Full Movie | Alvarez Kelly | Wild Westerns

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[Music] [Music] Alvarez K rode over the r with a heart full of glory and a gleam in his eyes and whever he stopped the GS kept dropping like f till a lady from Richmond cut him down toze war is Hell Without A Doubt but Kelly never found that out or if he did he s gave a d for when he met a pretty G in Texas Tennessee or Alabama he'd kiss a man wink and Whisper thank you man Alvarez Kelly the Irish Sor kept pursuing his hes while pursuing the W give him in a glass and some Fair last to [Music] adore and he couldn't care less what they were fighting for alare Kell I'll say it once more say it once more Alvarez Kell the i i i Irish [Music] over the hill hey we made it a bigo [Music] whenever you're ready to talk business Kelly I'll be at my hotel oh oh you're stemman major stemman major St sorry major I'm I've got the most marvelous beef in the world for you the best beef in all of Mexico no Sanchez of course they're a little thin by now but it's been a long walk few days in the pasture and late Mr Kelly 10 days late 10 miserable days in this stinking hot town is it Vermont or Massachusetts you're asking where I'm from it's Boston which may I tell you was one long way from this PR Rat Hole well there are certain compensations major in a railroad town as a matter of fact I was hoping that you might have brought a couple of them along let see I don't happen to be a procurer Mr Kelly forgive me whiskey or Sherry I'm here on business Mr Kelly United States Army business I'm waiting for an explanation what were you in civilian life a lawyer and I'm still waiting for an explanation lawyer huh you've never driven cattle hardly hardly 3 months major not 10 days 3 months staring into the rear ends of those beaves smelling their stink choking on their dust listening to their damn bellowing night and day I'm a reasonable man if I weren't I might go over to the other side and see how how Their Manners are you do business with the Confederates no their money's no good Kelly what's he doing if I'm not mistaken someone's stealing my wine I thought you were a soldier not a sheriff you like my wine pacco see Pon I like it if you do huh cost $5 a bottle that's $10 out of your pay and since you're a generous man you'll share the rest of it with your friends [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here I don't understand you I don't understand you all a thief should be punished Sanchez we'll have dinner now and take a few more bottles of wine out to our friends he's a lonely Thief stemman trying to celebrate after a rough Journey he'd be happy to go home they all will and so will I I'm afraid you won't be going home quite yet Mr Kelly there's been a change of orders you'd take the cattle by rail to Virginia and deliver them to a plantation 30 Mi south of Richmond the pasturage there you'll be paid on arrival that's not in the agreement major I was ordered to bring the cattle here and no further the war's gone into a new phase Mr Kelly we're concentrating on Richmond and when we take it we won I don't care who wins you want that herd in Virginia it'll cost you $5 per head extra I'm authorized to pay you $1 a head extra and not plenty more that's not Army beef yet major not until I get paid off on my contract the contract specifies in a rather small print El atment that payment shall be made when the beef is delivered to the area deemed most Urgent by the Commanding General which at the moment is 30 MI sou of Richmond now you'll find that quite in order I prepared it myself even specifying the size of the print now those steers are going east Mr [Music] Kelly well by God for that judge he thought he had me licked licked Kelly he underestimated the man he was dealing with I hit that judge I hit him with a RIT of sary it's like a brilliant bolt out of the BL like a tiger springing a RIT sary play card [Music] [Applause] [Music] Steadman [Music] thousands of them yeah the boys in blue are going to eat beef tonight and tomorrow night next month till it's coming out of their CWS maybe sister empty stomachs making to see what ain't there konel how about me going down and bringing back some proof just to make it official my orders are to scout that herd go ahead just make sure the Yanks don't Scout [Music] me [Music] oh Lord this is always an embarrassing time I'm sure you'll handle it with your customary tag take over captain yes [Music] sir Major stman Ma'am I'm charity War this is Alvarez Kelly who brought the cattle here I was ordered to arrange quarters for the two of you your men can camp in the field below the house Mr Kelly the Graz is best in the north pasture you may eat in my dining room tonight major but from tomorrow on you'll kindly make other arrangements uh Mrs war will you join us for dinner nice try stemman but I don't think you're going to Lady Kelly a great lady one rarely has the privilege to meet such a m what does that mean woman pick up those trays I'll get [Applause] them go get that meat [Music] sir CLE wari must be rolling around his grave I'll bet you this the first time his place has been lit up like that since [Music] Manasses car eat us while it's still now that man who brought the cattle I promise that man really knew his business moved that heard like it was a column of infantry