Your Season of Restoration

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[Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] something [Music] [Applause] the voice of destiny a fire is not to destroy an oracle raised by god jesus set up for unleash natasha we are about to go where we have never gone before we are moving into my the messiah in mark he's the seventh miracle worker in luke is the son of man an oracle race by god to impact generations bringing hope and tranquility to mankind every lifetime opportunity that you lost a voice of destiny a perfected voice to this generation with a high frequency of god's power and anointing i want you to know those that are watching us from around the world he's bigger than anything that the enemy is throwing at you he's bigger than the battles you are fighting i want you to know that god is bigger than your warfare he's bigger than your fears yeah he's bigger than your sickness he's bigger than that medical report he's bigger than the witches he's bigger than the wizards that are attacking you he's bigger than their incantation he's bigger than you than the mockery you are going through tap your hands above your head begin to tell him he's bigger [Music] somebody begin to speak in the holy ghost as you're lifting up your hands tell him he's bigger tell him he's the prince of peace he's the king of glory he's the king of kings the lord of lords the lily of the valley the healer the deliverer the provider the creator the voter that cornerstone the savior the ayam darayama come on tell him somebody he's the defender he's the redeemer he's the confounder he's the instructor he's the teacher he's the invincible god he's the hope of glory he's the lion of judah he's the man of war he's the sustainer he's the light of the world he is the truth he is the way he is the life he's the ancient of days he's the chief inventor he's the compassionate guard he's the commander in chief of the heavenly host he's richer than the richest he's older than the oldest he's the master builder the master planner he's the beautiful god the alpha and the omega he's our refuge he's our fortress he's our banner he's our buckler he's the strong power he's the unchanging changer he's the pillar of our lives he's our glory and the lifter of our head oh there you go father saturate this place with your glory have your way chandra bragados lord jesus speak to us change our lives by the power of your world spirit of god take preeminence in this place take lordship and kingship in this place lord we lay our achievements at the feet of the master we lay our crowns at the feet of the master accomplishments of life and how far we have come who we are what we represent where are we standing society and all we shall ever be we bring it at the feet of the king of kings and the lord of lords lord we have come from different backgrounds different nationalities watching from around the world at the feet of the master that we may receive from you speak a word to our hearts that would lift us to where we belong let the weak among your people be strong send forth fresh oil from the mountains of zion in the name of the father the son and of the holy spirit shout amen you're joining us from north america south america australia all over europe in france in italy in belgium in switzerland wherever you are in the united kingdom in indonesia in russia in the middle east dubai katasa udi oman kuwait you're watching us in the east african community all over the continent of africa distance is not a barrier in the realm of the spirit connect to collect somebody say i connect i connect let's go into the hearing of god's word second samuel chapter nine verse 1 uh to verse 7. now david said is there still anyone who is left of the house of soul that i may show him kindness for jonathan's sake and there was a servant of the house of saul whose name was zebra so when they had called him to david the king said to him zebra he said at your service then the king said is there not still someone of the house of soul to whom i may show the kindness of god and zebra said to the king there is still a son of jonathan who is lame in his feet so the king said to him where is he and zebra said to the king indeed he's in the house of macha the son of amiel in ludiburg then the king then king david sent and brought him out of the house of machado the son of a meal from lodiba now when my people shared the son of jonathan the son of soul had come to david he fell on his face and prostrated himself then david said to mephibosheth and he answered here is your servant so david said to him do not fear for i will surely show you kindness for jonathan your father's sake and will restore to you or the land of soul your grandfather and you shall eat bread at my table continually lift up your hand even as you are as you are seated just begin to declare restoration open your mouth begin to declare i am seeing the lord restoring somebody begin to declare i am seeing financial restoration even to those that are watching us from around the world i am seeing financial restoration i hear the lord say restoration is coming the lord is wiping away your tears [Music] restoration is coming restoration is coming amen restoration is coming restoration is coming in the name of jesus i hear the lord say restoration is coming i received your joy will be restored i received your peace will be restored i receive your calling will be restored your dreams will be restored i will see everything that ever took from you i declare it is coming back in this service in the name of jesus somebody lift up your hand say my father my maker my father my maker come on send my father my mecca my father my mate whatever i have lost whatever i have lost i receive a restoration in this service i receive