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of course I'm in love with silence I can't believe what I've just done I'm actually playing Among Us good luck I have actually forgotten how to play though do we mute what do we do hello yes how do you view how do you mute yes oh I'm with Max fosh he's quite smart that man I'm not I'm an imposter straight off the back this is my first game I can't be doing with this all right I am a crewmate I am a normal human being now apparently two of these people in this Lobby are lovers we got a decipher who the couple is today so the lovers win if both of them are alive at the end okay I am a crewmate I'm literally just an innocent you know what I'm fed up of dying in the first round because it's become a meme and it's all people keep telling me probably keep dying in the first round I already know I'm getting from without first in it I'm getting bullied out first ah you know what it'll be very rude to kill JJ since you know he's definitely in the title and thumbnail I need him I'm gonna play good today I'm locked in right locked in I absolutely just want to kill him are you idiot what okay that was stupid but I've done it now all right I just did some Carnage I'm so glad I'm back playing Among Us God damn it man don't you die Jesus Christ oh my God what the hell happened there that happened right next to like five of us okay so I won his fight and then died laughs who was in that group I'm I was there I think me fosh where is the group where the leaf I was doing the leaves the leaves yeah I'm in there too but I'm actually putting leaves in bro it was literally just on a pile there was like yeah so this means they killed a lover right no well did it happen at the same time or was it slightly off well I didn't see the other body I still have no idea what this love is stuff so if someone's a lover then they both that I don't know yeah exactly that's exactly it do you want me to tell you how I know that it's not a lover because I have a boyfriend oh reveal singer I'm not telling you who my boyfriend is come on killer come and follow me he is the killer but that means it's a double kill Ethan's regular any other boyfriend it's like double kill there's only another imposter is there anything else no right [Music] I'm gonna go back to being happy in love I'm gonna go back to being happy in love friend but I come back and die the hell I literally saw you die yeah I was about to just move away from the situation and then I get shot in the head it killed you I honestly don't even know it all happened so fast that's an unreal behavior that we did not catch the killer there we're gonna pay for that one later when they probably inevitably win this game absolutely clutch up that that was I don't know what happened but we moved sorry for killing JJ don't click off please I'll be back next round that was 100 IQ crying out loud getting information out this lobbies like getting blood out of a stone I I just don't have the energy to just start I like how many times do I have to say who was that who was there like that's the only useful piece of information is who was that right now is that people just I got no idea what to do now to be honest with you but I feel like me and Max Foster a dream come true I love that man with all my heart I'm happy I'm happy with my boyfriend come on boyfriend do we not have swipe card I might try and I might try and trip someone up at the meeting let's get information ah this is stressing me out I don't know what I'm doing oh emergency button that that is that is very tempting no it's him he's the killer there's a young chippo leave me alone and you dare follow me keep in mind this fat pig who is the fat pig why is he following me a little weirdo where's my boyfriend come there he is I think [Music] Oh Daddy oh I don't like Daddy Aaron's in there oh I don't like Danny Allen's in there don't kill Mass respect don't kill anyone no really idiot you silly prick right we're out of it oh I'm gonna get caught I'm getting caught red-handed max volume absolute idiot I'm dead I think okay it's Danny and Max I don't know what to do what's up I'm just gonna stay in there for life I'm now living under an event see now the killer knows I've put myself out there I've said hey it's me I want you to come and get me first finger boyfriend bestie vibes rest in peace the bottom bottom oh hello Josh why have you not done the top why did you just follow me and end up to the task it's like Vic and some other Dons over that way I forgot it was over there over there already [Music] I don't know where I am I have no idea where I am hopefully no one asks me they're actually gonna get away with this oh dear oh god oh Deary me oh oh no oh there's been a murder was that your boyfriend uh no it can't be his boyfriend if it's his boyfriend he'd be dead I'm still happy you love how are you okay a broken heart but the thing is what's confusing is no one's owned up to being your lover mate so you're just like do you want me to tell you who I'm in love with yeah who is it here all right why why couldn't you be happier are you in love with Ethan he puts himself it's fine no I want to hear him I don't want to hear who's in love with wait wait the only thing I'm thinking is is his lover actually a murderer and that's why they don't say it yeah that's why I'm not dead yeah yeah I could reveal I want I want I want our love to be secret that's why and I want to prenup [Music] your boyfriend is capable of brutally murdering um Simon I can tell you that he isn't he is here we're just happy and in love because if they've been together the whole time they would have