that's Prime Beef Johnny there's enough down there to feed a lot of people who haven't chewed on meat in a long long time 38 3940 now with the $10,000 Advance pag you in Mexico it makes a grand total of $50,000 and completes our original contract plus the uh additional $2500 a sign here buying beef at $3 ah head two and selling them for 20 not bad it's outrages well now you go to some nice safe place and count your profits spend it stman spend it and enjoy it and when it's all gone raise it again you make it sound simple it is if you don't want it too bad money whiskey and women your three deities tell me something Mr Kelly have they made you a happy man no but not as miserable a one as you [Music] Mrs War dinner serve gentlemen how nice you've changed your mind L's privilege well your privilege is our pleasure ma'am I got hungry driving thousands of half wild animals across thousands of miles someone bought up in this part of the country it seems almost impossible I have such respect for a special it's nothing from what I hear you certainly know how to charge for that do you object to someone making money Miss charity in Wartime I think so making money out of War it's almost an active nature do you have any idea what a major salary is I wasn't talking about that but what about a colonel salary The Prestige afterward you'll carry that rank into every courtroom for the rest of your life I didn't go to war for that no but you'll use it every man in his own special way takes care of number one I don't admire men like that Mr Kelly Mrs wari if there were a kind of profit driven right into your own backyard would there be any reason not to take advantage of it what do you mean by that let's say it's a matter of the north pasture the north you're talking in riddles do you man' I don't understand I was curious when Mrs War specified the north pasture I wanted to know the reason why the soil major overworked dying for the lack of fertilizer yes but I still don't manure major I didn't know you were a farmer Mr Kelly oh I was raised on a farm my father's stania in Texas stania what a lovely word so is Kad charity yes it was lovely it was lovely and big open 50 families lived on it my father was like a lord like a an Irish Lord and yet this virtuous Irish Lord was not quite able to stop his son from turning pirate was he Mr Kelly make jokes Tedman about the war about God and about me but don't make jokes about my father he was killed defending our home Mexican War I think you called it we had other names for a theft of a pece of our country the officers wore the same uniform you have on major only some of them now have changed it to Gray so I say Alvarez Kelly take what you can from either side small return for your Birthright beg pardon ma'am what is it Lieutenant a guard stumbled across one of our Drovers smashed in the face and unconscious we 30 m behind the lines they sto long enough to butcher a steer inside of the gates well where the hell were the sentries excuse me all right let's go poor major he finds Duty more fascinating than pleasure do you undress every woman you meet Mr Kelly there has to be some degree of beauty then it's no special compliment being a beautiful woman is compliment enough from what you say about your father's uh Estancia it must have been something like it was here before the war very much like it might be interesting to buy some land around here not to help rebuild though not to live just to buy cheap and sell deer it's a nuisance to do it the other way around you disappoint me Mr Kelly after what happened to your own home I should think your sympathy would be with us I have no sympathies only instincts and they shy away from losers I'm overstaying my welcome you must be tired the underestimate yourself Mr Kelly rarely thank you for the evening how long since you've been with a woman Mr Kelly 3 mon months lifetime my husband's been dead 3 years so there was someone under the bed all the time Hatcher the money I got just as many men outside I warn you I'm a Mexican national doing business with the Yanks my privil V Greer the money obliged Mr Kelly just how far would you have gone you bastards couldn't have waited a while longer had you good night Char God bless take care Tom God bless God bless Cherry bless well Mrs War good night and God [Music] bless yes major stman yes major you had visitors old friends of mine old dear friends why' they take Kelly for the money wouldn't you say they didn't have to kidnap him to get his money perhaps they didn't want to shoot him in front of me shoot him shoot him for what well the way they see it Mr Kelly committed an act of war against the Confederacy of course they're prejudiced is War uh did you know about this of course I saw it happened no I mean beforehand I mean ating in a bedding all that difficult lawyer talk major Mr Kelly was certainly right Alvarez Cary hijacked by Rebel you appreciate that major this one B Rider yes sir get back to Camp fast as you can yes sir straight back we've had our enjoyment for the evening yes sir turn them around boys now that that's over would you mind telling me what this is all about uh-uh not yet get in tell his ape to keep his hands off me get in I may choose not to you may choose to die too and you'd give up those pretty little stripes for that privilege wouldn't you Sergeant as long as