Hermitcraft 9: Episode 22 - NEW MEGA BASE

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is hermitcraft time oh oh my goodness there seems to be a very large number of eggs around what's on I mean this is this is so many dragon eggs how are there this many dragon eggs I didn't even realize that there could be this many dragon eggs this feels illegal absolutely feels illegal this definitely is illegal I mean unless we're all though that feels illegal too I don't want to get too close to those this is insane how many dragon eggs is there this is like thousands of dragon eggs this is ridiculous thankfully our base has been left unharmed that seems to be Dragon eggless so I guess I guess that's that's kind of good but I've just thought how on Earth how am I meant to get rid of these the the they just teleport around don't they oh my word this is going to be the most painful thing in the world to remove this this is yeah that's just I've just realized that that's oh that's a lot yeah that's a lot to remove oh my goodness I mean not to be that guy but um can't help but notice that well I mean that's Green's Bridge and like this is all of Green's area and then that area over there is scars so really like I only have to clear sort of these eggs gosh this is a lot though I don't know how we're gonna retaliate to this I have no clue this is serious I think I'm gonna leave for a while and go to this rather lovely creative mode testing world that absolutely has zero Dragon X is a few days after my flurry of Creation in this world that I featured in the previous hermitcraft episode and I gotta say I am still absolutely in love with this design I think it is just it is so me that's the only way that I can describe it now there's lots of details I need to work out things like proportions and ratios but I would say the actual design itself I'm incredibly happy with I can't see this design fundamentally changing your tools I would say we are probably good to start building it on the hermitcraft server I am both incredibly excited and also incredibly nervous what part should I build first I mean originally I was going to build the towers first but they now start 150 blocks up so that might be a bit weird it's gonna have to be this bottom bit isn't it let the resource Gathering commence so it turns out I'm such a rich hermit that I actually forgot about these diamonds that I have in this shulker box so I took some of those over to the handcraft shopping district and I gathered up a bunch of new tools so that I could have an undisrupted mining session for deep slate I didn't want to have to go back and forth to get my tools mended I just wanted to get in the zone and keep buying it and I gotta say the process of mining deep slight is a little bit painfully slow because of course even with a haste 2 Beacon an efficiency five in my pickaxe you still don't have insta mine and that is something that I have grown incredibly used to over the years the idea that I would go down to the depths of the world and just pile through blocks that no longer happens anymore you just have to slowly work your way through but we managed to get an incredibly large quantities and then I moved on to Blackstone which even more frustrating than deep sleep now yes you can instamine it if you have a haste 2 Beacon but the issue is Blackstone actually spawns In Pockets so that means if you did construct a beacon firstly you'd have to clear out all the space up to the top of the nether that's incredibly frustrating but also you then have to move the beacon around a bunch as you go out looking for pockets of Blackstone and I honestly think that would be slower but after a good few hours of Blackstone mining I've got a huge amount so hopefully that should cover us for the time being and now it's time to move on to the Warped stems which are their own kind of problem I guess I have to gather up all of the funguses which I did using a piston pushing back and forth and then planting them and breaking them I mean I must be able to find a faster way of doing this I should really automate this process because I need so many of these logs for this ridiculous build regardless all of the resources are now gathered so we should be ready to start building creators just joined the game I wonder if I if I right click on one of okay I shouldn't be allowed that I shouldn't be allowed that any of these if anyone touches any of these well green is online he he's a goner and that is a bit of a problem oh dear I don't think he's gonna have a very fun time both methods make me crash that's so convenient Korean that is so ridiculously convenient so you wouldn't have a feeling that I'm gonna have to sit this one out you see uh yeah I'm not sure I can participate in this cleanup operation can can you send me your Minecraft folder please can you can you send that to me we'll leave we'll leave it with the sky whatever or just the crash log and then I can just you know fake it I can just put it up on the screen and be like ah you know just like we'll practice now you just log out when I do that ready ready if I do this I'm gonna go as well yeah I think we've got it I think it's gonna have to be scar isn't it it's gonna have to be scarf my goodness yeah well this is an awfully large number of jagged eggs I don't know how long this is gonna take to clear up but it's gonna be quite long oh this is a nightmare what I heard it I turned did you get to see that I I think I saw two frames of Scar's existence and then it was just items hi buttercup hey work to do buttercups yeah you've got a lot of work to do actually yeah yeah we got a really big issue yeah I got all the Landscaping I got the truck coming around with the plants and the trees I got work to do and it's covered in eggs I got I got really bad news yes that both methods of getting rid of the eggs make me crash and Mumbo has the same issue yeah really yeah yeah definitely for real do you wouldn't mind yeah I think it's important I'll break this block okay stand in front of it no no stand here I want to get a good view I want to get a good view stand here stand right next to kick Mumble get over here okay yeah yeah get over here hold hands hold hands get close Closer Closer a little closer yeah there we go you'll love to see it you ready here we go one three two two one four nine do you reckon that was convincing dragon that was convincing I don't know how long I should leave it before I come back onto the server oh wait oh no wait oh um so you're you're the only one small brain but I'm picking up what you're throwing down here yeah yeah two two of us are unable to get the eggs so yeah see you have to do all the clearing up you know did I tell you