a restoration somebody said i declare i declare this is the season of my restoration of my restaurant open your mouth for 30 seconds from around the world i decree and declare may your health be restored may your joy be restored may your peace be restored may your finances be restored somebody shout i receive i receive less received i need to pray for somebody even before i share the word le bragados restoration is coming into your family i'm hearing a name like doreen your name is doreen i need to pray for you before i share god's word restoration is coming into your family come your name is doreen come very quickly i want to speak a word over your life say payagadeshka restoration is coming into your life i am seeing restoration you have lost so much stretch your hands towards this woman i'm hearing like doreen doreen doreen zipayagadeshka who is atieno your name is ateno can i prophesy i received i was planning to go into the world but the spirit of god said speak to some people whatever the caterpillars the cankerworms have eaten the palma worms the lord says he will restore i am seeing there is there has been so much loss in your life in your family and even as i'm speaking right now i am seeing a daughter in the realm of the spirit i am seeing a daughter in the realm of the spirit and i'm seeing something like a miscarriage i am seeing something like a miscarriage [Music] i am seeing like a miscarriage can i go deeper she miscouraged us two weeks ago [Music] [Applause] can i prophesy i don't know you i have never talked to you but the god that myself told me to tell you affliction will not rise a second time [Music] stretch your hands to watch this family so it was two weeks ago stretch your hands this is demonic lepragh oscar when the devil attacks i declare god will react [Music] i will see i stand as an oracle to pray for your family i declare no weapon fashioned against us in our family that will be able to prosper i declare as the devil comes in like a flood the spirit of the lord we lift up a standard romans 8 31 says what then shall we say of these things if god is for us who can be against us yeah i can't so every plan of the devil i can't so every scheme every attack against your life against your family i declare every plan of the devil somebody said back to the sender stand up bring the oil shafiq listen to me you have suffered so much can you stretch your hands towards this family you have gone through so much in your life and listen to me young girl we suffer god of a second chance i speak peace to your heart amen i speak peace to your mind i speak peace to your spirit stretch your hands towards them my mother is so much that you have lost but god is going to restore your family god you are latter days mama look at me you are later days will be greater your latter days will be greater i'm seeing you been disturbed even you are unable to sleep you have been disturbed i can't sow the spirit of nightmares demonic dreams and demonic imaginations of the devil si paraga dos ka magaresh stretch your hands towards them deliverance is coming to this family zepayagadesh i'm seeing because of the difficulties you have gone through even though you are trying to dispose of things i'm saying what is this land i am seeing this land i went through a lot with my husband so i decided to walk out of the marriage so there's a land we bought with him and now he took another woman from another man don't worry come to that on and me i have four children the devil is a liar stretch your hands towards this woman come so are you trying to get this land back yes i want to get it back so that i sell it so that i i buy another one with my children because you want to say my turn for lulu yes god is going to remember you and your family and your children the bible says as for us and our children we are for signs and wonders as i'm praying for this woman i am seeing you are here but i'm saying it is like your mother is mentally disturbed your mother is mentally disturbed your name is like fidelia but i need to use you as a point of contact to pray for your mother your mother is like mentally disturbed i need to pray for you say prague stretch your hands towards father as i anoint this family shafiq as i anoint this family lord i declare affliction will not rise a second time magini ma pepe ponamazinga fire of the holy ghost i set you free from every form of demonic oppression i declare it shall be well with you mama restoration is coming and your inheritance will not be taken by another woman every strange woman zipper ragadoska zepayagadeshka they will not harvest where you lay but yes age somebody say is an error it's an error somebody said the error must be corrected the error must be correct you will not sow for another one to come and repeat [Music] i speak restoration you will live to see these four children you will see your children and your children's children somebody wave your hand and say i will not go to an early grave i will not come up i am giving you i'm counting 45 days from now 45 days from now everything that the devil took from you it is coming back hey go and succeed amen what is your name your name is faith fidelia because i saw a woman that was mentally disturbed that is your mom everybody sit down stretch your hands towards her instrumentalist i can't hear you remember we are prophetic in ecc we are not religious tell your neighbor we are not religious we are not religious we are prophetic we are prophets we are apostolic ecc is not a monument it is a movement tell your neighbor we are more than a church we are a revelation we are a movement [Music] since 2012. stretch your hands towards the god is remembering your mother stretch your hands towards her the lord is remembering your mother and you are the point of contact and you