The Autopsy of a Decade - Bishop T.D. Jakes [December 31, 2019]

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[Music] get your Bibles in / 2nd Kings chapter 2 verse 9 through 14 the Lord has given me a word I want to get to it and he's given me something about this year that I want you to hear that's important and it just be patient with me I'm in 2nd Kings chapter 2 verse 9 through 14 [Applause] when I was praying about this and I do pray about this and the reason I pray I always pray when I'm gonna preach it but the reason I prayed particularly hard about watch night I recognize that there are people who come from all over the world to get a word from God on tonight I know that there are people streaming and I've been in contact with people that stayed up at night and set their alarm clock in their time zone to catch this word that's how seriously they take it so I didn't want to come with a sermon I want to come with a word from God are you hearing what I'm saying now it's gonna take me a few minutes for me to develop this because the subject is odd but I want to tell you how I came about it I was praying for to God and asking him to give me a word for the year and the Lord said to me not to focus on the year but to focus on the decade [Applause] to focus on the decade so I'm going to be talking about the autopsy of a decade the autopsy of a decade we're gonna study it to understand the principle of a decade that autopsy what does it mean the decade the decade the entire decade because what we have done is not just crossed into another year we've crossed into another decade most cultural shifts occur in decades not years decades marriages developed in decades Oh y'all got choir yeah they they develop in decades the husband that my wife has now is not the husband that she had four decades ago you understand it's a process the maturation rate see in this quick age where we want everything now if we don't get it now we quit but then this is a long-term process of development and I want to walk you through this text and share it with you and maybe you'll get something out of it you can choose that you can use and it came to pass when they were gone over that Elijah said unto Elijah that's what I shall do for thee before I be taken away from thee what shall I do for thee before I need to get away for me and Elijah said I pray thee let a double portion of my spirit be and he said thou see me when I am taken from thee it shall be so unto thee but if not it should not be so if you don't go through this process you don't get this promise but if you complete the process you should get the promise come on and it came to pass as they still went on they went on and on and on and talked that behold there appeared a chariot of fire and horses of fire parted them both asunder and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven and Elijah saw and he cried my father my father the chariot of Israel and the hospital and he saw him no more he took hold of his own he took hold of his own he took hold of his own he took hold of his own clothes and rent them in two pieces he took up also the mantle of Elijah they found from him and we're back in stood by the banks of Jordan and he took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him and smoked the waters and said Wow it's a lot God of Elijah and when he also had smitten the waters they parted hither and thither and Elijah went over my god let's pray while withstanding speed of the Living God fall Thresh on us tonight empower us saturate us expose us develop a stretch form us transfigure us rearrange us disrupt us take us out of the horrible pit of normalcy into the scary place of excellency thank you for what you're going to do you've been so faithful to do it do it for us now in the name of Jesus we pray somebody's child a man you may be seated let's go to work it is interesting to me that most of the journey between Elijah and Elijah is not really discussed in depth we know where they went we don't know much about what happened the highlight and the focus of the Scriptures is on how the relationship started and how it ended we understand that Elijah was the son of shaphat who was a very wealthy man and that Elijah who had just come out of a state of depression is now searching for Elijah because as he came out of the state of depression he came out of it with direction that suggested that God had somebody to be his successor Elijah realized something that a lot of people do not that you cannot fully have success without a successor oh yeah and you can't just pick a successor because people said so it has to be who God said it's your successor so Elijah comes down out of the cave having except escaped Jezebel and Ahab and now comes down out of the cave with nothing but a still small voice directing him to a rich man's kid who is plowing on the 12th yo-yo Cove oxen and he passes by him he doesn't call him he doesn't invite him he passes by him he passes by and totally disruptive and Elijah has to make the biggest sacrifice of his life it's been a hard thing for me too because when I read the texts I become the character and when I become Elijah there I am plowing in a field that will be mind if I just plow a little while longer it will fall to me but it's not me it will fall to me but it's not me I'm in line to get it but I don't have the passion for it sometimes you can be in line for something that you don't have the passion for it the frustration with Elijah is common sense says this is valuable spirit sense says this is not valuable common sense says this is going to be yours spirit senses this is not yours common sense says you are an heir to all of this property spirits it says this is not your inheritance and Elijah is faced with the dubious past that all of us are faced with do I listen it by common sense or my spirit sense now now be honest with you most people flunk this they flunk this because we are so in tune to common sense that we don't listen to spirituals because of our let me be an honest and fair spirit sense says some crazy stuff like later when God tells you Elijah you know the brook is dried up I'm gonna feed you at