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hello and welcome today we are switching lives for 24 hours each one of us will be given another sidemen member that we have to become we have to dress like them act like them and do activities that they would usually do for a whole day let's get to it today I am zerker and I am Victor one two three I've done all right I think yes guys so today we're swapping lives with other sidemen and you guess who I am I'm V2s I'm Simon yeah wow we've swapped lives for today once again I'm here you know early friends aren't here and friends are always [ __ ] late breakfast the Mrs is pregnant at home I'm not shaking this morning yet there's some protein need to get some gains you know yeah what are you saying what are you saying what are you saying well our first tasks today is apparently they do this is diving it's mate complete waffle man it sometimes swims but Josh doesn't do that ever no I'm diving no chance best of luck ninja no no sir nice Vic we are at the gym which is an Ethan activity but you're a bit injured aren't you a little bit yeah so you know recent weeks I got smacked in the chest by uh without so I got a bruised room I'm gonna train like old school Ethan eat a drink I'm just gonna eat then what are we doing here and our first activity is wakeboarding but first we need to book the wakeboarding session so Simon my friend my friend mind uh topping up with me and getting me the wakeboarding I am a bread man so I will do that I'm gonna send you the money on on revoluto yeah you mean the financial super app you can get three months side plus ten percent cash back on Simon brother oh wait and you know what Toby I'm gonna book it online using my virtual card and you know why that is to keep myself financially secure and protect you from cyber fraud that's the one fantastic we're in what are we doing I don't know this is your territory we've gone on like a boat or whatever Josh never dives off it so I might be clear I'm gonna say we are here yes where are we we are a wakeboard at one of my favorite places you know if in the East End of London having fun with my friend well not with me because I pulled my hamstrings so oh you'll be doing this alone my friend great man I love I think I got a Donnelly know about a year ago yeah what is it what does it mean this skull means death Mentor Mori remember you die okay it's all it's all that really you know just a nice one here at school yeah yeah you're my guy you know my guy come on yeah you've got this so you're going to be stuck in this kind of position he's used to that I'm perfectly straight right through the middle of your legs like that my biggest point in here mate is don't pull yourself up Let the handle before all right excuse yourself Ramsay facing me try it all again fantastic you've got this my guy you know my guy my guy oh no he's taking a free kick that wasn't bad was it just should not do this Joshua didn't do that okay oh he's fine don't overthink yeah oh [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] so I'm gonna attempt to do what Toby did The Impossible in the sidemen strength test so we're going to start off with plank okay he did a three minute 59 plank that's stupid and I will say that a former slightly off it was like it was on his plane yeah it was up in the air yeah I will give you booty up in the airport okay okay I'm definitely not going about this oh this is horrid I thought that was the high one that's the high one this is this is the highest I will go I bet you it looks like no eye at all of it but this feels high that is making me feel queasy already I don't like that at all oh my God oh my okay Josh don't do this all right you're sick you're actually sick do you want to hear something yeah he said you're doing better than Harry did first time [Music] how does it feel well when you're up it's sick when you go like forwards and smash into the water bad vibes yeah before we're looking for oh it's that back should be higher there we go Toby always gets the beauty in the Air Max doesn't go underneath you you're just trying to dagger dagger that is that what Toby was training for when he planks baby jump off I'm fine well I am terrified fine oh I'm gonna get rid of this boring stigma for Josh Hey listen I'm bread man Simon yeah you been the turn today I'll revolute you 100 pounds yeah 100 pounds all right say less it's wobbling I think he's got it oh yeah that counts that counts at 30. this actually has my shoulders more than my core [ __ ] geez don't get [ __ ] never mate two elements 30. it's not it yeah two is thirty mate oh [ __ ] off let them know the first one hurt my balls third one hurt my feet I'm gonna call it there should we have a look at it we can always come down I'll wait here if I go up I need real support at least I don't like this now oh no this is stinky yeah [Music] this is horrible this is terrible what do you mean oh my God let me stand there and Ponder my life I'm not doing that one am I really about to do this yes you are I'm really about to go up a [ __ ] plastic rounds you got it straight up I mean you kind of did I did it it was your ass that surfed up the end what are you shaking for what is this he was if it was me doing it I'd like 10 minutes yeah okay oh three seconds okay hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it yeah four minutes I'm pumped what's the accent that was pretty good man congrats yeah anyway um so what's next um I need to recover for a little bit okay I'll I'll watch I was really hard all right all right [ __ ] be the Lord have mercy on my board [Music] yeah no no no not for Josh I'm just I'm just getting my pump we're getting a Quick bump yeah and now look like you're look like you're working right so I've done nothing but I'm gonna do yeah yeah yeah there you go oh and you were saying oh I'd love to do this this is horrifying bro never never ever ever bro this is this is a building I don't want to look over the edge really just hold on to the side hold on to the side yeah have a look at us go away why are you walking slow I don't know I don't like it now this is the point this is the point where I switched because there I was fine yeah there I was okay here I'm genuinely my legs have gone Vic would not do this why can't we hear Vic what have you your VIPs he's a fibber he'd be doing lengths of the kidney pool who is a fever told me we've had so much fun didn't we my friend we well I did I had fun watching yeah of course one of my favorite sports water sports you know what I could really do with that what upon oh come on as a friend what does Simon drink pina coladas all right onwards we go in the side man strength test look at this he does 12. 