know even in your family you are the person that god has set aside to be a deliverer in your family you are the deliverer you are the deliverer you are the deliverer you are the deliverer you are the deliverer you are the deliverer you will break barriers in your family you will be aligned grosser stretch your hands towards her the lord has assigned her as i am praying for you today you will know i am god's oracle because god is about to intervene god is about to touch your mother and anyone here you have any picture of your loved ones i want you to hold it as a point of contact distance is not a barrier in the realm of the spirit viewers from around the world wherever you are the power of god is touching you from the crown of your head to the soul of your feet zepayagadeshka wherever your mother is we are sending the angels of god angels of healing angels of deliverance angels of restoration we are sending them to your mother we speak peace in her heart peace in her mind peace in her spirit anyone here with any picture of your loved ones i send inches of money angels of employment angels of academic excellence yeah angels of favor wherever your loved ones are i use you as a point of contact i speak salvation to your loved ones receive in the name of jesus now listen to me i was praying for you because of your mother but the lord is also telling me god has also called you i see the calling of god on your life and the lord says you have been going through a preparation everything you have gone through it has been a journey towards your preparation when you look at the ministry of jesus i always tell people before manifestation there is preparation because when you look at the ministry of jesus you see jesus when he's born you see jesus at the age of 12 but between the age of 12 and the age of 30 that is 18 years of silence 18 years of preparation god will always prepare you before he manifests you look at your neighbor tell them trust the process trust the prophet so the lord is telling me to tell you trust the process everything you have gone through the battles the warfares that you have gone through lipa ragadowska you have survived because you are a seed of mercy and you cannot be destroyed somebody lift up your hand say i am a seed of mercy i cannot be destroyed i cannot be i will survive i will come on say i am a seed of mercy i cannot be destroyed i will survive somebody say i am a seed of mercy i cannot be destroyed i cannot be destroyed i declare what is killing others will not kill you i said what is destroying others will not destroy you may god preserve you so i am seeing the calling of god upon your life and the lord is telling me to tell you two things between now and next year by this time you are you are getting into your manifestation season two things will happen number one i am seeing marital settlement i am seeing you walking down the aisle i am seeing you walking down the aisle stand on your feet i want to anoint you but as you are walking down the aisle i am seeing a girl holding your hand also you have a daughter you have a daughter zip god is going to give you a man that will love you together with your daughter a man that honors god a man that loves god you know every good and perfect gift comes from the lord including the gift of a good husband including the gift of a good wife anyone here you know i just saw you awaiting in the spirit anyone here that is single that is believing god for marital settlement i prophesy over your life between now and next year by this time receive your marital settlement receive your marital settlement the name of jesus i declare your marital joy will not be hindered and the lord is telling me to tell you you lost the good so that you can get the best you know sometimes god will cause you to lose the good so that you can get the best zip le pragados the second thing i see you are stepping into your place of calling [Music] stretch your hands as i anoint you i activate separate oscar i bless you and your daughter why am i seeing mombasa what is this to do with mumbasa she lives she lives in mombasa zipayagado prophetic google [Music] stretch your hands towards her i am seeing marital settlement and i need to give you divine direction stretch your hands towards her god reveals to redeem me [Applause] [Music] as i lay hands on you i release an importation the grace i carry zip fire fire fire fire fire take it in the name of jesus i release the auction to function yes lift up your hand and declare my life [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hand and declare my life my life will never be the same again come on lift up your hands stay clear lift up your hands declare it [Music] thank you jesus [Applause] [Music] and listen to me it shall be well with your daughter it shall be well with your daughter it shall be well with your daughter and i'm also seeing somebody connected to you very strongly and i'm seeing like the united states i'm seeing like the united states you are sister the lord is fighting her battles tell her it shall be well with her everybody sit down [Music] yes mama oracle you just gave a prophetic word to our next testifier you spoke of restoration and indeed she is testifying on restoration her name is doreen ateno she says praise the name of the living god the god of the oracle who saved my daughter from premature death after the oracle declared prophetically that none shall be missing from our family and loved ones jesus the god of the oracle also delivered my son from the bondage of alcoholism and drug addiction which he had been struggling with for years he is now completely sober and drug free to god my god the same lady i located yes please come let me declare it is permanent and anyone here you have brothers loved ones uncles children that are