Short Changed

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coming up on the Potters touch it's not what you thought about this evening shoes it's what you give it up no fussing about it's what you endure in salads and nobody talks about it because you've given up on the expectation of of any kind of retribution any kind of reciprocity and you are in lo debar when you stop talking about what you lost in the transaction greeting for the name of Jesus Christ our King I'm so excited to have the opportunity to share the word of the Lord with you to be a part of your life and to present the gospel of Jesus Christ and what I hope will be compelling in provocative ways have you ever felt shortchanged felt like you invested more than you're getting back you pour into people and pour into people and you don't get the reaction the response that you need or you gave yourself to a project or you gave yourself to a job or you gave yourself to a church or ministry require and you just say Lord I'm not complaining but what I see back is not commensurate with what I invested this message is called shortchanged I've been there I know that feeling and I believe that it will speak to your life in a powerful way take a look at this and be blessed okay you don't mind if I exchange this with you it's a hundred dollars it's hundred dollars right here and I'm gonna give it I'm gonna give it back to you in 20s and you understand this better bad bye okay and this is 20 and that's 40 and that's 60 thank you I'm sure okay you trust me you you gave me $100 and what did I give you there I gave you 60 and and you but you trust me because you know I'm up to something don't you okay you stick around for men and I'm I'll explain in a minute okay you see house you don't want to go but you trust me don't go far okay see I gave her she gave me a hundred and-and-and I gave her back three 20s and and and and she stood there she trusts me but if she loved me and everything like that but the problem the lady is having with the transaction is that she has been shortchanged and and and and that's my subject this morning shortchanged you always feel short-changed when you have invested more than what you got back and the problem with so many of us today we're smiling and we're all dressed up and we're smelling good and we got our cold on straighten or socks or matching but we're living with the feeling of being shortchanged when when you invest more than you get back when you when you sew more than you reap when you've been better to people than they've been back to you when you when you when you've been faithful to people to have been faithful to you with you Center people that won't serve you when you've poured them to children and they don't pour back into you when you been a good son or daughter and you don't see a good mom or dad whatever you you put in a hundred and you get back 60 you I don't care how you smile and politely walk away and she walked away she was cognizant of the fact that the transaction has occurred but I have been shortchanged and it's not just relationships and interactions with other people it is also feeling like other people got something you didn't get that you've been shortchanged that if you don't have more support you too went to school if you don't have more support you too got your degree of if you hadn't had this to happen to you that tell you if the car wreck had to happen if grandma hadn't died in mama Suzy was alive if daddy would have stayed with Mama I would have gone further and I am living with with 60 when I should have got a hundred yeah short-chain well when you live in a house as a married couple and you look across the street at the other couple sitting and laugh and then talking and smile and and you and hurricane think of nothing to say you feel short-changed when it looks like other people are having more life for having more love or having more sex or having more money and you're you're just dealing with the 60 when you expect it a hundred you might smile - out out okay if you look at me with your holy self I'm gonna bring it down to where it's real you might dance give a shout but in the back of your mind you were living your life exactly like that woman who walked away feeling like you know I love Bishop but I got good sense three twenties don't make a hundred has the life handed you three twenties and you know you put in one hundred you're looking at a situation you're short-chain you're 40 years old and you're still single you're 50 years old Lydia's still single you're 60 years old and you got to go out you got to kill the pig make the bacon bring the bacon home open up the door unpack the groceries take out the trash try to bake it up clean up everything and you say it was cute at first but now I'm getting older and I'm tired of this and all of a sudden Willy who wasn't cute he's looking better now because you've been shortchanged see when you when you look at it when you add it all up all of us have some area in our life of inequity a poor return on a full investment areas where if we not only got more support if we were only been able to get something eat before we went to school in the morning we'd have done better in school if we if mom and daddy hadn't been fighting all over the house if mama hadn't had all them strange uncles coming in and out of my house maybe I would have went to college I didn't have the support that they had yeah I know and all of a sudden you you're dealing with what she's dealing with you're dealing with what's left but you're not dealing with what's right she walked away with what was left but it wasn't right it wasn't right and when things are not right it's frustration with you when you have when you have given more then you got back you have been shortchanged there are three men in in the text and I want to talk about this morning each one in his own way has been shortchanged when when when when you when you really understand that that there's a story