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yo what is going on and welcome to another Reddit video that's right I am in my house out of pure laziness because I didn't want to go into London so we're looking at the Reddit I feel like there might actually be a lot of stuff today because I've been married well you saw my last video I finally have enough of a football pitch to be able to record videos at my house welcome to the gym congrats Simon and Talia ah this is a really nice photo you know although ah I'm still angry about the amount of people that are Jarred out by the shoes I like the shoes it's a distinct look I'll tell you what it's Brave look what do you mean it's Brave no one's ever described anything good as Brave no I have I have never seen it I'm I'm on the phone I've never seen a suit and trainers not really no wow judging by freezie's Story the wedding was in Italy which is so cute considering that's what Tyler's family is from it was in Greece freit's Instagram posts were in core food yeah no she uh Freya went to two weddings in like four days but yeah wedding was amazing I've already spoken about it like a million times so come on move on I've done a podcast I've mentioned it in a main Channel video I've done instapos you know everyone's sick and tired of it already love that not me I'm not sick and tired of it Tyler KSI talks about his horrible experience and miniminter's wedding oh great also you put mini mentors why we should talk about it he's dying so that's me thinking the sidemen sorting out a villa which is what I thought as well it's gonna be high-end I'm thinking 100K plus a night the issue is with JJ writers he only judges things by the price like he will literally go all right how much is this Villa how much is this Villa that one's more expensive that one and I know that is how normally things work but he doesn't even look at them we were all in a chat they got linked to villas and he literally said I don't really care and they complained also a lot of people have speculated this Randy said about me getting the hotels for everyone I was nothing to do with theirs they went separate I ain't paying for their Villa because I knew they would probably spend 100 Grand as he thought see you there their stuff was just them yeah it was nothing to do with me oh that makes him look a lot worse if people think that he's being ungrateful to you exactly which is why yeah so people think that JJ's being really annoying towards me by saying like ah Simon sorted out our flights and hotel and blah blah blah it was [ __ ] that was nothing to do with that so he's not being mean to me although he did say yeah man the wedding saved the trip I was like the wedding was the trip you only went there for the wedding that was his first wedding right it was a lot of people's first wedding him chip uh deji kind of makes sense the family not chip calyx calfresi and a lot more there was a lot so we've been doing I'm there thinking yo where's the big bollocks we're gonna be living good we got a chef we're gonna have a butler we're gonna have all these things ready waiting why would they have a butler I arrived Rick tells me oh yeah it's 5K for the whole time okay the other thing about this trip it was in rural Italy JJ likes modern you don't get a modern house in that part of Italy their Villa was actually really nice just old so I mean you've probably seen enough of this a humble LMS what does that mean what's an lmso I actually don't know who who is it it's me it's me hi again caught buddy flying economy Channel upload I think [ __ ] I need to know what lmsr is lanky millionaire sex offender ah there we go well can we not have an abbreviation that you can't just say lmso as if it's a common thing yeah well I think once it's abbreviated mate I think you're stuck with it really someone's on the bad team LOL no it was I went to Scotland to play in Theos Scotland V England football match which should be out in the next week or two and let me tell you this there's a lot of drama in it I almost got in a fight and when I say that I genuinely mean someone has squared up to me and started shouting calling me a c word and he was like a 40 year old football looking man hey yo Simon has become and a dad congrats what it's a covert test I reckon over 100 people got got with us oh 100 1.3k up votes I knew it that's where Simon was looking a little fat in recent videos on the park wow I've never got more self-conscious than I do right wow I'll have to start sitting up straight to our nice wedding weights and you are calling me fats what's good that's just normal is Harry under house arrest that I've seen this he has look at his look at his ankle that is weird what did he say he said something about it that's actually funny someone one of the crew on the day who worked there asked me if anything was on uh on tag someone said something in the chat thinking he looks like he's in house arrest I think he said it was just his he was either wearing Odd Socks and he rolled it up or it's his Fitbit or something and he wears it around this leg it's Harry bro