12 pull-ups that's he he was a record holder it's like work for you now the clothes are heavy it's a hard work I'm not sure this form count seven six no seven six [Music] eleven that was twelve that was twelve um again I mean I had a rest you can't really just carry on camera no no no no no no I'm done you can't even do it [ __ ] off man I already did it [ __ ] off I feel like I have to do it I feel like I have to do it I feel like something I have to do it you're gonna go off here since it's the only opportunity we have in life we should do it me and you I'm not they can drive Josh is not I know I should never [ __ ] it man [ __ ] it it's the Guernsey cleft is fine okay all right [Music] all right everyone down there just wins I think that was one of the bravest things I've ever seen any of you do you fair enough escalator for you elevator yeah I'm actually really glad that I haven't been able to do that you know I'm about to come back and try it guess what we're doing we're getting on the cable car get in get in I watch Pokemon games bro my Simon love Pokemon Charizard stuff so I've been informed that I need to get some pajama bottoms Harry was like a blue jumper I also need to have the Nando's Curry bro I look like a [ __ ] I'm walking around on a Versace robe all day you look lost silent oh I gotta have a burrito you gotta have a full burrito everything in it it's so skinny how does he eat so much where have you seen these These are sick it's almost as big as my [ __ ] I've got a Whopper you know what this is almost big as mine yeah I can't [ __ ] hold it no I remember it's broken I think can you call um can you call someone I need to get X-ray no I'm being serious though I'm done today no more I'm done filming wouldn't it be a shame if we just plunged into the term that's a hairy thing to do as well oh that's a [ __ ] best thing to do you [ __ ] think it is we're going to JJ's after football I'm gonna be his [ __ ] yeah so you literally have to get [ __ ] by the way I've made in my lock screen I showed you already so now you've got a [ __ ] broke stop how much how amount of money no amount of money no amount of money as a friend no that's that's not friendship bro it's not friendship as a friend somebody says the ultimate mom how do you short stay up pull them thigh higher up higher up your waist get them right in your cross do you want the tip almost coming out one I'm new team shark athlete oh there's more bikes out of girls just in case get all different you gotta hit all parts of the bicep you know they're different heads well it's my big head and there's my bicep head you're like I'm both fat you want to go this way as well you know get out in that size I'm not drinking a cup of tea you know string cup of tea oh yeah yummy getting our first photo of the day photographer spends his day taking photos of stuff so we think we get one up here but I'm scared again now oh I don't like this okay go for it did I do it yeah you did it you did it okay yeah okay okay now we can leave no print you have to print it okay oh it's like Prince live oh we're from okay oh wow new technology guess what why not waiting for Toby because [ __ ] him you don't even drink I really don't know how that bastard drinks like this and like I feel it's so unstable look at it Toby here 70 kg bench press if you can't lift this for a [ __ ] okay thanks thank you honestly thanks Ethan I think my nan could lift this Toby strong you know we take those we take those I I can do 70 even with her Bruiser I don't think this is a good idea I want to be involved in a video and I can't the fish is done you actually look like this slightly yeah it's a [ __ ] photo look at that nice it's so blue one for the books oh wow that looks delightful that that's really nice yeah I was just saying look I don't understand why he does it doesn't mean anything as well it makes no sense this I feel like I'm about to drop it his shoulders come up as well like this Simon was a very strange man two sips of everything he has to have equal sips if you give him sweets you can't only eat two you can't have one it has to be an even number all right welcome to the hundred meter Instagram Dash what's the what do I win one of your top links to just reply to you in the DMS okay you dropped eggplant Emoji she put winky face okay you better reply all right quick she's gonna go she's gonna be someone else reply to the end quick what have you said what have you said I'm miles into these days what have you said though hey what don't don't watch my film don't watch my phone bro one sec I can't work this camera oh gee oh actually you know what do I look like Josh oh that's the all my days are you ready three two one done it oh yeah yeah okay okay after this we are heading to I believe another one of my favorite sorry sorry we're gonna be playing table tennis I'm Simon I'm going to be good at table tennis you are so this will be a great battle lately oh my God we're playing the pro by golly oh my God I invite my good friend Darius night to meet us at table tennis because we're just that good yeah well I will teach that manner lesson oh listen I come from the Mean Streets of Guernsey and I've I've been putting in shifts on these tables since I was young all right how can I stress test these trousers I just tie these in a knot some serious knots nowhere is arriving that's what these are for oh oh fair play oh I have to walk around with this all day to imitate me and Toby absolute weapon okay diving done we should well now we have to go get some food um Curry is what I've been told to get he has been told to get that yeah and Josh has made me have fish and chips he doesn't even eat fish and chips man he's just on his despite you I think I hate fish this is disgusting but I will say my Curry's looking good probably trying to run out it's done wow cat is like not answering his boyfriend if you ever popping up on his phone right now as Simon you know it aren't you you know he does I should have taken someone's phone a lot because he knows that you're giving him a pounding later he's really embracing this Harry you know how many times I catch Harry doing this this looks banging as well but I would eat that I personally would eat that would you though are you trying to get my color I'm not not trying to get your Curry I'll be a good man I'll swap my Curry for your fish and chips if you fix a good man he is a good man sometimes he is I don't want to eat this um give me the message huge Obsession wants some protein yeah he's in protein honestly actually you're doing some protein so we're gonna pick up some food see what we can