Should This Be The 6x6 Off-Road Cab?!

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good morning it is another day of working in the shop and we are back on the Spud truck and today we got a couple of special tasks to do before we can start working on it that's the problem with working on a project like this before you can do anything you have to do something else first so we're going to try to get the something else done first and then we'll see if we get anything else done after that we're going to do a little question and answer session right here at the very beginning why I try not to spill gas all over the shop okay that's looking pretty good I I think we'll be able to bend that that's copper so that's nice so let me let me tell you why why we can't put a fuel tank in here so we're going to be putting in a 4L 85 it's going to be longer than the manual box that's in here and then in front of this is going to be a doubler so this is actually going to end up about here now it's this isn't the transfer case we use and we're going to be using one much bigger than this also we don't want it to be below the belly cuz this is an off-road vehicle so the belly bottom of the belly is going to be flop we're tucking this all up in here so this is going to be about right here and then right behind it is going to be a splitter and then there's going to be another drive shaft right here that goes back to the back the fur furthest back axle this one will go to the front axle and then over here we have our exhaust system and remember it's not going to be below the frame it's going to be up in here there is no room room for a fuel tank now well what about behind the back axle there's a little bit of room there well that's where our hydraulic pump our electric hydraulic pump is going to be and all of the hydraulic Plumbing to run the bed theoretically we could build a fuel tank that's probably like 9 ft long 2 in wide with a heat shield on it 10 in tall it wouldn't be able to because we've got these things I think this is the best place for it this gas tank is in the way of us doing some work here there is absolutely no way we could put saddle tanks on this I don't know if you've seen how messed up the wreer is and it's going to have a shorter wheel base this is going to be our fuel tank for a little bit but Matt why would you put a temporary fuel tank on it why don't you just put the real one okay this should have it does so this is going to go in here we're gonna have to cut it we're going have to shorten it looks like we need to cut up about two and a half inches off regular shop would measure this not no so now it's in two pieces that's what we wanted let's see if it fits that's the most important thing all it's got to do is go in without bottoming out that's pretty good I noticed that Colin missed a couple welds Colin Colin where is Colin Colin is a Rudy's adventure and design working on his C10 truck with Rudy where's Rhett Rhett is in uh Florida the opposite of Florida what's the opposite of Florida Alaska Alaska R's in Alaska fishing looking at Bears flying in Bush planes he's having a heck of a holiday up there I use that for the Brits cuz that's what they call a vacation oh Matt where's Caitlyn where is Caitlyn is like a dance like Music Festival Music Festival I don't know she's at some music festival for the rest of the week so pretty much I'm stuck here with Jake and Colby this poor guy yeah Jordan's gone he's gone yeah everybody's on vacation it's not even very much summer and they're already on vacation okay we're going to we're going to bend this copper without kinking it Jake will you get under there and see how I'm doing Jake don't start a fire this time I'll try my best fire here somebody give me a rat rag ah somebody crack a Mountain Dew quit some people were very impressed with how that went down and some people were very disappointed in us I need a Mountain Dew when you scream I need a Mountain Dew no one's going to take that seriously I like oh he's fine you're like no I'm not fine okay Jake we need a strap okay maybe do we have a piece of metal that we can just temporarily pack oh yeah yeah I got you this is only going to work as a gas can if it has a vent so we're going to have to drive it around with a lid off or we're going to have to drill a hole for a vent oh oh oh oh we did get some questions and I get this so understand if I'm answering questions I am not responding to trolls I am literally just communicating with people who have legitimate questions one of the questions was why did we take the time to put this little axle on and the answer to that is we couldn't get the shop door closed and walk around the truck the way it was before so we needed to cut the back axle off and to show you maybe maybe the video didn't show up very good but this is where the mount for the front of the leaf spring was so this is where one back wheel was the other back wheel would be outside and we'd have to drive it nose it up in there this shop is Tiny when you come to see the shop you'll be like wow that thing's tiny but we'd have to drive the nose of the truck up into here to get the door shut and then we couldn't walk around cuz there wasn't enough room right here so it did make a lot of sense like I don't know it took us like four or five hours we did it over a 2-day span I think but it didn't take that much time to do it little Hammer little hammer [Music] all right that's not going anywhere this could be this could wrap around some things we should probably