Torah Parsha: Sh'ma Yisrael (Hear Israel) - Part 1 (Aug 5, 2017)

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[Music] those verses are just there to me they're just unbelievable you know they're just unbelievable how you know there's so paramount I mean here Moses tells the children of Israel you know God's children God's firstborn Israel his wife this is this is the most important thing and then you know Yeshua who is the king of Israel although obviously the church sees them as as Jesus the Christ right but nevertheless they ask him what's the most important thing he says the exact same thing so all new Bible this is you can't get away from it you just can't get away from it and and because of that um I can't I can't give it what I think it deserves in one Shabbat so we're going to talk about this probably for the month of August if you don't mind you know if God changes things that's kind of what he led me to believe but if he's more than he you know I'm more than willing to to defer but it looks like we're going to go in this direction okay I wanna I want to read something to you if I may something from if I read it you're going to think it was written yesterday but it was written in the mid-1800s by a guy his name was Macintosh and it's um if you want to follow he wrote notes on the Pentateuch which is Greek for the first five books so he wrote this you know very long commentary and this is from page 895 now I have not read it and if you look him up you might say wait a minute there's some things that I don't agree with about him I'm not saying I agree with everything he's ever written I'm saying I agree with what I'm going to read to you you follow there's no way I agree with everything Lodge and everything they said and there's no way they would agree with me there's no way I would agree with you on everything there's no way you're going to be agree with me on everything and you have to realize today there's so much information on the internet that people's theologies although they seem to be interesting they're dangerous you're getting away from the simplicity of the gospel of the kingdom and who we're supposed to be in that kingdom and you're getting involved in genealogies and you're getting involved in myths don't waste your time with that don't waste your time with extra biblical information it could be detrimental to your walk stick with the book our quote from CH Macintosh it says the Word of God is not loved and studied either privately or publicly thousands will flock to hear music and pay for admission but how few care for a meeting to read the Holy Scriptures these effects and facts of powerful arguments we cannot get over them there is a growing thirst for religious excitement and a growing distaste for the calm study of Holy Scripture and the scriptural exercises of the Christian Assembly it is perfectly useless to deny it we cannot shut our eyes to it the evidence of it meets us on every hand thank God there are a few here and there who really love the Word of God and delight to meet in holy fellowship for the study of his precious truths may the Lord increase the number of such and bless them till traveling days idan 1850 almost a hundred years ago and if you think it's getting any better you're crazy so so what's the message to worry about how bad it's getting and how the churches is getting secularized and the world is getting in no stand for what you believe for God's sakes stand up for what you believe don't deny what you believe you don't have to be ugly about it but you're called to be salt and light if there's no salt nothing gets preserved and purified if there's no life the world lives in darkness you follow stand up for what you believe also I got a call from the the tour company that we been using for the last 15 years educational opportunities and it appears that a lot of people that listen online have been calling and saying is there going to be another trip out of FG schewe so you know after canceled prayer the answer is yes we're going to go April 2018 the issue is it's very busy here now and it's very hard to get the hotels in the places that I kind of feel a most beneficial for our trip and all people so it looks like it's going to be April 18th I'll have probably the brochures printed from the two operator this week but if you do want to go I'm not trying to be a sales when I could care less this was him idea I really didn't wasn't sure where to go this year but with that being said space is limited because space in the hotel is limited in space and the bus is limited so if you're really planning on going don't don't hemming because it will be it will be too late it will fill up probably fairly quickly I would I would presume if I have it correct so we'll get the brochures out you can you can sign up online or you can call them if you're not good with the computer like I'm not being call education opportunities to get signed up no problem we'll get all that information out to you within probably a week now let's look at the scripture that Michael aka Mick read so eloquently Deuteronomy 6:4 through six it says in all we're going to do today is lay a foundation when I'm going to get into Matthew 22 because this is too rich and too huge to just gloss over if you ask me it says Chimayo l on an oil or hey no I don't know you're hot the English here Israel of annoy our God i've noise 1 and you had a love I don't know your God with all your hearts all your being all your resources sometimes you'll see the word soul for being these words which I am ordering you today ought to be on your heart um next week we're probably going to delve into that this is just the foundation I want you to understand this from a Jewish perspective if you