score I have a nice little coconut rum and coke it's a very Josh drink I'm jealous because I've got well to be fair it's Indian tonic water okay so it matches the vibe but it's a g and T all right be in Tesco's we out here they're dry they dry plain one I need some chicken breast slices you know high in protein buying anything else as well some sliced chicken two chickens like that okay Stratford and we're going to central line and we're going to go and play some ping pong Masters it's a lot of [ __ ] walking bro just a couple boys that's what Simon would say yeah Harry would say boss all right Connie you can stop filming us now cotton it's part of my job today to abuse you by the way so sorry sorry no Simon wouldn't say sorry [ __ ] you yeah [ __ ] you [ __ ] you oh I found it oh jizzle's calling all right squashies yeah it has to be done pastels really three pastels [Music] which is how it works it is it's actually a thing you know yeah my taste buds have been molded Through the Ages so enjoy this time this British food doesn't do it for me I'm telling you there we go Josh has got us in with the big boy feed how are you gonna pay Josh look at this sidemen easy breezy boom pretty all right now watch this you get a phone any secundus right now you'll see Revolution oh look at that and there we go good job Josh thanks come on thank you Luke let's go is a financial super out and it's helping us all with our purchases today with revolut you can count in seconds via bank transfer bank card or Apple or Google pay revolu also allows you to keep in pillar with instant notifications and real-time balance updates if you want to join us in revolute then head down to the link in the description where you can get 20 pounds just for signing up plus you'll also get three months free side plus and 10 cashback on all side membranes when you get our sad mem Revenue card and to all of our us fans you too can now sign up via our link already an existing revolute user not to worry you can still get loads of exclusive sidemen related rewards including 10 of sidemen Brands when you upgrade to a sidemen special edition card simply head to get card section of the app swipe across to the sidemen special edition card just make sure you've got the latest version of the app downloaded when are you having a kid card all right try just know Simon's kid is going to bully the [ __ ] out of your kid Simon doesn't forget so just know I don't forget that you just kicked my crush again say no more time doesn't forget oh I've got a quintessential tojizz or lunch the Muk van the uh post-workout Essentials for you you got squashies I'm gonna make so many gains with these little victims one of each that's way too much sugar in there it's not good for you you don't have glucose you're not careful for lunch I do it properly you know I've got chicken got the Grays barbecue well then these corn chips and chili corn they're good for only 100 calories and now I've got to scan these as well I think I got a spot water never heard Ethan do that oh that's how I say it sorry yeah I've got a small water it's hot water it's got a Grenade bar too and then I've got myself paracetamol because obviously I'm hurting I've got a Grenade bar more protein and obviously um I've got a pregnancy test first top the cartoon yeah I'm busting from people and you need a beer have you done your second pill of the day yeah all right camera time yes this is no access yeah but you know what Vic's like a rule breaker is he come on all right I've got the first shot okay train going past I'm gonna post up on that corner you get a nice little shot okay ready no no I'm committing to this one two one have a look yes love that it's all right it's all right a color it's it I mean a bit red it will change right now we need a Josh pose we have made it it's about my friend Simon you never guess what we're doing now what are we doing we're going playing table tennis my brother who's gonna win me I'm a lead to everything I am Simon the test does this that is bile bro that is actually vile in my age did you do that no no unseasoned [ __ ] written it is but it's not bad I do it too no I do it it's actually pretty good but it's just dry yeah sounds like you're eating a pork chop from Minecraft nice I'm really hoping like some old woman just barges out and just get off my stairwell oh yeah okay right here we go don't fall off bro I'll try oh yes three two one done it yeah yeah oh yeah we're making media yeah all right so normally like the serves are like quite important so I give yourself this is so pointless bug this is where I'll let you down today box I'm sorry so if you try this now you'll see that it's like well you've been gifted oh it feels nice already I'm 45 degrees okay it's too much yeah if you see it's a lot it's a lot more quicker it's crazy power you pull into it keep it towards the net yeah oh come and try this get involved you're you're Harry this is yours Paul we're at regions park for our next activity and we are doing some dog walking because somehow even now has like nine dogs uh at a farm so yeah we're gonna meet someone to walk that dog it's kind of weird right hey not my video anyway um I don't know where Toby's gone I've ghosted Josh but now I don't know what am I supposed to do the point of Toby ghosting is no one knows what he's doing do I do some illegal activities do I find some some females do I I don't know do I sit in this weird Fountain I guess I just have to stay and be mysterious right so the so myself Josh and Vic two of the businessmen of the sidemen we have to come up with an idea or ideas yes to pitch to some investors some dragons yes so firstly yes we are the sidemen so that's what we're gonna build it around yeah is what I'm thinking right okay a spin on human trafficking basically we run the vents we first of all well let's we'll lie to them right we'll claim we've We're In Cahoots within our with a nation that's who's struggling let's say let's say Cambodia we have we have made a deal with the Cambodian government we're going to have a convention we're going to do it at tobacco doc tobacco doc right convention we we encourage all our young audience right okay we're gonna get them to do loads of different tasks which seems like they're just having fun but we're actually doing research that's [Laughter] a beautiful one that that that's the professional shot that's a world-class show it's the world closure the [ __ ] have you been it's loud man Japanese I told you what I just had I just had some [ __ ] had stuff man doing the phone too don't worry about it I got I got sort of something got Skies so it sucks all the time man now obviously