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- Welcome to the Sidemen Ice Dunk Tank Challenge! Everyone's really excited as you can tell. (laughing) We're approaching winter, the water is ice cold but we're gonna be doing a quiz and the losers get dunked. - Why are we doing a quiz? - Happy six years by the way. - Because it's the six year anniversary of the Sidemen. - So we're gonna subject ourselves to pain for your viewing entertainment. - It looks sunny but it's cold. - Yeah, you may be fooled by the camera. This is not going to be fun. Me and Vik are gonna take the step first. - (mumbles) (uplifting music) (applause) - Let's do this. (uplifting music) (swooshing) (splashing) - Support my training. - I'm watching these two right now. Oh, you're shaking, bro. - Yeah, 'cause I'm heavy. - Ooh, he's up, I think you need to-- - Oh, shit. They're up. - Oh, oh, oh! Oh, they're shitting it. - Look at Ethan, look at Ethan. - My toes! (laughing) My toes! - Why are you wearing socks? - I don't know. - First question. Okay, Ethan? - Yep. (Simon clears throat) - What was the first challenge video ever posted on the Sidemen channel? - Oh, my God. - That is evil, man. (screaming) "The Sidemen featuring Jack Whitehall Challenge". - Unreal. - Unreal. - Okay. - Well, JJ knows the answer. - I hate you so much as well, I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. (laughing) - Tan E-tan! That was... Correct. (screaming) (laughing) (splashing) Psych. (panting) (laughing) Wait, fam, he can't breathe. He can't breathe. (laughing) - Who's next? (laughing) - It was the face painting challenge. Next person. (all talk at once) - Whoa, don't look at me. I'm getting in, I'm getting in! (splashing) - Which two Sidemen members had dicks drawn on their faces during fear pong? - Ooh! - I don't have a clue. - Two members, dicks on their faces. Fear pong. Remember when you were drunk. - I think-- - He was drunk. (laughing) - I don't remember much of that video. I am gonna guess at... (they talk over each other) - Come on, come on. - Um, shit. (laughing) - Wait, who's gonna go? - Ethan. - Ethan. - And... Josh. - That is... Incorrect. (laughing) - Bro, the speed he just got out. - It was Ethan and Simon. - Oh, shit. - I was going to say it was me. (splashing) - All right, kid. - What's up? - This one's for you, bro. - All right, calm. - Ethan, you wanna do the honours? - Yeah. - Which Sidemen member was hit with the most eggs-- - Josh. - During "Try Not To Laugh" with Jack Whitehall? - Just go. - You said Josh, yeah? - What, I'm right? - Find out in a second. - So who got hit with the most eggs. - I, I would've said Josh. - How, we're never gonna get these. (button squeaks) (splashing) (laughing) (laughing continues) - God damn. - The answer was JJ. (cheering) (splashing) - The next question is going to Harry while Simon gets set. Harry? - Yes. - Which Sidemen Member said the following quote? "No way there are 16 blotches on a cow, motherfucker?" - (chuckles) I know this. Why can't I do-- - I know where this is from. It's from "Box of Lies". - Do you know where that's from, yeah? - Yeah, I think. Someone was describing a cow and they said, "how many blotches?" And they said, "No, there's no way there's 16 blotches on a cow, motherfucker." It's either, it's either you or Vik. "No way there's 16 blotches on the cow, motherfucker." That sounds like something you'd say, Ethan. - Does it? - But it also sounds like someone Vik would say. I yeet. - Who wants to do the honours on this one, lads? - Josh has got this. - I got it. - All right, so what's your answer? Lock it in, mate. (softly screams) (laughing) Lock your answer in, mate. - I wanna go with Ethan. - Harry Lewis, as you sit up on the dunk tank, the answer to the question is... Correct. (laughing) (splashing) - Which Sidemen member grabbed the most balls during "The Sidemen Giant Inflatable Slip and Slide