Sh'ma Yisrael - Part 2 (Aug 12, 2017)

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[Music] all right last week we were very emphatic about laying down a foundation about why the Shema deuteronomy 6:4 v is so incredibly important and the foundation and if there was a catechism it would be the catechism in judaism but it's definitely the watchword of israel it is crucial it's the first thing a little Jewish boy learns it's the last thing said as a person is passing on from this world to the next now I want it this week to go into why we talked about its importance but we didn't talk about why it's so important and the why is the most important question you can ask yourself it's never the what or the where or the how how do we do this the Bible isn't talked about how to do a lot of things doesn't talk about the way but it does talk about the why and if you don't have the why you won't have the function and the gumption and the passion to be relentless and go for it so why is crucial okay just to put a little context behind it in Deuteronomy 5 Moses is speaking to the children of Israel you know they just wanted for 38 years in the desert the journey to Kadesh Barnea was 11 days 11 days and it took them 38 years and of course 600 and 3548 men 18 years older that's how many tombstones there were in the wilderness 600 3548 and so now they're on the cusp of going into the Promised Land the children Israel going into the land that they will promise way back when to possess and what does he do he he has a review you know before you take a test you have a review and he has a review and he reviews with them basically the Mosaic Covenant some people know it as a Sinai covenant it's one in the same synonymous the Covenant at Sinai or the Mosaic Covenant are one of the same or some people know what is the Decalogue fancy theological term or the tent those of the Ten Commandments what that means in Iran we 5 there's no Deuteronomy 5 or 6 they just in there for teaching purposes okay this is part of Deuteronomy 6 so Moses basically in Deuteronomy 6 is warning the children not harshly not to scare them lovingly you of them he's a great pastor and he's wanting them against what lawlessness lawlessness a lot of people don't like the term sin anymore you don't hear it in church but first John defines sin as lawlessness right so if sin is lawlessness then what would righteousness be lawfulness right I mean it's kind of goes without saying almost so let's break it down it's going to feel a little academic some of you going to be like wow I didn't want to go to college I got to sit here and listen to this um you really don't have to sit here with it you really know it but I have to I have to share with you so so I'm going to do my part okay let's let's look at Deuteronomy 6 1 through 9 we only have 15 verses of Scripture 42 slides but 15 verses description at any point you can get up and leave trust me I won't get offended I won't get offended the only time I get offended is if it when God leaves Deuteronomy 6 1 through 9 I'm reading 1 through 3 it says now this is the commandment the laws and rulings which I don't know your God ordered me to teach you this is Moses speaking for you to obey in the land you were crossing over to possess Canaan Israel so that you will fear I don't know your God and observe all his regulations and Commandments that I'm giving you you your child and your grandchild as long as you live and so that you will have a long life therefore listen Israel and take care to obey so that things will go well with you and so that you will increase greatly as I'll annoy the god of your ancestors promised you by giving you a land flowing with milk and honey continuing on shema yisrael I don't know I don't know I thought hear Israel I don't know our God I don't know is 1 and you were to love I don't know the Lord your God with all your heart all your being and all your resources these words which I'm ordering you today or to be on your heart and you want to teach them carefully to your children you want to talk about them when you sit at home you will talk about them and you are traveling on the road you want to talk about them when you lie down you want to talk about them when you get up tie them on your hand is a sign put them at the front of your headband around your forehead and write them on the doorframes of your hosts and on your gates let's just break it down to the anima 6-1 this is chock-full mean you don't even have to continue if we just grasp this this would be fantastic now this is the Commandant the laws and rulings which I don't know your God ordered me this is Moses to teach you for you to obey in the land you're crossing over to possess it breaks it down I want to break it down for you because there's there's a difference between commandment laws and rulings okay there really is a difference and is it important I don't know it's there I mean I don't want to I don't want to be sarcastic or facetious but it must be important if God put it there I would think so let's let's just break it down commandment is mitzvah so if you read the complete Jewish you'll see it as mitzvah and and in the Orthodox community if you do something really nice for somebody they'll say oh what a midst I hear that from hobble all the time what a mitzvah because she's saying what a blessing but she's saying you fulfilled the commandment you're taking care we take care we have a huge children's home with 300 children that we feed every day in Israel and she's saying that the Torah says to take care of the