Bridges to Destiny - Bishop T.D. Jakes | The Pacemaker Series

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[Music] [Applause] x13 verse 20 through 23 ice 13 verse 20 through 23 and stand on your feet for the reading of God's Word I love you back I love you back they've tried to keep me up in Washington but I told them I had to get home to Dallas a man never gets so Road conscious that you're not home sinner Amen that's a word right there that's a word right there okay the subject this morning is bridges to destiny that's what we're going to talk about today bridges to destiny every person in this room has a destiny but you'll never walk into it until you find your bridge every person in this room has a destiny beyond what you planned on but you'll never find it until you find your bridge and when you start talking about bridges to destiny they show up in the strangest way let's take a look at this word this is this is Luke writing in the book of Acts and he's summarizing hundreds of years of history and and I just wanted to pick up at the 20th verse all this took about four hundred and fifty years he talked about the children of Israel being in Egypt and and from the time that most of that God spoke to Abraham up until the time I said that your children will surgery in Egypt for 400 years and afterwards they will come out with great substance God never lets you go through anything that you don't come out afterwards with great substance [Applause] yeah great substance I think it's important that you go through something before you get great substance so you appreciate it I find that people who get things too easily discard them too easily and I was preaching and I was preaching up in Washington this week about Moses dropping the two tablets of stone if when God healed them out the rock and when God wrote on them Moses felt found himself astonished by what he saw on the outside and he dropped the two tablets of stone so the next time God said I'm not healing it out for you you've got to heal it out for yourself and once he got the healing that rock all night long he didn't drop that when God used to taking you through what he's trying to take you through I'm not gonna have to worry about you dropping it because it costs you so much to get it that you're gonna appreciate it and respect it come on talk to me about it all this took about 450 years after this God gave them judges God gave them judges in fact that's what the book of Judges is all about and I taught you before that God gave the children of Israel judges because he considered himself to be king so he gave them judges to handle their day-to-day affairs but he considered himself to be king which is what a theocracy is of the aqua sea as opposed to a democracy that theocracy is a God rule nation but because they started watching other people and we have a voyeuristic church today that is watching other people and think that what they have is better than what you have and you start lusting to be like other people and they will they will seduce you into apostasy they will draw you into losing the very unique thing that makes you who you are when it's alright to appreciate what God has done in somebody else but when you start imitating them you have to forsake you in order to be them and that's too high of a price to pay after this God gave them judges until the time of Samuel the Prophet and I've been talking about Samuel for three days for the three messages I preached leading up to this then the people asked for a king they asked for a king they had a king but they asked for a king God was their king but they asked for a king be careful what you asked for I only want what God wants me to have only what God wants me to have if you're single you aren't you only want what God wants you to have it could be that the Lord is your husband and you might forsake him as your husband and get something that you want him to later take back [Applause] that goes for the brothers too are you with me today I'm not saying there's nothing wrong with wanting to be married I'm saying it's something great about being contented there's something great about being contented because chances are if you're not contented by yourself you're not gonna be contented with anybody else I might as well mess with you a little bit and you're gonna bring that discontentment into the relationship and instead of you just being miserable now you're gonna make me miserable because I'm going to come into your atmosphere if you're waiting on me to start preaching I just did then the people asked for King and he gave them saw the son of Kish of the tribe of Benjamin who ruled 40 years come on after removing Saul he made David their king after removing Saul he made David their King while he was removing Saul he was getting David ready he was setting up the stage he was calling certain things to happen in Davis background to prepare him to go to a place that he could have never imagined after removing saw he made David their King God testified concerning him I have found David you remember when I was preaching a Sunday and I told you that when God came into the Samuel and Samuel was crying because Saul was rejected you remember that and I told you God asked him you why weepest thou over what I have rejected I have found me a man while samuel was crying God was searching you gotta understand while you're all upset about what you see right now God is already searching out a solution to your situation after removing soul he made David their King and we're going to talk a little bit about how this bridge ker occurred I preached in DC the transference of power you were gonna watch this transference occur after removing so he made David the King God testified concerning him good God of mercy you know that's good when God testifies concerning you I'm used to testifying concerning God I didn't know that God would testify concerning me God testified God testified concerning him I have found David I have found David who is so the language is so romantic it is it's like a lost lover I have found David I have found him which means David was lost it is not the david has found me I have found David David must have been something that God would search for him I have found David the son of Jesse a man after my own heart he will do everything I want him to do that's a testimony can God say that about you can God say that about me I have found David the son of Jesse a man after my own heart he will do everything I want him to do is there anybody in here that's willing to do everything that God wants you to do somebody said I will do everything that God wants me to do give me my next verse from this man's descendants talking about David from this man's descendants God has brought to Israel the Savior Jesus as he promised he moved David to set up Jesus [Applause] there's some shifting going on in your life that doesn't even have anything to do with you he will move you to set up the stage for what's going to have it years after you you don't understand how important you are it's not always important whether you've got the position you were trying to get or the house you were trying to get it's not always important whether you get the promotion you were trying to get sometimes God is shifting you and it's not even about you glory to God he moved you for a reason he shifted you for a reason he set the stage for a reason he lets you get a degree