In Over My Head - Called for Backup!

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[Music] good morning I am working out here in my shop today and I going to tackle a couple of projects that I've been procrastinating for a long time I built this fuel tank for digdug I need to get it painted before I can install it in the truck I've also got the bumper on the XJ that hasn't been painted yet so I figured I'll just paint both of these at the same time I took the fuel tank out of digdug when we built the rock sliders so we got to push this out this bumper saw a couple of rainstorms but it looks like it's in pretty good shape there's not too much rust on it so I'm going to go ahead and pull that off we'll get the winch removed and then start prepping these things for pain [Music] [Music] we'll get the winch pulled off of this and that'll lighten it up a whole bunch it'll be easier to move around so we can get it cleaned up and [Music] painted I've got everything removed and stripped down there's my bumper here's my tank I think the very next thing I'm going to do is tape off this tank because I don't want anything going in there I'm also going to scrub these down with cleaner and Degreaser so I'm going to block that off so the tank stays clean [Music] inside I did some cleaning on both of these when I built them but I've got a whole bunch more I need to do to make them ready for paint I'm going to hit them with sandpaper and with scotchbrite and get rid of all the sharp edges the dingleberries the Burrs everything that's going to pop out as soon as I get paint on them so I'll start doing that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] where you [Music] go hi a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that is enough sanding and grinding I'm going to use the p15 Degreaser and their metal prep I'll scrub it in really good with scotchbrite and then I'll rinse it all off with water and then we should be ready to paint [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] all right I'm all done with the Degreaser that stuff was really potent and it was stripping off M scale and everything so these are pretty clean now I'm going to go to the the metal prep and that etches or applies some kind of coating on the steel all I know is I got to spray it on and then wait like 20 minutes and then I'll rinse it all off with [Music] water I've got these all dried off now and they are ready for paint let me show you what they look like [Music] I rinsed off this metal prep outside with the hose and then I dried everything off really good and now they have this kind of white Rusty patina on them which the instructions say is totally normal so I think these are ready for [Music] paint here's my crazy idea on this back set of arms here I'm going to hang a bunch of plastic off of it and make like a wall a giant curtain and that should block all of the overspray and then on this set of arms right here I'm going to hang the fuel tank on one side and the bumper on the other and I should be able to get all around them and get the whole thing painted up now I've had questions in the past like hey why didn't you use your lift to lift up that toolbox this lift will only go 6 ft high or like 6'2 something like that it doesn't go way up in the air and and that's because if it did you would smash cars up into the ceilings so 6 ft seems to be a great height for working on cars but lifts don't make a really good crane so having a crane in my shop would be awesome and that's a great future project but lifting things way up in the air like a toolbox or an engine they just don't work that good but for a paint booth I think it's going to be perfect [Music] I built my paint booth and it's really turning out to be more like a paint wall but I still think it's going to work got the wall in the back I got these arms covered I just have to figure out how to hang the bumper and the fuel tank from these arms so I'm want to figure that out right now my solution is paracord because that's what I have so I'm going to try and tie off to these and tie it up to here and just see if it'll hang I'm using a square knot left over right right over left let's see how that does yes that looks perfect check that out all right I'm really happy with that now we got to hang the fuel tank wooo oh yeah look at the balance same plan I'm going to use paracord tie off here and just pick it up I think this is going to work I've got a little patch work to do in all of the taping off I don't want to get any paint on the beautiful Challenger lift I'm going to do that really quick maybe even put one down on the floor and we should be ready to go today is paint day and I think I've got everything all set up here I'm going to be using the p15 base coat and then a 2K urethane on top of that and I want the fuel tank to be gray and the final coat on the bumper to be black so I'm going to do just the opposite for the base coats so I can see if the final coat finish is good also the p15 I've heard paints really really good with a brush it just wets out really smooth and you can't see the brush Strokes so I'm going to do the base coat with a brush and then try to spray top coat on these so I'll be channeling my inner Robbie Leighton to do my very best here it is like 108° here today and it is super