consider self a Christian and there's nothing wrong with that there's everything right about that to call yourself a follower of Jesus Christ you are a judeo-christian you have to understand that you you a person can be can be Jewish you know a person can be traditionally Jewish and stopped in the Old Testament but it's really impossible to be a Christian not go back into the Old Testament it just is you know you're a Bible believer you're not a New Testament believer you can say I believe in the New Testament so do i but I would never call myself a New Testament believer in reality you're not a New Testament believer you're in a covenant with God you're a new covenant believer and you might say well you being you know you're really being nitpicky I am really not being nitpicky God is very careful with his words and Satan is very good with confusing words that's why I said did God really say so I'm telling you know what you believe because if you don't know what you believe how your kids going to know what they believe most people can't even articulate their faith they could talk about a dinner for hours every nuance of each herb that went into the cooking process but when you ask them about their faith they really can't articulate it they're not sure what they believe and your Creed produces your character not the opposite whatever you believe produces who you'll become so it's crucial just absolutely crucial now although Judy's has no catechism any recovering Catholics here okay you know about the catechism right a catechism is just a summary of religious principles there's nothing wrong with it most denominations have a summary of their religious principles which is important okay Judaism has no catechism it doesn't but the Shema would be the closest to being Judaism's credo or their formula belief right there I mean guys six Hebrew words sure Meyers Rowell I don't know al Haddad no HUD six Hebrew words sums up Judaism's belief in monotheism and the rejection of all idols you see how powerful that to me it's so powerful because to be honest with you monotheism is one of the three greatest gifts that the Jewish people gave to the religious community prior to this prior to this the world was polytheistic and the world in many ways is still polytheistic the body of Messiah the other two gifts of course all what the Word of God it says in Romans three two because there's this argument that Paul's having with himself just the teaching purposes to the Gentile believers Rome and he's saying so who's a Jew you can't just be a Jew because your last name is Hirschberg that doesn't cut it that just makes you biologically Jewish but appraiser of God who is it it's one who has their heart circumcised not the foreskin circumcised their heart is circumcised and then so he he goes who is because you know the arrogant is going to say so there's no point being Jewish right who cares that you're Jewish who cares he a kid's a Jewish rabbi just be a Christian he goes oh no it's very important he says so they were entrusted with the Oracles of God do you realize sir you would not be able to read your Bible if it wasn't for the Jewish people do you know how many of them gave their life to preserve the Word of God and the third thing they gave us is Messiah Yeshua when he was speaking to the Samaritan he said out of the words look you-you-you don't know what you're worshiping you have your own system we do know what we're worshipping for salvation is of the Jews I know it sounds arrogant and you might not be a Jew lover but the fact of the matter is if your blood boil you'd be crazy not to be because they gave you monotheism they gave you the Bible and they gave you a shoe ax and guess what Yeshua is crazy about them and the reason why he's coming back besides the stead of this kingdom is to fight against her enemies so can you imagine being loved with Jesus and not being in love with what he's in love with do you know how cockamamie that is rabbi how could that happen Satan is incredible at what he does incredible and if there's anything you shoe it is anti its anti semitism to this very present day guys observant Jews when I say observant I'm talking about the ultra-orthodox community Judaism is mostly secularized just just like a lot of Christianity is secularized now you know there's only a very small portion of truly observant Jews who are trying to be religious and I don't use that word like some of you might use it as a religious spirit religious relegates from that from the Latin means to bind with God they're trying to connect very very diligently with God observing Jews will recite the Shema four times a day okay twice during the morning prayers as soon as they wake up it's called the Chaka Reed maybe some of you know it it comes from the Hebrew word Shaha which means morning light the first thing you do do you realize that wherever you are someplace the Sun is always shining the Sun is always shining somewhere so somebody's you know proclaiming the light of God so Jewish for observant Jewish people first thing in the morning before they do anything you'll see when you take the plane if you take the plane with me over there you'll see them as soon as they wake up and it's morning time they go between the cabins and start praying throw that a light on and start praying and they have to say the Shema twice once also during evening prayer which is called Marie's which is from the Hebrew word night full of bringing on the night so they say twice in the morning shamaya L I don't know I only know I'm Noah thug and a bunch of other prayers once at night and then they have to say it right before they go to sleep just just an example this shema is the central part of all the prayers in the