Sig Sauer M17 vs Beretta M9A3

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hey guys Brandon here with Texas blinking with another video this one is one that I had just recently thought about and if you guys have been subscribed for about a few months now you will know this one's gonna be interesting one because a couple months ago now a few months ago actually I think last summer I made a video called Glock 19 X versus m9 a3 or vice versa so you get the point so I start from scratch in case you guys may not know but the US Army was using the Beretta m9 that 92fs for the longest time and the trials went up to get a new pistol I sound like a broken record if you are subscribed but a few guys were in the running clock with the 19x60 hour with the p320 what else beretta tried to get it again with updating the beretta - the m9 a3 which is this one here as well as some other ones but I don't have all of those in my possession in fact I even sold my 19 X so these are the ones I have now but like I said I made a Beretta m9 a 3 vs 19 X video because those two are the ones that had lost had not gotten the contract but were - that we're up in the running so there was an interesting comparison so but it was really just a comparison versus as far as which one I preferred as far as my perspective which is just a recreational shooters perspective I'm not carrying these for myself but you guys seem to enjoy it got a few hundred thousand views so I figured why not let's keep because like I said I sold the 19 X and I wish I did it but I did but I'm obviously not selling the Beretta m9 t-34 anytime soon I'm probably ever but you guys would know a few months ago I was calling this my favorite pistol like my most effective pistol I was the best with this one I think it looks fantastic I was just for some reason the best while shooting this one so I really liked it um a couple of different pistols the one that both of these are sitting on Aundre here I'll show it later is a p226 legion that did not go for the trials in fact a 2 to 6 and Generals what the Navy uses I believe that's a great pistol however that's probably my favorite gun at the moment we make an in-depth video on that one but second to that one I would actually say is the Sig Sauer p320 m17 the one that actually won the military contract however and a couple videos back you would know that it was not my second favorite gun until I threw on the Lua pulled Delta Point Pro we'll talk about that a bit more later so let's go ahead and talk about some of the differences that you would expect from like in my position a civilian recreational shooter if you considering one or both or whatever else so let's go ahead and run through it yeah the bread of 93 this is a full metal gun and you know that right when you pick it up and you feel it on especially like today on a colder day but yeah they go ahead and I guess I'll tell you guys some of the quick differences they made from the previous m9 strained it up here not like a Fastback or a hump here anymore it's more 1911 ish obviously they're both chambered nine millimeter both take 17 around mags but yeah so it is a double stack nine-millimeter but yeah I guess a familiar grip it's kind of a cross between a 1911 in the beretta 92fs the traditional one they went ahead and changed it up to where when it's on fire the selector or the same piece which has angled a little bit more upwards to give you a better leverage for cycling like that so if you're wearing gloves or whatever they raised up the sights they are now also tritium glowing sights as well but they raise it up in case you want to run a suppressor and from the factory this is really nice it comes threaded so you could throw on a suppressor as well I also went ahead and added rails here so you could add a light like I did just like that by the way case you guys are wondering these are some old light Valkyrie lights as well and both of them one's a mini one's a full-size case you guys were curious about that but anyway yeah the winner had added rails a couple little my new little differences here and there the mags themselves are a different doing from 15 rounds to 17 rounds capacity these are also sand proof mags so if you put dirt or whatever on they're pretty easy to wipe off you're gonna get three mags out of the box with the beretta wears you're gonna get two with the m17 we're looking at MSRP about eleven hundred dollars or so with the beretta street price I believe I paid about eight hundred or so so obviously it's street price and Imus are pair of different things I think I was around 850 or so set up that way which isn't bad at all I don't think let's go over talk about the SP 320 m17 I'm gonna be fair initially and not mention the Lua pulled at first as far as pricing and all that kind of stuff this is a different gun in that this is a striker fire gun does not have an exposed hammer at all whereas the beretta does on top of that it's also a polymer on the bottom P 320s for this villains you can equip them with and without a safety any safety is appreciated by me you could also just get a 93 with just a decocker and it flips up so you don't have a safety pen 93 is only like this so I like that but yeah so you have a safety on the m17 which I really appreciate but it's a polymer or lower I guess that's the big difference versus a full metal gun so yeah that's a big difference like I said instead of three mags you're getting to 17 around max the same capacity what that said that's gonna weigh a little bit less I don't have all the specs for you I could just tell just from holding it though that it definitely just weighs less as far as comfort I think they're both equally as comfortable just kind of depends on your personal preference MSRP I actually don't necessarily know the MSRP on this one I wouldn't be surprised if it's in the 800s or so I could tell you the street price though