portal when we often so you're doing a mitzvah you'll you're obeying the commands and that means the commandments of God now notice it's not just any Commandments I don't want to be technical but that's the definition in the Hebrew the commandments of God meaning they're not just Commandments from me or your parent or your teacher or your you know your superior officer you have to grasp that these are direct orders not from your commanding officer but from the almighty creator and sustainer of the universe and if you call yourself a child of God then you're supposed to take direct orders from him right it's it's sweet to say I'm a son of God I love that I'm a daughter of God but basically basically we're supposed to be subject to his rule the issue is called Savior in many circles he's very rarely cold King because kings have subjects saviors just have say V's now the next thing is laws that's huh its statutes and ordinances this is different okay this isn't so much Commandments these are prescribed tasks or actions to be followed a lot of times Commandments it's like don't do this and don't do that right but I do this and do that it's active it's not just saying hey don't commit adultery don't steal don't lie take care of the for the wood we often don't clean your crops don't use user sir it's like juice there's certain things we're supposed to do they're prescribed tasks or access to be followed this kind of makes me sad this section description and maybe it's just the way I read it so forgive me forgive me forgive me forgive me but this is what the children of Israel agreed to in the Brit in the Covenant a covenant is an alliance for defense right didn't they say to Moses whatever he says now now before you point your finger at the children of Israel we're going to get to a message and you're going to realize that why you have a finger pointing at the children is really we have four pointing back at you because they've been pointed at by the church forever how could they I can't believe those Jews you'll see what I'm talking about I'm not defending them see there's a there's a fine line when when a Jewish person comes to believe in Yeshua there's a fine line he has to be very careful she has to be very careful not to side with of people just decide with them but if some of you are here for the first time if you knew me you know that I don't side with anybody i side with God in the truth and that includes my own family and you can ask them but I feel bad because it's almost like God is saying guys to the children Israel I was your deliverer I heard your cries I was attentive to you I was just waiting for you to cry out to me and when you cried I came and I delivered you with power and force in love and I kept you in that wilderness even when you turned your back on me so many times I kept you and now I'm bringing you into the land I'm fulfilling my promise what haven't I done for you why can't I be your God that's the way I see it it's it's a cry from a parent saying why are you hurting me so much what haven't I done maybe I see things kind of cockamamie but I thought I'd share with you that's to me the heart of God he's like I was a delivery I was your provider I was your protector I was your peacemaker and you promised you promised and next we get to the rulings different Mishpatim mishpokhe team is judgments what does that mean their decisions the tour goes over decisions on how to handle when the law is broken you have to know what to do right in order to enforce it so if you look at MIT Mitzvah and Hulk and mishpokhe team if you look at commandments laws and rulings that adds up to Torah okay I'll show you the word these are laws and instructions basically really all they are all tore is is God's teachings it's the heart of God so much so that Yeshua in the first century when the when the religion basically and the faith was exclusively Jewish they called him ha Torah that was his name for the longest time the Torah and doesn't it say in the beginning was the word and the word was and the word was and the word became flesh and tabernacled among us so they weren't far from wrong in fact they were 100% accurate he was the walking word of the living Torah with flesh on it he would not sin I think the problem sometimes is the church is we put it all on him andwe just like free to go not exactly you'll see what I mean we'll see what the word means hopefully so it means teachings Torah is teachings don't get caught up with heavy religious jargon and try to get all Orthodox okay its teachings it's God's teachings you have teachings maybe in your home that's your Torah okay but the root word is crucial in the Hebrew one this word and the root of Torah is yaara and it means to shoot arrows it means to hit the mark therefore when you obey God you can yell out bullseye I nail this you follow and it's so important to understand this word because the Bible says our children like arrows in the hands of a warrior so if you train them you're training them to hit the bull's eye you follow the word is beautifully connected so that's six one he says obey the commandments the laws the mitzvot obey the rulings right because because you because because I'm God and and you're supposed to obey but what's the big deal why do we have to obey you know I can almost see somebody that I want you know some bet the issue is not a place for the beautiful don't take it the wrong way I'm talking about inside I'm talking about beautiful in the sense that the people that have it all together that's not this congregation and