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when god wants to bless you how does he do it he sends people into your life oh that's so true and when the devil wants to destroy you how does he do it he sends people too there are several types of relationships that are liabilities not assets if you are going to develop healthy relationships you must first cut off the unhealthy ones you have developed how can you tell if a relationship is toxic here are three major indicators number one constant strife and division first there will be constant strife and division amos chapter 3 verses 3 asks can two walk together unless they are agreed a healthy relationship is one where there is oneness of goals purpose values and beliefs god's word also says where envy and self-seeking exists confusion and every evil thing are there the greek word confusion means unstable the bible tells us that a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways the situation is out of order and therefore out of control and god is a god of order he has set up lines of authority and when those lines are violated the door is open to every type of evil spirit and guess what you don't get to choose the brand of evil spirit you want yeah when you get out of line with the way god has designed things to work the devil has a legal right to touch you with any form of evil that he wants strife and confusion sap your energy and drain your creativity they take your focus off what god has for you in this new year you need to walk away from certain kinds of people which i'll be listing below number one walk away from people who knew you back when one of the most dangerous relationships is the one that holds you to your past the bible tells us that when jesus went to his own country he taught and the people were astonished but they were also offended at him because they kept saying isn't this the carpenter's son isn't this the son of mary and the brother of james joseph simon and judas he can't possibly have all this wisdom and do these mighty works we know him he's just one of us and jesus could do no miracles there because of their unbelief it wasn't that jesus had lost any power in himself he wasn't any less of who he was in his home country it was because of their unbelief that he could not manifest the fullness of himself the associations of your past can drag you down and hold you back they can keep you from fulfilling your potential i'm not talking of course the relationships you've entered into with the covenant or relationships that god has ordained for your life no you can't just casually walk away from a father or mother or spouse or child i'm talking about friendships and business associations and casual acquaintances and distant relatives who remind you continually of what people used to think of you those old opinions are not god's opinions their opinions that do not relate to your tomorrow they relate only to you yesterday number two violators of the heart these are relationships that prey on your heart and rob you of control over your life don't give power to any person to manipulate you and control you nobody deserves that power but god no person can make you lose the power so don't do it the most dangerous violator of the heart is the person who tells you what you want to hear it is the person who strokes your ego and tells you words of affection that you are desperate to hear all in an effort to get what they want from you violators take advantage of the needs in your life especially the needs to be loved and accepted they aren't concerned about your blessings or your destiny they're concerned only about what they want they are takers not givers never lose your identity for another person's sake never compromise your character for anyone you must continually take inventory of whether a person is drawing more from you than the person is giving to you a healthy relationship is a relationship in which there is balance in giving and taking where there is mutual appreciation and building up where there is honest words of appreciation without any taint of manipulation so what are the steps you must take to cut unhealthy relationships out of your life first you must identify and accept the reality of an out-of-balance relationship at times you need to take stock of the situation and admit to yourself that a relationship just isn't working if you allow yourself to be drained and distracted by someone you truly cannot help because that person does not truly want your help only your association then you will not be in position to help those who truly want your help more than they want your association second don't try to be god to another person there's a huge difference between helping a person and carrying a person you aren't the holy spirit so don't enter an enabling relationship in which you come to feel totally responsible for a person's success or failure [Music] third become comfortable with criticism you do have to end a relationship not everybody is going to be happy with your decision for that matter not everybody is going to be happy with you at any point or regarding anything there's always going to be someone who wants to do something other than what god is leading you to do nobody can please all people all the time everywhere luke chapter 6 verses 26 tells us woe to you when all men speak well of you for so did their fathers to the false prophets occasionally you need to recognize that hurting people sometimes hurt people and you need to be brave enough and godly enough to say this