T.D. Jakes Sermons: Run After Your Destiny

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coming up on the putters touch ah did not promise you that by the time you found your significant other that it would be what you thought it would be God did not promise you that if you joined this church of that church then it would be what you thought it would be but I came to tell you this morning that our God is a God of the unexpected oh my god I feel a shout I'm gonna set again our God in the God of the unexpected so just because life is shocked you doesn't mean is shocked god nothing takes God by surprise he already knows what's going on in every corner of your life and he sent me here to tell you don't worry about it I got you covered this is the posture hello family greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our King I'm Bishop TD jakes a senior pastor of the potter's house said I'm so glad to have an opportunity to be a part of your life and to be in your home and to share this word with you this is a powerful word that God has put in my heart and in my spirit and I believe it's going to bless your life the message is called run after your destiny if you've been tied up and tangled betwixt and between as my grandmother would say two different ideas I'm going to give you a clear absolute word of direction run after your destiny take a look at this it's a Golf Hall of Fame John chapter number 20 now on the first day of the week come of Mary Magdalene early while it was yet dark unto the tomb and seems the stone taken away from the tomb she run of therefore and cometh to Simon Peter and two other disciples whom Jesus and to the other disciple whom Jesus loved and saith unto them they have taken away the Lord out of the tomb and we know not where they have laid him Peter therefore went forth and the other disciple and they went to Ward the tomb Peter went forth and the other disciple and they went toward the temple and they both ran together somebody say that with me and they both ran together say it again and they both ran together and the other disciple outran Peter and came first to the tomb and stooping and looking in he see if the linen clothes cloths lying yet entered he not in Simon Peter therefore also cometh following him and entered into the tomb and he beholdeth the linen cloths lying and the napkin that was upon his head not lying with the linen cloths but rolled up in a place by itself then entered him therefore the other disciple also who came first to the tomb and he saw and believed somebody shout amen I want to talk from the subject run after your destiny run after your destiny touch your neighbor save run after your destiny do not stroll do not walk do not me and ER do not wander but roll after your destiny the women have gone down to the tool to add respect and homage to their leader that they did not go down to the tool expecting him to be resurrected that is the religious privilege that you have ascribed to this text because you understand the outcome they were not coming down to the tool expecting the stone to be rolled away because quite frankly if they would have known that Jesus was going to be raised from the dead they probably would have never left who would leave the tomb if you were expecting him to get back up again who would walk away and hide themselves up behind closed doors and be afraid to come out if you thought the master was going to crescendo after three days and come out of the grave it was not the magnitude of their commitment to faith it was their love for the person that brings them down to the tool with their frankincense and myrrh and their burial in census just to aromatize that which smells because there are some places in life that smell and the women have come down to the tomb no doubt with heavy hearts and tear stained faces to memorialize the master the master is gone and there are some glorious people glorious people whose love is not so fickle that the love faints when the conditions change there are a few people a minority if you please who are impassioned even when it's painful anybody can love you when you're up anybody could love you when you just got a promotion anybody can love you when you just bought a yacht but when everybody turns against you and all hell breaks loose and it looks like you're not a winner and it looks like the love doesn't pay most people make a withdrawal when they don't see a benefit I wonder I can't help but wonder in my mind where were the 5000 with the two fish and five loaves of bread they didn't make the crucifixion or the graveside service they didn't come to bring memorials and where was the woman with Ezra blood the woman at the whale where were they where was blind bartimaeus where was Lazarus isn't it amazing how you can pour yourself into people who do not pour themselves into you that you can you can give yourself to people who will suck up all they can get and the moment it doesn't look at van't aegis they will all walk away but the Bible says that love endures all things love I mean real love not not not not infatuation not puppy love not not some some some dribbling of emotional experience last Sevilla sit it gives free lance it's passionate its bodacious and it will give even when you're not winning it will give when the thrill is gone it will give when the pulse is weak it will give when there is no benefit nor advantage love just keeps on giving the 5000 didn't come brian Bartimaeus is not seeing the woman that the well is not there but here comes just just a fuse greg lers if in your life you have a few people in your whole life I mean from the cradle to the grave who loves you unconditionally here they come down to the tomb where there was no advantage just to do what I can with a situation I cannot change can't you see them coming down to the tone with heavy hearts and broken spirits going down to the tomb thinking oh god we've lost it we've lost the master I've lost the master of miracles we've lost the master of miracles after 400 years of salads no miracles no prophetic utterances no decrees no declarations and we had 33 years of promise and now we have lost the master of miracles get this mer and stuff together let's go down to what's left of Jesus when Mary got down to the tomb it was a mess people pay good money to make sure the tools are decorated in looking nice it was an absolute mess the stone had been rolled away it was disruption at the tomb he was loved he was not fair and I will take this liberty in assuming she was angry cuz the Bible doesn't tell me how she went down but it tells me how she came back she wasn't running when she came back because there