I got some trees being delivered from the nursery you're the only one the only one these eggs boy yeah I can't believe that it's just such bad luck that mine would also start that's a rough wait wait I I felt something strange inside my pit of my stomach hold on look watch oh oh my gosh look look oh what do you think could have happened that is so so weird oh yeah right like how did I start crashing out of nowhere yeah please you see that I crash crash I didn't see anything because I actually crashed no no yes so did we we both really actually crashed we totally agree we're a little bit yeah we're a trio Buttercup Crashers that's right yeah definitely what's the plan then uh we we get uh we get Cub fan to do it yeah yeah that's always a good man for the museum I don't think he's actually on my side because uh just after I finish recording with you guys I flew over to the button uh and and pinched a red Red Crown which I think we can all agree looks lovely you don't need to be your own friend because trying to be your best friend and you're just over here doing some self-love it's unnecessary if someone's gonna clear this up yeah oh there I oh no you didn't actually click on it I almost crashed I knew it no I do it but you stayed online can we just click them and hope that they spawn just elsewhere okay let's just put aside who's going to do the cleaning for now yeah let's promise not to touch any eggs for now yep what are we gonna do in return I heard in the YouTube comments the doc has got a big robot type thing that our camp is in the way of the machine walks out the barn and just walks along here yeah and I think he's flying off Camp it's going to stamp on our camp yeah it's gonna stample all over our camp so maybe well I think I think reality is that camp is gonna stop the gun we could definitely defeat it in a more exciting way than it just crashing into my tent with our own robot and I think we should we should build our own robot and I think it should go in a barn over by over by the camp here so that when dock launches whatever is in there uh our Buttercup will protect the camp in a very dramatic fashion how does that sound like a challenge in the middle exactly me in the middle hopefully do like you know Sparks can you make it explode I will gladly make it works like firework dispensers as it's going it's like I don't think no no I can't move to Spencer skull way to make my build sound disappointing again so bad every time scar makes a suggestion we shoot it down he just needs to come up with better suggestions they're all terrible I'm doing my best over here why don't you give us a good suggestion we're gonna jump on it yeah look Scott how about this you ride in the battle but it might not be comfortable when they Collide but you ride in the battle ball and you can fire that makes up as many fireworks as you want to okay I thought maybe we could make Buttercup cookies that we could eat like these but the buttercups what do we think what do we think maybe I could stand we sell the cookies it helps fund the operation you're a true warrior Scott thank you you're gonna be in charge of cookies okay excellent yeah we're on board stuff good stuff right so you'll make the the big robot of death and I shall make the flower pot that it sits in you handle the cookies excellent what a what a meeting wait this is two for two incredible meetings okay now we should be ready to start building scared you now we should finally be ready to start building so these are all of my black stone boxes that's my wood box and then these are all of my deep slate boxes now I think one thing that I hadn't realized is actually how big the bottom of this is this is the first block this is how far away from the farm the base of this thing starts so it's going to go from there all the way up to probably around about there and he's going to go right the way out on each side so I guess I should probably remove some of the terraforming that I did for this this thing right here just so the front of the build follows a slightly more natural transition with the landscape albeit it's kind of difficult to know what is landscape and what is just an explosion hole these days goodbye Farm planning device I used you a grand total of once but that one time was lovely this bridge unfortunately also needs to go and now the entire space is clear so we can actually start placing in the first blocks okay so it's a verdant frog lamp and have I forgotten what it looks like already okay so I need to clear a little bit of an area here and then I need to get the stairs underneath that will allow me to then place in the logs in the correct orientation yeah I'm remembering now and then we need to strip these that's looking good and then it's it stares all the way across and then upside down stairs which is going to be annoying to place maybe I should build up the Deep slate borders first that will allow me to kind of build off of the edges yeah that definitely seems like a smart move right and then I need to take this all the way out to why 128 so that's that's 20 more blocks to go up here and that should just about do it so that is how tall this first layer is going to be in relation to our volts and immediately I think it needs to be about 10 blocks higher now that we have the vault in place I think proportionally yeah this needs to be taller that extra 10 blocks in Heights probably cost me thousands of blocks in resources but I think it's worth doing I've already blown up my base once I don't want to do it again yes that is much much better that seems like a really nice transition to the back area remember this is layer one obviously we've got all the layers and then all the towers going upwards this thing's gonna be huge this is pillar number two Dan now all of the wood can go in which I must say placing the upside down stairs although easier than it was previously still requires a little bit of timing but as with all things I'm gradually finding my rhythm as you can see look at that that was professional I'm pretty happy with this I managed to build it to be the perfect height so this meets up with this then we've got the stairs and then this connects up with the blocks at the top which is going to be our walkway so this is where our first tier is going to be very very exciting indeed okay this is looking really really cool now it's time to start getting the surrounding blocks in place so I guess that is the black stone going across here so there are three segments of Black Stone separated by bits of deep slate and The Verdant frog lamps and the Blackstone is placed in strips of the polished stuff and then the bricks as well but then also it's kind of got a few bits of