what we're then gonna do is offer them to work in Cambodia okay three pound now on the way out the door they're not gonna accept the fleet but below minimum wage of course that is when the side Squad side Squad which is Squad which is Us in black overalls and we're gonna Chuck them in a van okay put it on the pre-booked flight to Cambodia you know fun the term just okay you're only a man as stylish as Toby izzle can really pull off this look but I'm trying my best this is how he's training keeping up people look at this you keep them flipping about what do they do what do you think the point of them is do you think other than my weighted pull-ups there's any utility to these look at this I can I can use arms I'm like a puppet you know what's what's linked to us I'm thinking games football food food okay Sports drugs Okay no Okay somewhat yes sex sex okay back and forth yeah go nice there you go there you go keep going keep going don't get too excited yeah and then Smash It smash good night smash [Applause] bro that's crazy I want to do table tennis now I need a coach do you reckon you can beat us in a game of doubles like us two doubles in you by yourself I was like world champion before why don't we sell us but like we make mechanical versions of us sex robots of us I don't think I think the sex has got to go I think they're not gonna like the set okay okay we have spotted Josh's Ethan's new dog it looks like a friendly happy dog or the one that's playing yeah oh it's a playful dog he's got energy have we got enough you got enough energy John it's gonna hurt my room hello hello [Music] one two three four [Applause] could we sell fake drugs could we package them up oh my God side drugs are real drugs we're not risking any criminal activity here no and the parents know that they're fake yeah they're testing if their kid is going to go buy drugs they have tracking in them so you know who buys them and then you track it down they're not real drugs yeah you go to the house you snitch on them you tell the parents don't worry we didn't it's just flower we're gonna stop the drug problem in the world ladies and gentlemen it's time we're gonna do a doubles match versus Darius let's see if he can have the smoke of Harry and Simon yeah let's do this and what are we playing to what side are you still haven't this is the world champion yeah a world champion I saw you score a point gentlemen we've not had any official game if we got here this is Birds first bit obsessed with his balls so um you're scary it's the outfit Toby's got me in a scary outfit foreign [Music] [Laughter] to get them addicted to The Vape what else do kids get addicted to they get fortnite fought video games it's got me a video what we'll do you know recycling nowadays will find old discs of games I'm talking about oh like the old like PS2 games yeah or blend them into a powder to when they see you can smoke fortnite and smoke Tetris yes but amazing [Laughter] official unofficial points then he goes against my ranking oh no I'm sorry I'm letting you down let's watch the ball bro the ball just I don't know what to do it I didn't touch it nice [Music] actually it looks like he's taking you on a walk yeah he's taking Josh on a walk over off for us it's leg up I feel like literally hello potential investors hi how you doing boys good thank you I'm Josh this is Vic hello and these are sidemen ideas let's get started fantastic what is a uh epidemic sweeping the street self everywhere in the UK at the moment uh coronavirus no no no no not quite what is it illegal substances and legal substances yes yes yes there is a big problem in the country at the moment with people doing this so we want to use our platform as influencers for goods no I'm trying to finesse him too much man bro oh you must now I didn't come off the wall [Laughter] s we have already acquired a factory in Milton Keynes to produce fake drugs so they're not real completely safe would never harm anyone we the sidemen have a YouTube channel with over 16 million subscribers so we have a big platform to sell uh our fake drugs too about nine I'm just getting point we got one point [Music] [Applause] all right Ethan just hit the ball yeah I'm hard fish steady steady oh God slow down come on this this is the pace we want this space you want to go let's go then oh baby friend [Music] now I heard Bud that you know a trick Bud sit roll over oh good job again no this doesn't happen a lot it makes budget stop in the bag of fake drugs will be a Tracker so firstly we'll earn money from the buying of the drugs but also we'll be able to find out where the drugs have gone so then we will go to the house and we will find their parents obviously who will be distraught to find out the child has purchased an illegal substance but not only have they purchased it in the terms and conditions when they buy it they have to pay a five thousand pound fine the family is obviously devastating they have to pay five thousand pounds but we have made a lot of money and we've deterred the child from in future purchasing illegal substances and we've done nothing immoral exactly do you think making money from vulnerable people is exactly on brand I wouldn't say they're vulnerable they're not going to markets of vulnerable people well markets are the people that aren't vulnerable but we're like we'll we'll say it's really good we'll we'll say drugs are good original drugs yeah all drugs are bad except ours what the [ __ ] Brothers ah wow yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Simon and Harry official points there's a referee hidden in the wall thank you thank you so sick man thank you so much yeah I've got an official bat man you want to go table tennis soon yeah I'm at smokery down in pints over here yeah just like Ethan just like Ethan will be yeah try the finger gun here we go hey no stop stop do it again that's a rollover bang it's like a rollover throwback dramatic yeah I see that's like from The Matrix Mission Impossible Vibes so we've got bargain prices I'm thinking we sell them for a couple of quitter pop then we have 5 000 pounds per drug seller the fine can I ask what the police involvement in this would be well there's none because nothing illegal's taken place we've sold them flour we've sold them tea bags yeah parsley in a bag do you think that might be false advertising yeah how are you going to promote this straw well no we are false advertising but we think hopefully we'll get away with it because it's a good thing [Music] people will know that they're buying a fake drug with this tracker in well that's only after it's happened we do a one week sale of it and this then it's