you knew my hands were tied roster we both know you didn't bring me this far to shoot me for some reason you want me alive and in one piece why you know Mr Kelly you talk too much get in I just like to tell you a little something this River Winds all the way to Richmond now if I was to put you to sleep you'd Miss some of the prettiest scenery in all Virginia colonel in my inside pocket where my money used to be there's a cigar you could get it for me or better yet I could get it for myself bust him Colonel sir make him shut his big [Music] mouth Confederate man of war [Music] Kelly we've got to have that beef the Army in the whole South is starving that's your problem not mine damn it if hungry people don't mean anything to you this should that already belongs to me we'll double it in Gold Colonel are you suggesting our currency is no good sir can I tell you what for you know Colonel I have to hand it to you you're not just half mad now how do you figure you're going to get 2500 head of cattle over Grant's Lines by balloon nope we don't have that many balloons all right we can't get over them but we can go around we can make this big circle come up behind the plantation then all we have to do is just shoe those cattle back the way we came just shoe them back that's right you know there's a small army guarding those teers now how do you expect to get them without a fight I'll handle the military and you'll handle the herd Fair division then you'll do it Mr Kelly Mr Harrison I intend to die in bed uh in the arms of a beautiful woman we um we all share that wish sir I do not intend to die from a Yankee bullet so I say to hell with it colonel you're not walking out of here this City's swarming with spies and you know our plan worth nothing you couldn't even try it without me I never like to kiss I never like to kiss I never like to kiss more than one girl at a time oh look at the soldier boy morning morning enjoying yourself oh yes I like cockroaches with my soup specialty the house if I ready leave not under your terms but I've got some advice for you Colonel yeah what's that nobody's even going to start to move that herd out without Drovers like the kind I have my commandes can handle it Cavalry top Riders fought under Jeb Stewart any Texans among them Cowans they're Virginians and there's no damn thing anybody can do on a horse they can't match no we except maybe drive a cow out of the closet takes a long time to train a drover Jailer open up Mr Kelly your education has been sadly [Music] neglected not bad but you're not charging the enemy you're pushing cattle for that you need train cow ponies now look these is war horses mister I reckon they can handle them the little cows all right Lieutenant why don't you take your war horses and just push those little old cows into that back Corral your permission colel C get in get in here you dir C get in here God get in here God it you dirt fool come get in there col where the hell you get these cows from L lady home move him out come on get out of here get out of here [Music] [Applause] get you dirty fo [Applause] [Music] cow get doing watch out sound Retreat what's that sir I said sound Retreat yes [Music] sure CL the G get those [Music] go now listen there 2500 head of Mexican range bred steers on that Plantation stupid temperamental and a lot more vicious than anything you've got here all right so we got plenty to learn but you can train us damn you killer you're going to train us back to jail [Music] are you coming in or am I going out General Le's approved the raid that makes you the only missing link missing's the word there's a lot of cash to carry around be safer in a bank as a matter of fact I'll give you permission to open an account in they'll be butchering and eating that herd for long I figure you got no more than 10 days to get us [Applause] ready burn it all 10 days before we start God deliver me from dedicated men 10 [Music] days you used to have 10 fingers now you got nine tomorrow you'll have eight you stay stubborn the day after that you'll have seven the day after that it's up to you you decide whether you want to end up with a pair of stumps or lend us your [Music] talent you decide get a [Music] doctor don't let them up like that get on all right get those back get them together he drives hard I'm glad to say don't spit him up flow down there take it easy with them take it easy with him I deploy what happened colel however under the circumstances it was necessary still there's a time for sandpaper and a time for Sil from now on I think we'd be wise to cater to his taste I want to borrow a hat tool of the trade where mindo or Mr Kelly I'd be honored if you'd accept the hospitality of my home for the remainder of your visit here I believe you'd find accommodations is more cheerful than your present quarters and the bourbon more plentiful you gentlemen have a way of making it hard for me to refuse who am I you're a rich land Speculator looking for bargains seems to me I heard you mentioned something like that recently satisfactory yes yes that'll go down well with anyone who is curious matter of fact Mrs hon is having a sari next week nothing pretentious of course oh certainly not not in starving Richmond I can't offer you clean shirt but uh we'll take care of the one you got that's St I watch this when he moves to your house