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playlist when must we suffer why must you make a suffer why must you let me suffer beast mode killer radio it says built with four osiris uh miley cyrus ooh well that's the only choice here we go it's non-contact though just so you know oh what oh so i might actually have a chance yeah yeah definitely [Laughter] one of those boys harry that's why you don't get the boost because you're revving before bro i got more boost than vic did he's not wrong he's so weird it's long contact isn't it it's like he's all right over the boys i miss it i won't lie i wanna ram you a lot that was mad by the way yeah oh boy i've just seen the sky and there's no way i'm gone i've got a feeling these aren't doing this yeah josh you've done him so done oh no oh my god john i don't know you've done him so dirty bro this is a cold this is a cold trap this is sick [ __ ] sake how did i oh [ __ ] why must you make me suffer oh my god it's difficult i've done it yeah maybe i can't even get boys i'm stuck on the same easy bit i can't even get up this but josh they're not finishing this by the way come on we need four we need four to four do you think four must finish in this show you think four people are finishing this yeah if it can finish it easy i lord have mercy oh that makes a lot more sense josh going that way around yeah could you always be around before though i know this always happens i didn't think about it i end up in no man's land josh and josh and simon play the game more often so they go first [ __ ] man i can't do it i'm not that bad but you can race yeah yeah yeah so i just end up in no man's land doing nothing jj's behind me oh my god i finally have come back with the boys i finally come oh he's gone oh he's always come okay he's come back yes i'm on the i'm on the roller coaster again oh this is jj oh yes now no you idiot that's actually really peaked that you've just said that he's gone as well hello we just slapped gg that this requires had it oh well josh you know i hope you're happy with yourself i really hope you are i'm i did it yes how do you how how the [ __ ] do you do this bit how do you do this bit he's getting annoyed at his hands again why am i such a bad gamer well i'm not a bad gamer you're a bad race picker this is annoying this is like just end this game already man jj i thought you said you might have a chance this time i thought i did and then i saw the map turn right turn right turn right tap right slightly not all the way right just just tap right around that was ill-advised sorry yeah you just paid that's just that straight suffering right there in it you know this playlist title was kind of fitting wasn't it yeah this yeah now it's now starts out yeah yeah yeah yeah you got it bro you got it bro that was close yeah here we go here we go here we go are you right do i look all right that's what we're asking you i don't know i'll just [ __ ] end this man where is my dad i did it first time the second time it just took me about five years [Laughter] okay so i'm harry who could do it come on he's gotta do it it's [ __ ] one of yours why did you turn you panicked at the end wait wait wait you could cheat you could actually try it yeah that's what i did josh what he's just done [Music] [Applause] come on yeah now jj no voice over [ __ ] this i do not miss this that was fun race though i did like it crash bang the coat it's less than a mile long okay i'll give that to you oh my god just let me get a checkpoint or two there they are yep what's happened vladiel me the josh all right when you try and shoot yeah you have to do it on the flat whoa oh no i just crashed into someone sorry i went way by the way i was going to say you did oh i didn't even get caught in crossfire i don't like it it's crazy bro this is i'm [ __ ] my pants i'm really scared of just something's gonna happen in a second how'd that go the wrong way someone hit it someone hit you he's like okay you drove into someone else's waifu i know it was a minute how did you get and now ethan's first oh [ __ ] then and jj has killed me this is the downfall gta respawned me there's this good point bro i'm in seventh i'm having a terrible time anyway there's no point are you serious i'm happy i got you two ethan i know you did i'm sick i'm on smoke oh yeah now it's funny in it your name uh yeah you spun me out [ __ ] oh josh josh josh remember that time we had good times yeah yeah i do so just [Laughter] oh my god i mean if it says six you'll probably see it but i hate to read the background back this happened to me how could this happen yo who just body checked me no oh oh [Music] oh my god i'm not lost i'm not lost anymore [ __ ] ksi is oh my god oh my god i would what oh what he was quiet [Music] fair play ksi oh no no no no no no no no no no no oh vic i want to finish i'm on a black screen now okay ruined it for a bit of harry oh i'm on a black screen i can't load in wow oh wow wow cause now no one's growing anything for anyone