done it's a one-time thing you're in on here so you're going in quick hit in and out taking money and run yeah do you think your audience will be happy with that uh we we could also add in an NDA so they can't even speak about the purchase it was actually really cool he's really really cool Legend I wonder if Harry would like green himself I think he would I think he would have really enjoyed himself what have you got this is it can I bud have the stick oh nice got it a trade Pokemon card trade I've got Charizard sit oh yeah plastic now ready we send [Music] wow would you take the money and go straight to another country foreign country well actually funny you say that we have got a second idea for you yes which we'll lead into we have we have a good relationship with the country I'll be honest this idea came mostly from Vic yeah this was this was my brainchild here but you might latch on to it we'll see so this is side bone side bodia okay it's already a pre-contract with the Cambodian government and let me explain to you how it works for us so we've done multiple uh events functions well conventions where we get thousands of people to turn up so we create one called side tasks preferably the Excel Center again we have a contract with the Excel Center we've already got this arranged yes we've got the log toss uh like the water carry and an egg and Spoon race how much how much did you pay rent to Excel Center I've been to the Cambodian government oh they are they're looking after that are they yeah okay so Cambodia has a shortage of workers currently so what so so what what they seem innocent right but we're actually trying to see how effective they might be at tasks such as logs carrying and all this kind of like manual labor um we'll offer them first you know if the winners will offer them a contract so guys today we're here to play some football big V2s in the car time to smash it or Harry's like major thing yeah is that he can really do a volley crossbar well Harry as you can see I'm injured right now so I'm gonna be your coach for today I'm gonna put you through your Paces first though I want to see what you can do for the people crossbar in Cameroon you do it in the next two attempts I'll give you a hundred pounds for the people in Cameroon oh [Applause] that's my guy you know that's my bro that's 100 that's 200 pounds are you today wow good thing on my bread man Harry does anything for money a boat hey how green are you being Bud hey I rate the level of multitasking oh do we have to come and get them so you're gonna keep the ball and you're gonna get the stick how yeah collector of all the things we will offer them all a contract to work in Cambodia on three pound an hour which we understand they might not like At first it's gonna say I'm not gonna accept that I would not accept that either um which is where the side Squad comes in a plane in in in cahoots with the Cambodian government to fly a number over and we will simply we'll simply take them I'm sorry I can't we'll take them but uh we will be making a lot of money here the Cambodian government is very much interested in this and they have said they're going to pay us uh it was 33 yeah it's a character building it's a bit like Duke of Edinburgh almost yeah but we're making money off it I like it I quite like it you're Simon what do you want me to do let me see what that left foot do what do you want from it though give me another crossbar off the ground foreign [Laughter] challenge see how far back you can get stage one easy light work go back to that penalty spot oh [ __ ] it nice oh bro that was that was stage three wait Stay Stay Stay wait okay for the legend of the game that is a well-trained dog thank you very much that was that was the highlight of our day I think he had a lot of fun as well thank you and they're not children they're teenagers let's remember here that's that's not it's not too bad how many how many people are you looking to fly over there each time well we would have about 3 000 people turn up to the convention yeah and I would say 500 yeah the top 500 maybe which would fit on a large plane I think a large jumbo jet maybe and you'll be paying for their flights accommodations as well yeah yeah so we're we're actually paying for none of this all we're getting is the the fee the finders fee so it's three pound an hour yeah and there's 500 500 going over there yeah so you're looking at what 1500 pounds an hour how many hours are they gonna do a day oh endless let's say 20. let's say 20. so 20 hours a day 30 000. a day good numbers so we're taking 10 grand I think it's just every year because they can't leave so every year it's just another 500 on top of that yeah exponential exponential like it he's going again he's going again nice hit a Target Beautiful stage three lovely oh come on oh okay halfway line let's go do it for your mother there we go he loves his mum that was Ethan Ethan loves Harry's mum oh you stink okay right so we're out here what are we doing Bazinga uh we're in Covent Garden obviously let's get some pints we've got two hours to spare and also right uh me Ethan I love vintage clothes okay you've been to stores around here in the ends and trying also sounds nice and flashy and flurry let's do it an old like Josh battle bastard how are you gonna get this age group to to come into the brand and buy into what you're doing well they're not they they think those are they think they're coming to a fun activities day oh you're kidnapping oh right harsh words no no no yeah side squatting them side squatting yeah leading them yeah that was that was that was sideboard yeah we have it we have one more idea which we think actually might be a goer so gamer sticks something Apple I haven't seen you only got one phone yeah where's all the phones sure I do need my favorite Hood you'll be in the hood man day low key stay ghost I face no case I'm walking around and I'm just I'm exhausted and I'm thinking why I've had a sugar crash I had half a bag of squashies and apple juice and it was great for an hour and now I'm I'm in the picture maybe it's almost tired yeah I mean no one right if you live life like me just a chicken yo Josh is still here we recycled old games like Call of Duty we crush the disc into a dust like this and we use that dust in a vape not funny you say that funny you ask that zero percent calories zero percent nicotine but 100 fine wow so we're solving the issue I'm giving them a fun time as well so the crush CD could be like Super Mario bro yeah along those lines they could be like Oh I'm smoking Tetris are you aware of the components of the CD you know are there any health yes well they're