I picked it up for 625 so it's gonna be a cheaper pistol however the way you see it right now now is when I I'm gonna mention the Leupold when the military's gonna run this they're gonna run it with the iron sights which by the way factory for 625 you actually get tritium globing night sights as well which is really appreciated but if you didn't see my last video I made with it for some reason I just couldn't get to shoot as well as I wanted to with those sights and so thankfully OpticsPlanet partnered up with me sent me up a little pulled Tulsa Point Pro I threw that on there and on my first range visit I thought great that's a significant improvement my second one I started to fall in love and then my third range visit I was absolutely in love with this setup this is the fourth range visit so hopefully I could keep that up but we're talking about a 400 dollar optic which if you already have this pistol you're even remotely considering it completely worth it I mean it will change the feel and everything of this pistol the capability everything one thing I did off camera I'm gonna have to probably eat my own words and do it but I'd made a hundred-yard shot with this exact setup with a fair amount of ease so my I have to do that on camera just so say I did so with that said this is a more expensive gun but this is a more expensive setup the way you see it so that's how we're gonna run them just you know may not be totally fair but let's go ahead and see I really like the irons on the m93 as it is so I think I'm gonna be fairly confident with it so I'm gonna go ahead and throw eyes and ears on and let's go with it I haven't shot this one in about a week or so haven't shot this one in a few months alright it's been a while I say we go ahead and start with the Beretta I love the sights know traditionally right now it's kind of in that weird part to where it's getting a little dark but not dark enough to use the glow sites so just have to take my time lining up the optic that's probably where the red dots gonna be more of an advantage but this isn't necessarily comparing red dot vs. irons I don't mind finished my story with that button when the military is gonna run the m17 they're gonna run it with just irons or if they're gonna do a red dot they wanted to run that one specifically the Delta Point Pro and that's why I think how to make the mount for that site specifically so if you see the military running this gun it's irons or exactly how you see it here all right why not might be getting a little bold here but uh little a little further I'm gonna try to go for the smaller of ground targets all right I guess let's keep the distance kind of knocked over all my ground targets let's see if we can't get those white ones I don't know if I'm able to pick a favorite without making some people mad and just lying to myself because I'm left alone quite a bit right now all right so I got two more mags per gun I thinking we're just gonna plink around again for the close up stuff one mag each and then I guess we'll back up to 100 yards for the last ones I'll be really disappointed if I don't hit anything but anyway beretta m9 let's go a little closer again I deserve for all those to flip over but for some reason that momentum is not doing it but looks good staggered to [Music] well sloppy there at the end but still that's the way back it out 200 yards all right like I said I've done 100 yards shot I've only attempted it the last time I was out here got it once with the m17 and twice with the 2:00 to 6:00 so haven't really tried it at all with the m93 but let's see here oh boy it's getting cold it's windy I don't know how much longer I could really be out here so one more mag I think the m17 can do it just don't know if I can all right get in at all but uh I'll be honest right now with the win the chill right now and everything but right now it's just kind of dusk to where even like these barely tinted glasses will kind of dim it quite a bit but well there's both of them were able to do it today happy about that alright so I thought that'd be a pretty fun video I'll try to conclude it here at the end but yeah pretty much you guys have already seen content on this one you've already seen some content on this one I thought I'd just bring them together and kind of show what a gun that has been up for trials but pretty much replaced with the other the m17 so that's gonna be a fun video I'm not necessarily biased towards either one cuz I did buy them myself and I enjoy shooting both but I guess I might pick a winner then people might get upset so I'll try to justify it I would probably go ahead and say out of the box considering everything how they feel how they shoot and price and everything out of the box I am still partial towards the Beretta m9 a3 just saw overall fit and finish everything 30 barrels always appreciated you could always throw that on a p320 later on but just out of the box I think this is just better for me I'm better shooting at it this way however if you throw on a $400 as current price from OpticsPlanet if you throw in a 4 into dollar sight now you're looking at about $1,000 setup and in these two setups now I prefer the m17 p320 quite a bit so I guess that's the quick summary about it iron sights out of the box right here I forget to a red dot this is where I'm at so I think it's a fair way to end that one there but playing it fun videos planned very very soon so stay tuned for all of that good stuff thank you guys so much for watching have a great day
Channel: Texas Plinking
Views: 119,141
Rating: 4.8622727 out of 5
Keywords: sig, sauer, m17, p320, beretta, m9, a3, m9a3, tan, black, us, army, new, sidearm, side, arm, texas, plinking, texasplinking, gun, guns, shooting, vs, versus, pistol, pistols, military
Id: -GNTe_2lSXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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