morning there are 15 different prayers that the Jewish people say traditional beautiful prayers I give you an idea of one evening prayer this is absolutely beautiful okay this is what they say one of them just one of praise day you oughta know our God ruler of the universe who closes my eyes and sleep my eyelids and slumber may it be your will Illinois by God and the God of my ancestors to line me down in peace and then to raise me up in peace let no disturbing thoughts upset me no evil dreams no troubling fantasies may my bed be complete and whole in your sight grant me light so I do not sleep the sleep of death it is you who illumines and enlightens praise the you I'll annoy whose majesty gives light to the universe now you might say that's religious what do you say before you go to bed room that's impressive sure God gets a kick out of that I think we can learn from a lot of different religions and I think there is this Christian arrogance because we have Jesus and way going to heaven I Got News for you there are also Christians I meet I have secular friends who do way more for people than most Christians I know that's a sad fact we're too busy eating hot dogs and watching ballgames and having our little Bible fellowships with our friends and they're at the homeless shelter and they're wondering wow is that really what Jesus was about I think some of these prayers are beautiful I'm not telling you should say them but it would be nice if you pray to the Lord before you went to bed it'd be nice if you prayed when you woke up just an idea I'm not I don't want any guilt trip on you knock yourself out if this is working for you keep keep doing what you're doing but I think it's quite beautiful I really do for 2,000 years the Shema has been the verse with which many Jewish martyrs have gone to their deaths anybody familiar with Rabbi Akiva you might not be I mean you're not going to obviously you're not going to hear it it you know First Baptist but the point is and there's no reason why you should don't don't get me wrong there's no reason why you should per se but with that being said rabbi Akiba was probably one of the most famous rabbis in judaism besides Hillel who taught them all Yale Rabbi Akiva was a very very humble I'm credibly humble and he was incredibly benevolent he was illiterate for a very long time and he would almost he couldn't understand how some of these ecclesiastical brilliant theologians or the claim to fame because he was all about being humble and giving to others he managed have twenty four thousand students and he also went away from his home for twenty four years to study Torah and when they study Torah they do it every day for 10 to 12 hours a day I know 24 years of it and at his son's funeral he said you know when this big crowd came out semion when he died he said you're not here because I'm a scholar because I'm really not you're here because you're honoring God and you're honoring the Torah and that's why you're paying respects to my son he was really I mean to tell you the guy was incredibly humble but like a lot of people in the second century you know he was the sage of saves he thought that bought buff Simon Bar Kokhba Thea Familia 135 ad see whatever you like that he was the Messiah and he led a rebellion and because he you know went behind him he was pronounced to die a martyr's death this is um incredible though he's being tortured to death by the Romans for his support right and he was probably the most famous of all martyrs this is what it says in the Talmud birth code 95 it says when Akiva Rabbi Akiva was being tortured the hour for saying the morning Shamar arrived so right first thing in the morning they're going to start to talk to him and it's his time to say the more who would think about saying the Shema while they're being tortured he said it and smiled the Roman officer called out quote old man are you a sorcerer that you smile in the middle of your pains because there were legitimate sources around and they're still around no reply to Kiva but all my life when I said the words you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your means I was send for I thought when shall I be able to fulfill this command I have loved God with all my heart and with all my means but to love him with all my soul my life itself I did not know I could carry it out now that I'm giving my life and the hour for reciting the Shema has come and my resolution remains firm should I not smile guys I realize it's convicting because he didn't know Jesus we lose it when we get a flat tire god I have a nail appointment I didn't need this now this guy's being tortured and he's smiling you know it's funny I'm making it funny but listen it's very sad it's a sad state of affairs when the air conditioning goes off in the church and people are flipping out because there's a bead of sweat I'm here to tell you I know I know I shouldn't be so convicting just live and let live guys if our hour of testing will come in our lifetime live and let live won't cut it the Shema is the most famous of all jewish sayings it is a declaration of faith and a pledge of allegiance to the one true God it is set upon rising in the morning and upon going to sleep at night it is said when praising God and when beseeching God it is the first prayer that a Jewish child is taught to say and it is the very last words a Jew says prior to death I want to focus on the fact that it's the first prayer that a Jewish child is taught to say are you guys familiar with the Rabbi Eliezer silver I have a past a friend that knew about him um he was president of the conservative rabbis in America and he was also president of something called vaad hatzala which is the rescue committee because after