one of my men goes with him [Music] naturally oh Mr Kelly I couldn't I'd love to but I just couldn't I'm spoken for loudly by seir and monster who can shrivel a girl right up oh where's he [Laughter] [Music] very [Music] impressive uh since you and I are only going to be friends up I think it's only fair that you turn me over to her this pin you're really running in luck tonight married engaged it's not the same is it I'll bet you could tell me if you really wanted to M military secret damn the military and damn their secrets come on I suppose it's very dangerous of course not as dangerous as you the way you look tonight you could start pandemonium in the streets and that perfect you but you do prefer a horse sweat uhoh oh Tommy I'm sorry but I see you so s them you know that's what I hate most about the Yanks they keep us apart I understand mared officers have more even single ones mm but what if one of those nasty old Yanks threw a speck of dust in my other eye oh now how would you look leading a blind man down the street probably as foolish as you sound talking about it thank you maam who's he Rich businessman from Mexico friend of the Harrison but not a friend of yours no Tom what's the matter I don't know I guess the Wars the matter Wars matter with all of us Mr Kelly this is Captain Angus Ferguson of Glasgow Captain isn't he magnificent oh I it's good when they adore you especially when they're half your age or do you think it could be Mr Kelly the we gift is a bringer in the ship the French perfumes and the silk nighting Let's Dance last I'm no used in a ballroom well there are many sto Lads there to stretch your muscles if you don't put your arm around me right this minute I'm going to take you up on that well I will dance the whole night through with you in my room so the spots were a Angus you a devil now you telling her it's my farewell night is there not till morning that is which one of you help me make an old Sea Dog jail us Tom what rank does have its responsibilities go ahead do and so I we anchor tomorrow evening courtesy of secretary Harrison after four months wait and a good deal more effort than a Scotsman cares to spend for Mercy sake no Mr Kelly that stuff there distemper of wh here you take a taste of this blessed nectar from Scotland will you believe it sir I have a thousand barrels of that aboard my ship sounds like paradise I I was commissioned to run it in here but then I found that Confederate money isn't worth the match to burn it with he so now I'll take it up to New York oh heavens Mr Kelly don't tell me the currency there is still wamp them Mr Kelly you my flask if I may suggest Miss Pickering the punch is pale this will improve the color you're Gallant enough to be a Virginian and your beauty goes beyond the bounds of geography I'm Alvarez Kelly and you've learned my name in a few particulars only one you short changed yourself you could remedy that are you any kind of Gambler Kelly I've lost my last few bets will you come to my house later I need some advice it can't very well be given here what time midnight number 19 Royale Street make sure there's no Carriage outside why Mr Kelly whatever happened to your hand one of the bets I lost darling I think he's rather Charming yeah you understand playing with fire aren you it's not my house now follow me with all of the the beautiful women that were here tonight uh well the result is I I don't feel much like sleeping do you know what I mean I uh I don't know how to put it to your delicate ears but in Richmond that there must be a House of Joy wa there's a few now let me guess what your orders were let him do what he wants but don't let him out of your sight right mhm let's be off two men of the work you ever seen him before no but I wish I had hey no Kelly you might not like these women I understand that the Mexicans like them were fat and dumpy relax at you you can't make me angry tonight what part of Mexico Amigo Durango Amigo you lonely not really friendly not very thirsty not especially you're the one I want B your best one Hatcher this is where I draw the line I'll wait may take all night [Music] shall I take it off the wedding ring Some Like It On Some Like It Off You Me A peculiar what do you do in case of fire I I don't know we never had one suppose you had one right now was oh there's a window right outside with a big over stere Vine right by it show me now look I want you to stay here all night and improve your mind your body's already Perfect come in sir Miss Pickering will be down in a minute sir my Japanese room uncluded does she have to stay here you can go to bed now Alie why Kelly whatever are you thinking of I was thinking there might be some chimney sweeps up there in Gray uniforms I've grown to expect anything from Southern Bells I'm not a Southern bell I'm lith Pi this house was something quite special in its day sorry you couldn't have seen it used to be a lovely miniature over the mantle till last week it paid for the Gown I wore this evening I don't know why you asked me here but it was not to pity you hardly pity is the real empty room I despise it I amuse you Kelling it's too early to tell well we're getting old by the minute wouldn't you like to drink that where it's more comfortable whatever your friend's got he ought to Market it huh well good night y' wherever did you get wine at