Challenge"? - Jesus. - That's a question, mate. (laughing) His face! (laughing) His face! - Why are these questions this hard? - Grabbed the most balls. - Who's the ball grabber, bro? - We did two rounds. - Who was the biggest ball grabber? - I think it was me. - And are you locking that answer in? - (screams) No! Yeah, I'm locking in Miniminter. - You've locked in Miniminter. - You think you are the-- - He's actually-- - You think you're the ball grabber? - He actually-- (splashing) (laughing) - That was savage. - That was fucking savage. (screaming) - It was me mate, because, because I cheated. (laughing) And when the video ended, I kept putting more in. - Oi! Harry's dry. I don't like that. - Harry! - I want you to be wet and cold. - All right, Harry. In the Sidemen VS Faze crossbar challenge, which Sidemen members hit the five crossbars? - I hit it once. Vik hit it twice and I believe Miniminter got the first one on the last one. - That your final answer? - That is my final answer. - I know it's right, I'm not stressed. (laughing) (splashing) - All right, Tobi, in the Sidemen Bake-off intro, JJ lists off four words he doesn't know the meaning of. (laughing) - What? - That's the question? - That's unfair. Who made these questions? - It says list two. I'm tempted to say if you can list-- - I don't know any. - If you can list one. - I'll list one, I think. - If you can say one. - You might as well come and dunk me now. - Tobi, grab you chain, grab your chain (laughs). (cheering) - Oi, you know who he looks like? The black meme, yeah. (laughing) Yo (laughs). The darkness meme. (laughing) - I know exactly what you mean. He came out like. (laughing) - The answers were "barock"? - Baroque. - Baroque, boondoggle, fastidious and sycophant. - Fastidious, I remember. - And he's getting who hit the crossbar. (laughing) (splashing) - Good luck, mate, good luck. - Harry "Wroetoshaw" Lewis, one of the Sidemen, are you ready for your next question? - Come on, lad, please. - Out of the 1,675 videos on Miniminter's channel, how many have KSI in the title? (laughing) To the nearest 20. - Okay, right, let's do this mathematically. So wouldn't this roughly one in 10. I'm gonna go one in 10. So that makes 160. All right, I'm gonna go for 120. - Ooh! - Oh, that's close. You've done it, you've done again. That's actually a really good guess. - Bit concerned that's really low, you wanna change? - Do I wanna change? Um. - Bro, his legs are shaking. (laughing) - I'm gonna go, okay, so 120's low. - Whoa, whoa, that's from Vik. - That's Vik's-- - I'm gonna, I'm gonna go 130. (laughing) - 130. - Harry, mate, the answer's 35. - What? (splashing) (laughing) - (screams) Whoa, Jesus. Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus. (laughing) - Only 30? - (both) 35. - 35. - 35, all right. - 33 "KSI"s, one "KSIman" and one "KSIOlajideBT". (splashing) - All right, Josh, you ready? - I think so. - In the "2019 Sidemen Moo Off", who smacked themselves in the face with a ukulele? - Harry? - That was the-- - Why is that on there? - That, going from, what-- - Okay, well, I mean, yeah. - Sometimes it's gonna be easier. - Correct. (cheering) (screaming) - Ethan? - Hello, mate. - Who won the most points in "Sidemen Go To The Arcade"? - Who won the most points on "Sidemen Go To" This was the cruise ship video. Am I correct? - You are correct. - Yeah, more Sidemen arcade video. (laughing) It was, I think the person to come away with the most. (laughing) - Stop looking at me. - It was Simon. (splashing) - It was me! - It was Josh. - It was Josh. (panting) (splashing) - All right, Josh? - Yes? - Which Sideman used to have a picture of Rita Ora as their Twitter header? - Ooh! (laughing) - As their Twitter header? It ain't Vik, no way it's Vik. - I mean, Rita Ora's a lovely woman. - She is. - Did Simon do it? - You say it's something I would do? - Potentially, yeah. - Yeah, it could be up