world war ii there were many Jewish children that were stuck in in places of non Jewish families but they had no paperwork and this guy thought it would only be right to rescue them and bring them to the states and raise them in a Jewish family right makes sense to preserve the line so in 1945 Rabbi Eliezer silver was sent to Europe to help reclaim Jewish children who had been hiding or hidden during the Holocaust with non-jewish families how was he able to discover the Jewish children he would go to the gatherings of the children and loudly proclaim shema yisrael adonai eloheynu I don't know a Ahad then he would look at the faces of the children for those with tears in their eyes those children whose distant memory of being Jewish was their mother's putting them to bed each night and saying the Shahada the Torah even records Moses including the shamov in his farewell address to the Jewish people look at Deuteronomy 11 with me he says you ought to love Illinois your God and always obey his Commission regulations rulings if you reading the complete Jewish it would say mitts vote mitts vote is just Commandments and in Judaism like if I do something nice Ahava she goes all rabbi what a mitzvah it comes from because we're commanded we're actually commanded to love the poor the widow when they often it's a sad state of affairs when we have to be commanded because if truly your heart is circumcised that it's soft how could you walk by love doesn't look away does it and I get it you have your own families you have to take care of them but if you make two columns and you put on one side of the column what you do for yourself and your family on the other side it's empty something's really out of whack it's really off balance I understand they get the first fruits I get it I'm a father but if all I'm doing is to them what am I telling them so of course we're in Deuteronomy the eleven-day journey to Kadesh Barnea took 38 years little long and 600 3550 fighting men that came out 603 thousand five hundred and forty eight of them lost their lives in the wilderness and now he's talking to those who who survived and he's telling them in June around me 1 2 & 3 & 4 about the highlights and the lowlights it's important to understand your past see where you went wrong now saying you going into the land ok let's do this thing right so we have a beautiful future and at different times this is one time he's kind of reciting the Shema to them he says you ought to love hero is Shema you want to love I don't know your God and always obey his Commission his regulations his rulings and commandments therefore you ought to store up these words of mine in your heart read them read them marinate in them gana minion you ought to store up these words of mine in your heart and in your being in your soul your decision maker the seat of your emotions tie them now the Jewish people time but it's not literal but it's ok it's like the WWJD bracelet whatever works for you but he's saying tie them on your hand as a sign he's talking about the hand is your action let them be your actions put them is on the front of a headband around your forehead dwell upon them think about them keep them on the forefront of your thoughts and then he says teach them carefully not just teach them be very diligent about teaching your children talk about them when you sit in the home how many people sit in a home and never talk to their kids about the Lord how many people never ask their child what do you believe son then they go up to college and they don't understand my kids basically like agnostic now how did that happen he went to church every Wednesday and Sunday you shouid in say go she said come to me and it's not the past who's going to teach her kids I would never ever let my kids be taught by a pastor they'd be taught by their father you follow I'm teaching you how to be a pastor pal you're the pastor hey you're with them 24/7 I'm with them for an hour and a half I will encourage you and I will help teach you to teach them but I am NOT their father that's your responsibility casually teach your children talking about them when you sit at home talk about them when you travel on the road talk about them when you're getting ready for bed lying down talk about them when you get up and don't do it religiously I'm please don't they won't receive it I'll get into that in a minute write them on the door frames of your house and on your gates right mrs. oat the mezuzah it means door frame so they took it literal and they took these scriptures and they put them inside this little casing and they put them on the door it's okay it's all right does that mean they're going to obey God no no more than the cross around your neck means you're going to Vega no more than coming here means you're gonna obey God no more the ring the Bible means you're going to obey God no more than praying means you're going to obey God but there's nothing wrong with that if it's symbolic of something you're doing do you know that that thing was an amulet to me do you know when I used to walk to school in the Bronx when I would get to school and realize that I didn't kiss the mezuzah I thought I was going to lose my life I ran all the way back home to kiss it to this - still kiss them is is when I leave the house it's just something now was i obeying god no no but i thought there was power in that there's no power in that cross there's no power the power is in the one who was on the cross so he's he's beseeching them he's telling them this is important for you it's not for him he's God he gets it he knows who he is he's very confident in who he is this is not if you look at Deuteronomy 10 he says if you do these things it will be good for you and your life this