for a reason he let the loan be approval for a reason he sent you to school for a reason he's changing the trajectory of your family he's breaking curses off of your descendents he's changing your lineage glory to God he's giving your grandchildren something to inherit he's setting you up for divine purpose I feel the glory of the Lord in this place I haven't even started yet my god I feel the anointing in this place shout a man somebody so God is up to something in the life of David let me pray again I'm ready to take off and just go and get I'm all fired up and excited but I feel the pace of the Lord in this place I want one thing that want you to sense and I'm gonna pray in a minute one of the things I want you to sense is that God has a rhythm while he's moving out one he's moving in another you can't be weeping over who left cuz while they're wild they're walking away somebody is walking in do you understand what I'm saying that good and that good God has a rhythm say that with me God has a rhythm God has a pace God has a pace your whole life is on a rhythm your whole life he's got a pace over your life he's got a rhythm over your life he's got a certain time to bless you no devil no witch no hex no spell no setback no layoff no getting fired no nothing can stop the pace of God in your life God is the pacemaker he is a pacemaker look at your neighbor and say he is a pacemaker everything that's out of pace God's gonna bring it back into pace God as a God of rhythm God is a God of rhythm Holy Spirit we thank you for what you're about to do in this place have your way in this place today thank you for your word today thank you for what you're about to do in this place thank you for your power and your glory thank you for your knowing T move great God that you are and I trust you for it in Jesus name give him the best praise you God yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I want you to under here maybe see that I want you to understand that God is a God of rhythm then everything God does he does my rhythm God is a God of rhythm rhythm is about music God is a God of rhythm God is a God of rhythm everything God created has a rhythm to it you have a rhythm I was I was at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem years ago and when we got to the Wailing Wall all of the rabbis had come to the Wailing Wall when they get to the wall they don't stand still they walk back and forth they rock back and forth to indicate that God is a moving God and if you're going to talk to him you have to catch his rhythm and they'll stand at the wall the wall is solid but the prayer the prayer is rocking back and forth he said the blood is rocking back and forth blood is moving through your body and it's rocking back and forth and when they get ready to pray they come to the Wailing Wall and they walk back and forth in the rhythm of God when God hollowed out a lump of clay that would be Adam that breathed into him the breath of lives he breathed the rhythm into him he breathed the rhythm before there was aware of when Lord this or that before there was a tree or a bush or a flower before there was a column or building or a house in the beginning there was God just the breath of the almighty to breath [Music] the breath of the almighty and out of the breathing of God comes the existing of humanity and so when God the Creator scooped down a lump of clay and hovered over it as a hen would over its eggs he took his breath and he breathed into Adam he breathed not just air but rhythm it's not enough to breathe air if you don't breathe rhythm it is a rhythm that makes the air significant and God had a rhythm and he breathed the rhythm into Adam and Adam began to inhale and exhale in rhythm with God in rhythm with God in rhythm with God in rhythm with God in rhythm with God you want to be in rhythm with God you want to be in rhythm with God you want to catch his rhythm you want to catch his rhythm over the next few weeks we want to get you in rhythm for 20:19 we want to get you in rhythm we don't want you to be out of rhythm we want your heart in rhythm we want your thinking in rhythm we want your mind in rhythm there's powerful things to be learned when we understand the rhythm of God peace exists in the rhythm of God you'll stop trying to make things happen if you get in the rhythm of God it happens when it's supposed to happen it moves when it's supposed to move it breaks when it's supposed to break you stop being a manipulator when you get in the rhythm of God oh god oh god oh god amen there are witches in the house of God witches who are trying to enforce their will on other people they don't even know that it's witchcraft but your dominance and your manipulation is the spirit of witchcraft the thing the reason that you think you can run everybody and run everything and you know what's best for everybody's life and you're all in their business you don't know it but you're a witch [Music] that's what witchcraft is is to try to control other people's lives and and your your mouth is incantations and you're trying to make them do this and make them do that and a humble person oh you don't hardly know what you are to do how dare you try to control what I have to do you don't even know what you're supposed to do I break the spirit of witchcraft out of your life and out of your spirit it's gotta go it's the spirit of witchcraft manipulating manipulating controlling going here and there stop all of that and just get in the rhythm of God get in the rhythm of God help me get in the rhythm of God help me get in the rhythm of God there is strength in the rhythm of God there is peace in the rhythm of God there is power in the rhythm of God tension tamers say get in the rhythm of God [Music] all that I'm going to talk to you about today sinners around rocks and rhythms rocks and rhythms it's all rocks and rhythms rocks and rhythms is everything that happened is either to a rock or a rhythm it's easier through a rock or rhythm David would still be a shepherd boy if it weren't for a rock and a rhythm do you hear what I'm saying a rock and a rhythm a rock and a rhythm that's what stands in between him and his destiny is a rock and a rhythm it wasn't ambition I don't believe that David was out there taking care of sheep saying you know I'll have no business out here I should be king if they think they need to acknowledge Who I am they need to recognize it was not self-promotion it was not suffering grand Iseman he had no idea that his destiny was going to be what it ended up being I could be honest I would have been shocked to know that I would end up here I didn't plan to be here I didn't expect to be here I didn't feel like I deserve to be here I would I would roll a little but a rock and a rhythm a rock and a rhythm a rock and a rhythm I'm telling you this because some of the things you thought were gonna happen in your life are not gonna happen in your life because it was witchcraft in your life trying to control the outcome of your life and some of the things that you've never expected to receive in all of your life God has in store for you let me get down because I got to prove it I feel you kind of listening at me I'm gonna break it on down God said your eyes have not seen your ears have not heard neither has entered into the heart of man the things that God has in store for you so it's not what you conjured up it's not what you tried to make happen it's