Did I Forget How to Fix Things? Comebacks & Fails

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[Applause] boy that pig is not having a good day I know the feeling I'm not having a good week so far I failed to fix three vehicles and in the process also failed to make a video I think I forgot how to fix things sure feels that way to be fair though those Vehicles average 36 years old which might be a big part of the problem anyway I'm going to try to take this week's lemons and squeeze them into some very bitter lemonade let's start with the turbocharged elephant in the room this is the 05 Silverado that I put a turbo on it's leaking oil not a lot of oil but I ran it in the bay for an hour yesterday and I'd got one drop on the floor which is more than the acceptable number of drops zero it's coming down on the back of the engine between the engine and transmission there's only one thing that passes oil back there and that's the oil drain tube my theory is that I must have marred the face or scratched it when I was trying to pry it past the up pipes it's it's so tight back there unfortunately it is literally bolted to the bottom of the turbine there is no way to get to it without pulling the turbo which I would rather eat my own hand than pull that turbo back off but I just don't see where we have a choice 12-hour job by the book all right it's about 9:30 I'm going to just tear into it maybe I'll set up some kind of a time lapse you don't need to reash this whole thing I got to move quickly supposed to be very hot and the bugs are crazy the black flies yeah usually it goes faster the second time all the bolts come loose and you got all the tools ready it's freshing your mind let's see what [Applause] [Applause] happens fine play it your way come on [Applause] there it [Applause] is just past noon so it took me about 2 and 1 half hours that's a pretty major improvement over last time so this is the oil drain tube here and it's a little beat up where I was prying on it that's a factory Dent don't worry about that but the flange is in good shape and you can see I cleaned it up really nothing wrong with that but you can see the problem on the gasket if you look right here that is some dirt or grease or something that fell on top of the gasket and then got sandwiched by the flange and it was just enough to hold that Gap open and cause a small oil leak I thought I cleaned everything up but I guess not yeah you can really see it there okay well lesson learned I ordered a new drain tube I'm going to go ahead and install it because I do not under any circumstances want to do this for a third time okay yeah that's it it's ready to go back together I'll try to explain kind of the big problem here so the oil return tube has to go underneath of this up pipe and if we could take this up pipe off it wouldn't be too bad of a job but the bolts that attach it to the exhaust manifold are completely seized up and if I break those off I'm going to have way bigger problems than what I already have what I did before is I pried up the up pipe and then at the same time I pried up the return tube and slid it over the studs and down onto the gasket but when I did that I must have knocked a piece of junk or maybe some of this insulation loose and it got trapped in there and caused the oil link so what I'm going to do this time kind of my Duramax life hack is take the studs out so if you use an inverted Torx you can take these studs right out of the block and they're they're not that tight the only problem is you got to kind of bend the up pipe the other way you got to bend it back in order to get access to the top of the stud but that's still easier than bending it up to shove the the drain tube under it this is a terrible design most people just take the cab off which honestly at this point would have been a lot easier yeah I can't even try to show you how this thing goes back together I'm going to glue the gas it in place set everything down and then I'll screw the studs in once everything's lined up from the back where I can't see it yeah so much fun this come on [Applause] there we go okay man and that sucks it's like boroscope Inception all right the important parts I think are reconnected try to show you the drain tube so like I said it is right underneath of the up pipe from the driver's side which makes it not fun to install and remove but I do think pulling the studs out is definitely the way to go there's a better look so you can see the gasket and the gasket goo I think everything's in place unfortunately we cannot test it without putting everything back together and if we have a problem that we need to fix we of course have to take everything back apart I forgot that the driver side heat shield has to go in before the downpipe so get to pull that back out or at least move it to the [Applause] side now the other fun thing is that this fiberglass insulation on the firewall is all coming apart so after working on this truck all day you're nice and [Applause] itchy it's fun little bonus okay there we go I don't know I know people like these Duramaxes but I am not one I actually really think it's going to get to the point pretty quickly where I can't work on diesel pickup trucks anymore they're just they're so complicated I just I can't make any money at it it's got to be it's getting to be one of those specialty things where it has to be the only thing you do is work on diesels and maybe work on one specific kind of diesel there's so many special tools you need and specialized knowledge you have to have I like to be kind of a a jack of all trades but it's it's a poor way to make a living [Applause] [Applause] just popped a brake line pulling it in can't win for losing well the good news is I think the Silverado is fixed looks nice and dry under there the bad news is the Buick has catastrophically ruptured a brake line yeah that's not good pretty common problem on these you can see somebody's already been here before we got the compression fitting splice all the rest of the brake lines coming out