relationship isn't helping me this relationship isn't healthy we need to put an end to this trust god to help you recognize when a relationship is becoming detrimental to your business your ministry or the health of your family life trust god to give you the courage to end the relationship and then trust him to give you broad enough shoulders and thick enough skin to take the criticisms that you may face for ending the relationship the fourth point progressively end unhealthy relationships it takes emotional energy to end the relationship and if you cut every unhealthy relationships out of your life at one time you're likely to be overwhelmed by the loss cut unhealthy relationships out of your life at one time until you can look around you and say all of my relationships are the ones that are pleasing to god all of my relationships are the ones in which there is a mutual give and take a mutual blessing a mutual notification i am on the same wavelength with those who are close to me when it comes to values beliefs and goals so get rid of toxic relationships and set yourself up for great success this year hallelujah don't be afraid just trust god more than your instincts and feelings it is easy for us to gain weight but difficult shedding the fat it takes lots of exercising and dieting to burn the belly or leg fat yeah and that's the same way it is easy for us to have different kinds of bad friends or family members and if we don't keep them at arm's length or set boundaries they can destroy us there are several stories in the bible that can teach us of the types of people to avoid like the parable of the proud pharisee and the tax collector potiphar's wife who had the desire for joseph and when her evil plans failed she lied against him toxic delilah that ganged up against solomon and so on today let's learn about the four types of people that you should avoid the first type are the gossips there are six things that the lord hates yes seven are an abomination to him and these are haughty eyes a lying tongue hands that shed innocent blood a heart that plots wicked schemes feet that are quick to run to evil the false witness who utters lies and the one who sows discord amongst kindred a gossip is one of the persons the lord hates and he doesn't want you associating with such a person because he or she can end up rubbing their distasteful character on you and you start gossiping and you start spreading rumors about others we know the statement that he who gossips to you about someone else will surely gossip about you to another whatever thing they have to tell you is not for your interest or brings you profit so why listen to him the one who goes about gossiping reveals secrets therefore do not associate with someone who is always opening his mouth gossip sometimes is talking ill of someone else it is not productive and even results in spreading false information about others this is why i really don't understand why people look at gossip blogs like it doesn't even make sense to me check this out it is rarely heard that a gossip wishes well for others they are always there watching for the downfall of others and laugh at them the next goes with gossiping if not checked do not enter the path of the wicked and do not walk in the way of the evil avoid it do not go into it turn away from it and pass on for they cannot sleep unless they have done something wrong they're robbed of sleep unless they've made someone else stumble it's an evil person a person that goes about spreading lies or talking bad or someone can one day start plotting evil because that's the foundation of evil the scripture tells us that the good person brings good things out of his good treasury and the evil person brings evil things out of his evil treasury a friend that is always jealous or not happy of someone else's success soon they will become evil the next thing that happens is they're praying that someone doesn't secure the job pass the exams get married or even still succeed in life that is how bad it can get the fear of the lord is the hatred of evil pride arrogance the evil way and the perverse mouth i hate god is telling us as children to do away with that person who only has evil in their heart because no good will come out of them if they don't change their ways and turn to him [Music] they will even go on to corrupt you because what you hear and see has an effect on you whether you believe it or not it's better not to be in such a position and find that it's actually true than to let their evil stain you [Music] god hates evil and you can't be his child and associate with evil show me your friends and i will tell you who you are though they may not agree entirely with this statement it has some truth in it the bible teaches that evil men and seducers will wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived it only takes the grace of god for such people to be saved and turned back from the evil ways [Music] the third kind of people are toxic people [Music] toxic people are poisonous they cause damage in pain they're not good but are harmful to us the bible tells us bad company corrupts good morals that friend or colleague at the office who every time you talk to them you feel exhausted emotionally drained and negative is toxic oh but he's a nice person he is toxic [Music] they make you doubt yourself they're manipulative they don't give you the best of advice they blame you for their problems and so many more these are telltale signs of toxic persons and though it's hard to recognize a