there with me. - I don't know. I'm gonna go Ethan. Screw it, gonna be wet. - So your answer is Ethan? - Get me wet, please. - The correct answer is... Tobi. (laughing) (splashing) - Look at his meathead. His meathead just hanging out the top. No, Josh, get your head in there. Get your head in there, no. Get your fucking, get your head in there. (laughing) Get your head in there. (splashing) - Vik, if you get this I'll rate you so highly. I'm gonna give him a little hint 'cause I feel bad for him. - No! - Wait, no, no, once I've said it 'cause-- - No! - All right, okay, okay. What is Josh and Freya's anniversary? - Oh, I couldn't even-- (laughing) - [Ethan] No, you can. - [Josh] He knows, he knows. - No, I genuinely couldn't tell you what month it's in. - What month do you think it's in? - I have zero-- - Have a guess. - Bro, you've got-- - Okay, okay, I guess, um, October. - This man needs some help, come on. - Well, how are you gonna-- - Okay, I'll give you a clue. It's around Santa time. - It's around Santa time (chuckles). - It's around Santa Time. - He's gotta get the exact date now. - I need the exact date? - Exact date. - Hey, mate. - Around Santa time. Fuck it, 21st of December. - Ooh. - Back it up. (splashing) (laughing) - Oh, no. That means I'm in. (laughing) - It was the 28th. - He was a week off, a week off. (splashing) - This question is going to the cheese string head man that's now slapping his shoulders right here. And this question is: what car did Simon own when he moved to the Sidemen house? - The first one. - Hey, KSI, your best friend, which car did he have when you moved to the Sidemen house? - Oh! - Mate, I know what he's gonna say (laughs). - No! Is it not? - [Simon] What? - [Harry] Oi, stop conferring. - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. - [Tobi] He hasn't said anything. - Hey, I'm going to have to push you for an answer right now. - I know it's not the Tesla. - Right. (laughing) - Yeah, that's a good one, yep. - Nice work, mate. - It's gotta be the Evoque. - What? - Fam. (laughing) (splashing) - Fuck you! - He got money after then. (splashing) - Which two Sidemen ate the world's hottest chip? - That's fucking easy. That's really easy. - That's pretty easy. - And I've gotta guess what your fucking anniversary is! (laughing) Why do I give a shit? (laughing) - It's a lot different when you're up here. - Let me steal. - [Harry] Ooh! - Technically there was three of us 'cause I ate a little bit. So can I be one of the answers? - No. (laughing) - Harry and Ethan? - Ooh! - Whoa, what? Okay. - [Josh] Harry and JJ. (screaming) (splashing) (laughing) - This one's smaller. This is a lot smaller. - What just happened? - He just-- - Ethan, what's wrong with you, bro? (laughing) - [Josh] He just stacked it into it. - [KSI] Oh, my God. - [Josh] Look at the fucking button. - Oh, no! I slid on the whole fucking ground. (laughing) - You bent the thing in. - Oh, my gosh. (splashing) - In "How to make a horror film" who was the killer? - "How to make a horror film" on Simon's channel. The killer was JJ. (laughing) - He's about to be. (laughing) - You did the dance going down the corridor. (laughing) - Yeah, correct. (laughing) (splashing) - Name three of the games in the MM7 Games video intro. - Oh, my God (laughs). - Wow, wow. (laughing) - I remember that intro. - Pure evil, pure evil. - I remember that intro. - There are five games in total. - Can I ask how long ago this intro was used or is it still used now? - When my channel started. It was the first video on MM7 Games. (laughing) - Okay, right. Let's work this out. So it can't be "FIFA" because "FIFA" was already, you've already done "FIFA" for your main channel. "Slenderman". - What? (laughing) - Don't (laughs). - This is a man who stopped playing video games a long time ago. - "Minecraft" and... And, no, no, I've got it, I've got it, I've got it and... (laughing) "Super