struggling with alcoholic addictions or any form of addictions i want you to pray against viewers from around the world i break alcoholic addictions i break drug addictions in the name of jesus come so your son is not using drugs anymore [Music] jesus and you are so blessed that the spirit of god has located you twice mama god is wiping away your tears so now how is your son last month july he was okay by the time he was addicted he could not even speak to me even if i call i call him he don't even pick my calls and then even he was the one who was paid for her sister's school fees he stopped paying and then i just continued prayed and then when when you prophesy to me i told god the god of the oracle you spoke and your word cannot come back to you [Music] okay after you i prayed that prayer he texted me he apologized he told me that he texted and apologized [Music] to me that i should forgive him of all the things he has done wrong and even he quoted me bible scriptures that he has been reading may the word of the lord be starred in the hearts of your family members i said may your family become headquarters of holocaust operations [Applause] any of your family members that are not born again we call them into the full knowledge of our lord jesus christ viewers from around the world i speak salvation to your family members may the word of the lord be starred in their hearts say i received sit [Music] where he's down then i took two bottles of anointing water you took two bottles of anointing water yay [Music] since that time after today he cannot stay for two weeks without calling me hey [Music] glory to jesus god come she says she took the anointed water it was the services that we were giving the prophetic instruction for the anointed water and this is permanent listen to me whatever god does in this altar it is permanent somebody said it is permanent it is permanent and god loves you so much because i was going to preach but the spirit of god laid you in my heart zipa ragadoska sepayagadeshkar [Music] every [Music] is [Music] [Music] thank you jesus uh huh mama oracle we have a testimony here from one of your major daughters jennifer gideon she says it has been four years since i started serving as a kingdom hostess as the leader of the department and i have seen the hand of god since the time i began serving under the oracle i have been blessed with two businesses a physical shop jawamu electronics which i opened a year ago and now a second business jawamu shopping palace yay she says indeed our mother the oracle carries a heavy grace for entrepreneurship my goodness where are you our head of kingdom hostess and some of the people that are serving us stewards in this ministry you know they are entrepreneurs others are business people others are people that god has anointed and called in the corporate world others are pilots can you imagine right in the kingdom hostess department can we appreciate god it's good to serve god [Music] thank you worship the worship team is tempting us hallelujah but let's hear the testimony first hallelujah this is our head of kingdom hostess jennifer please tell us hallelujah amen amen i thank god for this father brought me i've served in this department for as a leader for four years and i don't take that for granted so i give god all the brewery you know mom always says our oracle always says that when you take care of god's business he takes care of hey somebody here as you are taking care of god's business yes may god take care of your business as you are taking care of god's work may god take care of your work as you are taking care of god's work may he take care of your family shout i receive hey sit down my god [Music] and she takes care of the business as i come here to some and now god have opened have opened i have opened another one called shopping palace amen i release multiple streams of income i i pray that god will raise business owners yeah you will not have one business the garden of eden had four rivers i release multiple streams of income [Music] [Music] [Music] mom always tells you guys maybe to to give your name so that you can come here and serve even if you have business just look for someone to take to take care of your business come here and serve michael's have god will take care of that i want to speak a blessing over her life and um you know it is a blessing to have one of the greatest things you can have as a leader is when you have consistent loyal sons and daughters that are with you in the different seasons and jennifer has been with us since the uh onset of miracle monday and she's a spiritual daughter i have seen god lift her and god usher her from glory to glory and also she's raising such a strong team of kingdom hostess you know and i just love the kingdom excellence and the grace by which they execute their assignment hallelujah and also the ability to learn and learn and relearn because i always tell them we are called for this generation tell your neighbor you must learn you must learn and learn and learn and relearn and relearn so every other day when we say now we are not just giving offerings via the offering baskets we now we are bringing in pdq machines they are there when we say this is how we want you to execute the assignment they are always there and for her as the leader she has been a leader that goes the way knows the way and shows the way our services begin by uh 5 p.m on on mondays and on fridays and on sundays at 10 a.m but she's always here by 2 p.m since we started miracle monday to arrange when we were at 680 organizing the seats ensuring everything is in plan and you have been such an amazing daughter and i want to speak a blessing over her life you know i've said the greatest blessing that god can give any leader is to have sons and daughters that are