They Lied To You! Not An Off-Road Jeep...

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so we got a call for a jeep that is stuck and broken down in Rattlesnake so we're going to head in there with a wrecker and see if we can scoop it up and haul it out we've got the family crew today Colin's going to be piloting the mor as a support vehicle and also to haul the customers out oh I don't even know what it is it's a nice evening we're supposed to be at a birthday party right now for a nephew so we're going to get this done and get back to it we're going to miss the party there is just no way we haven't gone in this way for a while we're on the south side of it it's been a while since we've G Colin hasn't gone in this way for a while I've been in here a dozen times in the last 6 months and Carter's going to be coming along to help with the filming do you guys know my youngest son Carter even I was on a couple videos all right us to be the narrator he used to be the narrator when we lose audio I'm going to fill you in on what's Happening all right we're heading out of here we got I don't know an hour drive in you think that long oh yeah oh wow [Music] it is 6:30 on the dock we're going to see how long it takes us to get into them I estimated an hour Jamie's not happy with that number what's your number well you said it was only like 10 water Crossings in so I was hoping more like 30 minutes all right we'll see [Music] so we just talked to the customer he just got a ride out with some other off-roaders so he gave us the keys we're heading in there to grab it [Music] so the word on the trail is they are 5 to 10 water Crossings up we are two water Crossings in we're going to keep track see how accurate that information is plus we've got to see if we made it there in 30 minutes or not unfortunately it was 35 7:05 right now so I guess we're closer to your time yeah we've done two water Crossings it's been 35 minutes [Applause] [Music] so the customer actually just caught a ride in he wants to hang out for the recovery so they just passed us we are five Crossings in [Music] [Applause] [Music] what do you see under there oil lot of oil let's see here what did they hit oh yeah smash that pan wow wow all right so this is getting pulled out of here no matter what so here's the plan we've got to get this turned around and I don't know exactly how we're going to do that but I have an idea some people's feet are going to get wet yeah I'm going to back up just a little bit [Music] right in the wall right in there don't put your foot on the brake just push the button it should take it to accessories it should but it's not we can just we can just pick it up we won't have to steer it but man got the transfer case in neutral that's the best we're going to do all right let's figure this out and see if we can get this turned around using nothing more than the tools we have available to to [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] us you leave that tire on that rocket to Pivot around that okay I've got the parking brake on I just need you to hold the steering wheel sharp and if it starts to roll step on the brakes cuz I don't want you to roll into me that makes any sense yeah there you go [Music] oh off popped off that hook that a strong bummer I've got to do a thing here what thing are you going to do I've just got to get the recer in a different position [Music] [Music] all right ni [Music] all right now what can you just go straight yeah that's the plan the thing is there's a maze through there and You' got to do it right if you don't do it right you break your oil pad do you lift it though well yeah but the same problem applies to everything so I need to be in both vehicles so I'm going to try to spot him from here got to steer around this rock steer steer around this rock the best you can would you pick him up I don't know he's those are tiny tires I would say leave him for right now get him through this and then figure out our game plan this thing is so low to the ground and I can't pick him up cuz those are open face take Carter we're just going really really slow through this we're not getting home till late tonight no we'll we'll pick it up in a minute or something I don't know okay Ste to the right brakes brakes okay turn to the left you got manual steering right now oh hey you're not hooked up yeah hard as you can to the left turn turn [Music] go we're good you're good okay turn back yeah slow brakes brakes okay you need to steer hard to the right I want you to come off this rock really slow I want your wheel to follow this wheel right here follow my back wheel [Music] [Music] [Music] turn down a little bit turn down he's good go left okay right there okay come to the right straight straight back to the [Music] [Music] left okay so there on their way out I'm sure my dad's going to do some rigging we're going to go flip the mor around and follow them out and go help him with whatever he needs help with unfortunately the worst is not behind us right we've only got one more hard obstacle I don't want to get all political here but back when this was a Jeep Trail and there were no side by sides this Trail was really hard and there's a really big obstacle here to get across the river you cross the river and you drive straight up a cliff that was the trail well the side by sides can't do couldn't do it so they made a bypass around it it but on the principle of the thing we're not taking the bypass because we are staying on the trail as far as we can tell this is this Trail is getting really tore up though I feel bad it got discovered it used to be a secret but it's discovered some people will say that it's me but it's not every Trails discovered now the internet just there's no secret Trails anymore too much information Duran Duran warned us about this back in the [Music] 9s who's theand Duran Duran Duran's one of the greatest bands ever not the great greatest but one of the greatest who is the greatest RM the greatest band in the world question mark we're just going to get a bridal rigged up so if you want a hard Trail follow me out oh yeah I'll take the original Trail sounds good if I'm not flipping or breaking something it's a bad day I got nominated as camera girl again so I'm crossing the river we made it safely across here's the big [Music] obstacle this is one of those you can't tell how steep this is oh he hit his bumper you might want a shorter rope tell him to keep going oh Dad he said just keep going it's not going to work I'm going to have to shorten up set the park brake okay [Applause] [Music] going to have to pick him up he's really low on the back end already so I know this Jeep shouldn't be in here first of all this Trail shouldn't have bypasses and second of all this Jeep shouldn't be in here [Music] beautiful so close on that rock slider okay you ready ready [Music] he's coming control your speed with your Brak not with your gas up go toward me quick turn War Fe you don't want to drive over that tree good job okay here's your challenge all right here's the original [Music] Trail well see why the side by side strobe around this I know CU are lazy you might want to come over and hug this side a little bit oh so close that was a little bit more [Music] momentum he lost he lost his lock Rock slider over here and that's why side by sides go off Trail to pass obstacles hey we're at the big steep hills do you think this is going to climb it easy this is a pretty big hill [Music] climb I don't know we might have to get the more ver on the front of us we have done that before on this like Ted three of us together to get it was georgeous deep up this when it was dead yeah but it was never the record we've got the differentials locked I'm in two wheel drive right now now I'm in four-wheel drive and we're just going to see if we can do this all right we're in low low low that is the correct amount of lows to climb this hill [Music] you think that was like the last big obstacle yeah I think we're done with lockers from here on [Music] out all right we're almost back to the gun range which is the trail head or the trail end however you look at it so Recker is starting to really prove herself she's proven how hot she is inside this cab yeah we got a little bit of a air leak problem let's just pumping out an enormous amount of heat right there it's fixable we're not going to fix it but we could fix it and that's the most important thing how was it feel like I just got put through a rock tumbler yeah you looked pretty good back there though you looked like Sylvester Stallone when he was training to for the ultimate boxing match arms are I knew I told I told Jamie I said the first words out of his mouth are going to be something about arm pump or something like that what did I tell you he was going to say we knew he was going to say something about his how tired his arms were he did not disappoint holy smokes well that worked oh he made it yeah I have to unrap these there's three people that yell at me for not unwrapping them oh okay there you go you earned it that's awesome let's get you a shirt too and then once again for contrast thank you see how cold and impersonal that was yeah thanks for watching little Public Service Announcement if I come in any Trail to pick you up and you drove off Trail to get where you are I will take you back on the trail I will not go off Trail to avoid an obstacle it's just the way I am
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 1,015,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BntqcMUnPLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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