not why you tried to manipulate people and try to get your daughter to marry my son and your son to marry my daughter stop the witchcraft get out of the way your eyes have not seen your ears have not heard leader has entered into your heart the things that God has in store for them that love him it's just going to happen it's gonna happen it's gonna happen it's gonna happen it's gonna happen in a rock and a rhythm in a rock and a rhythm 20 years ago you didn't think you'd be in Dallas it's a rock and a rhythm you didn't plan it you didn't figure it out you didn't strategize it it's a rock and a rhythm what God has for you it's gonna blow your mind it's gonna surprise you it's gonna shock you it's gonna shock your neighbors and your friend you'd never see it coming but just in the process of being who you are you go StumbleUpon stuff you're gonna step in this stuff you oh god do you hear what I'm saying glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God a rock and a rhythm say that was me a rock and a rhythm say it again all rock and a rhythm said again a rock and who would think that a rock and a rhythm would have anything to do with who would be the next king but if you will allow me today I will show you that the bridge to Davis destiny was a rock and a rhythm close the bridge between where he was and where he was to go was a rock and a rhythm God gives to us in action our chose acts over going in the first Samuel God gives to us in summary the criteria of his promotion here God reveals his criteria for selecting the next king I found me a man he said I found me a man I'm gonna make him change not because of the university he matriculated from not because he was raised up in the castle in the palace not because he understands the protocol of magistrates in Richmond not because everybody thinks that he'll make the next king not because he's tall and good-looking not because he looks like Saul not because he's been serving so not because he's been in the right place at the right time not because he goes to the right parties and he knows the right people not because he plays kissy-kissy and politics all of that is witchcraft I'm breaking the spirit of witchcraft I'm breaking the spirit of witchcraft I'm breaking this free to witchcraft anything you have to do yourself you have to maintain yourself the Lord build a house say that labor labor but in vain that build it oh it's going to come through a rock and a rhythm somebody say a rod and a rhythm God says I am going to make you a king because you're the son of Jesse because you're number one Providence because you're the son of Jesse I didn't just start working on this when you got here I such a great great grandmother Naomi to Moab I designed for Naomi to lose her son I meant for her to lose her son both of them and her husband so that in bitterness she would give up on Moab and move back to Bethlehem and her grieving daughter-in-law would follow her home Orpah didn't go because she wasn't in the plan oh I love preaching to you because you get it you get it so quick you understand that all that left you couldn't stay and all the state couldn't leave because God doesn't just start setting it up when you start praying before you have any idea what is going on oh god they only had no idea that she was being blessed while she was being broken that her grieving broken hard and the bitterness in her spirit was a part of a greater thing that God meant for her to be heard he meant for her to give up on bow ass he meant for her to move out of her house he meant for her to feel dejected and rejected and go home he meant for orbit and say I'm not going with you he meant for roof to fall so in love with her that she couldn't leave her Andrew said that God should be my god about people shall be my people and without dwellers I will dwell it where about diets I shall die that kind of love doesn't just happen it's a setup anytime somebody falls in love with you and they can't leave you and they think they see something in you that nobody else saw in you it's a setup God covers people's hearts boom boom ba boom ba boom ba boom ba boom ba boom ba boom ba boom ba boom God causes people's heart to be drawn to you or repair from you accept it accept it when they come and accept it when they go it is the lowest doors and it's marvelous in your eyes stop feeling bad about yourself stop blaming yourself stop fault in yourself opal couldn't stay she's not a part of your destiny she's not a part of your destiny and every imposter will fall away from your destiny they're not a part of your destiny they're not a part of your destiny then if you try to hold them you're going to bring trouble on yourself when they want to go let them go [Applause] see all of my Bible readers know where I met those of you that don't know your Bible you're trying to figure out what this has to do with what I'm talking about you see you see Naomi wants to be the great-great-great great-great-great grandmother of David and she had to go to Bethlehem number one incidentally Bethlehem West where Jesus was to be born thousands of years later and even though she goes back to Bethlehem crying over her dead husband God is setting up the place and pointing to the place where Christ would be born it's all a setup touch your neighbor says all a set up [Applause] some of you all did had no idea he would end up in Dallas it's all a setup it's all a setup it's a setup it's a setup so Naomi comes home with with Ruth her daughter-in-law they're not even related they're not even of the same people Ruth is a Gentile Ruth is a Gentile she's a Moabite Ruth is the genera Ruth is not even a part of the Covenant she's not even on the same ethnicity stop thinking that God only uses people who look like you God will use white folks and brown folks and all kind of folks and folks who speak different languages he'll make connections across bridges that you never thought possible - in order to fulfill his destiny God has a plan for your life therefore we glory in tribulation for tribulation worketh patience I know you get hurt sometimes but while you're crying praise Him - because the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and he delighteth in his way god help me my God my god I'm talking with somebody I don't even know who it is I was going through something one time it really crushed me it broke me it really really broke me like I've never been broken before and I was walking down in the field behind my house and I was crying and I was hurt and it looked like I was going to be totally destroyed and totally consumed and I was worried and I was concerned and while I was crying I told God I said god I am pained and I'm suffering but I trust you I know you wouldn't allow this to happen if it weren't gonna be for my good I don't like it I don't understand it I don't want it but I still trust you and when I said I trust you I know Hale got seasick and demon started throwing up glory to God because I still trust him in pain I trusted in a God in affliction I trusted in trials are trusted and loneliness I trusted in rejection I trusted all of these years he made everything work together for my good so even when it doesn't feel good it's gonna work together [Applause] you you you gotta have a strong constitution in the base of your soul that you believe God I'm not talking about this churchy stuff this whooping and the holler and stuff I'm done about