toxic person from the start till emotional and maybe physical damage has been done when you realize they aren't good for your health don't even waste time let them go create boundaries for yourself your mental and physical health are priorities don't sit and keep telling yourself that they will change while their actions make you suffer if your right hand causes you to stumble cut it off and throw it away it is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell this is what the bible is teaching you to do in such situations cut them off by setting healthy boundaries it is not every friend that is good for you or should be in your life some come to teach you lessons on your life choices who to keep and who to cut off while others help us on our path to righteousness [Music] lastly god is asking you to avoid proud people you see those that walk with their shoulders high above the sky or they feel they're better than everyone else you can't correct them yeah you can't i know a few people believe me when i tell you they are boastful they are too full of themselves or their wealth and accomplishments because they want to show it off so here's what you do avoid them they never listen and god despises them he doesn't want to have any association with them so also you should run from anyone who has such attributes every proud heart is an abomination to the lord and he resists the proud but gives grace to the humble and that's why whoever exalts himself will be humbled and whoever humbles himself will be exalted if you find yourself associating with anyone who has these three characters god is telling you to avoid them or rather still cut them off pray for them that the light of christ will find them because if you don't they can infect you and this year you don't need any weight so the bible says let us set aside every weight and these four people are weights you need to drop them otherwise you can't fly i pray you make the right decision true friends are hard to find stick closer than family and often they know you better they pray bigger things for you than you pray for yourself they believe with you when your faith is weak they make space for you when life falls apart and they rejoice with you when all is well so most importantly true friends remind you in every encounter who and what is most important the essence of christian friendship is companionship forged in the fire of two convictions christian friendship is a treasure because it helps us cling to our greatest treasure god places value on friendships that is why he would reveal your friends to you before he blesses you the greatest danger to our souls is that we might abandon abiding in him following him and finding our joy in him therefore the best gift a friend can give is a commitment to fight for your joy in and communion with christ conversely the worst distortion of friendship arises when a friend encourages us consciously or unconsciously to place our affections elsewhere the apostle peter unwittingly acts out this kind of distortion in matthew 16 jesus tells his disciples that he will die and rise again and peter rebukes jesus with what was surely a well-intentioned comment from a loyal friend far be it from you lord this will never happen to you it looks like the deepest most genuine most beautiful form of friendship but peter's words put him between jesus and his obedience to the father his ignorance made a friend into an enemy at least for a moment get behind me satan you are a hindrance to me what peter thought was helpful jesus called the hindrance what peter assumed was godly friendship jesus called satanic opposition these are a few things god will show you about your friends before he blesses you they encourage your joy in god companionship always deepens joy your favorite movie is good when watched alone but it's better with a friend somehow a great meal is more satisfying when shared we naturally drag our friends into what we enjoy you have to see this movie you have to come to this restaurant with me but of all the joys of life god is the greatest we were made for him to enjoy him and center our hearts and lives on him and like any other joy our joy in god will be fullest when we share it with other people christian friendships helps us enjoy god by enjoying him with us it's tempting to flip and distort this formula by using god as a means to enjoy people more so if we only go to him to ask for spouses friends or kids to enjoy it reveals that we see god as the means to someone else we should be doing the opposite looking for more of him in other people ironically we will enjoy our friends more the more our friendships become a means of enjoying god point 2 they expose sin in you that keeps you from god faithful are the wounds of a friend profuse are the kisses of an enemy sin deceives us it darkens our understanding and makes us fools so much so that we may be walking in sin and convinced that we are obeying god think of the pharisees this is why we desperately need friends we need friends to lovingly show us our sin we need friends to help us see our blind spots we need friends to speak with brutal honesty and tender compassion galatians chapter 6 verse 1 is telling us the truth about ourselves even when we don't want to hear it this is a vital function of community that few people want would much rather have friends who always tell us what we want to hear who show us the false grace of excusing sin and give us false hope that we can grow closer to god without repentance but sin is a poison to