faithful available and teachable just stretch your hands as i speak the blessing of god over her life lord i thank you for my daughter lord as she celebrates another ear i pronounce the blessing of god upon her life i declare may your letter days be greater with this new age i declare new wisdom new grace i declare psalm 71 and 21 that the lord will increase your greatness and comfort on every side may the lord contend with anything that is contenting against you may god fight anything that is fighting you as your spiritual mother i bless you i open your doors i speak establishment and settlement may god make you a reference point of his divine blessing may it be well with you and all that concerns you as you continue to serve in this ministry i decree and declare glory to glory power to power strength to strength i bless you today in jesus mighty name say amen so uh i said the title of my message is it is your season of restoration i started by laying the foundation uh in the previous service that we had on mephibosheth and we realized that when king david was seated on the throne and he was in his reign of power david came to remembrance and he asked is there no is there anyone left in the house of soul to whom i may show kindness for jonathan's sake because there was a covenant between david and jonathan that would transcend even from generation to generation and the bible says there was one of the servants of the house of zebra of the of the house of saul by the name of zebra and the bible says he came to king david and he said there is still a son of jonathan by the name of mephibosheth and he went further to say that he's living in there he's living in a place called lodiba already i laid the foundation on that and i don't want to go back to what i already said so allow me because of time up to concentrate on a restoration but watch this i need to make this strong prophetic decree over somebody's life mephibosheth was the son of a prince and the grandson of a king so mephibosheth was born into royalty he was born into greatness he was born in the palace his destiny was greatness but the devil interfered with his destiny when he was at the age of five which we saw in second second samuel chapter four and verse four that when the grandfather the king a soul died and his father jonathan when this master was taking care of him had the report of the death of his father the the prince jonathan and his grandfather the king's soul in her hands to flee the bible says she dropped my fiber shed so his problems started at the age of five years old two declarations i want to make and then i go deeper can i go deeper go deeper or the first declaration i want to make to everyone that is under the sound of my voice you will never go from grace to grass because my favorite a man that was born in greatness in the palace in royalty among that you know a man that was born in power by the time that membership was born his grandfather was a king his father was a princess but mephibosheth went from grass to grass the devil is a liar and i make this prophetic decree to everyone under the sound of my voice the state which your life is now this is the lowest you will ever be this is the lowest i will ever be this is the lowest i'll ever be i declare you will never go down and you will never slide back to where you came from can you imagine moving from the palace to lodiba a place of no pasture a place of barrenness a place of dryness god moving from it is like being up it is like being a landlord then being attendant tomorrow somebody said is an error tell your neighbor i will never go [Music] are you listening to me yes so i hear in the spirit any spirit of demotion that makes people rise and fall in your family as i anoint you in this service as i anoint you in this service any altar that makes people rise and fall i declare those altars are destroyed in the name of jesus let the altar of this ministry begin to speak on behalf of your family on behalf of your children in the name of jesus every spirit of demotion somebody say i am not your candidate i am not your parent somebody said you spirit emotions [Music] may god disappoint the expectations of our adversary so you can imagine and you know i have seen this they are families that were doing well in days past but today there is nothing to tell the devil is a liar that will never be your testimony so mephibosheth is born into greatness he's born in royalty but but when he's five years old his problem started ask your neighbor when did your problem start when did your problem stop lift up your hand as you're seated somebody said i declare i declare any challenge any challenge that i am going through now that i'm going through now that is stressable to my childhood that is traceable to my child i command it to end in the name of jesus my father my mecca my father deliver me deliver me from childhood pain from childhood pain by your mercy by your mercy save me deliver me deliver me deliver me deliver me deliver me in jesus name now watch this so the king david asks is there still anyone and i also mentioned about zebra and i said zeba stands for a recommender somebody speaks on your behalf i am praying for somebody before the end of this year that your name will be mentioned as they are looking for somebody to promote may your name be mentioned as they are looking for somebody to honor yes as they are looking for somebody to bless my name be mentioned somebody said my father my maker my father my name is positively [Music] sit down as they are looking for ceos to appoint ambassadors diplomats may your name be mentioned i receive as they are looking for somebody bless or to honor yeah may your name be mentioned somebody say i will matter where it matters i will matter where it matters now watch this the king