here where David has come into a palace that by all rights shouldn't have been he is his predecessor as king is Saul and Saul has a son named Jonathan and if anybody should have been a successor to solve it should have been Jonathan but Jonathan and Saul are dead and David becomes the king of Israel and he's living in a palace that he wasn't pointed to and he's sitting in a seat that he wasn't groomed for and he's got a power that he's never seen before and he's on the inside and the kid folks are on the outside and David is walking around in his palace saying is there anyone left of the house of Jonathan now Jonathan who is the son of the king was David's best friend and but Jonathan is dead and and and the problem is Jonathan is dead and David's love toward Jonathan is not because love doesn't die and it doesn't bury with the grave so David is saying I need somebody to love and I need somebody to pour is there any of Jonathan's kids left that that are not killed that are not destroyed that are not gone if anybody left at all they said now they're all gone except he did have a son that named Mephibosheth but-but-but Mephibosheth is in lo debar mephibosheth was in lo debar and lo debar means the place of no communication and it is a place of no pastures nothing grows green they're not even communication and the fever chef is down there and he's laying not in one foot he's lame in both of his feet he would have been king but somebody dropped him and he got short chains so the person who was designated to be heir to the throne and had every right to inherit his grandfather's kingdom is sitting in a place that won't even grow grass lo debar down there in lo debar where there is no communication and the funny thing about being shortchanged is soonerlater short change will shut up sooner or later you'll stop complaining about it sooner or later you'll stop crying about it sooner or later short change will always end up in lo debar kalota bar is a place with no communication and it is the silent frustration that eats in the fiber of your soul it's not what you fuss about this eating at you it's what you've given up on fussing about it's what you endure in salads and nobody talks about it because you've given up on the expectation of any kind of retribution any kind of reciprocity and you are in lo debar when you stop talking about what you lost in the transaction and you decide I've got to make the best of a bad situation and they are in lo debar what we are looking at in the text is a culture of being cut short look around your life if you've been shortchanged check out your environment and I bet you you're not the only one in your story that was shortchanged I bet if you're short change the order I bet you somewhere there's a short change mama I bet you've you're short change sod if you could find your day you would find out he was shortchanged to a culture and an environment of cut short and you see she was cut short she was short chain but she survived she was short chain but she made it back to her seat she was short chain but she learned how to deal with it she was shortchanged but she carried her own cross somewhere in the back of her mind I don't care how much I preacher in the back is still to come on the POTUS touch the Lord said that he has you on his mind the Lord says that he has not forgotten what you didn't get and the Lord said you're going to come into a season of restoration and the Lord said I will restore to you the years that the cake of world and the Palmer world and the locusts ate up God said I'm gonna give you double megafest 2015 is more than a festival it's an experience this from August 19th to the 23rd megafest is taking over Dallas then extravaganza for the whole family there is something for everyone visit mega - fest com to find event updates and to make reservation this experience is one you don't want to miss you see anybody in here that will break the silence and say I made it what I've been shortchanged I made it I made it I made it but I've been short-chain test somebody I made it but I've been short-chain tell somebody else I made it but I've been shortchanged I made it but I've been short say I survived it but I've been short I thought I'd make it with her husband I thought I'd have a wife I thought my kids would take care of me I popped my mother would stop sleeping around I dropped my daddy would pay to but alas I have been short-chain but the Lord told me to tell you something yes the Lord said that he has you on his mind the Lord said that he has not forgotten what you didn't yes and the Lord said you're going to come into a season of restoration and the Lord said I will restore to you the years that the cake of world and the Parmer world and the locusts ate up God said I'm gonna give you double somebody take a moment somebody who's been shortchanged somebody who don't say nothing about it tell your name and this is the shortchange phrase if you ain't been shortchanged you ain't got no business phrasing but if you been - what happened through I got 10 seconds left I want you to touch ten people and tell them get out of lo debar get out a little you gotta come out of the hood about you gotta come out a little about you gotta come out a little about you got to get out of a load about you got to open your mouth you got to start growing some you got to start planning something you got to start saying something you got to start growing something you got to start doing something my god I feel appraised in this way the reason one of the reasons that God blessed me so much on the backend is haha suffered Oh y'all hear what I'm saying the reason god bless me of the back end of my life is had to crawl through on the front end of my life and the Lord said if you don't tell them your story they won't understand that story he said tell my children I'll make it up to you tell your neighbors make up time let's make up time this make up time grab your pocketbook get your suitcase get your