our souls and a thief of our joy and god we cannot afford to forsake this kind of friendship [Music] but because sin is a poison to our souls and a thief of our joy we cannot afford to forsake this kind of friendship point three they encourage you to obey god let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works while it's true that we need friends to help us see any disobedience we also need them to spur us onto obedience often obedience to god takes more courage than we can muster alone without the faithful cheerleading of christian friends we easily shrink back into stagnant apathy not wanting to willfully disobey but also too afraid to step out in faith the encouragement we are told to give isn't flattery or superficial inspiration encouragement is giving courage and strength to others for the intimidating task before them we cast a bigger vision for why their obedience matters for god's kingdom we affirm that their obedience glorifies god and counts in eternity whatever form it takes encouragement motivates others to continue running the specific race god has marked out for them the fourth point they bring you to god in your weakness behold some men were bringing on a bed a man who was paralyzed and they were seeking to bring him in and lay him before jesus for finding no way to bring him in because of the crowd they went up on the roof and let him down with his bed through the tiles into the midst before jesus walking through life in a god belittling world with our sin ridden flesh against a hell-bent enemy is too hard to be attempted alone alone we easily believe the lies of satan alone we can buckle under the weight of our sin alone we grow discouraged and weary like the paralytic we need the help of other believers to carry us to god so how can we bring others to god we listen to a sister confess a hidden sin and wash her with the truth that christ has cleansed her and has made her home we can meet the practical needs of those enduring intense suffering in jesus name or we can simply bring our friends to god in prayer asking him to do greater things in their lives than we can do for them god is interested in the friendships we keep and he would not let you have what your friends would use against you so you need to understand that god is loving god is kind and that in god's loving nature he will not give you the wrong things so these are the points you need to see if any of your friends are not doing any of these things for you if you are not carrying out any of these roles then it's time for a recheck [Music] i pray you have the grace to be a good friend and to meet good friends and to stay amongst good friends the plan of the devil is to steal from you kill and also destroy we can find this scripture in the book of john chapter 10 verse 10. since we can't see the devil we can definitely experience him through one of his schemes one way the devil attempts to destroy believers is to use those that they trust against them [Music] a classic example is the historical event of the fall of man the first adam the devil waited till there was intimacy built between adam and eve and then he used her to lead adam and man as a whole out of the presence of god that same strategy is still being used today by the devil and we must understand it so we would always beat him to his gameplay praise the lord i'll give you a few signs to take note of when you're around friends because the devil uses those that are friends or appear to be friends to stop or hinder your blessings so take note of the following kind of people number one they're not that serious about god friend [Music] you know these friends they usually go to worship on sunday they might go on a foreign mission trip but they never give god their lives these friends are lukewarm they think god is okay with having some of the pie these friends are toxic because they model a dangerous approach to christian living that approach the approach that says status quo christianity is okay there is no reason to be a jesus freak jesus freaks don't enjoy life so go to worship on sunday read the bible occasionally but leave a piece of the pie for yourself wow and the moment you try to go all in for god you will meet fierce resistance believe me i've been there yeah like i have it's amazing and several times in my teenage and early adult years i wanted to go all in for god but my friends weren't there and they saw my attempt to go all in as a threat to our friday and saturday nights so i heard statements like this are you really going to stop partying getting drunk you know you know there is no way you will stick to it in two weeks you'll be back to your old self and my friends were right after a few weeks i was back to my old self as long as not that serious about god friends are close enough to ask you those questions you will never give your full allegiance to god [Music] a second kind of friend the no ambition friend oh this one is dangerous this is dangerous these friends have ambition but only towards things that don't matter like completing two seasons of their favorite netflix shows in one day if you mention xbox movies the opposite sex of the game plan for friday and saturday night these friends perk up like the time i poured water on my roommate when he was sleeping but if you mentioned serving in the community studying for a test or attending a bible study you might as well be talking to a brick wall surround yourself with people who want to make the world a better place surround yourself with people who want to do