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she was born to do this one fashioned against us that shall be able to prosper and every tongue that shall rise against us in judgment the lord will condemn just travel far and wide to different parts of the world propagating the gospel of jesus christ romans 8 31 says what then shall we say of these things if god is for us who can be against us she's mandated by god to changing lives impacting generations and winning souls i think korean declare i stand as a generational evangelist ordained by god as an oracle ghost as the devil comes in like a flood the spirit of the lord shall lift up a standard in the name of jesus natasha oracle of god she was born to do this thank you jesus lord as i bring forth your word i decrease that you may increase i disappear that you may appear give me the option to function in jesus name somebody say amen amen i want you to greet three people tell them you are blessed because you came you are blessed because you came you are blessed because you in the name of jesus you are blessed because you came you are blessed because you may be seated in the presence of god hallelujah in this service i want to speak about war against monitoring spirit war against monitoring spiritual and i'm going to read some portions of scripture and i'm going to begin with acts of the apostles chapter 16 verse 16 to verse 8. acts of the apostles chapter 16 verse 16 to verse 8 then i will read john chapter 10 and verse 10 then lastly i will read ephesians chapter 6 and verse 12. i want to begin with acts of the apostles chapter 16 and by 16 hallelujah you know monitoring spirit is a weapon of witchcraft attack that monitors a person's destiny and some of you that are here and others that are watching you are your life your business your career your progress your ministry your calling has been under a monitoring spirit but today we are declaring war they will look for you after this service but they will not find you la prasa magadesh acts of the apostles chapter 16 and verse 16. now it happened as we went to pray that a certain slave girl possessed with the spirit of divination met us who brought her masters much profit by fortune telling this girl followed paul and us and cried out saying these men are the servants of the most high god who proclaimed to us the way of salvation and she did for many days but paul greatly annoyed turned and said to the spirit i command you in the name of jesus christ to come out of her and he came out that very hour john chapter 10 and verse 10 the thief does not come except to steal to kill and to destroy but i have come that you may have life and that you may have it more abundantly efficient this is our third reading chapter 6 and verse 12 for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of darkness of this age against spiritual host of wickedness in heavenly places i want you to lift up your hands in the name of jesus we are waging war against monitoring spirits even before i begin to teach and preach les paragados somebody lift up your hands begin to speak in the holy ghost say i declare war i declare against monitoring spirit from today monitoring spirits monitoring have no control i have no control over my life over my life in the name of jesus i declare i declare come on say it with power i declare i am loose i am lose ah from every operation from every operation of monitoring spirits in the name of jesus all monitoring spirits all monitoring spirits that are monitoring my my life monitoring my progress monitoring my program monitoring my marriage catch fire crash fire catch fire catch fire i break their powers i break their communication lines every device every department that monitoring spirits are using to monitor my life [Music] i want you to pray this prayer point like you believe it like humanity somebody said that is monitoring my finances any demonic power any symbolic power that is scattering what i am gathering that is scattering what i am gathering what i am gathering hey come on say it with power any demonic power power that is scattering [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] try to monitor begin to declare any agent of darkness any agent of darkness after assignment to monitor my career assignment to monitor my business ecc assigned to my ministry and my colleagues of happiness [Music] assigned to monitor my destiny [Music] any invisible monitoring agent monitoring agent that is operating in your territory that is operating in my territory i command you now i command you cut them by fire by fire scattered by fire by fire lift your hands and stretch them to the altar shut their braggados person or personality yes that has acquired witchcraft power in order to monitor your progress i said any personal personality that has acquired witchcraft power michael to monetize to monetize your family to monitor your business oh yes sir i command them now oh yes cut down by fire [Applause] somebody said after me every monitoring power everybody god's promises in my life working against god's prophecy any evil power monitoring my progress carrying my progress go blind now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus monitoring me monitoring me in order to destroy my destiny in order to destroy my destiny foreign hi in the name of jesus every demonic power there is money turning me for evil god is monitoring me foreign [Music] by fire [Music] in the name of jesus the name of jesus every step on earth every temple monitoring timon assigned my life is my marriage is not your candidate my marriage is not your best my life is not your candidate leave me in time in the name of jesus