this time of night ask me no questions have a tasted anything so good since beginning of the war you should have seen that too Kelly it was Grand that was a year Tom Ros and I became engaged year the boys went off singing I begged Tommy to marry me wasn't very ladylike of course but I begged him I loved him so much but he was Noble he had principle said he couldn't risk leaving me a widow second and the third years singing somehow stopped I still wanted Tommy to marry me he'd lost an eye by then but that didn't matter he was nobler than ever said might be an arm next or a leg those were the years of frustration then tonight tonight I realized what he feared the most losing his sight Tom Roser is right I couldn't stand to live with half a man God Kelly it must be some hideous failing in me I'm so sick and tired to death of all the fighting and killing and trying to be brave and patient over a lost cause so then then we come to the fourth year year of [Music] Temptation thank God you're not another one of those Honorable Men I've spent my life surrounded by Honorable Men enjoying myself is one of my weaknesses oh I guess people like us have our own kind of Honor it's not your advice I want Kelly it's your money house mortgaged I've been asked to vacate any other assets myself to buy another dress I want you to help me get out of [Music] Richmond at the moment impossible nothing's impossible for you Kelly not if you really want in a minute our friend the good Colonel would find out I was missing he'd send a regiment after me I wouldn't even make it to the city limits Tom and you and you're not what you're supposed to be who is then why did you come here tonight many reasons mainly because you were his girl only now I find out you're not if I could manage something for you would you be willing to go anywhere anywhere as a chance just a chance and you will TR try yes I'll try Kelly I think we ought to drink to that I think we should I promised a friend that this might take all night I wouldn't make a liar out of you for anything in the [Music] world now the main thing to remember is that cattle are like women sometimes you have to be firm with him sometimes you have to be gentle and sometimes you have to give him a slap on the rump your pistol captain now that's just a reminder that the sound of gunfire Spooks cattle a sound that's practically guaranteed on our venture all right now start singing Captain that's right sing music's the best medicine in the world for scared animals well now look at here Mister the man said sing yes sir loud and [Music] clear you Hatcher out there and sing for the war of un voice the battle could be lost sing damn it [Music] sing you know uh I keep wondering why you you came back to us after slipping away from Hatchet I have a commitment uhhuh don't suppose you'd care to say where you went uh-uh not [Music] yet oh morning morning you're developing a new weapons arm plan to scare the GS to death his idea I hope those whaling banshees are ready Mr Kelly yes sir they're ready we move tonight on schedule I know your opinion I want his what about it can the man manage the herd if the colonel would keep after him so that the men sing on key you know you're beginning to annoy me Mr Kelly to the point of refusing my Professional Services Mr Kelly I'd give you the Richmond Symphony if they weren't already in the Army polish up your contral to Tom and I'll notify General Le headquarters you're set to go oh carry on I'm going back to town nothing like a bath and a bite to eat and a bottle of whiskey before battle reception yes sir my name is Kelly a captain Ferguson is expecting me would you tell him that I'm in the dining room I shall attend to that Mr Kelly i' like a double whiskey I'll make that two one for the captain ah Mr Kelly I hope I didn't disturb you no no not at all I was just packing me gear getting ready to shove off I I am at nightfall now what can I do for you book a passenger a lady and anyone I might happen to know besides the point and yourself no well no the Athena is a br ship but she's tiny I don't think 2,000 well on the other hand I am a man with no contempt for money at all and the advantage captain of being able to tell a beautiful lady magnificent lies all the way to New [Music] York 19 Royale Street she'll be waiting alone mind no maid servants alone with maid servant B for your eyes captain and good luck to you Mr Kelly it's done and you halfway wish it weren't you're scared and if you weren't a very proud person person and in a public place you'd be crying like a baby it's quite a gamble you don't have to go through with it oh yes I do where I'm going I don't know what'll become of me but if I stay here I know damn well what I'll become no girl as pretty or as passionate as you has a right to have such an honest mind Kelly what I wouldn't give to have you along if it's any comfort I would have booked passage only only what outside in the courtyard there's a blood hound rosers he can't see you but don't turn when I leave here he'll follow me and I'll let him chase me up a tree you stay for a while and then leave Kelly I've used you forgive me for that there's nothing to forgive and as for using me it seems to be the national pastime of the Confederate States of America goodbye Liz what a ridiculous way to say goodbye perhaps that's why we'll remember