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foreign foreign foreign but no matter where I went or what I did I knew that someday I would be back now I was coming back my father's two partners had murdered him I only knew the name of one of them Pete Lambert our plan was to get him to expose the other and I would kill them both Pete Lambert and his partner from yourself Michelle I do not shoot at the Beast what do you should have met anyway you asked me you're shooting at a couple of ghosts nobody asked you and they are both still alive don't hand me that bogus accent of yours save it for the pigeons excuse me Ma I forgot but it takes all my life I'm gonna find them the two of them one of them the second one might have died years ago that's what I intend to find out from the one of them all right you get your revenge then what counters you could have stayed in New Orleans you know New Orleans that was ridiculous and always gentlemen always men anyhow at my age always gentlemen but it'll be years before another gent kisses my hand thank you here we are ladies I'll get your baggage any memes Sam carry nothing but these two ladies they're hard to say it's special ladies welcome to the peace loving community of bottleneck you're addressing Jefferson a Harding deputy sheriff the mayor your honor this is the first time a city official has ever met the Countess of me on our way into town the countess Countess you arrange Forest Suites I have some business to attend to well don't take me wooden Indians I thought you taught me to take anything that can be taken I hope your ladies are going to stay a while Lively little town where it wants to be it's going to want to be sooner than you think anyway you look at it that's right anyway you look at it you're a mighty fine figure of a woman yourself if I may be so bold be as bold as you like your honor foreign [Applause] [Music] yep he wouldn't be one of these gentlemen nope and I'll bet that's him over there yep yep you the boss yeah mind if I ask you a question no I bet you on the bartender took from the same teacher well is there something I can do for you man yes how come how come what no action well that's easy man and bottleneck just don't go for gambling well they don't go for anything if you make it interesting well not here not since Banning cleaned up the town who's batting Carson you know he's a sheriff a lot of the bad boys in town thought he was a Parson when he first moved in but he convinced him otherwise and uh where does the sporting Jen go if he wants a little excitement well across the state line it Chuck anything goes over there I'd open up there myself if it wasn't for Pete Lambert oh yes Pete Lambert you heard of it Commander's partner no you're wrong there lady he plays lone hand he's a boss over in chocolate and he don't name blood in any competition either well that won't bother me I'm planning to open up a place right here in your fair City in bottleneck where you're crazy pick me apart ma'am I mean uh where about smog Nick that depends on the price well now I'll admit business ain't been just up to Snuff lately but as soon as the horse trading how much oh I might be persuaded to accept ten thousand and I might be persuaded to offer five why the equipment loan is five young lady I don't suppose you'd be interested in one hand of high card for five thousand or ten you're talking to a lady okay there are three is King bear reduces Ace King number three aces up Beats Kings up every time looks like price is ten thousand does it foreign now what does it look like I'll learn that one before I was out of pigtails there's only one female I ever heard of could have dealt like that Frenchy Fontaine pleased to meet you Mr uh Dobbs ma'am Jim Dobbs I reckon the price is five thousand I reckon it is you drop the paper I'll go over to the bank and get a draft cash and uh Mr Dobbs I can always use a good man if you can use the wages see all right stick around anyway just to see what happens when folks find out friendship volunteens are moving in a good day man miss Fontaine is a bankroom businessman I can only warn you that the Scarlet Angel is a worthless investment banking is your business Mr Gorman gambling is mine make my chances thank you for cashing my draft you try to revive gambling this plus elements people here won't like it well you mean Mr Banning won't like it I would know about that he doesn't live here anymore I guess maybe folks don't expect him to come back but he won't after three years so much the better I'm planning to sell my Palace of chance in New Orleans and bring out my whole Chrome equipment I'm going to turn the Scarlet Angel into the biggest attraction west of the Mississippi foreign that's just what I don't want killing now we're gonna make a run for it and you don't shoot unless they shoot first what Jim will you drive the buggy back to town so he passed the word along to the other boys I'll write up your plan better go driver I'd like to avoid a showdown if I could that's why it's bullets start flying who's that awesome Pastor got on a Dodge City there's any shooting I'll guarantee you'll sleep through starting any trouble there's a rumor going around the face sent to their Sheriff Tom Banning so what I can handle there too but Sharon what I hear is single-handed and then headed east they say that once he would you mind putting that gun someplace else look mister I think mister I think I don't know this lot would be some shooting pretty soon you're smart to drop off here no I call that real considerate