Seducer". - [Harry] What? - [Vik] What? - So, what, you said, "Slenderman", - "Minecraft" (laughs). - "Super Seducer" and "Minecraft", right? - Okay, just "Minecraft". - Oh, okay. Well, can I just choose the ones again then? (laughing) "Battlefield", "COD", "Titanfall", "GTA". (screaming) (splashing) - "Slenderman" (laughs). (screaming) (splashing) - Tobi? - Yes? - This question's for you. What word did JJ make up meaning "when you're so rich you don't have to "look at the price tag." - Vamgine. - What did you say again? - Vamgine. - Oh, okay. - How do you spell it? - V-A-M-G-I-N-E. - What? - V-A-M-G-I-N-E (they talk over each other) - He's toying with us here. (splashing) - [Ethan] All right, Josh. - No, he's not gonna get this. If he gets this, I'll jump in the tub myself. - All right, okay. - He said, if you get this, he'll jump in the tank himself. - To the nearest thousand- - Thousand? - How many calories did the entire group burn altogether during the "Sidemen burn 70,000 calories "in 24 hours" challenge? - The newest thousand of every single person altogether? - [Harry] Yeah. - Look at this little statistical brain working. Hey, mate, your head's that big for no reason. (laughing) - Does someone want to go up and put some pressure on him? - Okay, 6.6 per six. - Tick tock. - Let's go 42,000. - So he's got it wrong? - He's got it wrong. (laughing) - Hey, mate, in honour of your meathead. (button squeaks) (splashing) (laughing) (screaming) - You were within a thousand. - Wait, what? - It wasn't the nearest thousand. - 42,906. (laughing) - I know you weren't but- (laughing) - I said the right number, I said the right number! I said the right number! (splashing) - When the Sidemen were being awkward in public, which sideman won the "Star Wars" duel? - I'm going with Simon. - Are you sure? Are you sure? - [Josh] Oh! - Yes, just do it. - (laughs) I get to do it for the first time. Fucking hell, I wanna do it, I wanna do it, please. - Is that three? - Good work, Tobi! - Bro, he got three. - Yeah. - He's down, he's down. - Which means Vik. - Ah, shit. (laughing) (splashing) - Lads, I haven't got one right. - Well, this is your chance. - It's not gonna be, it's gonna be hard, isn't it? - What is the web address of Josh's clothing line? - ZRK.LDN (button squeaks) (laughing) (splashing) - He got it perfect except it's London. - I hate your fucking guts. - Dot London, dot London not LDN. (laughing) - He's frozen. - He's got hypothermia. - He's done. - I can't feel my legs. (splashing) - Right, Vikkstar. - We look like penguins, all huddled together. - Huddled together now. - In the "Sidemen Break World Records" video, Who had the smallest forehead? (laughing) - Well, you're looking at them right now, work it out. - Everyone hide your forehead. Everyone hide your forehead. - Apply the pressure. - Apply the pressure (laughs). - Right, you have to answer before he gets there. - I'm going with me. (tank squeaks) (laughs) I nearly jumped in. (laughing) - You got it right. (cheering) (splashing) - All right, JJ. (clapping) - Stop that, bro. If you can just come back to the actual spot now, please? - Come on then, you pricks. - Olajide. - Shall I just dunk him 'cause he called us pricks? - Yeah. (laughing) - Hey, yo, wait, what. - Which Sideman- - Ethan. - [Tobi] Did Simon. - (laughs) Do it! (mumbles) - Dunk him. (button squeaks) (laughing) (splashing) - Oh, that means I'm up. (laughing) - Which Sideman, Ethan (laughs). - Look his bum's down. (laughing) - [Ethan] Oh, God. - [Josh] Twerking as well. (laughing) (splashing) - Which Sideman did Simon collab with first? - Ooh! - I wanna apply pressure. (laughing) - [Sidemen] Five, four, three, two-- - I'm going with you, JJ, KSI. - What is the answer? (laughing) - It's the other black one. Push the button. (laughing) (laughing continues) (button squeaks) (splashing) (laughing) (laughing) - That was torture. That