Estate Sale John Deere 1207 Hay Conditioner - Can We FIX IT?

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well a guy needed to upgrade his hay program from an old sickle mower so I did the right thing and bought this old very very very used John Deere 127 hay conditioner from an estate sale it it looks fine nope I don't even know if it works but Bentley's going to help me go through it today we've got a couple few parts Bo this thing is really bent up now I'm looking at it yeah we're going to see we can get this thing working again I guess is the goal right yeah looks pretty rough huh mhm lot dents and big stuff kind of looks like it went off the cliff yeah to be honest or hit a lot of stuff perfect for our [Music] program definitely backed it into something so I still plan on doing a lot of the hay with 50s equipment old sickle bar mower a roll bar rake stuff like that but in some of the bigger areas we're going to be using this because it's just a lot faster and it comes out wind Road for you and it's got the rollers in here we'll kind of show you a couple parts I'm sure a lot of you watching are very familiar with the hay conditioner versus CLE bar mower but this one was extremely cheap which is why I snagged on it but it looks like it needs a tremendous amount of work all the way down to the tires themselves that are shot but as long as you know the ties are working it's throwing the rollers aren't terrible and it cuts without leaving strips guys going to be happy this is in Road mode right now it opens up but anyway let's walk around it kind of show you some features of this that I don't know CU I know nothing about this machine and see if we can figure it out so like I just mentioned this is in a road mode and it's not a hydraulic arm you like some of the newer new Hollands and John deers and things of that nature you pull a pin right there which is just a bent bolt you chalk a tire come forward and this a slide over here and that gets your pick up you know farther that way essentially but this has got clutch here got the old wobbler arm down there I got a belt on her sure got a couple few U joints we'll look over these guys here that's for the runs of rollers hopefully the knife drive belt is good cuz I do not have another one floats on these Springs here once we get it down on the ground you'll see how that kind of works this is an adjustable unit but all the adjustability is snapped and broke out of it so basically you can have this come out and lay nice and flat if you want or if you pinch it in and adjust this a certain manner which I believe is full up it'll make a nice poofy wind row which will help it dry faster as well some cases you don't have to rake but down south I think raking and running a tedar is just the way it is I'm kind of learning down here supposed to be a pin hole over here I'm not seeing it but you put a pin in to keep this side high enough for Road but this one's obviously been repaired by me some point in the past looks like the spring actually just broke off and that's how they fixed it so that's pretty cool open this side [Music] up we just take it all the way [Music] off there you go so the belt looks shot it's pretty good sprockets look Kish that could be tightened it appears it's what ready to fall off so we'll add that to the list sorry about the wind doing our best uh this is also adjustable so you run it lower for low crop obviously and you can bring it up for high crop the old bash bar and then you got the tins or the teeth this whips around throws it into your bar your knives and then it gets crimped and pressed as it comes out the back there our goal today is just replace any broken pieces here I have some of these I believe and I've got a whole bunch of knives which are fairly Universal they're top serrated bottom serrated both serrated then you got your end pieces I don't think I have any end ones but we can do what Grandpa did and just file them down with the GR yep so we're going to try well we'll inspect it first we'll replace them individually if we can we have to pull a whole bar we'll do that hose looks rotten so we'll leave that this is not the correct way to Hitch it that piece is right there it actually slides on I just needed to move it quickly over here we'll have to learn how to do it but you can adjust these rollers together or farther apart these rollers pretty good actually they're obviously aged but I don't see any huge chunks or pieces missing there's a little Chun missing yeah it's not too bad but it's not like completely falling apart so we got lucky there cuz these are not fun to replace or so I'm told backboard looks good tar like somebody like sprayed tar on this when it was wet yeah you can see it's like rubber or something they sprayed in there maybe that's how they're trying to keep it together over the years cuz this thing is old tires are completely dry rotted these are 215 715s we'll try to find some we're actually going through and recycling a lot of our tires now so we could probably find two huh yeah all right well let's get a cutting first and then we'll worry about all the other stuff so just looking here looks like the old boy welded this one to here the other side's gone this is busted here obviously this one's broken I believe yeah this one's broken so we'll have to put a few of these on looks like you got to take the whole bar out and then you could slide them on the inside ones are a bugger well here we can see more welding cuz I believe we have to take all these off to slide this one in outside's not so bad that one's pretty good Bary just got a rug these rocks are a little hard on the spine back huh y all right we'll throw that under here crawl underneath look at the knifes see if we can replace just a few or if we're going to have to do full surgery well unfortunately like I can see some that have been replaced over the years but shot shot shot I mean there's not even an edge left shot bad bad bad bad couple new ones down here but we'd be in here all day laying underneath here I think it's going to be easier just to pull this out if we could figure it out and replace what we need to replace and then put it back in this thing spent more time offroading apparently than cutting a lot of anils is what that is especially down here that's a big one whatever that is really stuck in there we'll have to get all this cleaned out as well before we go use it and then we'll come back and worry about this I want to get a cutting before we get into the teeth so I took this bolt out out of here and I mov this with my hand which was great stick this in here it looks like that pin does come out there we go lucky that wasn't seized in there now the bar should be pretty free and if it's not