dry and these paints actually cure with moisture in the air so I'm going to be using some accelerator in these paints to try and increase the dry time so that I can recat these quicker and get this all done today [Music] [Music] you only need a tiny bit of this accelerator to do this whole entire container so I did the math and it looks like this half teaspoon will do this container no I did not take this out of the kitchen I learned my lesson about doing that I've heard this spreads really far but I have no idea so I mixed up a pretty good amount if I have too much left over for the bumper I'll just move on and start putting this on the fuel tank I'm going to do two coats of base on each so it doesn't really matter if there's some gray underneath the bottom layer on the fuel tank [Music] sh [Music] [Music] that went pretty good I've now got a coat of paint on everything the upside down work over on this bumper was way messier than I thought it would be but we've got it all done I ended up using gray on both of these cuz the paint went way further than I thought it would so I had plenty so I'm just going to let this dry for a couple of hours I'll come back in here and check on it in a little bit so I've been coming out here checking on the these to see if they are ready for another coat and right now they are dry to the touch but if I push really hard I can leave a fingerprint so I think that's the perfect amount of dry I'm going to mix up another batch and start painting again [Music] I made a smaller batch this time because I'm just going to paint the fuel tank in black and I'll make another batch of gray for the bumper I used about the same ratio of accelerator cuz the dry time seem pretty good so I'm ready to paint the fuel tank now [Music] [Music] all right I'm going to mix up one more small batch of gray and then go do another coat on the [Music] [Music] bumper these are all dry now and I was just about to mix up some paint and the power went out lights are out air compressor's out everything so I'm really glad I hadn't mixed it yet and we'll just let these keep drying and as soon as it kicks back on I can get to [Music] work the power is back on breake time is over [Music] so I got some unexpected results from my paint the paint came out really Orange Peel like almost like a textured look but on this bumper I actually really like it the texture is really uniform so I'm just going to run with it I'm going to take this thing down and install it on the fuel tank that one's not quite as good it came out kind of splotchy so I'm going to sand that down really good and then try to get a nice smooth final [Music] coat I have a lot to learn about setting up paint guns fortunately I have somebody coming by this afternoon to help me with that right now I'm just going to get sanded on this and get it ready for its next coat in like third or fourth grade I had an art teacher named Mrs Sears and if you messed up on a project and tried to get another one like another piece of paper or something she' always just tell you mess up fix up that's something I've told my kids our whole lives is mess up fix up so I feel like right now I'm doing a mess up fix up that's okay I've done a lot of them all right I have got my neighbor Chuck here with me to help me out because I'm obviously in over my head and this guy is a master of all things painting he actually paints for like movies movie sets movies you've seen so he paints stuff all the time for Hollywood lives around the corner from me Chuck's awesome and he's going to help me lay down a smooth layer of paint so this thing will actually look good Chuck went crazy with the sander he would not tolerate any drips I think if we clean this up now it'll be ready for paint so I'm talking to Chuck here about what went wrong with the way I did it and he's saying I probably paint it over the top too soon we mess it up with paint we can fix it with paint that's like the common knowledge perfect so he's over here mixing up a new batch and he's going to school me on how to lay this down nice and smooth I get the Y Sam look every time I I do that we can look at that that's still a little too thick for me we can go up to 20% reducer let's just do a little bit cuz I think the reducer is going to go a long way our tip on our gun is a 1.3 we should have like a 1.5 so this is a little bit smaller small so what I think we we also should do is maybe thin a little bit exra I think I can do a little bit more there it is look at that [Music] [Music] I'm excited now like before I was just frustrated but this thing's going to be awesome Chuck was a huge help he got me all straightened out this tank looks a thousand times better thanks for coming over and helping man anytime so tomorrow this thing will get all set up and then I can go get it installed so I let the paint dry overnight and I just came out here this morning to check on the tank and it looks beautiful it's got a little bit of texture to it cuz this is like a really industrial heavyduty paint but it's really uniform now and it looks great Chuck is so awesome thank you Chuck for coming by and helping out now it's time to clean up the mess in here and get this stuff installed I love how it dries in these cups it's like a pancake [Music] let me show you the final finish on