was worse than the drop itself. (laughing) The way Vik gets out is so funny. - He just jumps out, yeah. - That was sick. (splashing) - Hey, Minature Minter, which Sidemen member is the first to score in the "Sidemen Giant Football Darts" video? - Ooh. - And who would like to dunk him? - Someone else do it. - I'll do it, I'll do it. (laughing) Five, four, three, two-- - Josh. (laughing) - Incorrect. (screaming) (splashing) (laughing) He just sent himself, he just sent himself. He didn't even press it. - I didn't press. - Are you serious? - You leant forward. - Mate, JJ was like. (splashing) - During the "Sidemen Whisper Challenge"-- (screaming) Which Sidemen member said, "JJ kisses Freezy and f's him in the arse"? - Was it who started it? - Who says that? - I think, Simon, it is you. - Ah, Harry, mate, this wind's not gonna treat you nicely. (screaming) (button squeaks) (splashing) (laughing) - It was Tobi. (splashing) - I need a cuddle. I desperately want a cuddle. - Who did JJ find first in the "Sidemen $10 million Mansion Hide and Seek Video"? - I know the answer to this! - Which one's that one? - I said what I said. (laughing) - [Ethan] I know the answer to this. - I'm gonna go with Ethan. - Well, that's unfortunate. It's Harry. - [Simon] Yeah. - Naked it in the bathroom. - He's escaped! (laughing) - You're literally sat on the back. (laughing) (splashing) - In the "Sidemen Countdown", when Josh threw a dictionary at the mug, who did the drink go all over? - It went all over me. (laughing) - That is the correct answer. - I'm freezing up here. (splashing) This one's for Vik. (screaming) - Vik. - All right, Vikkstar? - Yeah. - Who are the two non-Sidemen members in the "Sidemen Deal or No Deal" video? - Jamie and Callux. - Ooh! - Wait, is that right? Oh, my God. - (screams) I hate your guts. (laughing) I hate your guts. (splashing) - The last question is to both of you. - Hey, Vik, we are, we are the greatest people here. We've got the biggest set of bollocks on us. - This guy right here has a set of bollocks on him. - We've got the biggest set of bollocks. - Okay, we're actually just gonna change this and say, who can name the most of the names written on the toasters in the "Sidemen Homemade Olympics Toaster Toss"? (splashing) (laughing) - All right, Vik- - That means you have to name at least one. - [Josh] You could've survived. - No, I didn't, I just fucking offed myself. (laughing) - He might not get it either. - Yeah, but I've not got a clue, at least I'm done now. - Vikkstar. - Wrong. (laughing) (splashing) - It was Harvey Spice, The Champ, Joe Weller, Bez, Vik, just Vik-- - [Vik] Fuck! - Papa and Tobi. (splashing) - Well, thank you for watching The Sidemen-- - (screams) You bastard! - Ice Dunk Tank Challenge. (laughing) I don't really have much to say right now. But thank you for watching. (uplifting music) - Wait, wait, wait. - [All] Discount code! (cheering) - What is it? - The discount code is "cold". (laughing) - Nah, I was thinking "dunk". (cheering) - Dunk! - Dunk! For how much? - Let's go 20% again. (cheering) - Thanks for watching us for six years and 6 million subscribers. - Woo! Sidemen to 10 mil, please. Thank you. Subscribe, tell your friends to get more giveaways. - Bye. ♪ Drip and sip ♪ ♪ Drip and sip ♪ ♪ Pull up, pull up, pull up ♪ ♪ Pull up, pull up in the gold, I'm leading ♪ ♪ All them other man need feeding ♪ ♪ I don't wanna go Bombay ♪ ♪ Dem man don't know what I do when I go from bealing ♪ ♪ Leading the pack in black and I'm out with the best ♪ ♪ Step out with the phone and dab ♪ ♪ Bust up on man with a duster ♪ ♪ Put 'em in a drip and sip blockbuster ♪ ♪ Win, win, win, that's the only M.O ♪
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 16,251,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: kxNkKBBM6ik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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