this congregation is not a salvation station this is set up for the broken this is set up for the people who love the Lord and the enemy won't leave them alone no matter how much they keep pursuing and doing the right thing the enemy comes over and kicks them and when they down it kicks them harder that's what we're here for we're not a salvation station where a restoration station and I could see somebody almost coming from one of those new ways after aftershave churches you know what I mean with the black and the music and the smoke machines and all the cool stuff right I could see them coming I could see the moments going back to the church and saying to people he's an idiot he's telling people to obey God what is he thinking I mean I always felt convicted never go back there again it's okay I'm you know we're just doing what we're supposed to do right so what's the big deal let's look at Deuteronomy 6 2 it answers the why see so that's the one why right I could see them saying why you could say why I could say why why so that you will fear I don't know your God we are called to fear Him and the only legitimate way you can say that you fear Him is by obeying him there is no other way doesn't matter what you say you could say to your spouse all day long I love you then pick up your dang clothes that such the nerve with a few couples not for nothing but I hear a lot of female voices saying preach it brother so that you will fear I don't know your God and observe all his regulations and Commandments that I'm giving you you your child your grandchild as long as you live so that you will have a long life guys look at the word fear it's it's not an ideology though we look at it like almost a theological ideology or philosophy within the body we're to revere we're to honor with respect no way to show reverence we're to show honor way to show respect how by observing look at this word Shema it means to diligently keep okay let me show you a little screen this is just my little silly I don't know go to the next screen it's silly right the Lord giveth who's that then we have yes God gives us his teachings this is what he wants us to follow he's the lawgiver so he's at the top and then you have the law enforcing needle or enforcer right what do you see on cop cars all the time to serve and protect the Torah is there to serve and protect you it's there to serve you because if you obey it you'll have a beautiful life you're not there to serve the Torah so you think I'm here to serve the Torah I'm hit obey the Torah uh-uh the tour is here to serve you you don't keep Shabbat ladies Shabbat keeps you you got it back with and it protects you where the Laura Baida so you're a god the lawgiver you've got the turtle enforcer and what are we supposed to do it says so right engine running me six - way to fear and observe actually be on the side of our cars fear and observe simple so far so good simple right okay let's move on to Deuteronomy 6 3 we got suit around me 6 1 & 2 down let's do 6 3 therefore based on that based on the fact that we're supposed to feel and observe therefore listen listen Israel and take care to obey so that things will go well with you and so that you will increase greatly it it seems to me that this is not for God seems to me like this is for us like this is going to work at like in other words if you don't obey God's not like oh boy I just now what it's not like the 24 elders stop praising and worshipping it's not like the myriad of angel stop worshiping it's not like the full living creatures all of a sudden stop guarding the glory he's God it's perfect see a glass under the weather's beautiful look up the weather's beautiful in heaven always beautiful guys is for us this for our benefit it's for our benefit let's take a look Shama that's that's such an important word it's all over the Bible let's take a look at the word listen Shema Shema we hear it all the time now basically it means to hear to perceive by ear you know audio you can hear right most people can hear for the most part but it also means it gets deeper it means to hear with attention meaning you're giving your undeveloped - it's not like you're multitasking it's not like you're texting and you listen to music and watching TV and talk to me a friend and then trying to hear God won't work if you don't give God your undivided attention it won't work so he wants undivided attention to hear with great interest like hold on burn kids God's talking you know what I thought I can use that probably right even when he's not I could if I didn't say something to listen obediently crucial okay crucial not to listen just for the sake of listening not to hear God because it's cool but you're going to listen because your intention is to do whatever he says make sense just I'm just giving you the definition the word that's not my opinion I don't really have one and if I did it wouldn't really matter so based on this word Shema it means to agree with you're going to agree with whatever God says no arguments no backtalk no questions ask any parent know what I'm talking about when you ask and they say while they say I'll do it later oh come on come on you don't know if you're dwelling on the tour at that point you're not thinking about stoning the Sun you're not talking thinking about that at that point no but you know I'm saying when it comes to God he's saying the same thing he's saying look if I speak to you I don't want any arguments we think we can't argue with him people go oh he's okay with that who says you when you read that what website