Parents & Kids Play Truth or Drink

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all right guys i i don't i honestly i gotta be honest i've just i know i'm not feeling that inspired you know cud hasn't posted a video a good video in like over a week how am i supposed to make videos if they don't unbelievable get it together over there what are you guys doing walking around with your fingers in your head in your butts get it together so i did what any good cut reaction channel owner would do and i went back in the archives we got parents and kids play truth or drink i can already tell this one is good because this girl has the haircut that i want that's what i've been going for this whole time but first i'd like to thank the sponsor of this episode which is expressvpn guys not using expressvpn is basically like taking a call in your car on bluetooth in rush hour traffic with every single window open yeah sure you're still taking the call right yeah yeah sounds good jim yeah sell all my shares how much is it gonna be four million dollars perfect i'll expect that wire 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and you can protect your privacy today by hitting the link in the description and you'll get three months free of expressvpn or you can go to codyco alright back to the video all right let's jump into this [Music] i'm chelsea i'm lee it's my dad i'm cody i'm the guy who watches cub videos i'm marietta i'm yasmin and i'm marietta's daughter yeah not too much sex okay yeah but you know yeah we're pretty open with each other wow wow they look so similar to each other they have the exact same face that's crazy yeah it's going to be exciting all right i'm going first yes sir describe the night of my conception in vivid detail the cut you guys are f'd in the b all right you guys are f in the brain you guys are s in the h sick in the head you guys are sick in the head you're sick why would you do this it makes for excellent content though i'll tell you that don't do that please if no do it do it and now i'm eft in the bee yeah you better do that it was a year of [Laughter] 1993 and i remember the guy being like i'm so in love with you i don't think i can do this and i'm like what do you mean you can't come here [ __ ] and i sucked his dick off he said come here [ __ ] i sucked the [ __ ] out of his dick and then you were born i sucked his dick so hard i got pregnant mom wait a minute what do you mean we didn't even have sex i just sucked this dick so hard i got pregnant list all the illicit drugs you've tried it's really basic weed mushrooms crack hell no so marijuana cocaine what ecstasy what drugs have you done me yeah you answer the question no i can tell you right now i've never done drugs how are you doing she's wild i like that one why did she say i've never done drugs and then she took the shot as well alcohol is a drug all right [Music] so is weed what if one of the parents was like all right you got me heroin kratom crocodile you know just the basic pcp just the basic [ __ ] i accidentally did heroin once it was a powder i thought it was molly like it makes a difference i don't do it anymore that was when i was 21 22. give her a break dude all right we've all it happens to the best of us we've all accidentally done a little heroin what was your reaction when you found out you were going to be a parent i was happy you know because actually i wanted about 10 kids jesus but after i started having i was like ooh i really don't want teen kids i like them i like them scared i was like how old were you though i was 16 yeah so that's fair i i wasn't ready for it the marriage was crap and i wanted a baby and we got pregnant and i thought that was gonna fix it it's funny because it just proves the fact that people think that having a baby will fix their problems it doesn't work knock it off did she just say my tag line did you say knock it off it doesn't work knock it off knock it off knock it off that's my line knock it off this is getting a little bit deep i don't know if i want i don't know just like the other one where i i wouldn't go through my sister's phone i wouldn't really want to know the answers to these questions you know as a child you kind of want to live and just piss pissful pissful ignorance i just want to be ignorant to the fact that i'm pissing all over myself all the time peaceful ignorance is what i meant you know you want to live in peaceful ignorance that your parents aren't actually real human beings and they've never really made any mistakes of their own i think that's healthy do you want to have children i can't decide i really love children it's not magic they're stinky they cry they poop they can be annoying but they're beautiful creatures so don't don't grow until you're 50 and you will not be able biologically have children and you'll regret it when your eggs dry gone okay holy [ __ ] no [ __ ] there that was the driest most honest way to say that she just spilled the like that was just absolutely just don't wait till you're 50 you'll dry up your eggs will drop you can't have kids and it's no walk in the park all right they poop all over the place you ready to have a baby spray [ __ ] all over your face potentially it's no walk in the damn park all right moving on what's next what is your favorite sexual position in life okay drink please okay okay drink you drink this is not gonna