and thank you kindly man why should I get off I mean you see I have a legal contract with this company calling for transportation all the way to bottleneck I'm able to see that contract divided by our friend here's a lawyer not exactly I just happen to be interested in the law it's a hobby of mine too it's not a hobby with me with me hearts I'd say they're not going to be exactly terrorists drinking at the side of that shooting iron Mr don't you sell this little gunshot the gun sure to admire that holster you carry yours foreign ever stopped one that's a coach you know man if folks that do more talking before they started shooting all right pile out you won't get away with this so you're Frenchy Fontaine I'm Pete Lambert well Mr Lambert if this is just your way of making my acquaintance you've gone to a lot of trouble for nothing when I go to a lot of trouble man it ain't for nothing I'm a businessman and I've got a big investment to protect you I'd hate to be your partner Mr Lambert are you making me a proposition no because if business got too bad I think of the kind who'd get rid of any partners he had all right driver turn them around now Pete if it isn't Tom Benny I heard you were coming back this coach was doing bottleneck a half hour ago if you're through making speeches I'd sure like continue my journey we're outside the state line that means outside your jurisdiction I just as soon shoot you as anyone else just because I'm not Sheriff around here don't a law here I'm warning you Benny there's some kind of law every place Pete the law book's called Mala and say that's Latin meaning things that are wrong even if there's no statute on the books against them like as if you were to shoot an unarmed man even your own gang wouldn't hold still for it foreign we'll be meeting up again miss Fontaine good I'll be listening for your Rebels oh don't forget this Pete it's like I was saying man there's a time for shooting and a time for talking it's never wise to put your shooting before you're talking [Music] Hello friends hello crunchy that's a deal Hello friends I come all the way from Silver Quick on account I've been hearing about this place and my little friendship unless my goodness was drunk as I thought foreign okay you'll really see some action hello pigeons is everybody having fun we're having a great time how about you this year are you having fun finally for Alaska gentlemen tonight I'm looking for excitement if anybody's looking for the same I can offer you plenty of it beginning tonight this is a No Limit table if you do not have a great deal of Courage lots of money you'd better stay far away from me very Charming I'm getting excited to see you really I am I am here on business counters a wonderful wonderful life in there night after night request comes Under The Heading and preliminary investigation but look at the trash this Frenchie Fontaine is attracting back in town the Thomas is doing happily attracting there for a while I tell you Tom everybody especially the women folks are on my neck to do something you tell them we'll do something when we can do it legal Phantom 20 years ago when your power was Sheriff I figured he was the most exasperated man in the world but you're sure the new Champion might be surprised to hear you think I'm better at something in my Powers sorry up jumps the devil you threw A7 new roller coming up crunchy the show from the mirror are up to something I'll take care of the police department you keep the game going the point is care for green Sheriff no thanks on the house sorry but it might look like I was accepting a bribe you don't like what's going on here do you there's no law against it look he got me out of a tough spot with Pete Lambert and I'm grateful but I don't like just sitting around here every night just waiting for a chance to arrest somebody keep an eye on things keep an eye on things you're making the pigeons nervous besides you're so busy whistling you wouldn't notice it if somebody walked off with a safe say that Miss Fontaine it's the fact I noticed you looked extra pretty tonight I'll bet you did yes ma'am extra pretty take your eyes usually they're blue but when you're mad like you're now they're sort of gunmetal the way you're wearing your hair tonight mighty fetching sure you could turn a girl's head with that kind of thought I noticed a couple other things for one thing you got too much class for bottleneck we're coming from one of the Civic leaders it's not a compliment you said a fellow to wondering what about how come a big time Gambler like Frenchie Fontaine shuts down a paying proposition in New Orleans to come way out here are you interested or is that that sheriff's badge talking I never wear a badge as I misplaced when I accidentally sat down on it already coming up if you really want to know I'll tell you right the climate I never did think of that possibility the real suspicious aren't you you figure if you hang around here long enough you're gonna get something on me well who knows well come on boys depends you know where I come from the police usually has permission before they sleep glance it's all right so that's how I figured Miss Fontaine you've got some special reason for being here and I'm just curious enough to want to know what it is I'm looking for a man lucky man don't be too sure you steal anything off that desk I'll tell the sheriff what's going on back there I'm getting into something more comfortable I declared a short holiday in your honor yes well uh Miss Fontaine we have a nice peaceful community