it's not adjusted right cuz it should float in there see this [Music] one's there it's going that way okay let's go to the other end of the machine and see if we can pull the bar [Music] up pretty stubborn let me get that pry bar okay so now that we've got it moving I'm going to knock it back in this way and then we'll pull it all the way out of the machine that that direction [Music] still binding somewhere I don't know where though this is stubborn so we got the side by side backed up we're going to use the winch I'm going to hook the winch to a strap and we're going to try to pull it out that way and then we could try to figure out out we got to clean all this up we're pulling a lot of dirt and debris and things of that nature uh but I just want to get this out of here so I can get to work on it it ain't going to hurt it anymore so we'll try to yank it out this way okay go [Music] ahead okay hold on pull out you think yeah oh there she is so now that we got it out you can come in here you can see better shot shot shot shot shot and these are top serrated not bottom couple new ones here and knife is shot these are all bad couple bent this one's bent probably hit a rock or something well it's not adjusted right either oh it's warn on the top there's the fingers on the top here we got some work cut out kiddo y so we'll go ahead and haul this over to the shop throw it up on the bench and then we'll start digging into this and refurb this thing they're all old rivets there's no new Hardware in here so that tells you this thing hasn't been swapped changed or maintenanced in a very long time there's some people out there that still prefer doing the rivets but you could just tell by looking at these it's been many many many many many years we'll probably run Hardware if we can when I was your age Bentley Grandpa would hand me a grinder and I'd spend all day sharpening these but as they get older you realize when they start to get shaped like this a bow they're not that effective because the travel is always the same but if you're making them narrower they're not really doing much yeah when you compare it against a new knife it's a tremendous difference I got a smoking deal off of the uh jungle website some clothes out I think a company must have been going out of business unfortunately I got this whole box for $14.80 some plus shipping so we've got enough here we'll just use this whole box and then supposedly this Hardware is compatible we'll use Hardware instead of rivets I'm just worried about we should run over and look see if we got enough height for a nut this size to clear and everything like that before we get too far into it here and then I got to call around town see if I can find an End knife here old H&S or something and same with this this isn't even a knife anymore it's just a block of steel maybe that's the way it's supposed to be maybe this is the actual last knife well I ran over and double checked and shot the eyeball down it and I think we're going to be okay as far as clearance goes uh with that nut on there so what I'm going to do is grind one out here and then Bentley's going to punch it while I'm grinding one off on the end he'll come to this side and punch it and we're going to work back and forth basically I'm going to strip this thing from here all the way down to the end knife and we'll go ahead and replace these because there is not a single one I don't think that's you know this one's not terrible feel like guy ran into some trouble here and replaced a few there but I got these so cheap we might as well use them so we'll get some safety glasses on for a little dude it's some mirror protection and uh we're going to get grinding and [Music] punch well we had to break out the air chisel but we got it buddy good job so we got most of it strip down all except this end section here and this section here because I don't have the hardware uh or rivets to put this back together so I think we're going to run into town quick and either try to find longer Hardware or something to get this back together and also if we could find this section here it'd be awfully awfully weird if we only replace placed this section here and then ended up leaving that and this although that might just be the way it is if we can't find the right stuff so we'll try Co-op and tractor soai it probably I don't know if maybe I don't know and then we decided we're going to clean this bar up too as best as we can before we put it back together because this isn't something we're going to do every season I mean going forward we'll just be replacing individual knives and stuff like that so mle geter claim while we can well Bentley and I are on the way back from town good old TSC had what we needed uh longer Hardware they had the section end that we needed and Bentley wanted to go with yellow paint for the bar but they only had JD green so we got green and we got some stuff for Bentley he's going to make a what's it called the syringe motor syringe engine syringe engine he uses magnets to make a motion magnets all right mag magnet motor basically but we're headed back we'll finish taking that bar apart get it painted go clean the machine up while it's drying and reassembly and all that other stuff I suppose we can do tires too there's a lot of work to do rain coming we got to try to hustle here see what happens bar is completely stripped now we'll run this outside and throw a couple heavy coats of paint on it it's got a kind of a marking on the bottom I don't know if you guys can see that it's raised in the center how you know it's the bottom anyway I don't know if these are drilled exactly they're not so see how this has three quickly the other side has one and two so that's how I could tell that this is the captain side but I also put a little notch in it right here so I know this is up and forward so rebuild this we're not standing around going uh which way right yeah all right you start shaking a can I'll carry this out it's hot we'll get some paint on this while this is drying we're going to go clean up the machine a little bit better than rust yeah way [Music] better so now we're going to get in here and dig all this out I mean it looks like it went for a dirt nap in several places but we got to get all that cleaned up and uh check for any bent guides or anything like that or anything broken Bentley's got a screwdriver here so we can really get in there and hog some stuff out but we're going to get to cleaning it's going to take a little bit we'll show you our progress here shortly I think we got what we can out with our hands now we're going to use a mechanical application here go ahead [Music] buddy gu it'll start oh yeah there we go well I ran down this couple times and everything