just tie it off here oh I can just oh let's just use yeah see Kobe this is where I keep you around it's not for your corv knowledge while we're on the question and answers um you get a lot of comments like those bolts would come out easier if you sprayed some sauce on them well we never show it but this time you're going to get to see us spray some sauce this is what it looks like spray spray spray spray so now that you've seen us spray the sauce you'll see why we always cut it out very [Music] boring oh sauce is getting [Music] sprayed and we're out all right all right I might need some uh next thing we need to do how heavy is that can we pick it up I don't know I'm at an awkward angle let me over let's try now yeah that's that's not light all right I'll pick it up you get that Jack out of there set free okay I think we should set this I'm going to take these off I think what we're going to do is set this up on here and we're going to siphon it out into the gas jugs and pour some of it in there this reminds me Joe Dirt this here ball pain hammer will trigger this a no don't cut it it's hard to guess where it's gonna go yeah where's the fire extinguisher so that is some nice 91 octane right there oh Matt why do you run 91 octane and everything well I'll tell you why because it doesn't hurt anything that doesn't need it and it keeps from hurting things that do need it we drive corar they require 91 octane I wish we could get 93 here but we can't I'd run 93 if we could a lot of your cars have sensors in them to pull timing out if you're running lower grade so yeah they'll run fine on the lower grade but you won't get all the power and that's crucial so like Jamie's Jeep Le 91 the p71 race car it runs on 91 all of the sand rails four-wheelers motorcycles chainsaws everything here everything and so we just run 91 everything so our pressure washer gets it yeah everything gets it Spud truck will probably do just fine on like 75 so we have got an enormous amount of comments about the 1950 white cabover truck cab out there and why didn't we just leave it all together and the reason it is is because it's not all together that white cab was picked up with a forklift set on the front of that Isuzu NPR frame or whatever it is it's some it's some foreign job it is not ready to go and it uh I'm surprised it even stayed on for the trip down now we are going to be doing something super cool with that but it's not the 6x6 thud trip and just have to be patient while I dream up what we're going to do with that awesome cab I agree with you it's super awesome [Applause] all right I've got to do 100 more of these we'll come back after that's done good morning yesterday kind of got away from us filming wise but I did stay late and got all these holes drilled and got all the bolts put in but I didn't want you to fill left out so I saved one bolt to tighten up and there it is so today aside from working on this truck I'm going to be answering more of your ever important questions about about what in the world is Matt doing starting with the Oshkosh axles let's go talk about that before we go talk about those axles let's just set a baseline here so this is a very typical roll back this is what you're going to get if a roll back shows up I know there's smaller ones and whatever but one thing they all have in common is a really long wheelbase and really low things hanging down in between those wheels and really low things hanging down after those Wheels we can't have of that and that's why we're doing some of the things that we're doing that are making you go Matt why you doing that the other Factor we've got to be thinking about is deck height it's got to be low enough that it'll actually work for a roll back on to the Oshkosh axles so these axles were never purchased with the intention of building a roll back with them they are essentially sitting on the ground the frame is already higher than it is on our on our uh roll back so by the time put tires on these put a frame on them put a bed on them the the deck of that bed would be almost 6 feet tall or just over 6 feet tall I'm 6'2 and that would put the deck level with the top of my head all right I was going to show you like I was going to tack all the pieces on here and show you what it was going to look like finished the problem is there's more work to do on it before we can tack it and with it installed we can't get to the backs side and I'm just getting ahead of myself so we're going to pull this off tack it all together weld it all together put it back on and then we'll admire it together [Music] sure wish Colin was here to weld this but he's working on his C10 that makes me sad and bored I'm really bored with Wess but we're going to we're just going to push through so I've had a lot to think about the mistake I made and I'm trying to find a silver lining on this cloud and the Silver Lining is it's going to get a Fresh coat of paint I've got to find a door I've got to find a clean Desert Door for this is a 1970 or 7172 we'll have Robbie paint it but it's going back the same color of blue and it's going to have some yellow racing stripes or something something really good all right we were talking about the steps and I said we've got to get rid of this or something to that effect I wasn't saying get rid of the steps I was saying get rid of the problem so what we're probably going to do is shorten them up I don't know how much but some and then we're probably going to put some rock sliders underneath them to protect them cuz there's