seen each other do these devious things they're both the imposters though that would be honest damn damn I've got strange feelings about Danny Aaron's by the way of course you do mate you've got an agenda I think vicar Danny Aaron's yeah Harry you always do this to me I wanna clear oh well I saw Harry twice this electric Bellow it's electric two-way's electric I'm voting Josh I'm voting Josh I'm voting Josh why I'm trying to clear you who was in electrical I saw people I'm trying to clear you because it's electrical no no no no no I know who was in there who was in there I think pie went in after me oh no I did not whoa whoa whoa wow JJ you lost a minute that's what she said yeah yeah I think less than that bro we've gone under the radar boys with me and Max fosh absolute master class we have gone under the radar without Shilling it's gonna be pie he's betrayed the force again I was doing bloody deer electrical fully just in love bro just so in love with Max fosh one person to be in a relationship with as well brother is it Max Frost like somehow related to the to the royal family as well I should have got information out earlier but I ended up laughing about nothing uh we're useless at this game I don't know who oh Aladdin's low-key onto me and he's got a better Mallet than me so I kind of want him gone so if they get a double kill now do they win are we that cooked oh you [ __ ] it was him it was him was it him in bezel hot that's incredible if it is I'm spamming that report button in case I oh my god oh damn it I knew it not again the lights went out for so long yeah and guess who I seen running around cafeteria hi in the dark yes yeah I did and then we go to lights to see why it's not been done it's Josh as well huh no just was in lights it's not media though no no no no no I saw those two bastards running together they were running away from lights and then there's a body where I saw him when you sit there and you scream about how dumb the Sideburn are remember you're one of them now clap back [Laughter] I haven't played this game since 2020. I've got these boys on streets it was it was between cafeteria and storage yeah it's private no if it's between and in the first round I was near Vic and Cafe you had no intention for a second here was the kill a double kill oh yes there was together yeah it can't have been pie because thank you top right so if you vote it's a bit comp High chance why is it pie no one's giving everything either I've been marinated by Pirates getting bullied all right anyway thank you thank you for saving my life what if it's a Tory couple working together as imposters that's entirely Josh Josh on the first round me and Dick were known also oh who was in the first pile that's key that's good information that would be really [ __ ] useful for anyone had talked about it information it was in that first pile not me who voted I'm making my hatred known [Music] my lawyer Vic has saved me I have an innocent man oh oh it's just a bit too much for my eardrums at the minute so it's a bit too much I should be in bed laid up recovering this is doing a bit too much I'll be honest I hold my hands up I think I [ __ ] it but it's fine I'm having fun yeah I'm gonna admit I'm an idiot uh I have zero clue what's happening I I swear it was pie and Josh and when they get the winning screen at the end there I'm gonna be mad they ran up here I had my suspicions for a reason okay I just had nothing else to go on and I like to be the hero you know comms bloody Saba ooze sabotaging comes uh that was a suspicion well at least I defended pie rightfully I'm happy I did that because he would have gone if I haven't said [ __ ] then at least I'm not gonna die right no one's no one's gonna kill me [Music] it is not a victim I like how the killer has not gone for the for the relationship it's quite I know that's that's quite nice of them actually they play laser were together then no yeah me and Laser an electrical right now oh sorry I was muted hi where's this body right now now now now I did see laser and Danny run behind me into electrical and the body is on the entrance of security so unless they've it's just the craziness here it's very difficult for them for it to be there and and you know what I'm I'm about Josh [ __ ] pie no no no event from electrical to security yeah okay no no no no no no this is not me this is not me laser or Josh right can I just say all you guys giving out these [ __ ] PlayStations I haven't played this in three years I'm just running up I'm just yeah okay why weren't you with your lover that whole round of my sword I'll die on My Sword I Trust my man your man is a fraud and he is cheating on you right I would know a lot about fraud right and it's not me he's a bad person Josh the whole time I don't have the cut of your jib you've been eating sure sure I think we have to vote better Max you know I'm gonna back my boyfriend belly zinger's voting for me now he's packed his boyfriend about my boyfriend who have we voted for oh that's what that's yeah why are you so bothered about it together why are we gonna do that because that's what we'll die because we're on set I'm buying pipe it's pie it's pie it's pie not me that's what you get for not believing in love [ __ ] I wonder if we can sum our emergency buttons I don't know how we've done this but we've done it that's fosh we just murder people now mate we have fun this is Danny Owens or pie I believe like you kill Ethan Max where you going are you idiot all right smart smart that's smart the good news is well we're obviously correct we're obviously correct about that vote why because that's the game with