in the name of jesus lift up your hands i speak not as an auditor i speak as another every gathering of the council of the wicked jesus against your destiny against the plan and the purposes of god for our life i command you to scatter unto desolation any evil observer somebody said after being any evil observer your time is up you are tired receive blindness now [Music] i disconnect my time my age my glory my star from evil observers and evil programmers i disconnect my timer i disconnect my energy for of jesus lift up your hands say i disconnect my time my time my age my faith my star my son my glory my glory from evil observers in the name of jesus somebody [Applause] [Music] in the name of jesus of jesus opportunity about us i am not your candidate i am not your country come on say it with power opportunity upon us opportunity i am not your candidate i am not your candidate i am not your candidate scattered by fire by fire somebody said my father my maker my maker lift up your hand and send my father my mecca my father my maker any witchcraft mirror any witchcraft mirror that is used to monitor me that is used to monitor physically physically spiritually ritually or otherwise because from the demonic world they use witchcraft mirrors that is why you will find many sorceress habalists and many witches they have satanic and demonic mirrors i declare from this after this service lebron goddess jesus anyone that tries to call your name on any demonic altar or witchcraft yes i decree and declare yes my prophet fire will answer fire fire when they call you a name on any satanic mirror on any witchcraft all throughout yes when they call any of your family members fire will answer your fire i see satanic mirrors breaking i'll pray this prayer point say oh god oh god any witchcraft mirror used to monitor me [Music] [Applause] [Music] my image [Music] [Music] [Music] i put a stop to it now i put a stop to it in the name of jesus mirrors of darkness [Music] [Applause] those that are watching me begin to connect with this prayer come on begin to declare mirrors of darkness attached to my name that i've been monitoring my progress watch fire fire search stretch your hands to the altar every witchcraft mirror that is compressing your glory oh yes i break it in the name of jesus break any power in your village what yes leprechauns are rescued that is searching for your face in the mirror my god scattered by fire by fire i break every dark mirror oh yes that is fighting against your life yes lord that is fighting against your destiny satanic civilians my god that has been mounted anywhere yes to monitor i command it break in the name of jesus break in the name of jesus satanic civilians satanic surveillance that has been mounted anywhere that is monitoring your life just monitoring your family [Music] pray this last prayer point somebody said any evil observer any evil example assigned to observe my glory and try to observe my glory be frustrated be frustrated now scatter now [Music] i declare that monitoring spirit has no control i said it has no control it has no control [Applause] [Music] i hide you under the canopy of god's grace i hide you under the blood in jesus name be seated in the presence of god so you are asking oracle what are monitoring spirits monitoring spirits they they operate like sacred spies looking into people's lives causing harassment manipulation in order to make them fail so they are sacred spies when i talk about monitoring spirit i am talking about evil sacred spies that the devil has assigned to look into people's life for manipulation for harassment and in order to make them fail i decree and declare every sacred spy in your life i declare in the name of jesus they will fall into their own traps in the name of jesus when i talk about monitoring spirits also i am talking about number two invisible powers that are following people around to frustrate their efforts with the intent of extending their lives battles and problems so these are also invincible powers because some people will be using witchcraft and they will be using satanic devices to monitor your life through invisible powers i speak as an oracle yes any invincible power that is monitoring your life and destiny yes i commanded to die in the name of jesus monitoring spirits number three their progress arrest us somebody say progress arrest us these are spirits that scatter while a person is gathering you find while you are gathering it is a spirit that scatters it is a progress arrester when you talk about monitoring spirit you are dealing with progress arresters and some of you have had so many progress arresters in your life in your calling in your destiny in your area of profession and in your area of assignment but every progress arrest her fall down and die in the name of jesus number four when you talk about monitoring spirits you are talking about agents of darkness agents of darkness that look into the destinies of people in order to still kill and destroy i read john chapter 10 and verse 10 that says the thief does not come except to steal to kill and to destroy but i have come that you may have life and that you may have it more abundantly so when you talk about monitoring spirits you are talking about the agents of darkness that look into the destinies of people in order to steal kill and destroy these are powers agents of darkness they specialize in pulling down people when they are about to rise in life whether it is spiritually financially economically socially or in any aspect of life you know so these are agents of darkness my god i decree and declare in the name of jesus any agent assigned by the devil as an agent