here and we aim to keep it that way peaceful is Right whoever laid it out forgot to bury it I wouldn't be sarcastic about it it takes the honest hard-working Church going folks to make a place worth living in are worth dining time you know ma'am I know Miguel once came out here from the East she's never been on a horse before so she picked out a nice gentle looking Critter and climbed aboard well man that turned out to be the wildest ornery's back breaking Bronco on four legs poor gal couldn't get down without breaking her neck he's been riding around now for months and she still can't get down off that horse's bag don't worry about me Sheriff anything I can get on I can get off oh good evening Mr Garmin I'm so glad you finally decided to cross the street find the sheriff here why yes um he's been looking things over the church we'd like to have it they want you to close this place I haven't been breaking any laws since it's in violation it can't be done legally they're going to do it anyway sounds like mob rule coming back again Clyde even law abiding citizens can lose their patience will you tell those law-abiding citizens that if any of them take the law to his own hands you'll wind up in jail you've been away so long I've forgotten how technical you were about the law Clyde my paw used to say that laws are like eggs you find one that's rotten I know this is what your par used to say planning it's pretty obvious what's making you forget the obligations of your office I am Esther Gorman as a matter of fact wait a minute the nerve of him inferring I'm an old lady anyone can make a mistake like I'm liable to if you don't simmer down your bow is untied again I'm sorry you certainly surprised me she 'll get that bunch of Psalm singers the psalm singers the solid citizens Miss Fontaine you find that true almost everywhere I wouldn't try and him if I were you a card I'm taking your part just you break the law you'll see what I mean foreign [Music] oh Clyde we really should be angry with Tom neglecting his old friends I've been kind of busy that's right he's been investigating the Scarlet angel from what I've seen there's quite a bit to investigate I I guess I should be going nice to have seen you Diane bye time you don't have to make it quite so obvious I haven't the slightest idea you're still in love with him aren't you how can I be Daddy you won me away from him remember [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh how did I do as a Psalm singer every girl that hasn't had much practice oh you don't always have to go to church to do your praying [Music] correctly [Music] learned about the time my power Sheriff one of his unsolved cases he had a little daughter did he she'd be just about your age by now what a coincidence uh I have to be going on Mr Banning [Music] they never did find out what happened to little girl why don't you leave me alone foreign [Music] get out I didn't sit so good with some of the wrong ones so they shot him in the back [Applause] I guess they shoot in the back and let's get to meet you to your face the horse was carrying me far away from him and I cried papa papa [Music] when I looked back he was lying face down in the dirt I was scared I've never seen anybody dead before I was just a little kid but I never forgot all the years in the afternoon to remember he said wake up out of my sleep screaming we used to frighten the other kids and after the orphanage oh for a while I worked for a French family named Fontaine when they went back to France I borrowed their name and their accent it made me more glamorous the pigeons go for the gay paristov and kicked around yes I did I had all kinds of jobs finally wound up in a gambling house where I met the campus she seems real fun of you oh they don't come any better than her she taught me all the tricks of the gambling game dice cards roulette I learned fast we finally brought into a place I've been on the professional end ever since you say your father had another partner besides Pete Lambert he did but I never heard my father mention his name because I can't remember it Regal when I'm through with that one he'll feel like talking and then I'll square things with both of them you can't take the law on your own hands but it's all I've done about it up to now oh you do know that you know about it I know he's being impulsive look at me I left bottleneck stayed away three years just because the girl I was in love with married another man just goes to show you you lose some mighty foolish things if you let your emotions run away with your thinking your father was murdered right in front of your own eyes fellow once snake bit him couldn't see a mark on the skin but the poison was there and it kept spreading finally killed him hates a poison too thanks for the sermon Mr Sheriff Pete Lambert came out here from Dodge City 20 years ago opened a saloon okay here we are father's name Frank Dawson should be another partner ain't no mention to him why all this sudden age overflow has been dead for so many years I've got a white horse to go ahead you better start riding trouble supervised educational tour of Chocolat I wonder once about riding a horse she couldn't get off I can't explain now Mr Benning but there are things driving her that don't drive Ordinary People you worry about that girl launch accounts of course I do this is no time to stand around and talk about it here Tom there's no use telling you not to go you better take this no Jeff if I carry a gun I might get myself shot I'll just tell her I've been keeping my eye