what dream tell me you're not all right with with your kid but God's all right with a casino God's bigger than you and he's better I think when God says something he means business I just I don't know maybe I'm you know maybe I'm old-fashioned he says so listen right now he says now we add something new pyramids it goes take care sh'mon guard it watch it treasure it in other words when you hear God say something make it a priority make it your highest goal nothing's more important than what God is saying okay and then he says listen take care to obey I saw a very this word is all over the scripture it's all over the prophetic books certainly perform to execute meaning you're going to carry it out meaning that God invented this thirty four hundred years before Nike ever did just do it just do it don't try to figure it out don't try to figure God out don't ask too many wise if if you think if you say that God loves you which we do if you say that God's perfect which we do if you say he wants the best for us which we do then why would you question something he tells you to do circular thinking and he says listen take care obey so it will go well with you look at this word it will be good it'll be right I'll be beautiful would anybody agree with that thank God you know what God tells this something it's good it's right it's beautiful we'll be blessed you know this word today wellness I better I need wellness I've got to be complete otherwise I'm not good for anything if you want wellness obey the Lord [Applause] Deuteronomy 6:4 this is the core Maxim and Judaism okay but we're going to learn next week that it's the core Maxim in Christianity I'm just giving you a foretaste but this is the core Maxim in other words if the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing then the Shema is the main thing it says shema yisrael adonai eloheinu oh my god here Israel Ivan oi our God our annoy is one they're basically saying to Israel God is saying there ain't no plan B there ain't no second choice there is but one God every other God is a false God not legitimate there is only one monotheism monotheism let's look at the word God here elohim you've heard a million times and I've told you several times but I have no problem repeating myself plural intensive expressing intensity as opposed to numerically okay it's power verse number Elohim is power has nothing to do with number its power and why because back in this day there was a name for every God that was from him to Egypt Sun God rah yet Zephyr the God of the Flies did all these different God names in patek all these God names and God was establishing with this word Elohim in his Torah giving to the Jewish people listen you know all those gods fake I'm the dating - I delivered you and look what I did with them with my plagues I slammed them because I'm the real deal and what does he see when he says one Ahad you see it all the time one in number one god indivisible remember i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america i I got a little something to say to some of you you might not like it but some of your patriotism is idolatry you're more proud to be an American than you ought to be the citizen of heaven my father had a bronzed off two Purple Hearts he was a ranger 80% of them to come home I know where it is to be a patriot but I'm more proud to be a citizen of heaven and I have brothers in Kenya I have brothers all over Europe I have brothers in Australia and you know what they like their country too but you know what I like even more heaven one number indivisible there is only one god and guess what he wants to be one with us he wants all heart and his heart knitted in oneness where do you see this word you see all over Bisaya HUD and this is why Genesis 2:24 a man shall leave his parents so many things but a man shall leave his parents and cleave to his wife all the days of his life and the two will become what but saw a HUD one flesh now how you going to make it one flesh that did two people one in spiritually speaking you follow that's what a hot is all about and God wants you to be a pod with him he wants your heart to love what he loves and he wants your heart to hate what he hates almost home we got just a few more scriptures Deuteronomy 6:5 now we're getting into the crux of it would obey and why are we obeying because this shows we love God our obedience is the score brownie points God does it for us to bless us but we do it to say hey when you obey God such as bullseye you can say I love you that's what you saying that's what you saying I love you love you pops that's what you saying that's what you're saying according to Deuteronomy it says and you want to love I don't know your God with all your heart with all your being in with all your resources this word love is a half look at look at the word you see it all the time especially in those products that you pay too much money for hava products the Dead Sea stuff and by the way they know you're trying to witness to them that's why you're buying 25 things at the mall from them but anyway I have human love for another human love for another okay a human's love for another human being we all experience that human appetites of food drink and sleep take a look at my next one Judaism's credo remember to this last week love learn teach in other words love the Lord by obeying and learning and obeying him and teach you children this is to me the world's credo eat drink sleep you know what I call it BB and B rule burger in bed that's where a lot of people on their face they