that because there's five of us and the game would end or hi you'll be awfully vocally yeah I just want to vote you for talking about yeah you're talking too much Lads I just can't be asked obviously party I'm sorry I lost it uh boyfriend who did you go I went for pie because he's chatting too much what he's just trying to I've just saved us with a button yeah [Music] and everyone stinks loses right it's not me for [ __ ] sake no we know it's not pie but it's not Josh either oh I am an NPC in this game I I apologize to the sidemen audience I've got no clue I am one of them now truly those comments that wanted me to join now you see they've rubbed off on me it's gonna be the ultimate betrayal [Applause] master classes get away with calling anyone a [ __ ] after saying it has to be Josh why would daddy listen to me I told you it's fosh finger love will always win wait I got a minute what do you mean I'm so confused imposter was Danny Aarons and Max Bosch and Max wash and Ethan are the lovers yeah often got marinated by his boyfriend he didn't know Vic are you a [ __ ] idiot Your Role is to survive I'm so confused the other imposter meant to kill the lover and the other the no no no so the lovers win if both of them are alive at the end big star you got marinated I okay whatever don't ever absolutely smashed it oh my God oh my God just subscribe man we need eight mil Subs please you get prizes if you subscribe what the hell do it I'm sure naughty little crewmate I am depressed oh no no oh wow a good I've got a good person I've got a good person I've got a good person with me though this is motivating I'm in love yes Jake modifier lover you are in love with side dog I am wait why am I in love wait why am I in love why am I in love oh no oh no I don't want to be alone yo chip cut out all the stuff for me being a [ __ ] last game I can't ruin my brand I can't ruin my brand bro no I don't think I will oh [ __ ] man uh [ __ ] I'm so scared I'm so scared I'm so scared the lights out the lights are gone oh piss off no no no no well that's weird for me but he's gonna he's gonna murder me Ethan's gonna it's even the singer it's even Bazinga it's easy you've got the agenda on my life it's even Bazinga of course actually it all makes sense oh wait what makes sense now all right sorry [Laughter] where was the body it's in Communications Ethan Ethan Ethan was walking up for communications then saw me no can I speak can I speak no no you know what this sounds believable yeah the only thing I'm going against Danny though not because I don't like him although it's true yeah it's unnecessary remember normally the person who is imposter gets it again and again and again no but no no trust me basically what I tell you right it's in Communications he's gone up to like pop right he saw me go down so he's now following me down trying to kill me Daddy you're talking too much damage yo Simon I think Danny Darren why'd you saying siren I don't like being targeted is sweet all right boys sorted yeah we can skip you know what we'll skip [Music] what's wrong with you because it all makes sense it all makes sense my chip chat with me [Music] [ __ ] man I did I did get a clock there it all makes sense and that's suspicious I did not kill him yeah of course of course I'm in love with Simon how's that happen then uh even in the game where is Simon Simon where are you Simon Simon come on Daddy come on stab me stab me stop me do it don't do it do it then he's actually gonna tempt me into killing him he's actually gonna try to attempt me in together laser out of security now okay Simon up into your past someone's on cams Josh are running around Vic Starr roundabout Josh dancing on cams amino's on there hmm Simon now heading towards I don't know where Josh oh I just seen the vent go insecurity ow you you bloody bastard you bloody bastard we get out of there hello I don't know the camera stopped who's up here who's up here right [Music] [Music] so listen please no because you're actually I wouldn't know you're innocent because I saw the vent go when the lights come back on in security and I just run up there yeah after leaving all them in electrical and uh but boys isn't it convenient there's only been one kill since I've followed Ethan all round hey what are you talking about that [Music] whoever was in electrical then though couldn't have done that kill I saw the vent go so whoever whoever's what is anyone with that with each other anywhere else on the map I was with laser laser I saw boo big stars bought big stars bottom right sorry Josh you said you were bottom right being a big star bottom right time confirmed someone someone else is someone else is also there I can't oh [Music] oh hi hi if you see the vent why don't you run and find the killer yeah Simon I'm super sassy for you now hey okay with me pie I think Simon's blessed I I I Simon walked past me towards security I was watching cams with Harry I left he walks past me lights quickly go off when then he gets killed oh wait I didn't see you all right moment it was Avengers baby you caught me caught me how ah I've come back from my urination thinking that Simon's about to get voted out but no he's avoid it again of course he has Miss Ethan and Landon for sure I'm gonna keep my task of just following Bazinga and making his life an absolute living hell and it Danny Aaron's is gonna sit on me man the whole time bro all right where is Simon I need to find Simon where is Simon go away Danny bro he's probably insulting me right now isn't he oh I I've got I've got I've got a hypothesis I think Simon and JJ are lovers I think this is a care sound special okay I'm