on her which is Sheriff I have been of all the exasperateness men I ever knew foreign just wanted to see how the other hat gets taken so now you've seen goodbye adventure oh you wouldn't send a girl home thirsty would you all right what do you want I think you and I ought to team up isn't that afraid I might put you out of business I could make it real interesting I'd be surprised how interesting but I don't team up with anybody the idea you always had someone in with you it's too bad I could double your take why don't you double your own I might even if I have to do it with your customers you study customers down boys chips we don't bother the chips lady we recommend holding money coins are Goldust those gold pieces you have will do fine let's go chips I've never heard of such a thing but the Scarlet Angel over in bottleneck we don't play with anything except chips perhaps that's because it's more exciting that way like the pretty dealers pretty dealers oh yes the most beautiful girls in New Orleans I picked for myself you must be Frenchy Fontaine that's right that reminds me I'm gonna be getting back to my own place all right neighbor nice your point let's see I beg your pardon it's such a dark night and I hate to ride back bottleneck all by myself you know anything can happen to a girl alone I wonder if any of you nice gentlemen would be so kind as to escort me home I'm all through I'd love to drive you home foreign Mountain line up in the hills they went looking for it well man they have 200 pound fella never came back now that 200 pound mountain lion weighs four I don't like that story on the Lion's feet get out of chocolate Mister don't ever show your face around here again or I'll personally use it for target practice I knew what fella was shouted out with another fella and you know what neither of them ever knew he'd kill the other one come on Frenchie I'll take you back to bottleneck tell you what Miss Fontaine why don't you let those gentlemen take you home as many as want to Pete and I'll stay here and swap stories for a while yeah on a Dark Lonely Road um Mr burning next time you borrow my little gun please ask permission good morning Miss Fontaine good morning Perry I'd like to make another deposit you made one only yesterday and that was your third this week stop talking and smart guy yes sir Perry gold is where you find it last night was our biggest night Deb there's more than three thousand dollars here old sold three thousand why that's a fortune I promise Fontaine that I hear right that's right three thousand dollars the Scarlet Angel wasn't such a bad investment after all was it it was for bottleneck my heart bleeds for bottleneck if you're wrong Mr Gorman most of this is chocolate money haven't you noticed how much of Pete Lambert's trade I've taken away in this last week yes I've noticed and so is every responsible citizen of this time you're attracting the trash of the whole territory all right perinate the deposit never mind from now on we'll use our own safe take them back boys if this keeps up I may go in the banking business too all closed up I'll accept the bar John is still wiping glasses some old sauces hanging around hoping for a free drink before it gets thrown up you should have told Johnny to give him one we did fine tonight we're doing fine every night that's not why we came here huh since when do we start mapping success Pete Lambert hasn't come crawling yet has he will for sure describe you now he's losing more customers every night come on look at this I thought it tacked up outside the hotel oh Jess to Outlaw gambling prior to Mayor Harding and the city council by morning these will be plastered all over town you know whose idea this was don't you impose Mannings you're crazy he's been protecting me all the way fighting his tongue can't be banning he wrote up the county seat beginning of the week and he isn't back yet where did you find that out Jeff I mean mayor Harding he's a very attentive gentleman even if he is a city official yeah that's too bad if banning we're here maybe you could talk him out of this you seem to have a lot of influence in that direction and you seem to have a lot of ideas about banning Me Maybe the bill won't go through I wouldn't bet on it whoever is behind this must feel pretty sure they're going to vote me right out of town um go to bed expect me to go to sleep with a dry stomach You Ain't Human Johnny you're human I take them one of these days I'll strike a glitch and I'll pay you back double oh you'll be poor red nose no money no liquor she always said when you're playing against a mark deck it's a good idea to sleeve an ace yourself yourself right right you expect me to go driving or just enough to get the taste of it on return shoes how's it going red nose oh hello Mr Frenchy I'm awful broken off and dry give me anything he wants Johnny gosh thanks Miss Frenchie how'd you like a whole case of that stuff the whole case all for myself [Music] [Music] yeah 20 minutes more remember boys your legal address is bottleneck County sure would like to get this voting over with so we can get out of here keep your shirt on which chuckle I got the bottleneck eight plenty Rosy Kitty Daisy Minnie Mouse you leave Minneapolis boys boys all right let's see what you got there Grady I want you to check this over keep your hand off that it's gone all right we don't drive the Red Nose we ain't Shane it's too early to make a definite red nose but if the rest is anything like this samples you'll run any answer to the time you know funny thing