said is there anyone remaining in the house of soul that i may show him kindness now kindness is a testament word that is equivalent to the new testament word grace somebody said grace great now grace is god's undeserved favor god's unmerited favor god's unexplainable favor la garasca magadeshka i came to announce to somebody this will begin to speak to for you on your behalf after this service i declare by the grace of god you will be unstoppable i receive i declare by the grace of god we are saved by the grace of god we are singled out of the crowd by the grace of god we are victors and not victims by the grace of we are strengthened in weakness by the grace of god we can do all things by the grace of god we will live in divine health by the grace of god we will live in divine wealth by the grace of god we are not living by under the law touch your neighbor tell them grace somebody said grace i hear the lord say where your academic credentials could not take you grace is about to take you the doors that you could not even access by yourself grace which is god's and deserve faith god's unmerited favor i decree and declare let christ begin to speak for you when chris pig's protocols are suspended when grace picks procedures are suspended somebody said my father my maker my father my mate let you aggress speak for me let your grace speak for me now watch this i'm closing so that king david gave a decree to zebra and said go and bring mephibosheth out of lodiba two things that i want you to note in this service as i anoint you number one you are coming out of your load you are coming out of your lodi bar i received your place of loneliness your place of barrenness your place of wilderness experience you are coming out of your lodi bar somebody lift up your hand and declare i'm coming out of my lodi bar i'm coming out of my lord come on declare it with power some in la diba i'm a ladybug but i'm coming of disappointment declare lift up your hand say i'm coming out of the lottery of frustration i'm coming out of the lord about frustration the lord of poverty in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i'm hearing the lord said this is a service of transition somebody is crossing over somebody is walking out of lord watch this now when mephibosh came to king david the bible says the king restored all the wealth of his father and grandfather hey jesus i hear the lord say everything you lost in season's past [Music] david did not restore some of the wealth of his grandfather and his father jonathan but the bible says he restored all i prophesy prophet everybody standing on your feet i stand as an oracle on the altar of this ministry yes everything you lost 10 years ago five years ago three years ago twenty years ago i declare evening back i [Music] lift up your hands i want to pray for you we serve a god of restoration as i anoint you i want you to be expectant because expectation is the mother of manifestation even those that are joining us from around the world distance is not a barrier i lay my hands on you in the realm of the spirit yeah i declare restoration i receive the lord tells me to tell you what you are going through is different from what you are going to i want somebody to declare this somebody say what i am going through what i am going through is friend is different from what i am going to from what i am going to as you are stretching your hands towards the altar yes oracle god will do great things in the remaining months of this year i declare everywhere you have suffered loss in business in finances i am here god has a restoration agenda i receive [Music] somebody is returning to their place of authority the lord is saying where you are now is not your destination it is your transition it is your transit your season of recovery what you lost 15 years ago 10 years ago seven years ago one year ago it is coming back to you amen i command that property yes i command that joy the love is coming back in your marriage the restoration is coming back into your life i'm hearing the lord say as king david restored to mephibosheth what belonged to his father and his grandfather anyone holding what belongs to yes i want you to pray this prayer anyone holding what belongs to me come on say my father my maker my father my maker anyone holding anything that belongs to me anyone holding anything that belongs to me i declare it is being restored now i declared it being restored now it is being restored now it is being restored now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus everything satan stole from me everything satan saw from me it's being restored now it's being restored somebody said i declare i declare give a testimony a testimony of restoration of restaurants in the name of jesus every wilderness journey every wilderness it's over it's over [Music] [Music] every wilderness journey [Music] your wilderness journey is over in the name of the father the son and of the holy spirit i want you to hold the seed in you of declaration my wilderness journey is over somebody say my wilderness journey sit down in the presence of god viewers from around the world you are coming out of lodiba you are coming out of lodiba i want you to hold the prophetic hand you can give on paypal you can give on wave on mpesa a seed of declaration my wilderness journey is over you are here in the service you have that seed tangibly hold it in your hands you are going to alter and you are going to say i'm coming out of lodiba and my wilderness journey is over tomorrow i will be talking about sitting with the king somebody is about to dine with the king hey look at your neighbor tell them you are about to dine with the king you're about to dine with the king so i need you to start learning the etiquette service tell your neighbor start learning the