it longer goodbye Kelly I'll be throwing you kisses from the rail tonight [Music] yes as I say I recognized the man with him as one of Rosa's commandes when the two of them entered the bordello oh I don't Avail myself of its services you understand General but you would be amazed at how much information one can get along with it yes sir well this morning ear to the ground I learned from one of Harrison's servants that Kelly had been spending his days at the kamanche camp and this afternoon my vigilance paid off this afternoon gentleman he made contact with one Captain Ferguson a well-known Blockade Runner well gentlemen need I spell it out if it's not asking too much no sir not at all he is not looking for cheap land as he pretends no gentlemen Alvarez Kelly is planning to import herds of Mexican beef into the southern states by sea McIntyre how long have you been in this business four years General too long I I beg your pardon sir your theory is idiotic dismissed what's that I said you're dismissed out as you wish sir amusing picture boatload of Seasick cows all standing with their heads over the [Laughter] rail not Priceless Stedman yes sir not you're troubled sir I I think there's something in what McIntyre was saying shipping cows from Mexico no sir CLE closer to home are we being exposed to the legal minded work major it's Kelly sir spending all that time with Roser and his Ben major are you suggesting that Kelly and Tom Roser are concocting a scheme to steal your herd yes sir Grant has an army around Richmond roster has to get his Cavalry out and the cattle in now plead your case anything else major sir request the general assign me additional troops major if anybody tries to steal sing one of your precious cows just Telegraph me I promise to come [Laughter] [Applause] running get the officers in here Colonel Kelly will stay with me Colonel huh I just made you lieutenant colonel for the period of the raid why don't you take taking an awful risk giving me that kind of authority well when we get those cattle I'll be needing you to crack the [Music] whip you want to share the fun well I doubt I doubt if you'd appreciate it I like to laugh yeah I know you do of course this hairbrain scheme of yours is enough to make any man a little giddy well it's not my scheme making you giddy it's yours how many guesses do I get you don't need any That's mighty pride of you though not to try to shake Hatcher off a second time well why wouldn't do a foolish thing like that no I bet you wouldn't my goodness parting with all that money for nothing it's pity considering what money means to you I think it went for good purpose oh I'm sure of that I can just see Ferguson donating it to a fund for needy [Laughter] Scotchman you don't know how funny that is yes it's too late now Kelly it is J's ship is sailed I imagine it has didn't take you with him no but he took Liz what I said he took your [Music] girl now how many guesses do I [Music] [Music] get you went to Royal Street didn't you that money to Ferguson for her passage not yours [Music] [Applause] [Music] Dam you Kelly why let's just say I was getting even with someone for shooting a finger off I don't know how Liz could have anything to do with a bastard like you listen you silly ass she's a female not a krlin saint if You' been been as intent on pleasing her as serving the cause she'd still be with you did you please her Kelly I've got some advice for you Ros just close the book on this one yeah I think I just do that we're reporting his ordered sir all right gather around I don't have to tell you the tricky business is to get past Grant's line so we'll swing way on out around it fewer centuries we'll head for Grant's back door through Blackwater swamp about a 50m route now if we can get to pardon me sir you saying we'll plow through black water that's one big devil of a swamp that's my gamble nobody will be expecting us cuz nobody believe we could cross so if we can get to the plantation by tomorrow night we'll hide Till Dawn take care of whatever Yanks are there and then and I crack the whip well that's what I'm here for isn't it Cavalry under General Hampton will cover our flank on the return General Le's ordered a diversion AR attack to hold the enemy's attention his artillery will be our that's it it's Le's artillery our signal to ride let's [Music] go Colonel [Music] Kelly out that book's not closed [Music] [Music] yet if anything happens to me kill him yes [Music] sir [Music] [Music] la [Music] all right yes right across right old friends are the fairest R detail me as your aid aid huh light next time remember never put the flame to the cigar a half an inch under you can learn about things like that in your spare time while you're polishing my boots feel fine sir all right take them across yes sir tro h our Luck's holding out that bridge is sound as a bell I don't think so they're Crossing it well trained cavalrymen load their horses down and spread out what are you trying to say well you ought to know that cattle don't spread out they Jam together and when they do they'll outweigh your horses 10 to one this thing will come apart before the first steer hits the other [Applause] side Williams yes sir how long will it take you to shore off this bridge say the rest of the day and most tomorrow you got till midnight yes sir obliged Mr Kelly