the widow's house if you go to the widow and she get ready commit suicide she said we're gonna eat this cake and die and Spirit says since this is your blessing cease Pearson says crazy stuff like don't pay no attention to them cherry instead of marching on the walls around Jericho just March around them and highlight them that's a very spirit sense says ridiculous stuff like 600 chosen chariots are chasing you Moses down to the Red Sea but just hold a stick out and the waters go par spirit sense says crazy stuff and that's why a lot of people miss it and the people who do get it get it in spite of their relatives and friends and associates who are saying stuff like girl you gotta use common sense you're not getting any younger you were running out of time that's not the right one you shouldn't be doing this Eliezer however is totally convinced he's totally committed I think he's the kind of convinced that occurs amongst young people because once you get entrenched and following your own mind it becomes very difficult to change it's like marrying somebody who's 50 if I've been single 50 years it ain't gonna be a whole lot of change in me you just happen you have to happen to like me the way I am because whatever kind of crazy I am is baked in by 50 it is it is this beginning and the profundity of this beginning where Elijah burns the plow and boils the Ox that's an adamant refusal he's plowing behind the twelfth yoke of oxen he boils the Ox so while being a more plowing there he burns the pile to shed every door on going back to where he was I wish I had time I wish your head time when you get serious I'm just gonna throw this out here I know it's for somebody but I'm just gonna throw it out it when you get serious about deliverance you will boil the Ox and burn the plough to ensure don't pay no attention to these people who say they're ready to change but they left the door cracked when you really get ready to be who you're going to be you got to totally destroy any possibility to you going back to where you're trying to escape you got to get serious about this thing because you have wasted years playing peek-a-boo with your destiny if you're ever gonna war and become the thing that God called you to be you better get some water boiling because if you don't boil that out you'll find yourself back behind it what's wrong would be in behind the answer auctions are dumb aníbal and some of us have been led by dumb things all our lives and if you don't boil that dumb thing you will fool around and be back behind it again talking about he crazy but he nice [Applause] it's a bad thing as you get older to be stuck behind a dumb thing and never reach your potential because it's a haunting thing to know that I could have been something if I wasn't stuck behind a dead thing he bought it he bought socks he burns the pile he beats his parents adieu he boils the Ox he burns supplier he bids his parents adieu he boils the Ox he burns the plow he beats his parents adieu to follow a stranger he boils the office he burns the plow he beats his parents adieu he went he boils the Ox he burns the plow he beats his parents ado this boy is serious he boils Oxenberg supplier he beats his parents to do to follow a guy who is passing by he didn't even come to see him he passed by look at how he reacted I noticed that people who get things from God don't require a whole lot of begging and proddin and push it I'm too old to have to beg you I don't have the energy it takes to beg you to do something I'm gonna pass by you get it or you don't get it I don't have time to behind you chasing you trying to see whether you want it or not if you are serious when I pass by you will do whatever it takes to get what you got to get to get what God has for you forget me coming over for weeks and weeks and weeks and talking you into something that you don't want to do I don't have it look I'm 62 years old I don't have enough time to spend the next 62 year talking about that idea you don't really like it that I did you bet I do baby I'm Oh people are walking Elijah was walking by and it lives I saw him walking by and then the walking by created the urgency because the urgency says if I don't move right now I might miss it I want to talk to people in this room who feel like if I don't move right now I might miss it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm talking about you folks Ernest clapping and stand in it and jerking and some of y'all too humble to do that but your toe is wiggling because you know you can't afford to spend a lot of time here and then everywhere there's a certain spirit of urgency I don't have time to start dating again and fooling around and going back out to clubs and talk about do you have a life I don't have time to try you and test-drive you and see what you're about I got a dick when I do this time it has got to work when I pass by you baby I better see boiling water for most people and moving because I don't have five for you to play games with me I did that in the last decade I did that this is not the decade for me to do [Applause] he needs a job where he is the lead man and the heir to the property to serve from sacrifice to service he goes from the sacrifice of bull in the Ox to the service of pouring water on the hands of the Prophet pulling water on the hands of the Prophet could have been anything he could have been could have been bringing him bath water and could have been taking out his jar and could have been it what glamorous can you imagine telling your parents you leave them to do what you going you don't know you don't even know where you going you don't know where you won't stay and you going to take this menial job when we have worked all our lives to provide this property for you see following God is not something that you can let people vote on because Satan will always send his prophets to you to try to talk you out of the purpose of God [Applause] two things sacrifice and service sacrifice burner ox was a big deal to boil the arts and burn the pie you burn you burn pop out and winning your plows were not bad boy you poor map how you come in here and tell me you burnt my flap are