isn't your the only reason you're making him happy is because he wants you to have a good he wants to bless you he doesn't want you to hurt any more than you need to but this is isn't it's not to him he didn't set these things up for him he set these things up for you and me now like any good doctor doctor will sit down and and give you some tests right and say okay based on your numbers this is what you need to do they'll give you some kind of prognosis give you a protocol if they're really wise and they're not arrogant they'll also tell you what will the ramifications if you don't very important to tell people the ramifications it's important for you to say hey doc what if I don't he needs to tell you you shouldn't even have to ask and the only way you won't say if this waiting room has a lot of people on it sorry so look at the next couple of verses I just threw these in just a couple it says if you will take care to obey all these Commandments I'm giving you to do them to love I don't know your garden to follow all his ways and to cling to him then I don't know I will expel these nations ahead of you and you will dispossessed nations bigger and stronger than you are if you go home and you continue to read he's going to tell you what's going to happen if you don't you're not in the dark with the Lord so here Moses is basically saying understand your past don't dwell on it it what is the point of laying down you've been going oh if I would have only my dad hated the word if if you used it and he had a saying that I cannot share here with you if this congregation was in the Bronx it would be a no-brainer but because this congregation is in Macon where you know dung is the worst word we'll use because see we think in the culture here that if you say a curse it's really really bad but you're free to gossip check your Bible and see what God has a bigger problem one said yeah he would say what do you say so so understanding your past don't dwell look at the highlights look at the low life learn learn from it learn from your past but come to the realization that the choices you make today are going to dictate your tomorrow just think about it that's all I'm saying don't be paranoid don't be worried just think about it because you know man's an island and you're affecting the whole universe now I just want to highlight one word this word cling it's doable and if you know the velcro company which has made billions of dollars they're privately owned by clay they figured this thing out back in 1950 it's not something new and you know how it sticks this is this is what God is asking of us you know I played I didn't I played a lot of basketball in 1a football and and when I was young in the Bronx um if I was guarding you man-on-man if it was man-to-man defense you weren't getting to the basket and if I was if you came off the line and I was it was a cornerback and my assignment was just you you weren't getting a ball because I could so focus on that but when they tried to implement this one free one in the zone business I was totally infused I couldn't handle it because I was a DD so I could I was like what's going on who do i guard and I couldn't handle it so when I had my first child Jeremy I was it was unbelievable I was so good at it because I was playing man-to-man and then they came along and they flooded my zone and I still don't know what to do anybody know what I'm talking about fact I was sitting down with him I tell you something funny I was sitting down with them the other day that was laughing in the kitch I was sitting down and um I was telling them look you know your dad kursk heavily when I was young in the Bronx it's part of the lingo it's just part of it and I don't know if he's ever seen but there's some things that just can't be expressed without the right words I'm just throwing that you know what I'm talking about anybody there's some times where like not that words not the Duns not that I cut it Oh John but anyway that's I'm saying sometimes you know when you when you curse it shows ignorance even though some of these guys on Wall Street make it a couple of hundred couple of hundred million dollars a year there Harvey grads in it and they're dropping the f-bomb in every sense but that was I I did that a lot when I when I met the Lord I just he took a lot of things he really dealt with a lot of things and I stopped curse and now Jeremy was born 1994 Shane was born 99 max 2001 and Lily 2005 so I'm sitting down with them I'm saying every now and then you hear you father curse I'm not proud of it I'm not but if you knew how much I used to curse you'd be like I've made some great improvement right but this is when I told them they didn't get it till the third I think but I said oh you got it right away okay you did oh all right didn't say he was stupid I didn't you didn't act like you got it oh you didn't want to let me know you got it I got it so I said well I stopped Kirsten to 89 but then I started taking it up again in about 94 then 99 I saw the curse a little bit more 2001 was really bad that my 2005 was flagrant but I didn't think you've got it you got it right away are I good for you yeah they know me you know me but what I'm saying if if sometimes I think I don't think I know this multitasking is not working everybody does it now but it doesn't work and I'll tell you why it doesn't work science proves that you can only have one foot at one time and you can't do two things well at once now we've learned how to but I don't know if you've noticed but there's a lot more car accidents these days look at the statistics okay so some of us will be listening to music with the TV on talking on the phone and texting do you think anybody can really have your undivided