of darkness to steal to kill and to destroy your life any agent of darkness under assignment to destroy your life to steal [Music] sit down [Music] they sponsor battles through manipulation of destiny some of you the battles you are going through is as a result of monitoring spirits through agents of darkness then we have number five what when i talk about monitoring spirits what am i talking about i'm talking about mean and wicked satanic powers that are behind chronic delay chronic embarrassment and an achievement in people's life some of you are hard workers but no matter what you do you are always going through the same cycle cycles of failure cycles of rejection cycles of defeat you find that it's true you went to school you have good academic credentials but you are always turned down you know and even people that are less qualified than you are more preferred you find that there is a there is chronic delay chronic non achievement you may start any business but every business you start it has to collapse you are always starting every now and then you are always starting because of mean and wicked powers are through monitoring spirit so monitoring spirit number one they are sacred spies number two they are invisible powers number three they are progress arresters number four they are agents of darkness number five they are mean and we get satanic powers somebody say every monitoring spirit every monitoring spirit fire catch fire now you are asking me oracle how can i destroy these monitoring spirits i want to tell you how to destroy them number one if you are here you are watching us from around the world the first thing and the most important thing you must be born again because you are not complete until you are completely in christ so you must be born again if you are not in christ you are in crisis are you listening to me if you are not saved you are not safe and actually the greatest of all miracles is the miracle of salvation that is why the bible says seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these other things deliverance blessings will be will will follow so the first thing you must be born again ask your neighbor are you born again are you born ask your neighbor is jesus you are lord and savior jesus i want to give you an opportunity if you're born again can you just talk to your neighbor ask them are you born again and even those that are watching us live are you born again are you born again ask your neighbor have you received jesus as your lord and savior have you received jesus please if you're born again with your hand i need to see you if you are born again hallelujah if you're not born again with your hand if you're not born again amen i thank god at ecc we are born again and if you are watching me live you are not born again this is the first step and if you are there you are watching you have not given your life to jesus let's help them pray this prayer everybody lift up your hands because that is the first steps to tell your neighbor first things first first things first hallelujah somebody say lord jesus lord jesus i am a sinner i am a sister i receive you today i receive you today to be my lord and savior be my lord write my name write my name in the book of life from today from today i am born again i am born again in jesus name in jesus amen amen tell your neighbor if you are not saved you're not safe if you're not saved you're not safe so that is the first thing the second thing is repenting and asking god for forgiveness so after you're born again you repent and you ask god for forgiveness the third thing is empowering yourself with the knowledge of god's word because as i always tell you anything you don't discover you can't recover if you have not identified something anything that you don't identify you cannot confront and conquer you only confront what you have been able to identify and how do you identify by empowering yourself with the knowledge of god's word meditation on the word of the lord the word of god is the life of god the word of god is the power of god the word of god is the wisdom of god so empowering yourself with the knowledge of god's word because this word i'm sharing with you is a rhema word hallelujah so empower yourself with the word of the lord that is the third way so tell your neighbor neighbor may receive grace to study the word receive grace to study the word i pray for somebody here in the name of jesus that you will receive grace to study god's word amen in the name of jesus christ may your spiritual life receive an upliftment your prayer life your walk with god every dryness in your walk with the lord i pray for a revival may god ignite your prayer altar with fire amen all right number four how do you destroy monitoring spirit renouncing renouncing every form of evil covenants and cases so you must renounce every form of evil covenants and cases every evil form of covenants and cases and we are going to be doing that very shortly so you must renounce you must begin to renounce after you have identified it is true i gave you signs on friday and in case you are not there ensure that you watch the message it is on our youtube channel and the lord god will bless you on the signs to know i gave almost 25 or more how to know if you are under monitoring spirits and under demonic civilians so you renounce all form of evil covenants and curses number five fasting and warfare prayers tell your neighbor fasting and warfare prayers fasting and warfare you know prayer goes to god as worship but it goes to the devil as warfare hallelujah fasting and warfare prayers and we are saying enough is enough from the days of john the baptist until now