the [Music] tank I'm going to install the Jeep bumper first because I've done it before so it should be pretty quick and easy so I'll go ahead and pull that in here [Music] [Music] now it's time to install the yankum groove fairly I really love these I'll show you how it works in just a minute [Music] [Music] do [Music] all right the bumper is all bolted up now and it's looking good this is a good time too to show you how this fair lead works so this fairlead allows you to get rid of the big metal hook on the end of your rope that can become a projectile if something breaks so right now this rope that came on the Badlands winch has a thimble on here I'm going to cut this off and weave in a loop on the end of my rope and then it'll wrap around the edge of the fair lead I can tighten it up and everything will be out of the way I'll be ready to bash into the rocks that's [Music] [Music] so now I've got my Loop spliced in the end and I can just tuck it at the edge of the fair lead I don't have a way to wind my winch back up because the controller is not hooked on yet but you can see that this thing is ready to Ram into the rocks and it's not going to pinch the Rope off if you're interested in getting a Groove fair lead or any of the yanam ropes products you can use code TomTom at checkout for 10% off the promo code and a link are in the description of this video there it is I got it all wound up nice and safe all right now it's time to get this thing out of here and start playing with this fuel tank [Music] [Music] it's time now to figure out this fuel tank so I'm going to strip off all the tape and then I'm going to get out the pump and the sender and the cap and start putting this whole thing together [Music] I need to run out and grab some Nylock nuts for these bolts that go through the fuel sender I'm going to pick up those I'll be right back I went and grabbed the nylocks now we can put this together [Music] oh [Music] shoot so now it's time to hook up this fuel pump I've got a return hose and I need to add this longer pose that'll go down to the actual pump part down here this one won't reach the bottom of my tank so I need to switch that out and I think this right here is what I need to hook up to on the head side somehow I got to get a little hose clamp way back up in there ah there's a little hose clamp all right this is going to come [Music] together there we go I just got to figure out how to get in there to tighten it down need a tiny little wrench I found a tiny little wrench it's getting way back up in there okay that side's looking good now I got to figure out how long this thing needs to be so it can get to the very bottom of the tank and suck up every last bit of fuel I've also got this fuel sock that I need to figure out how it goes on the bottom of the pump and it looks like it can be clocked different directions I got to figure out exactly how this goes together then I'll show you when I put it in I want the sock to be diagonal I want the pump angle this way fuel pump goes here I should probably take the plug out first I only cut off like A4 of an inch of this tube it's just barely long enough so now I need to take this one off and switch it over I'm going to warm it up with a heat gun then it should come loose there it goes hose clamp first okay this thing should be just the right height now should be the right angle but I can twist it looking good okay somehow I have to clamp these together and I think there was a hose clamp in the Box I forgot a step this whole thing's all put together now it's time to stuff it into the tank and then tighten these screws on the top that'll turn the cams out and lock this thing into place I'm angling it a little bit this way cuz the fewu lines are going to route easier if they're over towards the middle of the truck I think about right there looks right see if I can get these to turn all right it should be locked in now it won't come out and I've just got a crank on these and it'll tighten up and this big foam gasket here will seal any irregularities in the top of this tank [Applause] everything is together now and it's ready to go into the truck I've got this thing sitting in the bed now and I'm going to bolt it down I'm kind of going to do a temporary install cuz I want to get this truck out running again but there's a lot of changes coming to this bed so I'm going to mark all the bolt holes and get this thing mounted in I made an extension to my Sharpie so I can reach back there [Music] the fuel tank is all bolted in now I need to pick up some hardware and fittings to get it all plumbed and electrified but I had a great time painting this thing thanks again to Chuck for helping out and for teaching me a few things and thank you for watching what's the biggest movie you've done The Lone Ranger The Lone Ranger with Johnny Depp yeah okay that was big that's not that big Act of Valor that was a good one yeah yeah all right that's a good one there you have it you can check out a couple more videos right over here [Music] [Laughter]
Channel: Tom Tom's Shop
Views: 141,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WtXKEseW3Ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 0sec (1740 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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