I've been up to Monument Hill a hundred times foreign Monument Hill wait a minute I'd like to hear more who hit it Red Nose getting the answers to the tongue sure like to see a sample of that ore but Tom I said I'd like to see that Tom anything you say there you are Sheriff gold known smell this gold does gunpowder that's an old trick for salt and mine shooting golden or rock with a gun but why yeah foreign you like things done according to life Sheriff that's the way we're doing it that's Fontaine yes Mr Banning after now I've been feeling mighty sorry for you well that's what I like from a man real warm-blooded sympathy I was sorry for the little girl that got off to such a rough start in life it had to make out the best way she could oh I'm doing all right maybe but you're not doing so well for a lot of other people you're so full of poison you're gonna ruin a whole town Chocolat was ruined long before I got here I'm talking about bottleneck what do I care about bottleneck it's Pete Lambert I'm after and so to get him you think you can make a goat out of the law or you won't get away with it when you least expect it it'll kick back at you like an overloaded rifle are you finished Sheriff yes for now but someday you'll step over the line when you do I'll be back officially you can still call on your dear friendship will you leave me alone come in Diane I had to see you Tom I had to but you shouldn't have come here how else could I get to talk to you alone foreign I still wanted to talk to you this is hardly the place don't worry practically everyone's still out at Monument Hill even Clyde Tom I my marriage was a horrible mistake please Diane no don't stop me I've known it for a long time Claude was rich and I I thought that's what I wanted but I was wrong you realize it now oh yes Donald you made your choice three years ago Diane foreign is it my husband or that Fontaine woman you're not making sense no everybody knows about you and her The Whole Town's been out of here look like that was a legitimate goal strike and you dragged us away I'll eat all the gold there is a Monument Hill well in that case oh no no no no no no no no no no don't get the wrong idea and when he got out in the light he was wearing the other man's pants for a while gentlemen account has taken downstairs for a drink you two lions raising on the wrong range aren't you Mr Lambert just being social returning your visit oh nice stick around you'll be able to say hello to a lot of your old customers tonight you seem to be doing all right I'm happy I can't say the same for you yeah sit down yeah we've got some pretty cute tricks best way she can I think I'm throwing in my hand Frenchie I've still got plenty of good cards left but I like the way you operate if you're still willing I'm ready to tie in with you your partner might not like a three-way split I still think I've got someone in with me oh there's been some such rumors well maybe there's a few things I do have to straighten out but there won't be any trouble all right you straighten them out and come back I'll be seeing you soon partner foreign foreign until you established yourself in bottleneck we were proud of our community now it isn't safe for a woman to walk the streets at night I wouldn't know about that Mrs Gorman I never walk the streets at night very well you've had your little joke now come to the point would you consider closing this place and going away no would you be interested in selling you thinking of going into the salon business my husband would pay you a fair price just to shut this place down that's right I don't think so not even bottleneck's wealthiest citizen is that crazy nevertheless I'm sure you'd be willing to buy you out coming out that makes you so sure he has an interest in chocolate what kind of Interest he's Mr Lambert's partner a sort of Silent Partner sure I only found out tonight Mr Lambert came to the house and I happened overhear him talking to Clyde aren't you afraid I'll tell people about your respectable husband who would believe you smart girl what are you really after to get me from contaminating bottleneck or get me far away from Tom Banning you forget I'm a married woman your Mrs Gorman you forget why you cheat little you should have done that foreign foreign thank you make some mighty handy weapon yo I'll take you and make a pin cushion out of me take a look and figure out what you'd call yourself I hope you're not hurt Diane I'll be all right talk 32 minutes that sheriff kind of bothers you doesn't he I found the other man I've been looking for Lambert's partner the gentleman by the name of Clyde Gorman so what happens now I'll give you one guess you stay out of this Lance what do you want to get even don't you maybe killing Gorman is the right way to get even you mean Mrs garland would make a mighty pretty Widow no I don't mean that can be free to marry Tom Banning shut up I don't know it is between you and him I didn't follow you halfway across the country and stick around for you just lose you to some kid horn shirt foreign thank you come in you must be your mind reader Jeff I'm just on my way down to the office to hand in my resignation you going someplace yeah I guess it's a little sudden isn't it what's wrong tell me what'd you do last night after the fight of the Scarlet Angel well I had a little thinking to do so I took a ride up in the hills I always think clearer out in the open if you're thinking have anything to do with Mrs Gorman sneaking up here to see you lately are you insinuating I'm Tom it's all