well and haters that matter you were created in the image of god and this means that you were created to learn grow and give you were created to make the world a better place and do things with excellence surround yourself with people who get this point and they practice it the third kind of person the attention must be on me friend spotlight on me all the time do you have friends like that yeah you see these friends are plagued with jealousy and bitterness they're extremely insecure and here's the big one their lives are plagued with drama they live a real-life soap opera and most of these friends have no idea why drama always follows them here's why these friends sell their souls to the gods of attention and spotlight these friends are ruthless they require everything and the gods of attention on spotlight kick you to the curb for their next victim once they destroy your worth and value these friends are toxic because they're always takers they take your energy they take your joy they take your time and they will never celebrate your success they can't the gods of spotlight and attention won't allow them to celebrate you it means they're taking a back seat i believe god actually saves us from these kind of people [Music] so the fourth kind of friend the everyone else is doing a kind of friend if i had a nickel for every time i heard or spoke this phrase as a teenager or a young adult i would be writing this post from an oversized yacht in the pacific the everyone else is doing a friend justifies every action nothing is their fault yeah i was doing that but jill made me do it johnny actually sent the text i just wrote it so it's really his fault you get that idea right not only do these friends refuse to accept responsibility for their actions they also refuse to stand for anything they go with the flow they roll with the crowd they're influenced heavily by peer pressure if the crowd is doing it they're doing it here's why these friends are hindering your blessings as they follow the crowd they will encourage you to do so as well as they refuse to take and accept responsibility for their actions they will encourage you to do so as well you need friends who are confident in their identity they are content in christ they're steadfast in their convictions because even if you're the strong one it only takes a moment of weakness for this friend to take you down a road you never intended to travel five the sea is the worst than everything kind of friend now this one is extremely dangerous we live in a world where cynicism is the default posture of the majority it is rare to find someone who looks at the world through a positive lens even christian leaders and preachers myself included at times present god as an angry cynic who can't wait to destroy the world god's default posture is optimism your friends should see the world through god's lens but this is not god's default posture he looks at the world through the lens of restoration redemption and hope you can't look at the world through this lens unless you have an optimistic world view negative people are exhausting they drain your life and your enthusiasm they leave you feeling like the world in general and your life in particular are hopeless if you have friendships that drive you deeper into cynicism and hopelessness it's time to consider ending the relationship the world is how you see it you can choose to see good you can choose to see bad your friends should choose the former because your friends love jesus so find those friends and cling to them [Music] and here's the sixth point the sixth kind of friend you should avoid is that doesn't know how to forgive kind of friend wow wow wow wow now these friends make a list of every person who disses them shames them or even shows them up and they check it twice yeah they spend a lot of time and energy seeking revenge they wade in a pool of bitterness and resentment drowning out any notion of forgiveness and grace if jesus was in my shoes he would do the same thing this is a typical response from these friends these friends are cool with you until you do something to belittle them then you go on the hit list with everyone else grace has a short leash oh they want god to extend them grace but they don't believe god expects them to extend the same level of grace and forgiveness find friends who model forgiveness and refuse to build a wall of bitterness on their heart this is a rare issue in our culture so if you find someone modeling christian centered forgiveness hang on to them you see these words these words aren't a call to cut ties with every friend who exhibits any of these qualities but instead i hope and pray that you will seriously consider the people you allow to shape your life the perfect friend doesn't exist but we shouldn't settle when it comes to friendships too much is at stake and so may the lord help you and guide you to discern the kind of friends you have in your life in jesus name amen god bless you you
Channel: Trailblazer
Views: 457,291
Rating: 4.909513 out of 5
Keywords: Christian, Motivation, above inspiration, Above Inspiration, Trust God, motivate, inspirational, inspire, encourage, encouraging, lord, christian inspiration, christian motivation, don't rush, God's Plan, wait on the lord, God's Answer, Stay Patient on God, overcome, faith, blessings, bless, hard times
Id: pUQyTAQilqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 26sec (2066 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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