the days of ecc until now the days of the oracle the kingdom of god suffered violence and the violence shall take it by force yes the devil does not understand the language of diplomacy he understands the language of violence hallelujah so fasting that is number five fasting and warfare prayers the sixth one which is the last one is covenanting your life to god by sacrificing and allowing the altar to speak for you we must be believers that lay our sacrifices on the altar you know the problem is that with the children of the light sometimes we are ignorant especially when it comes to giving sacrifices to god when it comes to giving to god we are so casual but the children of the dark when they go to sorcerers when they go to sorcerers when they go to witches they are very and those ones that are competing with you and working against you they are busy laying sacrifices on witchcraft altars but for us we have we just come to the altar empty handed but you need to understand sacrifice is the voice of the altar hallelujah you are sacrificed that you give to god it is the voice of the altar fire does not fall on empty altars it is your sacrifice that speaks on your behalf look at your neighbor tell them fire does not fall on empty altars fire does not fall on them sacrifice is the voice of the altar so make sure that you service the altar of god so that there is a sacrifice that is speaking for you as they go to witches right now it doesn't matter whoever can try to go to any witch doctor because i am a giver i give sacrifices to god hallelujah so as they go to witches they will find their sacrifices that are speaking on godly altars because there are two kinds of altar satanic altars and godly altars may your altar speak for you in the name of jesus look at your neighbor tell them it is altar vs ulta it is altar ah come on ask your neighbor neighbor uh look at your neighbor ask them is your altar speaking is your altar speaking please look at your neighbor ask them is your altar speaking is your altar speaking and i pray for somebody in the name of jesus every demonic altar that is fighting you and your family that is fighting your career that is fighting your business that is fighting your children that is fighting your ministry we command it fire fire ephesians chapter 6 and verse 12 says for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of darkness of this age again a spiritual host of wickedness in heavenly places hallelujah humanity cannot fight divinity look at your neighbor tell them humanity cannot fight divinity humanity cannot fight and that is why it is important for you to understand the principle of engaging sacrifice in the name of jesus every demonic altar that is fighting you labor raga i speak as an oracle yes may the altar of this ministry speak on your behalf whoever has taken your names and pictures yeah to which doctors and sorcerers yes whoever has given a sacrifice to raise an altar against you i declare back to the sender any demonic altar you know satanic altars are made to speak against you they are meant to destroy marriages to destroy lives to hinder blessings to kill destinies satanic altars bring frustrations satanic altars bring disappointment that he brings the nations in life but i declare every satanic altar that is working against you from the demonic world from the altar of this ministry let your sacrifice begin to speak give the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus somebody said i pulled down satanic altars [Music] i destroy you in the name of jesus every demonic altar in my family from my paternal side from my matano my maker they live for my family from every evil time in the name of jesus name of jesus in the name of jesus name untouched fire [Music] to those that are here to those that are watching evil altars that are working against your breakthrough yes evil altars that are releasing sicknesses evil altars that are working against you satanic altar satanic horns i command them courage fire catch [Music] anybody that has bought you will not succeed yes anybody that has bought you will not be happy fire everybody standing on your feet i want you to begin to pray against every altar let this altar speak for you chandra bragados let your sacrifice on this altar consume their sacrifices on the altars of your enemies begin to pray chandra bragados you are enemies that rise up against you shall be defeated in the name of jesus everybody stretch your hands to the old thank you holy ghost [Music] andre braga i speak as an oracle over your life yes to those that are here to those that are watching every satanic eye that is monitoring your destiny and progress yes i commanded to receive total blindness every gathering of the council of the wicked yes against your destiny i commanded to scatter in the name of jesus any wicked power that is monitoring you in order to destroy you yes i commanded time [Music] hi every demonic lawyer every demonic judge yes that is giving judgment against your life and family wherever you are scattered by fire every diviner on evil assignment against your life receive madness and paralysis amen i said every diviner on evil assignment against your life and destiny receive madness and paralysis in the name of jesus [Music] christ somebody said every power every i want us to hold a sacrifice on our hands hallelujah i want us to hold the sacrifice on our hands prophetically we are speaking war not just in prayer but we are also engaging the gear of sacrifice to those that are here you can hold that sacrifice in your hand you can also be able to give it on uh on the pay bill number one our ministry payable number it is on screen on