sticking with Simon hi Simon go away JJ go away hey bro I'm just gonna chill with you right now real quick there we go I'm gonna big brain this whole Lobby wait am I an imposter why can't I use the vent oh can I it's like cleaners or something right no [ __ ] what's he looking there eventful these lights why did he pause and he lies you would be the Imposter he got me the Apostle because then he'll die so this is good oh go away Danny bro [Music] and there we go that's all I need there we go that's all I need ggs oh interesting interesting all right why did you stand still and then no because I thought I said use on the vent and I was like is that a task to clean he's lying what's going on here with this guys guys guys guys guys guys guys I'm in oxygen okay doing the little [ __ ] lever task and the lights go out and there's a dead body and I see boo in oxygen I see boo robust no who do I choose nothing is telling the truth about being in that area I was on cams within that area I saw him Boo and Simon Okay Simon Boo and Simon is the one Simon is the one no no no no no no guys guys guys guys guys guys guys so I'm there I see Boomer I'm there just trying to you know check out what's going on I'm killing people as you do as you bro I follow Ethan and all of a sudden the lights go out and then I go over a body and then he reports it no problem you've killed him I'm just warning I'm just telling both of you Simon was there last round was like oh Simon I'm voting for this person anyway s [Music] Guys these thoughts are so stupid I said it was him in the first [ __ ] rounds you're so stupid Danny gave us good around with it for you and now he's dead but what what was Daddy's good round info that is Ethan oh okay you did call it [ __ ] it I'll [ __ ] show here this is really sight bad man Simon is probably Saturday I'll watch you doing on the lights but there's how have we made it his wife this was any good Lobby yeah we're [ __ ] finished man okay [Music] do it oh my God [Music] what is this I know it I knew it you [ __ ] geez oh for [ __ ] sake that has to be pages I saw Simon pivot to the right and a body died [Music] no it's not Simon bones Simon and JJ I love us without the role by the way Randy I don't know if you're dumb or not last time and get put in a spliff mate because everyone's flicking the little bean around and I don't appreciate it I'm trying to turn it on and right it's [ __ ] with the light lights I stepped out I see seven good to the right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay nice one I don't like it sounds nice you know what I don't like how you smell no no no no no no guys guys we have to skip I think you're right Randy I think I think there's two lovers I'm just I'm not saying I'm voting I'm just saying I think Simon and bears are the imposters Simon and bears the imposters and I think so is it Simon and JJ lovers is that what we think is good oh I I get it KS Simon yeah obviously yeah yes the game has realized that me and Simon are lovers you realize oh realized also also Lannon was was convinced it or Simon then was accused of lying and now he's dead I'm just saying that's my man that's my man what's going on what what's going on what's your thoughts I was trying to do lights someone keeps [ __ ] flicking it I was on it the whole time wouldn't you just come off like I did no I stayed on it flicking it [ __ ] you Randy no you know I'm right you know I'm not done for once you are done I don't want sauce yeah I'm gonna make I'm gonna I'm gonna make a terrible call but it it's a Simon JJ and Ethan love triangle with Ethan and Simon as the imposters I've done nothing bro I've got two a couple of dodgy kills I got rid of Danny which is ideal because I don't like him uh probably might have to be next to be honest oh dear oh chip fat mate you got you got a lot of voices to work around today I'll tell you that much lots of shouting not much suspicious stuff going on I ain't seen anything hi Simon oh can I press the emergency oh god let's run I went that way I'm using my hand to remember it we need to sort this out and go and call a meeting realistic right okay where's the bunny no no no no no no no no no no me and Simon are already in reactor by the way doing it yeah but it doesn't mean anything it doesn't mean all right what do you mean it doesn't mean anything there's so much waffles everyone vote for pie let me tell you exactly what's going on yeah I'm not I'm not shouted by getting it's Simon it me and Randy are top right we've heard your story 10 million times obviously you see if I didn't see him Randall you've just run out I've seen a little stick man you've just run oh yeah don't get bullied fight back Randy I ran right past me I ran upright because I was looking for bodies and you were up by uh weapons in the top right I was I was and then boo boo was about to call a meeting but he didn't know that he couldn't call him yeah we are already doing reactor it's best inside oh no we've lost anyway look at them they're gonna close them in there they're gonna call her they're gonna call the thingy if they're smart they'll call reactor yeah it's gg gg they've got a bunch of the double kill here [ __ ] JJ run chase you run chase you run oh my God oh no oh my God what the [ __ ] Ethan you dumb [ __ ] how could Simon be dead Simon killed me [Laughter] or something [Laughter] what's going on here bro Vic it's it's literally right that so surely it's so someone there's two lovers two imposters and one crewmate I'm a crew I think JJ was definitely a lover I swear down that was a failed double kill so Simon and uh so Simon and JJ were lovers Simon's boyfriend