way down in your gut in your belly when our hell is breaking loose you got to know that he that has began a good work in you shall perform it unto the day of Jesus playing and though he slay me though he slayed me though I'm crying though I'm wounded though I'm burning yet shall I trust you and so God is setting up the stage he lets us know this is a criteria for the King selection you are the son of Jesse I didn't just start this with you this did not begin with you this started before you got here this started before your grandmother met your grandfather God was getting you ready for what's about to happen in your life do you understand what I'm saying it didn't just start with you 16 years old they buried my father I felt like a failure he'd been sick since I was 10 my mother and I had driven back forth to the hospital I could I could literally run a kidney machine and couldn't ride a bicycle while other little kids was playing in the yard I was in the house mopping up blood running the kidney machine taking care of my father all I've ever known all my life was taking care of other people and when he died I felt like a failure because he died he slipped out of my fingers and he was gone and worse than just feeling like a failure I felt confused because he died without telling me who I am and what he thought of me and what I could do and what I could be and how I could fly and did you even like me and I didn't even understand anything and I was crying and they were lowering his body in the grain and I didn't understand it when I was 16 I didn't understand it when I was 17 I didn't understand it when I was 18 I didn't understand it when I was 19 I didn't understand it when I was 20 all of a sudden as I got older I began to realize that it was the loss of my father that made me seek the Holy Ghost that made me get in the Word of God if I were not broken like that I wouldn't have had the inordinate hunger that I had that's why they called me the Bible boy I didn't have nothing else to read I used to put my Bible in my science book in high school and sneak and read the scriptures because I was trying to find my daddy and while I was looking for Ernest L I found Elohim you understand what I'm saying God knows what it takes to push you into its purpose so God said I chose you because you are the son of Jesse [Applause] number two he says I found a man that is after my heart shadow bush I found a man that is after my heart now there's been a lot of confusion about this scripture because people say how could David be after God's heart because David had some issues I mean I'm not trying to cast it gave him a run his name down but David has some issues and and and church people all understand this but everybody who's who I've ever met who was greatly gifted or greatly unknowing it was also greatly conflict people don't take the stuff like that because that don't sound good but that's how it is the greatly conflict is never a straight line in writing novels about character development they teach you to never write a character that's all good or all bad because it's not a reflection of reality good people have bad issues bad people have good sides I don't understand how she could stay with him his good side [Applause] I wish I had her on his sister in here that you see something that big Rhoda had nobody else saw in the world and and he crazy and he's ignorant and he drives you crazy but he bakes you cookies every Friday night and brings him to the bed and he said I love you anyway Harpo you crazy but I love you anyway [Applause] you married that girl she talks too much she shakes her name she bobs her head but when you in trouble she fights for you and stands up for you and you put up with what you don't want because of what that's real life real life is missing real life is confusing real life is money it's never a straight line stop thinking that there are good people and bad people there are just people they're just people they're just people they're just people they're just people and with God with me gustas I found a man after my own heart people freaked out because the man that he found that was after his own a hard ended up sleeping with your ayahs wife the man who was after God's own a heart slept with your eyes wife the man who was after God's own heart kill Uriah set him up and had a murdered and it just burns your religious ears to hear that that God could love somebody so nasty but I don't know why burns your ears cuz he loves you he loved your little filter itself I don't understand why you need to read it in the Greek and the Hebrew I don't understand why you got grace for your situation and no grace for mine I just don't understand that it just confuses me and he didn't stumble into God God searched him out I have found me a man who was after my heart and besides the text doesn't mean that David is a pattern of God's heart first of all it implies us that David has God's rhythm he got a beat like mine he's passionate like me I have found the man who is after my heart he's chasing my heart I found a man who's writing me poetry and singing me songs on the mountaintops I found a man who's dating me and dancing on the heels see David would be up in the hills and in the mountain town now Lord my god I love you lord I bless all day God said I felt that he's after me he's chasing me he's warned me he's flirting with me he keeps saying sweet stuff to me I have found a man who is after my heart I'm gonna make him King because he praises me he won't stop blessing my leg he won't stop lifting me up he won't stop giving me the glory I have found a man who is after my heart that's why you don't want to be a stiff-necked brother who won't open his mouth or clap his hands or praise the Lord because if you're after God's heart he will promotes you not because of your degree but because you are after his heart [Applause] don't let anybody else tell you that it's masculine to be stony-faced and Sitapur and look like you can't just died [Applause] no no no Gus said I had found this man who flirts with me who keeps talking to me who keeps praising me who keeps searching me out he lifts his hands he writes me songs he does poetry to me I'm gonna make him King cuz he's after me he's aggressive he's tenacious he's relentless he won't leave me alone he keeps flirting with me early in the morning he wakes up seeking my face he's calling on my name I'm gonna bring him from the background to the forefront because he's after my heart I wish I had a thousand praising men yes yes yes if you praise them God will find you if you praise him God will finally if you praise and God will find you if you praise and God will find you if you crazy God will find you you're lost but it defies and God will find you if you praise of God we'll fix it if you praise and God will heal you open your mouth leave your traditions behind God said I apparently a man who is after my heart [Applause] you got one thing going for you you're after his heart it's not that you're smart is that you're after his heart it's not that your discipline is that you're after his heart and God protected you because you were after his heart and he opened doors for you and he made ways for you because there's one thing consistent about you your heart is toward God when your heart is toward God he will make your enemies your footstool [Applause] uh-huh like that like that like that like that like that like that