m pesa to those that are here you can also give that sacrifice you are saying i want to let a sacrifice what is sacrifice sacrifice is a something that you give that touches you and moves you you say i am giving it as a memorial before god let us speak on my behalf against all witchcraft altars and satanic altars in high places let my sacrifice speak on my behalf sacrifice is what moves you i want us to give a financial sacrifice your finances represent you they represent your job they represent your business they represent your sweat your sweat is your blood we are giving it on the altar for god's work hallelujah whatever sacrifice that god lays in your heart i want you to give god something you have never given him even those that are watching us live you're watching me sons and daughters partners of this ministry you are not watching me by accident of my coincidence it is by divine appointment this is a word that god laid in my heart actually i've never preached this message before anywhere in the world on monitoring spirit but god spoke to me as i was flying back from tanzania and god said i am giving you an assignment my daughter go and wage war go and deal with monitoring spirit i was saying enough is enough as i was praying for the people and i was asking lord what is this that i'm not seeing and the lord showed me monitoring spirits so this is a timely prophetic word and i want you to connect you when you must do the possible so that god can do the impossible so i want you what is sacrifice i want you today as you are giving give god what you have never given him before sacrifice something that touches you if you give and it does not inconvenience you it is not a sacrifice sacrifice moves you and touches you i wanted to be a memorial before god today that lord for me and my family and you know anything you don't deal with in your time it will live to fight you and it will live to fight your children's children you are the deliverer you are the redeemer you are the waymaker in your so i want you to take out all the sacrifice those that are here you can give that sacrifice up uh if you have it tangibly you will touch you will come and touch the altar but if you don't have it it is on your phone you can give on payable check the screens you can give also on m-pesa check the screens you are laying it on the altar sacrifice is the voice of the altar humanity cannot fight divinity it is the old top verses altar hallelujah i want you uh to connect to those that are watching us live in different nations of the world distance is not a barrier as long as you are watching and you are hearing this message right now you can connect to the altar of this ministry sons and daughters partners of this ministry you can connect on wave you can connect on paypal you can connect on mpesa we on all the details the payable number the empezar paypal oracle one tv media team is is on standby comment how you want to sew and i'm challenging you to give what you have never given your life is coming out from demonica under you have been under satanic civilians it is coming out of anyone that has been monitoring you for evil hindering you and limiting you anybody that has used dreams to monitor you my god le bragadoska somebody said enough is enough enough look at your neighbor tell them [Music] so i want you to just hold that sacrifice in your hand we are going to deal with all the agents of darkness by sacrifice we are going to deal with all the agents of darkness progress arrest us we are going to deal with them in the name of jesus so i want you to hold it in your hands hold it in your hands like raska magadeshka if you have it hold it in your hands whatever god is laying in your heart this one i want god to speak to you even those that are watching us the spirit of god is speaking to you now it is instruction that eliminates destruction the instruction you obey determines the future you create somebody you are about to go to the next level somebody you will rewrite the history of your family positively and you will remember today this is a service you will not forget because your life is coming out of the control of demonic powers in the name of jesus somebody say i'm covenanting myself to god psalms 50 verse 5 goddamn my people together those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice i want you to prepare lord as your people are obeying this prophetic instruction as your servant and as your prophet i bless them as you come i want you to declare all tapas is altered somebody declare let this altar speak on my behalf those that are giving on people distance is not a barrier i want you to come and touch the altar everybody sit down we are going to start with this side we are going to start with this side come and touch the altar if you are giving through the phone i want you to touch the altar using your phone there are those that are watching us live from around the world you are giving your sacrifice on paypal on wave you giving your sacrifice just comment how you want to sow to those that are watching us anywhere in the world you can give on people you can give on wave you can also connect to the altar of this ministry when you're giving a sacrifice it will move you some of us have been christians 10 years 15 years but we've never truly given god a sacrifice something that moves us as sacrifice provokes god i want you to do it right now and right now as you're giving every sacrifice i declare let it speak on your behalf on behalf of your family your business your career i remove your life from every demonic civilian in the mighty name of jesus christ receive somebody lift up your hands receive divine power to