the Cobble in place as well so I need to remember to place those that could be something that I easily forget I also need to make sure that I don't forget what part of the sequence I'm in which is very easy to do when you're placing in the cobbled stuff again I think I'm finding a flow albeit incredibly clunky not that that clip showed any evidence of that I am absolutely amazed at the fact that I have managed to not make any mistakes here there are no areas where I've gone out of sync that's incredibly impressive I mean there's going out of sync and then there's forgetting that there was ever meant to be a sink in the first place that is incredibly embarrassing but we got there in the end Blackstone wall number two is all completed I am gradually getting faster at this this one only took about 10 minutes this is the third wall all completed and this one should give us a good idea of the scale of things yeah that's that's looking pretty massive and it extends out even further than that this is Blackstone wall number four I'm now going in the opposite direction like Stonewall number five and Blackstone War number six okay next up on the agenda then is to place in the little things that divide up all of the black stone walls these are strips of the deep slate with The Verdant frog lights in the middle oh by the way just to give you a heads up of what I'm working on here I thought I would just do one side of the build like one side of the base so that I can get all of the proportions worked out immediately not that I think they're going to change I think I have them pretty worked out but just in case it's slightly off I thought it made a little bit more sense that it's only one side that is off as opposed to the entirety of the build because again I can't stress this enough as much as it was really fun blowing up my last base really don't want to blow the blower again now this part of the build is a little bit simpler it is just literally lines of the polished stuff because that contrasts quite nicely with all the other blocks that we have I enjoy working on things like this that don't require my brain and now that it's in place I would say this is where things will begin to come together yes okay it's starting let's get the other ones in and now that they're in I've realized we actually need one more on each side because this is not the full size of the build it's still got a little bit more expansion to do gosh does it look cool at night though oh my word that's incredibly satisfying I had the perfect number so the bad news is I spent 15 diamonds on frog lights and I have used up all of them in this fairly small section of the mega bass but the good news is is that this Frontage is now done now we need to do the diagonals of what's behind me my head the diagonals of these things and they go there and then the black stone kind of folds in behind them there's like an air gap which I always like the look of now this is absolutely something that I need to make sure I don't mess up because there's angles involved here there's all sorts of of block shapes and spaces involved that if I get wrong will look horrific and what doesn't help is that the version that I built in my testing well the creative mode testing world I actually built wrong and then I remember that I told myself oh yeah you have to work out what's gone wrong here and try and fix it and then I forgot I forgot about trying to fix it I had an idea on how I would fix it but then I never took any note of it and I never did it in the creative mode testing world and now I've forgotten it so now the build that I'm trying to work from I know is wrong and I don't know how to fix it but I need to get it right this time a decent amount of stressing later I think I've got it worked out so I need to go five blocks from one of these pillars right here five blocks across one block back and then this is where our three block diagonal starts yeah that's not confusing at all I'm still not 100 convinced with my terrible maths but I'm just gonna start building and see what happens I've decided instead of being a three block diagram we should be a four block diagonal I think it just looks a little bit beefier yeah that looks good that looks substantial so now adding in all of the wood blocks and adding in the rounded edges and everything we should now have a corner of this build yeah that looks cool okay so the black stone going in behind that is then going to complete the picture but first I need to build up the other side which I want to let you know is a painfully slow process just because I need to make sure it is perfect and then the actual construction itself I don't know I'm just I'm I'm like a really slow Minecraft player I think oh that looks so cool though that looks so so cool right Blackstone and goodness me this is going to require a lot of Blackstone but with that being said it is incredibly satisfying to place you just run back and forth like this like a weird printer I've played a lot of Minecraft today apologies I think I'm going slightly insane although weird printer isn't the oddest thing that I've ever called myself I think the way I said it just made it sound strange by the way these extra editions here these are like the five percent that makes a 25 difference just the addition of this has made it all connect up so well I didn't know this was coming because of course I've already built this in the creative mode testing world but I find it so interesting how that works in builds and in anything in life really I mean just look how cool this now looks it's like it's like a crazy Stadium at this point in time obviously it is eventually going to turn into a tower but right now this looks like it could host like the Super Bowl and the World Cup and also two YouTubers boxing all at the same time kind of concerned that YouTube boxing made its way into the three major events I could think of off the top of my head but hey I guess that's 2023 for you I'm absolutely chuffed bits with the way this has started it just it fits in so nicely with the Vault everything is working I have never been so happy with a scary decision in my life the decision to blow up my base although it sounded fun was terrifying but this already is better chuffed chuffed chuffed I've got a lot of editing to do for this episode I wonder I wonder how far down the line this could go I mean another Red Cap would be pretty nice but that purple crown is looking Within Reach tune in to the next hermitcraft episode to find out if I become my own best friend
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 76,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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