for being so uh considerate of our problem my problem too I want to get Kelly across yeah move it come back [Music] oh [Music] la [Music] [Applause] [Music] uhoh you finish by midnight no sir we can't but we will all right bring up the column when you're done Pharaoh will meet you at the ledge with word about the Yanks guarden the cattle and if I run into trouble you take command and the herd yes sir go is this the best way you could pick yep the best cuz it's the most improbable can you drive the cattle through here solid spine about 50 yards wide and the Yanks know nothing about it if we keep the herd tight that's your job B rider hat you yes sir just make sure you get there before daring come on don't you ever get tired of being a chaperon nope I like it you know why tell me I figure you might try once more you do that Kelly anytime you want to just feel free look quick on I haven't been in this place for years Char and I were kids we used to sleak down and steal fruit when I get over there have pick up com r go [Music] on P you wait for [Music] [Music] me I'll take that not even you let's shoot this close [Music] in hurry up how many men 200 at the very least any idea what regiment they are Pennsylvania 12th and they're proud of it we fought them in the wilderness Colonel remember they're equipped with them new repeating rifles yeah where they bought down they Camp down by the old Corral the old Corral phell jity Apple cor Baltimore who's your friend Tom Now where's stman at the overseers cottage Telegraph line at the cottage cut it as far from the cottage as you can oblige charity you've done your homework real well come on [Music] answerer here come on [Music] I hate to see loose guns lying around I'm glad you got it it'll make me feel better when I blow your guts out when you do you'd better be faster than many two clowns you got here you could make me a Yankee [Music] hero he was near the fence major we ordered him to Halt he ran should we notify General C and tell him what rep spy one man unless we can produce the whole Lade H's Cavalry he's just going to have himself another big life corpal get the servants yes sir bow Rider prisoner he's dead question is did he cut that [Music] wire Ruth you recognize him no sir are you sure I never seen him before in my life men never laid eyes on him anybody else I don't understand we're down here fighting for you fighting to free you Ruth how can you be so loyal to someone who wants to keep you slave well maybe that's the worst of it all right bury him [Music] wait apples this time of year [Music] storage apples from a fruit [Music] seller James up everybody out all right come on out with your hands up come on out all right come out of your fire hands up up you uh put that gun down please well Mr [Music] Kelly Lieutenant [Music] sir [Music] oh after it Webster Telegraph line make sure it's cut bar take care of the EG you just hold it here Mr Kelly this is where I put you to wck come on let's get these Yanks out of here now come on get on get the come up and at him Blue Boy easy all right out all right [Music] out get him in Coral [Music] come on boys let's move that powder be careful there [Music] [Music] Zeb [Music] all right stop moving that herd you see where stedman's headed I said move listen you idiot cattle can't make 5 mil an hour you're going to be in Yankees up to here you'll be lucky to get your men out of here I told you to move no herd no [Music] Kelly was like playing games the other night wasn't it exciting and honorable how does it strike you now [Music] all right Point Captain Williams you take the Left Flank Captain Webster you take the right you wouldn't consider riding drag would you nope I didn't think so all right M [Music] out [Music] w [Music] well there it is Colonel just the way you saw it in that crazy [Music] dream with the generals for Miss I'd like to remind the general I warned him this might happen my judgment was correct all along absolutely correct I gambled Le would risk his Cavalry and he did he did the herd is bait for Roser and Roser has bait for Hampton Hampton yes he's been sighted here just as I planned it I knew what that beef meant to the rebs knew it all along I've reached Colonel Jacob sir he's ready to ride what's his strength about 6,000 New York second excellent Jacobs is proceed down the Jerusalem Plank Road and if he moves fast enough he'll have HED him by the throat a possibility which might never have presented itself if IID listen to your request for more troops what are you waiting for detect my strategy major yes sir now major question how do you believe Roser expects to get that herd back to Richmond well I I'd say he's going to drive the cattle into Blackwater swamp it's my guess that's the way they came using the uh bridge at Cooks Crossing Splendid that's why I'm giving you my reserves 300 Cavalry plus a howzer battery satisfied well yes sir that's that's Splendid sir yes sir [Music] help [Music] help yeah yeah [Music] H him in tier [Music] boy Colonel what is it I couldn't catch him that was no quarter mile lead perrow take two men Scot ahead yes sir lir do got let's go w w [Music] w there [Music] he [Music] a [Music] let's get to the Cal let's go come on you stupid huner leather get out of here your miles [Music] too all right come on move them out of here cattle figure after morning's