got no time to read the Bible but they got 14 hours a day to look at recipes no time to read the Bible but they'll show you a video of a squirrel waterskiing funny but you know what I don't think God's laughing that's why I don't do too many funerals you know why I don't want to lie you don't say what I'm saying but there's another word for love love it's not just human love for another human look at the next word it's human love to God and that's what he's saying here in Deuteronomy 6 the art of being a friend of righteousness isn't a beautiful definition there's an art to it there's an art to obeying God there's an art to being filled with the Holy Spirit there's an art to being passionate about the things of the kingdom it's an art form really and I like that because I can't draw a stick figure but I can go for this what does it mean to be a to be a friend of righteousness it's befriending what's right righteousness is just a fancy word kiddo it's a fancy theological term for what's right and we all know what's right and we befriend that we become a friend to rights this how when we obey oh that word again give it a rest rabbi to give us an illustration that we can take this and make our lives better I am you want to make it like better obey and he says he wants this love he wants us to be a friend to his rightness and he wants what part of it Oh Cole the whole the entire day everything all is all okay in English in Greek in Koine Greek in Hebrew in Farsi all is all okay and he wants all of our heart look llevaba in in Hebrew the inner man your very purpose what's a heart it's the reason for which something exists when they say that kid has heart it's the very reason why they exist we were designed to love God and bringing glory we were designed by his design to love him and bring him glory the reason why you're here is to love God and bring him glory yes you got to provide to your family the way you provides the family that's showing that you love God yes all those things attached but the foundation of it all is to love God and bring him glory that's my take on that and also not just your heart your being what's that nefesh your soul the appetite your passions what are you passionate about how could you be so dang passionate about things that are fleeting and not passionate about the crane sustained of the universe I don't understand there's no problem being passionate about those things I enjoy a vacation I enjoy a good meal but that's not the foundation of my enjoyment it's your desires in your decisions that's what nephesh is to love him with your desires and your decisions for him and your resources may ODE it's the night it's the force behind it all so heart soul and might are not necessarily rigid components although you might say then why do you compartmentalize it I'm defining the words what he's basically saying because your shoe will make this this complex he's saying I want all anybody's familiar with the 1931 song by Marx and Seymour all of me why don't you take all come on you old bag something you know this song [Applause] can't you see I'm no good see but that's not awesome awesomeness all of me why don't you take all of me I can see I'm no good without you you got it we're no good without them see some of the people roll the proclaim I'm not gonna sing that song at home no I'm over and no no I'm over 65 Deuteronomy 66 he says these words I'm honoring you ordering look at that look at what it means commanding it's not a suggestion when I tell my kid to do something it just drives me crazy most of the time they don't but when they do it's just like I'm sorry I said I said Who am I I forgot who I my one of your friends asked you to do something but it doesn't say honor your friend says honor your mother and father you know what honor means it's basically means to worship so I'm not issue to bend down to kiss my shoe but I'm telling you where my shoes going to go if you don't take the golf job you're gonna have all of me why don't you take all of me [Applause] it's gotten hotter the whole sub okay I heard a bunch of thank you Jesus thank you now it's saying two commands and then it says but it's very beautiful it says commanding now look at Deuteronomy six seven it says and you want to teach carefully teach these things to your kids teach look at look at the word it means that to carefully pet know to carefully look this is very important you see these words because listen listen I hear people all the time say I got through the Bible and my question is did the Bible get through you you see you got to bring this on the inside if it's external external religion doesn't work you can't put a sign in your house or Ten Commandments in your art it's cool but if it ain't on the inside it ain't gonna happen it has to be internalized I'm not saying those things are bed-in love themselves we have things like that in our house but what I'm saying is they discounted if it's not on the inside you follow I'm not saying some people go is it bad to have this at no no you just heard what I just said but it has to be internalized has to be penetrating okay says teach penetrate get it on the inside of them because you know if it's on the outside listen I'm here to tell you the Bible verses they memorize in Vacation Bible School mean nothing they don't know what they're memorizing dear they don't know what they're memorizing the Philippians 4:13 whose Philippines who wrote it why is he writing it what's it in context what does it mean what's he saying in the whole so what do they know I can memorize