praise him like that love him like that where's supreme like dad you're fine like that you can't help how you messed up you can't help that you just got out of jail you can't help that yo your third marriage you can't help the mistakes you made but there's one thing you can help I will bless the Lord at all times his praise [Applause] Lord I'm weak but I love you Lord I'm broke but I love you when I messed up but I love you Lord I'm a crackpot but I love you if you praise it he'll deliver you from crack he'll pull you out the street [Applause] sit down I gotta go on I'm still in worming no more one [Applause] that's why you're never gonna get me to stop praising God I praised him when I was on welfare I praise him when I had food stamps I praise him when West warm I had to drive me to church and I didn't even have a car I praise Him then so when I got my Mercedes I praise Him then and when he gave me my Bentley I praise Him then cuz I said I'll let nothing separate me from the love of God no matter what you give me I'm still gonna give you the face I praise your the Brioni suit y'all want to talk to me [Applause] some of you have gotten so rich that you sit there with your cute self beginning it was God that gave you everything [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] tetra Labor's him after his heart I'm after his heart if I don't get you I'm after is hard if you don't like me it's okay I'm after is hard I'm after it's hard I'm trying to get it I'm trying to ruin I'm trying to date it I Drive it flooded I'm trying to get his attention hey I'm over here check this out what something is [Applause] let me go on and they seem that God says God says the third thing God says he will do whatever I want him to do I [Applause] chosen because he won't fight me I chose him because he won't fight me I chose him because he'll obeyed me I chose him because he'll submit to me he will do whatever I want him to do I can send him anywhere I can do anything in his life I chose him because he's pliable in my hands I chose him because he's clay I'm the powder he's the clay I can shape him I can break him he will do whatever I want him to do dr. James who might not remember this but several years ago we were sitting around the table of my house having dinner and she was made a statement I will never forget the rest of my life she said after years of reading the Bible she said I've come to realize that God is guided by his purpose that in order to accomplish his purpose he will use anybody or anything to get done what he's trying to get done you remember I was having a conversation yeah we're all God I'll never forget it as long as I live she said she said in order to accomplish his purpose he used prostitutes and hookers Street people people who didn't have nothing he used kings and princes and tax collectors and bill collectors and people that everybody hated in order to accomplish his purpose so if you give him his purpose [Music] he'll always protect you not because you deserve it but because you will do whatever he wants you to do somebody throw your hands up say I'll do it when he called me to preach I told him I said Lord you can find people that are more able but you will find nobody more willing I told him that 40 years ago I said I'm willing I'm just willing I'm not able I'm willing I don't know why you want me but I'm willing I'm not qualified but I'm willing and I said if you'll give you if you'll give me you're able I'll give you my willing it's bad to be stubborn [Applause] you miss opportunities being stubborn you get passed over being stubborn why should God wrestle with you to get you to do something that she will just do and then you become a hater of her because she's doing what you could have done but you were too stubborn you was a strong woman no you was a stupid woman you missed an opportunity to step into your destiny sometimes being tough is not a blessing sometimes being tough it's not a blessing he said I made David King because he loved Amy number four I made him King because he's got Jesus in his legacy when I'm this is what I want you to get when I moved David from the sheepfold to the palace I moved Jesus see see Jesus its Davis great-great great-great great-great grandchild and even though Jesus was born in a barn his destiny wasn't to be sheep David moved from the Sheep field into the palace so that when Jesus said I am the son of David it would have a royal ring to it he moved the whole family to the throne to start a dynasty for a child David had never met you with me you with me now now I want you to see this you you cannot bridge where you are and to where you're supposed to be without fighting in your battle your battle is your bridge it wasn't a David attended the right parties or one that he had the right business cars it wasn't any went out and got him a Braille and he sued that he couldn't pay for so he looked like something that he wasn't what got him promoted was his battle your battle is your bridge if you don't get anything else you got to give this your battle is your bridge every David needs a Goliath [Applause] nobody would have known David if it wasn't for Goliath Goliath put David on the map we don't get to choose our own battle the stage that brings you to your destiny is generally an uncomfortable one you're with me you will normally have inadequate equipment you'll be ill-equipped for the fight you're here are you following what I'm saying and the other thing I want you to understand you'll have an inordinate confidence you'll think you can do something that don't make any sense so you got poor equipment but you got great confidence [Music] you cocky and other people it looks crazy when David found his galoshes hey I'm gonna tear him up I'm gonna tear him I'm gonna tear I won't tell him he it looks so stupid that glass tower laughing girl I've said who am i dog that you will come at me with with a rock a rock a rock and a rhythm you're a stone's throw away from your destiny you're a stone throw away from your destiny and the greatest blessing you could ever have is to find your Goliath all the disciples could have walked away from Jesus and he'd have been okay except Judas Judas did more for Jesus than all the other disciples combined it was Judas that created the stage that set Jesus on course for his destiny it's not your friends that bless you as your haters [Applause] it's true haters that bless you it's Goliath that bless David Goliath created a platform for him in fact when God got ready to reveal David he sent Goliath Goliath is the enemy that Davis destiny had been waiting on something big enough to fight something bad enough to fight something that you had to fight in front of everybody this is the secret battle this is a public fight this is a dogfight that everybody's talking about you and everybody can see you Oh Goliath they would have never been talking about David if it wasn't for Goliath before the day was over everybody was talking about David because of Calliope God will use your enemies as a footstool so if you push all your enemies away you push in your destiny away cuz every David needs a Goliath the bridge to your destiny is going to come through your enemy you will know you're ready for the next stage when Goliath comes Goliath is the usher to the next dimension when you find your Goliath you're gonna step into your kingdom and here comes David down there to the battlefield