some vintage iron there that's going work so good about right there yeah it is I couldn't be happier yeah that's legit we got a lot of welding left on this to do but hopefully this kind of gives you a visual of what this is going to look like oh that looks good enough what was that I don't know we talked about how duels don't work well in the sand so we're not even going to get into that we're going to move right along got a lot of suggestions for super singles those are the big wide semi tires you see they're just wide they take the place of you know two tires to take place of duels those won't work and I'll tell you why they won't work they don't they're not compliant enough I want you to imagine with me we're going to imagine right now you're going to have to stick with me on this tire diameter is more valuable than Tire width so let's take it to the extreme a motorcycle has really skinny tires and they can drive through the sand they'll drive right through the sand got to be a skilled Rider but they'll do it a go-kart has really wide tires and let's just make those tires 10 times as wide this big around 10 times as wide they won't go through the sand not at all they will not they'll they have way more Tire on the sand than a motorcycle they won't do it when you air a tire down it doesn't get wider it gets longer or effective ly larger diameter that's what the sand kind of sees is a larger diameter tire and the super singles won't air down like that the sidewalls aren't soft enough to let the tire squish down and elongate the tread so they are a no-o and that's why we're choosing our favorite off-road recovery Tire Milestar Patagonia m2s because they're going to dominate the sand in this beautiful Spud truck all right we're going to let Colin come in and finish welding this because not only is he a better welder than me he actually enjoys welding and I just don't enjoy it that much but I will help him get this welded let's lay this down let's drive this truck out of here let's work on the axles we here at Matt's off-road recovery take our sketchy gas can installation pretty dang seriously that's why we use mat straps if you'd like to secure your gas cans in a sketchy fashion you can go to mats Offroad get your set of mat straps matte straps are not designed nor intended for sketchy gasc installations that's going somewhere that's literally not a knot that is just twist I I used the end of that like a twisty [Music] timee all right last time we were working on axles you saw me have one all tour apart let me just show you where that is now I'll give you a status update it's not that axle it's not that axle but it's this axle so we got it all tore down we got it all put back together I've got to put the brakes and stuff on it so that's just Loosely put together but all the gears are in there they're patterned they're set everything's good the problem is is this axle is a lot newer and it's got different style hubs and my brake kit won't work with it there's some problems so what I'm hoping I can do is use Parts off of this one and parts off of this one to make the one that I need and it's going to be offset here let me draw you a picture before I draw this picture I'm going to address another question we're getting a lot of one of them is why are we putting truck axles like pickup truck light truck axles under this big heavy rig we're just going to break axles well it's not a big heavy rig when we're done it's going to be quite light and made for sand and razors but the axles that we have out there are rated for 11 ,000 lb a piece so with uh I forget where the front one's rated at uh 8,000 lb or 6,000 lb so whatever it's it's going to be like 20 rated for 28,000 lb of load carrying capacity like gross vehicle weight um it's going to be plenty good but here's the deal so we're going to be looking at this from the top we have a drive shaft we have a center chunk there we have a wheel out here we have a wheel out here here this is the front back axle 6x6 is kind of mess up all the way you have to think about front axles back axles that's the front back axle it's going to be coming straight out of a splitter right here it's going to look like a transfer case we're making a splitter out of an mp205 in front of that is going to be an MP 205 in front of that is going to be a magnum box in front of that is going to be a 4L 85 and in front of that is going to be horsepower how' it say it Hersh Powers oh in front of that's gonna be more power baby more power baby more power more power baby more power more power James I love you like a son so we've got the Magnum box here and then we got the 205 in it's a new process that's what MP stands for 205 and then we got an NP splitter going to be an npsp um this will have power coming out of it going into the splitter and then this will have a drive shaft going up here to the center trunk and you have to imagine it goes under the front of the engine there to another room all right now this back axle we've got a problem I can't run I can't stack the drive shafts on top of each other and um the I can't pass through this differential um why didn't I just get a pass through differential I'm going to nip that one in the bud because I just didn't and I'm not going to but check this out if we move the chunk to here which comes with its own set of problems but we're going to solve them and then I put a carrier bearing right there that's mounted to this axle like welded to a bracket then I can run my drive shaft out of here to here and