and sausage that's not a big deal in Macon camp if you're looking for really quick stuff of course clicker instant oatmeal is probable that the easiest and best options I've found for breakfast and you can actually just cut these open at the top pour your hot water in the package and eating right out another option for breakfast are things like fig bars this is a nature's bakery really really a great product I love these these are delicious I also like a fire in the morning time you lock them I'll do is I'll take peanut butter and I'll bring some bagels with me and then just toast a bagel on the campfire and then spread some peanut butter on it and if I've been getting really crazy I'll heat up some spam and put that bagel with the peanut butter which is awesome and that will stick with you all day long so butter good option and then as far as different types of energy bars there are so many in the market right now Clif bars have been around forever and are a great standard the Larabar I like the size of them ate their flavor is so good they have so many different great flavors and their coarser and of course their gluten-free dairy-free soy-free a vegan and kosher so if you have any you know dietary restrictions this is a great option for you as well another thing that I've been experimenting with recently are these honey stinger waffles they're organic and gluten-free but they have really awesome flavors and they're great when you spread them in there and then if you're really concerned about weights and you're hiking a little trail you want to eat fast these cliff shots provide a good source of energy like caffeine and carbs and last but not least is seasoning especially when you're cooking you know meat and stuff over the campfire seasoning becomes really important and if you can add stuff or doctor up your meals with some quick and easy seasonings it makes dinner so much better when you're out in the field so things that I like to bring along for my meat are this is one of my all-time favorites this is red eyed hog survival spice red hog comm check those guys out this stuff is phenomenal on chopped steak chicken beef I mean anything anything thrown at it it is it's delicious ox as a really nice smoky flavor it's not it's not super sweet or not super spicy it's just as a great all-purpose flavor to it another great one for seasoning is all-day awesome on fish but also awesome on chicken and pork so check that out horse salt and pepper and these little containers that you get from Colin at the big-box retail stores these hold a lot of salt and pepper and they work great they don't leak and I've never had one come apart on me so I have several of these and they're usually in all my packs I gotta refill my salt another thing I just found recently was this concentrated chicken broth haven't tried it yet but I think it'd be interesting and try definitely add it to noodles or rice or something like that that I'm cooking and then the other thing I like to look for what I'm eating out are the different kind of packs that restaurants have out of course it'll stand by ketchup if you're making hot dogs listen let's bring in a whole bottle when you can bring one of these it's got to be careful with them I usually keep my kind of APEC's in Ziploc because you never know if these things are bust open love you hot sauces from Taco Bell you know bring a couple tortillas with you and some meat and some cheese and there you got a taco soy sauce from the rest of the Chinese restaurants great with ramen here's an interesting one you don't see very often Italian dressing thee if you can find these these are awesome because this is great to marinate chicken in a lot marinating chicken and this stuff so you cut bring a couple of these and in a plastic bag with your chicken to a marinade you know during the day and at night throw out on a campfire cook it you've got a great meal okay one thing one last thing I need to mention if you're preparing food to take a camping of course you want to look at the the possibility of dehydrating your own food this is something that I just started doing recently I bought a dehydrator from Amazon real simple one works great and then picked up a food saver sealer from one of the local stores here in town and what I'm doing is when I have leftovers things that I know that will dehydrate well like chili tacos spaghetti if I have leftovers instead of saving those in most of those going to waste because let's face it you'll have a couple couple dishes out of your leftovers and you end up throwing the rest of it away I'm putting it in the dehydrator that next day and then sealing it up and freezing these so like this one right here I just did this not too long ago here's a package of chili this is gonna be one serving for me chicken tacos you know that hot sauce as I mentioned those tortillas tortillas are easy items to pack they're they pack flat and they don't get crushed and they come in their own bag bring some taco mix with you that you've done yourself and man you've got a great meal very easy to to reconstitute this with some hot water so if you haven't tried dehydrating try it it's not that hard it's pretty easy lots of information online about how to do it and you know just keep experimenting with it because there's so many things that you cook at home that would be great on the trail so alright guys I hope this stuff was useful today for you as always please like subscribe and share and we'll see you next time prepare longer
Channel: The Prepared Wanderer
Views: 273,064
Rating: 4.7918215 out of 5
Keywords: camping, food, bushcraft, hiking, self reliance, prepared wanderer, bushcraft backpack, camping food, cheap, camp, wilderness, backpacking, campfire, nature, travel
Id: DUeHVQjtibQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2017
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