he's weird seeing all these mini-mile wedding posts is such a mood booster ah yeah we got some good photos the um we should get the rest of them in the next month and I think we get something like 2 000 of them or something like that like it'll be a lot of photos so don't worry I'm gonna spam them and he does likes thoughts Simon JJ ain't punching his elbow in classic all right what does he say we are all punching let's be honest you're punching I'm definitely punching oh we're saying purely on looks looks yes yeah fair enough yeah Simon's definitely that was unnecessary all right then is he called me ugly or is he is he hitting on Talia oh he's done one of them maybe both are you punching though yes yes yes but out of the side men right I wouldn't look at me and go yo I am punching you know what I'm saying yeah fair fair because we're all clapped and this this is very unnecessary KSI also I'm a deep something can we clear up Vic says you're punching I'm definitely punching oh we're saying purely purely on look then he says yeah fair enough so does he think that he's not punching on personality because then he's insulting his girlfriend fiance I mean maybe as to the fact that you're a ball in that could help um from a female POV I don't think Vic is Simon is only just I don't know about JJ and Josh from Freya are on par I'd say what don't nice Vic and Josh like this unless you're saying that Tyler is just the highest in which case okay only one who isn't punching in the sidemen is Josh the thing is I don't know what to take you call him freyja not as attractive are you saying that Josh is just buff yeah this will get us very deep very quickly there we go that's that's a fair comment the glow ups too Fair looking at all of them now the glops are insane so I wouldn't say any of them are punching I know they say they are just going by looks but humor is a major selling point even just going on looks that doesn't make any sense there we go I don't think Simon is punching but if he were to be it would be based on Talia being insanely pretty rather than him lacking anything boom that's what I'm talking about length how I want YouTube All Stars to line up this year I'm gonna be honest with you and I'm being entirely truthful we haven't sorted the teams yet we haven't sorted 80 of the players obviously we've announced speed we've announced Mr Beast the rest up for debate who do you want right Mark goldbridge to return as manager okay Ben Foster I can tell you this right now Ben Foster ain't playing and go the game is Dead if he plays in Gold because he's so good we need bad goalkeepers look at soccer Aid first half they had good goalkeepers one of them was Ben Foster terrible game second half way more entertaining left back Theo Baker don't know why he's playing left back Harry Panera Center back okay Gideon sent it back as well will any right back so only Jillian added Philly chunks Noah Beck all right well you're not there's there's barely any change here Nicole Milana he played as well Danny Aarons he played as well and speed up front all right so you basically don't want to change the team just add Gideon okay we want to mix it up who's the dream get who is the dream get are you talking like realistic or are you talking like oh we can have anyone in the world yeah just put it out there anyone in the world world I would say we would get well nah that's the thing we're keeping it to YouTube so I would still say to anyone in the world I'd still choose I'd choose Kai Kaiser now don't get me wrong speed Mr Beast everyone that we invite but they've played I'd still want them back but Kai would be the sickest addition caught with no Prime look I love Prime I've promoted Prime more than KSI himself but I love a Red Bull and if one of them wants to pay me if Red Bull want to pay me Prime wanna pay me I'll stop drinking the other one you know that my soul is for sale all day every day but yeah Red Bull they're actually really nice to us as well with the the wedding they provided Red Bulls they provided a DJ it was sick so of course of course uh Red Bull is my Heritage reckon you have the first wedding sponsored by Rebel it wasn't sponsored it should clear up but if Mushu and boo got a show it looks like Ren and Stimpy you ever watched that yeah yeah that is actually quite a good contrast it is I reckon if Mushu and boo Matt I can boo would be an absolute [ __ ] to Mushu yeah I can imagine yeah I thought Michelle was sitting outside it looks like Mushu would be like the dumb strong one and boo would be the the manipulator yeah yeah the smart one yeah that goes like Oh Mushu yeah yeah go get this or boo would like sit on him and like pull his hair to control him what happened to the no phone rule a lot of people said this we were gonna originally take people's phones away from them and give them back at the end of the night but trying to explain that to like the Boomers they were like why are you taking my phone why are you taking it so we ended up just saying like please just everyone please don't use your phone unless you know you really want like you