March they got a right to arrest in the drink we don't have that [Music] H get over yank you Cavalry Colonel and from the way they was hustling I'd say they was at the bridge right now digging in how many look to me like a full Squadron and a battery of houses is there any way to bypass that bridge nothing but swarm Captain we drown every one of them Williams yes sir drown him drive him in the swamp at least that'll deny him to Yankee bellies yes sir and Williams yes sir it does seem a Pity to disappoint those Yanks at the bridge is what you got in mind Colonel we'll split in two ranks move at him from both sides holy mother of God 3,000 mil to drown in a stinking swamp you make me sick the Virginia commes Do or Die Roser you're long on gallantry but short on sense we'll talk about that little lady and you don't know a damn thing about cattle what are you driving it you want this her in Richmond you know something Kelly or you just blowing hard as usual you want this her in Richmond you trying to tell me you know a way I might what's it worth to you what's your price you know what the price [Music] is all right you got it Hatcher any instructions I gave regarding Colonel Kelly cancelled yes sir I'm in command now go ahead Lieutenant yes sir how many Yanks did you say I'd say about 300 sir and about 100 of us 2500 head of cattle that makes 2600 for our side we'll divide them up into groups of 500 each I want an inventory of all your gunpowder and ammunition bring those wagons up and assemble your men for instructions yes yes [Music] sir this business of command seems to come easy to me [Music] Hatcher you know Sergeant I'm going to miss your Merry smile in your winning ways get to [Music] work let's hurry that [Music] up you still think they'll come this way sir uhuh iy get your man quiet quiet on the line that's the funny thing about cattle you can hear them way way off like the pounding of surf [Music] it's come on Move Along get him going Move Along keep on moving all right alert your man Lieutenant ready on the firing line [Music] [Music] can I help help help help get [Music] [Music] him right here they come keep them moving come down the [Music] [Music] SL shall I fire now sir no no hold your fire hold your [Music] fire F fire fire hey shoot here get the cattle get the cattle help all right hold hold man hold Mo over to the [Music] right sh hold that [Music] fire a [Music] [Music] [Music] a here's the second group get it [Music] moving [Music] [Music] [Music] help [Music] take it across the bridge [Music] fast Williams yes sir keep them on the Run don't let him get set yes sir [Music] hat [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Ross [Music] [Music] get oh my drop it swing it [Music] over P [Music] up all right send the next one come on hurry it [Music] [Music] up [Music] H sir play a tra yes [Music] sir [Music] Jo Jo get him across the [Music] bridge soon as the last man's over later yes sir move them out keep moving over to the bridge everybody out move across the [Music] bridge come on come here all right get me a report of all company regroup here all right follow me come on get [Music] [Applause] head [Music] shot hey n there's your [Music] [Music] time [Music] [Music] General Hampton's compliment sir he says he's got the union troops contained it's clear sailing to Richmond that's fine just fine we lost about 40 steers that's not bad and you got one eye looks like now you got one lung you keep on fighting like this you're going to wind up with one of everything well you you seem to manage pretty well yourself for a nine fingered man got 20 wounded Colonel he did Sir including pharaoh and Hatcher they must have dropped Hatcher when he was aot in that fuse he timed it well if he' lit that fuse a couple of seconds earlier I would have been he timed it fine he got chopped down like a real hero Colonel yeah we're all heroes that's stop pushing that herd all right sir well I suppose you'd like to be moving on sooner I get back to Richmond the quicker I can find a way back home you better feel your ground you're a wanted M by the Yanks Kelly you know I saw some crazy things at that bridge one of them was you risking your life to save a Confederate officer seems to me that was a kind of long on gallantry short on sense wouldn't you say I like to try everything on once Colonel see if it fits looked kind of stylish on [Music] you God I never thought I'd catch myself saying that don't worry I won't try it [Music] twice for once the soldiers of the Confederacy and the people of Richmond would eat their fill what General Grant had to say when he heard that his prize herd was rated is unquotable President Lincoln's comment however is a matter of record Lincoln called it the slickest piece of cattle stealing I ever heard [Music] [Music] of [Music] that
Channel: Wild Westerns
Views: 555,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: walker texas ranger, walker texas ranger clips, fight scene, chuck norris fight, chuck norris chase, police drama, crime show, martial arts, walker texas ranger full episodes, walker texas ranger fight scene, walker texas ranger 2021, walker texas ranger song
Id: YABqOYuaE54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 5sec (6605 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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