surprisingly looks really good the exception of this which is not a big deal going to tighten this down and then we're going to move on to [Music] this so we're going to start on this one broken broken for some reason he just slid this over and welded it to it I just don't think he wanted to take this off so we'll have to replace three on this one unit looks like we just take these bolts out and the whole bar should slide out and then we can get the work getting these [Music] off I going to do either oh I don't think it's doing any of those oh we got three out so far but they're stubborn um if you get a rent we can yeah I'll try wrench on those you try these over here [Music] we go now all right well let's run this back to the shop and we got our TI there I think we got to take all this apart and it looks like it's got to go that way Bentley because this is a solid well it on oh so we can't slip them on here so all of this needs to come apart yep oh no did you just break it that wasn't [Music] good lots of Grease I guess okay so this one's got to be replaced anyway but take all these nuts off we can slide all this out of the way and then we got to get this pin out these spacers I guess that's some sort of bushing this and then we can take these two out and get those replaced the rest of them look fine just going to use them I don't know how many of these I picked up I think only six there must be six broke maybe or maybe I'd plan to get a couple extra I'm not sure but this would be the worst of it here it's not going to pick and throw hay up into the rollers so you get plugged easy and stuff like [Music] that well we got this all apart and then unfortunately I should have checked first this discovered that the internet lied to me this is not what I needed not only is this wrong diameter but this should fold over like this so now we're going to co-op again and it's unlikely they're going to have this I mean everyone's moved a dis mowers now that's face it so it's probably in vain what'll probably end up happening is I'll have to search the internet again for these and we'll just finish the bar tonight but we're going to run in and do our best to see if we could find these quick well the gu's back from town and unfortunately TSC did not have them and Co-op was closed so I'm going to have to order them online we're going to push this project to the side we're going to get back to the cutting bar and see if we can get all of that put together and of course we're in a thunderstorm now so putting it back in tonight probably unlikely we'll see what happens I'd like to get it fully assembled anyway so let's switch gears get back to that [Music] well I think we got her whipped out we had a devil of a time with this Hardware it was just snapping like pretzels yeah was wild they weren't wanting to draw in so we had to get the brass hammer out you know the old Tanya Harding 200 and seat them in the hard way have to get longer Hardware down here but I've got all the knives in place and uh this is the end unit down there so I think we've gone as far as we can with this we did sneak the tractor indoors we had a quite a bit of rain and hail and all sorts of stuff coming so I think we're going to go over there and get some Tire off of that machine we're going through all of our tires here figuring out what wheels are we're saving which ones are not so desirable and recycling the other stuff these tires right here Bentley these don't look bad 225 7515 I think that's really close to what the other ones were I remember 75 these are brand new I put these on that Jeep truck temporarily before I put the off-road tires on that J10 oh yeah so these have 100 miles on them I wish we had yellow spray paint paint these yellow again well I don't think they'd fit we just got to get the rubber oh I see yeah we just need the rubber off of it so I'll knock these off quick and those will be our donor tires kinetica and Energies right put your back there oh you okay slippery Hub feels okay yeah I don't think we can go much bigger on the tire that one might not work these things are already almost rub yeah yeah H is good so let's get behind the shop 21575 see if we can find something closer let's throw this up on the side by side got some of my good tires stashed away here these all came off of projects got rid of the wheels but we keep these after we get the vehicles running or drive them home or whatever this is a 205 755 which is the same exact circumference as a 2157015 so we'll take these two hancocks and it doesn't hurt my feelings cuz I only have three for some reason and not a full set of four so this will work perfect those are 14s yeah so this work we'll grab these [Music] two Bentley found some JD yellow in the cabinet by golly so sprits that up a little bit white walls out you know the deal just a quick we didn't even prep it it's fish eyeing and stuff but looks a little better better than it did look yep these were such a bugger getting mounted we're not doing the trash bag trick and I don't want to spend $25 on playing card so we just grab the plate and we're going to do it this way brand new wheel lots of receipts coming [Music] around yep mhm stuff and things look that perfect what is that four license plate moves for a 15in wheel now we know science starting to lose our light Sun just went over the mountain there yeah good job buddy all right let her down nice and they clear doesn't look like we're going to have any issues there very good one issue taken care of well the guy is out of parts and out of daylight it's going to be pitch black here in about 20 minutes I'll get some stuff ordered up and we'll be back on this thing here pretty soon actually very soon next week starts official hay season for me I'm about week and a half behind everybody else around here but we're headed out for a Revival for vice scope garage so that kind of pushes everything out so you will see this hay very very soon so go ahead stay tuned for that hey fun fact only half of you watching are subscribed to the channel it's free there's no catch just hit the Subscribe button hit the Bell you'll get a notification every time a new video comes out like this one we'll see you guys very soon for hay season it's going to be wild a lot of fun hectic thanks for watching see you later [Music]
Channel: Vice Grip Lodge
Views: 448,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VGG, vise grip garage, vice grip garage, bts, behind the scenes, home, house, repair, cooking, show, John deere, hay, haying, hay conditioner, farm, farming
Id: fI-Z3jIYsD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 43sec (1843 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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