you out of your mind you but you could've brought the plow back to the bar you did add that burn you burn you burnt it look at somebody Bernie yeah yeah big because this is what a lot of people don't understand even about giving you cannot have success without sacrifice that's why your credit is why you cannot have success without Sacre you got to give up something you got to give up something you can't keep everything the way it was and go forward at the same time you got to be prepared to ball some stuff and burn some stuff and do without some stuff and let the other girl be cuter than you for a little while weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning you may have to do your own hair you may have to cut your own nails off I mean when you really want to sacral y'all don't want to hear me [Applause] nobody in there you gotta be willing to sacrifice and you gotta be willing to serve and it was almost almost 10 years then he walked if he lied you almost a decade some people will serve you for a weekend if you get sick they'll come seeing you for a few days if you stay sick very long even your kin folks we'll get tired when it took with it you know I'm doing for 30 days on that 31st day you better give well because you know I I got a family at home I got things to do I think you've had these babysitter's I got and their day I'm praying for you I believe father 10 years he served a man he knew little about in the most personal way she took care of him for 10 years the man wasn't particularly nice we do know that because the Elijah kept telling him to leave now we're living in a time today that people will leave your church over a member I left because of somebody in a red hat see and some smart to me back on the 27th row on the right hand corner there was a fat lady and a red hat and she said something smart me and my kid left the old church if you are easily offended you will never be awesome you have to be strong and to deal with different types of personalities to walk into your destiny people who are easily offended will never be mighty you can't be mighty and petty at the same time you gotta decide am I gonna be mighty or am I gonna be petty he kept saying as the Lord liveth I will not leave me and so Lord liveth I will not leave thee and still know what liveth I will not leave there so Lord liveth I will not leave you what produces that kind of loyalty let's do it let's do an autopsy on this decade what what produces that kind of Lord you know they do an autopsy when they want to know what happened what produces that kind in an in an error for a loyalty is hard to find is it just good character does no I don't think so I think it's need Elijah needed a prophet in his stead and Elijah needed purpose see if you don't need to serve the first time I offend you you will quit but when you need to serve when you are called to serve when you get a sense of fulfillment out of service you can get your feelings hurt and still show up for work the next day and say what needs to be done because you gotta have a need to do it if you don't have a need to do it you wouldn't be able to do it you could work in our creative arts department if you didn't have a need to do it cuz when they really going out to something they rehearse every night and every night every night now I want to sing but I don't want to sing every night and that's why I'm not in the park because I want to sing one Supporter once a quarter I will join the crime scene but if y'all start rehearsing every night every night you have to need to do that you have to enjoy that you have to get a sense of fulfillment out of doing that you have to really be into that it's more than being able to sing because this'll people will get seeing you crazy sitting out there and Appeals right there but they're not really called to it like that it has to be your daily bread it has to be what excites or what motivates you you have to have a passion for it or it doesn't work if you don't have a passion it's not enough to have a gift if you don't have a passion i know some gifted people that's in prison i know some gifted people that are sleeping up on their bread passion to go with the gift or i canna fill you and you'll walk away and let me tell you God will always test your intent my insults I will say it again God will always test your intent by insult because if an insult can make you quit you weren't worthy of the job in the first place Elijah said I'm gonna stay I'm gonna stay an autopsy is something they do to find out clues to find out information to find out information that was not revealed another way they do a forensic analysis to evaluate what is going on and when they do that forensic analysis they learn they learn from it they learn from what is lost whenever I through with the body they take the body on in and they learn from what is lost since we are crossing a decade we keep having new experiencing new experiences without doing autopsies on old ones so we get married again without finding out what went wrong with the first marriage and so there we are doing again in the second marry what we did in the first marriage because the truth be told we're still married to the first person so when the second person gets mad or does something that reminds you of the first person you get mad and flip out in an uncanny way they shot you because they don't realize you're not really talking to him you're talking to the other guy that you were married to before because you have never done an autopsy on your past to figure out what needs to change in order to really walk in the newness of life you got a new date you got a new dress you got a new house you got a new name but that same old attitude continues to live because you have never had the courage to do an autopsy on the past to prepare for the field there are things you can learn for what you lost there are things you can learn from what you are certain things that you can learn and so there we're going to do an autopsy to understand things but in theology there's a term called eschatology and eschatology comes from two Greek words which means last study and so as we come to the end of