then from here to here and now I can drive both back axles so this isn't radical thinking right here because that's what we're doing with the front axle already we have a very of offset uh the differential is very offset to one side it's going to work just fine but what we've got to do is we've got to graft some pipes together and they've got to be straight and they've got to be strong and they've got to be effective and they've got to be dynamic and they've got to be don't forget I'm out I'm out I'm out of adjectives so oh and this I know we already covered it but let me show you something there is going to be a link that comes up here and connects to the frame there going to be a link that comes up here and that's going to be my anti- wrap this is my frame rails and then I got my exhaust coming out of here and it's going to go to a big old Muffler right there and then it's going to dump on the ground and there's no room for a gas tank in there oh and behind this back axle the frame ends pretty quick and in here is going to be my hydraulic pump system HPS but all we're trying to figure out right now now is that that's what we're working on right now and to do that we're going to have to start taking this apart Jake yes sir dismantle oo I like [Music] that so all three axles are getting the Dana Spicer power lock Dana Spicer power lock is my favorite kind of posy and so should you [Music] oh I need I need a sauce containment [Music] [Applause] system SAU we've got to do something evil oh oh we've got to to start cutting these up and then hoping we can get them back together that's that's pretty Evil all right we've got to take some measurements we've got to figure out where our cuts are where our marks are um how we're going to do this all right we've got these oriented correctly and that will help me think um Jake can we you pick this up and put it where you want it right there so it won't tip over perfect okay poison it's 71 and 3/4 and that's what we need okay 71 and 3/4 this one is going to be far narrower this one is 69 and one4 so how much do we need to subtract to get the center line there so from from Center Line of this to there is minus 9 in I need to take 9 in off of this thing just need it to rotate see yeah all right let's get a j [Applause] for those of you that think I will never get this axle straight again I'm just going to let you know I have the axle straightening Rod of justice and I'm going to bring it out I'm going show you how I use it and it's going to be straight [Music] again okay well now we straight up done it yeah I got to do it again over there oh look at this thing it is never going to be the same again but it is GNA be right and if it ain't right it's going to be pretty close to right all right I've just been informed it's the end of the workday so I'm losing my entire crew I'm going to keep working for a minute though I'm going to cut this other one I'll show you that I don't know how long I'm going to stay here and work but I do know that it's going to be messy we're going to lose our camera guys so you know what that means the film quality is going to go to what Z low pretty single digits it's going to be single digits we're going to go from 100% filming to 11% all right I got this one cut off right there cut it off at 15 in and that should make this about where I want it told you the filming was going to go downhill that's going to go right there all right I'm going to clean up and it's going to be tomorrow like this I told you we'd be right back so it is the next day that's such a weird thing to say in real life you would never greet somebody by saying hello it's the next day but on YouTube it makes perfect sense it might be a little cringey to some of you but you're like H I'll let it slide it's the next day and this is what we're working on hey peanut so here's the deal we've got a lot of work to do on this so I went to F I went to schults I found some pipe it was a little bit larger outside diameter than this that's where I ended up getting it we've got that dropped off at the Machine Shop they're going to turn it down to 3.26 one it's it's not really going to be a press fit but it's not really going to be a slip fit so that area between press fit and slip fit that's what we're going to do with this all right so that leads us to the next question and that actually is the same question I ask myself hundreds of times a day what's next what do we do next there's a couple things we can do we can finish the brakes on this axle and then we can clean it up and get it painted we still have some welding to do on it but we can touch up the paint there there's lots of stuff we don't know we don't know the pinion angle yet and we're not going to know that for a while this one we can clean it up we can get the rest of the brackets and stuff off from it we can pull the gears out of it and get it all cleaned up beveled and ready for welding I think that's what we're going to do it's not very exciting work so we're probably going to Time Lapse most of them [Music] [Applause] [Music] so there's a lot of people that think that we have a crew off camera that does all the work for us and they are about 7 years late I'm just hoping they show up one of these days so our boy Jake is I don't know how to describe Jake he's like always he's a battery charger he's the kind of person when you hang around him you just feel better so he delivers on liners constantly yes one of his most prolific catchphrases is the sauce I got the sauce so I spent 5 minutes