really need to Etc so there was a lot of cases where you know Josh and Freya took a photo that completely calm they went over and took a photo that's a memory for them there was a couple like G film Talia doing this at this point by the way everyone is drunk and I mean this is this is calm like this is five seconds of a video where tarly has got the mic it's it is what it is although it's actually a long time it's like a minute long damgie that was sick though it was cigars set main Channel idea surprising jme with a custom PC and a good recording camera he likes what he has okay if I gave him a sick PC and a good camera he won't use it his stream is him have you ever seen his streams you've never seen Jamie stream I haven't I feel like I love them he just plays Street Fighter a lot but it's more how his stream looks so obviously you'd expect you know camera top right gameplay in the middle right that's what you'd expect yeah not Jamie yeah is it yeah is it it's mirrored and upside down he's got one mirrored upside down and right and it's always like that it's always like that why why exactly even when it goes full screen he'll sometimes be that oh mate I love it uh he's made he's one of a kind r.i.pk assignment yeah oh well I mean jokes will still be there Danny Aarons loves you Simon there we go what's this little [ __ ] saying now Simon from the sidemen genuinely hates you in the sidemen me and Simon are the closest if that makes sense like I mean he didn't invite me to his wedding people I think outside England all of the UK they don't get banter like we do no offense like no I genuinely hate him that's not banter I hate him when you start like insulting your mate that's when you're at that's when you know you're actually making this is what this is what someone says when they they can't accept that someone hates them this is this is it right the side man charity match he was the one that you know texting me wieners even like little stuff like you know inviting me onto his podcast I'll be honest I love Danny Aaron's and I think if I was to get married in like a year I probably would have invited him to my wedding but I've only become good friends with him like more recently so it's it's a bit like you know by the time the wedding invites originally went out I wasn't as close and it's got yeah I love him he's a nice guy he's the future of YouTube in the UK guess the YouTuber challenge as women Mr Beast no that's Mr the Beast yeah I think so yeah yeah nailed it that is that's Circa yep I'm telling you I actually knew that photo that's calyx I know that photo he still clapped Harry there's there's so some of them are like super obvious Nico yeah yeah yeah okay okay me I knew that just from the chair Ethan [ __ ] you know this is when he was in his uh his fuckboy face look at that oh that is [ __ ] boy that is massively [ __ ] boy uh Joe Sugg I could tell that just from the the eyes and the cheekbones he looks like um what's the the woman who does love Island dating Ian Sterling love island is not my Viber okay Randy though you know they're kind of fire I've got a good idea for the charity match and I feel like this would be brilliant I'm listening so first of all you have the normal game that's totally fine obviously you pay the 90 minutes the winner gets the giant trophy have the trophy list but after the game is done they should do a penalty shootout where every player on each team takes one penalty it's not five penalties then you win it's every player takes a penalty even down to Bob Keepers and then when all penalties are done one penal each the winner of that get a second trophy a smaller trophy as the champions of the penalty shootout and obviously in teams like Liverpool and Arsenal losing preseason with a player game I like it so when I went and played this uh this Scotland V England match they've done it before they did it last year and they did it after the match where every single player took penalty it was just an extra bit of fun I think it's a decent idea because it does mean that everyone gets a chance to score it all depends though because if the game was like last year's game where it's so tense until the last second to then go right now we're going to do a penalty shootout it kind of like lowers it a lot like it takes all that tension and like that amazing feeling and goes all right [ __ ] it it's done so maybe so beforehand would that warm it up a bit or I don't know you know what I'll pitch the idea and we'll see what the others say but I do do agree with the whole like you know Ethan and Harry haven't really had a chance to score I think what we should do this year is you know maybe we could start on normal formation me Vic Toby up top Ethan Harry there every time someone scores they've got a swap with someone at the back so if I'm starting Striker and I score I swap with Harry and then if Vic scores or Toby scores he swaps with Ethan you know what I mean something like that so everyone gets a chance congratulations to the wedding and I hope you both have a happy and healthy life secondly my seven-year-old girl loves