of that ABS module look pretty sketchy I think it's the ones going across the bottom that blew out so that's that's no fun to fix no fun at all okay well so here's the deal with this car it has a very very intermittent stalling problem it just it's like it just turned off the key but there is no Rhyme or Reason to it and I cannot catch it in the ACT I I kind of caught it the other day but by the time I got the scope hooked up it was already it had already fixed itself 95 Las saber it's got the legendary 3800 V6 the customer complaint is that it runs fine but every once in a while the engine will stall it doesn't stumble it doesn't hesitate it just shuts off like you shut off the key sometimes it'll start right back up sometimes you have to let it sit for a minute or two and then it starts right back up I ran this car yesterday for over an hour and never had any problems at all today it started right up and then it stalled then it started right up and it stalled and now now it won't start at all and that is fantastic because the hardest part of an intermittent problem is duplicating [Music] it so that's it crank no start and we have a clue on the scan tool I'm watching the RPM see if I can do this with one hand we watch the RPM while we crank it no RPM so initially I thought maybe we had a bad PCM or a bad power relay of some kind now I'm pretty sure we have a bad crank sensor or cam sensor or whatever these things use so we're going to try to test that real quick see if we can get a confirmation while it's still broken I think I'm tapped into the crank sensor at the ignition module it's kind of hard to tell all the wires are bleached out and white but pretty sure I'm in the right spot so I got the scope set up I'm going to go crank it and we'll see see what we get ah sure that's not helpful let me see if if we can discern anything from this test probably not dang it how long am I going to have to wait for that to happen again it's pretty hard to fix things when they're not broken the only clue I have is the RPM signal drops to zero I believe that comes from the crank sensor then it goes through the ignition module and then up to the ECM any of those components could be faulty I was ready to throw some parts at it I bought a cheap crank sensor I figured we would just proceed in order of expense that's the cheapest part but I don't know this this break line kind of changes things I hate to be that guy but I do not want to put brake lines on this car I've done I've done it before and it's not a fun job I don't even know if it would be worth it you know this thing is 30 years old it's not super Rusty but it smokes like a chimney I don't know if the valve seals are bad or or what the deal is these are good engines but I don't know this car is old yeah I think we're going to have to uh hold off on this project for now I'll talk to the the customer I would bet that he's going to scrap this thing okay well let's move on to the Third vehicle that I failed to fix I got the closest to fixing this one this is a 1967 Ford Mustang it says GT I'm not sure that's actually true but it is a pretty cool car it's been painted a few times the the paint's not the greatest but overall it's pretty clean especially for our area these things just they just melted anyway it's been in the background of a few videos and I gotten a lot of questions about it most people just want to know when I'm going to make a video about it uh the problem is there's just not that much wrong with it and there's not enough there to really make a whole video anyway this is a 390 V8 it's got an automatic transmission I imagine it's a pretty rare setup I think most of these cars were either straight sixes or or 289 it runs good only problem I have is it the carburetor leaks gas like crazy and I found the accelerator pump diaphragm is just old and cracked so I ordered a new one this is an auto light 4100 carburetor then I'm going to replace the fuel filter as well the only other thing I noticed that's kind of weird is that the alternator is not very well lined up that belt is tweaked over pretty far so I might try to shim that out or I don't know if the pulley is wrong or what the deal is then the other problem is the brakes so it's got disc brakes on the front those are fine but the drum brakes on the rear oh they were kind of making some noise you can see the problem is the car just never gets driven so they got Rusty they just need to be cleaned up on the brake lathe the brake shoes are fine wheel cylinders are fine brake lines are fine but there is a problem you can see that puddle on the floor I don't know if you'll be able to see it but up there is the proportional valve and it's leaking I ordered a new one but I don't know when it's going to be here so I guess I'm kind of in a holding pattern until I get that I did fix the brakes on the Mustang and I took it for a test drive which was pretty fun but thanks to the GoPro Corporation and their legendary reliability you will never see that most cameras when you push the record button you expect to capture a video but on the GoPro pushing this button is like rolling the dice you just you never know what you're going to end up with what you didn't see is that the brake warning light was on and I tried to reset the little shuttle switch and couldn't get it to reset I cracked the lines loose and it's stuck permanently I believe so we need to replace that they call it a junction block just it just needs a new one he didn't want to do that he wants the car back so it is gone yeah I don't know hopefully I can edit this all together into some kind of a watchable video and yeah thank you for trying to watch it we'll be back next week I've got some better stuff I got a Malibu out there we're doing a big block swap on that'll be a little bit more fun hopefully I'll see you back here for that
Channel: Watch Wes Work
Views: 130,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mptA6rpwUlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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