Helicopter Lifts Cabin From Boat to Edge of Cliff || Remote Alaskan Cove

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have you ever seen a helicopter do this one thing you want to be really really sure of is be the hell out of the way you that like that it went right over him stay tuned okay we're pulling up to the harbor and our project is to load some building materials at the Homer fish dock and lower them onto the boat with a crane and then we're going to go park the boat briefly then we are going to take the uh boat to the little old fishing Village of sovia where we are going to put Alaska grown and M house together this house was built by a fellow that milled his own wood dried it built the house preab and we got it bundled up into 800 lb pieces and uh we're going to take this this bundle of uh house and all of its parts and we're going to take it to some Cove and we're going to meet a helicopter later on the helicopter's going to pick these pieces up the cliff and put a house up on a hill for some guy is a really exciting Adventure uh of stuff I really like to do and I'm glad I can be part of it and I'm glad you can be part of it because this is really going to be a cool adventure so stand by come along stay tuned to my best dog on buddy in deck hand mechanic in the harbor this [Music] John in hmer we all get nicknames he owns a boat called the ca it's actually a pretty famous Alaska boat but um I call him c a John you good to go okay looks like we got to go ahead down there so I guess we're going to go give me the thumbs up got one engine reverse one engine forward we're Sid slipping this little baby [Music] think this thing walk sideways yeah don't want to run into anything right now oh look I got a pigeon on my gate that's always a sign of good luck you know why me you want to run out of food vant good eaten and they're not a native species so there's no there's no limit on Hunting them okay well I've got to park this little bubby and I wasn't paying attention and I kind of came into this thing wrong I'm tying up here to the uh fish dock this is a dock that uh has eight cranes on it and it's primarily for loading fish but uh we use it also for loading uh other things occasionally it's priority is fish so um anyway I'm going to pull up here to the dock and then we're going to load this uh piece of of a house on here e i don't you know you you got to stack it so it comes off right yeah I think [Music] anywhere I forgot that we had to make them helicopter size yeah we'll we're going to double up some of them here okay right out right there down a little good [Music] down leave enough space between them so we get them damn straps out these are all pieces to a house it's going to be flown up somewhere with a helicopter I don't know what it all is but the Builder uh I hope the Builder knows [Music] [Music] these are 375 lbs a piece overhead [Music] [Music] h h [Music] [Music] well I we go park this little girl and uh and uh get some rest uh next part of this leg is going to be a little different next stop sovia after that the [Music] helicopter okay here we are second leg of this adventure I'm moving this cabin we're pulling into sovia Bay our objective here is to go to the dock we're going to load about a dozen bundles of this cabin package free fabricated cabin package going to put it on the deck of the John Calvin then take it to the cove and fly it up the mountain with the helicopter so sovia is one of the older villages in Alaska it used to kind of be the actually the county seat back in the day it it was a deep water port and it had lots of canaries didn't have much icing so uh when the Pioneers came here this was kind of the port it's an interesting place I spent some of my childhood here and uh back in the day before the earthquake there was crap loads of actual canaries it was a thriving community of uh oh God pacific star Wakefield all these canaries it was a very very busy port and a fishing Community until the earthquake in 1964 and then things kind of went to crap and now it's still a busy Port but mostly tourists and and there's a few little Industries such as Jeff's Little lumbering thing there's good timber here and so my friend Jeff builds millswood and builds things and uh so this project is kind of an upstart and it's becoming a a thing for people to want to have cabins in the woods Jeff builds them I can can't transport him Brian over here helps me uh drives the boat occasionally so it's a cool thing it's a start of a new adventure and you get to be here with us on it stay tuned this is sovia we're going to pick up a bunch of more lumber and we're going to take it to the cove and put it up on the mountain with a helicopter so we're in sovia loading the second part of the cabin onto the boat from here once it's loaded we're going to take it to the cove and get ready for the helicopter so the wood is going from the dock to the John Calvin via John Calvin to the cove and then from the John Calvin via helicopter up to the cabin site hey watch us load the boat [Music] [Music] Auto uh we're just going right here Jeff yeah that'll work right over there we got to load this in a way that the uh the helicopter can uh pick this off just right so everything is being really thoroughly thought about we need Dage yeah got Dage lot happening you can go either way I mean we're just putting it in the slot dang but we got to get dunnage down yeah right there is good but let's get dunnage I got this for dunnage is anything really but generally uh pieces of wood that keep the the bundle of whatever it is you're putting down off the deck so you can pull these slings out just like this otherwise You' be pinched and you wouldn't be able to you wouldn't be able to get the slings out from under is just another word for blocking really blocking yeah sure dunnage is a little more disposable it's like almost like okay yeah scrap there's blocking there's Dage I always thought Dage was like boats and blocking was houses I don't I like that too I don't know if that's right d just more it's like rope in line more