normally not recyclable but now we are recycling them so I don't know what's quite in that the recycling them inside the human lung well yes but they're having a good time while they're doing it which is which I think is all right and no nicotine as well are there any dangers for this gents uh only being addicted to the fun things fun is addictive it's all about fun every day that's pretty that's all we got for that one unfortunately yeah um fine wow yeah is there any of those that you've actually going with us what sort of money are you after gents for investment on something like this um honestly I'll take anything yeah I'll take anything maybe maybe like 20 20. now well now we've got 20 grand we'll take 20 grand for the the nicotine sticks you can have the whole idea what about a bag of jelly babies I could be tempted great salmon mincer that was a baggy that was hard don't con don't you do it [ __ ] [ __ ] Simon doesn't forget rev Simon doesn't forget come here [ __ ] sorry vote yet you're going to be looking at about two grand but you get a 50 stake in this actually no you get 51 steak and also all legal repercussions Dodge I think this might be one for you I'm just thinking I'm thinking about this by whether my kid would like to go there for three pound an hour I've took it I'm tempted right now let me have a thing okay cheers we'll come back to you on that okay we'll call you on that one we're going so fast food let's have good food as fast as we can I love that I love that get me in thanks time for some more sugar yeah I've got Pine Heineken you know what did you get oh yeah so I have a chip body and a pint of pineapple okay we've got a club sandwich so pretty standard it's not really not my kind of drink you look so unhappy see track and Trace got 70 bill or whatever it was so I think we we at least a billion for this one a billion a billion a billion well I'm in for a bill you know actually we'll take a bill man I'm happy with the bill yeah I like the three ideas though Lads yeah good ideas well thank you very much we appreciate it thank you feel free to come back to us with your money yeah um we'll come back to you on those three I think okay thank you very much cheers what would your physio say right now it would kill me you'll absolutely kill me all the time it is peas ten times every shoot so I hope no one's in here okay real quick okay uh my parents are finally proud of me I've become a doctor hello thank you thank you what are we doing today all right so as you can see I have this box here I have this tube here I have four ingredients on the table I would like you two gentlemen to add the ingredients so who'd like to go first oh do you know what I'll give you a hundred pound if you hit one that's something Simon was saying it do you think he's clocking on to a normal ones he doesn't suspect oh oh nice Simon doesn't forget you prick here we go look this is a club sandwich I've got a chip buddy oh God Beautiful by Ethan wow I love a Chipotle as well so thank you Ethan Royal Chicken already no you know what that needs with the sugar if you're a man you add sugar to your chips all right so we're gonna add something called hydrogen peroxide it's 30 hydrogen peroxide 70 what do you think poisons no good guess alcohol no no I wish okay what comes from a tap water come on stop very good expertly done myself Simon and Harry are in Nando's now what have you ordered Harry you ain't right there ow 18 pounds 15 are the finest Nando's Curry you gotta make it yourself no yeah so Harry makes this thing called the Nando's Curry uh-huh which is the rice the peas the halloumi and the chicken all cut up into one then I'll add sauce I've seen him do it before I have got it myself a burrito with everything in it we spared no what'd you call it no filling it's bad no animal no you're cold blooded killer super sugar Edition apple juice as if there wasn't already enough damn sugar in this apple juice Josh is making me do this sugar ice ice cream it's probably gonna be amazing that's the problem the worrying part is that tastes the same I think this will also taste nice I've had it before why oh is that line of sugar oh they're gone they're pretty good you know it tastes like pastry suddenly he goes back from the oil that's not it wants to eat them I didn't engulf my food the tons of bread just eat only you may see it looks a bit boring at the moment doesn't a bit Bland so we need to add some color we have Goblin snot green we have dragon's blood red and fairy dust orange so let me add all the colors you know what time I'm gonna do as well oh he's so nice for your eyes so nice but you know why he eats the burrito because he likes to [ __ ] a lot to prepare his jaw for what's coming up later chewy I've got prep for JJ's massive [ __ ] I'm not even proud look I finished my dinner this lives up to it Ethan would definitely finish it all and you would sit there still struggle you'd push your plate forward and fold your arms right you're done you're done there you go I'm done my phone out that's what Ethan's trouted about Ethan is addicted to his phone he loves it like crazy attached to him at the hit the last ingredient we're going to add is something called potassium iodide oh my gosh it's gonna cause a chemical reaction okay it's gonna rise all the way to the top and we'll see what happens next okay [Music] all right that's enough let's give a little mix and stand back and watch it happen that's gonna stop now so you see it stopped exactly on the brim right oh okay okay no mate uh oh no it's going oh wait oh oh oh all right we have some good news and some bad news the good news is we've successfully made elephant's toothpaste what is it smoking look at this smoking now the bad news we may have to evacuate the building this doesn't stop give it a good old mix up again I think we're good for Action the dad knows Curry I love it I feel like it's a good way to pace yourself in the mill don't forget a little balance one thing you haven't done though is scream that you're autistic ah I'm autistic ah he gave me a thumbs up this is such a big meal man it's gonna be good I've got the sweats never before I see the day this man complained about big milk I don't know how Toby does it there's sugar has rattled my body my body is like a screaming about I just don't feel well I've got no appetite I feel tired and sick I'm gonna hear from you at the moment yeah I'm on Brad hurry up [Music] eat it come on all right so see what happens yeah okay the Flame's gone out and if I pull it back inside it should reignite the flame watch this oh my day [Music] inside the fire you need fuel so we've got the fuel here need