rule over every stubborn problem in the name of jesus any problem assigned to destroy you i commanded catch fire every generation of bondage that is causing limitation in your life i command it catch fire i command long-term afflictions to come to an end oh god arise trouble the trouble of our life oh god arise up somebody say oh god arise oh god arise trouble [Music] all arise [Music] lord as your people have laid their sacrifice on the altar and even those that are watching us live are laying their sacrifices on the altar of this ministry as they are connecting on various giving on various platforms they are giving to connect with the altar of this ministry i pray in the name of jesus oh god arise destroy the destroyer pursue our pursuers in the name of jesus libra laser magadeshka magareshka the lord is telling me lift up your hands everybody lord speak your servant is listening the lord is changing somebody's story oh yes any time you see the glory as the story there is always a story behind every every glory and i'm seeing god turning people's stories to glories you have gone through the fires you've gone through tribulations i see a man in the realm of the spirit you have been in the wilderness you have been under uh satanic civilians i see the hand of god over your life but it is like you have been in the wilderness the lord says your wilderness journey is coming to an end i am seeing your wilderness journey coming to an end le para somebody speak in the holy ghost the lord says your wilderness somebody declare my wilderness journey is coming to an end my enemies will not triumph over me the lord is saying that wilderness journey is coming to an end i'm hearing the name of a man and i'm hearing like athanaya's like athanayas i'm hearing like a name aphanias like avant alfanayas i want you everybody to lift up your hands if your name is a aphanias or offer something athanayas le pragadoska what is your name sir your name is athanasius lift up your hands stretch your hands towards him because i i felt it the lord is about to lift you the lord is about to lift you the lord tells me to tell you affliction will not rise a second time i am seeing you in the realm of the spirit you are coming out of the wilderness somebody lift up your hands and declare i'm coming out of the wilderness i'm coming out of the wilderness somebody said my wilderness journey is coming to an end wilderness journey is coming even those that are watching us live declare i'm coming out of the wilderness i'm coming out i'm in the wilderness but i'm coming out i'm in the wilderness but i'm coming out i'm coming out of the wilderness i'm coming up chandra bragadoska stretch your hands towards him i am seeing the hand of god over your life the bible says rejoice not over me my enemy for thou i fall i will rise though i sit in darkness the lord will be my light the lord tells me to tell you you are enemies will not rejoice over you somebody lift up your hands and declare my enemies will not rejoice over me my enemies look at me sir i am seeing them monitoring your life using monitoring spirits through witchcraft they have been trying to monitor your life hinder your calling hinder your ministry hinder your finances is like nothing is working it's like nothing is working and it's like the devil it's like the devil keeps on making you to keep on starting all over all over again all over it's like you're always starting and starting just when you're about to make progress you start again le bragados somebody declare my enemies will not triumph over me my enemies will not triumph may god prepare a table for you psalms 23 and verse 5 says he prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies he anoints my head with oil my cup ran it over somebody said my father my maker prayer point in psalms 23 verse 5 say my father my maker prepare a table for me prepare god is going to restore you your enemies will not triumph over you okay and what god is about to do in your life by the end of this year they will look at you and say no it cannot be you i pray for somebody here may god make you a wonder that will make people wonder you know i wonder is not a wonder until it makes people wonder may people see you in places they never expected to see you may they see you having a business they never expected you to have driving a car they never expected you to have having a job they never expected you to receive even god is going to restore you i hear in the spirit three times restoration restoration restoration restoration stretch your hands towards you monitoring spirits monitoring spirits i'm seeing monitoring spirits and the spirit of god les pragados anybody here any monitoring spirit that is monitoring you from the village somebody declare any monitoring spirit any monitoring experience that is monitoring me from the village that is monitoring me from the village [Music] any demonic altar that is calling my name back into the village that is calling my name fire i declare when you are going to the village you will not go back because you are stranded and you are not going back empty-handed you will be going to build a village house i received because you established in the city you will go back to the village driving i received you will go back blessed you will go back lifted may god disappoint the expectations of your enemies may god disappoint their expectations yes bishop i am saying this because in the realm of the spirit i see their voices that have spoken against your life and destiny stretch your hands towards this man i see a very great calling of god on your life but i see their voices then i'm also seeing altars i'm seeing altars altars