with inadequate equipment he doesn't have everything he needs because Goliath does [Applause] all David had was a rock now he needed a sword he didn't have a sword Saul tried to give him a sword he wouldn't take Saul sword he ran down there with nothing but a rock he blew what he had even though it wasn't enough it was enough to get it started you might not have enough money to pay it all no see you got to be a little bit crazy to catch the rhythm of God to get in his face through what I had at this building Timlin I through what I had in this building it wasn't enough no Bates will give us no money I through what I had a few million dollars I threw it at the Builder we dug out the foundation got everything ready and all the banks that were talking to us said no and I drove past it every week and told God I ain't worried about it I drove right past my said listen I don't need that building I don't have a five kids you need that building so you I have to pay for it if you don't pay for it I'm gonna turn it into a swimming pool I'm not gonna worry about it the battle is not mine it belongs to God I do what I had yogi what I'm saying I threw what I had at it I got on the phone and I started calling some friends of mine in high places and they started calling the presidents of the base and the same Goliath that said I couldn't have the money now they're all fighting over who's gonna give me the money so I was able to feel finish building I can't remember what this writ was about 83 million dollar building with somebody else's money you go use somebody else's sword to those of you who don't realize it David knocked him down with the rock but he cut his head off with his own sword he couldn't he cut Goliath's head off with Goliath's sword if you throw your rock you can finish it up with your enemy's sword do y'all hear what I'm saying to you catch every mistake the laughs is holding your sword stop running from him stop running from him you're gonna kill your enemy with his own sword okay can I go a little bit deeper I'm ready to go deep my next point I want to show you its theocracy Trump's democracy theocracy Trump's democracy nobody believed in David nobody supported David nobody voted for David nobody's suspected that he was the one you don't need everybody's consensus to underwrite your next move stop calling everybody to get them on your side to do what you're trying to do theocracy always Trump's democracy if God says you can do it you can do it if God says you can have that you can have it if God says you can build it you can build it if God says you can make it you can make it it doesn't matter what your mama said what aren't Chris said what uncle Richie said what bruh said what sis said what your neighbour said you don't need democracy you need theocracy if God before you he's more than the world against you the only person that believed in David was God stop running around trying to get people to believe in you you fighting the wrong battle you don't need to convince them that you're able this is between you and God I want you to get this because this is important the soldiers didn't believe in it the king didn't believe in him his brothers didn't believe in it his father didn't even like him so stop feeling sorry for yourself and say anything my father liked meeting my mother would support me they forgot my sister didn't do it Gd and I mean so much shut up that's an excuse they have nothing to do with it I can't tell you how many people got successful with nasty mamas I can't tell you how many people got successful with drunk daddies I can't tell you how many people was abused or molested and still became king get rid of your excuse that is not the problem you don't need democracy you know you don't need everything lining up in order for you to win there are people in this room that succeeded though they were hated in fact every person who has succeeded in some area of your life though you were hated college boy right now all of these people are testimonies that the odds can be against you but if God is for you you can still succeed I need 30 seconds of crazy praise [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] say this with me this is my year to cross my bridge that means your enemy is your bridge you're the life is your grid you're not running from Goliath no more you're not hiding from July you see Goliath has an opportunity God sent Goliath to you to promote you Goliath is your platform the problem is your promise what's wrong is what's right and we didn't have a criminal justice problem we wouldn't need a teen and I know we would need you the problem created you the problem hired you the problem gave you the job the worse it is the better it is the more relevant to become you become relevant because of a problem you came to kill the hand of the Lord is on you when you find your problem you found your answer yeah what were you born to fix [Music] what were you born to fix this shadow for sure whoo I'm getting happy I shouldn't get happy but I'm getting happy I'm getting happy what were you born to fix I can do this I can do this all day cuz I was born to fix this I can do this tired I can do this sick I can do this growth coz I was born the fixes the more messed up you are the more knowing that I become I'm better when you're in a mess I was born to fix this I found my Goliath every David needs to find your Goliath this is your bridge to your destiny a rock and a rhythm can I show you something else sit down I'm gonna show you the second part I'm going to show you the second part this is what you get when you get David and I want you to understand I'm setting the tone you won't want to miss for the next few weeks I'm you I'm set I'd say I mean got to a point I'm saying I'm setting you up I'm setting you because I can't show you Davis Tabernacle till I show you David you got to understand what it was about him David did something that really was illegal he established a way of reaching God that wasn't evil all the rules that Moses established David broke all of them because he found a higher principle and I'm trying to show you how to step in to a higher principle before I could take you to the higher principle I had to show you the lower principle Moses tabernacle is the law principal Davis Tabernacle is a higher principle do you understand what I'm saying and in order for me to show you what Davis tabernacle is I can't I can't you look at this bill and you look at what I built but you'll never be able to build it until you look at who built it because this ministry is my baby it came out of me and you'll never be able to do it until you understand the me it came out of you can wear my suits much you can do you can walk like me but you can't do it you can preach in my church but you can't do it because how do you ballet [Applause] you can only birth out of you what's inside of you so I'm showing you David so that when I get to the tabernacle you will understand what he brings he's a fighter he's a fighter he killed a lion he killed a bear when he came in front of the line he's I kill you - never mind I don't have the money never mind I know how to help never mind me talking about me if God be for me he's more than happy come here you uncircumcised Philistine I'll kill you dead I'll kill you in front of everybody [Applause] he's a fighter that's my rock my fight is my rock I'll throw these rockets I hit you in your head you