Greek what is that going to do for me you follow but moms happy because that's one more verse than she knows because somehow you guys were duped into thinking that the church is going to teach you and the pastor is going to pester your kids we're Deuteronomy 6 clearly says that's your job doesn't work so that's where it doesn't mean that the guy's not a good guy doesn't mean we shouldn't come together of course we shouldn't forsake the gathering of course we should come together but can you imagine showing up to work for one hour a week what's your bone is going to look like or you're married and you get together once a week for an hour just not going to work I'm just telling you it's not going to work ok Deuteronomy 6 8 listen how in sanik this is tie them on your hand time time as I put them on your forehead man it's so intense look at the word tie cushaw in the Hebrew it means to bind to join together God is joined with us through the word and the word that became flesh gives us connection and relationship were connected to God through the word he says put them on your hand Yad the hand of man figure leaves strength he's saying our actions our actions have to reflect the Word of God off forehead look between it has to be on our minds right here this is our thinker right this is what we do a lot of thinking we go put on your thinking caps remember that time you and kidding are putting on your thinking caps watch this is the thinker and he's saying that the Lord and his ways should be on our mind and then he says not just tie them on your hand in your forehead actions and desires but write them look at this word hafadh means to inscribe and engrave it basically means to chisel chisel now with all this being said there is a huge difference a gargantuan difference between writing God's Torah on the doorframes of your home and writing God's Torah on the doorframes of your heart you see we point the finger the children Israel but we got it all over them guys all they had was Moses and some tablets they didn't know what to do so you can't even understand that because it's internalized you don't even know what that's like it's foreign but can you imagine every time you had to make a decision you had to run ammos ago is this okay and did they have the Holy Spirit nope so while you're pointing the finger to them they could be pointing the finger to you and saying what's going on you got so much more than we got and you ain't even close to being obedient yikes what do we do get us out of here ever on a good note okay we'll give it a shot God is saying that it must be internalized and he's promising that he's prophesying that in Deuteronomy 30 he says I'm going to scatter you guys you're going to be obedient you imagine them telling them up front you're going to be scattered the Babylonian exile that was awful they came in they raped and pillaged they banged little babies heads against the ground and they took him his slaves to a foreign nation and today we go well that was the Old Testament God really really a nice and Sapphira make a vow see what happens don't fulfill it God is the same yesterday today and forever he doesn't change but either God was sleeping on the job when Nebuchadnezzar came in in the Babylonian army or he ordered it the Bible says God did this level of sleep so he was sleeping we just wasted a whole two hours but not as well just eat drink and go back to the three B's Roux burger and bed but I'm here to tell you that's not true that is absolutely not true he says but I'm going to bring you back to the land I'm going to bring you at Deuteronomy he says this I'm gonna bring you back and then I'm gonna write my I'm gonna circumcise your heart I'm not going to write it on stone tablets I'm gonna write on your it's going to be on the inside you're going to feel my teachings and that's unbelievable what a blessed promise some of you just take it for granted could you take that for granted it's an incredible blessing to be born again it's an incredible blessing it's not just about you know being delivered from Hellfire it's about having a relationship with God having his ways on your heart and having his spirit the Spirit of God living inside you how do you take that for granted now let's look at gitarama me six four five one more time sure my as well and an oil hill on North had here Israel the Lord our God was one you love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your being inner recesses this is a tall order you hear what he's saying he's saying that he would like us to obey Him with all of us all of the time he's not saying some of the time you don't say to your kids hey can you lie to me like 75% of the time right you say to your kids don't ever lie to me right so why do you think God's saying anything different to you this is a tall order guys this Shem Hut is huge the crazy thing is there's actually people in the body who think they do it that's the sick thing oh I'm Torah observant really Wow sounds like you could have been the Messiah now you should say I'm trying to be I'll shake your hand on that this command seems to be almost impossible to obey because in the natural state of man it is impossible this is impossible no human being with a fallen nature in the history of the human Kingdom can possibly love God with all their heart soul and strength all the time it is humanly impossible show me one that ever did it show me one that ever will do it besides him that's a bad boy hard for us and that's why we could be saved now let's in what jesus loves me this life look