etiquette of greatness start learning the education tell your neighbor start landing the protocols of the palace start learning the protocols of the palace because that is your destiny somebody said that is my destiny that is my destiny but if you are here you have that seed oracle i am sowing the seed to make this declaration to enter into covenant with god you are saying enough is enough i'm tired of loading i am tired hallelujah i am tired of lord diva and you are saying my wilderness journey is over we are entering into covenant by our seed any time god wants to give you a harvest he will always ask you for a seed you have that seed tangibly hold it in your hands begin to speak over that seed if it's on your mobile device hold your phone you can give an impression on wave the details are on the screen you can also solve that seed via your bonds the kingdom hostesses are here on the right and on the left with pdq machines i want you to speak over that seed oracle one media director those that are watching us from around the world as you are sowing that seed on people as you are stowing that seed on wave on world remit i declare your wilderness over i am seeing a new beginning a new beginning i am seeing a new beginning a new beginning a new beginning some of you god is speaking to you to sow a seed of eighty dollars eight is the number of new beginnings you don't do it there is a new beginning that is coming somebody speak over your seat you're following this prophetic instruction our mpesa number for giving and partnership is 0 7 10 84 21 21 alternatively your pay bill the business number is triple two one one eight the account number is empower hash you're tuning in online friends of this ministry partners of this ministry you can comment on this live broadcast comment paypal comment wave comment world remit and you will be done towards your giving to all our francophone countries grand prophetic or numero zero set on zero wheat prophetic as we are sowing that seed i am seeing god raising a zebra for somebody those that are here those that are watching there is a helper that god is about to connect you with you know there are four important days life that day you were born tell your neighbor the day you were born the day you received jesus day you received jesus that day you discover why you are born the day you discover why you were born on the day you died and the day you died and for us remember the covenant of long life is our heritage the four important days in a man's life the day you were born that day you received jesus that day you discovered why you were born and the day you die why am i telling you this between the time you are born and the time you die you need a helper you need a destiny supporter you need a destiny promoter the distance between where you are right now and where you desire to be it's not in kilometers it is in divine connections and that is why i am praying for everybody here may god raise a zebra somebody that will support your destiny no matter how gifted how talented how skilled how wealthy how anointed you cannot live your life in isolation there are people divinely positioned by god to help you reach your destiny baptist was uh the destiny helper to jesus john the baptist announced jesus if jesus needed a helper ask your neighbor what about you what about you until peter met jesus he was simon the fisherman until james and john met jesus they were sons of zebedee fishermen they never knew they were apostles until they encountered jesus their destiny helper in the remaining months of this year i declare your destiny will be helped your career will be helped i received ecc will be helped i received this ministry will be helped calling will be helped ira somebody said my father my mecca my in i release a zipper into your life i receive somebody that will facilitate your destiny i receive somebody that will add value i wrote somebody that will go out of their way to help you i see somebody that will help you navigate through the obstacles somebody that will help you succeed in business yeah somebody that will help you succeed politically somebody that will help you succeed in your career sell my father my mecca my father my maker please my helper release my helper jethro was a destiny helper to moses he advised him on how to appoint and delegate elders to attend to the people of israel whatever dimension of help you need may god send you the hell part amen help us that will godly cancel hey the butler was a destiny helper to joseph in the prison may god send you a helper in your hour of need no man's maid was a destiny helper mordechai was a destiny helper to esther he connected esther to the palace the should not woman was a destiny helper in the ministry of elisha yay elijah was a destiny helper to the widow of zarephath this woman could have died of starvation but god sent her a helper may god send you help this week i receive may god send you help this may god send you help this week i receive if you talk to any great man or woman they are people that were instrumental in their journey to greatness i am seeing god connecting you to your helper iris viewers from around the world as you are sowing that seed i pray that somebody will recommend somebody will speak on your behalf i want you as the worship team is singing i want you to touch the altar declare i'm coming out of lodiba i'm coming out of the wilderness i receive my destiny helper we shall start with this side we shall start with this side in jesus name viewers from around the world is your destiny help us i'm seeing people god is speaking to you to sow a seed of eighty dollars the number eight is the number of new beginnings as you are sowing that seed on people on m-pesa on wave oracle one tv media team is on standby comment how you want to