oxygen which is the bubbles and you also need heat that's where the light is coming from oh my God that's giving me the sweats I don't feel up for blimey Harold mental but that was actually really good there we go oh Mentor you foul Pig yes now right palm done yes now we're off to a vintage store now he's just saying some fresh corn and then we're going [ __ ] rock climbing apparently Ethan likes rock climbing ak's been twice all right so my favorite part of the day next stop we're going to my best friend's house his boyfriend's my best friend his boyfriend's my boyfriend oh I've got a full belly I know where you're off today fine you have to get packed in but because that's not good it's massive [ __ ] stop saying they're Glizzy Hunter himself ah it's actually going to be really nice to see your boyfriend and boyfriend no I'm gonna shout him because he hasn't called me back can we ask you a question which sidemen members are we dressed like we're we're not ourselves I'm not me Toby yes Harry oh look at this super Harry and Ethan do dress them all like you got me right what's this though Ethan has this they were straight on that bro they knew I was Toby they dripped Maestro that's me we've got no one else that's how I run puts their Hood up has a hat on oh my God why didn't you return my calls what cause I've been calling you all day you actually have not look at my lock screen why am I speaking to Simon what's going on I'm so confused I love you so much don't worry it's Simon it's Simon well you're a bit darker than them just so happy to be here welcome what can I do for you um did you oh my God you're hiring wow away oh wow so now blow out I'm starting to get close to my hands see if you can bring night go a bit more slowly than what you did I bet you I can really ignite mine before you Simon done oh we're here to be your [ __ ] so what do you need I don't know how I've been roped into this because this is more of a Simon thing I've been whiteboarding actually I didn't see that that was yeah oh wow oh yeah yeah I haven't tried this one I haven't tried that one can I try this one uh yeah go for it it's a nice one isn't he just the best well yeah I mean I've got some rubbish around the house if you want whatever you need whatever you need your hands uh well I mean you're a bit on the crippled side no no whatever you need one [ __ ] thing that man does today is be your [ __ ] just screams Bazinga does it Ethan Bazinga it needs to be larger on holiday he would wear this okay that's big bro inside but you mean it needs to be larger Josh tried on that Ethan would fit in would you like to see a bit more fire we enjoyed that yeah I am yesterday always uh have either of you seen Harry Potter the Harry Potter films yeah well do you know when the characters wave their wands and fire comes out yeah well this is what they use for the special effects in the film so I need to stand back here I might say he's okay I'm gonna do it in that direction to what take out the camera who knows good Harry Potter spell we can say um Bippity bomb and it completely disappeared I I guess you could wash some plates this feels kind of racist no never oh you're literally black yeah do it there we go another road to shore trans Prime here we have ice pop yeah it's good they said his Ethan fit wasn't good enough they didn't they thought it was Harry so he's copped himself I was testing it first a vintage zingu Jackson geez look at the wrists this that is how best wears jackets though a lot of the time this one no that's fine that's fine that's good I mean it still does give a bit of a Harry Vibe especially with it being Fila and you just zip it up a little bit and then pull the strings you know what it's actually not bad because they give him Harry it's it's probably more hairy because I'm feeling hairy so they all they're similar oh there you go no it's didn't go let's go rock climbing time all right now these are called flash glasses it'll probably look like you're about to go to a rave but it does look good this looks mental by the way I haven't seen such things since Festival 2016. I'll tell you what it is we don't do that no it depends what Kink you got Ethan do you want to work on my puzzle you want me to work on the puzzles you know what as the day draws later I have been you got any packet I actually have mushrooms I've always had mushrooms for some reason I just [ __ ] it man let's do it I've been complaining about what sugar has done to me but when it's there you can't stop yourself can't say no it's a human brain yeah craves what it is look at the high energy me I'm a man yeah I wouldn't raise and can I hold this and can I hold some glasses in front of it three two one this is my only wish it's really hard to do your wishes to do my wishes and your dishes we could do something else Harry what do you want to do I've got some boxing gloves yeah can I just repeatedly punch you do you really feel that way without no no why did I say yesterday I'm literally I'm not Harry you know there's payback for this I'm going to put in this gas I've got a Nando's big brother he's gonna he's gonna he's gonna punch the [ __ ] out of me I'm just I wouldn't get caught Daddy knees bro don't just unlock climbing they're too dead again yes I can you know what I even as well so yeah let me make sense to go in this one [Music] stay in key you smell that yeah that's Hernandez Curry that I just ate oh okay guess what as soon as you hit me there might be a boo on the floor no I don't because I'll have to clean it oh yeah yes yes come on this is so hot God [ __ ] hit me come on baby it's a long time next up three two one he said throw it that way the longest fingers I thought yeah he's just gonna up it a bit the same sign that I fell in my mouth oh no it's the same room oh do you wanna sort stuff out of my room yes please little KSI you should go and sort of stuff out in his room after I try some of your beloved pram clean that [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I hope he's got a good jump on him hasn't he Toby would jump I can't lift you all right now you've got the swings out how do you get like momentum you need to keep your legs forward and let him slightly drop down and get invent them backwards yeah again I'm losing my grip bro that's an injury waiting to happen this whole join me an injury yeah it's great it was so good no okay yeah just hanging it by the way yeah yeah I know people that was rude there we go oh no Josh is Josh's old man hangs oh look at that wow now this is my favorite dragon's breath okay all right so this is like capodium powder which is highly flammable powder as you can see something I made