are something in your life that will make you run there are certain things that will happen in your life that make you pick up the pace that that slap you out of your stupor and say this ain't no time to cry you feel like I can't even have good grief without the world gone crazy I can't even have this moment without people somebody has stolen Jesus she thought they've taken away my lord she said and I know not where they took him the master of miracles don't you remember he had cast demons of her he changed my life and they've taken away my master and she said I've gotta go get some help and she goes running to tell and to find Peter and the other disciple you remember Peter and the other disciple we've heard those phrases before we we hear about Peter and how Jesus had called him and strengthened him and set him apart and taught him to be the rock that his name says that he is and taught him to be unrelenting up under pressure and was teaching him all kinds of things about life she she comes to get Peter and the other disciple running to the tone to find him running to last same location of Jesus as soon as Mary could get to get to Peter she was going to tell them somebody's taken away the Lord and and walking with him is no longer what I expected as grieved that I am by him passing away I'm more upset by him not being there because now life has handed me something that I didn't expect I'm wondering this morning if there's anybody here that life has handed you something that you didn't expect oh my god the one thing I can tell you for sure is that nothing is for sure that's the one thing I can tell you to count on is don't count on anything that life will often disrupt what you expected then just as soon as you have it down in a nice neat little box of how you think it's going to go and that when I walk down here this is what is going to happen by the time you get there it will never be what you expected it to me so you got to get used to being a little disappointed you got to get used to being a little bit shocked you got to get used to walking into situations and being flexible and adjustable because if you are not flexible you cannot survive God did not promise you that by the time you got to where he was trying to go it would be what you thought it would be God did not promise you that by the time you got the house you were trying to get it would be what you thought it would be God did not promise you that by the time you found your significant other that it would be what you thought it would be God did not promise you that if you joined this church of that church that it would be what you thought it would be but I came to tell you this morning that our God is a God of the unexpected oh my god I feel a shout I'm going to set again our God is a God of the unexpected so just because life has shocked you doesn't mean is shocked God nothing takes God by surprise he already knows what's going on in every corner your life and he sent me here to tell you don't worry about it I got you covered don't worry about it I got you covered you may be shocked but God's not shot oh that's a good shouting spot right there still to come on the potters touch somebody's late but you made up your mind I'm gonna start running I didn't get it until I got to this age but I'm gonna start running I messed up junior high but now I'm gonna start running I missed him high school but noms will start running the moment you get the word you are too wrong the Bible said the day you hear my voice harden not your heart when God gives you a chance at an escape don't be cute brother after your death my god run before I die in a cage I want to run in the wild we can do what it is without limit without being boxed in a cage without being hindered I want to run in the wild of my destiny I want to run in the wild of my purpose telling us to branch out and it's time to shift it just about taking it to the next level and I'm just thinking outside of the four walls I got to get out of this cage God has given us a place around where we are pastoring to take over that region for the crew the king of God you are frustrated about something that just an incubator to take you to the next dimension now we're gonna grow and go to global missions no more limits no more boundaries the cage is open you don't have any excuses anymore on why you can't fulfill your purpose and complete your assignment to register for this international gathering visit pastors and leaders org or call 1-800 Bishop to God's got you covered when you don't get what to expect God's got you covered when it's a disappointment God's got to cover when you walk down and run into a mess God's got you cover can you hear me in the balcony God's got you covered can you hear me on that iPad God's got you covered and all of a sudden life demands that you pick up the pace life demands that you pick up the pace if you don't pick up the pace you gonna be left behind I'm amazed at the people that like the flexibility to pick up the pace they just get in a rut I scroll down here and I'm gonna back I'm gonna over here I'm gonna stroll over there one of the most amazing thing about the disaster at Malaysia is that when it happened everybody had to pick up the pace all the news media had to pick up the pace they were booking night flights and flying over here and flying over there somebody had to work overtime won't be home for three days typing in the middle of night research going or because when something happens everybody gotta pick up the pace that's why I can't deal with people who cannot pick up the pace don't be strolling when I got a 9-1-1 on you i need people who can pick up the pace flap your neighbors and pick up the pace something's about to happen pick up the pace something's about to happen pick up the pace something is about to happen pick up the pace something is about to happen pick up the pace something is about to have it pick up the pace something's about to have it I came to tell the young people pick up the pace pick up the pace pick up the pace something is about to happen my son told me my son and I were doing a little cookout a little quality time together he said to me he said daddy said I'm planning to do this and I'm planning to do that and plan and do the other I'm trying to do this over here and do this one when I get out college I'm doing this right here and go go over here I plan to live over here I'm gonna do this over here do that and then I'm gonna get through on this and do that mental head do the other what do you think about that and I thought to myself my god I'm so excited and I'm so proud because he told me he said daddy he said I can't