attention that way it doesn't work guys you might you might think it is working for you it's not working for you okay so it's not working and if you try to implement a lot of things at one time God's not going to get your undivided attention listen to me sweetie he deserves your undivided attention when you talk to him you want to be an only child right you want your one-on-one time with God why can't he get it from you except when you need something is it even fair from a human perspective forget about spirituality from it is that really fair that kind of relationship to not give him your undivided attention so stop playing zone and play man-to-man focus on one thing when you spend time with God even if it's ten minutes let it be undivided you will get so much more out of your relationship okay and this is what he's asking stay close to me cling to me now we recite the Shema on Shabbat we recite the Shema at festivals the shamar's contained in the mezuzah we affixed the doorpost of our homes and the extended Shema is the very essence of Judaism to love God to learn Torah and to teach our children look at it for a second we'll be closing momentarily Deuteronomy 6:4 through 7 I just want to lay this foundation for you and then next week we're going to delve into this harder and then we're going to delve into what your schewe taught in Matthew 22 and we're going to get into that other part of the command Leviticus 19:18 Deuteronomy 6:4 through 7 it says shema yisrael l at an oil or hay no I don't know a cod here Israel I don't know our God I don't know is one and we'll get into that one next week and you want to love I don't know your God before your heart all your being and all your resources I just want you to know even though this is coming from a Jewish perspective this has not changed for the new covenant believer we're still supposed to love God with all our heart with all our soul and with all our might and resources these words which I am ordering you today not suggesting ordering you today ought to be on your hearts and you are to teach them carefully to your children you ought to talk about them when you sit at home when you are traveling on the road when you lie down and when you get up let's look at the first part of this verse SEC Deuteronomy 6:4 through five share my oil I don't know a law hey no I don't know Assad and you would love under your God before your heart and with all your being and with all your resources it's a command to love God but we know that our whole faith is about loving God it's it's that's the essence but how do we love God we don't love God by singing songs although that's part of it we don't love God by Bible studies although that's part of it we don't love God through prayer though that's part of it but that's not the essence of loving God Yeshua taught us he said if you loved me you would I know this isn't popular talk some of you all folk it is you've heard it all your life but today in church it's not popular you know it's not about obeying him it's about and you know even I have to check myself all the time guys why am I going to India am I going to India to tell a story am I going to India for Greg's glory why am I doing this God if I'm doing it for my glory if I'm doing it tell a story if I'm doing it feel good about myself if I'm doing it to show off it's a mistake if I'm not doing it for your glory it's a mistake I have to check myself all the time I have to constantly ask God what is the motivation of my heart because I don't always understand it and if I don't understand the motivations of my heart I'm here to maybe say maybe you don't understand the motivations of yours maybe just maybe and you have to ask God because he's the only one and I got news to you don't try to understand the motivations of another person's heart when you can't even understand the motivations of your own that's between them and God but it's your responsibility to get with God's sake what is motivating me right now father what is really motivating me nobody loves God before their heart nobody I know that hurts some of you but you don't God's saying that you should love him with all your heart all the time there's not one person in this sanctuary who does that but it is wise to get with God say how much do I love you what are we talking about here the only way to show God that you love is die doing what he says I used to ask my mom all the time when I was young what do you want for Mother's Day she'd say just obey me Greg everybody in the neighborhood tells me how much you love me just I don't want to hear it from them show me she never wanted to hear it don't tell me you love me my mother would say not interested show me show me say Oh little what do you want mom now I don't want a little ashtray that you made out of a shell I don't you want to make that that's great but that's not what I'm looking for son I'm not looking for a gift one see I'm looking for respect the whole year and she was absolutely deserving of it she was absolutely correct in her assessment of what a parent wants and if a parent wants that how much more should God want that and deserve it soul of God next Deuteronomy 6 6 these words which I'm ordering you today to be on your heart look my kids are going to hear something they're going to be like how many times you're going to tell us this well you have to marinate yourself in the Word of God guys not to learn for prowess or not to learn so that when you get into a spiritual joust with somebody when they save something you go well what I find you're just arguing you're just arguing this way you know if somebody shares something with you and they have a good heart and they're sharing something that they read and it means a lot to