hat and coat we're coming out of lo debar we're coming out if we gotta call out we're coming out if we gotta be drugged out what coming out and we got to be carried so watch this watch this God put mephibosheth on David smile and God said he's gonna put you on somebody's mind who is in a position to restore what you lost so David tolls I bow to go down there and get Mephibosheth and their maker was down there taking care of mephibosheth working at a deficit but when zaba came down to get mephibosheth it relieved maker of his responsibility and God said somebody that's been taking care of yourself and somebody else the Lord said it's almost over now he's about to lift the burden so Saba comes down to maker and said barter you made a bad deal you had to carry your burden and mephibosheth stew but it's gonna turn around the day and he turned the whole thing around if you got real faith tell your baby that's gonna turn around today and so when God got ready to turn it around he says I bow down to make her to get my freebish yes and all of a sudden wait a minute let me finish this up because cuz I I got some unfinished business with you I think let me think you gave me a hundred and I gave you 60 and if I understand my mathematic equations correctly that means I owe you 40 there are to be two more 20s but because of how you waited and the mother how you suffered and because of how you hell your peace and because you didn't say nothing and of course you praise God anyway and because you pop your hands anyway and because you brought the money up here in the first place well watch this when he came to get must finish F out the problem was must finish chef's time of deliverance had come but he couldn't walk so the Bible says that ziba carried Mephibosheth house and the Lord said he's gonna get you out if you've got to use somebody else's strength if he's got to use somebody else's power to draw you out of your circumstance and out of your situation when God gets ready to bring him out he carries mephibosheth out a load of our and brings him into the palace of the king and lays him on the floor can you imagine how i'ma finish F felt to finally get in the palace that should have been his in the first place but because of a detour and because of a short change it was a long time coming but he finally got there I came to tell somebody it may be a long time coming but if you hold out you're gonna get there slap your neighbors bring me one of those chairs and set it right there come on leave me you've been down long enough you've cried long enough you've suffered long enough you've held your peace long enough you've been doing hardness long enough God said I'm gonna bring you out a load of our I'm gonna set you in a place that the devil said you would never have I'm gonna raise you above your circumstance I'm gonna lift you above your situation and the Lord said even when you were in lo debar take this and pull you out of lesson you won't have room enough to receive now your neighbor sitting no blessing sit in it walk in it shout in it's dance in it live in it don't let anybody make you feel bad about it don't let your haters hate you out of it don't let the gossipers talk you out of it don't let the lion sly you out of it nobody knows what you've been through to get in the seat I'm feeling running spirit slack somebody tell them it's bad if you change your life but never change your heart you will always be shortchanged it's very very important that you understand that this message is something that lives in the hearts of many people which gradually breaks down your joy takes your peace it makes you bitter inside quite frankly if you don't get a resolution about it it can ruin a marriage a ministry or a career it doesn't matter what it is anytime there's more going out than there is coming in there's a depletion there the deficit going on that you don't have to live with I pray this message would bless your heart and bless your life and that you would know that we here at the potter's house care about you if you are a pastor if you are a leader whether you are leading in a church or leading in a department store you need to be at the International pastor the Leadership Conference it's April 30th May the 2nd it's where great minds gather themselves together John Maxwell Samuel Rodriguez Steven Furtick and more are coming together with Bishop TD jakes to teach you leadership leadership and more leadership come and learn how at the International pastors and leadership conference 2015 registered today at pastors and leadership org for call 1-800 disap to build locally think globally you don't have to wish for it or sit around hoping for it the all-encompassing freedom of Christ is yours today when you have the will to recover have you ever done something that didn't reflect who you are for your gift of any size you will receive the encouraging message from guilt to gratitude on CD from the will to recover series Bishop Jake's will teach you how to find victory in unexpected places how to overcome your past so that you can go to the next level how to eliminate excuses so you can get your power back and much more and when your gift is $75 or more you will receive the inspirational series the will to recover on DVD however for your gift of 160 dollars or more you will receive the will to recover series on DVD a brand new King James Version Bible and great as thy faith while art victory can be found in unexpected places when you have the will to recover tell you later I know you've been waiting on him I know the devil to you it wasn't gonna happen I know the devil said you were too messed up to broken two lanes too late but the devil in the wrath God's gonna carry you out
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 43,026
Rating: 4.9171462 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinct
Id: K0eqZhjA0sE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2015
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