happen why i mean being sexually opening wise matter i don't know it's weird why like if you're you're okay fine no no no no drink freaking drink sideways because i'm lazy okay that's wonderful now you know all right we're gonna read this next one sideways that's a great way to answer that because you know you know exactly what i mean just sideways you know exactly what it means sideways but you don't have to get it's not too graphic you know you don't have to say doggy style or something weird to your mom you're some weird position you know some specific one like i like to i like to do it you know i like to lay down a little pierogi every now and then that's my favorite position because then she's like what is that and then you got to tell her about you know you got to put the balls in that's whatever and you know just you don't want to you don't want to discuss details with your mom sideways easy answer in and out no pun intended do you ever do butt stuff butt stuff what does that mean do you eat ass you get anal do you put the finger in the butt like do you do butt stuff yeah i just need a drink cause that's me not on myself on other people two legged or four-legged two-legged or four-legged on other people two legged or four-legged did he just ask his son if he [ __ ] animals the producer was like that wasn't a question on the cue card what are you doing what are you doing have you ever had anything in your butt yeah you said yeah no no well [Music] this is killing me this is killing me the second hand embarrassment is murdering me right now that just the shame in that is why your mom likes to get crazy sometimes you know every once in a while your mother will slip me a digit your mom has been known to play ring around the posie if you know what i mean it's your turn it's your turn it's your turn butt joke name three ways i [ __ ] up as a parent that evil laugh that the producer does listen to that yes please do name three ways she's [ __ ] up as a parent it would bring me great joy to watch this family relationship absolutely crumble on my own show my mom is so great that she never [ __ ] up just kidding okay so in elementary school maybe you could have been more like proactive and like what what do say ptsa and stuff like that because i worked two shifts because your father was gambling away all the money she is she's been through some [ __ ] she has been through some [ __ ] you can just tell she's just no [ __ ] like no time two jobs remember two jobs you were a baby pooping and peeing and [ __ ] everywhere two jobs your father gambled away all the money on a scale from one to ten how heterosexual are you heterosexual that's like straight straight yes like one is super gay and is there tens like is there a super guy did he just ask is there super gay is there a super gate like is that a superhero super gay what does he do super straight i'd probably say eight nice thirty i can answer this for you on a scale one to ten how heterosexual are you negative five probably a one that's a lot lower than i was expected how heterosexual are you a five would you still love me if i dated a woman i love you but distantly i don't know what to say because i already know that you feel that way okay oh that's that's too bad that's too bad for the daughter it really is she's set in her ways she's not taking any anything from anybody you can't change her mind about anything that's sad that's a sad thing okay she's okay mom i'm bisexual okay okay okay i'll text you are you going to change my diapers when the time comes i'd rather not i'm gonna tell you the truth me and brother can put you in a home i better be proud to change your diaper that's my thing at my no but cause trust me your mother's gonna be busy doing that give me a question give me a last because i have one get all [ __ ] sentimental and weird what did you think i was capable of becoming when i was a child have i lived up to those expectations i'll drink for that [ __ ] that's a deep ass question this is making me oh man i'm like now i'm like oh sitting back here wondering if i made my own parents proud you know what i mean what the [ __ ] cut you always you always find a way into my heart you know i start off all cheeky watch another cut video cut cut but then but then i find myself almost in tears you know maybe that's the gin shine talking i don't know but you always figure out a way to tug on my ball strings no i don't know that i yeah there you go be whatever you want to be no expectations you still pissed me off oh yeah you still piss me off all the time too and if it wasn't for child abuse i would have whipped your ass a few times wow damn it but now uh what i thought you were gonna be nothing she was so lazy when she was young but now seeing you where you are i mean you move out of the house at 19 you're 24 and you have done so much uh yeah i think my expectations are ah oh that's the answer that's the answer any kid would want to hear right there really all right that's it folks thanks for watching another episode of uh me watch watching cut um okay i'm just gonna end it i think on one word and that's okay okay [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 2,989,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cody, cody ko, codyko
Id: kIj9mw4Fy7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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