fall in the day your Rakesh you fight you gotta have fight you gotta have fight it's nice to be nice nicest children nice is good and nice is wonderful but when the devil after you you you better have some fight there's a difference between being mean and having fight I've seen people that were mean but they did have no fight fight doesn't have nothing to do with your personality it has something to do with your tenacity your conviction your commitment come hell or high water you fight me you lock me down our bite your ankles I'll fight you buddy I don't care you can box I can bite it ain't got to be pretty and I got to be pronounced but my spinnin you are did I have to be something you put on sports channel long as you understand believe me alone we good look at something huh fight back now let me show you some I'm gonna say something Yeah right back right back it's a rock and I showed you the rocks you gotta had a fight but but but the thing that people never tell you about they talk about the separate board becoming King but they never tell you that David was a musician David was a musician and now here come my rhythm see see music creates mood [Applause] it produces sound and sound is measurable sound has impact before it's over i'ma teach you why God says make a joyful noise he didn't just write therefore people who can't sing [Applause] noise lose God you remember when God told the children to march around the wall seven times seven days he said when you go around the seven times shout you don't want to come back next week I got some more play I got some more for you but I gotta leave this five days because I gotta give you a rhythm I want you first first of all I want you to play me something classical [Music] you see how that changed the mood of the whole world music is the cheapest way to redecorate the house without moving the furniture you don't have to get new drapes or new carpet or anything you don't have to real upholster the couch of nothing if you play music you redecorated the whole room because music changes the atmosphere he played classical music and a whole different mood came over the whole house because music has power to change the unseen play me some jazz [Music] [Applause] not what he did he played a worship song with jazz chords jazz chords are notes that are diminish like seven set of Lord a third create a jazz sound so whenever you get ready to hear jazz it is the Loring of the seventh chord that creates what is called a jazz chord that changes the sound that changes the mood and so even though he was playing a gospel song he was playing it with jazz chords and it felt like jazz but you heard the melody which sounded like church and he was trying to figure out which one was it because he was playing jazz chords to a church song give me something in minor chords mine of course lower thirds [Music] now might you see how to change the mood mine of course are lower thirds would you lower the third of the chord it's a minor chord when when you when you create the sound of a minor chord it has this gothic sound did you hear that gothic sound to it gothic chords are minor chords and when a creature like son who my brother saw my sister alone solo I give you love I give you peace are low so low sorrow my brother - hello - solo solo I give you love I give you t solo so that's manner you think you see so some sound creates new horrors of thought new artists take me to church - gospel straight to say - fine change [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] now you in the same room with the same people and you got the same musician creating different sounds that creates different moods that completely doesn't metamorphosis to the atmosphere when he took me to church all old school transfer jumped up right away because your spirit recognizes sound sound moon spirit sound new spirit sound move spirit cow Moos spirit fed sound moon fat again fat again give him a praise give him a praise [Applause] [Applause] the second bridge is sound it sounded sounded sound it sound the the sound is gonna become a bridge it is the sound it is the sound you make that becomes a bridge Jesus couldn't die as long as he was making sound oh gosh as long as he was making sound he couldn't die cuz in his mouth were the words of eternal life he couldn't die as long as he was talking because life was in his mouth so when he hung his head and lots of his shoulders the Bible said he never said a mumbling word he never said a mumbling word so he could die if either kept talking he couldn't have been able to die do you remember when he told Peter he said Peter would leave me also Peter said whether shall we go into our hands are the words of eternal life he said I can't leave you cuz you speak life to me in the beginning was the word the Word was with God the Word was God all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made without him talking nothing was made in him was life and the life was the light of men and the Word was made flesh the sound was made flesh the abstract was made concrete the invisible was made visible God doesn't was sound and God stepped out of nothing and God said let there be light and when those sounds came out formations appeared to sound this power I'm gonna show you this one thing then I'm gonna stop you and me go to Samuel go to same you'll see what is it us first time you're sixteen in your first name is 16 13 to 21 I'm going to show you how God how God and to the best of my ability and why God brings David into the castle you see David is a musician why are you trying to say make noise make noise you to quiet all you people who wrestle with depression I guarantee you if you're wrestling with depression you're quiet in the house [Applause] depression comes in silence in order for it to rest in your house you have to shut up you have to shut up you have to take all the music out your house you have to walk around in quiet because like a fungus it Fester's in the silence the power of life and death is in your tongue if I'm gonna take you out I gotta get you to shut up look at some I said make a noise [Applause] have you ever seen the paramedics when they come in and somebody been shot and they standing over the victim and the victim's about to black out and they say stay with me stay with me keep talking stay with me keep talking stay with me keep talking stay with me because as long as you're talking you can't pass out touch your neighbors helping your mouth sound spirit and spiritus sound sound this spirit and spiritus sound sound this spirit and spirit East sound sound this spirit and spiritus sound can affect object sound can shatter glass sound could crack a mirror sound can break a demon sound children Oh [Applause] that boy wrote that song don't worry be happy every time I hear it I get happy I don't even know what I'm happy about every time I hear it I just get happy I just argued happy I just get happy and said don't worry be happy be happy I just say ok I did yeah sound has spirit the spirit has sound all davis like he's been a musician and he doesn't even know why let me show you they put my texture the world then samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brother and the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward so saying the world this is this is right where I left you last Sunday when I told you take your horn and fill it and go Samuel now I has taken that horn that's