what yeah but that doesn't mean imposter right yes yes so Simon's imposter JJ die I think I think Bear's killed JJ was his lover because they're yeah exactly the best killed JJ so I think Bez kills that that kind of adds up and that ties back to our Danny Aaron's thing from the start yeah it's better because I think we're all fine I'm pretty sure it's better yeah so that's why that was a triangle of Defense it's pie well it comes Randy it can't be Randy because we were both in the top right for the kill in the bottom left on I didn't see you how many decimals are in pie boss how many decimals uh wait here Randy which way were you running man that was down bottom I was going to solo mission to the reactor solo Mission were you on your own complete on my own yeah So Randy I trust you to be the other crew yeah we just need to decide it's a better pie [ __ ] me it's vote for Ethan bro I think it's bad let's just shoot I could do best man but why would you kill damage I guess yeah they can't they can't be too imposters also we're just wasting time [Music] no bro everyone said the same I literally said Ethan killed in the first round boys wait you know we're running all the way to the left yet to do reactor I'm I'm we're all on top of each other I tried killing it I killed him I'm mostly they're going I'm going JJ [ __ ] off [Laughter] it's okay no [Music] I've lost all the ability to play imposter and it scares me now oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no my goal is not today my goal is not to die my goal is not to die this is good I'm now in love with pie I wonder whether he's gonna be his [ __ ] vocal Wendy's when he's involved with something other than crewmate right hang on a minute you are in love oh no um um yes maybe oh Jesus Lord help hi I'm just a normal person I think no love no love for me for the neck who the thought this would be so stressful no no no no no no no no Danny Aaron's and I'll miss you and now I wonder if I could walk into your arms not not much is happening right now you know not much is going on bro nothing is going on I think it's the KSI and Max squash game you know I was belly dingo he's my teammate don't kill him oh my God that is a crew running together thank God thank God we didn't do that [ __ ] man this Lobby's uh why is everyone running around together man this is grim oh okay there's a lot of people here oh we chilling me and Josh is impossible yet is [ __ ] pointless because we are [ __ ] do you think love is really far oh uh a thousand miles just to see you smile Chip's in there haven't heard much from him he's just kind of been dead hasn't he ah well you need a couple people in the video that are just dead bodies you know to fill it out it's definitely it's him it's him he sat around with a little cat in his head by the way I wouldn't say this to his face but Jay this cat's so ugly I would walk a thousand miles [Music] no I'm not going there I'm not going in there I've seen that film before should we do an emergency meeting actually just to double check yeah now what is it how are we doing boys we're doing very well maybe no one's the Imposter that's crazy who are the lovers I love Simon with all my heart Danny and Simon are together the entire time together he was following oh that's quite last time but I'm a lover this time as well um I know it's not what I wanted wait what Danny you I'm [Music] I've got the heart no chip Max vosh or JJ one of them is the killer because they don't know how to sabotage I'm asexual I think I think we take a stab in the dark one of them babe I would love it I'd love to move into your house with you but it's just not you honestly I'm sick and tired of this can we all just vote for whoever all right thank you [Applause] [Music] I respect it [Music] well that shoot from Victor me that meeting is such a waste of [ __ ] time oh God is this is [ __ ] bro [Music] no we could have done that then yeah we haven't got time yeah the shittiest imposters on planet Earth [Music] [ __ ] hell I've advisor from group head okay Ethan and Lana Nautica JJ is on his ones you want to see me dance you want to see me that I dance for the camera I dance for the camera I dance for the camera I dance for the camera what what does uh what does this mean again what's the red red thing I mean again I see yeah [Music] oh my God there's so many Dons and I'm on my own all right back to cams we go JJ's clear I reckon I like JJ he's a good man shouldn't elbow in boxing match his mind but he's not bad oh he's here actually no he's fine right time to live in vents all right fosh and Josh fosh and Josh are together [Music] oh flash fingers come through there quite hey yo Harry is legit just on your arms I'm looking out for you lots did you see who killed then Harry well who died no you're [ __ ] useless then aren't you all right boys boys I just saw I just saw someone kill someone burn Harry no no no no no I saw Josh I saw Josh kill fosh finger oh fosh finger was about to call him amazing oh wow this is the easiest game online he who votes the first person starting will win eventually all right is it gonna end here [Music] what do you want to do in the second one tell me to work now wait imposter imposter oh not impossible you'll say just don't know what to say yeah
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 4,802,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen, miniminter, ksi, zerkaa, behzinga, tbjzl, vikkstar, wroetoshaw
Id: 7zMzI1t8mIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 53sec (2633 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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