over town about you too I know a fellow once Carter got a little rash on his face folks started telling him a smallpox and he figured it was hives but which was it well no one rightly knows Jeff he was assured with hives he recovered from hives folks were so sure it was smallpox they all came down with a smallpox all right you're having a hill sinking that's right I figured things were getting so complicated around here I'm checking out does that answer your question I reckon it does thank you foreign I'll answer one for me what's this all about well the the ideas going around that it was you that shot Gorman I shot Gorman surprise didn't you only his body happens to be laying out in the alley right now and there's one bullet missing from your gun look here boys ain't this a blood stain I don't know how that got there if Tom Bannon says he don't know that's good enough for me well it's not good enough for me look Banning I can see what might have happened Corman found out about you and his wife and come up here gunning cart all right that isn't the way it was at all I didn't even see Gorman last night what are you able to do about it Jeff I'm resigning and I'll shoot the first Maverick that tries to put Tom Bannon under arrest give me them guns thanks Jeff but if you were in my spot I'd arrest you on suspicion of murder forty one hundred and sixty five dollars maybe you ought to put on a price fight every night what would I use for sparring partners crunchy and a stinker a heartless store you're gonna be sorry you said that when you hear what we did last night that's right John as biggest snake since we opened if you've got an easy conscience haven't you I got a sympathy for the pigeons butcher didn't want gone and killed that's right what about it I'm gonna shoot him in the back that's murder well he was asking for it wasn't it he wasn't asking you it's not I thought I heard you talk since before that you'd get even with Gorman you said but you didn't want him killed I said it and I meant it sure sure then you took a stroll and decided to try a little target practice from Gorman happened to walk in the way of a bullet when he was walking backwards you think I did it we're through he can handle place in half the cash I'm leaving as soon as I can get packed well you better get yourself a new manager too get her out of here Lance get around before anyone finds out now what would you saying Tom I sure would appreciate it if you bring me some Whitman wood in the morning I sure will oh I forgot I ever don't go for that gun right here come on out of there thanks a lot breath anyways here's your gun jail all right what's the deal you didn't kill them makes you so sure I never went to college here I know a lot about men who never shoot anybody in the back thanks two horses you come along for the mirror they'll figure he was in on it you got a point there lady come on Tom let's get moving oh there's a few people around for me talking about a rope better stay off the roads funniness contain all my life I've been talking about now I'm running away back I guess I can take part of the blame for that foreign [Music] taking a chance the way she did if anyone's to find out she helped us I wish you'd forget about her and think about us do you see what she did to Diane sure is a lot of woman now I'm a lot of man we're in a lot of trouble and you're making a lot of fool out of yourself ain't you going to do nothing about time to find out who killed Garmin of course I am Jeff otherwise I wouldn't have been willing to go along with a jailbreak well what are we waiting for things like that big time folks get in a hurry they have to overlook Minor Details thank you like a fella I knew once was in a hurry to raise cattle and went out got himself a herd of cows and just sat back waiting once our three years went by not one of them cows calved wait how come he was in such a hurry he forgot to buy himself a bowl well of course if he forgot to buy a bull it's understandable I guess Tom Bannon I said it before and I say it again you're the most aristocating man I ever knew oh it is that's a letter I told you about from Dodge City when I wrote up the county seat to check on Lambert I asked him to make inquiry around there well never mind that bull cat now he says before Pete Lambert came out here he was in the saloon business with Clyde Gorman he was kind of clears things up don't it not for me Frenchy Fountain came out here to get two men Pete Lambert and his partner you mean she killed Garmin what are you thinking I don't know pretty smart I heard that you have to me to break jails practically a confession I did it well where are we going I told her I'd be back someday officially foreign he's on his way to bottleneck with his whole mom what for well Frenchie sent me to Chuck a lot to make a deal with Lambert but he figures with you out of the way he can run her out of the territory he can too in good Witness like my pie used to say there's a time for shooting and the time for talking looks like the time for talking's over let me have your six shooter chip are you thinking of helping that gal after I don't be more dangerous to bottleneck than she is not only a castorated your bullets on me eat Lambert and his men are on their way here to move into the Scarlet Angel that's right I just come from chocolate what do you expect us to do we gotta stop him what four do you think we're gonna fight for Frenchie Fontaine if he gets away with us he'll wind up running this whole town that ought to be mighty good news for a fugitive