that same horn did Samuel took the horn of oil and annoying to him being David in the midst of his brother glory to God I could preach about that I don't have time to worry with glory to God we got an oyster in front of the very people who said you were nothing it does something and the Spirit of the Lord watch this watch this and the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward so Samuel rose up and went to Rama come on but the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul the same time the Spirit of the Lord came upon David it departed from soul because both of us can't be anointed to be king at the same time Saul may have the position but David has the power [Applause] watch this watch is this good I'm gonna make you fall in love with your Bible when I get through teaching you you're gonna run home and read your Bible your Bible has got the answer to 90% of the problems that are going on in your life but the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul and an evil spirit an evil spirit from the Lord [Applause] so when David got the spirit of God saw got a devil that part wouldn't what got me what got me was God sent it to him [Applause] now let me explain this to you because I don't want to lose God isn't evil but he commands it you remember in the book of Job when the sons of God came around the throne and the Bible said among them were Satan and God said to Satan Lucifer where have you been and he said I've been going to and fro up and down throughout the earth and did God said have you considered my servant Joel who is a faithful upright man and then Lucifer said I've considered him but I cannot curse him singers who have a hedge around them if you move the hedge from around him I will make him curse you to your face and God said I'm gonna move the hedge around him but you can't have it so then Lucifer departed and attack job's life that evil spirit came from the Lord the Lord allowed that evil spirit to have access I'm teaching the Bible look that takes my company because I want him say I didn't make it up but the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul and an evil spirit from the Lord troubled him read on and I'm saying we don't like somebody else is reading I'm gonna go home go to VA get some rest I'm telling me to read oh you know I got issues Jesus and so service said unto him behold now saw servants said unto him behold now behold now an evil spirit from God trouble at thee come on let our Lord now command our servants which are before thee to seek out a man who is the coming player on a heart and it shall come to pass and he shall come to pass and it shall come to pass when the evil spirit from God is upon thee that he shall play with his hand and thou shalt be will and so seventy his servant who you don't that can play well and bring him to me then answered one of the serve an acid one of the sir do you see how this demon created a platform for David's gifting to operate watch it then answer one of the services said behold I have seen a sign of Jesse the Bethlehem I that is coming in playing and a mighty valiant man he had fight - he killed a giant and he's pruning his business he's smart and he's nice-looking - and the Lord is with him [Applause] wherefore Saul sent messages under Jesse and said send me David my son which is with the Sheep now David is taking care of sheep but he's now anointed to be keen the anointing has fallen on him he's anointed to do more than his situation will allow but God said your gift will make room for you and bring you the far great men I want to talk to some gifted people watch this and Jesse took an ass laden with bread and a bottle of wine and a kid and sit there by David his son under Saul come on and David came to Saul and David came to soul and what is came to what was and David came to Saul and stood before him and he loved him greatly and he became his armour you see how God slipped him into the kingdom now this is your year that God is gonna slip you in the place this this is the word of the Lord concerning you God is going to create problems that make your gift important [Applause] he's going to create the tension that makes people who would normally reject you send for you I'm talking to gifted people are you hearing what I'm saying I'm telling you you got a gift it looks like it has nothing to do with your destiny but it's gonna lead you to your destiny who picks the king cuz he can play good music my son went away to get a degree in music engineering and he says to me daddy I think music is what I want to do the rest of my life and I want to get a degree in music will you send me to school I said I send you to school for four years to get your degree in music he sat at the table and he said but daddy I'm not sure that it's the thing I'm gonna end up doing it I just love it but what happens if I give four years to it and it's not the thing that I was created to do I said go anyway because if it's not the thing it'll be the thing that leads to the thing you don't have to worry about being misplaced or misguided if you misplace God's go find you if you misguided it's gonna be the thing that leads to the thing who would have thought that play in our heart before a bunch of sheep woulda brought David to the palace I came to tell you that you've been doing something then everybody's been ignoring that God is going to use in 2019 to shine a spotlight on a ship that don't even look like it's related everybody who receives that word jump up on your feet and give it up [Applause] [Music] now I'm getting you ready for day miss Kubelik oh we're getting ready to understand who David is and when I tell you to give God a praise I'm glad that you clap but your lips are closed I want you to make a noise under God [Applause] [Music] yeah yeah yeah [Applause] yeah [Applause] laughs Rafi and a half wrap mattress me half wrap [Applause] out of the god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] pima's triple pima's Trevor [Applause] leave the triple they tremble on your table [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] a rock and rhythm you got it a rock and a rhythm you got it a rock and a rhythm you got it a rock and a rhythm you got it a rock and a rhythm you got it a rock and urilla a rock Rock women Rock women rock with menace rock with men run with me [Applause] [Applause] you prithee glory in this place you for the glory of his face it didn't come from the rooftop it didn't come from the light switches it came out of your belly he came out of your shout it came out of your praise wherever you are wherever you are you can be in prison you can be locked up in jail but if you make the noise at midnight goddess protect your presence God's upon the shakes of batter ally of situation take out [Applause] I'm gonna close how many people are glad you came to church this morning you
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 1,017,500
Rating: 4.7570343 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, inspiration, td jakes motivation, motivation, sermons, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, td jakes sunday, td jakes 2020, td jakes sermons 2020, td jakes 2020 motivation, bridges to destiny, The Pacemaker Series
Id: uRFDMw_hyAE
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Length: 99min 25sec (5965 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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