in this room oh wait i'm gonna finish yes boys i i've realized i don't do not like gta legit is actually really bad yeah that's what it is right before you said you get excited to play i do and then i play the first race and i realize i want to kill myself that's we've never seen this before oh yeah oh this is outrageous look at it to be fair i don't think i heard jj say i won he didn't hey and his tongue i opened then i bet i was just best looking at the screen i'm also when i play video games i'm also bad looking i was gonna say you question why you don't win more yeah this is the first time you've looked at the screen a lot no no i meant the camera i went the camera i was just eyeing the camera like oh what's going on that makes more sense face to face 15. oh god kara akara 10 miles 10 miles 10 miles yeah it's 10 minutes seven miles straight line go back and forwards harry that's when your first race lad come on is this even a race yeah yeah okay but you've literally got one zero on your account so you need to get it so it's one one that's someone someone has a bag of larry who had to back on that probably harry [Laughter] so what so what's happening here like can someone like face-to-face go to the checkpoint and then you'll have to turn around and come back to this checkpoint okay that's easy enough right straight lines just as a heads up you will change vehicle and everyone will be oncoming okay cool interesting oh my god wait it's all right in the tunnel she's always in a tunnel stick together we're all right surely we're all right surely no one's going to get ahead at this point though oh they will oh that's best best best place [ __ ] i don't think harry's gonna win his race lads i don't think he's gonna win oh you don't wanna i'm gonna cry that's what i'm gonna do i'm actually gonna cry come on i'm gonna cry oh god lads you need to make sure you get through oh no judge hello okay [ __ ] why man now it's going to open up now it's going to open up great great cheers how have you got after me what the hell oh my god oh [ __ ] [Laughter] i see an opening harry go how are you come on a nice one oh [ __ ] it oh we're gonna die oh [ __ ] oh he's gone wait where's he even gone out of the way how come on give me some swag jj you want to crash into this one by the way what is this little jurassic park vehicle so this is a bloody wagon you know what it's been a pretty long little bit it's been pretty [Laughter] i'm so far behind now oh this thing's a [ __ ] joke oh my god [Music] oh my god jesus christ do not right click oh do not let it click with this don't lift it up i now want to do it you know what do it no i don't do it no what is this wait how is first yeah i'm right next to him but i'm go i'm sideways in the tunnel bro bro okay well what is this video harry's harry's getting ahead of you a lot [Laughter] oh this is a shitty wagon this is oh six oh six yeah jj gave up i don't know what jj's doing i'm getting dragged along this thing's got paste on it you know it actually has before in the tunnel it goes nuts i've seen what's next we'll see what's going to happen next i i i'm not a big fan oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [Music] you actually saved me i got you bro stop oh you [ __ ] lads we all messed up went past that i was trying to turn bro oh [ __ ] i'm down in the bin to be fair this that car is as fast as the truck i am stabilizing [ __ ] it have you not been stabilizing so far jj no no no no i'm actually can i take it seriously you're gonna unify the screen now nick move to the side bro yo ethan ethan let's just stay in the middle ah okay all right should we stop here yeah yeah yeah good luck with that guys good luck with that for this one oh wait yeah it's not looking great oh they've got the junky one how was the worst time to start stabilizing oh we're in a bit of a pickle here lads no no no we got this lads oh it changed me oh [ __ ] oh no oh no harry's game so much he was actually gonna win oh he actually sounds like he's gonna call you know now i'm in the [ __ ] pin again [Laughter] oh it's the last one as well oh that's fun out for cyber no oh no that was not intentional i was just going to win it oh wow no no no i'm not he's not i'm not going to win it bro what do you mean look at the bottom left of your screen oh yes i went through everyone i've done it i got absolutely hounded there oh for [ __ ] sake well hasn't this been fun [ __ ] now wasn't that a laugh eh so harry where are you now i'm on the edge of a cliff that's what i am at least finish can i at least finish can i at least finish [Music] come on take it he's actually a prick he's actually a prick i can't actually i don't think i can do this
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 5,400,178
Rating: 4.9788718 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen, miniminter, ksi, zerkaa, behzinga, tbjzl, vikkstar, wroetoshaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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