them let them have it you don't have to go yeah but what the way I see it stop it let them have it the Word of God is blessing them every word in the Word of God will bless you but you got to get in it and so few are there are so many people here that have not opened up their Bible all week all week when I lived alone which was for a good while not that good of a while what was it five years about I had a cook now anybody can make breakfast right and and lunch is easy but I would learn how to make dinner and I got I got this some it was like a Foreman type grill remember those you know easy right easy easy and and chicken was my go-to meat because I wasn't eating red meat and and fish you know there wasn't any really great fish those around you know so so chicken chicken is easy right and so somebody told me that if you marinate the chicken in Italian dressing for like 24 hours it comes out super juicy see the thing is I don't like Italian dressing but I didn't put two and two together so I put it in the fridge overnight came back from work the next night 24 hours I cooked it and I just couldn't stand the flavor just hated the flavor so what do you do to kill flavor on a chicken barbecue sauce so I went out into some Bob because of those Christina I was raised by a guy who was raised during the Depression you don't throw anything out you just we don't throw anything out in our house we'll fix it some way but no food goes into garbage in the Hershberger household you don't scrape nothing off your plate mm-hmm no way so so I got the barbecue sauce but you know what when I doused it in barbecue sauce I could still still taste of dying Italian dressing because the barbecue sauce was on the outside but the Italian dressing went on the inside if you do not marinate yourself in the Word of God you are marinating yourself in the word of the world it is impossible to stay on marinated and it is impossible to maintain your faith you were either growing closer to God or growing further away I'm not I'm not trying to be difficult I'm not I don't want you to come here and feel like oh that's great he made me what did I make you do read the Bible what a horrible person I mean so God's sakes it's just a fellowship you know I mean in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God I mean what's so big deal about the word it's everything you wouldn't know how to pray you won't know how to relate to God you won't know about the end you won't know how to repent you won't know anything without the Word of God it is paramount it is crucial I just I can't stress it enough I just can't and for the life of me I know people are wasting time on me that I know the wasting time looking at YouTube should you read the Word of God all the time I know that's not possible I know that's not possible and and I understand somebody sends you a picture of a baby you know a video of a baby fartin and it's getting a hundred million views and you feel the need to send it to your friend because lord knows that's something to watch knock yourself out I could care less it doesn't mean your secular you're not a faithful person or you don't love God don't don't get me wrong I get it you got to watch something stupid every now and then but some of you are marinating in that stupid - spending way too much time with it I mean that's crazy when you got the Word of God right in front of you one day they might take it away from you so if it's not in you what are you going to do then the Talmud says that when Jacob was about to reveal the end of his days to his children but he was coming close to his death his concern was that one of them might be a non-believer any parents know what I'm talking about we all do who love the Lord that's that's that's that's our objective that we should have kids that love the Lord so his sons reassured him immediately he said you guys believe his and they and they you know what they did they started singing the Shema think about it and I can relate I can really relate cuz in 2005 and it looked like sout and the doctor came and said tell your wife to bring the kids in and I was all hooked up and looked like I was dying you know Lily was only five months so she was you know she didn't know what was going on the other two ran in the corn and carotid membrane out of the room because they saw me the way I was they were five and four and then but Jeremy Jeremy could understand some things he was I think 10 right 11 10 close to 11 he was going to be 11 so I sent him on my bed and I said this is a good shot I'm not going to make it kid but I need to know I won't be able to go unless you tell me that you're not going to blame God Jer I know where I'm going I don't question God I don't deserve to live any longer than I am but I know where I'm going because of my faith and you have to believe that and I can't go unless you tell me that you'll still trust the Lord and you won't lose your faith that was all that mattered to me it's still all that matters to me now some of you might not have raised your kids in the way they should go some of you did and it might not have worked out or it might not be working out be careful not to blame yourself too much nobody's a perfect parent nobody doesn't right all the time and sometimes we have these bumps in the road but I'm here to tell you if you've done it with your heart the best you can in the end they won't depart I'm sure of it I'm sure of it you'll be like nah can't it is so far away so was I and look what I'm doing last but not least in tirana me six seven and you want to teach see it's it's not good enough to study you want to teach Hebrew says by now you should be teachers if you have no kids you should have spiritual kids every single one of you