on an illustrator boom hey Jak am I free yet yeah come out here this is how much I love it whoa what dude look at this guy he made a saw shirt we got the we got the D no way got the glass clean PB brake clean too dude and the classic dude that is rad Kobe not for sale on Matt's offro limited edition let's just set this and then wash it off yeah well it's finally nice to see you not just on YouTube so they said that this is you built this right this is hand everything is by hand so we dremeled everything oh wow that's awesome look at that we figured you were getting a new shop and uh so we wanted to go big and bolt small is cool but you guys do everything big big so cool I know where we're going to put this I'm going to show you this was handmade and gifted To Us by our friends at road to solitude it's going right up there oh yeah that's a showpiece watch your step you're going to have to use your imagination but it's going to go straight up there after the sheetrock is [Music] done hold hold the air on [Music] so that's the end of today pretty much we'll see you tomorrow like this good morning we are back in the shop the weekend is behind us and the future is in front of us and the present is now we got some exciting news colins's back from Rudy Rhett is back from Alaska Caitlyn is back from the music festival Jake's always always been here it's a good thing that Rhett and Colin her back cuz we have lots of welding to do I'm going to put them on that headache rack get that finished up it's going to be a good day full of welding and painting those usually don't go together we're going to do those in different [Applause] rooms what's up ladies and gentlemen today we are going to be welding up the rest of this headache rack so let's get to it it's time to make this axle black I I don't want to say that we're going from this color to Black whatever the rusty sand blasted oh you're at hard East look like we're not even priming it what's priming it well this side's almost done oh man that's looking good just need to hammer that over and cut it off I want to take a second here and address some comments we got about drilling holes in the top side of this Frame it's a big no no you should never do it and then you watch this do it right here's what I'm thinking this truck's been around a long time the factory drilled holes in the top of the frame you can see them right here they put the rivets through them and then some Farmers came back here and drilled a whole bunch of holes in the tops of the frame look how many of these there are so not one of these holes have cracked yet I'm pretty sure that mine aren't going to crack I'm just not worried about it so we had a lot of comments that if we don't plug these holes we're going to get the wasps in there they'll build nests and they'll be a problem that actually doesn't happen here if you ever see any wasp nests in any of these vehicles it's because they were stored at a higher elevation up in the mountains that's where the Wasps do it down here in the Mojave Desert just doesn't happen all right and then one more look how good this is looking in here good job Caitlyn are yeah all right I was shocked I was absolutely shocked how many of you viewers have sat on Cactus did you fall or just yeah I just sat on it looked like a nice chair did you read the comments I read a few hundreds of you have sat on Cactus now I must admit I myself as a young boy about five maybe four or five years old I sat on a cactus and I do remember it so I'm with you you don't you never forget you'll never forget the day you sat on a cactus yeah that's all so years and years ago my friend's daughter did this for a class assignment is it says hello yeah I need a toe oh no my car is broken down I better call for help okay I'll be there in 10 minutes and then I hook it up and it says thanks so much I said you're welcome that was the class now what's awesome is the little girl that made this for me now works for me she works up in the front office her name's Presley and her art is hanging in my art [Music] studio all right the reason we're not painting this cover is cuz we're getting a big B thick heavy duty Yukon cover on all of the differentials never mind about that but this is done it's we ready to go in Ed and when I say thought you had to put your ring brackets on there you do but I don't know where they go oh I got to get the truck in here that and what about a shock bracket yeah we'll have to put a shock bracket somewhere and it's also going to get an anti- wrap bracket on it which we've got to design an engineer you pound them studs in in yeah them in gasket here huh yeah got in it oh ready to go yeah okay big block baby [Music] oh man that fits so much better all right that's not the right place but you get the idea Colin did a really nice job welding up this headache rack it is beautiful it's not done but we are so we're going to see you next week and it'll be like well longer than that thanks for watching this is something they won't teach you in Boy Scouts right here that uh that half hitch double choke around the pipe through the gas tank of justice that when they do not show there's no merit badge for that there needs to be a badge for that there should be
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 453,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oeOHAlup4wQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 8sec (2048 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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