your logo and in the free time she painted it on a piece of wood hope you like it side note we don't have precious drawing material let's see this oh that's sick that's very sick that is very sick thank you very much I appreciate it I can't lie I feel like deji was nice throughout the whole video so much and Randy was so overlooked and Theo is Theo um I saw a lot of people saying this like when we were talking about the best YouTuber deji was quite high and some people like nah Deng doesn't should be lower blah blah well I feel like the people that think that haven't seen deji from the beginning they're looking at him from you know the last year or two where he doesn't really make videos and I mean everything there is an opinion based thing so it doesn't really matter every Masterpiece has a cheap copy wait so which one was the cheap copy is Ronaldo the cheap copy wow that's the cheap copy right that's all they're saying I the order's all right oh yeah okay no yeah right yeah right right I don't know what that was I don't know I don't know what I've just witnessed I've Got a Theory maybe because things are so imperfect in nature and in the world when things are perfect and uniform and neat that's that's what we aspire to dude I feel like that happens a lot in reacts videos if it goes a lot more deeper whereas Jada just wants to chat [ __ ] you get a very different react video depending on who's in it we need to get this to 100 million well it's there we hit 100 million views on this video which is actually mental 100 million views on that video I don't know how it's still getting the use who hasn't seen this video that wants to still see it I wish there was a way to see how many of them are re-watch views yeah but there isn't Teddy woolwork is known for Ted lasso what what what very confused was he in the music video he's Randy's fake kid he is yes he was I remember it now oh my God I haven't seen Ted lasso though I haven't seen Ted like apparently it's very good I've heard that but no yeah he was that's mad bro I'd argue that the helium song is the biggest thing he's ever done potentially how many views is the helium so I've got the helium song 5.4 million but JJ's JJ's reaction to it has six million no way yeah he mocked me when he reacted to it saying it's gonna get more to be fair I always do that to him and then his takes off in after ages but it's also got seven million view listens on Spotify big time that has nothing to do with him I just wanted to flex I feel like they were cool people complaining about something wearing trainers through his own wedding I mean if you actually know me you know I am not wearing smart shoes personally not wearing smart shoes to the to the wedding secondly I'm gonna be comfy it's my wedding I don't give a [ __ ] like I want to do what I want to do I'm wearing trainers entirely like them where would you wear smart shoes to a funeral okay fair uh to someone else's wedding because they're boring and they're making me wear them ah yes me it but you wouldn't have minded but it would have been weird yeah you would have been the only one yeah to me it's more just that the wedding is like it's your thing it's not to appease everyone else you know but a lot of people make weddings more to hit certain quotas that they have to hit to make other people agree with your wedding like for example I told people we're not doing the first dance and a lot of people are like what now you're not doing first dance and I said I'm not doing speeches about what this isn't a wedding what the hell I'm like well it ultimately it's my wedding we do what we want to do a wedding is just the act of actually getting married everything else is just what you've been told you have to do you know what I'm saying yeah I agree well then why'd you make me wear smart shoes mate if you you know if you would have asked I wouldn't give a [ __ ] happy birthday to the man himself KSI he's the same age as Simon both pushing 40. brilliant yeah happy birthday to JJ happy birthday to Ethan as well although JJ turned 30 so his birthday is more important this year yeah we're all growing up it's weird I put in the chat that I was taking the dog for a walk and then Ethan was like yeah I'm looking after Olive and I was like wow we are old we're talking about dog walks and kids we're old it's sad but that's it for today what was the best post I don't know what the best post was all right so as much as I liked this Reddit I don't think any of the posts got me like normal so I gave away 2K last month well okay to two people I'm gonna do that again next month so this is your chance get your Reddit posts in now upvote other people's two people will be winning 1 000 next month so that's it for today thank you guys for watching and I will see you soon for more main Channel videos I'm telling you I'm coming back
Channel: Miniminter
Views: 1,452,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simon, sidemen, miniminter, mm7games, random, vlog
Id: CUVtqkgxI58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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