boat yeah yeah shackles and cles so this hair is all hand built cabin by Jeff Lee all built right here in sovia the wood is from sovia this was built in sovia it's really really cool to be part of this uh homegrown Adventure I'm homegrown Jeff's homegrown this is homegrown how much better could this get today's adventure is homegrown and I'm glad you're here with me I'm glad you're here with me I'm glad my friends are here with me and I'm glad to be doing this with my friends couldn't be a better day let's go have some fun well you look at this thing this is all pre-built all these joints are all pre-built all preut every one of these packages does not weigh over 700 lb because that's all the helicopter can pick maybe the helicopter can pick 800 but we're keeping it under that and uh this is all bundled and ready to go um it's going to be awesome to watch how quickly this all comes off of the boat with a helicopter this is Jeff yeah Jeff built all this stuff right here at of sovia spruce he built his cabin hey good to see you today man could be a better Adventure thanks UT thanks for coming and doing this oh yeah absolutely you wouldn't miss it you guys are definitely the best vote for this job for sure okay right now we're uh we're going to finish loading and then we'll see you on the way [Music] okay we're loaded Brian's going to go TI loose and uh we're ready to headit out you guys ready you ready you ready we ready you ready let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay we're finally here in a long trip and we're coming up this little F beautiful beautiful Springtime Greenery coming up few waterfalls around and we're we see our Target in sight there I guess we're going to land on that beach and then just push against that beach push against the beach means we're going to land maybe drop the gate and uh keep the propellers going so the boat stays stationary if if we don't push against the be then the prop watch from the helicopter will blow us all over the place every time the helicopter comes in it going to be a fierce wind it'll be blowing stuff all over to hang on to your damn hat or you're losing it for sure so it's pretty epic pretty amazing and Fast and Furious there ain't no fiddling around that helicopter's worth thousands of dollars an hour and the faster you work everybody gets happier so the crew is real well vered we got to be well versed and uh get ready for a whirlwind like literally and figuratively and so the Tide's dropping still for uh 2 hours yeah so we might back up occasionally we'll see I'm just going to there's no reason for me to just move my boat at all is there just leave my boat no you're good there I'll watch out for it we'll do that after try not to back up real fast I did that once nearly sunk somebody you know just forgot about backed up and it's like w w water's about going now oh man hey Brian remind us not to back up all of a sudden with that boat tied there uh been there done that kind of freaks the passengers out and the dog you know why blind people don't Skydive scares the hell out of their dog I've heard it I've heard it also they have a really hard time getting the dog into the airplane the second time can you imagine that yeah come on Rob I got so what you got to know right now is the helicopter is going to be here in a few minutes and anything that can get blown away in a 50 to 70 mph wind has to be put away right now cuz that's what we're going to be enduring for the next hour is a tornado basically so get ready anything that'll fly will not be on this boat in 1 hour so clean clean her up get her stro get her tied down now you ain't got any time left it's almost here [Music] [Music] [Music] that just amazing that's just amazing how that happens man and anybody's ever dreamed of a Skyhook there it is [Music] barely got out of the way that close well I don't know which way he's going but it's time to students get out ain't it oh that's hilarious right there [Music] huh I think it's causing a weird wind current that's he's having come down off gets pushed this way from the wind coming off the cliff so it's hard to check you need to back off I just I'll go do it again here [Music] [Music] oh he's getting faster now he's like woo yeah yeah you having a heart attack you're too young oh oh oh you thought it was going up [Music] so you'll pay attention and you notice something this helicopter can pick about 800 lb and they've weighed every bundle check this out 784 lb 753 591 21 in way so that it can't go over and helicopter if it's overweight can't pick it up there you [Music] go one thing you want to be really really sure of is be the hell out of the way there you that I got it moved over yeah yeah yeah all right here we go drop it down behind yeah again turn it down now back a little back my way right there go that way yeah yeah [Music] that was close holy hey that was close it almost dropped on you it's not hooked on no it's not hooked on I'm done holy dude it's it's left just been bragging about those windows let's see if they can make it what's it hooked to like [Music] that it went right over [Music] him get where you how many more lives you got thank you for trying yeah woo that'll be our one thing today we're all done now but nothing happened Yeah well yeah it's okay yeah [Music] that and did you see what it was one little hook on one one web one ratchet scrap it almost fell it literally almost fell an auto it was like right there it went right it went right over him cuz we're doing this yeah we had no idea I it jumped out of my hole it fck up and it's like like up wa it's so far in the air it's likeo late it's done it's over if you're wondering where it all went all way right here okay that wraps up this adventure thanks for coming along I look forward to seeing you on the next one okay [Music]
Channel: Otto Kilcher
Views: 75,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: moM6oL2BRVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 30sec (1530 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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