so as you are commenting people they will put the link below your comment and presser i will never leave you you will never leave me you say i am the vine [Music] we are the branches [Music] i will never leave you you will never leave me oh you say i am the vine we are we are [Music] i will never leave you [Music] you will leave me oh [Music] thank you jesus i am seeing god releasing destiny supporters that will bring economic breakthroughs i'm seeing destiny supporters my le para gados rise from all over the world i declare you will not be stranded may god give you help on time let helper rise for you now as i anoint you somebody say anointing that attracts help us anointing that attracts health fall on me now fall on me now somebody said my father my maker my father my man connect me to the men and women connect me to the men and women that will support my vision that will support my vision open my eyes open my eyes to see my helpers to see my health in the name of jesus in the name of jesus father arise let by help us manifest let my helpers manifest in the name of jesus in the name of jesus before i anoint you shafiq prepare the oil before i anoint the people i want to pray for tigers and partners you are here you are a tiger you are a partner you are watching us from around the world you have your time you need an envelope you are in the service lift up your hands lift up your hands you're a tiger you are a partner i want you to lift up your hands before we go into the anointing session and even those that are watching us live if you have anointing oil you can just hold it as a you can just be preparing it as a point of contact or any oil that you have viewers around the world prepare your tithe and your partnership after this we are going into the anointing session uh in the next few minutes hallelujah you need an envelope please lift up your hands and our kingdom hostesses will bring an envelope right where you are you are giving your tithe or your partnership via your mobile device you can give on pay bill or on m-pesa just lift up your hands and the kingdom of status will also uh check the screen but to those that need to give via their bank cards the kingdom hostesses are here on the right and on the left if you're writing your checks on screen make it payable to empowerment christian church hallelujah i want to say that tight is the ten percent of our income it is holy and it belongs to the lord the survival of the ninety is determined by the 10 hallelujah you are tight makes god the shareholder of whatever you do every time we give our tithes on the altar it is in obedience to god's word it honors god it rebukes the devourer devourers are eaters of finances you are here you are a tiger i want you to prepare your tithe if you have your partnership who are partners partners are people that have the agenda of god in their finances people that have the agenda of god in their finances many people plan for many things but partners have an agenda of furthering the kingdom you know the kingdom of god is not founded on money but it needs money to expand look may your sacrifice find favor with god i bless you with the blessings of noah you shall be delivered from calamities i bless you with the blessings of abraham your seed will be in the land i bless you with the blessings of sarah you shall bear fruit in your old age i bless you with the blessing of isaac when you sow in the day of famine you will receive a hundred fold i bless you with the blessing of jacob the lord will change your name and you and transfer wealth of the wicked to you i bless you with the blessing of joseph you shall come out of the pit and out of the prison and sit on the throne i bless you with the blessing of moses i declare the lord will lead you through the sea and feed you in the wilderness i bless you with the blessing of david you will bring down goliath and every giant that stands against you to threaten you shall fall before you i bless you with the blessing of elijah the lord will answer you by fire and vindicate your course i bless you with the blessing of daniel may god shut the mouth of every lion that rises against you bless you with the blessing of mary the mother of jesus that you shall be blessed and highly favored i bless you with the blessing of our lord jesus christ the blessing of salvation healing deliverance i bless you with the blessing of multiplication righteousness peace joy wisdom might power and glory i declare you will be business owners home owners you will build ecc mega church i bless your life may you handle finances in all the major currencies of the world in the us dollar oh my god in canadian dollar australian dollar euros british pounds uh swiss franc in the name of the scatter real kuwait dinar in the name of jesus and all the major currencies of the world runs in the mighty name of jesus turkish lira i bless your life i declare go and succeed in jesus mighty name shout amen you may lay your tithes and your partnership ulta to those that are sowing life from around the world i declare the blessing of god and the favor of god over your life i declare made the altar of this ministry you are in america you are in london you're watching me in jamaica in the caribbean you're watching me in indonesia in russia wherever you are in africa in the east receive the titus blessing in france wherever you are i bless you in jesus mighty name shout amen [Music] you
Channel: Rev Lucy Natasha
Views: 8,338
Rating: 4.9396987 out of 5
Keywords: Rev Lucy Natasha, lucy natasha sermons, pastor natasha, lucy natasha preaching, kenyan pastor, Miracle monday, the oracle
Id: srrJrEe3Ewg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 25sec (4165 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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