talk to all of my friends about him because if he said most of my friends don't want nothing the danger of low expectations I would rather aim for the stars and not hit them then to not aim at all I would rather go after it and not get it did not go after it at all I'd rather try and fail did not try at all I don't want to live with the idea wonder what would have happened had I done more with my life I'm gonna go for it come hell or high water I'm going after my destiny that's the neighbors they run you gotta run out to your destiny you can't stroll after your destiny you can't walk after your destiny you gotta run somebody Holloway you got a run you got a run you got a run you can't just wake up in the morning let me see what's gonna happen today I don't know what I'm gonna do I don't know what I'm aware don't know what I'm oh cool I don't know where I'm gonna go I just woke up all you should stay in the bed give the day to somebody who's gone wrong after their destiny give the day to somebody who has a plan who has a strategy because success is never an accident and if you don't want it get out of my way because there are some people who want to do something with their life who will run run run and fun you got a run after your disk got a run after you got a move on after your district you gotta run after your deston you gotta run out to your destined you got a run after your destiny you got a run after it you got a run when they gave the young man the scholarship tears welled up in my I said oh God good he got a better chance to run after your destiny such a never say run after your desk oh my god and the Lord sent me here to take his running time it's running time it's not strolling time it's not walking time it's not sightseeing time it's running time touch your neighbor say running time you see if you hear me good especially young people if you run after your destiny you will automatically distance yourself from your history you understand if if you did wrong after what's in front of you you will escape what's behind you don't spend all your time trying to fix what's behind you because you'll never be able to fix what's behind you you have to run after what's in front of you tend to neighbors say run oh you're not saying if I say well he started running so she got Peter and she started running my god they started running Peter and the other disciple started running somebody's late but you made up your mind I most start running I didn't get it until I got to this age but I'm gonna start running I messed up junior high but now I'm gonna start running I missed him high school but now I'm gonna start running the moment you get the word you are wrong the Bible said the day you hear my voice harden not your heart when God gives you a chance at an escape don't be cute run after your just my god Rock y'all hear me run after you wanna run after Ron don't be ashamed slap your name and gentlemen get ready to rob I'm getting ready to rod give me some space cuz I'm getting ready to run get up out of my face cuz I'm gettin ready to roll don't have time for what you talkin about that I'm getting ready to run man now that running running running running running out to the Destin touch side people tell them get rid of run getting rid of run get rid of row get rid of round forever giver it run run run run gotta run gotta run gotta run gotta run gotta run run run gotta run gotta run gotta run gotta run I'm running for my life's gotta run gotta run gotta run gotta run gotta run gotta run good I'm getting rid of the world like I've never run before I'm getting rid of needle I could never leave before I'm getting ready shout I could ever shout before I'm gettin ready - Liza never danced before I'm getting ready to run if I go run with me and if I go run with me anybody go run run run run there are some there are some people who went further than I did because they ran when I was playing they paid attention in class when I was playing they were studying when I was partying you better you better add I'm a bigot eyes you to preach tell somebody say you better add Lord I'm out of time I got a stop but I'm so excited about this word I want you to get this word I want you to apply it to your life and I want you to use it to overcome the obstacles that come against us all I'm so glad to have had the opportunity to share the word of Lord with you I want to give a shout out to all of our partners thank you for your support you keep me on television and without you it would not be possible to those of you who enjoy the broadcast why don't you become a partner with the ministry and help me to run after my destiny as I help you to run after yours think about it pray about it god bless you heaven smile upon you I'll see you next time right here nobody wins the Olympics by mistake success is always intentional it's all been leading up to this moment it's time for you to run your race do not allow the cares of this world to destroy your passion for living but run after your destiny with your gift of any size you'll receive bishops message one after your destiny on CD from the run your race series just visit our website or call 1-800 Bishop - how can we be disciples and be standing still look at your neighbor and say it's time to run and when your gift is $75 or more you'll receive our perpetual calendar with 366 days of hope and guidance from Scripture as well as the entire 4-part series run your race on DVD that includes a bonus message the gate is open from the pastor's and Leadership Conference you've got to untangle all of the things that you have been through reset start over reboot and go to a whole level there are times in our lives that we that we stop running and we don't even know why we stopped and sometimes we don't even know when we stopped sometimes we don't even know that we stop there's something can come along and not to win out of Union you loosen your stride but the Lord said I will restore that that the cankerworm that the locust and the polymer worms ate up I'm gonna give you your stride back I'm going to give you your stretch back I'm going to give you your energy back I want you to make a commitment to run
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 780,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: td jakes sermons, TD Jakes, T.D. Jakes, TD jakes ministries, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Bishop td jakes, Bishop Jakes, The Potter's House, Run After Your Destiny, finding your purpose in life through God, chasing your destiny
Id: 2b-TbvOZhCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 02 2015
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