should be a teacher in one way shape or form you can these guys stood on the issuer for three years and they will mess the teachers some of us are believers for 30 years we should all be teaching and you want to teach them carefully to your children be very diligent be very steadfast be very serious about it you want to talk about them when you sit at home you see the opposite sitting walking lying getting up all inclusive I believe the children are our future teach them well and know let me tell you the best way to teach your kids and I'm this is just my experience in my opinion and what I see as a pastor of people all over the world the best way to teach your children is to walk it out yourself words will not cut it they will laugh and goof at your words you could sit there and talk to them all day long about it it won't mean anything unless you walk it out and be authentic when you mess up fess up pal fess up and do it quick apologize teach them how to apologize teach them how to release forgiveness to you when they say it's okay say no look at me in the eye I feel horrible about what I said please please please release me and forgive me what is they going to have to learn how to do it it's crucial crucial crucial crucial be authentic so what is Judaism well who is a Jew the word Jew is your hoodie and it comes from a root word Yehuda and it means to be appraiser I'll tell you how you praise God one who loves God one who learns his word and one who teaches his children look this is Judaism's credo love learn teach love learn teach and I got news for you I think it should be the Christians credo as well God has not changed we're almost ready to split in the observant Jewish mindset we believe and I'm observant Jew we believe that the Torah didn't show up on Sinai that it was before the creation of the world why because the Torah is God's heart I mean if your shoe was married do you think he'd commit adultery would he covet would he not take care of the poor the one they often it's the heart of God it's the word it's the heart of God the Word was with God and there's an old legend a tongue lyric legend it's a legend there's no proof to it but I just want I just like it I just like it it appears that God was trying to his Torah to different peoples weathers the Hittites or the parasites when they asked about them nobody wanted him because they said what what is it like and when they said well thou shalt not feel that they weren't interested and when he came upon the children of Israel the Hebrews they didn't want it and he said why should I give it to you and they said we'll obey it and he thought I mean even Moses declared and when you are scattered to the nations there's a disobedience God said that's it's not gonna work he said I want you to think about it and we'll come together tomorrow and we'll discuss it and so God returns and he asked the people so why should I give it to you and they said we'll teach it to our children and then he extended the Torah it is crucial that we teach crucial that we teach you don't need a testimony that says well I was in prison I was on crack and then I met the Lord it's hey hallelujah because Yeshua saves right but I like boring testimonies that go well I just love the Lord most of my life and that's about my testimony that's the one I want for life you know what I mean I mean God is good but I like boring testimonies better you know what I'm saying next week we're going to delve into it we're going to break down the words every single solitary word in their gonna figure out what is one is it a plurality is it not plural is one in number one in power we're going to break it down we're going to break it down and then we're going to get into what Yeshua taught and I think you're going to see that what he taught and what Deuteronomy tells us is the same because he was the word he was the word and when the scribe would come to him an expert in the Torah isn't it crazy that the expert in Torah was talking to the one who wrote the door let's stand together hallelujah praise the Lord um who's from Germany don't we have somebody from Germany here you guys are from your in Ramstein right and you'll with the Hodges right how long do you know Michael he's a very special guy yeah they're very very special really special I love him dearly he might be coming back in about a year maybe and so your husband is stationed at Ramstein and you're here in the States right now just visiting he's got some work to do and you're here in Georgia beautiful you are in Georgia I'm sorry I didn't mean to say it like that I didn't mean like that did it come up like that did it okay let me try it again Oh Georgia anywhere in particular uh-huh what about that old Miss no supposed to be the Harvard of the South right that what they say yeah well there's a lot of great schools here right Mercer Mercer yeah yeah yeah well that's good it's nice to meet you I just want to say hello cuz I heard you were gonna be here little birdie told me so so how long you staying in Georgia Wow and then you headed back to Ramstein alright a good'n toggler Scott middle Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto and may the Lord lift up his very countenance upon you and give you his peace and then a min the Prince of Peace yoshua hear the rest on annoy face forever yo I don't know point over left there ah you sodden oh-ho-ho novela ha the ice and the hollow swatch alone guys
Channel: Getzel
Views: 5,470
Rating: 4.9708028 out of 5
Keywords: Torah, Getzel, Hershberg, Sh'ma, Yisrael, Hear, Israel
Id: 0t9-e4xfNU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 11sec (3311 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2017
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