earlier we've got a tube connected to a lighter I'm gonna pour the powder inside the tube okay I'm then gonna turn the lighter on blow through the other end and we'll effectively create a mini flame for us a big ball of fire yeah towards the very expensive camera over there honestly you're just the best uh-huh do you want to divorce Tyler whoa whoa whoa it's a big question we can't do that we can't do that over the table we can't do that and marry me instead we can't do that we're not even married yet so how can I do that surely you can decide yeah I'd fancy that sure right now oh [ __ ] no yes [Laughter] yes it makes it rain in a whole different type of way Johnson language [Music] I can't put weight on this left arm that's all the one-armed climber wow you made it so far Josh it hurts whoa oh very good that's why something flew off turn it on First and whoa oh I saw it thank you very much so that was the [ __ ] that were the fire experiments hope you enjoyed that oh man last but not least I think we're gonna get this bit hot in here isn't it I think we're gonna get some fresh air so for this next experiment we're going to need to go outside uh it's for my legs actually you might like this too I mean Simon oh my God no Harry has these I wanted to try them you put your legs in yeah yeah you need one you need to do that yes please oh I've got the my [ __ ] that uh Ethan gave me yeah that's Ethan's gone yep still got it well they be just sat here um I don't know if it's the watch is in the holidays that's cold on it it's all right I never wear any of my jewelry to be honest yeah you don't I don't know I just CBA it's good to know that my [ __ ] is way above that climbing my climate it toad drizzle is very Nimble isn't he he's a Nimble man hey Sprint up got it lovely very nice and add to this one this one has not much to work with I think you're supposed to like pick a certain color aren't you and yeah I'm using the tiger can I do this yeah I mean you think else you want it so you could use something else that's how you do it go on ah I heard a funk you look a big star guy my little Boulder Toby training Toby grips grips and sidemen fans if you're real ones we've been here before but when on a sidemen Sunday what video is pause the video now leave a comment which video were we here before wow top 40. yeah I got two of them now yeah we've got our top 40 but you're the worst on the tune doesn't he just look after me the [ __ ] are you doing oh oh yeah yeah yes you were correct it was in the it was a burning calories video and I failed to get up this upside down climb you can change it they have changed the hand holes the question is can I come back for Redemption oh my god oh yeah are you happy now he loves it there's no Builders well with it yeah yeah like I'm embarrassed on it and everything I keep asking for some uh XIX vodka I I don't get any why don't you get it to give away oh okay you know why it's been sold out and also thanks to Rez Malu you could cash back on exit no way yeah Club Redemption ah [ __ ] no I'm so tired already that's really difficult I'm just pissed because I actually want to do this and I can't do anything I can put one hand on the wall and pull myself up that's all I can do I can't use the left left side at all hashtag blame badal man what's your story Josh you're having fun do I like I'm having fun am I having fun yes I'm having fun looking at a wall all right so we've got the classic Coke and Mentos experiment you may have seen this on YouTube before oh yeah yeah we got this uh geyser tube so there's different modes by the way so um people in sport mode let me recover for a minute I made a mistake you know what this one's easier I didn't you didn't hear that okay ah this is better foreign you can do put your back into it yes yeah grab those nice you eat your EG's your right arm too saying no fun no you're getting her back up now oh God I came all the way back here I did I did better last time too heavy I'm not 14 Stone I've been itching Stone I'm heavy I'm happy hard work geez you are actually embarrassed correct you know all right play a game I'd live to see you succeed King I'm not gonna lie remember oh man when he was a young one brother you didn't win a game probably didn't win a game [ __ ] this oh my God oh my God there it is here we go oh I thought it came out now you gotta jump through it okay very good I don't have change the turbo knots hang on a second oh wait you're supposed to go over here oh that's my Toby come on that's it it's not Vic it's my Toby yes now or one more are you posing okay oh do it to him oh don't do it our two plays two plays oh that's it boy buy a place oh yeah touch those folded toes thanks man that was really motivational wow do that climbing ah must succeed [ __ ] injury oh my God this is phenomenal come on King KSI you've got this oh my God oh my God and you're just so happy to be in his presence [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on he can't lose he actually first came down no what have I looked my finger underneath you no no no no it gives you the drop it will go in your arms brother so after you hear him no you're going it's gonna go on your bum keep moving it's coming whoa careful suddenly he's doing better what's going on yeah Grabbers Grabbers Grabbers gotta push yeah yeah that's it that's the top uh how do I get down you can drop you can drop your phone that's a short distance you're fine I completed the Tigers Well Done big man oh look at that it's a monster I'm tingling man I'm tingling okay I think this one's going the highest yeah this one's going to the Moon hey one [Music] okay I'm okay you know what's coming thank you very much right thank you to the arch for letting us both climb Ethan show off his uh great skills such great skills today it's been wonderful experiencing Life as a tobian and Ethan I was hoping wonderful I've had better days yeah it's an injuries then injury no I should be more pissed off all day yeah you've been too upbeat yeah I've been too happy I should have been more aggressive and pissed off all day anyway we hope you guys enjoyed uh I'm off to the club to get some some ladies and I'm off back to the farm to be with my ladies to go at the dumps and faith and horses why are you staring at me oh you made me say a joke huh you told me to make a joke I was waiting yeah so [Music]
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 11,646,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: 1VId7QgMAT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 37sec (3937 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 02 2022
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