come on you hear what I'm saying it's humanly impossible look at James 2:10 nobody likes James a lot of people don't like him because there's a hundred and eight little sentences and 54 commands he's very commanding you she was half brother he didn't believe in him but then when he came to him he understood but nobody likes him you know tame your tongue you tame your tongue James don't tell me what to do nobody likes him a lot of the Protestants want to rip them out of the book because it's too much about obedience we don't like that but look when he says for a person who keeps the whole Torah yet stumbles at one point has become guilty of breaking them all so to break one part of the law is guilty of breaking all of the law see the law is like a chain of ten links you break one link the chains broken the chains broken God does not allow us to keep the laws we like and break the ones we don't therefore even without taking into consideration our daily sins we are all condemned by the inability to just fulfill that one commandment Deuteronomy 6:4 5 before we take into consideration before we leave the bed in the morning we're guilty some of us righteous folk really don't understand that too well do we know we need more sinners in here there's plenty of sin isn't here it's packed jam-packed I mean we got room for a few more but I'm saying we got enough right now believe is if you're a believer here today you have avoided condemnation based on the grace of God through faith not on any action whatsoever and this puts us all on the same playing field for we all fall short of God's great glory so should we just concede maybe we should just concede throw in the towel and agree with all the naysayers right we're only human that's what they say right you're hearing the church all the time there was you're only human are you if you're born again you're not only human dear that's a lie from the pit of hell if you have the Spirit of God living in you then that does not make you just human that makes you superhuman that doesn't make you just natural that makes you supernatural does it or does it not are you belittling the Spirit of God the power of God the Word of God that created the world are you belittling that so where do we go what do we do age-old question what do we do do we just throw in the towel and go with the grace of God and just put on autopilot and say Jesus paid for it all I don't have to do nothing what do we all do we go to the right the extreme right as opposed to let's go to the extreme right and just live in truth and say we have to walk out the tour perfectly both positions are gutter balls both positions are gutter balls if you live in just the grace of God you will abuse God's grace every day of the week if you live in just the truth of God's Word you will feel destroyed you won't be able to get up how many people have felt guilty you'll lose it with your kids come on raise your hand before I raise it up myself we're all guilty we're all guilty of that how many times you feel like I don't deserve and you go to God right first you mad at him like why don't you help me make money help you the Spirit of God told you shut up you chose not to you chose not to listen and don't ever tell me that you can't cuz I was out of control really you're gonna drive me crazy if somebody's at the door hello no not no not we're not interested right now you can control it unless you mentally ill that's a whole nother subject ones deceptive and ones destructive and this is the basis of our ministry you've got to live in the fullness of the grace because you're going to need all of God's grace and you got to live in the fullness of the truth because we cannot compromise what he's asked us to do but no sweet pea that you're going to fall short of the truth and you're going to need the grace it's up to you to determine whether you're abusing it or not it's not my determination you can't determine that to me is rabbi drug abusing the Rays of God I can't determine that from for you that's between you and the Lord not between you and anybody else so don't concede and don't agree that we're only human heaven forbid apart from God we can do nothing agreed I agree but in God or how about forget about in God what about God in us forget about us in God what about God and us two last scriptures and Wadia jeremiah 31 guys if for you that anew this is the new covenant there are five through your credit covenants in the Bible just five okay the first one is Abrahamic that goes back Genesis 12 the second one is mosaic obviously Exodus 19 Sinai and then we have the Israeli covenant in Deuteronomy and then we have the Davidic covenant Samuel about there'll always be a king now you might say wait a minute there's no king in Israel there is a king he just hasn't taken his throne yet but he's the king and a lot of us a lot of us defining it out in Israel and then you have this this is the final covenant so are you a New Testament believer no no listen you're a new covenant believer you're not a New Testament believer because if you only believe in the New Testament then you don't have the creation story so you might as well agree with Charles Darwin you're a Bible believer the whole Bible it's not old it's not new the New Testament is how old 2,000 years old that's old it's all old you believe in the Bible but you're a new covenant believer you're under this look what he's saying look what Jeremiah said to the children of Israel here the days of coming they're not here yet that's what makes my properties for telling a future event