the the 2019 and we look back over the decades starting from 2010 let's do a last study the study of the end of things end of an age the end of the world the end of nature the end of the kingdom the end of an era the end of the thing look back over ten years in your life what happened what happened what happened in your life over 10 years and what have you learned from you because if you if you lost it and didn't learn anything from it that means you have no profit from it and one of the worst things you can be in the scriptures is an unprofitable servant an unprofitable servant is somebody who has nothing left from what they lost their unprofitable doesn't mean that they didn't do business but they didn't have anything left from what they lost they broke even I made it glory to God it's another year I made it it's another year I made it it's another year I made it it's another decade I made it it's another husband I made it I got me a new man I made it I got me a new girl I made it I got me a new job I made it I moved into a new city I made it I got me a new church but you still got the attitude from the old church if you don't learn from what you lost you have no profit why would you have that much pain and no profit to have gone through that much pain out of demand that you get something out of it that makes you wiser that makes you stronger that makes you better that makes you healthier that makes you whole and so I thought we ought to do I thought we ought to do an analysis to begin to understand the the journey that they went on because there might be some clues let me look under here he took him to Gilgal he took him to Gilda they've been in Gilda Gilda Google is a place that there's stones and knives were in yoga Gilgal is the place where the children of Israel gathered stones as a monument so that their children would know that God was with them when they passed through the Jordan River so they were I call his stones and knives Gilgal is the place that when his next generation got ready to cross over they took sharp stones and made knives out of them and circumcised their sons before they went into the Promised Land and Elijah and Elijah went through Gilgal the place of cutting the place of separation the place of rolling away that's what it literally means giving out literally remains to roll away roll away Shane roll away anger roll away disgrace roll away hostility if you don't roll away 92019 you won't have a twenty20 you'll have a January one but you won't have a twenty20 you got to roll some things away you got to roll them away to make sure that when they circumcised a man that means some things didn't cross the Jordan with him they left something behind they left some things behind what are you gonna leave behind are you willing to leave behind the way you talk are you willing to leave behind the way you think about your story most people are not that's why they never have a new experience because they never have new language we think about our lives in decades I was from the 60s all the Boomers will tell you right now I grew up in the sixties shine all the Boomers am i right I grew up in the 60s I grew up in the sixties where I grew up in the 70s I grew up in the 80 with about our lives in decades but we plan our lives and days very few people have a plan for the next 10 years so how can you measure how good was the day when you don't have the decade in mind how can you measure the success of a year if you don't have a long term goal in mind where do you want to be ten years from now you evaluate the year not what a good or bad happens in the year which is a message the church has been teaching for years this is gonna be your year and you shout all over the church because you think that nothing's gonna go wrong then here people gonna die this year people don't get sick this year people gonna have car wrecks this year people don't get on your nerves this year things are gonna happen to you that's not fair this year that happens every year that is life I'm not talking about life there will be no magic years where nobody dies we need people to die we don't have enough room there will be my beard we're running out of food we're running out of water we're running out of places to stay death is a natural part of life is painful it hurts I'm not minimizing it but understand that that is going to happen you are not going to pray death away it's your family today it'll be my family tomorrow it'll be their family the next day death is a reality that always has been it will be there will be no magic years as it relates to life see y'all don't like us what we tell the truth and that's what makes us live that's what makes us a lie because we like to be lied to and preachers like to be lacked so they say what you want to hear rather than what you need to hear and then you're wondering why your faith doesn't work you need somebody to tell you the truth there will be no magic years where everything goes right and everybody likes you and everybody treats you good and everybody treats you right and you get everything you're born after there will be no years like that there's always gonna be somebody getting on your nerves there's always gonna be somebody talking about you there's always gonna be somebody fighting you there's always gonna be something to solve there's always gonna be bad news there's always going to be shopping loser there's always going to be in years full of good and bad so how do we monitor whether the year is successful we monitored by how close it got us to the decade and the goal we set for the next ten years all those other things are distractions all those other things are distractions God said I will fight in fact I will take the bad things and make them work for your good if you have purpose if you have purpose I will make all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord even the bad things even the things you cried over even the people who died even the people who left you even the people who 4:6 you've God said if you keep your mind on what your purpose is I'll make it work for your good they'll curse you and I'll make it a blessing they'll fire you and