and i want to dress these altars can i trust them can i trust them prophetically in the realm of the spirit yes i am moving from nairobi county chandra bragados yes i received i am in ketui county can i go deeper go deeper can i go deeper prophetic i am finding myself in ketui west hey where are you from west can i prophesy accurate i am navigating in the realm of the spirit and it feels like i am a bit surprised because where i am finding myself it is like a swahili name i'm hearing a name like julia what is tulia stretch your hands towards this man any altar from your hometown yes that is contending with your life you are ministry and you are testing it i commanded cash fire somebody declared holy ghost fire three times fire chandela grasp i saw the altars catching fire stretch your hands towards you any monitoring spirit that has monitored you chandra bragadoska segraska magadeshka lipar ragadoska magadeshka that has monitored you from the day you are born i cancel it from today today is a day you will never forget in the chronicles of your life because any altar that has monitored you libra any evil observer that has been monitoring because you have a great star that is why the devil will always see who you will become before you become it that is why the star of jesus while he was still a baby already they were able to see his star somebody say lord hide my star lord hide myself somebody said my star will shine you have a very big star but i'm seeing evil observers stretch your hands can i have the oil chandra bragadoska no justin i want to anoint you chandra bragados any demonic civilians from the day you are born legrace kamagadeshka i am saying what is 12th december to you what is 12th december to you [Music] that is your birthday 12th december i am seeing 12 december i am seeing the lord is taking me back into time can i go back into time yes my prophet i am saying it was on a thursday it was on a thousand my god and i want you to go and ask your parents which day you were born do you know which day you were do you know which which day of the week it was it was on a thursday prophetic mafia prophesy parker dose any demonic altar yes that has surveyed your life from thursday's andre bragadoska of 12th of december jesus 1985 i cancel it in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] my establishment [Music] [Music] stretch your hands leg raska the lord is opening a new chapter and he tells me keep looking forward you have gone through so much heart in your life i don't want to say this publicly but you have gone through so much heart but the lord is going to heal your heart the lord is disconnecting you from the past the lord is disconnecting you from the past he's healing you and he's giving you a new beginning i want you to hold the hand of this lady i'm hearing faith who is faith hold her hand because together the lord will bless you establish you and prosper you this is the person that god has assigned for your destiny who is faith faith is your wife but the lord says don't look behind because i'm saying it is like the past is trying to call you but the lord is saying this is your destiny this is your destiny this is your destiny stretch your hands the lord will bless you and your family the lord will bless your children your children will serve god the bible says the seed of the righteous will be mighty and the generation of the upright will be blessed your children will serve god your children will serve god your children will serve god le bragadoska zigadeshka legraska magadeshka and everything that should have happened that has not happened in your life i see acceleration coming i'm seeing acceleration coming i'm seeing acceleration i'm seeing acceleration i'm hearing ian who is ian leopard raga does who is ian ian is your firstborn can you give god a clap your eyes are open [Music] who is alvin alvin is your second boy i anoint you as god's oracle the bible says in the last days i will power my spirit upon our flesh the sons and the daughters will prophesy i release the apostolic grace your ministry will accelerate i open your doors on the doors of your wife no more stagnation i command this put your hands like this i command these hands to handle great things you should have been far you have the destiny of a millionaire but i see satanic monitors satanic observers progress arrest us have limited you but these hands will handle great things these hands i speak as an oracle yes sir these hands will handle great things amen these hands will heal the sick humans will disappear amen fire of the holy ghost i bless you today in the name of the father the son and of the holy spirit shout amen amen you are here you are a tiger you are a partner you are a tither you are a partner you are here to those that are here to those that are watching us live from around the world you are a tiger you are a partner this is the time to lay our tithes and our partnership on the altar of this ministry you are tight is the connection to the protection of your finances your type is the 10 of your income which is holy it belongs to the lord the survivor of the 90 is determined by the 10 that we give to god every time we give our tithes to god it is the connection to the protection of our finances when you give your tithe it is in obedience to god's word when you give your tithe it honors god when you give your tithe god becomes a shareholder of whatever you do whether it is business whether it is employment god becomes a shareholder when you give your tithe also it rebukes the devourers devourers are eaters of finances hallelujah when you give your tithe it brings judgment to the enemy of your prosperity