says Ivan oi he's not speaking on his behalf he's a shofar a living show for the Living God God is just blowing through him it's God speaking he had the days of coming since other noise he was saying it's not Jeremiah 31 it's God 31 when I will make a new covenant I'm going to make a new bridge it's going to be different some people say it's not better it is better it's not better it is better it sure is better and I'll show you I'll make a new covenant with the house of Israel in the house of Judah he made it with Israel and then we are grafted in it will not be like the Covenant I made with their fathers it's going to be different what covenant was that Sinai I took them by the hand I brought them out of the land of Egypt I delivered them I held them by hand I kicked away every demon I brought them out I carried them on eagle's wings I flew them to safety because they saw their part violated it's not going to be the one that they violated even though I for my part was a husband I did not break the commitment I did not break the vows I made to Israel I never divorced Israel they divorced me God will never leave you nor forsake you what you do on your part is a whole nother story even though I for my part was a husband to them says unlike for this is the Covenant I will make here it is this is who you are this is the Covenant I will make with the house of Israel after those days somewhere in the future I will put my Torah within them I will internalize it I'll write it on the outs izl I'll take out my chisel and their hard heart that fallow ground I'm going to chisel it in it's never going to go nowhere I will be their God I will direct them I will guide them I will deliver them I'll provide for them I will fight for them and they will be my people and that is so rich we are not only human and last but not least look what Ezekiel says in 36 he says I'll give you a new heart I'm going to remove that stony heart of yours that hard heart by the way this has to happen on a regular basis you got to check your heart I'll give you a new heart and not only will I give you a new heart but I'm going to infuse you with my spirit see the word without the spirit doesn't work it has to be energised it has to be empowered some of you are so theological but the spirit is nowhere to be found you got to mix those two together and I'll put my spirit on the inside internalize it it's not going to be flying around did you feel the Spirit of God feel the Spirit of God is it in you if everybody comes to you aren't Shabbat morning with the Spirit of God who knows what will happen I'll put it inside I'll take out that you want to talk about a heart transplant I'll take out that stony heart and I'll give you a heart of flesh a soft heart a sweet heart a kind heart compassionate heart a loving heart a heart that cares about somebody other than your freaking self I'll put my skirt inside you and cause you a thaw cause you meaning you don't have a choice I do have a choice you don't have a choice I do it just he's going to make you love him you made me love you I didn't want to do it I didn't want to do it I love the world but I would not go back to that stinking dark miserable place where every friend I ever had was not a friend now I got a friend that sticks closer to me than a brother I'll cause you to live by my laws there are no laws really really lady okay alright go ahead you leave here at speed I'll pull up one of my cop friends when he stops you tell him you're a Christian see what happens he's saying the laws will be written and I'm going to cause you you're going to become lawful see some of you were raised in it so you don't know you just raised it you were always good or you think you are you don't realize how bad you are you don't realize so you think you're kind of good see but I know what it is to be bad I know what it is to have a hard heart I noticed have a heart of stone I know it is to be totally married to the world I know it is to totally take care of just me I totally know what that's like but on that mountain things got dicey and it changed I remember hearing that there was a Kaiser this guy from Jesus people when I first got saved 1989 I heard this guy he was I love the Blues he was a blues musician but he got radically saved and had this song right change since I've been born been a gray change since I've been born right change y'all since I've been born being a gray change since I've been born things that I used to would do I don't do no more things that I used to do I don't do no more things that I used to do y'all I don't do no more being a gray change since I've been a gray change since I spent write changed since I've been born let's stand together next week we'll we'll get into what you shoe is said about this whole thing but you know we just been sticking in Deuteronomy but you know what the amazing thing is he said the same dang thing now middle look bless you and keep you it'll what make his face to shine upon you be gracious unto you and may the Lord lift up his very countenance upon you and give you his peace in the name of the principal PC shoe giver respond annoy the East Marah ha yo Aaron - oh Vanessa Vanessa yasaran oh ho ho novela ha the assembly hall Oh hallo rocks alone guys I love you [Music]
Channel: Getzel
Views: 3,189
Rating: 4.9555554 out of 5
Keywords: Sh'ma, Shma, Hershberg, Getzel
Id: a0q7KZH-_OM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 35sec (3335 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2017
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