I'll open up a way for you they'll walk over top of you and I'll choose you and bring you from the back road to the front row cuz I am God I bring up one I take down another I'm gone all by myself am I in the right church tonight I'm not talking to the right people I want to get you ready I'm tired of giving you junk food and trying to get you to believe something that I've never gonna happen there's always will be somebody crazy in your family it's always gonna be somebody disrespect you it's always gonna be somebody who don't want to treat you right that is life so success he is regardless of these distractions how close am I getting to being a better person how close am I getting to being a better man how close to them am I getting to what God created me to be I want this year to propel me into my destiny if it's just about one step I want to make one step closer into what I'm supposed to be so that when I get to the next 10 years when I get to the decade I am ready for that stage of my life and so he walked him to Gilgal and said you got some cutting to do dude you got some flesh got to come off for you you got some things that need to be rolled away off of you for you to be the person that you need to be and I don't care how much money you make it won't be enough to substitute for you cutting yourself you're better at cutting cows than you are cutting you so he's teaching him discipline and he goes to gilga and then he takes him to better and Bethel is the place where Jacob lays his head on a stone and the heavens open up to him because he wants him to know you always have access to God you always have access distractions this this is some I want you to see this is really big a lot of preachers won't tell you this Bethel is the place where Jacob laid his head on a stone and the heavens opened up and the angels descended and descended and he called it better because he called it the house of God because he literally thought he had found this spot bet that opened up to the heavens he thought it was the spot it really wasn't the spot it was a space he was in any spot is the spot if you're in the right space you can go in the bathroom and shut yourself up in the stall and it can be the right spot if you're in the right space it can be in your car you could be in your car riding down the road and God will come in the car with you Bethel it's a place where you learn you've got access to God Bethel is the place where you learn you don't have to call your prayer partner you don't have to call your prayer sister you don't need your pastor to come by your house you don't need the bishop to bless you you don't need to kiss the Pope's ring wherever you are if you stand still and call on the name of the Lord God will show up in your life right there God don't have most special people God don't have most special people you just as much God's channel as I am God's child God will hear you just as fast as he will hear me away with this notion that God has special people you are the one that God has given access he wants the proper to understand you can ring him up wherever you are and God will come to you God will come to you when your mouth is taped up God will come to you with the tool down your throat God will come to you when you're laid out on a stretcher God will come you in a nursing home God will come to you in a homeless shelter God will come to you wherever you are God will come on the bus with you God will get in the mansion with you God will come we're in a middle of a wheelchair with you God will come in your places God will come in the jail cell God will come in the prison God will come in the unemployment line God will come roll your blind God will come with your deaf I don't care what your circumstance he is if you go to Bethel Bethel will come to you you can turn your bathroom into a chapel you can go down in your basement and God and come in your basement you can be in outer house and God will coming down huh wherever you call on the name of the Lord God will show up I wish I had a hundred radical people [Applause] yes yes I want you to be so bold that you tell your neighbor whenever I call him he shows up whenever I call him out he shows up whenever I call him he showed up whenever I call him he shows up he's right there whenever I needed somebody give the Lord a praise [Applause] I don't understand they think I mean he's coming he's not coming he's there his name is Jehovah shamma jehova shamma means I am present I'm not on my way I'm not coming I'm not fixing the time I'm there I'm there in your discouragement [Applause] if you cannot provoke my presence you cannot be my prophet and lead the congregation to get in the presence of God you cannot be my prophet and neither organ be giving the presence of God so why are you taking our swap jars and cleaning counters and washing my underwear I'm still teaching you something so this far not the bare small beginnings while you working that job that's half paying you the wages you really want to be paid God says I'm still teaching you something I'm still showing you something in the middle of that I didn't bring you there for the money I brought you there to learn something I brought you there to be a witness I brought you there to be a testimony I brought you there for you to learn something I'm getting you ready for something that's bigger than where you are right now you keep talking to me about where you are right now I'm getting you ready for where you're bored there's a reason I put you in that situation there's something I'm trying to show you about yourself there's something I'm trying to show you about your situation it's not about the money don't worry about the money wouldn't this time is right I'll give you the money right now I'm trying to give you the experience of understanding being another level [Applause] yeah yeah yeah we're alone I'm not happy you're not supposed to be happy you don't gonna be happy every day you're not gonna be happy married you're not gonna be happy single you're not gonna be happy in the print house you're not gonna be happy in the basement everyday life is not supposed to be for your joy it's supposed to