from Justice here better tell folks to stay out of sight till this is over Tom Tom you mustn't go on with this why not I'm still Sheriff Tom since Clyde's death after nothing to think we mustn't cause any more tragedy we've had nothing to happen if haven't we oh Tom I couldn't bear it if anything should happen to you don't worry about me Diane forget about me I wish we'd left with the others now we've got the place to ourselves it gives me the creeps if Lambert acts fast we'll be out of here by tonight he's gonna drive a hard bargain I'm sorry I dragged you out here to the sticks maybe we can buy back our place in New Orleans before you know it will be done better than ever if you don't believe a word of it you're running away because of Tom Banning why don't you mind your own business you are my business Frenzy if you're careful in that much why don't you go find him tell him how can I do that you're supposed to shot a man for me Tom what are you doing here Lambert's on his way over here with a small army to put you out of business tell him I wanted to sell out well sure I did but he said he wouldn't pay for what he could take oh did he well we're gonna leave anyway what makes you so generous to be Lambert of all people maybe I could religion all of a sudden I've been hearing a lot of sermons lately remember it is better to give than to receive he can have the Scarlet Angel no he can't he gets a foothold and bottleneck he'll try and take over the whole town who cares I do we'd appreciate it there's some artillery in the I'll find it thank you what happens after the shooting's over you still gotta face a murder charge not me what are you talking about look at this you think I did it I stopped playing games in this Fontaine when people find out that golden is a man you're trying to find are going to jump to conclusions and they're going to jump pretty fast so why don't you want to counter sleeve like you've planned while there's still time it's a fun thing for a sheriff to suggest a lot of things have been corrupted in this town since you came here I guess I'm one of them I knew a fellow once after him there couldn't be any other fella thank you isn't anybody gonna do anything once they start shooting it'll be too late it'll be it'll be time if they killed each other off it's a shameful thing for you to say Mr Carter when you know that Tom batting is thinking of all of us and not himself and he gets himself shot it'll save us the trouble of hanging no it wouldn't I never would let you hang he didn't kill my husband Diane I shot him I see Tom and tell him I was leaving Clyde but Tom was out so I waited then Clyde came bursting in threatening to kill me he turned to lock the door there was a gun on the wall and I said getting close enough now so I can put a few him no Jeff hold your fire damn if you think that poor guy's gonna listen you're talking before should the man's got an edge scratch Jeff if Lambert was anxious to shoot he'd have started before now all right girl he looks that way Tom he's sure coming along extra for life thank you come on out Frenchie and we'll talk deal come on in Pete it's more comfortable for talking what are you doing in there Banning Miss fontaine's gone I'm sort of looking after things suppose I don't want to deal with you I guess you'll have to Pete I could have drilled you long before this only I like talking like my paw used to not me I'm not much for words you aren't scared of words are you Pete I'm taking over this place without any talk well that's real braver you Pete and I'd hate to see any of your men get hurt when they don't have to what about German I'm sending them out your meal deal alone you don't you don't I don't think Lambert's too happy about this but he can't back down in front of his voice away against foreign foreign yes all right what do you take for the place you're in no position to buy Pete you see I'm taking you in for murder if you think I killed Gorman you're wrong I'm judging you with the murder of Frank Dawson Dawson 15 years don't make it any less of a Murder y'all want to familiar to yourself Benny so stop making noises like a shirt you could save me a lot of trouble if you'd surrender Peaceable maybe I could save you the trouble now that's real considerate you're my boy he's like I've been branded with a hot iron foreign 's murder we'd like to forget about it Tom if you will we just learned who did it and it wasn't you I know that I should have arrested everybody just couldn't do it I guess well it don't make any difference now I guess it's punishment enough for a woman to know she killed her own husband even if it wasn't self-defense her husband wait a minute you mean Diane Diane shotgun you'd have to turn back ladies what far you've got nothing on us the people who bottleneck ordered me to bring in turn around Smith you know all right mayor now that you brought us in what's the big idea you're going in oh where do I get my hands on that chair up of yours I'll tell him a thing or two you'll get your chance Miss Frenchie what about me you save her I'll take care of you later thank you Gorman you've got to let him go out the door that Dad blamed idiot sister from taking off a few and folks here don't pretend to lose the best Sheriff they ever had so get in there foreign
Channel: DVN
Views: 433,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ykdIC8cq-08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 9sec (4149 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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