you are tight rebukes stagnation your tithe rebukes barriness it rebukes the motion hallelujah so it doesn't matter the level be faithful in the level that god has put you in i want you to be a faithful tither tithe is the foundation of prosperity our father of faith abraham when you look at genesis 14 20 he gave a tithe of all when he met with male she's a deck so to those that are here you are a titan you need an envelope lift up your hands our kingdom hostesses will bring an envelope right where you are if you are giving your tithe and you are writing a check make it payable to empowerment christian church the details are on the monitors check the screens you can give your tithe on paybill you can give your tithe on m-pesa check the screens and the lord god will bless you so those that are giving using their phones hold your phone those that will be giving via pdq machines you have your card we thank god for technology and we are a church on the move hallelujah so if you have your card and that is our generation also uh come to you will come with your card our kingdom hostess on the right and on the left are standing right here you can give via that pdq machine and the lord god will bless you and your tithe will reach the altar of this ministry to those that are watching us live from around the world sons and daughters from different parts of the world you can also give your tithe honor on on paypal comment people people is global from anywhere in the world comment people we will put the link below your comment just comment paypal hallelujah comment paypal and we will be able to put the link below your comment you can give via wave especially sons and daughters in the u.s in the uk europe and in different parts of the world you can give on wave to those that are watching us in east african community you can give also honor m pesa and the lord god will bless you so if you're a tither come you are a partner these are people that have the agenda of god in their finances also come in jesus name whatever god is laying in your heart come as uh we have the ecc and them come to the altar in jesus name tithers partners to those that are watching us live from around the world this is the hour this is the time comment how you want to give your type and your partnership you know we have people that partner people that sponsor football we have people that sponsor athletics entertainment beauty contests and beauty pageants but i'm praying in my generation that god will raise men and women that will sponsor the gospel 2022 is going to be a political year in this nation and i can assure there are people that are ready to invest millions if not billions in in the in political parties and in politicians but i'm praying in my generation god will raise millionaires billionaires that have a heart for the kingdom god has given me a mandate to build god a house hallelujah and i know the land is coming we are going to build nairobi mega church somebody say it is coming in the name of jesus in the spirit we have seen it i believe it and i received this mandate in the name of jesus and uh what prophet ed citronelli told me is a confirmation about what the lord had laid in my heart to the glory of god and you know my grandmother in the village she has given out land she's a woman of god she gave out land for the building of a church and she told me and this i was only 19 years when i was starting up traveling ministry she said to me 19 years i was 19. she said to me i have given land to build a church in the village but you will build a mega church in the city and you can see now it is coming to pass very soon the resources will come we will build in record time and without debt somebody say it will come to pass and you are the millionaires and the billionaires that god is going to raise and together we will build god's house we will touch lives we will populate heaven and depopulate hell i want you to stretch your hands towards the tides and even those that are giving online on paypal on wave i speak the titus blessing over your life i declare access for you you will rise you will be lifted in honor i declare promotion in every area of your life i declare the gates of nations the gates of continents will open for you i declare a season of turnaround what the enemy stole shall be restored god will turn you ashamed to glory your failure to successor may the lord multiply you increase you and make you a thousand times more in the name of jesus god will fight for you and give you victory you will flourish i declare your dead dreams will come back to life your story shall be beautiful your song shall be glorious i release the titus blessing go and prosper go and excel go and succeed in jesus name you may let the time your tight on the altar to the glory of god go and succeed go and prosper in jesus mighty name amen everybody standing on your feet i want to give you direction on how i will anoint you yes my daughter visited for one minute and even those that have given online on paypal on waiver from south africa via fnb those that have given live via m-pesa via different platforms lord i bless them from botswana those that have been those that have given from us germany italy those that have given from uk i bless you in the name of jesus amen [Music] you
Channel: Rev Lucy Natasha
Views: 15,651
Rating: 4.8926172 out of 5
Keywords: Rev Lucy Natasha, lucy natasha sermons, pastor natasha, lucy natasha preaching, kenyan pastor, Miracle monday, the oracle
Id: VBrklxsz_eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 56sec (4136 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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