be for your experience God wants to give you an experience that draws you closer and closer to him oh my god I feel the anointing in this somebody on this side is praying open your mouth up and give God a praise right now [Applause] hallelujah tension neighbors say I can ring him up I would love to have your help but if you don't help me I can help myself if you don't call them out calling myself if you don't pray them are praising myself if you don't love him I love it myself if you love anointed I'm learning myself if you can't get up myself [Applause] I feel like preaching man he comes down to the Jordan and when he gets to the Jordan he says if you see me when I'm taking up there are some things you can't get from me in a week you can't be my best friend in a weekend there are some things you can't get from me early I gotta know you I gotta see you mad I gotta see you hurt I gotta see you depressed I gotta see you lonely oh my god let me stare at you a while cuz I need to know whatever we go through there's some things that remain consistent in your life I need to know that I can count on you even when you're depressed even when you're feeling don't be my prophet you gotta be consistent so he brings him down and he brings him down to Jordan and he says if you see me when I'm taking up I'm going to give you a double portion I'm gonna give you an extra slice extra dough I'm gonna do something unique see the double portion was something that they gave to the eldest son it was if every son got a portion the oldest son got a double portion yeah it was a position of distinction it means you're closest to the father you're next to the air I'm gonna give you a double portion if you see me when I'm taking up I'm gonna give you a double portion I'm gonna give you extra somebody shot extra I'm gonna give you increase Oh y'all don't hear what I'm saying I'm just I'm I'm about to get to something coz coz coz coz coz when I looked at 20/20 the first thing I saw was vision and I started to preach about vision because we need a clear vision and I was going down the road of a clear vision and God said a clear vision is fine but that's not what I want you to get out of 20/20 he said when you preach that night I want you to tell them that 20/20 is my year of double portion [Applause] I said Lord what do you mean dumb abortion he said look at the text he said when you look at the text you'll see I had double prophets [Applause] when you look at the text you will see that when Eliza ripped his own coals he tore him into two parts totally here when I said I had two men I had two parts of clothing and I had a double portion high-five somebody say double for your trouble if they'd been through those trouble they ain't got nothing but if you've been through trouble you got doubled for your trouble God said for everything nights you cried wearing light you tossed and burn forever like you felt like giving up the Lord told me 2020 what I'm saying somebody self-concept right here right now when it's women two garments split to profit split double portion is release we are standing on the verge of a double portion because of 2019 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in the last decade [Applause] [Music] it's my time [Applause] nobody give this body such as the [Applause] [Applause] I'm not going into 2020 with the same ol annoy yeah the devil is a liar I'm going into 2020 with the double portion I want to tell the devil some if you think I was bad in 2019 wait till you see what I give you in 20 women and a double portion harness fixed [Applause] yeah in your business in your home in your in your spirit somebody takes a step you walk into a [Applause] [Music] and when Elijah was going up in the chariot Eli sure ripped his clothes but he didn't just scare him the Bible said he'd torn in the two parts so we had two men with two parts and we had two prophets that tall like the one garment or and all of a sudden we had one mantle to fall down out of the chariot and he grabbed the mantle and when he smoked the Jordan huh the Bible said the Jordan split into two parts I don't know what God is getting ready to spit for you but 20/20 you will split something that he'll know won't flip you'll go break it all the way apart if I'm preaching to you you've gotta pray [Applause] [Applause] standing in your way but when you go into 2020 it's so split up into two parts and God's gonna open up a way for you huh waymaker that's who he is waymaker that's who is I need about a hundred people who don't care what they look like to jump out in the haha and praise His name like you [Applause] you can sit in a double portion you're clapping in a double portion huh somebody found Libra you're leaping in a double portion you're leaving your fear you leave 20:19 you just lead in the swimming with it you just lease in the swimming with it [Music] praise Him in the new year praise Him in the new year praise Him in the new you crazy business crazy you got two priests women women with it with it with it with it every time you move your feet every time you move your left foot your left foot red brother your right foot let's put it left right left right left right left right quit it quit it quit it quit it quit it quit it No about to take my seat your plan watch this people I got a lapis watch the praise I got a face put it put it wasn't women when they prove it where they put it whether it's women women women
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 803,109
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Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, inspiration, td jakes motivation, motivation, sermons, td jakes 2019, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, td jakes commitment, td jakes sermons 2019, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, td jakes sunday, td jakes 2019 motivation, the autopsy of a decade, td jakes sermons 2020, td jakes 2020, td jakes 2020 motivation, autopsy of a decade
Id: 6C3zi26oR0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 15sec (3615 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 02 2020
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